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Galeus longirostris sp. nov. is described based on 46 specimens taken off the southern part of Japan. It is distinguished from all known species ofGaleus in having a considerably longer snout. This species is morphologically close toG. nipponensis, which commonly occurs off the southern part of Japan, but differs in having longer preoral length than the mouth width, a bluntly rounded snout, larger pectoral fins, a shorter interspace between anal and lower caudal fins, and a greater number of monospondylous vertebrae.  相似文献   

As far as is known, in this paper the first case of lacking of skin-related structures (epidermis, stratum laxum, dermal denticles and teeth) in a free-swimming elasmobranch, the blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus, is reported. The individual was caught by trawl in Sardinian waters (central-western Mediterranean) in July 2019 at a depth of 500 m. Although this kind of morphological abnormality is potentially fatal, the observations suggested that the specimen was in good health and well developed.  相似文献   

Reproductive aspects ofAlopias superciliosus in the northwestern Pacific were described in detail, on the basis of 629 specimens (429 females and 200 males) collected from January 1984 to October 1984 and from October 1992 to March 1994.Alopias superciliosus embryos are oophagous. Six developmental stages (3 encapsulative and 3 posthatching) based on embryonic morphology and source of nutrition were recognized. The species bears 2 embryos per litter, their size at birth being between 135 and 140 cm TL. The sex ratio of embryos was 1∶1. Total length of females at maturity was 332–341. 1. cm; of males 270.1–287.6 cm. The gestation period could not be determined because most adult females were pregnant throughout the year. The typical reproductive strategy ofA. superciliosus is the production of a few large embryos per litter, with no fixed mating or birthing season.  相似文献   

As food of planktivorous fish and likely good predictors of natural perturbations, members of the family Calanidae are recognised to be key species in ecosystems worldwide. The distribution and seasonal relative abundance of the Calanidae species occurring in the Argentine Sea were reviewed from published and unpublished data collected over the last three decades. Species are also figured in order to elucidate any possible taxonomic uncertainty. Calanoides cf. carinatus, Calanus australis and Calanus simillimus are the most abundant calanids in the region. The former two species typically inhabit inner and middle shelf waters decreasing offshore, while Calanus simillimus is distributed in the middle and outer shelf, its abundance increasing towards the shelf-break. The southern limit of the distribution of Calanoides cf. carinatus appears to be 46° S. Calanus australis is the most common large copepod in coastal and inner shelf waters off southern Patagonia. Neocalanus tonsus and Calanoides patagoniensis are a much rarer species. The latter is recorded in the southwestern Atlantic, for the first time, immediately east of Magallanes Strait and the Beagle Channel. The taxonomic status and worldwide biogeographic distribution of the region's calanids are briefly described and the patterns identified off Argentina are discussed in relation to the major hydrographic characteristics.  相似文献   

This study investigated copepod assemblages in the regime around Turtle Island off northern Taiwan to trace South China Sea water (SCSW) flowing northward with the Kuroshio Current. Seasonal variations of copepod assemblages demonstrated a dynamic succession of changes in copepod populations; the average abundance for total copepods ranged from 102.58 ± 53.38 in December to 1669.89 ± 1866.17 in March (individuals m?3). A total of 87 copepod species representing 36 genera and 21 families were identified. Among all samples, Temora turbinata dominated the copepods by a relative abundance (RA) of 26.89 %, followed by Paracalanus parvus (RA: 22.34 %) and Corycaeus (Ditrichocorycaeus) affinis (RA: 12.77 %). Only the Acrocalanus gracilis species was recorded in all samples. Results of one-way ANOVA revealed that the number of copepod species, indices of richness, evenness, and Shannon–Wiener diversity differed significantly in five different cruises. The density of five copepod species (Gaetanus minor, Calanus sinicus, Eucalanus elongates, Rhincalanus nasutus, and Rhincalanus rostrifrons) exhibited a significant negative correlation with seawater temperature. In contrast, the density of Canthocalanus pauper and Undinula vulgaris was significantly positively correlated with seawater temperature. The cold-water indicator species, C. sinicus, recorded in samples of March and May indicated the effect of China Coast Water (CCW) on copepod communities in the study area. Furthermore, the presence of Calanoides philippinensis in May samples strongly indicated that the SCSW may reach the Turtle Island area. Consequently, C. philippinensis and C. sinicus can be used to trace SCSW and CCW, respectively, in the study area.  相似文献   

Synopsis A total of 3068 female spiny dogfish were examined to determine the age and length at maturity. The median age at maturity for females was 35.5 years with 95% confidence limits between 35.0 and 35.9 years. It was found that slower growing dogfish tended to mature at a smaller size. A deterministic model incorporating fecundity, growth and reproduction was used to examine the reproductive style of spiny dogfish. The age at maturity reported corresponds to the level that theoretically maximizes lifetime reproductive output for a cohort.  相似文献   

Summary The amount of energy invested in reproduction and in defense was examined in a Batesian mimicry complex consisting of the modelEleodes obscura and the mimicStenomorpha marginata (both Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Models live up to 4 y as adults while mimic adults live only 3 mo. The energy content of the eggs of the model and mimic was determined by microbomb calorimetry. The energy content of the defensive secretions produced by the model was determined by computational chemistry and MNDO computer programming. Contrary to the predictions of some life-history theory, the long-lived model annually produces many small eggs each of low energetic content, while the short-lived mimic annually produces fewer, larger eggs each of high energetic content. However, in terms of total energy, the long-lived model has an annual investment in reproduction equal to that of the short-lived mimic. During the 3 mo of co-ocurrence of models and mimics within a year, an average individual model's cost in using defensive secretions against potential predators is 12% of the amount of energy tied up in the eggs that it produces within the year. The annual cost of defense for the model is 18% of the energy contained in the mean number of eggs produced. When the energy allocated to eggs is added to that allocated to defense, the model has an annual investiment that is greater than the annual investment in reproduction by the mimic. Although the energy invested in defense by the model is small relative to the energy invested in egg production, it buys the model considerable protection from predation. Nevertheless, the cost of defense does not explain the deviations from the predictions of life-history theory.  相似文献   

Although bite force is a frequently studied performance measure of feeding ecology, changes in bite force over ontogeny have rarely been investigated. Biting by the blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus was theoretically modeled over ontogeny to investigate the scaling of bite force, the morphological basis of the observed scaling relationship, the ecological consequences of ontogenetic changes in performance, and whether cranial morphometrics can be used as an accurate proxy for bite force. Theoretical bite force, which was positively allometric with respect to total length (TL), ranged from 32 N (61 cm TL) to 423 N (152 cm TL) at the anterior tips of the jaws and from 107 (61 cm TL) to 1083 N (152 cm TL) at the posterior teeth. This observation is attributed to positive allometry in the mechanical advantage of the jaw-adducting mechanism and the cross-sectional area of all four jaw-adducting muscles. Theoretical bite force was accurately predicted by cranial morphometrics including prebranchial length and head width as well. Although positive allometry of bite force in C. limbatus would seem to indicate an ecological necessity for this phenomenon, dietary analyses do not necessarily indicate any ontogenetic shift in prey types requiring larger bite forces. The positively allometric increase in theoretical bite force may be associated with numerous other selective pressures including maintenance of an apical position within the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP)-type toxins was followed in the epibiotic community and in shellfish between 41° and 44°N in coastal waters of the northwest Atlantic during a 2-year period. Low levels of okadaic-acid equivalents were detected at all stations in the <90 μm fraction of the collected epibiota as measured by the protein phosphatase inhibition assay, but only 3.5% of the samples had values greater than 100 ng (g dry weight of epibiota)−1. No seasonal pattern could be detected due to differences in intensity, duration and timing of toxin content in the epibiota between the 2 years and between stations. Nevertheless, the concentration of DSP-type toxins in the epibiota correlated weakly but significantly with the abundance of Prorocentrum lima, when data from all stations were considered. A very limited toxin uptake by shellfish was measured at only one station in October and November 2001 and in June and July 2002 at times of maximum cell concentration of P. lima in the epibiota. Toxin levels in shellfish remained well below regulatory limits that would have required quarantine or bans on harvesting. Results from our 2-year survey suggest that, at this time, the threat of DSP events appears minimal. However, the presence of a known toxin producer and its demonstrated ingestion by shellfish would argue for further studies to better understand conditions leading to DSP outbreaks generated by an epiphytic dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

Reproduction and/or sperm structure was studied in 18 species belonging to five genera of Galeommatidae from Phuket Island, Andaman Sea, Thailand, and Hong Kong. Incubation of the ova occurs in the inner and outer demibranchs of both gills, and sperm is most probably transferred to the ctenidial brood chamber as masses of agglutinated and non-encapsulated spermatozoa. The smallest specimens are males, but change into the female sex and there is a strong indication that some of the species are alternate hermaphrodites. Dwarf males occur in one species (Galeomma layardi). The sperm of all 18 species studied are of the ent-aquasperm type with a more or less hemispherical acrosome that is tilted with respect to the long axis of the moderately elongated nucleus. It is suggested that this type of sperm affords the best autapomorphy for the family Galeommatidae.  相似文献   

Thebirth season of Formosan macaqueM. cyclopis during our study started in February and ended in August with a peak in the second half of April and the first half of May. The average birth rate was 82%±21 for 114 females with four years of breeding records. Our study reports that a time span of one year between births can be considered as the norm for the wildM. cyclopis. Of the 288 inter-birth intervals (IBI), 88.5% showed a 1-year interval (mean 364±SD 29 days); 11% showed 2-year interval (727±36 days); and 1% (2 females) had 3-year interval (range 1030–1040 days). The IBI for females that had infant loss within six months of life were the shortest. But there was no significant difference from that of females that had stillbirth (p>0.9) and infant that survived for first six months of life (p>0.06). However, among 255 cases of 1-year IBI, stillbirth or following infant loss within six months of life did significantly shorten IBI for ten days (F 1,253=5.74,p<0.05).  相似文献   

Reproduction and population growth of Varroa destructor was studied in ten naturally infested, Africanized honeybee (AHB) (Apis mellifera) colonies in Yucatan, Mexico. Between February 1997 and January 1998 monthly records of the amount of pollen, honey, sealed worker and drone brood were recorded. In addition, mite infestation levels of adult bees and worker brood and the fecundity of the mites reproducing in worker cells were determined. The mean number of sealed worker brood cells (10,070 ± 1,790) remained fairly constant over the experimental period in each colony. However, the presence and amount of sealed drone brood was very variable. One colony had drone brood for 10 months and another for only 1 month. Both the mean infestation level of worker brood (18.1 ± 8.4%) and adult bees (3.5 ± 1.3%) remained fairly constant over the study period and did not increase rapidly as is normally observed in European honey bees. In fact, the estimated mean number of mites fell from 3,500 in February 1997 to 2,380 in January 1998. In May 2000 the mean mite population in the study colonies was still only 1,821 mites. The fertility level of mites in this study was much higher (83–96%) than in AHB in Brazil(25–57%), and similar to that found in EHB (76–94%). Mite fertility remained high throughout the entire study and was not influenced by the amount of pollen, honey or worker brood in the colonies. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Synopsis Halaelurus dawsoni has a restricted geographic range, occurring only in south-eastern New Zealand. It is primarily a demersal inhabitant of the upper continental slope, plateaus, and ridges at 250–800 m depth. Halaelurus dawsoni is a voracious carnivore that feeds on a wide variety of crustaceans and fishes. Maximum recorded length is 418 mm total length, and males and females grow to similar maximum lengths. Length at 50% maturity is about 340–350 mm for males and 330–360 mm for females. The reproductive mode of H. dawsoni is single oviparity, with one leathery egg case being carried per uterus. It appears that most embryonic development occurs after egg cases are deposited on the seabed. The reproductive mode of species of Halaelurus in the subgenus Halaelurus is multiple oviparity, whereas for those in the subgenus Bythaelurus it is single oviparity or aplacental viviparity. It has been suggested that single oviparity is a primitive reproductive mode, and that aplacental viviparity evolved from it via the intermediate stage of multiple oviparity. However, the relationship between reproductive mode and Halaelurus subgenus suggests that aplacental viviparity may have evolved directly from single oviparity in the subgenus Bythaelurus without passing through a multiple oviparous stage.  相似文献   

Reproduction, development and morphological variation of the marine green algaCaulerpa racemosa var.peltata from the southern part of Japan were studied in culture in the laboratory. Anisogamous biflagellate male and female gametes were produced monoeciously and copulated with each other. Settled zygotes became spherical and increased in volume. After five weeks, they formed two germ tubes which extended in opposite directions. Both germ tubes became elongated and branched, resulting in the formation of creeping, filamentous, protonema-like plants. These plants formed primary shoots which differentiated into creeping rhizomes and upright axes. Each upright axis successively formed ramuli and developed into an assimilator. The morphology of assimilators, i.e., shape and arrangement of ramuli, varied with culture coditions. The effects of temperature and light intensity on the formation of assimilators were investigated with 25 combinations of 5 temperatures (20.0–30.0C) and 5 light intensities (0.5–8.0 klux). The morphological plasticity of this alga is identical to that ofCaulerpa racemosa var.laetevirens, which was previously described by the present authors. Thus, apparently, the plasticity of this taxon is correlated with environmental factors. It appears, moreover, thatC. racemosa var.peltata andC. racemosa var.laetevirens are ecophenes (ecads) of a single species.  相似文献   

Gonads of five lethrinids, viz., Lethrinus harak, L. miniatus, L. obsoletus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, were collected monthly in waters off the Ryukyu Islands and observed histologically to reveal their spawning periods and size at sexual maturation and sexual transition. The spawning period was from April to November for L. harak, from April to July for L. miniatus, from April to October for L. obsoletus, from May to November for L. ornatus, and from April to October for L. sp. 2. Sexual patterns in the five species were determined by fork length at both sexual maturation and sexual transition. The body size (fork length, FL) and sex ratio (% of female) at 90% maturity in L. harak were 21.1 cm FL and 90%, respectively; those of L. miniatus were 42.2 cm FL and 80%; 25.7 cm FL and 60% for L. obsoletus; about 20 cm FL and 90% for L. ornatus; and about 26 cm FL and 90% for L. sp. 2. Because the sex ratios decreased to 0% at the maximum size classes in L. miniatus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, the sexual patterns in these species were considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Although the sex ratio (% of female) once decreased to about 30% at 28 cm FL, rapid increase occurred in the larger size class in L. harak. However, the increase did not result from sexual transition. Hence, the sexual pattern of L. harak was considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Because the sex ratio (% of female) at body sizes larger than 23 cm FL was stable at about 60% in L. obsoletus, the sexual pattern was determined to be one of juvenile hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Cytological study revealed that maturation of oocytes of Heterodera betulae is by regular meiosis and reproduction is by parthenogenesis. Restoration of the somatic chromosome number occurs after telophase II and before egg pronucleus formation, in the absence of a mitotic apparatus through a type of endomitotic division. The haploid chromosome number is 12 (2n = 24) in 95% of the female nematodes studied and 13 in the remaining 5%. The phylogenetic relationship of H. betulae with most other Heterodera species having n = 9 is not clear.  相似文献   

Synopsis Life histories of three sculpins endemic to the Pit River system, northeastern California, are detailed.Cottus pitensis is widely distributed throughout the drainage. This species is typically found in rapidly flowing, shallow water on coarse substrate. It grows to a large size, >100 mm, and lives to 5 years. Spawning occurs annually, in early spring. Fecundity is relatively low, <320 oocytes.Cottus asperrimus is restricted to a large population in Fall River and smaller concentrations in Hat Creek and Pit River. It is a relatively small fish, <80 mm, and lives to 5 years. It occurs in deep, slow-moving, often spring-fed streams, typically on fine substrates. Spawning lasts from autumn to early spring. Males establish nests on hard substrates and guard several clutches of eggs. Fecundity ranges from 140–580 oocytes.Cottus klamathensis macrops is relatively rare in the drainage. The largest concentration is in the Hat Creek system, smaller populations exist in Fall River and Pit River. This sculpin is found on coarse substrate, often where aquatic vegetation is abundant. It is typically found in slow, relatively shallow water. It grows to >100mm and lives to 5 years. Males guard eggs during the short spawning season beginning in late winter. Fecundity in this species reaches a maximum of 650 oocytes. Life history strategies vary within the genus, yet the life histories of these sculpins are more similar to each other than they are to many of their congeners. This within-group similarity may have resulted from exposure of all three species to similar environmental pressures. This is predicted by life-history theory.  相似文献   

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