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The evolution of multicellularity, the separation of germline cells from sterile somatic cells, and the generation of a male–female dichotomy are certainly among the greatest innovations of eukaryotes. Remarkably, phylogenetic analysis suggests that the shift from simple to complex, differentiated multicellularity was not a unique progression in the evolution of life, but in fact a quite frequent event. The spheroidal green alga Volvox and its close relatives, the volvocine algae, span the full range of organizational complexity, from unicellular and colonial genera to multicellular genera with a full germ–soma division of labor and male–female dichotomy; thus, these algae are ideal model organisms for addressing fundamental issues related to the transition to multicellularity and for discovering universal rules that characterize this transition. Of all living species, Volvox carteri represents the simplest version of an immortal germline producing specialized somatic cells. This cellular specialization involved the emergence of mortality and the production of the first dead ancestors in the evolution of this lineage. Volvocine algae therefore exemplify the evolution of cellular cooperation from cellular autonomy. They also serve as a prime example of the evolution of complex traits by a few successive, small steps. Thus, we learn from volvocine algae that the evolutionary transition to complex, multicellular life is probably much easier to achieve than is commonly believed.  相似文献   

The volvocine lineage is a monophyletic grouping of unicellular, colonial and multicellular algae, and a model for studying the evolution of multicellularity. In addition to being morphologically diverse, volvocine algae boast a surprising amount of organelle genomic variation. Moreover, volvocine organelle genome complexity appears to scale positively with organismal complexity. However, the organelle DNA architecture at the origin of colonial living is not known. To examine this issue, we sequenced the plastid and mitochondrial DNAs (ptDNA and mtDNA) of the 4-celled alga Tetrabaena socialis, which is basal to the colonial and multicellular volvocines.

Tetrabaena socialis has a circular-mapping mitochondrial genome, contrasting with the linear mtDNA architecture of its relative Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This suggests that a circular-mapping mtDNA conformation emerged at or near the transition to group living in the volvocines, or represents the ancestral state of the lineage as a whole. The T. socialis ptDNA is very large (>405 kb) and dense with repeats, supporting the idea that a shift from a unicellular to a colonial existence coincided with organelle genomic expansion, potentially as a result of increased random genetic drift. These data reinforce the idea that volvocine algae harbour some of the most expanded plastid chromosomes from the eukaryotic tree of life. Circular-mapping mtDNAs are turning out to be more common within volvocines than originally thought, particularly for colonial and multicellular species. Altogether, volvocine organelle genomes became markedly more inflated during the evolution of multicellularity, but complex organelle genomes appear to have existed at the very beginning of colonial living.  相似文献   



The evolution of multicellular motile organisms from unicellular ancestors required the utilization of previously evolved tactic behavior in a multicellular context. Volvocine green algae are uniquely suited for studying tactic responses during the transition to multicellularity because they range in complexity from unicellular to multicellular genera. Phototactic responses are essential for these flagellates because they need to orientate themselves to receive sufficient light for photosynthesis, but how does a multicellular organism accomplish phototaxis without any known direct communication among cells? Several aspects of the photoresponse have previously been analyzed in volvocine algae, particularly in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas.


In this study, the phototactic behavior in the spheroidal, multicellular volvocine green alga Volvox rousseletii (Volvocales, Chlorophyta) was analyzed. In response to light stimuli, not only did the flagella waveform and beat frequency change, but the effective stroke was reversed. Moreover, there was a photoresponse gradient from the anterior to the posterior pole of the spheroid, and only cells of the anterior hemisphere showed an effective response. The latter caused a reverse of the fluid flow that was confined to the anterior hemisphere. The responsiveness to light is consistent with an anterior-to-posterior size gradient of eyespots. At the posterior pole, the eyespots are tiny or absent, making the corresponding cells appear to be blind. Pulsed light stimulation of an immobilized spheroid was used to simulate the light fluctuation experienced by a rotating spheroid during phototaxis. The results demonstrated that in free-swimming spheroids, only those cells of the anterior hemisphere that face toward the light source reverse the beating direction in the presence of illumination; this behavior results in phototactic turning. Moreover, positive phototaxis is facilitated by gravitational forces. Under our conditions, V. rousseletii spheroids showed no negative phototaxis.


On the basis of our results, we developed a mechanistic model that predicts the phototactic behavior in V. rousseletii. The model involves photoresponses, periodically changing light conditions, morphological polarity, rotation of the spheroid, two modes of flagellar beating, and the impact of gravity. Our results also indicate how recently evolved multicellular organisms adapted the phototactic capabilities of their unicellular ancestors to multicellular life.

The fitness of an evolutionary individual can be understood in terms of its two basic components: survival and reproduction. As embodied in current theory, trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. Here, we argue that the evolution of germ-soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at a new higher level during the transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms are also consequences of trade-offs between the two components of fitness-survival and reproduction. The models presented here explore fitness trade-offs at both the cell and group levels during the unicellular-multicellular transition. When the two components of fitness negatively covary at the lower level there is an enhanced fitness at the group level equal to the covariance of components at the lower level. We show that the group fitness trade-offs are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs. However, as the transition proceeds to multicellularity, the group level trade-offs depart from the cell level ones, because certain fitness advantages of cell specialization may be realized only by the group. The curvature of the trade-off between fitness components is a basic issue in life-history theory and we predict that this curvature is concave in single-celled organisms but becomes increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the initial cost of reproduction to survival which increases as group size increases. To illustrate the principles and conclusions of the model, we consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae, which contain both unicellular and multicellular members.  相似文献   

A twelve-step program for evolving multicellularity and a division of labor   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The volvocine algae provide an unrivalled opportunity to explore details of an evolutionary pathway leading from a unicellular ancestor to multicellular organisms with a division of labor between different cell types. Members of this monophyletic group of green flagellates range in complexity from unicellular Chlamydomonas through a series of extant organisms of intermediate size and complexity to Volvox, a genus of spherical organisms that have thousands of cells and a germ-soma division of labor. It is estimated that these organisms all shared a common ancestor about 50 +/- 20 MYA. Here we outline twelve important ways in which the developmental repertoire of an ancestral unicell similar to modern C. reinhardtii was modified to produce first a small colonial organism like Gonium that was capable of swimming directionally, then a sequence of larger organisms (such as Pandorina, Eudorina and Pleodorina) in which there was an increasing tendency to differentiate two cell types, and eventually Volvox carteri with its complete germ-soma division of labor.  相似文献   



Green algae of the family Volvocaceae are a model lineage for studying the molecular evolution of multicellularity and cellular differentiation. The volvocine alga Gonium is intermediate in organizational complexity between its unicellular relative, Chlamydomonas, and its multicellular relatives with differentiated cell types, such as Volvox. Gonium pectorale consists of ~16 biflagellate cells arranged in a flat plate. The detailed molecular analysis of any species necessitates its accessibility to genetic manipulation, but, in volvocine algae, transformation procedures have so far only been established for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Volvox carteri.  相似文献   

The fitness of any evolutionary unit can be understood in terms of its two basic components: fecundity (reproduction) and viability (survival). Trade-offs between these fitness components drive the evolution of life-history traits in extant multicellular organisms. We argue that these trade-offs gain special significance during the transition from unicellular to multicellular life. In particular, the evolution of germ–soma specialization and the emergence of individuality at the cell group (or organism) level are also consequences of trade-offs between the two basic fitness components, or so we argue using a multilevel selection approach. During the origin of multicellularity, we study how the group trade-offs between viability and fecundity are initially determined by the cell level trade-offs, but as the transition proceeds, the fitness trade-offs at the group level depart from those at the cell level. We predict that these trade-offs begin with concave curvature in single-celled organisms but become increasingly convex as group size increases in multicellular organisms. We argue that the increasingly convex curvature of the trade-off function is driven by the cost of reproduction which increases as group size increases. We consider aspects of the biology of the volvocine green algae – which contain both unicellular and multicellular members – to illustrate the principles and conclusions discussed.  相似文献   

Volvocine green algae represent the “evolutionary time machine” model lineage for studying multicellularity, because they encompass the whole range of evolutionary transition of multicellularity from unicellular Chlamydomonas to >500-celled Volvox. Multicellular volvocalean species including Gonium pectorale and Volvox carteri generally have several common morphological features to survive as integrated multicellular organisms such as “rotational asymmetry of cells” so that the cells become components of the individual and “cytoplasmic bridges between protoplasts in developing embryos” to maintain the species-specific form of the multicellular individual before secretion of new extracellular matrix (ECM). However, these morphological features have not been studied in the four-celled colonial volvocine species Tetrabaena socialis that is positioned in the most basal lineage within the colonial or multicellular volvocine greens. Here we established synchronous cultures of T. socialis and carried out immunofluorescence microscopic and ultrastructural observations to elucidate these two morphological attributes. Based on immunofluorescence microscopy, four cells of the mature T. socialis colony were identical in morphology but had rotational asymmetry in arrangement of microtubular rootlets and separation of basal bodies like G. pectorale and V. carteri. Ultrastructural observations clearly confirmed the presence of cytoplasmic bridges between protoplasts in developing embryos of T. socialis even after the formation of new flagella in each daughter protoplast within the parental ECM. Therefore, these two morphological attributes might have evolved in the common four-celled ancestor of the colonial volvocine algae and contributed to the further increase in cell number and complexity of the multicellular individuals of this model lineage. T. socialis is one of the simplest integrated multicellular organisms in which four identical cells constitute the individual.  相似文献   

The sexual reproductive processes of some representative freshwater green algae are reviewed. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular volvocine alga having two mating types: mating type plus (mt+) and mating type minus (mt?), which are controlled by a single, complex mating-type locus. Sexual adhesion between the gametes is mediated by sex-specific agglutinin molecules on their flagellar membranes. Cell fusion is initiated by an adhesive interaction between the mt+ and mt? mating structures, followed by localized membrane fusion. The loci of sex-limited genes and the conformation of sex-determining regions have been rearranged during the evolution of volvocine algae; however, the essential function of the sex-determining genes of the isogamous unicellular Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is conserved in the multicellular oogamous Volvox carteri. The sexual reproduction of the unicellular charophycean alga, Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex, is also focused on here. The sexual reproductive processes of heterothallic strains are controlled by two multifunctional sex pheromones, PR-IP and PR-IP Inducer, which independently promote multiple steps in conjugation at the appropriate times through different induction mechanisms. The molecules involved in sexual reproduction and sex determination have also been characterized.  相似文献   

Somatic cellular differentiation plays a critical role in the transition from unicellular to multicellular life, but the evolution of its genetic basis remains poorly understood. By definition, somatic cells do not reproduce to pass on genes and so constitute an extreme form of altruistic behaviour. The volvocine green algae provide an excellent model system to study the evolution of multicellularity and somatic differentiation. In Volvox carteri, somatic cell differentiation is controlled by the regA gene, which is part of a tandem duplication of genes known as the reg cluster. Although previous work found the reg cluster in divergent Volvox species, its origin and distribution in the broader group of volvocine algae has not been known. Here, we show that the reg cluster is present in many species without somatic cells and determine that the genetic basis for soma arose before the phenotype at the origin of the family Volvocaceae approximately 200 million years ago. We hypothesize that the ancestral function was involved in regulating reproduction in response to stress and that this function was later co‐opted to produce soma. Determining that the reg cluster was co‐opted to control somatic cell development provides insight into how cellular differentiation, and with it greater levels of complexity and individuality, evolves.  相似文献   

Fukada K  Inoue T  Shiraishi H 《The Plant cell》2006,18(10):2554-2566
The lineage of volvocine algae includes unicellular Chlamydomonas and multicellular Volvox in addition to their colonial relatives intermediate in size and cell number. In an asexual life cycle, daughter cells of Chlamydomonas hatch from parental cell walls soon after cell division, while Volvox juveniles are released from parental spheroids after the completion of various developmental events required for the survival of multicellular juveniles. Thus, heterochronic change in the timing of hatching is considered to have played an important role in the evolution of multicellularity in volvocine algae. To study the hatching process in Volvox carteri, we purified a 125-kD Volvox hatching enzyme (VheA) from a culture medium with enzymatic activity to degrade the parental spheroids. The coding region of vheA contains a prodomain with a transmembrane segment, a subtilisin-like Ser protease domain, and a functionally unknown domain, although purified 125-kD VheA does not contain a prodomain. While 143-kD VheA with a prodomain is synthesized long before the hatching stage, 125-kD VheA is released into the culture medium during hatching due to cleavage processing at the site between the prodomain and the subtilisin-like Ser protease domain, indicating that posttranslational regulation is involved in the determination of the timing of hatching.  相似文献   

Multicellularity arose several times in evolution of eukaryotes. The volvocine algae have full range of colonial organization from unicellular to colonies, and thus these algae are well-known models for examining the evolution and mechanisms of multicellularity. Gonium pectorale is a multicellular species of Volvocales and is thought to be one of the first small colonial organisms among the volvocine algae. In these algae, a cytoplasmic bridge is one of the key traits that arose during the evolution of multicellularity. Here, we observed the inversion process and the cytoplasmic bridges in G. pectorale using time-lapse, fluorescence, and electron microscopy. The cytoplasmic bridges were located in the middle region of the cell in 2-, 4-, 8-, and 16-celled stages and in inversion stages. However, there were no cytoplasmic bridges in the mature adult stage. Cytoplasmic bridges and cortical microtubules in G. pectorale suggest that a mechanism of kinesin-microtubule machinery similar to that in other volvocine algae is responsible for inversion in this species.  相似文献   

The collection of evolutionary transformations known as the ‘major transitions’ or ‘transitions in individuality’ resulted in changes in the units of evolution and in the hierarchical structure of cellular life. Volvox and related algae have become an important model system for the major transition from unicellular to multicellular life, which touches on several fundamental questions in evolutionary biology. The Third International Volvox Conference was held at the University of Cambridge in August 2015 to discuss recent advances in the biology and evolution of this group of algae. Here, I highlight the benefits of integrating phylogenetic comparative methods and experimental evolution with detailed studies of developmental genetics in a model system with substantial genetic and genomic resources. I summarize recent research on Volvox and its relatives and comment on its implications for the genomic changes underlying major evolutionary transitions, evolution and development of complex traits, evolution of sex and sexes, evolution of cellular differentiation and the biophysics of motility. Finally, I outline challenges and suggest future directions for research into the biology and evolution of the volvocine algae.  相似文献   

The colonial volvocine algae span the full range of organizational complexity, from four-celled species to multicellular species, and this group of algae is often used for the study of evolution. In recent years, many organelle genomes have been sequenced using the application of next generation sequencing technology; however, only a few organelle genomes have been reported in colonial volvocine algae. In this study, we determined the organelle genomes of Eudorina elegans and Eudorina cylindrica and analysed the organelle genome size, structure and gene content between these volvocine species. This provided useful information to help us understand the composition of colonial volvocine organelle genomes. Based on the chloroplast genome protein-coding genes, we conducted a phylogenomics analysis of the volvocine algae. The result revealed an unexpected phylogenetic relationship, namely, E. elegans is more closely related to Pleodorina starrii than to E. cylindrica. The substitution rate of volvocine algae was then calculated based on organelle genome protein-coding genes; our analysis suggested the possibility that the two Eudorina species may be under similar evolutionary pressure. Lastly, the synteny analysis of the mitochondrial genome showed that gene arrangements and contents are highly conserved in the family Volvocaceae, and the synteny analysis of the chloroplast genome indicated that the genus Eudorina may have experienced genomic changes.  相似文献   

There are several explanations of why certain primitive multicellular organisms aggregate in particular forms and why their constituent cells cooperate with one another to a particular degree. Utilizing the framework of formal language theory, we have derived one possible simple classification of the volvocine algae—one of the primitive multicells—for some forms of aggregation and some degrees of cooperation among cells. The volvocine algae range from the unicellular Chlamydomonas to themulticellular Volvox globator, which has thousands of cells. The classification we use in this paper is based on the complexity of Parikh sets of families on Chomsky hierarchy in formal language theory. We show that an alga with almost no space closed to the environment, e.g., Gonium pectorale, can be characterized by , one with a closed space and no cooperation, e.g., Eudorina elegans, by , and one with a closed space and cooperation, e.g., Volvox globator, by . This classification should provide new insights into the necessity for specific forms and degrees of cooperation in the volvocine algae.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny of the volvocine flagellates.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Phylogenetic studies of approximately 2,000 bases of sequence from the large and small nuclear-encoded ribosomal RNAs are used to investigate the origins of the genus Volvox. The colonial and multicellular genera currently placed in the family Volvocaceae form a monophyletic group that is significantly closer phylogenetically to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii than it is to the other unicellular green flagellates that were tested, including Chlamydomonas eugametos, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Haematococcus lacustris. Statistical analysis of 251 phylogenetically informative nucleotide positions rejects the "volvocine lineage" hypothesis, which postulates a monophyletic evolutionary progression from unicellular organisms (such as Chlamydomonas), through colonial organisms (e.g., Gonium, Pandorina, Eudorina, and Pleodorina) demonstrating increasing size, cell number, and tendency toward cellular differentiation, to multicellular organisms having fully differentiated somatic and reproductive cells (in the genus Volvox). The genus Volvox appears not to be monophyletic. Volvox capensis falls outside a lineage containing other representatives of Volvox (V. aureus, V. carteri, and V. obversus), and both of these Volvox lineages are more closely related to certain colonial genera than they are to each other. This implies either a diphyletic origin of Volvox from different colonial volvocacean ancestors, a phylogenetic derivation of some of the colonial genera from a multicellular (i.e., Volvox) ancestor, or both. Considered together with previously published observations, these results suggest that the different levels of organizational and developmental complexity found in the Volvocaceae represent alternative stable states, among which evolutionary transitions have occurred several times during the phylogenetic history of this group.  相似文献   

During the evolution of multicellular organisms, the unit of selection and adaptation, the individual, changes from the single cell to the multicellular group. To become individuals, groups must evolve a group life cycle in which groups reproduce other groups. Investigations into the origin of group reproduction have faced a chicken-and-egg problem: traits related to reproduction at the group level often appear both to be a result of and a prerequisite for natural selection at the group level. With a focus on volvocine algae, we model the basic elements of the cell cycle and show how group reproduction can emerge through the coevolution of a life-history trait with a trait underpinning cell cycle change. Our model explains how events in the cell cycle become reordered to create a group life cycle through continuous change in the cell cycle trait, but only if the cell cycle trait can coevolve with the life-history trait. Explaining the origin of group reproduction helps us understand one of life''s most familiar, yet fundamental, aspects—its hierarchical structure.  相似文献   

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