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During normal cytogenetic investigations on the Chianina cattle (BTA) breed, a normal looking young bull was found to carry an abnormal Y chromosome which was a product of a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes Y and 9. This was revealed by both CBA- and RBG-banding techniques and was clearly confirmed by FISH-mapping analysis with IDVGA50 (which paints the complete Yq arm in a normal Y), as well as with AMD1, CGA, IGF2R (mapping to BTA9q16, BTA9q22 and BTA9q27-->q28, respectively) and SRY (mapping to normal BTAYq23). Analysis on sperm from four different samples revealed azoospermia in the carrier, indicating that the rcp(Y;9) induces sterility in the bull.  相似文献   

Normal (+/+) and translocation T(1; 11.13S)70H homozygous (T/T) male mice received 2 X 2.5 Gy X-rays with a 24-h interval. After 120 days, the frequency of late diplotene-metaphase I spermatocytes with translocation multivalents was 14.1% for +/+ and 13.7% for T/T males, respectively, in one group of animals of each type. The difference is not significant. A second group was allowed to sire progeny for 60 days with 2 normal females per week. Reciprocal translocations detectable at diakinesis/metaphase I were observed in 2.5% of the 395 male progeny from the irradiated +/+ fathers, and in 2.9% of the 489 male progeny from the irradiated T/T fathers. This leads to a pooled estimated transmission of 0.81 +/- 0.19. Translocations induced in the long 11.13 metacentric chromosome were not transmitted with a different frequency. The rate of heritable induced translocations in this study was 5.4 X 10(-5)/rad/gamete. On the basis of the data of Generoso et al. (1984) for the frequency of the heritable spontaneous translocations in male mice, it is concluded that, because of their low doubling dose (3.3-4.6 rad), the spontaneous translocations are probably of postmeiotic origin.  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing in females and males of diploid (2n = 22) and tetraploid (2n = 44) Odontophrynus americanus and diploid Ceratophrys cranwelli (2n = 26) and tetraploid C. ornata (2n = 104) showed that diploid females formed more chiasmata per paired arm than diploid males and polyploids of both sexes. There was a reduction in the level of recombination in female polyploids by forming multivalents with terminal chiasmata. The reduction reflected a change in the genetic control of pairing in females after polyploidization.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the fertility of male and female mice heterozygous for the reciprocal translocation T(7;17)3BKM. This translocation was induced by gamma rays in the spermatozoa of an irradiated parent. It is characterized by "asymmetrical" localization of the breakpoints, distally in Chromosome 7 (7F5) and proximally in Chromosome 17 (17B1). The data presented here relate only those matings in which, for both partners, heterozygosity or normality could be confirmed cytogenetically. The results indicate that both male and female translocation heterozygotes are fertile, their mean litter size being reduced to about 50% of that of normal littermates. This leads to the conclusion that the multivalents mainly undergo either alternate or adjacent-1 2:2 segregation. No viable tertiary trisomics were observed among the progeny of the translocation carriers. Analysis of the frequency of the different types of multivalents in diakinesis-metaphase I spermatocytes showed a significant predominance of chain-type figures (CIV and CIII+I), with chains of four elements (CIV) being more frequent than other configurations. This demonstrates that the small marker chromosome remains attached by one of its segments to the tetravalent.  相似文献   

In adult males carrying the male-fertile reciprocal translocation T(2;4)13H, body weights, testis weights, and sperm counts were higher in heterozygotes than in homozygotes. Heterozygotes whose mothers were C3H/He exceeded their reciprocal counterparts in the same criteria. At 3-4 days of age, no significant differences between homozygous and heterozygous females were found in body weight, ovarian volume, or oocyte numbers, although mean oocyte volumes were somewhat larger in heterozygotes than in homozygotes. In homozygous males and females the synaptonemal complexes of rearranged chromosomes appeared as bivalents that were indistinguishable from normal bivalents. In most gametocytes of heterozygotes, the translocation was present in the form of a quadrivalent. The degree of pairing failure was greater in oocytes than in spermatocytes. Terminal asynapsis of quadrivalents was very rare in spermatocytes, but it affected one quarter of the oocytes. Only very few translocation configurations were associated with the XY bivalent. It is concluded that the number of sperm produced in male heterozygotes can match the general increase in vigor by the formation of a high level of fully paired quadrivalents, whereas a greater degree of terminal asynapsis in the quadrivalents of oocytes may indicate a slightly more deleterious effect of this translocation on oogenesis.  相似文献   

Male germ cells are susceptible to radiation-induced injury, and infertility is a common problem after total-body irradiation. Here we investigated, first, the effects of irradiation on germ cells in mouse testis and, second, the role of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) treatment in radiation-induced male germ cell loss. Irradiation of mouse testes mainly damaged the early developmental stages of spermatogonia. The damage was seen by means of DNA flow cytometry 21 days after irradiation as decreasing numbers of spermatocytes and spermatids with increasing amounts of ionizing radiation (0.1-2.0 Gy). Intratesticular injections of S1P given 1-2 h before irradiation (0.5 Gy) did not protect against short-term germ cell loss as measured by in situ end labeling of DNA fragmentation 16 h after irradiation. However, after 21 days, in the S1P-treated testes, the numbers of primary spermatocytes and spermatogonia at G2 (4C peak as measured by flow cytometry) were higher at all stages of spermatogenesis compared with vehicle-treated testes, indicating protection of early spermatogonia by S1P, whereas the spermatid (1C) populations were similar. In conclusion, S1P appears to protect partially (16%-47%) testicular germ cells against radiation-induced cell death. This warrants further studies aimed at development of therapeutic agents capable of blocking sphingomyelin-induced pathways of germ cell loss.  相似文献   

Charles Tease 《Chromosoma》1998,107(8):549-558
Two factors postulated to influence the meiotic behaviour of reciprocal translocations were investigated. Firstly, variation in the length of translocated and non-translocated segments was studied in male mice using four different rearrangements involving chromosomes 2 and 4. Secondly, sex-related effects were analysed through comparison of the meiotic behaviour of two translocations in male and female germ cells. In the first part of the study, primary and secondary spermatocytes of male mice carrying a translocation [T(2;4)1Ca, T(2;4)13H, T(2;4)1Sn, or T(2;4)1Go] were screened. Each rearrangement had different proportions of cells with ring and chain quadrivalents at metaphase I; the T(2;4)1Sn heterozygote also had a high rate (45%) of translocation bivalents. In general, the translocations had elevated chiasma frequencies in the rearranged chromosomes compared with structurally normal chromosomes 2 and 4, although the extent of the effect varied. Each rearrangement produced a different array of segregation products at metaphase II, reflecting their contrasting frequencies of multivalent configurations at metaphase I. Comparison of chromosome behaviour at metaphase I and II suggested that certain configurations tended to adopt particular orientations. However, it was also clear that such correlations were imprecise and that other factors, possibly the exact positions of chiasmata, also played a role in multivalent orientation. Two rearrangements, T(2;4)1Go and T(7;16)67H, were analysed in female mice. The frequencies of the various multivalent types at metaphase I differed from those in male carriers of these rearrangements owing to an increased chiasma frequency in oocytes in some of the pairing segments. Not surprisingly, the segregation products seen in metaphase II cells showed some differences from the pattern recorded in male germ cells. For T(2;4)1Go, the sex-related difference in segregation patterns resulted in a diminished expectation of genetically imbalanced gametes, although this was not the case for T(7;16)67H. Received: 6 June 1998 / Accepted: 9 October 1998  相似文献   

Over 200 genes have been shown to be associated with infertility in mouse models. However, knockout mice reveal unexpected functional redundancy of some germ cell expressed genes. Single null mutations in mouse genes encoding four male germ cell proteins, transition protein 2 (Tnp2), proacrosin (Acr), histone H1.1 (H1.1), histone H1t (H1t) and sperm mitochondria-associated cysteine-rich protein (Smcp) have been generated and analysed. Tnp2 is believed to participate in the removal of the nuclear histones and initial condensation of the spermatid nucleus. Proacrosin is an acrosomal protease synthesized as a proenzyme and activated into acrosin during the acrosome reaction. The linker histone subtype H1.1 belongs to the group of main-type histones and is synthesized in somatic tissues as well as in germ cells during the S-phase of the cell cycle. The histone gene Hist1h1t is expressed exclusively in spermatocytes and may have a function in establishing an open chromatin structure for the replacement of histones by transition proteins and protamines. Sperm mitochondria-associated cysteine-rich protein (Smcp) is a major structural element of the mitochondria in the midpiece of the sperm tail. Male mutant mice lacking any of these proteins show no apparent defects in spermatogenesis or fertility. To examine the synergistic effects of these proteins in spermatogenesis and during fertilization four lines of double knockout mice Hist1h1a/Mcsp, Hist1h1t/Mcsp, Tnp2/Mcsp and Acr/Mcsp were established. It was found that even when knockout mice are heterozygous for one allele (-/+) and homozygous for the other allele (-/-), mice were subfertile. Homozygous double knockout mice of all four lines are nearly infertile. However, in the four homozygous double knockout mouse lines, different characteristic abnormalities are prominently manifested: In Hist1h1a-/-/Mcsp-/- the migration of spermatozoa is disturbed in female genital tract, in Hist1h1t-/-/Mcsp-/- spermatozoa show morphological head abnormalities, in Tnp2-/-/Mcsp-/- the motility of sperm is affected, and in Acr-/-/Mcsp-/- the sperm-oocyte interaction is impaired. These findings indicate strongly that male germ cell expressed genes have synergistic effects on male fertility.  相似文献   

Disruptions in the regulatory pathways controlling sex determination and differentiation can cause disorders of sex development, often compromising reproductive function. Although extensive efforts have been channeled into elucidating the regulatory mechanisms controlling the many aspects of sexual differentiation, the majority of disorders of sex development phenotypes are still unexplained at the molecular level. In this study, we have analyzed the potential involvement of Wnt5a in sexual development and show in mice that Wnt5a is male-specifically upregulated within testicular interstitial cells at the onset of gonad differentiation. Homozygous deletion of Wnt5a affected sexual development in male mice, causing testicular hypoplasia and bilateral cryptorchidism despite the Leydig cells producing factors such as Hsd3b1 and Insl3. Additionally, Wnt5a-null embryos of both sexes showed a significant reduction in gonadal germ cell numbers, which was caused by aberrant primordial germ cell migration along the hindgut endoderm prior to gonadal colonization. Our results indicate multiple roles for Wnt5a during mammalian reproductive development and help to clarify further the etiology of Robinow syndrome (OMIM 268310), a disease previously linked to the WNT5A pathway.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice (JCP0 #18), heterozygous for an insertion of approximately 50 copies of the rat peripheral myelin (P0) protein cDNA, displayed a pattern of reduced litter size that suggested a chromosome rearrangement. Chromosome banding studies of fetal cells disclosed the presence of an apparently balanced translocation between a Chromosome (Chr) 1 and 14 with breakpoints at bands 1H3 and 14C3. In situ hybridization of biotin-labeled P0 rat cDNA probe to chromosome spreads and detection of specific signal with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated avidin revealed a strong signal on the 114 translocation chromosome at the site of the breakpoint. A weaker signal was present near the breakpoint on the 141 derivative chromosome. These results suggest an etiologic relationship between the insertion of the transgene and the origin of the translocation. To further elucidate possible mechanisms, we first mapped the endogenous P0 gene (gene symbol Mpp). As previously reported (You et al., Genomics 9: 751, 1991), we found that Mpp is located on Chr 1 in the region of the translocation breakpoint in JCP0 mice. Subsequently, we have carried out pulsed-field gel and standard Southern analyses with P0 gene probes, but found no evidence for a direct involvement of the endogenous P0 gene in the process that generated the balanced reciprocal translocation. Thus, we favor the hypothesis that, during repair of DNA strand breakage—possibly induced by the microinjection procedure—the transgene copies were ligated to broken ends of Chrs 1 and 14. According to convention, this translocation is designated T(1;14) 1Po. Homozygotes are phenotypically normal and breed well; they will be useful for genetic and physical mapping of Chrs 1 and 14.  相似文献   

An apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between the long arm of the Y chromosome and the long arm of the chromosome 16 t(Y;16)(q12;q13) is described in an infertile man with azoospermia and cryptorchidism. The patient was phenotypically normal and had bilateral inguinal hernia repair with orchidopexy at the age of 8 years. Histological examination of testicular biopsies revealed maturation arrest. Y/autosome translocations in the literature are relatively rare and mostly associated with infertility. To our knowledge, this is the sixth report about the reciprocal t(Y;16) translocation in the literature but the first presenting with cryptorchidism.  相似文献   

In the August issue of Developmental Cell, Tay and Richter examine the consequences of eliminating CPEB function in mice. Their studies reveal an important role for this translational regulator at the pachytene stage of germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

I P Gorlov 《Genetika》1990,26(7):1178-1186
Synapsis and crossing over in male mice heterozygous for reciprocal translocation T (14; 15)6Ca were studied. The translocated multivalent undergoes the synaptic adjustment in the course of meiotic prophase. Translocated distal region of the 14th chromosome forms inproportionally long lateral element of synaptonemal complex. The number of chiasmata in the 14th chromosome increases from 1.02 0.02 in normal karyotype to 1.41 0.03 in heterozygous mice. The density of chiasmata in translocated, distal region is ten times higher than in the other part of the 14th chromosome.  相似文献   

Common shrews have an XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system, with the X chromosome being a translocation (tandem fusion) between the original X and an autosome; in males this autosome is represented by the Y2 chromosome. From G-banded chromosomes, the Y2 is homologous to the long arm and centromeric part of the short arm of the X. The region of the X that is homologous to the Y2 and also the telomeric region of the short arm of the X were found to be early replicating in somatic cells from a female shrew after 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) treatment in vitro. The remainder of the short arm of the X was shown to be late replicating. Electron microscopic examination of synaptonemal complexes in males at pachytene revealed pairing of the Y2 axis with the long arm of the X, and Y1 with the short arm. At early stages of pachytene, there is apparently extensive nonhomologous pairing between the X and Y1. In essence, the short arm of the shrew X chromosome behaves like a typical eutherian X chromosome (it is inactivated in female somatic cells and is paried with the Y1 during male meiosis) while the long arm behaves like an autosome (escapes the inactivation and pairs with the Y2).  相似文献   

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