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CD9 is a membrane protein belonging to the tetraspanin family. Despite CD9's broad tissue distribution, the only abnormality observed in CD9-deficient mice was infertility of females, which was responsible for a defect in the sperm-egg fusion process. However, the function of CD9 in sperm-egg fusion is not clear at all because the technique to analyze the activity of molecules in sperm-egg fusion has not been established. We demonstrated that the exogenous mouse CD9, expressed by polyadenylated mRNA injection at the germinal-vesicle stage oocytes, was precisely localized to the egg plasma membrane, and the expression reversed the infertility of CD9(-/-) eggs. Then, two other tetraspanins, human CD9 and mouse CD81, overexpressed with this technique on CD9(-/-) eggs restored the fertilization rate up to approximately 90 and approximately 50% against that of wild type eggs, respectively. Moreover, in the presence of an anti-mouse CD9 mAb, which blocks sperm-egg fusion, expression of human CD9 or mouse CD81 on eggs also rescued the fusibility. These results suggested that human CD9 plays a crucial role in human fertilization, and mouse CD81 has the potential to compensate for CD9 function in sperm-egg fusion. In addition, the polyadenylated mRNA injection is effective for molecular analysis of sperm-egg fusion.  相似文献   

We compared the number of CD4-positive (CD4+) and CD8-positive (CD8+) cells in severe and non-severe preeclampsia (PE), and in normal pregnancy. We also evaluated the expression of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) in CD4+ and CD8+ cells. Immunohistochemistry for CD4+ and CD8+ was performed on the decidua basalis of 15 severe and 13 non-severe PE women and compared to decidual tissue of 19 normal pregnancies (control group). Co-expression of MMP-9 with CD8+ and CD4+ cells was determined by double immunofluorescence staining. The median number of CD8+ cells/mm2 was significantly lower for the severe PE group than for the normal pregnancy group, as was the number of CD4+ cells and MMP-9+CD8+ cells. No statistical difference was found between the non-severe PE group and the normal pregnancy group. The significant decrease of CD4+, CD8+ and MMP-9+CD8+ cells at the fetal-maternal interface only in the severe PE group suggests that immunological disorders play a role in the pathophysiology of severe PE.  相似文献   

The 52 kD myeloid membrane glycoprotein CD14 represents the receptor for complexes of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and LPS binding protein (LBP); it is involved in LPS induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha production. Expression of CD14 increases in monocytes differentiating into macrophages, and it is reduced by rIFNg in monocytes in vitro. In the present study CD14 membrane antigen expression was investigated in cultures of human mononuclear leucocytes (PBL), in elutriated, purified monocytes, and in blood monocyte derived Teflon cultured macrophages. Cells were incubated for 15 or 45 h with rIL-1, rIL-2, rIL-3, rIL-5, rIL-6, rTNFa, rGM-CSF, rM-CSF, rTGFb1, rIFNa, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and, as a control, rIFNg. The monoclonal antibodies Leu-M3 and MEM 18 were used for labelling of CD14 antigen by indirect immunofluorescence and FACS analysis of scatter gated monocytes or macrophages. IFNg concentrations were determined in PBL culture supernatants by ELISA. rIFNa and rIL-2 reduced CD14 in 15 and 45 h PBL cultures, an effect mediated by endogenous IFNg, since it was abolished by simultaneous addition of an anti-IFNg antibody. rIFNa and rIL-2 were ineffective in purified monocytes or macrophages. rIL-4 strongly reduced CD14 in PBL and purified monocytes after 45 h, whereas in macrophages the decrease was weak, although measurable after 15 h. The other cytokines investigated did not change CD14 antigen expression. Cycloheximide alone reduced CD14, but when added in combination with rIFNg the effect on CD14 downregulation was more pronounced. The effect of rIFNg on CD14 in PBL cultures was dose-dependently inhibited by rIL-4 and this inhibition is probably due to an IL-4 mediated blockade of IFNg secretion. LPS at a low dose increased CD14, at a high dose it produced a variable decrease of CD14 in PBL, which was probably due to LPS induced IFNg secretion. LPS strongly enhanced CD14 in 45 h cultures of purified monocytes. The results, showing that CD14 antigen expression is upregulated by LPS and downregulated by rIFNg and rIL-4, suggest that the LPS-LBP receptor is involved in the feedback response of IFNg and IL-4 to LPS stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary The preparation of highly purified monolayer cultures of human cytotrophoblast cells essentially free of stromal and syncytial cells is described. Such cells subsequently form multinucleate syncytial cells in vitro. This is accompanied by the synthesis of heat-stable alkaline phosphatase and β-HCG. A significant proportion of the multinucleate cells that form in monolayer cultures of early placentae arise as a result of an amitosis. It is suggested that this in vitro behavior may reflect an in vivo process. C. Cotte is supported by a grant from C.D.C.H., Universidad Central de Venezuela.  相似文献   

CD44 is a glycosylated adhesion molecule and osteopontin is one of its ligand. CD44 undergoes alternative splicing to produce variant isoforms. Our recent studies have shown an increase in the surface expression of CD44 isoforms (sCD44 and v4–v10 variant CD44) in prostate cancer cells over‐expressing osteopontin (PC3/OPN). Formation of CD44/MMP9 complex on the cell surface is indispensable for MMP9 activity. In this study, we have characterized the expression of variant CD44 using RT‐PCR, surface labeling with NHS–biotin, and immunoblotting. Expression of variant CD44 encompassing v4–v10 and sCD44 at mRNA and protein levels are of the same levels in PC3 and PC3/OPN cells. However, an increase in the surface expression of v6, v10, and sCD44 in PC3/OPN cells suggest that OPN may be a ligand for these isoforms. We then proceeded to determine the role of sCD44 in MMP9 activation. Based on our previous studies in osteoclasts, we hypothesized that phosphorylation of CD44 has a role on its surface expression and subsequent activation of MMP9. We have prepared TAT‐fused CD44 peptides comprising unphosphorylated and constitutively phosphorylated serine residues at positions Ser323 and Ser325. Transduction of phosphopeptides at Ser323 and Ser323/325 into PC3 cells reduced the surface levels of CD44, MMP9 activity, and cell migration; but had no effect on the membrane localization of MMP9. However, MMP9 knock‐down PC3 cells showed reduced CD44 at cellular and surface levels. Thus we conclude that surface expression of CD44 and activation of MMP9 on the cell surface are interdependent. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 272–284, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Galectin-9 is a β-galactoside-binding lectin expressed in various tissues. It binds various glycoconjugates and modulates a variety of biological functions in various cell types. Although galectin-9 is expressed in bone, its function in human osteoblasts remains unclear. We demonstrate that galectin-9 induces osteoblast differentiation through the CD44/Smad signaling pathway in the absence of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). Galectin-9 increases alkaline phosphatase activities in human osteoblasts and induces the phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and translocation of Smad4 to the nucleus in the absence of BMPs. Galectin-9 also induces binding of Smad4 to the Id1 promoter and increases its activity. Anti-CD44 antibody inhibits Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation by galectin-9. Galectin-9 binds to CD44 and induces the formation of a CD44/BMP receptor complex. Because Smad1 is phosphorylated by BMP receptors, we propose that formation of the CD44/BMP receptor complex induced by galectin-9 may provide a trigger for the activation of Smads.  相似文献   

目的:口腔鳞状细胞癌是一类极易发生局部侵袭和淋巴结转移的恶性肿瘤,CD9蛋白在多种肿瘤的发生发展及侵袭转移过程中起到重要作用,本研究旨在分析CD9蛋白在口腔鳞状细胞癌中的表达水平及其临床意义。方法:收集我院诊断明确的口腔鳞癌肿瘤患者石蜡标本合计80例,通过免疫组化手段对CD9蛋白表达水平进行评价,并根据CD9蛋白的表达水平分组,分析患者的临床病理学特征与CD9蛋白的关系。结果:CD9在正常组织和癌旁组织正常表达,在肿瘤组织中表达率低,其表达水平和口腔鳞癌的分化程度,淋巴结转移及最终分期有相关性(P0.05)。结论:本研究结果揭示,CD9在口腔鳞状细胞癌的发生发展中起到重要作用,CD9蛋白水平的低表达或不表达可能预测着肿瘤具有更明显的恶性生物学行为,并可能成为口腔鳞状细胞癌预后的生物学指标及基因治疗的新靶点。  相似文献   

精子相关抗原9是癌睾丸抗原家族成员之一,它具有能在多种肿瘤组织中广泛表达,而在正常组织(除胎盘和睾丸外)中几乎不表达的特性,并能在肿瘤患者体内引起体液免疫。研究结果显示,SPAG9有可能成为肿瘤免疫治疗和肿瘤辅助诊断的潜在靶点。本文将对SPAG9的结构、表达特性、免疫原性及功能进行阐述。  相似文献   

Expression of CD69 on neutrophils and generation of anti-CD69 autoantibodies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been reported. Thus natural ligands for CD69 not yet identified and/or the anti-CD69 autoantibodies possibly affect neutrophils by evoking CD69 signaling, which may further affect joint-composing cells in RA. However, the effect of the CD69 signaling in neutrophils remains largely unclear. To elucidate the issue, we tried to identify proteins affected by the crosslinking of CD69 on neutrophils using a proteomic approach. Specifically, CD69 on granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-activated neutrophils was crosslinked by anti-CD69 monoclonal antibodies, and then intracellular proteins were detected using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and further identified by mass spectrometry and subsequent protein database searching. As a result, we successfully identified multiple proteins that increased their production by the CD69 signaling. Among the proteins, we focused on one of the up-regulated proteins, S100A9 calcium binding protein (S100A9), and investigated proteome changes brought by a recombinant S100A9 in a human synovial sarcoma cell line (SW982), a human chondrosarcoma cell line (OUMS-27), and a human T leukemia cell line (Jurkat). This revealed that the recombinant S100A9 altered proteomes of SW982 and OUMS-27, and to a lesser extent, that of the Jurkat cells. Further, S100A9 induced IL-1beta production from neutrophils and the SW982 cells. These data suggest that unidentified natural ligands for CD69 and/or the anti-CD69 autoantibodies possibly affect joint-composing cell types through the increased production of S100A9 in neutrophils, providing a new insight into functions of CD69 on neutrophils in RA.  相似文献   

Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell(CAR T) therapy is a kind of effective cancer immunotherapy. However,designing CARs remains a challenge because many targetable antigens are shared by T cells and tumor cells. This shared expression of antigens can cause CAR T cell fratricide. CD38-targeting approaches(e.g.,daratumumab) have been used in clinical therapy and have shown promising results. CD38 is a kind of surface glycoprotein present in a variety of cells, such as T lymphocytes and tumor cells. It was previously reported that CD38-based CAR T cells may undergo apoptosis or T cell-mediated killing(fratricide) during cell manufacturing. In this study, a CAR containing a sequence targeting human CD38 was designed to be functional. To avoid fratricide driven by CD38 and ensure the production of CAR T cells, two distinct strategies based on antibodies(clone MM12 T or clone MM27) or proteins(H02 H or H08 H) were used to block CD38 or the CAR single-chain variable fragment(scFv) domain, respectively, on the T cell surface.The results indicated that the antibodies or proteins, especially the antibody MM27, could affect CAR T cells by inhibiting fratricide while promoting expansion and enrichment. Anti-CD38 CAR T cells exhibited robust and specific cytotoxicity to CD38~+ cell lines and tumor cells. Furthermore, the levels of the proinflammatory factors TNF-a, IFN-g and IL-2 were significantly upregulated in the supernatants of A549~(CD38~+) cells. Finally, significant control of disease progression was demonstrated in xenograft mouse models. In conclusion, these findings will help to further enhance the expansion, persistence and function of anti-CD38 CAR T cells in subsequent clinical trials.  相似文献   

评估淋巴瘤细胞MC/CAR、HUT78和RAMOS的CD52抗原呈现稳定性,并比较三种细胞用于抗CD52单抗活性检测中的优劣性。采用免疫荧光法检测淋巴瘤细胞MC/CAR、HUT78和RAMOS的CD52抗原呈现率,分析MC/CAR、HUT78和RAMOS传代培养5~20代CD52抗原呈现稳定性。分别以MC/CAR、HUT78和RAMOS作为抗CD52单抗结合活性和补体依赖细胞毒性的靶细胞进行检测,并比较其优劣性。结果显示,MC/CAR、RAMOS和HUT78的CD52抗原呈现率分别为95.5%、63.2%和38.3%。MC/CAR传代培养5~20代CD52抗原呈现率均大于90%。RAMOS传代培养5~13代CD52抗原呈现率介于60%~67%,第14~15代CD52抗原呈现率介于50%~60%,第16~20代细胞CD52抗原呈现率介于40%~50%。HUT78传代培养5~20代CD52抗原呈现率介于26.7%~38.9%。淋巴瘤细胞MC/CAR在抗CD52单抗的结合活性检测中呈现出更好的剂量依赖曲线。淋巴瘤细胞RAMOS在抗CD52单抗的补体依赖细胞毒性检测中呈现出更好的剂量效应曲线。CD52抗原呈现率方面MC/CAR>RAMOS>HUT78。结果表明,MC/CAR更适用于抗CD52单抗的结合活性的检测,RAMOS适用于抗CD52单抗的补体依赖细胞毒性检测。  相似文献   

CD74 is known as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-associated invariant chain (Ii) that regulates the cell biology and functions of MHC class II molecules. Class II MHC and Ii expression was believed to be restricted to classical antigen-presenting cells (APC); however, during inflammation, other cell types, including mucosal epithelial cells, have also been reported to express class II MHC molecules. Given the importance of Ii in the biology of class II MHC, we sought to examine the expression of Ii by gastric epithelial cells (GEC) to determine whether class II MHC molecules in these nonconventional APC cells were under the control of Ii and to further support the role that these cells may play in local immune and inflammatory responses during Helicobacter pylori infection. Thus we examined the expression of Ii on GEC from human biopsy samples and then confirmed this observation using independent methods on several GEC lines. The mRNA for Ii was detected by RT-PCR, and the various protein isoforms were also detected. Interestingly, these cells have a high level expression of surface Ii, which is polarized to the apical surface. These studies are the first to demonstrate the constitutive expression of Ii by human GEC.  相似文献   

Microvilli are found on the surface of many cell types, including the mammalian oocyte, where they are thought to act in initial contact of sperm and oocyte plasma membranes. CD9 is currently the only oocyte protein known to be required for sperm-oocyte fusion. We found CD9 is localized to the oocyte microvillar membrane using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that CD9 null oocytes, which are unable to fuse with sperm, have an altered length, thickness and density of their microvilli. One aspect of this change in morphology was quantified using TEM by measuring the radius of curvature at the microvillar tips. A small radius of curvature is thought to promote fusibility and the radius of curvature of microvillar tips on CD9 wild-type oocytes was found to be half that of the CD9 null oocytes. We found that oocyte CD9 co-immunoprecipitates with two Ig superfamily cis partners, EWI-2 and EWI-F, which could have a role in linking CD9 to the oocyte microvillar actin core. We also examined latrunculin B-treated oocytes, which are known to have reduced fusion ability, and found altered microvillar morphology by SEM and TEM. Our data suggest that microvilli may participate in sperm-oocyte fusion. Microvilli could act as a platform to concentrate adhesion/fusion proteins and/or provide a membrane protrusion with a low radius of curvature. They may also have a dynamic interaction with the sperm that serves to capture the sperm cell and bring it into close contact with the oocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The membrane protein CD9P-1 is a major component of the tetraspanin web, a network of molecular interactions in the plasma membrane, in which it specifically associates with tetraspanins CD9 and CD81. The various functional effects of CD9 and CD81 may be related to their partners. Thus, we have addressed the characterization of the CD9P-1 glycosylation using stably transfected HEK-293 cells. After immunoprecipitation, CD9P-1 was subjected to enzymatic PNGase F cleavage of N-glycans, resulting in Asn to Asp conversion and increase in 1 mass unit. Thus, following protease digestion, deglycosylated peptides were selectively identified by high mass accuracy FTICR-MS, using this conversion as a signature. This has demonstrated that all nine potential N-glycosylation sites were actually engaged. On the other hand, the N-glycan structures were determined combining chemical derivatization and exoglycosidase digestions followed by MALDI-TOF MS, ESI-MS/MS, and GC-MS analysis. CD9P-1 was shown to exhibit more than 40 different N-glycans, essentially composed of complex and high mannose-type structures. Finally, 2-D PAGE and lectino-blot analyses have revealed the presence of at least 17 glycosylated isoforms of CD9P-1 at cell surface. All CD9P-1 isoforms associate with CD9 leading to additional level of complexity of this primary complex in the tetraspanin web.  相似文献   

The role of transmembrane 4 superfamily (TM4SF) proteins during muscle cell fusion has not been investigated previously. Here we show that the appearance of TM4SF protein, CD9, and the formation of CD9-beta1 integrin complexes were both regulated in coordination with murine C2C12 myoblast cell differentiation. Also, anti-CD9 and anti-CD81 monoclonal antibodies substantially inhibited and delayed conversion of C2C12 cells to elongated myotubes, without affecting muscle-specific protein expression. Studies of the human myoblast-derived RD sarcoma cell line further demonstrated that TM4SF proteins have a role during muscle cell fusion. Ectopic expression of CD9 caused a four- to eightfold increase in RD cell syncytia formation, whereas anti-CD9 and anti-CD81 antibodies markedly delayed RD syncytia formation. Finally, anti-CD9 and anti-CD81 monoclonal antibodies triggered apoptotic degeneration of C2C12 cell myotubes after they were formed. In summary, TM4SF proteins such as CD9 and CD81 appear to promote muscle cell fusion and support myotube maintenance.  相似文献   

A crucial feature of peptide antigen presentation by major histocompatibilty complex (MHC) class I and II molecules is their differential ability to sample cytosolic and extracellular antigens. Intracellular viral infections and bacteria that are taken up in phagosomes, but then escape from the endocytic compartment efficiently, enter the class I pathway via the cytosol. In contrast, phagosome-resident bacteria yield protein antigens that are sampled deep in the endocytic compartment and presented in a vacuolar acidification-dependent pathway mediated by MHC class II molecules. Despite this potential for antigen sampling, microbes have evolved a variety of evasive mechanisms that affect peptide transport in the MHC class I pathway or blockade of endosomal acidification and inhibition of phagosome–lysosome fusion that may compromise the MHC class II pathway of antigen presentation. Thus, besides MHC class I and II, a third lineage of antigen-presenting molecules that bind lipid and glycolipid antigens rather than peptides exists and is mediated by the family of CD1 proteins. CD1 isoforms (CD1a, b, c, and d) differentially sample both recycling endosomes of the early endocytic system and late endosomes and lysosomes to which lipid antigens are differentially delivered. These CD1 pathways include vacuolar acidification-independent pathways for lipid antigen presentation. These features of presenting lipid antigens, independently monitoring various antigen-containing intracellular compartments and avoiding certain evasive techniques employed by microbes, enable CD1 molecules to provide distinct opportunities to function in host defense against the microbial world.  相似文献   

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