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The employment of a set of truncated dnaK peptides produced by deletion and insertion mutations in the Escherichia coli dnaK gene allowed us to define regions of the dnaK protein which are involved in particular enzymatic functions. The results obtained suggest that the dnaK polypeptide is organized into at least two distinct functional domains. The highly conserved amino-terminal portion is required for the ATPase activity. The carboxyl-terminal portion, characterized by relatively low similarity among species, is responsible for the autophosphorylating activity. The mutant dnaK protein C[74], which lacks amino acid sequences at the extreme carboxyl-terminal portion of the protein, retains both the ATPase and the autophosphorylating activities. The results obtained with the full-length (70-kDa) dnaK756 protein suggest that the thermolabile defect of the dnaK756 mutation affects directly or indirectly the ATPase active site of the enzyme. The autophosphorylating activity of the dnaK+, dnaK756, and C[74] polypeptides was activated at least 10-fold by the addition of CaCl2.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli protein X is the recA gene product.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Escherichia coli protein X is known to be made in large amounts following DNA damage or inhibition of DNA replication. We have shown that it is identical to the recA gene product by partial proteolytic digestion of the radiochemically pure proteins and analysis by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate gels.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis in the Escherichia coli recA gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C Cazaux  F Larminat  M Defais 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):281-284
Escherichia coli RecA protein plays a fundamental role in genetic recombination and in regulation and expression of the SOS response. We have constructed 6 mutants in the recA gene by site-directed mutagenesis, 5 of which were located in the vicinity of the recA430 mutation responsible for a coprotease deficient phenotype and one which was at the Tyr 264 site. We have analysed the capacity of these mutants to accomplish recombination and to express SOS functions. Our results suggest that the region including amino acid 204 and at least 7 amino acids downstream interacts not only with LexA protein but also with ATP. In addition, the mutation at Tyr 264 shows that this amino acid is essential for RecA activities in vivo, probably because of its involvement in an ATP binding site, as previously shown in vitro.  相似文献   

The promoter of the recA gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Quantitative evaluation of recA gene expression in Escherichia coli   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Summary A recA::lac operon fusion was constructed using the phage Mu d(Ap, lac) in Escherichia coli to obtain precise measurements of the level of recA gene expression in various genetic backgrounds. The RecA protein normally represents 0.02% of total protein. This value is known to increase dramatically after treatments interrupting DNA synthesis; kinetic experiments showed that the rate of recA expression increases 17-fold within 10 min after UV irradiation or thymine starvation. In mutants affected in SOS regulation or repair the following observations were made: (i) the tif-1 mutation in the recA gene does not alter the basal level of recA expression, suggesting that it improves the protease activity of RecA; (ii) the lexA3 mutation does not create a super-repressor of recA; (iii) the tsl-1 mutation in the lexA gene makes the LexA protein a poor repressor of recA at 30°C (2.5-fold derepression) and a poor substrate for RecA protease (3-fold stimulation of recA expression by UV); (iv) the spr-55 amber mutation in the lexA gene causes a 30-fold increase in recA expression, higher than all inducing treatments, and this level cannot be further increased by nalidixic acid; (v) the zab-53 mutation at the recA locus, known to abolish tsl-mediated induction of recA expression, is trans-recessive and thus probably affects a regulatory site on the DNA; (vi) uvrA, B and C, recB and recF mutations do not increase the basal level of recA expression, suggesting that there are not sufficient spontaneous lesions to cause induction even when any one of these three repair pathways is inoperative.Abbreviations Ap ampicillin - Km kanamycin - Cm chloramphenicol - Tc terracycline - Sm streptomycin - Ts thermosensitive - Tr thermoresistant - Nal nalidixic acid - X-Gal 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-galactoside - mito C mitomycin C - LFT low frequency transducing - HFT high frequency transducing  相似文献   

Kanamycin sulphate causes the efficient induction of recA gene, being an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Kanamycin is not known to damage the DNA structure. Possibly, the antibiotic ability to induce the SOS-genes is explained by activation of endogenous nucleases activity or by the increase of "alarmone" synthesis, the latter playing the "trigger" role in derepression of SOS-operon.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis by proximity to the recA gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Escherichia coli recA (Prtc) strains, which produce protease constitutive RecA proteins in the absence of DNA-damaging treatments, display an increased frequency of spontaneous mutations. These mutations occurred preferentially in the neighborhood of the recA gene. This cis-like mutagenic effect was observed in the recA, rexAB, phoE and bio genes. The localized mutagenesis can be explained by the ease with which RecA(Prtc) proteins are activated to the protease state, which implies that there should be a relatively high concentration of activated RecA protein near the recA gene, where the protein is synthesized. The unusually high frequency of mutation in the recA gene is a novel example of an overactive gene preferentially turning itself down by mutation.  相似文献   

Left-handed Z-DNA binding by the recA protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
recA binding to left-handed Z-DNA was measured using nitrocellulose filter binding assays with four DNA polymers with defined nucleotide sequences and four recombinant plasmids. Two to 7-fold preferential binding of recA to Z-DNA polymers was observed. Left-handed Z-DNA polymer binding by recA required ATP or its nonhydrolyzable analog, ATP(gamma S), while ADP inhibited binding. Complex formation with both B- and Z-forms was influenced by polymer length; recA bound longer DNAs better. recA binding to recombinant plasmids containing supercoil-stabilized Z-DNA was essentially similar to that found for the control vector; thus, no preferential binding of recA to the Z-form was observed. Comparative experiments with the rec1 protein of Ustilago maydis and the Escherichia coli recA protein were performed. In our hands, recA and rec1 have a similar capacity for binding left-handed Z-DNA polymers and for binding recombinant plasmids containing B- and/or Z-regions. recA contains a left-handed Z-DNA-stimulated ATPase activity. This activity differs from the right-handed B-DNA-stimulated activity since it is less sensitive to increasing pH. The kinetics of ATP hydrolysis in B-DNA/Z-DNA mixing experiments showed that the turnover of the Z-DNA recA complex was slower than for B-DNA suggesting that left-handed Z-DNA is more stably bound by recA. Our results are consistent with the postulate that left-handed Z-DNA is involved in genetic recombination.  相似文献   

The isolation of the protein coding region of the recA gene from Escherichia coli by extensive Bal31 digestion is described. The structural recA gene was ligated into an extrachromosomally replicating yeast expression vector, downstream of the yeast alcohol-dehydrogenase gene promoter region, to produce pADHrecA plasmid. The pADHrecA plasmid was transformed into the wild-type and the repair deficient strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The crude protein samples were extracted from the individual yeast transformants. A 38 kDa protein was present in all transformants containing the recA gene on plasmid. Thus the recA gene from E coli was successfully expressed in cells from a lower eukaryote.  相似文献   

The interaction of recA protein with single-stranded (ss) phi X174 DNA has been examined by means of a nuclease protection assay. The stoichiometry of protection was found to be 1 recA monomer/approximately 4 nucleotides of ssDNA both in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor and in the presence of ATP. In contrast, in the presence of adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (ATP gamma S) the stoichiometry was 1 recA monomer/approximately 8 nucleotides. No protection was seen with ADP. In the absence of a nucleotide cofactor, the binding of recA protein to ssDNA was quite stable as judged by equilibration with a challenge DNA (t1/2 approximately 30 min). Addition of ATP stimulated this transfer (t1/2 approximately 3 min) as did ADP (t1/2 approximately 0.2 min). ATP gamma S greatly reduced the rate of equilibration (t1/2 greater than 12 h). Direct visualization of recA X ssDNA complexes at subsaturating recA protein concentrations using electron microscopy revealed individual ssDNA molecules partially covered with recA protein which were converted to highly condensed networks upon addition of ATP gamma S. These results have led to a general model for the interaction of recA protein with ssDNA.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of the Escherichia coli recA gene in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
W M de Vos  S C de Vries  G Venema 《Gene》1983,25(2-3):301-308
By means of homopolymer dG-dC tailing, using PstI linearized pBR327 as vector, we constructed small plasmids containing the entire Escherichia coli recA gene. The 1.8-kb inserts were recloned in the Bacillus subtilis expression vector pPL608 in a B. subtilis recE4 strain. Analysis of plasmid-coded proteins showed expression of the E. coli recA gene both in minicells and whole cells of B. subtilis. Expression was under control of the bacteriophage SP02 promoter, which is part of pPL608. A recA-expressing plasmid completely abolished the transformation deficiency of the recE4 mutant as well as its sensitivity to mitomycin C (MC). The expressed recA gene also restored recombination in other B. subtilis strains lacking the recE gene product. These results indicate a high similarity between the functions of the E. coli RecA and B. subtilis RecE proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Protein X, molecular weight 40,000, has been separated from the other proteins of E. coliby a two-dimensional gel electrophoretic technique which separates proteins according to isoelectric point (pI) in the firstdimension and according to molecular weight in the second. When protein X is induced in wild-type cells by mitomycin C treatmentit has a pI6.0. However, when protein X is induced in a tif-1 mutant, either by temperatureshift-up to 42° or by mitomycin C treatment at 30°, it has a pI6.2. The low level of protein X which is present inuninduced tif mutants at 30° also has a pI6.2. These results suggest thattif-1 is a mis-sense mutation in the gene coding for protein X. Since transduction andcomplementation studies indicate that tif-1 is a mutation of therecA + gene (Castellazzi, Morand, George and Buttin, 1977) it follows that protein X is the recA + gene product.A model has been formulated to account for the relationship between protein X synthesis and the recA + and lexA + genes. In this model, a repressor coded by lexA + binds to the operator of the recA + gene from whence it can normally only be removed by the combined action of an inducer and protein X, the recA + product. Thus, protein X controls its own synthesis. The tif-1 mutation leads to a temperature sensitive form of protein X which, at 42°, can spontaneously remove the repressor without the intervention of the inducer.  相似文献   

The phage lambda attachment site, attP, contains three binding sites for an Escherichia coli protein, IHF, that is needed for efficient integrative recombination. We have used synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides to direct multiple base changes at each of these three sites. Alteration by two base-pairs of the consensus sequence for the leftmost binding site specifically interferes with IHF binding to that site and modestly depresses recombination in vitro. For each of the three binding sites, alteration of the consensus sequence by four base-pairs strongly depresses recombination in vitro, indicating that all three sites are important for attP function. The mutated attP sites are also depressed for recombination in vivo but some of the mutants are less affected than they are in vitro. The disparity between effects in vivo and in vitro for some mutants but not others suggests that the three binding sites are not functionally equivalent and that at some sites additional E. coli factors may replace or assist IHF. The non-equivalence of the three IHF sites is also indicated by the behavior of prophage attachment sites carrying mutations in the binding sites.  相似文献   

In an effort to clarify the requirement for ATP in the recA protein-promoted renaturation of complementary DNA strands, we have analyzed the mutant recA1 protein which lacks single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity at pH 7.5. Like the wild type, the recA1 protein binds to single-stranded DNA with a stoichiometry of one monomer per approximately four nucleotides. However, unlike the wild type, the mutant protein is dissociated from single-stranded DNA in the presence of ATP or ADP. The ATP analogue adenosine 5'-O-3' (thiotriphosphate) appears to stabilize the binding of recA1 protein to single-stranded DNA but does not elicit the stoichiometry of 1 monomer/8 nucleotides or the formation of highly condensed protein-DNA networks that are characteristic of the wild type recA protein in the presence of this analogue. The recA1 protein does not catalyze DNA renaturation in the presence of ATP, consistent with the dissociation of recA1 protein from single-stranded DNA under these conditions. However, it does promote a pattern of Mg2+-dependent renaturation identical to that found for wild type recA protein.  相似文献   

Duplex DNA with a contiguous single-stranded tail was nearly as effective as single-stranded DNA in acting as a cofactor for the ATPase activity of recA protein at neutral pH and concentrations of MgCl2 that support homologous pairing. The ATP hydrolysis reached a steady state rate that was proportional to the length of the duplex DNA attached to a short 5' single-stranded tail after a lag. Separation of the single-stranded tail from most of the duplex portion of the molecule by restriction enzyme cleavage led to a gradual decline in ATP hydrolysis. Measurement of the rate of hydrolysis as a function of DNA concentration for both tailed duplex DNA and single-stranded DNA cofactors indicated that the binding site size of recA protein on a duplex DNA lattice, about 4 base pairs, is similar to that on a single-stranded DNA lattice, about four nucleotides. The length of the lag phase preceding steady state hydrolysis depended on the DNA concentration, length of the duplex region, and the polarity of the single-stranded tail, but was comparatively independent of tail length for tails over 70 nucleotides in length. The lag was 5-10 times longer for 3' than for 5' single-stranded tailed duplex DNA molecules, whereas the steady state rates of hydrolysis were lower. These observations show that, after nucleation of a recA protein complex on the single-stranded tail, the protein samples the entire duplex region via an interaction that is labile and not strongly polarized.  相似文献   

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