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Modulation of nerve membrane sodium channels by chemicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Modulations of sodium channel kinetics by grayanotoxins and pyrethroids have been studied using voltage clamped, internally perfused giant axons from crayfish and squid. 2. Grayanotoxin I and alpha-dihydrograyanotoxin II greatly depolarize the nerve membrane through an increase in resting sodium channel permeability to sodium ions. 3. Grayanotoxins modify a fraction of sodium channel population to give rise to a slow conductance increase with little or no inactivation, and the slow conductance-membrane potential curve is shifted toward hyperpolarization. This accounts for the depolarization. 4. The tail current associated with step repolarization during the slow current in grayanotoxins decays with a dual exponential time course. 5. (+)-trans tetramethrin and (+)-trans allethrin also modify a fraction of sodium channel population in generating a slow current, which attains a maximum slowly and decays very slowly during a maintained depolarizing step. The membrane is depolarized only slightly. 6. The tail current associated with step repolarization during the slow current in the pyrethroids is very large in initial amplitude and decays very slowly. 7. The rate at which the sodium channel arrives at the modified open state in the presence of pyrethroids is expressed by a dual exponential function, and the slow phase disappears following removal of the sodium inactivation mechanism by internal perfusion of pronase. 8. A kinetic model is proposed to account for the actions of both grayanotoxins and pyrethroids on sodium channels. Both chemicals interact with the channel at both open and closed states to yield a modified open state which results in a slow sodium current.  相似文献   

Paragracine, isolated from the coelenterate species Parazoanthus gracilis, selectively blocks sodium channels of squid axon membranes in a frequency-dependent manner. The blocking action depends on the direction and magnitude of the sodium current rather than on the absolute value of the membrane potential. Paragracine blocks the channels only from the axoplasmic side and does so only when the current is in the outward direction. This block may be reversed by generating inward sodium currents. In axons in which sodium inactivation has been removed by pronase, the frequency-dependent block persists, and a slow time-dependent block is observed. A slow interaction with its binding site in the channel may account for the frequency-dependent block.  相似文献   

1. Single myelinated nerve fibres of the frog, Rana esculenta, were investigated predominantly in voltage clamp experiments. 2. Sodium current (INa) inactivation was measured in the presence of 10 mM TEA to suppress IK. Inactivation was diphasic but complete in toxin-free solution; it was delayed and became incomplete in Anemonia sulcata toxin II (ATX II) leading to persistent INa flow even during long depolarizations. The effects were reversible. Activation was not affected. 3. The persistent INa component increased with increasing toxin concentration and saturated at ca. 15 microM. The lowest concentration yielding unequivocal effects in the voltage clamp was 0.5 microM. 4. The curve relating the steady-state inactivation parameter, h infinity to the conditioning potential V became non-monotonic in ATX II i.e. dh infinity/dV greater than 0 for V greater than 30 mV. 5. Inactivation could be formally described by a three-state model with two conducting (h2 and h2) and one closed state (x) in the sequence h1 in equilibrium x in equilibrium h2. 6. Ca2+ modifies h2(V) more than h1(V) whose reaction to Ca2+ is similar to h(V) in toxin-free solution. The Ca2+ effect is very rapid and reversible.  相似文献   

Insect sodium channels and insecticide resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voltage-gated sodium channels are essential for the generation and propagation of action potentials (i.e., electrical impulses) in excitable cells. Although most of our knowledge about sodium channels is derived from decades of studies of mammalian isoforms, research on insect sodium channels is revealing both common and unique aspects of sodium channel biology. In particular, our understanding of the molecular dynamics and pharmacology of insect sodium channels has advanced greatly in recent years, thanks to successful functional expression of insect sodium channels in Xenopus oocytes and intensive efforts to elucidate the molecular basis of insect resistance to insecticides that target sodium channels. In this review, I discuss recent literature on insect sodium channels with emphases on the prominent role of alternative splicing and RNA editing in the generation of functionally diverse sodium channels in insects and the current understanding of the interactions between insect sodium channels and insecticides.  相似文献   

Ionic currents through aconitine-modified sodium channels of the Ranvier node membrane were measured by a voltage clamp method in an external medium free from sodium ions. A shift of pH of the solution below 4.6 led to the appearance of inward ionic currents, whose kinetics and activation region were characteristic of aconitine-modified sodium channels at low pH. These currents were blocked by the local anesthetic benzocaine in a concentration of 2 mM. Experiments with variation of the concentration of Ca++, Tris+, TEA+, and choline+ in acid sodium-free solutions showed that these cations make no appreciable contribution to the inward current. It is concluded that the inward currents observed under these conditions are carried by H+ (or H3O+) through aconitine-modified sodium channels. From the shifts of reversal potentials of the ionic currents the relative permeability (PH/PNa) for H+ was determined: 1059 ± 88. The results agree with the view that the aconitine-modified sodium channel is a relatively wide water pore, and that movement of H+ through it is limited by its binding with an acid group.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 508–516, September–October, 1982.  相似文献   

The long term use of many insecticides is continually threatened by the ability of insects to evolve resistance mechanisms that render the chemicals ineffective. Such resistance poses a serious threat to insect pest control both in the UK and worldwide. Resistance may result from either an increase in the ability of the insect to detoxify the insecticide or by changes in the target protein with which the insecticide interacts. DDT, the pyrethrins and the synthetic pyrethroids (the latter currently accounting for around 17% of the world insecticide market), act on the voltage-gated sodium channel proteins found in insect nerve cell membranes. The correct functioning of these channels is essential for normal transmission of nerve impulses and this process is disrupted by binding of the insecticides, leading to paralysis and eventual death. Some insect pest populations have evolved modifications of the sodium channel protein which prevent the binding of the insecticide and result in the insect developing resistance. Here we review some of the work (done at Rothamsted Research and elsewhere) that has led to the identification of specific residues on the sodium channel that may constitute the DDT and pyrethroid binding sites.  相似文献   

The mean sodium current, I, and the variance of sodium current fluctuations, var, were measured in myelinated nerve during a depolarization to V = 40 mV applied from the resting potential (VH = 0) or from a hyperpolarizing holding potential VH = ?28 mV. From I and var the relative variations in the number N and the conductance γ of sodium channels following changes of the holding potential were calculated. Hyperpolarizing the membrane from VH = 0 to ?28 mV increased N by a factor of 3.7, whereas γ decreased by a factor of 0.53. These actions of holding potential on sodium channels develop slowly since 500 ms prepulses to 0 or ?28 mV do not alter the values of N and γ.  相似文献   

Ionic currents through the frog Ranvier node membrane were measured by the voltage clamp method on the membrane of a single myelinated frog's nerve fiber under conditions when Na+ in the external solution was replaced by nonpenetrating cations. When pH fell below 4.0, small (under 0.1 nA) inward currents were found and on the basis of various features (kinetics, region of activation, and blocking by the local anesthetic benzocaine — 1.0 mM) were identified as currents through sodium channels. The results of control experiments with variation of the concentrations of cations in the external solution led to the conclusion that the H+ (or H3O+) ion is the main carrier of the measured inward current. According to the results of measurement of the reversal potential of these currents, the relative permeability of sodium channels for hydrogen ions (PH/PNa) averages 205 ± 14. The results are discussed in terms of a model of the water pore with saturation. It is concluded that the energy barriers for H+ in the sodium channel are low. It was also shown that the velocity of passage of protons through the channel is limited by binding with an acid group.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 499–507, September–October, 1982.  相似文献   

Currents through batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified sodium channels were measured under voltage clamp conditions on the Ranvier node membrane. Potential-dependence of the fraction of activated BTX-modified channels was determined on the basis of data showing nonlinearity of the momentary current-voltage characteristic curve in the region of high negative potentials. BTX induces a shift of the sodium channel activation curve toward negative potentials on average by 67 mV, but does not, under these circumstances, alter the potential-sensitivity of their activation mechanism. The results of experiments with preliminary depolarization, of varied amplitude and duration, showed that BTX-modified sodium channels are capable of partial inactivation. The high level of steady-state conduction of the modified channels is evidently due to the fact that as a result of modification by BTX the open state of the channel becomes energetically more advantageous than the inactivated state. It is concluded that the action of BTX on inactivation differs in principle from the action of pronase.Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. A. V. Vishnevskii Institute of Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 18–26. January–February, 1984.  相似文献   

By intracellular dialysis of isolated neurons of the mollusksHelix pomatia andLimnaea stagnalis and by a voltage clamp technique the characteristics of transmembrane ionic currents were studied during controlled changes in the ionic composition of the extracellular and intracellular medium. By replacing the intracellular potassium ions by Tris ions, functional blocking of the outward potassium currents was achieved and the inward current distinguished in a pure form. Replacement of Ringer's solution in the extracellular medium with sodium-free or calcium-free solution enabled the inward current to be separated into two additive components, one carried by sodium ions, the other by calcium ions. Sodium and calcium inward currents were found to have different kinetics and different potential-dependence: mNa=1±0.5 msec, mCa=3±1 msec, hNa=8±2 msec, hCa=115±10 msec (Vm=0), GNa=0.5 (Vm=–21±2 mV), GCa=0.5 (Vm=–8±2 mV). Both currents remained unchanged by tetrodotoxin, but the calcium current was specifically blocked by cadmium ions (2·10–3 M), verapamil, and D=600, and also by fluorine ions if injected intracellularly. All these results are regarded as evidence that the soma membrane of the neurons tested possesses separate systems of sodium and calcium ion-conducting channels. Quantitative differences are observed in the relative importance of the systems of sodium and calcium channels in different species of mollusks.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 183–191, March–April, 1976.  相似文献   

The mean sodium current, I, and the variance of sodium current fluctuations, var, were measured in myelinated nerve during a depolarization to V = 40 mV applied from the resting potential (VH = 0) or from a hyperpolarizing holding potential VH = -28 mV. From I and var the relative variations in the number N and the conductance gamma of sodium channels following changes of the holding potential were calculated. Hyperpolarizing the membrane from VH = 0 to -28 mV increased N by a factor of 3.7, whereas gamma decreased by a factor of 0.53. These actions of holding potential on sodium channels develop slowly since 500 ms prepulses to 0 or -28 mV do not alter the values of N and gamma.  相似文献   

Summary The potency of members of the homologous series of alkanols to block22Na uptake through sodium channels stimulated by veratridine was studied in membrane vesicles obtained from lobster walking leg nerves. A cut-off was revealed at the level of 1-undecanol. However, secondary isomers of inactive primary homologues, such as 5-dodecanol and 5-tridecanol, were able to block ion flux. From the concentration required for an equipotent effect, it was calculated that the standard free energy for adsorption of primary alkanols is –725 cal/mol CH2. Furthermore, since the concentration required for an equipotent effect for primary isomer was found to be lower than that obtained for secondary isomers, it is concluded that the latter are less potent than the former. The similarity between this set of results and those obtained in intact frog sciatic nerve (J. Requena et al.,J. Membrane Biol. 84:229–238, 1985) offers further support to the notion that the procedure employed to isolate the membrane vesicles does preserve the Na channels. However, the mechanism of alcohol inhibition of the Na channel in isolated membrane vesicles would seem to be somewhat different from that preferred in axons. While in vesicles the block needs to be thought in terms of a reduction in the number of conducting Na channel, in axons this is considered to be the less likely mode of action, mainly because under veratridine it is not possible to invoke a shift in the steady-state activation or inactivation.  相似文献   

Pharmacological modifications of the sodium channels of frog nerve   总被引:37,自引:19,他引:18  
Voltage clamp measurements on myelinated nerve fibers show that tetrodotoxin, saxitoxin, and DDT specifically affect the sodium channels of the membrane. Tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin render the sodium channels impermeable to Na ions and to Li ions and probably prevent the opening of individual sodium channels when one toxin molecule binds to a channel. The apparent dissociation constant of the inhibitory complex is about 1 nM for the cationic forms of both toxins. The zwitter ionic forms are much less potent. On the other hand, DDT causes a fraction of the sodium channels that open during a depolarization to remain open for a longer time than is normal. The effect cannot be described as a specific change in sodium inactivation or as a specific change in sodium activation, for both processes continue to govern the opening of the sodium channels and neither process is able to close the channels. The effects of DDT are very similar to those of veratrine.  相似文献   

(1) The interaction of a series of pyrethroid insecticides with the Na+ channels in myelinated nerve fibres of the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was investigated using the voltage clamp technique. (2) Out of 11 pyrethroids 9 insecticidally active compounds induce a slowly decaying Na+ tail current on termination of a step depolarization, whereas the Na+ current during depolarization was hardly affected. These tail currents are most readily explained by a selective reduction of the rate of closing of the activation gate in a fraction of the Na+ channels that have opened during depolarization. (3) The rate of decay of the Na+ tail current varies considerably with pyrethroid structure. After alpha-cyano pyrethroids the decay is at least one order of magnitude slower than after non-cyano pyrethroids. The decay always follows a single-exponential time course and is reversibly slowed when the temperature is lowered from 25 to 0 degrees C. Arrhenius plots in this temperature range are linear. (4) These results indicate that the relaxation of the activation gate in pyrethroid-affected Na+ channels is governed by an apparent first order, unimolecular process and that the rate of relaxation is limited by a single energy barrier. Application of transition state theory shows that after alpha-cyano pyrethroids this energy barrier is 9.6 kJ/mol higher than after non-cyano pyrethroids. (5) Differences in rate of decay of the Na+ tail current account for the reported differences in repetitive nerve activity induced by various pyrethroids. In addition, the effect of temperature on the rate of decay explains the increase in repetitive activity with cooling.  相似文献   

Currents through batrachotoxin-modified sodium channels were measured by the voltage clamp method on the Ranvier node membrane. In experiments with replacement of Na+ in the external solution by K+ or NH 4 + the following series of permeabilities, determined as reversal potentials according to the equation of a static field, was obtained — PNa: \(P_{NH_4 }\) :PK=1:0.47:0.19. The relative permeability for H+ was determined by measuring currents after replacement of Na+ in the external solution by nonpenetrating choline ions and lowering pH to 3.7–3.8. The ratio pH/pNa for sodium channels modified by batrachotoxin averaged 528±46. Modified channels were less sensitive to the blocking action of H+ than normal sodium channels. The difference in the effective values of pK of the acid group of normal and modified channels was 0.40–0.45.  相似文献   

The ionic currents of the nodal membrane were measured under voltage clamp conditions. The membrane being +40 mv. The replacing of the external Na+-ions to K+- and NH4+-ions have showed that the relative pearmeabilities of the veratrine-modified channels calculated from the constant field theory are arranged in the following row: PNa:PK:PNH4 = 1:0.29:0.61, which differs from the same row for the normal channels. The decreasing of the slope of current-voltage relations of the modified channels with the replacing of Na+-ions to K+- and NH4+-ions is the evidence of a more strong binding of these ions to external mouth of the modified channel compared to the binding of Na+-ions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the majority of mongrel dogs have platelets that do not aggregate when stirred with sodium arachidonate, but respond normally to other aggregating agents. Here we have created a model in which human platelets mimic the unusual behavior of canine cells. Brief exposure of human platelets to low concentrations of prostacyclin will convert them to a physiologic state resembling that of canine platelets without causing elevation of intracellular levels of cAMP. Studies on the conversion of arachidonic acid showed that prostacyclin did not cause any inhibition of thromboxane B2 generation. Exposure of prostacyclin treated platelets to epinephrine restored their sensitivity to arachidonate without causing any detectable changes in levels of cAMP. The selective inhibition achieved by PGI2 could be mimicked by the endoperoxide analog, U44069, a thromboxane inhibitor, U-51605, and an endoperoxide/thromboxane receptor blocker, 13-APA. Inhibition induced by these compounds was also reversed by epinephrine. A calcium channel blocker, verapamil, and an alpha blocker, dihydroergocryptine, effectively blocked the corrective influence of epinephrine on prostacyclin-treated platelets. Results of these studies show that catecholamines and prostaglandin receptors share close sites on the membrane and exhibit a degree of cooperativity in calcium modulation. Dog platelets that do not respond to products of AA metabolism and the human platelets made to behave like canine platelets may have a defect in calcium mobilization and this defect is corrected by adrenalin through an alpha receptor modulation.  相似文献   

In TTX-sensitive nerve and skeletal muscle Na+ channels, selective modification of external carboxyl groups with trimethyloxonium (TMO) or water-soluble carbodiimide (WSC) prevents voltage-dependent Ca2+ block, reduces unitary conductance, and decreases guanidinium toxin affinity. In the case of TMO, it has been suggested that all three effects result from modification of a single carboxyl group, which causes a positive shift in the channel's surface potential. We studied the effect of these reagents on Ca2+ block of adult rabbit ventricular Na+ channels in cell-attached patches. In unmodified channels, unitary conductance (gamma Na) was 18.6 +/- 0.9 pS with 280 mM Na+ and 2 mM Ca2+ in the pipette and was reduced to 5.2 +/- 0.8 pS by 10 mM Ca2+. In contrast to TTX-sensitive Na+ channels, Ca2+ block of cardiac Na+ channels was not prevented by TMO; after TMO pretreatment, gamma Na was 6.1 +/- 1.0 pS in 10 mM Ca2+. Nevertheless, TMO altered cardiac Na+ channel properties. In 2 mM Ca2+, TMO-treated patches exhibited up to three discrete gamma Na levels: 15.3 +/- 1.7, 11.3 +/- 1.5, and 9.8 +/- 1.8 pS. Patch-to-patch variation in which levels were present and the absence of transitions between levels suggests that at least two sites were modified by TMO. An abbreviation of mean open time (MOT) accompanied each decrease in gamma Na. The effects on channel gating of elevating external Ca2+ differed from those of TMO pretreatment. Increasing pipette Ca2+ from 2 to 10 mM prolonged the MOT at potentials positive to approximately -35 mV by decreasing the open to inactivated (O-->I) transition rate constant. On the other hand, even in 10 mM Ca2+ TMO accelerated the O-->I transition rate constant without a change in its voltage dependence. Ensemble averages after TMO showed a shortening of the time to peak current and an acceleration of the rate of current decay. Channel modification with WSC resulted in analogous effects to those of TMO in failing to show relief from block by 10 mM Ca2+. Further, WSC caused a decrease in gamma Na and an abbreviation of MOT at all potentials tested. We conclude that a change in surface potential caused by a single carboxyl modification is inadequate to explain the effects of TMO and WSC in heart. Failure of TMO and WSC to prevent Ca2+ block of the cardiac Na+ channel is a new distinction among isoforms in the Na+ channel multigene family.  相似文献   

The displacement current was recorded in the Ranvier node membrane ofRana ridibunda. This current was shown to be due to conversion of charges from the initial state in which they were when a high negative voltage was present on the membrane into the final state. The dependence of the displacement charge on the membrane potential and state of activation of the sodium channels suggests that the displacement current is connected with activation of the m gates of the sodium channels. Considering the density of the displaced charges, the density of the sodium channels can be estimated to be 5000 channels/µ2.A. A. Ukhtomskii Institute of Physiology, A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 410–417, July–August, 1976.  相似文献   

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