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Information and its use by animals in evolutionary ecology   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Information is a crucial currency for animals from both a behavioural and evolutionary perspective. Adaptive behaviour relies upon accurate estimation of relevant ecological parameters; the better informed an individual, the better it can develop and adjust its behaviour to meet the demands of a variable world. Here, we focus on the burgeoning interest in the impact of ecological uncertainty on adaptation, and the means by which it can be reduced by gathering information, from both 'passive' and 'responsive' sources. Our overview demonstrates the value of adopting an explicitly informational approach, and highlights the components that one needs to develop useful approaches to studying information use by animals. We propose a quantitative framework, based on statistical decision theory, for analysing animal information use in evolutionary ecology. Our purpose is to promote an integrative approach to studying information use by animals, which is itself integral to adaptive animal behaviour and organismal biology.  相似文献   

Recent advances have brought new insight into the physiological mechanisms that enable birds and other animals to use magnetic fields for orientation. Many birds seem to have two magnetodetection senses, one based on magnetite near the beak and one based on light-dependent radical-pair processes in the bird's eye(s). Among the most exciting recent results are: first, behavioural responses of birds experiencing oscillating magnetic fields. Second, the occurrence of putative magnetosensory molecules, the cryptochromes, in the eyes of migratory birds. Third, detection of a brain area that integrates specialised visual input at night in night-migratory songbirds. Fourth, a putative magnetosensory cluster of magnetite in the upper beak. These and other recent findings have important implications for magnetoreception; however, many crucial open questions remain.  相似文献   

Time is a fundamental dimension of all biological events and it is often assumed that animals have the capacity to track the duration of experienced events (known as interval timing). Animals can potentially use temporal information as a cue during foraging, communication, predator avoidance, or navigation. Interval timing has been traditionally investigated in controlled laboratory conditions but its ecological relevance in natural environments remains unclear. While animals may time events in artificial and highly controlled conditions, they may not necessarily use temporal information in natural environments where they have access to other cues that may have more relevance than temporal information. Herein we critically evaluate the ecological contexts where interval timing has been suggested to provide adaptive value for animals. We further discuss attributes of interval timing that are rarely considered in controlled laboratory studies. Finally, we encourage consideration of ecological relevance when designing future interval-timing studies and propose future directions for such experiments.  相似文献   

Tool-use research has focused primarily on land-based animals, with less consideration given to aquatic animals and the environmental challenges and conditions they face. Here, we review aquatic tool use and examine the contributing ecological, physiological, cognitive and social factors. Tool use among aquatic animals is rare but taxonomically diverse, occurring in fish, cephalopods, mammals, crabs, urchins and possibly gastropods. While additional research is required, the scarcity of tool use can likely be attributable to the characteristics of aquatic habitats, which are generally not conducive to tool use. Nonetheless, studying tool use by aquatic animals provides insights into the conditions that promote and inhibit tool-use behaviour across biomes. Like land-based tool users, aquatic animals tend to find tools on the substrate and use tools during foraging. However, unlike on land, tool users in water often use other animals (and their products) and water itself as a tool. Among sea otters and dolphins, the two aquatic tool users studied in greatest detail, some individuals specialize in tool use, which is vertically socially transmitted possibly because of their long dependency periods. In all, the contrasts between aquatic- and land-based tool users enlighten our understanding of the adaptive value of tool-use behaviour.  相似文献   

The navigational strategies that are used by foraging ants and bees to reach a goal are similar to those of birds and mammals. Species from all these groups use path integration and memories of visual landmarks to navigate through familiar terrain. Insects have far fewer neural resources than vertebrates, so data from insects might be useful in revealing the essential components of efficient navigation. Recent work on ants and bees has uncovered a major role for associative links between long-term memories. We emphasize the roles of these associations in the reliable recognition of visual landmarks and the reliable performance of learnt routes. It is unknown whether such associations also provide insects with a map-like representation of familiar terrain. We suggest, however, that landmarks act primarily as signposts that tell insects what particular action they need to perform, rather than telling them where they are.  相似文献   

Summary Displaced juvenile alligators,Alligator mississipiensis, were released on land in a 9 m diameter dodecagonal arena to test their ability to orient in the absence of terrestrial landmarks. Navigational ability seemed to improve with age. When displaced along a fairly direct route yearlings (age 7–14 months) compensated for their displacement, moving in the direction from the arena to their home sites. When displaced by a circuitous route, yearlings failed to compensate for their displacement, exhibiting instead simple compass orientation in a direction that would have returned them to water had they been released on land near the site where they were captured. The older juveniles were oriented in a homeward direction under all displacement and test conditions.The latter animals may have been using geomagnetic map information to select their homeward directions as the errors in their homeward bearings correlated with small deviations in the geomagnetic field's dip angle at the time of the test (1980r s=–0.6047,P=0.0131, all testsr s= –0.4652,P=0.0084). This effect appeared to depend on a very short-term assessment of geomagnetic conditions, as values measured 20 min before or 30 min after the tests began did not correlate with the directions the animals moved. The older juveniles appeared to use magnetically quiet hours on the night of their capture as the baseline from which to measure the geomagnetic deviations that occurred at the time of the arena test. The magnitude of the magnetic effect in the older animals suggests that the geomagnetic information may have been used to perform a map step, as small fluctuations in dip angle correlated with much larger deviations in homeward bearings. In addition, the compass-oriented yearlings and the seemingly route-based behavior of the homeward-oriented yearlings did not appear to be influenced by geomagnetic conditions. These findings have many parallels in results obtained from bird orientation studies, providing evidence that navigation may share a common basis in different vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

In order to assess the usefulness of oxygen-17, a stable isotope of oxygen, oxygen-17, was administered to rats for studying cerebral oxygen utilization, and the produced metabolic water was detected by 17O-NMR spectroscopy in vitro and an 1H-NMR imaging system in vivo. In the vitro study, the increment in signal amplitude of oxygen-17 was observed in the brain extracted from rats that inhaled oxygen-17 gas. The in vivo study demonstrated that there were changes in the 1H-NMR image intensity of brain of rats that inhaled oxygen-17 gas. These facts indicate that oxygen-17 can serve as a tracer in the study of cerebral oxygen utilization.  相似文献   

The barometric method is a common technique for measurements of pulmonary ventilation in unrestrained animals. It basically consists of recording the changes in chamber pressure generated during breathing. In fact, as the air inspired is warmed and humidified from the ambient to the pulmonary values, the total pressure in the animal chamber increases; the opposite occurs in expiration. The present commentary is an introduction to this method, briefly reviewing its historical development, the conceptual pitfalls, and potential sources of errors during practical applications.  相似文献   

目的:观察早期帕金森病(PD)大鼠脑内胶质细胞的免疫反应活性改变。方法:采用6-羟多巴胺(6-OHDA)制备PD早期大鼠模型,实验动物分为早期PD组和对照组。实验动物进行阿朴吗啡诱发旋转运动测试后,进行迈步实验的测试。免疫组织化学观察早期PD发病大鼠脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞的免疫反应活性改变。结果:早期PD动物在30 min内旋转次数小于7r/min,迈步实验中,与对照组相比,早期PD动物在左前肢从开始迈步至返回鼠笼所需要的总时间和所迈的步数没有明显差异;PD早期大鼠脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞的免疫反应活性明显增高。结论:早期PD大鼠尽管行为学上没有明显异常改变,但其脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞出现异常改变,这可能参与早期PD大鼠发病过程。  相似文献   

Martinic G 《Lab animal》2011,40(10):319-322
Uncontrolled hemorrhage is the most common preventable cause of death for soldiers wounded in combat. In live-tissue trauma training (LTTT), animals (mostly goats and pigs) are used to train physicians and paramedical personnel in how to treat severe traumatic injuries, including severe blood loss. Military personnel insist that such realistic training is necessary and has to date saved countless lives of soldiers. Animal rights groups, however, argue that the practice is inhumane and should be replaced with alternative methods. In this essay, the author explains how and why animals are used for LTTT and in military medical research (MMR), as well as why he feels that the continued use of animals for LTTT and MMR is justified. The author hopes to encourage wider discussion of this topic within the scientific, defense and animal welfare circles, leading to further refinements in the welfare and protection of animals used for these important, though often controversial, purposes.  相似文献   

We assessed diel animal habitat use in three shallow ponds, using unbaited funnel traps, a large column sampler, and sweep net collections in the upper stratum (0–0.3 m) of littoral and open habitats. In all three ponds, more animals were caught at night than during the day, indicating that use of near-surface waters was greatest at night, particularly in the fishless ponds. All methods yielded similar patterns. Our results demonstrate that nocturnal observations of pond animals are necessary to describe their ecology, even in fishless ponds where diel differences in habitat use or behavior might not be anticipated.  相似文献   

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