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Based on morphological and genetic evidence we evaluated the taxonomic status of a newly discovered forest-dwelling population of skink(genus Scincella)from the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia. From phylogenetic analysis of a668-bp fragment of the mt DNA COI and diagnostic morphological characters we allocate the newly discovered population to the Scincella reevesii–S.rufocaudata species complex and describe it as Scincella nigrofasciata sp. nov. The new skink species can be distinguished from all other Southeast Asian congeners by the following combination of morphological characters: snout-vent length(SVL)40.0–52.6 mm; relative tail length(TaL/SVL ratio)1.25–1.94; prefrontals in broad contact; infralabials 6;primary temporals 2; relative forelimb length(FIL/SVL ratio) 0.20–0.22; relative hindlimb length(HIL/SVL ratio) 0.30–0.33; relative forearm length(FoL/SVL ratio) 0.14–0.16; adpressed forelimbs and hind limbs either overlapping(0.4–2.2 mm) or separated(1.9–2.3 mm); midbody scale rows 32–33, paravertebral scales69–74, vertebral scales 65–69; dorsal scales between dorsolateral stripes 8; comparatively slender fingers and toes, subdigital lamellae under fourth toe 15–17;dark discontinuous regular dorsal stripes 5–7; distinct black dorsolateral stripes, narrowing to lateral sides and extending to 52%–86% of total tail length. We provide additional information on the holotype of Scincella rufocaudata(Darevsky Nguyen, 1983), and provide evidence for the species status of Scincella rupicola. Our discovery brings the number of Scincella species in Cambodia to five and emphasizes the incompleteness of knowledge on the herpetofaunal diversity of this country.  相似文献   

Although the events of spermiogenesis are commonly studied in amniotes, the amount of research available for lizards (Sauria) is lacking. Many studies have described the morphological characteristics of mature spermatozoa in lizards, but few detail the ultrastructural changes that occur during spermiogenesis. The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the subcellular events of spermiogenesis within the temperate ground skink (Scincella laterale). The morphological data presented here represent the first complete ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis within the Scincidae clade. Samples of testes from 20 specimens were prepared using standard techniques for transmission electron microscopy. Many of the ultrastructural changes occurring during spermiogenesis within the ground skink are similar to that of other saurians. However, there were a few unique characteristics that to date have not been described during spermiogenesis in other lizards. For example, during early round spermatid development within the ground skink testis, proacrosomal granules begin to form within the acrosomal vesicle before making contact with the apex of the nucleus. Also, a prominent microtubular manchette develops during spermiogenesis; however, the circular component of the manchete is absent in this species of skink. This developmental difference in manchette formation may lead to the more robust and straight mature spermatozoa that are common within the Scincidae family. These anatomical character differences may be valuable nontraditional sources that along with more traditional sources (i.e., mitochondrial DNA) may help elucidate phylogenetic relationships, which are historically considered controversial at best, among species within Scincidae and Sauria.  相似文献   

In the present study, relationships among three genera Acontias, Acontophiops, and Typhlosaurus, that comprise the South African limbless lizard subfamily Acontinae, were assessed with partial sequences of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA gene. In addition, relationships within Acontias were further investigated using sequence data from the cytochrome oxidase I gene (COI). Maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses of the 16S rRNA mtDNA data revealed that within this subfamily, Typhlosaurus is basal while Acontophiops and Acontias are sister taxa. Based on the 16S rRNA mtDNA data, the relationships within Acontias placed A. meleagris orientalis as the sister taxon of A. percivali tasmani, with A. m. orientalis lineacauda morph and A. m. meleagrus being the sister taxa to this group. The small-bodied skinks A. lineatus lineatus and A. l. tristis formed a monophyletic group, with the medium-bodied species A. gracilicauda gracilicauda being their sister taxon. Analyses of the COI gene for Acontias place A. m. orientalis as the sister taxon of A. p. tasmani with both A. meleagris meleagris and A. m. orientalis lineacauda being distinct. In contrast to the 16S rRNA mtDNA data, the COI data placed A. g. gracilicauda as the sister taxon to these medium-bodied species; while the subspecies status of the small-bodied taxa A. l. lineatus and A. l. tristis is reaffirmed. Combined analysis of both gene fragments for Acontias taxa recovered the same clades as found using only COI data. Systematic affinities in Acontias are discussed. These results indicate that Acontias is more species rich than previously thought.  相似文献   

Mature squamates possess hypertrophied regions of the distal urinary ducts, the renal sexual segment (RSS). The RSS is believed to provide seminal fluid that mixes with sperm and is released into the female cloaca during coitus. This study is the first to describe ultrastructure of the RSS in a lizard collected throughout the active season. The species examined, Scincella laterale, represents the largest family (Scincidae: 1,200 species) of lizards. Although sperm are present in the posterior ductus deferens of male S. laterale throughout the year, an annual spermatogenic cycle occurs that results in spermiation in spring, coinciding with maximum development of the RSS. Female S. laterale may possess stored sperm in vaginal crypts from March-May and large oviductal eggs April-June. Thus, the correlation between mating and RSS activity observed in other squamates is also found in S. laterale. Cytologically, the active RSS consists of columnar cells with numerous apical, electron-dense secretory vacuoles which are released by an apocrine process. The granules stain positively for proteins with bromphenol blue and react with PAS for neutral carbohydrates. After the mating season the RSS undergoes recrudescence and the electron-dense granules are replaced by a mucoid secretion that characterizes more proximal portions of the nephric tubules throughout the year. Little variation in ultrastructure of the RSS occurs between S. laterale and Cnemidophorus lemniscatus (Teiidae), the only other lizard in which seasonal variation of the RSS has been studied using similar methods. Females exhibit differentiation similar to that of males in the distal urinary tubules, but to a lesser degree. This is only the second such report for female squamates, and the differentiation of the region in females is proposed to result from adrenal androgens.  相似文献   

Variable morphological characters have obscured genealogical relationships in the Cape fossorial skink Acontias meleagris meleagris species complex. Currently the species complex contains four dubious operational taxonomic units (A. meleagris meleagris, A. m. orientalis, A. percivali tasmani and the morph lineicauda) with poorly defined species boundaries. In the present study we examine the evolutionary relationships within the species complex by sampling 24 skink populations from the known geographical distribution in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa, representing a total of 119 specimens. We used partial sequence data derived from two mitochondrial DNA genes, 16S rRNA and COI, and one nuclear DNA gene, intron β‐fibrinogen (β‐fibint 7), to examine evolutionary relationships. Phylogenetic relationships were determined using both Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) from the combined mtDNA, nDNA and the total evidence data. Additionally we employed Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses on the total evidence data that comprised ~1.5 kb. Topologies derived from the combined mtDNA analyses were congruent with the total evidence analyses (mtDNA + nDNA) and retrieved five major clades with strong statistical support inferred from bootstrapping and posterior probabilities. The five clades were genealogically and geographically exclusive, diagnostic at both the mtDNA and nDNA level and characterized by pronounced sequence divergence, with no shared haplotypes between clades. Collectively these results suggest the presence of five putative cryptic operational taxonomic units within the A. meleagris meleagris species complex. Constraining the traditionally recognized taxa always retrieved a statistically worse topology suggesting that considerable taxonomic revision is required. Our results indicate that traditional morphological characters need to be reassessed to define the five novel lineages in the A. meleagris meleagris species complex. The phylogeographic pattern for the fossorial skinks we retrieved was novel compared to phylogeographic studies for codistributed above ground living taxa. These results suggest that the abiotic and biotic factors that impact subterranean taxa may differ from supraterranean taxa.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from three mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b, 16S rRNA and 12S rRNA genes) were used to infer the evolutionary history of several insular and mainland populations of the Greek legless skink (Ophiomorus punctatissimus), covering most of its distributional range. All phylogenetic analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. These trees support two O. punctatissimus clades, which are geographically separated (west and east of the mid-Aegean trench). The assumption of a clock-like evolution could not be rejected, and thus a local clock was calibrated for the O. punctatissimus lineages. The non-overlapping geographic distributions of the major clades suggest a spatial and temporal sequence of diversification that coincides with paleogeographic separations during the geological history of the Aegean region. It seems that O. punctatissimus is an old eastern Mediterranean species that has been differentiating in this region at least from middle Miocene. It is possible that the ancestral form of O. punctatissimus invaded the Aegean region from Anatolia before the complete formation of the mid-Aegean trench, when the Aegean was still a uniform landmass, while other vicariant events have led to its present distribution.  相似文献   


We have completed a taxonomic revision of the New Zealand marbled skink (Cyclodina oliveri) species complex. Morphological analyses and mitochondrial sequence data (ND2, ND4, Cytochrome b; Total 1933 bp) are used to describe a new taxon (commonly known as the “Mokohinau” skink) and redefine C. oliveri. The morphological and molecular data indicate that C. oliveri is distributed on the Poor Knights Islands, Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The new species is restricted to the Mokohinau Islands, Hen and Chickens group, Little Barrier Island and Great Barrier Island. Our data demonstrate that there is no support for the separation of the Poor Knights Islands population of C. oliveri from those on the Mercury Islands and Aldermen Islands. The genetic data indicate that C. whitakeri is part of the C. oliveri species group. Divergence time estimates indicate that the C. oliveri species complex diverged during the late‐Miocene, with further divergences among island groups in C. oliveri including the origin of the new taxon during the late‐Pliocene and mid‐Pleistocene. We present a diagnostic key for Cyclodina.  相似文献   

Kurilonema browni n. sp. is described on the basis of specimens found in the lungs of the scincid lizard Sphenomorphus abdictus aquilonius from Aurora Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The new species differs from Kurilonema markovi, the only previously known species in the genus, by the presence of 2 prominent lateral pseudolabia, larger body size, shorter tail length relative to total body length, and more numerous eggs in the uteri, containing fully developed larvae. The inner surface of the buccal capsule in the new species is densely covered with rounded scales that have not been observed in K. markovi or any other rhabdiasid species. This is the first record of the genus from the Philippines.  相似文献   

Geographic differentiation of the Japanese skink ( Plestiodon japonicus ) throughout the entire Japanese main islands was surveyed using two DNA markers, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and an internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal genes (ITS-1). Both of the markers concordantly demonstrated geographically discontinuous differentiation between three genetic lineages: the northeastern, central and western lineages. Little to no gene flow occurs between the western and central lineages despite their parapatric distribution suggesting an existence of reproductive isolation despite no known morphological and ecological dissimilarities. On the other hand, the geographic ranges of the northeastern and central lineages are partially separated by a wide area occupied by genetically intermediate type having northeastern mtDNA and central ITS-1. The current data imply that the intermediate type was established by past secondary hybridization between the northeastern and central lineages. Although current gene flow status between the northeastern and central lineages should be elaborated by further data, at least the divergence between the central and western lineages should be maintained by reproductive isolation and therefore taxonomic revision of the species is desired.  相似文献   

Ovarian structure and folliculogenesis of females at different reproductive stages are described for the viviparous placentotrophic lizard Mabuya mabouya. The small ovaries have a thin wall formed by the ovarian epithelium and a thin tunica albuginea. One to two germinal beds that contain numerous oogonia and developing primordial follicles are derived from the ovarian epithelium and are next to the ovarian hilum. The ovarian cortex contains follicles at different stages of development, corpora lutea, and atretic follicles. The yolk nucleus and Balbiani complex were not evident in the ooplasm of previtellogenic follicles. The follicular epithelium of these follicles is polymorphic, as in other species of Squamata, but the larger cells are spherical and monolayered rather than pyriform. The zona radiata of the preovulatory follicles is less developed than in lecithotrophic species. These features suggest a decrease in metabolic and absorptive processes during follicular growth. In preovulatory follicles (1.5-1.8 mm diameter), primordial yolk vacuoles and small cortical granules are deposited in the ooplasm instead of fatty yolk platelets, so that only one stage of vitellogenesis is observed. Polyovular atretic follicles occur in some females. Follicular atresia is minimal for preovulatory follicles, but is more frequent in follicles with polymorphic epithelia. In the corpus luteum, the luteal tissue is formed from granulosa cells and luteolysis occurs during the late gastrula -- late neurula embryonic stages. Thus, the maintenance of gestation from the pharyngula to preparturition stages seems to be related to secretion of extraluteal progesterone, possibly of placental origin. These observed ovarian features are related to the high degree of placental complexity of this species and show that the evolution of advanced placentotrophy in species of this lineage has been accompanied by concomitant changes in ovarian function.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of female ground skinks, Scincella laterale, collected at various times throughout their reproductive cycle were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Examination of the tracts revealed that sperm are retained in the posterior vagina after mating but prior to the ovulation of oocytes. The sperm are not sequestered in specialized glands but occur in scattered clusters in the lumen or among the deep, narrow rugae. The simple columnar lining of the vagina consists mostly of ciliated cells interspersed with occasional secretory cells. After ovulation, as indicated by the presence of eggs in the uterus, sperm are not found in the vagina. No sperm or sperm storage tubules occur in the infundibulum, the characteristic location for sperm storage in scleroglossid squamates that have been studied. Our results are a further indication that too few species have been examined to construct a rigorous phylogenetic hypothesis about the occurrence of sperm storage tubules in lizards.  相似文献   

We compared the eye anatomy of the scotopic fossorial Acontias orientalis, Acontias rieppeli and Typhlosaurus vermis with that of the photopic surface-living Trachylepis punctatissima, with particular reference to the retina. The findings were compared with published data on gecko species (Röll, 2001), to determine whether similar trends existed. The vestigial eye of T. vermis was not comparable with that of the other three skink species. The findings in A. orientalis, A. rieppeli and T. punctatissima were as follows: (a) A. rieppeli lacked a conus papillaris, (b) A. orientalis, A. rieppeli and Tpunctatissima were pure-cone species but lacked a fovea, (c) estimated cone density in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli was lower than that in Tpunctatissima, (d) the ellipsoid cone segment was smaller and the paraboloid segment larger in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli with the reverse in Tpunctatissima, (e) VCL%, ONL%, OPL% and GCL% in A. orientalis and A. rieppeli were significantly greater than that of Tpunctatissima, (f) INL% and IPL% in T. punctatissima was significantly greater, and (g) T. punctatissima had abundant Müller cells and fibres. Findings in the gecko species were congruent with those of the three skink species of the present study.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken as a prerequisite to investigations on tooth differentiation in a squamate, the Canarian scincid Chalcides. Our main goal was to determine whether the pattern of tooth replacement, known to be regular in lizards, could be helpful to predict accurately any stage of tooth development. A growth series of 20 laboratory-reared specimens, aged from 0.5 month after birth to about 6 years, was used. The dentition (functional and replacement teeth) was studied from radiographs of jaw quadrants. The number of tooth positions, the tooth number in relation to age and to seasons, and the size of the replacement teeth were recorded. In Chalcides, a single row of pleurodont functional teeth lies at the labial margin of the dentary, premaxillary, and maxillary. Whatever the age of the specimens, 16 tooth positions were recorded, on average, in each quadrant, suggesting that positions are maintained throughout life. Replacement teeth were numerous whatever the age and season, while the number of functional teeth was subject to variation. Symmetry of tooth development was evaluated by comparing teeth two by two from the opposite side in the four jaw quadrants of several specimens. Although the relative size of some replacement teeth fitted perfectly, the symmetry criterion was not reliable to predict the developmental stage of the opposite tooth, whether the pair of teeth compared was left-right or upper-lower. The best fit was found when comparing the size of successive replacement teeth from the front to the back of the jaw. Every replacement tooth that is 40-80% of its definitive size is followed, in the next position on the arcade, by a tooth that is, on average, 20% less developed. Considering teeth in alternate positions (even and odd series), each replacement tooth was a little more developed than the previous, more anterior, one (0.5-20% when the teeth are from 10-40% of their final size). The latter pattern showed that tooth replacement occurred in alternate positions from back to front, forming more or less regular rows (i.e., "Zahnreihen"). In Chalcides, the developmental stage of a replacement tooth in a position p can be accurately predicted provided the developmental stage of the replacement tooth in position p-1 or, to a lesser degree, in position p-2 is known. This finding will be particularly helpful when starting our structural and ultrastructural studies of tooth differentiation in this lizard.  相似文献   

《Zoologischer Anzeiger》2009,248(4):273-283
The limbs of the three-toed skink Chalcides chalcides are reduced to such a degree that the three digits are too small for skeletochronology. This study, performed on animals collected near Isernia (central Italy), describes the structure of the caudal vertebrae, which are often naturally lost due to autotomy, in order to determine whether they can be used to obtain data on age and growth with skeletochronological techniques. The reliability of the autotomous caudal vertebrae for skeletochronology was verified by performing skeletochronological analyses also on femora. Although the identification of the lines of arrested growth (LAGs) was easier in femora than in autotomous caudal vertebrae, a high correspondence of the LAG count between the two bones was observed. Females were larger and lived longer than males (4 and 3 years, respectively). For both sexes, the snout vent length (SVL) was significantly correlated with age. For both sexes, sexual maturity was attained after two hibernations from birth, beginning at the 20th month of age. At first reproduction, males had an SVL of 91–106 mm and females one of 111–150 mm. Von Bertalanffy growth curves of age versus SVL showed that females had slower growth rates than males for attaining their asymptotic SVL (females: 197 mm; males: 143 mm). The results provide the first data on age and growth of C. chalcide, and show that autotomous caudal vertebrae are reliable alternatives for obtaining such data for limb-reduced reptiles, avoiding the need to sacrifice or disable animals, as occurs when long bones are used.  相似文献   

Analysis of the structure and physiology of the uterine incubation chambers of viviparous squamates has provided insight concerning adaptations for gestation. However, the literature addressing the biology of the interembryonic regions of the uterus is very limited, presumably because it has been assumed that this area has little role in the development and support of embryos in viviparous squamates. This study was undertaken to examine the histology of the interembryonic regions of Mabuya brachypoda, a viviparous lizard with microlecithal ova and consequently substantial matrotrophic activity. The incubation chambers are oval, distended zones of the uterus, adjacent to the interembryonic regions. The wall of the interembryonic regions includes: mucosa, formed by a cuboidal or columnar epithelium with ciliated and nonciliated cells, and a lamina propria of vascularized connective tissue containing abundant acinar glands; myometrial smooth muscle consisting of inner circular and outer longitudinal layers; and serosa. The segment of the interembryonic region adjacent to the incubation chamber forms a transitional segment that displays folds of the mucosa that protrude into the uterine lumen. The limit of the incubation chamber is well defined by the long mucosal folds of the transitional segment. Long and thin extensions of extraembryonic membranes are present in the lumen of the transitional segment, outside of the incubation chamber region. The presence of abundant uterine glands and extraembryonic membranes in the interembryonic regions during gestation suggests uterine secretory activity and histotrophic transfer of nutrients to embryos in these regions.  相似文献   

Sequence data derived from two mitochondrial markers, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes, were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of 38 populations of the snake-eyed skinks of the genus Ablepharus with emphasis on A. kitaibelii from Greece and Turkey. The partition-homogeneity tests indicated that the combined data set was homogeneous, and maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian analyses produced topologically identical trees that revealed a well-resolved phylogeny. All species except A. kitaibelii form monophyletic units. The latter species appears paraphyletic with respect to A. budaki and A. chernovi with populations clustering into two distinct clades. A. chernovi and A. budaki, which have recently been raised to species status, were confirmed as genetically distinct forms. We used sequence divergence and paleogeographic history of the Aegean region to reconstruct a biogeographic evolutionary scenario for A. kitaibelii.  相似文献   

Miralles, A., Vasconcelos, R., Perera, A., Harris, D. J. & Carranza, S. (2010). An integrative taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean skinks (Squamata, Scincidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 16–44. A comprehensive taxonomic revision of the Cape Verdean skinks is proposed based on an integrative approach combining (i) a phylogenetic study pooling all the previously published molecular data, (ii) new population genetic analyses using mitochondrial and nuclear data resulting from additional sampling, together with (iii) a morphological study based on an extensive examination of the scalation and colour patterns of 516 live and museum specimens, including most of the types. All Cape Verdean species of skinks presently recognised, formerly regarded as members of the genera Mabuya Fitzinger, 1826 and Macroscincus Bocage, 1873 are considered as members of the Cape Verdean endemic genus Chioninia Gray, 1845. The new phylogeny and networks obtained are congruent with the previously published phylogenetic studies, although suggesting older colonization events (between 11.6 and 0.8 Myr old), and indicate the need for taxonomic changes. Intraspecific diversity has been analysed and points to a very recent expansion of Chioninia delalandii on the southern islands and its introduction on Maio, to a close connection between Chioninia stangeri island populations due to Pleistocene sea‐level falls and to a generally low haplotypic diversity due to the ecological and geological characteristics of the archipelago. Three new consistent morphological synapomorphies supporting two of the four main clades of the genus have been identified. The complex taxonomic status of Euprepes fogoensis O’Shaughnessy, 1874 has been resolved and a lectotype has been designated for this species; Chioninia fogoensis nicolauensis (Schleich, 1987) is elevated to species rank, whereas Chioninia fogoensis antaoensis (Schleich, 1987) is now regarded as a junior subjective synonym of C. fogoensis. Additionally, one new subspecies of Chioninia vaillanti and two of Chioninia spinalis are described (Chioninia vaillanti xanthotis ssp. n., Chioninia spinalis santiagoensis ssp. n. and Chioninia spinalis boavistensis ssp. n.) and a lectotype has been designated for Mabuia spinalis Boulenger, 1906. Finally, an identification key for the Chioninia species is presented.  相似文献   

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