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荒漠沙蜥血糖浓度的昼夜变动及季节性变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内外对爬行动物蛇类血糖浓度的季节性变化研究已有许多报道(Carmichael等,1945;Coluson等,1953;Miller等,1958;Sidorkiewicz等,1974;王培潮,1983,1991;吴瑞敏等,1985),但对蜥蜴的此类研究很少,国外见于Dessauer(1970)等。荒漠沙蜥Phrynocephalusprzewalskii是我国特有的蜥蜴种类,是典型的外热动物,它的许多生理活动都受季节性变化的影响。血糖作为蜥蜴生理活动的重要能源,在昼夜节律和季节性节律活动中,有何…  相似文献   

爬行动物的体温依赖于外界热环境的变化,本研究以荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)为对象,收集其冬眠前活动期间的体温与地面和离地10 cm的空气温度,研究爬行动物体温节律性变化与环境温度的关系.研究结果表明,荒漠沙蜥在环境温度高于20℃后开始外出活动,其体温随着地面温度和空气温度的上升而逐步...  相似文献   

对2008年4~6月在甘肃省甘塘、阿拉善左旗、民勤、山丹采集的荒漠沙蜥样本进行了食物两性差异的研究。主要采用剖胃法对219个荒漠沙蜥胃样的6021个食物做了识别和鉴定。结果表明,荒漠沙蜥的食性为动物性,食物多为昆虫,主要取食半翅目和膜翅目昆虫,尤其是长蝽科和蚁科(合计高于70%),取食猎物的体积大小集中在0.01~20mm3。4个种群的沙蜥对长蝽科昆虫均表现为正向选择,部分种群对蚁科昆虫表现负向选择。可能是因为沙蜥有食物选择性,对长蝽科昆虫取食较多,对拟步甲科摄食较少。较多地取食蚂蚁则是因为生境中喜好食物较少,而蚁科昆虫数量多,遇见率也较高。荒漠沙蜥雌雄个体食物生态位重叠度极高,但是卡方检验的结果却表明两性在食物组成和食物大小存在显著差异。由于雌雄个体对同种食物有相同的选择性,因此导致两性在食物组成和食物大小上存在显著差异的原因可能是雄性家域范围更大,对食物有更多选择。  相似文献   

温度对荒漠沙蜥心脏活动影响的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文通过描记不同温度下荒漠沙晰(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)的心电图(ECG),对其心脏活动进行了分析研究。结果表明:随实验温度的升高,其心电图中各间期的持续时间相应地缩短;温度和各间期值呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。在一个心动周期中,温度的变化,对房室传导时间和静息期的影响最大,而对心室去极化与复极化的时程影响较小。随实验温度的升高,心率随之加快,其因素在于心动周期中静息期和房室传导时间相对值的缩短。  相似文献   

Liu CJ  Zhao W  Zhou R  Liu NF 《动物学研究》2012,33(2):127-132
荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus przewalskii)是一种进化地位至今存在争议的沙漠蜥蜴,该文基于12个不同地理种群119号荒漠沙蜥样本线粒体基因组ND2序列,在分析其系统进化历史的同时,研究了不同环境因素对其遗传多样性的影响。结果发现,12个地理种群聚类成3个明显的分枝,变色沙蜥(P.versicolor)和A枝处于与B、C两枝并列的位置。所调查种群的遗传多样性存在显著的地理变异,分析显示纬度、降雨和降雨变异对种群的遗传多样性都存在影响:随纬度升高、降雨增加,或降雨变异增加,种群遗传多样性均有下降趋势。推测纬度可能通过影响降雨和降雨变异对遗传多样性产生作用。  相似文献   

环境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文研究人类改造荒漠的活动,植被,潜在的可利用的食物资源,竞争种的密度,土壤理化性质等坏境因子对荒漠沙蜥种群密度的影响。结果说明:人类的活动对沙蜥种群密度没有显著影响;决定沙蜥种群密度的主导因子是潜在的可利用的食物资源,植被,土壤含水量,竞争种的密度。这些因子的任何改变都能改变沙蜥的种群密度,均具有调节种群的作用。  相似文献   

为研究荒漠沙蜥胚胎发育的温度适应性,我们设定了3个温度(26℃、30℃、34℃)孵化荒漠沙蜥受精卵,并在胚胎孵化过程中对胚胎代谢和心率、新生幼体的形态学特征和幼体静止代谢率的温度适应性进行了研究。结果显示,随着卵的发育,荒漠沙蜥的胚胎代谢率和心率逐渐上升,在孵化后期达到最大;胚胎的心率对孵化温度具有较高的敏感性,随环境温度上升心率显著加快。孵化温度对荒漠沙蜥新生幼体的部分形态学指标有显著影响,26℃下孵化的荒漠沙蜥幼体体型较大。新生幼体的代谢率均比胚胎代谢率高,且不同温度下孵出的幼体其热适应性有较大差异,30℃组孵化出的新生幼体代谢水平最低。我们推测幼体在与孵化温度相同的环境下消耗较少的能量便可保证基本的生理活动需求;相反,个体需要消耗更多的能量才能适应从胚胎到幼体的不同生活史阶段的环境温度变化。  相似文献   

银杏叶中聚戊烯醇含量及其季节性变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
银杏 (GinkgobilobaL .)叶中聚戊烯醇 (polyprenols)含量较高[1] ,聚戊烯醇在人体中是多萜醇的中间体[2 ] ,对细胞膜糖蛋白生物合成具有重要作用[3 ] ,用于多发性硬化症 (痛风 ,红斑狼疮等 )等免疫功能疾病、糖尿病、慢性肝炎及肿瘤病人化疗的辅助治疗  相似文献   

本文给出了两次标志重捕所获得的荒漠沙蜥体长的资料。由中国西北腾格里荒漠1985年标志重捕的182个个体体长与被捕时间的关系,我们发现不同体长的个体形成离散的体长区间,根据体长区间又可以推断各组对应的年龄。各年龄组的体长区间为:1—6月,一龄组无被捕个体,二龄组35—54毫米,三龄组55—65毫米,四龄组66—70毫米,五龄组大于70毫米;7—12月,一龄组小于42毫米,二龄组43—56毫米,三龄组57—67毫米,四和五龄组同前。我们用兰州大学校园内持续5年的第二次标志重捕资料验证了根据体长来划分荒漠沙蜥的年龄组是合理的。由低龄组到高龄组,各组体长日平均增长率逐渐降低且组间差异极显著(P<0.01)。以6月作为时间间隔,对第一次标志重捕资料用生命表方法分析的结果显示,年龄为0—6月的个体平均预期寿命是16.7月;存活曲线介于对角线型和长方形之间,该种群密度1985年后保持稳定。  相似文献   

采用免疫组织化学技术研究了在强光照和全黑暗条件下荒漠沙蜥(Phrynocephalus prezewalskic)视网膜内生长相关蛋白GAP-43的表达变化。结果表明,在正常光照条件下,视网膜内GAP-43阳性表达部位主要存在于内网层;强光照条件下,GAP-43免疫染色部位主要出现在内网层、节细胞层和内核层的部分细胞核。在全黑暗条件下,在视纤维层和内网层呈阳性染色;提示视网膜在不同环境条件下GAP-43的不同定位,可能与其在相应的环境下参与不同的视觉功能有关。  相似文献   

The light/dark cycle to which animals, and possibly humans, are exposed has a major impact on their physiology. The mechanisms whereby specific tissues respond to the light/dark cycle involve the pineal hormone melatonin. The pineal gland, an end organ of the visual system in mammals, produces the hormone melatonin only at night, at which time it is released into the blood. The duration of elevated nightly melatonin provides every tissue with information about the time of day and time of year (in animals that are kept under naturally changing photoperiods). Besides its release in a circadian mode, melatonin is also discharged in a pulsatile manner; the physiological significance, if any, of pulsatile melatonin release remains unknown. The exposure of animals including man to light at night rapidly depresses pineal melatonin synthesis and, therefore, blood melatonin levels drop precipitously. The brightness of light at night required to depress melatonin production is highly species specific. In general, the pineal gland of nocturnally active mammals, which possess rod-dominated retinas, is more sensitive to inhibition by light than is the pineal gland of diurnally active animals (with cone-dominated retinas). Because of the ability of the light/dark cycle to determine melatonin production, the photoperiod is capable of influencing the function of a variety of endocrine and non-endocrine organs. Indeed, melatonin is a ubiquitously acting pineal hormone with its effects on the neuroendocrine system having been most thoroughly investigated. Thus, in nonhuman photoperiodic mammals melatonin regulates seasonal reproduction; in humans also, the indole has been implicated in the control of reproductive physiology.Summary of a Plenary Lecture presented by the author in Vienna, August, 1990  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the amplitude of daily melatonin production in cultured ruin lizard pineal organs explanted in the summer is significantly higher than that from organs explanted in the winter. To test whether seasonal photoperiodic changes are decoded autonomously by the pineal gland, pineals explanted in summer were cultured in vitro and exposed to changes between winter and summer photoperiods. The changes in photoperiod duration did not affect the daily profiles of in vitro melatonin production. The discrepancy between the present in vitro results and those from lizards exposed to winter or summer photoperiods before pineal explantation supports the view that circadian information entering the pineal gland via its innervation is involved in determining seasonal changes of melatonin production in ruin lizards. We further examined whether a central component of the circadian system of ruin lizards, specifically the retinae of the lateral eyes, expresses similar seasonal changes in function as does the pineal gland. We did not find any difference between summer and autumn‐winter in the effectiveness of either bilateral retinalectomy or optic nerve lesion—at the level of the optic chiasm—in altering circadian locomotor behavior in constant conditions. Both surgical procedures mostly induced a shortening of the free‐running period of the locomotor rhythm of similar magnitude in all seasons. Thus, the retinae do not appear to participate in the seasonal reorganization of the circadian system in ruin lizards.  相似文献   

The effect of subcutaneously injected DT gamma E (beta-endorphin, (beta E)2-17) on the pineal melatonin level was compared with that of closely related peptides and the neuroleptic drug haloperidol. As found previously, DT gamma E (3 ng/rat and 300 ng/rat) increased the melatonin levels. Similar doses of DT alpha E (beta E 2-16), DT beta E (beta E 2-31), gamma E (beta E 1-17), alpha E (beta E 1-16) and beta E failed to significantly change the melatonin levels in both the dark and the light phase. Haloperidol in a dose of 300 ng/rat exhibited a similar effect as DT gamma E.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔松果腺褪黑激素含量昼夜节律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李子巍  杜继曾 《兽类学报》1994,14(3):234-238
自然光照条件下,高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)松果腺褪黑激素(Melatonin,MLT)含量呈现明显的昼夜节律(P<0.001,夜间组含量均值与白天组含量均值差异显著性比较)。在2月份的实验中,对18只鼠兔(体重122—164克)松果腺的采样时间分别为02.00,09.00,12.00,18.00,22.00和24.00时。白天MLT含量波动为56—64微微克/松果腺,夜间波动为113—170微微克/松果腺。夜间MLT含量高峰值出现在24.00时。在10月份的实验中,对60只鼠兔(体重102—153克)松果腺的采样时间分别为03.00,06.00,09.00,12.00,15.00,18.00,21.00和24.00时。白天MLT含量波动为77—119微微克/松果腺,夜间波动为139—505微微克/松果腺。夜间MLT含量高峰值出现在03.00时。将2月份和10月份高原鼠兔松果腺MLT含量进行差异显著性比较,10月组显著高于2月组(P<0.05)。结果表明,该动物的松果腺本身对光周期具有敏感性,它能够感知环境光周期的变化,成功地完成神经内分泌的转换。  相似文献   

王典群 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):193-197
本文采用光镜和透射电镜对高原鼠兔松果体的形态结构进行了观察,并对其结构与功能的关系怍了初步探讨:1. 高原鼠兔的松果体与其他哺乳动物的基本相似, 包括深、浅两部分, 两部分的细胞构筑及其形态基本一致,主要由松果体细胞、胶质细胞、神经细胞、微细血管和神经纤维组成。松果体细胞有明、暗两种,两种细胞胞质内均有丰富的线粒体、高尔基复合体、粗面和滑面内质网,以及游离核糖体,还可见极少数微管和脂滴等。2. 松果体细胞内囊泡、微管和突触带的数量与细胞的分泌功能密切相关。3. 松果体分泌物主要通过二种方式释放:(1)通过扩散和胞吐作用,将分泌物释放到细胞外或血管周隙;(2)分泌物直接进入第三脑室。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to examine the seasonal difference in the magnitude of the suppression of melatonin secretion induced by exposure to light in the late evening. The study was carried out in Akita (39° North, 140° East), in the northern part of Japan, where the duration of sunshine in winter is the shortest. Ten healthy male university students (mean age: 21.9±1.2 yrs) volunteered to participate twice in the study in winter (from January to February) and summer (from June to July) 2004. According to Japanese meteorological data, the duration of sunshine in Akita in the winter (50.5 h/month) is approximately one‐third of that in summer (159.7 h/month). Beginning one week prior to the start of the experiment, the level of daily ambient light to which each subject was exposed was recorded every minute using a small light sensor that was attached to the subject's wrist. In the first experiment, saliva samples were collected every hour over a period of 24 h in a dark experimental room (<15 lux) to determine peak salivary melatonin concentration. The second experiment was conducted after the first experiment to determine the percentage of melatonin suppression induced by exposure to light. The starting time of exposure to light was set 2 h before the time of peak salivary melatonin concentration detected in the first experiment. The subjects were exposed to light (1000 lux) for 2 h using white fluorescent lamps (4200 K). The percentage of suppression of melatonin by light was calculated on the basis of the melatonin concentration determined before the start of exposure to light. The percentage of suppression of melatonin 2 h after the start of exposure to light was significantly greater in winter (66.6±18.4%) than summer (37.2±33.2%), p<0.01). The integrated level of daily ambient light from rising time to bedtime in summer was approximately twice that in winter. The results suggest that the increase in suppression of melatonin by light in winter is caused by less exposure to daily ambient light.  相似文献   

The pineal gland is involved in the regulation of tumour growth through the anticancer activity of melatonin, which presents immunomodulatory, anti-proliferative and anti-oxidant effects. In this study we measured melatonin content directly in the pineal gland, in an attempt to clarify the modulation of pineal melatonin secretory activity during tumour growth. Different groups of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma bearing rats were sacrificed at 12 different time points during 24h (12h:12h light/dark cycle) on different days during the tumour development (on the first, seventh and fourteenth day after tumour inoculation). Melatonin content in the pineal gland was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. During tumour development the amount of melatonin secreted increased from 310.9 ng/mg of protein per day from control animals, to 918.1 ng/mg of protein per day 14 days after tumour implantation, and there were changes in the pineal production profile of melatonin. Cultured pineal glands obtained from tumour-bearing rats turned out to be less responsive to noradrenaline, suggesting the existence, in vivo, of putative factor(s) modulating pineal melatonin production. The results demonstrated that during tumour development there is a modification of pineal melatonin production daily profile, possibly contributing to cachexia, associated to changes in pineal gland response to noradrenaline stimulation.  相似文献   

灵长类动物姿势行为研究对了解其环境适应机制具有重要意义.2012年9月至2013年8月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对广西弄岗国家级自然保护区内一群熊猴(Macaca assamensis)的姿势行为进行观察,比较熊猴姿势行为的季节和日时段变化.结果 表明,熊猴移动模式的频率存在显著差异,从高到低为四足行走(45.3%±7.6%...  相似文献   

Summary The effects of different 5-methoxyindoles on the process of protein/peptide secretion characterized by the formation of granular vesicles (GV) have been studied in mouse pinealocytes maintained in explant culture.All 5-methoxyindoles studied clearly influence the number of granular vesicles in the pinealocytes. Comparing all present results it appeared that, in this system, melatonin was the least effective of all 5-methoxyindoles tested in stimulating secretion. 5-Methoxyindole-3-acetic acid, irrespective of the duration of the experiment and of the presence of noradrenaline, increased the number of GV. For all other 5-methoxyindoles, 5-methoxytryptamine, 5-methoxytryptophan, 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin, it appeared that the effects depend on the duration of application and on the presence or absence of noradrenaline in the medium. Moreover, depending on the experimental conditions and the 5-methoxyindole tested, antagonistic as well as synergistic effects between 5-methoxyindoles and noradrenaline were observed.The present results, which suggest that the 5-methoxyindoles are also active in the pineal gland itself, demonstrate that, as far as the formation of granular vesicles is concerned, there exists a very complex mechanism of regulation, involving the sympathetic innervation and the 5-methoxyindoles (which are themselves under the influence of this innervation). The physiological significance of this system is discussed in relation to a proposed working hypothesis.IBRO/UNESCO fellow  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that the synaptic ribbons (SR) and spherules (SS) of the mammalian pineal gland may respond differently under physiological and various experimental conditions. The aim of the present study was to gain insight into the mechanisms that may be responsible for the numerical changes of these organelles during a 24-h cycle. As the possibility exists that the structures are influenced by substances synthesized within the pinealocyte, rat pineal glands were cultured with and without added melatonin or serotonin, using an experimental protocol such that the addition of melatonin and serotonin mimicks the circadian changes of the respective substances within the pineal. The tissue was processed for electron microscopy and the numbers of SR and SS were counted in a unit area of pineal tissue. The results obtained indicate that melatonin added to the incubation medium increases the number of SR in the first half of the night; serotonin decreases SR numbers in the morning. SS numbers, by contrast, decrease following melatonin administration in the afternoon, and increase in the morning following serotonin administration. It thus appears that the numbers of SR and SS are influenced by melatonin and serotonin and that the two structures are regulated by differential, but nevertheless biochemically closely related mechanisms.Financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie, Vo 135/8-4), the Polish Academy of Sciences (Research Program, and the Freunde der Universität Mainz e.V. is gratefully acknowledged.On leave from Department of Anatomy, University Medical School, Pécs, Hungary  相似文献   

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