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I compared life tables between the solitary eumenid wasp Anterhynchium flavomarginatumSmith and the subsocial eumenid wasp Orancistrocerus drewseniSaussure in Kyoto, Japan, during 1980–1983. The subsocial eumenid is parthenogenetic in this study area. There were 9 identified mortality factors in the solitary eumenid and 7 in the subsocial eumenid, 6 of which were common to the two eumenids. The important differences of mortality between the two eumenids were seen in the egg, larval, and prepupal stages. In the egg stage, mortality by the phorid fly Megaselia sp. was much lower in the subsocial eumenid (1.4%) than in the solitary eumenid (15.0%) likely because of the matenal care of the subsocial eumenid (progressive provisioning and other related behavior), which reduced predation pressure. In the larval stage, mortality by the miltogrammine fly Amobia distorta was also lower in the subsocial eumenid (8.1%) than in the solitary eumenid (23.8%) also probably because of the maternal care of the subsocial eumenid. A comparison of mortality in the two eumenids between the stable, long continuing natural nest sites and the additional temporal ones showed that the phorid fly remained near its birth place and parasitized stable nest sites. The miltogrammine fly followed returning eumenid wasps and parasitized those nest sites that have a high host density. In the prepupal stage, mortality by endogenous death was higher in the subsocial eumenid than in the solitary eumenid. Mortality due to the rhipiphorid beetle was also higher in the subsocial eumenid probably due to more frequent flower-visits by the subsocial eumenid. The defense mechanism of the subsocial eumenid was discussed in relation to the evolution of subsociality.  相似文献   

  1. The functional response to, and preference for, the host density in a parasite were examined experimentally using an icheumon wasp, Exidechthis canescens, and its host Cadra cautella under controlled conditions.
  2. Wasps were more active in host-searching at higher than lower host densities. Percent parasitism increased rapidly with initial increments in host density and then tended to increase more slowly at higher host densities. A sigmoid functional response curve is indicated, which implies that the parasite is able to control its host even at low densities.
  3. Wasps actively selected areas of high host density in which to concentrate host-searching behavior.
  4. Host-searching by E. canescens is stimulated by the odor of the host when present, and by food in which hosts have developed but have been removed.
  5. Both the functional response and the host-density preference of the parasite are mediated by its host-searching behavior. This relationship is discussed in the context of population regulation.

  1. Analysis of life tables of the oriental moth, Monema flavescens, obtained for 8 generations over 4 years, disclosed that the cocoon parasitoid, Praestochrysis shanghaiensis, acted as a density-disruptive factor.
  2. The density of the host cocoon remained stable (max./min.=3.2), whereas that of the host adult varied (max./min.=14.3) although both showed similar fluctation patterns.
  3. Stability of the host population was associated with the density-dependence in the ratio of first generation cocoons to overwintered generation moths, which was the key factor for the rate of change throughout the year. Chrysidid parasitism among the first generation cocoons ranged from 37.7 to 70.1%, and that among the second generation cocoons from 16.7 to 63.2%, each showing an inverse density-dependence and acting as the main determinant (key-factor) of the between-year variation in the density of the adult moths.
  4. The density-dependence of the rate of change from overwintered generation adults to first generation cocoons was so strong that the parasitism on the second generation hosts had not effect on the cocoon density of the first generation. On the other hand, the density-dependence of the rate of change from first generation adults to second generation cocoons was weak, and the parasitism on the first generation hosts became the key factor for the between-year variation of the second generation cocoons.
  5. It is suggested that the stability of the parasitoid-host system will be disrupted without three parasitism-restricting factors: asynchrony in the parasitoid attack on the second generation hosts, high mortality among parasitoid larvae of the second generation, and the high proportion of those first generation parasitoids that enter diapause. These factors are considered to be effective only in cooler parts of the distribution of the parasitoid.

  1. a mathematical model is presented which predicts the expected optimal-patch-use strategy for solitary parasitoids with a limited fecundity.
  2. The model predicts that the quality of the patches is determined by the proportion of unparasitized hosts and not by the density of those hosts, and that throughout the searching period the parasitoids should maintain the level of parasitism equal in all the patches irrespective of the host density per patch.
  3. The spatial pattern of parasitism among field patches by a parasitoid with a low fecundity, Praestochrysis shanghaiensis, was in agreement with the prediction of the model, i.e., a similar level of parasitism in different patches was observed when the ratio of female parasitoids to hosts in the whole study area exceeded 0.07. When the ratio was less than 0.05, however, the level of parasitism per patch showed an inverse relation to the host density, and was positively correlated with the female parasitoid-host ratio.
  4. The model assumes that the parasitoids move between patches without cost and have perfect information about patch quality. Consideration of the cost of moving and sampling bridges the gap between the observed and predicted rates of parasitism found when the female parasitoid-host ratio in the whole study area was low

The basic components of the predation of Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot feeding upon eggs of Tetranychus urticaeKoch were studied in an open system where the predator could disperse freely. The type of the functional response of the predator to the density of its prey was the same as that studied so far in a closed system, i.e.,Holling's Type 2. The search rate of the predator, however, was much lower in comparison with the result from a closed system. The oviposition of the predator per day was only weakly related to prey densities higher than 10 per leaf disc. But the emigration rate was inversely dependent upon the initial prey density up to 60 per leaf disc. The searching behaviour of the predator was influenced by both the web density spun by T. urticae and the density of the prey: the predator searched for its prey intensively only after it had contact with web. Mutual interference was observed in prey consumption, but not in the emigration rate. The emigration rate was largely dependent upon the prey density available per predator.  相似文献   

Patterns of parasitism of Calliphora sp. pupae by Nasonia vitripennis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) are explored under various conditions of host aggregation. Increasing the hosts' spatial aggregation decreased the number of hosts actually parasitised but had no significant effect on the total number of hosts attacked. Increasing host aggregation also resulted in a smaller parasitoid population with a more male biased sex ratio.
Résumé Nous avons examiné les effets de différents niveaux d'agrégation des hôtes (pupes de Calliphora) sur l'efficacité parasitaire de Nasonia vitripennis. Une augmentation de l'agrégation des pupes a diminué le nombre d'hôtes parasités bien que le nombre de pupes attaquées ait été peu modifié. Cette différence a été attribuée à un accroissement des interactions comportementales entre les parasitoïdes et à une tendance au superparasitisme plus élevée lors des distributions les plus agrégatives. Plus les hôtes étaient concentrés, moins l'effectif de parasitoïdes achevant leur développement et émergeant était important. La fréquence des males a augmenté avec la concentration des pupes. Nous avons estimé que les facteurs déterminants ont été les interactions comportementales entre femelles et leur aptitude à modifier le taux sexuel de leur descendance immédiate.Nous en avons conclu que N. vitripennis est peut-être mieux adaptée aux populations d'hôtes distribuées au hasard, type de distribution le plus vraisemblable dans les populations naturelles.

A statistical and graphic study is presented of the wastage of eggs by Venturia (=Nemeritis) canescens when searching singly and in groups of 10 among hosts at four different host densities in laboratory universes as described byHuffaker andMatsumoto (preceding paper of this journal). The host insect was the fluour moth Anagasta kühniella and the host densities used were 10, 30, 100 and 200 per universe. Intensity of egg wastage due to superparasitim varied significantly according to host density, and between the two parasite densities employed, 1 and 10, using both F-tests and chi-square tests. Plots of k-factor analysis on this egg wastage showed high negative correlations with host density, and the raw data for single parasites was well represented by a parabola while that for the grouped parasites departed from this relationship only at the lowest host density.  相似文献   

We studied the stopping rule obeyed by the female parasitoid, Chrysocharis pentheus, in deciding when to leave the leaflet on which she is searching for larvae of Phytomyza ranunculi. She seemed not to employ some stopping rules that have been suggested; i.e., a fixed-number rule and a fixed-time rule and others. The stopping model formulated for Dapsilarthra rufiventris parasitic on the same host species fitted well to the results. The model assumes that the searching female will deposit a marking pheromone on the leaflet at a rate proportional to the search speed and will leave the leaflet when the amount of the pheromone that has accumulated on the leaflet reaches the threshold, L. In this model, L denotes the amount of search effort spent on the leaflet. A comparison of the observed results with the predictions from the model suggested that L increased markedly at the first encounter with the mine (host), but less at later encounters. C. pentheus appears to employ a mixed strategy of a fixed search-effort and an area-concentrated search. This would confer an adaptive advantage in foraging for P. ranunculi larvae, which are distributed in clumps among leaflets in the field.  相似文献   

The barnacles (Crustacea, Cirripedia) consist of three well-defined orders: the conventional filter-feeding barnacles (Thoracica), the burrowing barnacles (Acrothoracica), and the parasitic barnacles (Rhizocephala). Thoracica and Acrothoracica feed by catching food particles from the surrounding seawater using their thoracic appendages while members of Rhizocephala are exclusively parasitic. The parasite consists of a sac-shaped, external reproductive organ situated on the abdomen of its crustacean host and a nutrient-absorbing root system embedded into the heamolymph of the host. In order to resolve the phylogenetic relationship of the order Rhizocephala and elucidate the evolution of the different life history strategies found within the Rhizocephala, we have performed the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the group. Our results indicate that Rhizocephala is monophyletic with a filter-feeding barnacle-like ancestor. The host-infective stage, the kentrogon larva, inserted in the lifecycle of the rhizocephalan suborder, Kentrogonida, is shown to be ancestral and most likely a homologue of the juvenile stage of a conventional thoracican barnacle. The mode of host inoculation found in the suborder Akentrogonida, where the last pelagic larval stage directly injects the parasitic material into the heamolymph of the host is derived, and has evolved only once within the Rhizocephala. Lastly, our results show that the ancestral host for extant rhizocephalans appears to be the anomuran crustaceans (Anomura), which includes hermit crabs and squat lobsters.  相似文献   

Eriosoma aphids form leaf-roll galls on various elm species. Eriosoma yangi occurring on the Japanese elm is an obligatory "cuckoo" parasite, invading and usurping galls of other Eriosoma species. But another host race of E. yangi induces its own galls on the Chinese elm. Multivariate morphometries show that the two host races differ significantly in quantitative characters. Overwintering eggs of the parasitic form were experimentally transferred to the Chinese elm. The resultant larvae still exhibited a parasitic habit and developed into adults, which multivariate morphometries classified as the parasitic form. This form is considered different enough from the gall maker to be given a species rank. Eriosoma aphids facultatively invade other Eriosoma galls, where they sometimes deposit offspring. It is hypothesized that the parasitic form on the Japanese elm originated from a founder population which had migrated from the Chinese elm. On this new host, only those fundatrices that invade other species' galls will be able to leave offspring, because aphid fundatrices cannot gall plants other than their primary hosts. It is assumed that the parasitic form was established under intense selective pressure following a population bottleneck. This hypothesis was corroborated by field investigations at sites where the two forms occur sympatrically.  相似文献   

Mating disruption has proved successful against California red scale (CRS), Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) in Mediterranean citrus. Although mating disruption does not affect negatively the parasitism by Aphytis melinus DeBach (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), a CRS parasitoid introduced to the Mediterranean, there is no information regarding its potential effect on the native Aphytis species. In the present study, the effect of CRS mating disruption on the field parasitism inflicted by Aphytis spp. has been assessed and compared to a mineral oil and a control treatment. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the mating disruption we also evaluated its effect on the captures of the CRS males and on fruit infestation. Moreover, the potential role of the CRS sex pheromone as kairomone for the Aphytis species was also evaluated by comparing captures of parasitoids on sticky traps with or without pheromone. Significantly lower CRS male captures and fruit damage were registered in the mating disruption respect to the control or oil treatments indicating that mating disruption was effective. In September, when compared to the control, parasitism by Aphytis spp. was significantly lower in the mating disruption and mineral oil treatments and crucially no Aphytis chrysomphali Mercet were registered in the mating disruption treatment. Finally, while the captures of both A. melinus and Aphytis lepidosaphes (Mercet) were not significantly different between traps with or without pheromone, A. chrysomphali captures were significantly higher in traps baited with CRS pheromone. These results suggest a possible kairomonal effect of the CRS pheromone on A. chrysomphali.  相似文献   

We studied the rules used by the female parasitoid, Dacnusa sibirica Telenga (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), for deciding when to leave a tomato leaflet on which she is searching for larvae of the leafminer, Liriomyza bryoniae Kalt. (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Females would deposit a marking pheromone on the leaflet and would leave the leaflet when the amount of the pheromone accumulated to the threshold L, which is proportional to the amount of search effort on the leaflet. L appears to increase with host density since it rises after every encounter with a host (or mine).D. sibirica would employ an area-concentrated search, which is advantageous in foraging for hosts showing a clumped distribution.  相似文献   

Couteron  Pierre  Kokou  Kouami 《Plant Ecology》1997,132(2):211-227
Spatial patterns of woody individuals were studied in a semi-arid savanna of West Africa located in Burkina Faso at and around 14° 12 N and 2° 27 W. The study was based upon a 10.24 ha plot within which individuals were mapped. Spatial pattern analysis was carried out using second order characteristics of point processes as K functions and pair correlations. The overall density amounted to 298 individuals ha-1. The most abundant species were Combretum micranthum G. Don., Grewia bicolor Juss. and Pterocarpus lucens Lepr. Anogeissus leiocarpus (D.C.) G. et Perr. was also an important constituant of this vegetation type, owing to its taller stature. Clumped spatial distributions were identified for all species except for two, for which complete spatial randomness (CSR) was found (including P. lucens, a dominant woody plant). No regular pattern was found even when tall individuals were considered alone. Aggregation dominates interspecific relationships, resulting in multispecific clumps and patches. The overall aggregation pattern was constituted by two different structures. A coarse-grain pattern of ca. 30–40 m was based on edaphic features, and expresses the contrast between sparse stands on petroferric outcrops and denser patches on less shallow soils. A finer-grain pattern made of clumps ca. 5–10 m wide, with no obvious relation to pre-existing soil heterogeneity. There was no overall pattern for saplings (between 0.5 m and 1.5 m in height) irrespective of species, and thus no obvious common facilitation factor. For species with a high recruitment level there was no significant relationship between mature adult and saplings. The only case of clumped saplings with randomly distributed adults was found in P. lucens. However, this cannot be unequivocally interpreted as density dependent regulation since the existence of such a process was not consistent with the spatial distribution of dead P. lucens individuals (victims of the last drought). The mean density around dead P. lucens was lower than around surviving ones, indicating that the last drought tended to reinforce clumping rather than promote a regular pattern of trees. Spatial pattern analysis yielded no evidence supporting a hypothesis of stand density regulation through competition between individuals. Other processes, as surface sealing of bare soils or insufficient recruitment, may play a more important role in preventing a savanna-like vegetation from turning into denser woodlands or thickets.  相似文献   

Rodents play a significant role as reservoirs of zoonotic diseases. Nevertheless, in general their ectoparasite assemblage and host-ectoparasite associations are poorly known. This study intended to provide new insights into the relationships between ectoparasites and rodents in northeastern Iran. Rodents were captured using live traps during the years 2016–2020, and their ectoparasites were collected. Parasitological indices such as infestation rate, prevalence and mean intensity of infestation were analyzed. A total of 284 rodents, belonging to 17 species, were trapped and found to be infested by 178 ectoparasites from five orders Siphonaptera, Phthiraptera, Ixodida, Mesostigmata and Trombidiformes. The overall infestation rate was 50.3%. The flea Nosopsyllus fasciatus and the louse Polyplax asiatica dominated among all fleas and lice, respectively. Haemaphysalis punctata and Haemolaelaps sp. were recorded as the most abundant tick and mite, respectively. Nosopsyllus fasciatus exhibited low and Polyplax asiatica moderate host specificity. Approximately 64.2% of ectoparasites shared more than one host, and others were singletons. Seasonal fluctuations were found in the occurrence of ectoparasite; fleas and lice were more abundant in spring and winter, respectively. Ticks demonstrated high abundance in spring and summer and mites were more common in autumn. The overall prevalence of ectoparasite on male rodents was greater than that on females (56.4% vs. 44.4%), while similar mean intensities were detected for both sexes. This study extends the knowledge on the distribution, seasonality and host choice of four main groups of ectoparasites in association with rodents. Further studies are needed to provide deep insight into how relationships and interactions between ectoparasite and rodents are formed, and how they can be applied in epidemiology.  相似文献   

The frequency of egg parasitism in the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by Trichogramma minutum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was recorded in several host populations during the rising phase of an outbreak in the Gatineau Valley (Quebec, Canada) in 1999 and 2000. Some of the observed spruce budworm populations were subjected to experimental aerial applications of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki during the course of the study. Untreated spruce budworm population densities at the onset of the study were directly related to stand composition (the proportion of non‐host basal area) but unrelated to plant species diversity. Much of the variation in budworm egg mass parasitism rates was accounted for (77.1% of total variance) by three variables: year, spruce budworm egg population density, and proportion of non‐host basal area in the stand. The exploitation of eggs within parasitised egg masses was related to year, B. thuringiensis treatment, egg mass size, and the proportion of egg masses parasitised in the host population (76.9% of variance). The yearly variation in parasitism rate was considerable, and was consistent with climatic conditions, namely heat accumulation and precipitation during the spruce budworm oviposition period. Parasitism by T. minutum on eggs of C. fumiferana was recorded in 16 additional sites in 2000, to confirm the general form of the inverse density dependence of parasitism. Observations recorded by Neilson in the Green River area of New Brunswick (Canada) between 1948 and 1957 are discussed in the context of the present analysis. These results indicate that parasitism by T. minutum may be more predictable than previously believed and may be an important and consistent source of mortality in the several years preceding an outbreak of C. fumiferana, especially in mixed‐wood stands and in warmer, drier portions of the spruce budworm's range.  相似文献   

Human activity often causes a decline in the local density of plant populations. Below some critical lower density, populations may suffer a progressive decline in reproductive success because of the difficulties associated with finding suitable mates. Therefore, to conserve endangered plant species it is necessary to understand in greater detail how changes in population density affect different determinants of plant reproductive success. We simultaneously recorded individual plant pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in three populations of Cistus ladanifer L. in eastern Portugal. Pollination success declined significantly as distance to the nearest conspecific increased (p<0.001). However, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism showed the opposite pattern (both p<0.001). On average, plants farther than 1 m from their nearest conspecific suffered from three times more fruit parasitism compared to plants closer to a conspecific. Overall, net female reproductive output decreased as nearest neighbor distance rose (p<0.001). Thus, isolated plants were able to compensate only partially for reduced pollination success through increased reproductive effort. We conclude that management plans for plant populations should recognize that reproductive success is the accumulated result of several different processes, which may each respond to plant density in different ways.  相似文献   

Hirsutella rhossiliensis, a nematophagous fungus, has shown potential in biocontrol of plant-parasitic nematodes. Monitoring the population dynamics of a biocontrol agent in soil requires comprehensive techniques and is essential to understand how it works. Bioassay based on the fungal parasitism on the juveniles of soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, can be used to evaluate the activity of the fungus but fails to quantify fungal biomass in soil. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed to quantify the fungal population density in soil. The assay detected as little as 100 fg of fungal genomic DNA and 40 conidia g−1 soil, respectively. The parasitism bioassay and the real-time PCR assay were carried out to investigate the presence, abundance and activity of H. rhossiliensis in soil after application of different inoculum levels. Both of the percentage of assay nematodes parasitized by H. rhossiliensis based on the parasitism bioassay and the DNA yield of the fungus quantified by real-time PCR increased significantly with the increase of the inoculum levels. The DNA yield of the fungus was positively correlated with the percentage of assay nematodes parasitized by H. rhossiliensis. The combination of the two is useful for monitoring fungal biomass and activity in soil.  相似文献   

Summary Phytomyza ilicicola is a specialist herbivore, the larvae of which mine, and the adults of which feed and oviposit on the developing leaves of American Holly, Ilex opaca. Adult Phytomyza have been shown to discriminate among host plants on the basis of several host and habitat factors. Such discrimination may explain, in part, the observed density variation of larval Phytomyza among individual trees and between forest and suburban habitats. In order for discrimination to influence density, adult Phytomyza must be sufficiently vagile to move among habitats and to encounter many hosts. We experimentally monitored the movement of adults to ask if this were so. In addition we asked whether inter-host movements were altered by resource concentration, and whether vagility offered an escape from parasitism. To answer these questions, three isolated holly trees to serve as colonization sources were selected in early spring, prior to adult emergence. Potted target trees were then placed singly and in groups of four at 3 compass directions around and at 3 different distances (10, 25, and 50 m) from each of the source trees. Six weeks after exposure to adult Phytomyza, the number of feeding punctures and first instar larvae were counted. Clones were then overwintered in cold frames and in early spring, just prior to adult emergence, all pupae were examined for parasitism by the dominant parasitoid Opius striatriventris. Feeding and parasitism were similar at all 3 distances from the source trees, indicating that Opius was at least as vagile as Phytomyza. However, first instar larvae decreased with distance. There was no evidence that resource concentration affected adult movement. Our results suggest that Phytomyza are sufficiently vagile to choose among hosts within and between habitats. However, movement does not translate into equally high oviposition at all distances from a source, nor does it provide an escape from parasitism by Opius.  相似文献   

Density-dependent and density-independent processes have been shown to influence the population dynamics of marine invertebrates, especially recruitment. However, their relative importance has not been evaluated in natural populations. High adult densities have been suggested to inhibit recruitment, especially in suspension-feeders which may ingest incoming larvae. Age structure and juvenile abundance were investigated in the bivalve Spisula ovalis in order to evaluate the importance of density dependence in generating spatial patterns. Age structure is readily established in this species owing to annual shell lines. An extensive sample (from about 100 sites a few hundred meters apart over 4 consecutive years) was analyzed in the statistical framework of spatial analyses, avoiding spurious correlations due to non-independence between neighboring sites. The area studied supports about ten annual cohorts, though only a few occur at each site. The overall picture is a mosaic of kilometer-scale patches of contrasted age structures, as revealed by highly significant spatial autocorrelations. To our knowledge, such large-scale spatial patterns in age structure have not previously been described in benthic invertebrates. Strong patterns are detected even for juveniles, and are independent of the adult biomass present before settlement. Therefore, patchy patterns of age structure mainly reflect density-independent effects, such as spatial variations in larval supply, passive transport of juveniles, or predation on recruits. In the absence of detailed spatial analyses, such patterns have been misinterpreted previously as negative effects of adult density on settlement success. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

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