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Pelagic community respiration on the continental shelf off Georgia, USA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The South Atlantic Bight (SAB) has been a focus for the study of continental shelf ecosystem respiration during the past two decades. However, two questions concerning respiration in this area have yet to be answered. First, why do previous estimates of respiration in the SAB exceed measured carbon fixation rates by almost an order of magnitude? Second, considering that bacteria are responsible for most of the pelagic community respiration in the SAB, why is respiration almost uniform from the coastline to the shelf break, while bacterial production estimates decrease offshore? This study addresses these critical questions by presenting new pelagic community respiration data that were collected across the entire width of the continental shelf off Georgia, USA from June 2003 to May 2006. The respiration was calculated as in vitro changes of dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations during deck incubations. The measured respiration rates ranged from 0.3(±0.1) to 21.2(±1.4) mmol m?3 day?1. They followed a clear seasonal pattern, being lowest over the entire shelf in winter and reaching maxima in summer. Summertime respiration rates were highest on the inner shelf and decreased with distance offshore. Consistent with this trend, bacterial abundance measurements taken during the sampling month of July 2005 followed a pattern of seaward decline. The SAB organic carbon fluxes calculated from the respiration data are close to the estimates for primary production, which resolves a long-standing mystery regarding perceived carbon imbalance in the SAB.  相似文献   

The seasonal and spatial dynamics of two groups of macroalgae, drift algae and rhizophytes, commonly found in tropical seagrass meadows were studied. The aim of this study was to provide insight into how freshwater discharges may be altering seagrass-dominated nearshore tropical habitats. Species composition, biomass, and percent cover of macroalgae were collected at six Thalassia testudinum König dominated sites within Biscayne Bay, Florida, representing three salinity regimes: canal-influenced, natural sheet-flow, and oceanic conditions. Mean annual salinities in these three regimes correspond to 10, 25 and 35 psu, respectively, with much greater variability in the canal and sheet-flow regimes, than in the oceanic condition. There were distinct changes in the composition of the macroalgal community along this salinity gradient. Drift algae (Chondria spp., Laurencia spp.) were most commonly found at canal-disturbed sites (10–85 g m−2), while rhizophytic calcareous green algae (Halimeda spp., Penicillus spp.) were most abundant at the higher salinity oceanic sites (20–105 g m−2). Seasonal patterns exhibited by the two groups differed also, with drift algae being more abundant in the cooler dry-season months, while rhizophytic algae were more abundant during the warmer wet-season months. These periods of higher abundance correlated with higher growth rates (drift = 2.3% day−1, rhizophytes = 0.85% day−1) measured in representative species for each group. Grazing rates on drift algae were found to be low for tropical habitats and did not differ much between canal (0.44% h−1) and oceanic sites (0.42% h−1).  相似文献   

2006年秋季东海陆架浮游植物群集   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006年11月19日--12月24日在东海陆架海域(24.0°--32.0°N,120.0°--127.0°E)进行的综合采样调查,对调查海域浮游植物的群集特征进行了研究.本次调查共发现浮游植物4门64属145种(包括未定名种),其中硅藻是该调查海区浮游植物的主要功能群,其次为甲藻.主要的优势种为菱形海线藻、圆海链藻、丹麦细柱藻、斯氏几内亚藻、尖刺伪菱形藻和铁氏束毛藻等.浮游植物细胞丰度为0.09~5.11 cells·ml-1,平均值为4.92 cells·ml-1,秋季东海陆架浮游植物细胞丰度的平面分布主要由浮游硅藻刻画,其高值出现在调查区的北、东部离岸海域,细胞丰度大于30 cells·ml-1.浮游植物及硅藻和甲藻的细胞丰度垂直变化趋势基本上都是随着水深增加,丰度逐渐减小.各个断面细胞丰度密集区主要集中在表层,个别站位的中层和底层也出现浮游植物密集区.调查区浮游植物的多样性指数平均值为2.80,其高值位于调查区东北和东南部,物种均匀度指数平均值为0.81,其高值位于调查区中部,生物多样性的分布与细胞丰度的分布一致.从Pearson相关性指数来看,亚硝酸盐、溶解态有机氮(DON)和温度显著影响调查区浮游植物的生长.  相似文献   

东海大陆架鱼类群落的空间结构   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
李圣法  程家骅  严利平 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4377-4386
根据1997~2000年东海大陆架水深30~200米海域4个航次的底拖网调查资料,运用多元分析(聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS))、SIMPER以及BIO-ENV方法分析了东海鱼类群落的空间格局以及与非生物环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,东海大陆架海域鱼类群落在空间上可分为3个群落类型,分别为东海近海群落、东海大陆架外缘群落以及这两个群落之间的东海大陆架混合群落。东海大陆架鱼类群落的种类组成沿着水深梯度的变化明显,每种鱼类均有一定的水深范围。不同的流系具有不同的温盐特征,影响了鱼类的分布及其洄游,从而控制了不同鱼类群落类型的种类组成。东海大陆架鱼类群落类型中,大陆架外缘群落类型各调查季节在空间分布和种类组成上相对稳定,而东海近海群落类型和东海大陆架混合群落类型在夏季融合在一起,其它季节保持各自的空间结构。同时东海陆架区只在一种群落类型中出现的鱼类相对较少,多数鱼类同时出现在两个群落类型中或3个群落类型中,但是它们相对较集中的区域明显不同,在不同群落类型中的生物量和出现频率有很大的差异,这些鱼类在其不同的生长发育阶段由于对海洋环境的不同需求,它们根据繁殖或摄食需求而在东海陆架区范围内洄游以寻找最适的海洋环境,因此对3个群落类型定义是相对的,很难严格确定一个永久的鱼类群落地理区域,以形成相互隔离的鱼类群落,而且鱼类群落之间的边界随着季节不同发生变化。  相似文献   

The prokaryote community activity and structural characteristics within marine sediment sampled across a continental shelf area located off eastern Antarctica (66 degrees S, 143 degrees E; depth range, 709 to 964 m) were studied. Correlations were found between microbial biomass and aminopeptidase and chitinase rates, which were used as proxies for microbial activity. Biomass and activity were maximal within the 0- to 3-cm depth range and declined rapidly with sediment depths below 5 cm. Most-probable-number counting using a dilute carbohydrate-containing medium recovered 1.7 to 3.8% of the sediment total bacterial count, with mostly facultatively anaerobic psychrophiles cultured. The median optimal growth temperature for the sediment isolates was 15 degrees C. Many of the isolates identified belonged to genera characteristic of deep-sea habitats, although most appear to be novel species. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether analyses indicated that the samples contained lipid components typical of marine sediments, with profiles varying little between samples at the same depth; however, significant differences in PLFA profiles were found between depths of 0 to 1 cm and 13 to 15 cm, reflecting the presence of a different microbial community. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of amplified bacterial 16S rRNA genes revealed that between samples and across sediment core depths of 1 to 4 cm, the community structure appeared homogenous; however, principal-component analysis of DGGE patterns revealed that at greater sediment depths, successional shifts in community structure were evident. Sequencing of DGGE bands and rRNA probe hybridization analysis revealed that the major community members belonged to delta proteobacteria, putative sulfide oxidizers of the gamma proteobacteria, Flavobacteria, Planctomycetales, and Archaea. rRNA hybridization analyses also indicated that these groups were present at similar levels in the top layer across the shelf region.  相似文献   

2006年秋季东海陆架浮游植物群集   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2006年11月19日—12月24日在东海陆架海域(24.0°—32.0°N,120.0°—127.0 °E)进行的综合采样调查,对调查海域浮游植物的群集特征进行了研究.本次调查共发现浮游植物4门64属145种(包括未定名种),其中硅藻是该调查海区浮游植物的主要功能群,其次为甲藻.主要的优势种为菱形海线藻、圆海链藻、丹麦细柱藻、斯氏几内亚藻、尖刺伪菱形藻和铁氏束毛藻等.浮游植物细胞丰度为0.09~5.11 cells·ml-1,平均值为4.92 cells·ml-1,秋季东海陆架浮游植物细胞丰度的平面分布主要由浮游硅藻刻画,其高值出现在调查区的北、东部离岸海域,细胞丰度大于30 cells·ml-1.浮游植物及硅藻和甲藻的细胞丰度垂直变化趋势基本上都是随着水深增加,丰度逐渐减小.各个断面细胞丰度密集区主要集中在表层,个别站位的中层和底层也出现浮游植物密集区.调查区浮游植物的多样性指数平均值为2.80,其高值位于调查区东北和东南部,物种均匀度指数平均值为0.81,其高值位于调查区中部,生物多样性的分布与细胞丰度的分布一致.从Pearson相关性指数来看,亚硝酸盐、溶解态有机氮(DON)和温度显著影响调查区浮游植物的生长.  相似文献   

The landward distributions of 69 plankton and 92 micronektonspecies over the west Florida continental shelf were examinedin relation to their vertical distribution in the eastern Gulfof Mexico. Using linear and power-curve regressions, it wasfound that extent of landward occurrence is significantly correlatedwith bottom topography in terms of bottom depth and distancefrom the open Gulf. Epipelagic plankton species were distributedconsiderable distances across the shelf whereas the mesopdagicshrimp and fish species were not found landward of slope stations.Possible factors affecting landward distribution, such as currents,vertical migration patterns, and predation, are discussed.  相似文献   

The southeastern coast of Florida, USA supports a substantial recreational fishery, yet little is known of the coral reef ecosystem or fisheries resources past 50 m depth. Fish assemblages associated with low‐relief substrate and three vessel reefs between 50 and 120 m depth off southeast Florida were surveyed by remotely operated vehicles providing the first characterization of the mesophotic fish assemblages in the region. Two distinct assemblages were observed on low‐relief substrate and high‐relief vessel reefs. A total of 560 fishes of 42 species was recorded on 27 dives on low‐relief substrate, and 50 152 fishes of 65 species were recorded on 24 dives on three vessel reefs. Small planktivorous Anthiinae fishes and several economically valuable species were common on vessel reefs but rare on low‐relief substrate. Fish assemblages on vessel reefs more closely resembled those found at similar depths in high‐relief natural areas off east‐central Florida and the Gulf of Mexico than those associated with adjacent low‐relief habitat or nearby coral reef tracts. From a fisheries perspective, these results provide limited support to the hypothesis that in deep‐water regions with limited relief, vessel reefs may provide an opportunity to increase fish diversity and abundance by creating high‐relief habitat without compromising adjacent fish assemblages.  相似文献   

As part of a project aimed at assessing the available energy in a pelagic system and the efficiency of its transfer, monthly biomass estimates of the 23 main macroplanktonic and mesoplanktonic species have been made in Korsfjorden (Norway). Sampling was carried out over approximately 3 years (1971–1974) and results are presented as mg dry weight in a 690 m3 water column. The total annual stocks of the various species were not constant in the 3 years of sampling. Principal components analyses of the monthly stocks in each of the 3 years show striking differences in the correlation matrices from year to year. On the basis of known and supposed feeding habits, the species have been classified as herbivores, omnivores, or carnivores. The monthly biomass estimates of these groups show a consistent pattern from year to year. This, in contrast to the variable correlations between individual species, indicates that there can be considerable flexibility in the specific composition of a planktonic community without correspondingly marked effects on its trophic structure.  相似文献   

A model of the lower trophic levels that consists of a system of coupled ordinary differential equations was developed to investigate the time-dependent behavior of doliolid populations associated with upwelling features on the outer southeastern US continental shelf. Model equations describe the interactions of doliolids with two phytoplankton size fractions, five copepod developmental states and detrital pool. Additional equations describe nitrate and ammonia. Model dynamics are based primarily upon data obtained from field and laboratory experiments for southeastern US continental shelf plankton populations. Variations on a reference simulation, which represents average upwelling conditions without doliolids, were carried out to determine the effect of inclusion of doliolids, temperature and nutrient variations, and variations in ambient food concentrations on the basic plankton community structure. These simulations provide a measure of the role of environmental versus biological interactions in structuring the planktonic food web on the southeastern US continental shelf. Simulations show that he copepod population is significantly reduce when doliolids are present. This happens primarily as a result of direct predation of the doliolids on copepod eggs and juveniles as opposed to an increase in competition for phytoplankton, the primary food source. Additional simulations show that the cooler temperatures associated with the newly upwelled water temporarily decrease the growth rates of doliolids and copepods, bestowing an event greater advantage on the rapidly reproducing doliolids.   相似文献   

Along the Louisiana, USA continental shelf, sandy shoals are shallow, possibly oxygen-rich “islands” surrounded by deeper muddy deposits prone to hypoxia. Shoals also contain significant quantities of fine sand that may be mined in the future for coastal restoration. The ecological role of shoals remains poorly understood and we hypothesized that shoals provide critical habitat for benthic invertebrates. Using Ship Shoal as a model system, we assessed the diversity and structure of macrobenthic assemblages and how community structure varies with season and environmental parameters. High biomass (averaging 26.7 g m−2) and high diversity (161 species) of macrobenthos was found in 2006. Polychaetes (45%—72 species) and crustaceans comprised most of the species (28%—46 species); spionids and amphipods dominated the polychaete and crustacean groups respectively, both in terms of number of species and abundances. Sharp decreases in diversity, abundance and biomass occurred from spring to autumn. Species diversity and total abundance significantly increased with decreasing sediment grain size and increasing bottom water dissolved oxygen. Across seasons, mole crabs Albunea paretii and amphioxus Branchiostoma floridae typified the community and contributed most of the biomass. The polychaetes Nephtys simoni, Neanthes micromma, Dispio uncinata, Mediomastus californiensis and Magelona sp. A, the amphipod Acanthohautorius sp. A and the burrowing shrimp Ogyrides alphaerostris also contributed to variation in community composition. Cluster analyses quantified seasonal variation, mainly based on sharp decreases in abundance, as well as spatial differences in species composition oriented along both east–west and north–south gradients. Variation in benthic assemblages was correlated with water depth and sediment characteristics (mean grain size and percentage of gravel-sized shell debris). We conclude that Ship Shoal is an unrecognized biodiversity hotspot and a hypoxia refuge compared to the immediate surrounding area where the benthic community is affected by seasonal hypoxia events and we discuss how sand-mining may influence this community.  相似文献   

Off the Po Delta in the northern Adriatic, three different foraminiferal associations were identified in the fraction >0.125 mm of 25 sediment samples. The first association concerns sample stations between depths of 5 and 13.5 m in the shallow, nutrient-rich belt and is characterised by dominant Ammonia beccarii. The second occupies the 29.5–38.5-m-deep, nutrient-rich zone of clay-rich sediment, where inputs from the Po are concentrated, and is dominated by Nonionella opima. The third association, in the 21–46-m-deep and nutrient-poor zone, is dominated by Textularia agglutinans. The same distribution of communities was obtained using total associations (living and dead specimens) and biocenosis (stained individuals). The good correspondence with the foraminiferal distributions described in the past indicates that, in spite of the occurrence of anoxic and dysoxic events, the environmental state in the northern Adriatic may be considered stable.  相似文献   

南海西北部陆架区鱼类的种类组成与群落格局   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2006-2007年在南海西北部陆架区海域进行的4航次底拖网调查数据,对该海域鱼类的种类组成和群落格局进行分析.调查共采获鱼类262种,隶属于20目102科.以冬季出现种类数最多,为166种;夏季和秋季次之,分别为161种和155种;春季最少,为135种.运用聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS)方法分析了南海西北部陆架区鱼类群落结构的空间分布.研究表明,该海域鱼类可划分为5个群落,分别为粤西沿岸群落(群落Ⅰ)、海南岛东南沿岸群落(群落Ⅱ)、海南岛东部深海群落(群落Ⅲ)、过渡群落(群落Ⅳ)和混合群落(群落Ⅴ).ANOSIM检验表明,各群落间鱼类组成的差异极为显著(R=0.847-0.939,P<0.001).鱼类群落格局的变化与海流和水深关系密切,有较明显的沿水深梯度分布的规律.咸淡水鱼类在雷州半岛东部的冷涡区域,形成群落Ⅰ;南海暖流控制区域内的深海鱼类,形成群落Ⅲ;在南海暖流最为强劲的冬季,研究区域内大部分鱼类集结为混合性群落Ⅴ;琼东南沿岸的上升流区内形成群落Ⅱ;沿岸流强劲的夏、秋季,在沿岸流和上升流交汇处,形成过渡性群落Ⅳ.  相似文献   

Ecological attributes of native Eleocharis cellulosa and exotic-invasive Panicum repens communities were compared in the western littoral marsh of Lake Okeechobee, USA. Water quality, periphyton and macroinvertebrates were monitored for 2 years. Fish and zooplankton were monitored during the second year. Mean dissolved oxygen, pH and Secchi transparency were significantly higher in Eleocharis while total phosphorus was marginally higher in Panicum. Periphyton biomass was higher in Panicum but biovolumes were higher in Eleocharis. There were clear differences in the within-habitat periphyton assemblages, less difference in the among-habitat assemblages and moderate to clear differences in periphyton over time in both habitats. Both habitats were dominated by small omnivorous fish. Habitat and date were the most influential factors in differences among both macroinvertebrates and zooplankton, although these differences were marginal to moderate in both cases. Macroinvertebrate densities were higher in Eleocharis while zooplankton densities were higher in Panicum. These data suggest that contrary to the paradigm that Panicum is undesirable as habitat, sparse (<1,000 stems m?2) Panicum in close proximity to Eleocharis may exhibit a similar suite of ecological attributes. Both habitats also appear to contain similar food webs to nearby Everglades marsh communities.  相似文献   

Diversity of the nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) gene was examined in sediments obtained from the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean continental shelves. Approximately 1,100 bp of the nosZ gene were amplified via PCR, using nosZ gene-specific primers. Thirty-seven unique copies of the nosZ gene from these marine environments were characterized, increasing the nosZ sequence database fourfold. The average DNA similarity for comparisons between all 49 variants of the nosZ gene was 64% +/- 10%. Alignment of the derived amino acid sequences confirmed the conservation of important structural motifs. A highly conserved region is proposed as the copper binding, catalytic site (CuZ) of the mature protein. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated three major clusters of nosZ genes, with little overlap between environmental and culture-based groups. Finally, the two non-culture-based gene clusters generally corresponded to sampling location, implying that denitrifier communities may be restricted geographically.  相似文献   

Biogeochemistry - The structure of the phytoplankton community is strongly influenced by environmental variables linked with variations in sea–air CO2 net fluxes (FCO2). However, compared to...  相似文献   

Six species of marine tubifieids are described from the continental shelf off Peru. Two of them are members of the gutless genus Olavius Erséus, 1984 (subfamily Phallodrilinae). Olavius bullatus sp.n. possesses 2 pairs of large penial setae in voluminous copulatory sacs, tiny atria, and spermathecal pores in line with dorsal setae. Olavius crassitunicatus sp.n. is characterized by small atria with thin muscular layer, spermathecae with short ducts, opening dorso-laterally, and lack of penial setae. Four species arc members of the subfamily Limnodriloidinae. Limnodriloides busilicus sp.n. belongs to the appendiculatus-group (sensu Erséus). It is discriminated by somatic setae with subdental ligaments, and its voluminous elongate prostatic pads. Limnodriloides clavellatus sp.n. is distinguished from its congeners by a peculiar bulge in the cavity of each atrial ampulla, and spermatozeugmata imbedded in the walls of the spermathecae. Tectidrilus intermixtus sp.n. is similar to T. bori (Righi & Kanner, 1979); it is distinguished from the latter by having trisetal bundles in segment V or V-VI and by lacking copulatory glands. Marcusaedrilus peruanus sp.n. is characterized by nongranulated atrial ducts and bipartite spermathecae.  相似文献   

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