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  1. The possible impact of arthropod predation on inter-population variation in adult density of a thistle-feeding lady beetle, Henosepilachna niponica (Lewis ) was evaluated by means of predator exclusion experiments conducted in the field.
  2. The population density of newly-emerged adults at one habitat in the upstream area (site F) was significantly lower than at another in the downstream area (site A) although the egg density was nearly identical in the two habitats.
  3. In the habitat with lower adult density, egg mortality was higher due to higher levels of predation. A predator exclusion experiment demonstrated that arthropod predation was the main factor causing high mortality during the immature stages, and physical factors such as heavy rains were unlikely to influence larval survivals.
  4. Earwigs, ground beetles, predaceous stink bugs, and spiders were identified as the main predators in the study area. Of these, an earwig, Anechura harmandi (Burr ) was more predominant than other predators and was significantly more abundant in the habitat with low adult densities.

Size variation in newly-emerged adults was examined in two different local populations of an herbivorous lady beetle, Henosepilachna niponica, for 1976–80. Mean adult size of both sexes changed rather synchronously in the two populations over 5 years. Body size of adult beetles apparently decreased with increasing leaf damage of the plants on which they developed. Adult beetles which emerged late in the season, associated with increasing food deterioration, were smaller than those which emerged early. Ecological consequences of adult size variation is discussed in terms of oviposition site selection.  相似文献   

Sibling (cannibalism among siblings) and non-sibling cannibalism (cannibalism among non-siblings) were studied in a natural population of a lady beetle, Harmonia axyridisPallas . Of all the eggs laid (n=2269), 24.76% (n=562) were killed by sibling cannibalism and 36.10% (n=819) were killed by non-sibling cannibalism. Sibling cannibalism occurred constantly and intensively in most egg batches throughout the entire oviposition period. On the other hand, non-sibling cannibalism was more intense in the middle and late oviposition periods, and when the egg batches were close to an aphid colony. This may be due to the high density of H. axyridis larvae relative to aphid density in the middle and late oviposition periods and also the larvae searching intensively near an aphid colony.  相似文献   

From December, 1981 to December 1982, the population dynamics of the phytophagous lady beetle Epilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabricius ) (Evp) was studied by mark-recapture of adults and the construction of a life table in an eggplant field in Padang, Sumatra, Indonesia.
  1. After planting of the host plants, adults of Evp soon colonized and oviposited massively, resulting in a rapid population growth for 1–2 months; thereafter, the population increase slowed due to defoliation. Three–four months thereafter the host plants recovered their leaves, but leaf quality was less suitable for Evp and, as a result, the population remained at a low level during the rest of the study period. Adult population size fluctuated 7–8 fold during the study period.
  2. Adult Evp showed a 1∶1 sex ratio.
  3. The daily rate of residence, ψi, derived by theJolly-Seber formula fluctuated from 0.9 to 1.0.
  4. The estimated mean length of residence of adults was 16.5 days (male) and 15.2 (female), but this was probably much shorter than the actual longevity, because the adults were so active that they flew away or dropped off the plants when they were approached or were slightly disturbed.
  5. Adults showed a rich variation in elytral spot patterns. The average number of non-persistent spots per elytron was 0.52 in males and 1.08 in females; 23.3% of males and 24.6% of females had confluence(s).
  6. The life table shows that parasitism by wasps, which killed 9.7% of eggs and 35.0% of pupae, and starvation by overcrowding contributed most to the total mortality from egg to adult emergence (>98%).
  7. The high dispersal power of adults, coupled with their prolonged lx−mx schedules was advantageous for exploiting food plants which were variable in space and time.

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

The generalist predator, Orius insidiosus (Say) is an important early-season predator of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, a newly invasive pest of major concern in soybean crop management. We conducted a 3 year, multiple field study to characterize the dynamic relationships between the predator, the pest, and alternative prey in soybean. Using field sampling data, we showed that thrips were the only alternative prey to be well-established in fields prior to O. insidiosus arrival and were likely to promote predator colonization of soybean fields prior to the arrival of soybean aphid. The predator displayed a reproductive numerical response to thrips in one of the 3 years and a primarily aggregative response in another year. The predator did not respond numerically to soybean aphid in the majority of fields. Experimental manipulations of thrips populations in field plots temporarily reduced thrips densities but had a minimal effect on O. insidiosus densities, suggesting that the predator is resilient against temporary reductions in a major resource. In the 2 years O. insidiosus populations were well-established in fields prior to soybean aphid arrival, soybean aphid remained at low levels throughout the season. In the year soybean aphid arrived early with respect to the growing season and before O. insidiosus populations were established, soybean aphid reached outbreak levels in all fields. Future research efforts on the factors determining soybean aphid population dynamics need to address the relative importance of early-season soybean aphid colonization and generalist predator population dynamics on the potential for soybean aphid population outbreaks.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

Apex predator extirpation has been identified as a key driver of biodiversity losses. The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of apex predators results in an increase in the abundance and predatory impact of mesopredators. Here we test predictions made according to the MRH that an apex predator, the dingo (Canis dingo), benefits a small ground-nesting bird, the little button-quail (Turnix velox), by reducing the abundance of introduced mesopredators, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cat (Felis catus). We also examined an alternative hypothesis that herbivore grazing negatively affects little button-quail abundance by reducing ground cover. To test our predictions we compared dingo, mesopredator, quail, herbivore and ground cover abundances and predator diets over a 25 month period and across a 10,000 km2 region encompassing areas where dingoes were common and rare, pastoral properties, and conservation reserves. Little button-quails were primarily observed where dingoes were common and foxes rare. Cats were detected at low numbers throughout the sample area irrespective of the index abundance of little button-quails, dingoes or foxes. Birds occurred less frequently in dingo than fox or cat scats. Ground cover and herbivore grazing activity were poor correlates of little button-quail abundance. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that apex predators’ mesopredator-suppressive effects translate to population-level benefits for a ground-nesting bird. Positive associations between the abundances of dingoes and small-prey species suggests that positive management of dingoes could be incorporated into broad-scale biodiversity conservation programs as a strategy to alleviate the predatory impacts of foxes.  相似文献   

Summary The phenology of the Californian shrub, Diplacus aurantiacus has been shown to be closely tied to habitat water availability, and the life cycle of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas chalcedona, is in turn tied to the phenological development of Diplacus. Here this relationship is further documented by showing how the activity patterns of both the shrub and the butterfly vary from year to year, but in synchrony, dependent on the breaking of the annual drought.The end of the feeding period for the post-diapause larvae coincides with flowering of Diplacus. At this time the quality of leaves as a food source for the larvae declines as nitrogen evidently moves from the leaves into plant reproductive parts.The abundance of leaves available as food for the larvae varies greatly with season. The few leaves present during the drought period, when the larvae are inactive, are low in nitrogen and high in resin content. Even during this period, though, these leaves contribute to the carbon economy of the plant. Of the leaves produced during the principal growing season, it is the youngest leaves with the highest nitrogen contents, and hence greatest potential carbon-gaining capacity, that have the highest resin contents. Larvae feed preferentially on the older, lower-resin-content leaves. It can be surmised thus that resin is a feeding deterrent and that its distribution within the plant results in the greatest protection of the plant's carbon-gaining capacity.Dedicated to Dr. Konrad Springer who has been a strong force in the development of ecology this past decade through his prolific publication series which have set the highest standards in the profession  相似文献   

Understanding the novel ecological interactions that result from biological invasions is a critical issue in modern ecology and evolution as well as pest management. Introduced herbivorous insects may interact with native plants and indigenous natural enemies, creating novel tri‐trophic interactions. To help predict the potential outcomes of novel interactions, we investigated the behavioural and physiological responses of an indigenous generalist parasitoid (Habrobracon gelechiae) to an introduced generalist herbivore (the light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana) and its new host plants in California. We first examined the parasitoid's host location and acceptance on a range of nine common host plants of the moth representing distinctly different geographic origins and morphologies (to examine the effect of a known toxic plant on the parasitoid's performance, an additional toxic plant species was also tested that the moth consumes in the laboratory but does not naturally attack). The parasitoid was able to locate the host larvae on all plants equally well, although clutch size was affected by host plant. We then determined fitness of the moth and the parasitoid on four representative plants. The moth larvae suffered higher mortality and a slower developmental rate on the known toxic plant than on the other three plants, but the parasitoid's fitness correlates did not differ between the host food plants. These results show a high level of plasticity in the indigenous generalist parasitoid in its ability to exploit the exotic host on a wide range of host plants, generating an invasion‐driven novel tri‐trophic interaction.  相似文献   

One cornerstone of ecological theory is that nutrient availability limits the number of species that can inhabit a community. However, the relationship between the spatial distribution of limiting nutrients and species diversity is not well established because there is no single scale appropriate for measuring variation in resource distribution. Instead, the correct scale for analyzing resource variation depends on the range of species sizes within the community. To quantify the relationship between nutrient distribution and plant species diversity, we measured NO3- distribution and plant species diversity in 16 paired, modified Whittaker grassland plots in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Semivariograms were used to quantify the spatial structure of NO3- from scales of 0.4–26 m. Plant species diversity (Shannon-Weiner diversity index; H ) was quantified in 1-m2 plots, while plant species richness was measured at multiple spatial scales between 1 and 1,000 m2. Small-scale variation in NO3- (<0.4 m) was positively correlated with 1-m2 H , while 1,000-m2 species richness was a log-normal function of average NO3- patch size. Nine of the 16 grassland plots had a fractal (self-similar across scales) NO3- spatial distribution; of the nine fractal plots, five were adjacent to plots that had a non-fractal distribution of NO3-. This finding offered the unique opportunity to test predictions of Ritchie and Olff (1999): when the spatial distribution of limiting resources is fractal, communities should display a left-skewed log-size distribution and a log-normal relationship between net primary production and species richness. These predictions were supported by comparisons of plant size distributions and biomass-richness relationships in paired plots, one with a fractal and one with a non-fractal distribution of NO3-. In addition, fractal plots had greater large-scale richness than paired non-fractal plots (1,0–1000 m2), but neither species diversity (H ) nor richness was significantly different at small scales (1 m2). This result is most likely explained by differences in the scale of resource variation among plots: fractal and non-fractal plots had equivalent NO3- variation at small scales but differed in NO3- variation at large scales (as measured by the fractal dimension). We propose that small-scale variation in NO3- is largely due to the direct effects of plants on soil, while patterns of species richness at large scales is controlled by the patch size and fractal dimension of NO3- in the landscape. This study provides an important empirical step in understanding the relationship between the spatial distribution of resources and patterns of species diversity across multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed within-year temporal variation of IBI scores. We compared index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores for two summer sampling events from a large river during 25 annual periods. The results indicated that IBI scores calculated from June samples were not significantly different from July samples. Spatial autocorrelation was present, such that sites that were closer together produced similar IBI scores and could not be considered independent. Temporal autocorrelation was present, but was not strong. Lower quality sites (low IBI score) did not have higher variation than higher quality sites. Our results show that a single sample of fishes by boat electrofisher during the summer in a large river such as the Wabash River can produce a repeatable estimate of IBI score. Thus, repeated or additional sampling within the summer season to improve the quality of the evaluation is not warranted. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

This study characterizes the timing of feeding, moving and resting for the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch and a phytoseiid predator, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. Feeding is the interaction between T. urticae and plants, and between P. persimilis and T. urticae. Movement plays a key role in locating new food resources. Both activities are closely related to survival and reproduction. We measured the time allocated to these behaviours at four ages of the spider mite (juveniles, adult females immediately after moult and adult females 1 and 3 days after moult) and two ages of the predatory mite (juveniles and adult females). We also examined the effect of previous spider mite-inflicted leaf damage on the spider mite behaviour. Juveniles of both the spider mite and the predatory mite moved around less than their adult counterparts. Newly emerged adult female spider mites spent most of their time moving, stopping only to feed. This represents the teneral phase, during which adult female spider mites are most likely to disperse. With the exception of this age group, spider mites moved more and fed less on previously damaged than on clean leaves. Because of this, the spider mite behaviour was initially more variable on damaged leaves. Phytoseiulus persimilis rested at all stages for a much larger percentage of the time and spent less time feeding than did T. urticae; the predators invariably rested in close proximity to the prey. Compared to adult predators, juveniles spent approximately four times as long handling a prey egg. The predator-prey interaction is dependent upon the local movement of both the predators and prey. These details of individual behaviours in a multispecies environment can provide an understanding of population dynamics.  相似文献   

物种的空间分布会受到种间相互作用(如捕食关系等)和环境变量等多种因素共同影响。阐明环境变量和种间相互作用对同域物种空间分布关系的影响, 对于理解群落聚集和生物多样性的维持机制至关重要。为了解川西高原常见雉类与捕食者的空间分布关系及其驱动因素, 本研究利用2016-2018年在川西高原84个红外相机位点获得的682张目标物种的独立照片, 采用条件型双物种占域模型(conditional two-species occupancy model)在相机位点尺度评估了在川西高原广泛分布的黄喉雉鹑(Tetraophasis szechenyii)、血雉(Ithaginis cruentus)和白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon)与其捕食者赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)的空间分布关系。结果显示: (1)在物种作用和环境变量的共同影响下, 赤狐和血雉(物种相互作用因子, species interaction factor, SIF = 1.31 ± 0.14)与赤狐和黄喉雉鹑(SIF = 1.42 ± 0.41)在研究区域内的空间分布趋于重合, 赤狐和血雉的空间关系随距河流距离的增加呈现先重合后趋于分离的趋势, 而赤狐和黄喉雉鹑的空间关系随距河流距离的增加呈现出由重合转为分离的趋势。赤狐与白马鸡在空间分布上相互独立(SIF = 1), 白马鸡的空间分布主要受环境因子影响, 而赤狐对其没有影响。(2) 3种雉类的探测率受物种作用的影响, 在相机位点尺度上赤狐的存在减少了3种雉类的探测率(pB > rB)。本研究为物种空间分布关系的研究提供了新的案例, 也为理解物种共存机制和生物多样性保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

应用地统计学及限制性排序分析方法,对海南霸王岭陆均松(Dacrydium pectinatum)幼苗、幼树、成树及其微生境因子的空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明:1)陆均松不同生活史阶段空间分布格局存在明显差异,幼苗阶段表现为聚集性分布,具有显著的空间自相关结构,聚集强度随年龄增长呈逐渐减弱趋势;2)RDA分析表明,陆均松空间分布格局与微生境因子的关系在不同生活史阶段存在差异,生境过滤的影响会随着生活史阶段的不同而有所差别;3)微生境变量对陆均松幼苗、幼树、成树空间变异的总解释量分别为78.4%、41.2%、33.6%,微生境因素对陆均松分布的限制作用主要集中在幼苗阶段;4)在大尺度条件下,PCNM变量与微生境变量具有较大的共同解释量(22.2%),存在典型的"诱导空间变差"现象,微生境变量空间变化引起响应变量即陆均松幼苗、幼树、成树的分布产生类似的空间结构。研究结果证实了微生境因子与不同生活史阶段陆均松分布的关联性,为深入理解陆均松种群维持机制、空间分布格局、更新动态与生境的关系提供科学依据。  相似文献   

胶州湾滨海湿地土壤有机碳时空分布及储量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
訾园园  郗敏  孔范龙  李悦  杨玲 《生态学杂志》2016,27(7):2075-2083
在胶州湾选取芦苇、碱蓬、光滩及大米草4种典型滨海湿地类型,分季节和层次采集土壤样品,测定土壤有机碳含量,分析滨海湿地土壤有机碳的时空分布及储量.结果表明: 垂直方向上,除光滩湿地沿剖面呈先减小后稍有上升的趋势外,其他湿地均随土壤深度的增加而减小;水平方向上,湿地土壤有机碳含量表现为大米草湿地>光滩湿地>碱蓬湿地>芦苇湿地;季节上,湿地土壤有机碳含量表现为春季>夏季>秋季>冬季.土壤有机碳含量与土壤含盐量、含水率、TN及C/N呈正相关,与土壤容重、pH值呈负相关.不同类型湿地土壤剖面有机碳密度表现为光滩湿地>芦苇湿地>碱蓬湿地,湿地类型对土壤有机碳含量和有机碳密度分布的影响存在一定差异.因储碳层厚度及储碳层内有机碳密度的差异,光滩湿地单位面积有机碳储量明显高于碱蓬和芦苇湿地,具有较大的储碳潜能,对研究区滨海湿地起到一定的碳汇作用.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between the microfilarial density in the skin and the burden of adult female Onchocerca volvulus by analysing pre-control nodulectomy data which allow for a direct approach, independent of exposure. The data of 169 patients in Burkina Faso and 182 patients in Liberia represent savannah and forest onchocerciasis in West Africa, respectively. Whereas in Burkina Faso, a saturating relationship between microfilarial density and worm burden suggests the operation of density-dependent processes within human hosts, the Liberian data show a linear relationship implying no density dependence. The differences may derive from differences between both parasite strains, i.e. the savannah or the forest strain of O. volvulus. Consistently for both parasite strains and independent of the worm burden, the microfilarial density increases with host age emphasising the concept of the acquisition of immunological tolerance. In male hosts in Liberia, the microfilarial density increases stronger with the worm burden than in female hosts, whereas such sex-specific differences cannot be found in Burkina Faso. In the methodological part of this investigation, we suggest the beta-distribution to be most appropriate for describing variability in microfilarial densities and we present an approach to consider the uncertainty in the adult parasite burden which cannot be determined precisely in helminth infections. Implications of density dependence are discussed with respect to immunological processes in the human host and with respect to the success of control programs. The relationships described show that regulatory processes between the parasite and the human host are multi-dimensional, operating within a high degree of biological variability.  相似文献   

Spring-spawning herring Clupea harengus was patchily distributed over large parts of the Norwegian Sea in May 1995–2005, during the early phase of the annual feeding migration. Overall, herring tended to be found in areas with intermediate biomasses of zooplankton prey, intermediate water temperatures and relatively high salinities. Herring had more food in their stomachs in areas of relatively low water temperature and high herring abundance. Hydrographical conditions revealed that herring was feeding mainly within Atlantic water masses, and more intensely in western and northern regions of the Norwegian Sea. Zooplankton biomass was patchily distributed, and was generally higher towards the western parts of the Norwegian Sea. Here, zooplankton biomass in year i +1 was also negatively associated with herring spawning stock biomass in year i , while there was no evidence for such an association in the eastern region; indicating that herring may have a geographically structured 'top–down' effect on the recruitment of its zooplankton prey. The fact that herring was not typically associated with the areas containing the greatest zooplankton biomasses may reflect that the fish had not yet reached the most profitable feeding grounds or alternatively that herring was depleting zooplankton biomass.  相似文献   

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