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The effects of moderate (150 +/- 2 ppm) prenatal carbon monoxide (CO) exposure (maternal HbCO concentrations of 15.6 +/- 1.1%) on learning and memory were assessed in young and aged adult rats using a two-way active avoidance paradigm. In experiment 1, the prenatal CO-exposed rats at 120 days of age acquired a conditioned avoidance response equally well as control animals in a 100-trial session. However, following a 24-hr interval the CO-exposed rats failed to demonstrate significant retention of the task as indicated by the absence of significant improvement in performance over the indicated by the absence of significant improvement in performance over the previous day; control subjects did show significant retention. In experiment 2, in which 120-day-old animals received 50 training trials per day until a criterion of ten consecutive avoidance responses was met, the prenatal CO-exposed subjects again acquired the task as well as control animals. When tested for retention 28 days later, a significant memory impairment was again observed in terms of trials required to reattain the avoidance criterion as well as in total percent avoidance responding. In neither experiment did an analysis of initial or average latency to escape the footshock stimulus reveal any significant alterations. These latter results suggest that the observed performance impairment reflected a memory deficit and not a disruption of sensory, motor, or motivational factors. In experiment 3, prenatal CO-exposed rats approximately 1 year of age (300-360 days of age) showed impairment relative to air-exposed controls in both the original learning and retention of the two-way avoidance response. Again, however, there was no evidence for alterations in performance factors per se. Collectively these data indicate that while young adult rats prenatally exposed to 150 ppm CO demonstrate an associative deficit restricted to memory impairment, aged adults similarly exposed during the prenatal period display a more pronounced deficit similar to that recently reported for animals tested as juveniles. The importance of parametric manipulations in uncovering long-term toxicity is also discussed.  相似文献   

Maternal hormones in vertebrate eggs can mediate important forms of maternal effects. However, the function of hormone transfer to the eggs is still debated, especially because long-term fitness consequences have been little studied. We investigated the effect of prenatal exposure to physiologically elevated yolk testosterone (T) levels on reproduction of female pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in captivity. We found that females hatching from T-injected eggs (T-females) had a lower egg-laying rate than controls, and their eggs were more frequently infertile than those laid by control females. There were no effects of prenatal maternal treatment on egg size and yolk T concentration, but eggs carrying a female embryo laid by T-females had smaller yolks than eggs with a male embryo, while there was no sex difference in yolk size among the eggs laid by control females. Progeny sex ratio was unaffected by maternal treatment. These findings suggest that the transfer of high androgen levels to the eggs by the mother is constrained by complex trade-offs between direct effects on her daughters' reproduction and by trans-generational differential consequences on male and female descendants.  相似文献   

J Davies  J Lefkowitz 《Acta anatomica》1987,130(4):351-358
Of 25 mature female guinea pigs exposed transplacentally to diethylstilbestrol (DES) for more than 20 days before term, 8 showed abnormal changes in the genital tract (stimulation of the epithelium and stroma, cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrial glands near the junction of the upper endocervix and endometrium) and 9 showed severe changes (cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrial glands throughout the corpus uteri and cornua, squamous metaplasia). Hyperkeratosis of the vulvar and nipple skin was also observed. No neoplastic changes were observed with one exception at 14 months in one ovary. Prenatal exposure to DES for less than 15 days before term or after birth for 3 days failed to result in abnormal changes in the adults. Prenatal exposure to estradiol for more than 20 days also was without effect in the adult, despite the higher tolerated doses given to the mothers. Cycling activity as judged by vaginal opening was abnormal in all experimental groups, suggesting a derangement of the pituitary-hypothalamic function not specifically related to DES exposure. It was concluded that there is a critical period of exposure of the Müllerian duct- and sinus-derived tissues with respect to the delayed effects of prenatal exposure to DES, which is estimated on the basis of embryological studies to range from the 28th to about the 45th day of gestation.  相似文献   

AimsEnvironmental information received by a mother can induce a phenotype change in her offspring, commonly known as a maternal effect (trans-generational effect). The present work verified the effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which mimics bacterial infection, on maternal care and on the activity of related brain areas in F1 offspring, i.e., female rats that were prenatally exposed to LPS.Main methodsPregnant rats received 100 μg/kg of LPS intraperitoneally on gestational day (GD) 9.5. Female offspring of the F1 generation were mated to naïve males and were evaluated during their lactation period for open field, maternal and aggressive behaviors. Striatal and hypothalamic dopamine and serotonin levels and turnover were also evaluated. Furthermore, astrocyte protein expression in the nucleus accumbens (NA) was analyzed in F1 females to assess LPS-induced neuroinflammation.Key findingsPrenatal LPS did not change open field behavior but impaired both maternal and maternal aggressive behaviors in the F1 generation. LPS exposure also reduced both striatal levels of dopamine and serotonin and its metabolites, but induced no changes in NA astrocyte expression.SignificanceWe suggested that the observed impairments in the F1 females were a consequence of a motivational change induced by prenatal LPS, as (1) no changes in motor activity were observed, (2) prenatal LPS-exposure was reported by our group to induce motivational impairments in males, and (3) the existence of a strong connection between striatal dopaminergic activity and motivation-oriented activities. The present findings strongly indicate a maternal effect for prenatal LPS, at least for the F1 generation.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a family of toxicants that persist in measurable quantities in human and wildlife tissues, despite their ban in production in 1977. Some PCB mixtures can act as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by mimicking or antagonizing the actions of hormones in the brain and periphery. When exposure to hormonally active substances such as PCBs occurs during vulnerable developmental periods, particularly prenatally or in early postnatal life, they can disrupt sex-specific patterning of the brain, inducing permanent changes that can later be manifested as improper sexual behaviors. Here, we investigated the effects of prenatal exposure to the PCB mixture Aroclor (A) 1221 on adult female reproductive behaviors in a dose-response model in the Sprague-Dawley rat. Using a paced mating paradigm that permits the female to set the timing of mating and control contact with the male during copulation, we were able to uncover significant differences in female-typical sexual activities in A1221-exposed females. Specifically, A1221 causes significant effects on mating trial pacing, vocalizations, ambulation and the female's likelihood to mate. The results further demonstrate that the intermediate treatment group has the greatest number of disrupted endpoints, suggestive of non-linear dose responses to A1221. These data demonstrate that the behavioral phenotype in adulthood is disrupted by low, ecologically relevant exposures to PCBs, and the results have implications for reproductive success and health in wildlife and women.  相似文献   

Prenatal androgen shapes genital differentiation. In humans, genital anatomy determines sex of rearing and subsequent behavioral development. Rhesus monkey genital anatomy and neuroendocrine function are sexually differentiated, and behavioral development occurs in a complex social environment. We investigated prenatal hormonal influences on sexual differentiation by suppressing or increasing androgens in male and female rhesus monkeys. Pregnant multiparous female rhesus monkeys received 35-40 days of testosterone enanthate (TE) treatment, androgen antagonist (flutamide, FL) treatment, or vehicle starting on gestation day (GD) 35 or 40 (early) or GD 110 or 115 (late). Exogenous androgen increased neonatal LH secretion in females when given early and altered female genital differentiation when administered either early or late. TE treatment, early or late in gestation, had no measurable effects on male genital differentiation or neuroendocrine function. Early FL treatment, however, radically altered male genital differentiation, producing in two cases males with a urethral opening separate from the glans. In females, early FL treatment produced detectable alterations in genitalia consistent with a reduced exposure to prenatal androgen, suggesting that female rhesus monkeys are naturally exposed prenatally to meaningful levels of T. Late FL treatment reduced male penis size and increased neonatal T secretion, but had no effect in females. This is the first study to block endogenous prenatal testosterone in rhesus monkeys, thereby altering sexual differentiation. These findings illustrate the complexity of prenatal influences on anatomical and neuroendocrine development. The relationship between the anatomical changes reported here and sex differences in behavior is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated that the combined administration of estrogens and androgens activates the display of mounting by female hamsters. Forty-nine ovariectomized hamsters were injected daily with either estradiol benzoate (EB, N = 8); dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP, N = 7); testosterone propionate (TP, N = 6); androstenedione (AD, N = 9); EB plus DHTP (N = 10); or estrone plus DHTP (E1 + DHTP, N = 9). All androgens were administered at a dose of 1 mg per day for the first 24 days and at a dose of 2 mg per day for the last 14 days. The EB dose was 6 μg per day and the E1 dose was 100 μg per day. Females were tested for male behavior once a week starting on Day 10 of injections and for female behavior on Day 39.One hundred percent of EB + DHTP treated females; 67% of the E1 + DHTP treated females; 55% of the AD treated females; 33% of the TP treated females; 29% of the DHTP treated females; and none of the EB treated females mounted during at least one test. Only one of the E1 + DHTP treated females showed the intromission pattern; otherwise most females which mounted displayed the intromission pattern. The median number of days preceding the onset of mounting ranged from 21 to 31 days and did not differ among treatment groups.  相似文献   

The effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to ethanol (ETOH) on LHRH and LH were investigated. Pregnant and/or lactating dams were fed ETOH during: 1) gestation, 2) lactation, or 3) gestation-lactation. Female offspring were decapitated at 30 or 40 days-of-age; trunk blood was collected for plasma LH RIA; and hypothalamic tissues were collected for LHRH RIA. Hypothalamic LHRH content of all ETOH-exposed groups was less than that of non-ETOH-fed controls at 30 and 40 days-of-age (p less than 0.05). Plasma LH concentrations of all ETOH-exposed groups were less than those of non-ETOH-fed controls at 30 and 40 days-of-age (p less than 0.05). Also, at 30 and 40 days-of-age, the plasma LH concentrations of the animals exposed to ETOH during lactation and gestation-lactation were less than those of the animals exposed to ETOH during gestation (p less than 0.05). These data suggest that ETOH exposure during gestation and/or lactation negatively affects hypothalamic LHRH content of female rat offspring. Decreased hypothalamic LHRH content with corresponding lowered plasma LH concentration suggests that ETOH influences development or maturation of hypothalamic LHRH neurons by possibly decreasing their number or synthesizing capability.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of repetitive postnatal (2-7 days) intracerebroventricular administration of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on food intake and body weight gain in the 3- to 120-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats. NPY caused a 32% transient increase in body weight gain with elevated circulating insulin concentrations within 24 h. This early intervention led to the persistence of hyperinsulinemia and relative hyperleptinemia with euglycemia in the 120-day-old female alone. This perturbation was associated with 50% suppression in adult female hypothalamic NPY concentrations and a 50-85% decline in NPY immunoreactivity in the paraventricular and arcuate nuclei. This change was paralleled by a approximately 20% decline in food intake and body weight gain at 60 and 120 days. However, when exogenous NPY was stereotaxically reinjected into the paraventricular nucleus of the approximately 120-day-old adult females who were pretreated with NPY postnatally, an increase in food intake and body weight gain was noted, attesting to no disruption in the NPY end-organ responsivity. We conclude that postnatal intracerebroventricular NPY has long-lasting effects that predetermine the resultant adult phenotype in a sex-specific manner.  相似文献   

The perinatal critical period when androgen suppresses the capacity of virgin female rats to display maternal behavior in response to pups in adulthood was studied. A single direct injection of a large dose of testosterone propionate (TP) to the fetuses on Days 19 or 21 of pregnancy, but not during the neonatal period, significantly suppressed maternal responses in females. Percentages of females with anovulatory ovaries were largest in groups treated with TP within 2 days after birth. It is suggested that the androgen-sensitive period of the maternal mediating systems in the female rat exists prenatally, whereas the critical period of the systems regulating the cyclic release of ovulatory hormone is in the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Men and women differ on performance and strategy on several spatial tasks. Rodents display similar sex differences, and manipulations of early hormone exposure alter the direction of these differences. However, most cognitive testing of nonhuman primates has utilized sample sizes too small to investigate sexually differentiated behaviors. This study presents an investigation of sex differences and the effects of prenatal androgen on spatial memory and strategy use in rhesus monkeys. Monkeys prenatally exposed to vehicle, testosterone, or the androgen receptor blocker flutamide performed a search task in which 5 of 12 goal boxes contained food rewards. Spatial consistency and the presence of local landmarks were varied. Performance when both spatial and marker cues were available did not differ by sex or prenatal treatment. Contrary to predictions, females easily solved the task when local markers were removed, and their performance outscored males. Although eliminating spatial consistency and requiring subjects to use local markers impaired performance by all monkeys, females continued to locate correct goal boxes at higher than chance levels and scored better than males. Blocking prenatal androgen exposure in males improved use of local markers. These findings suggest that the tendency to attend to landmarks and to use them in solving spatial problems is typical of females across many species, including rodents, humans, and rhesus monkeys. In rhesus monkeys and rodents, developmental androgen eliminates this specialization. However, these results are the only known example of better performance of females than males when salient markers are removed.  相似文献   

Influences of early androgen exposure on personality were investigated. Participants were either exposed to abnormal levels of androgens prenatally due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH, 40 females, 29 males), or were unaffected relative controls (29 females, 30 males). Compared to female controls, females with CAH were less tender-minded (p < .001; 16 Personality Factor Inventory (16PF)), and reported greater physical aggression (p = .03; Reinisch Aggression Inventory) and less interest in infants (p < .001; Melson's Questionnaire), but did not differ in dominance (16PF). Males with CAH did not differ from male controls in interest in infants but were less dominant (p = .008), and more tender-minded (p = .033) and reported reduced physical aggression (p = .025). Thus, both males and females with CAH showed alteration in three of the four constructs assessed. Prenatal androgen exposure may shift some, but not all, personality characteristics in the male-typical direction in females. It may also be associated with a decrease in some aspects of male-typical personality development in males, although personality differences in males with CAH could relate to illness.  相似文献   

For the first ten days of gestation, rats received daily intraperitoneal injections of 10-40 mg/kg of caffeine. Open field behavior of their fostered offspring was observed 61, 145 and 188 days after birth. While there were no obvious physical effects of the prenatal experience, at 61 days caffeine exposure led to an increase in the number of times seen walking for males only and increased ambulation (distance travelled) for both sexes. At 145 days occupancy of centre squares of the apparatus and latencies of emergence from a dark box into an illuminated arena were higher for caffeine-exposed males only. When 188 days old, rats exposed to 20 mg/kg of caffeine tended to exhibit less locomotor activity and more grooming behavior while spending more time in corners of the apparatus. Male rats prenatally exposed to 20 mg/kg of caffeine avoided the centre squares of the apparatus. It was concluded that prenatal caffeine had modified the development of mechanisms controlling voluntary motor activity in the youngest rats. However, at older ages, the prenatal effect was probably manifested as increased timidity or emotional reactivity. Males were often affected differently from females by the prenatal treatment.  相似文献   

Male and female rats were exposed to the aromatization inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione (ATD) in utero via prenatal injections to the pregnant mother. In adulthood, lordosis behavior was measured in response to ovarian hormones. Males and females exposed prenatally to ATD showed enhanced lordosis behavior in response to estrogen alone and in response to estrogen plus progesterone when compared to controls. These data lend further support to the idea of a prenatal, androgen-sensitive phase of sexual differentiation in which defeminization normally occurs in both male and female rats. Further, these data support the concept that androgen aromatization is an important process in this defeminization.  相似文献   

目的:通过观察妊娠晚期高雄环境对子代雌鼠性腺发育及生殖功能的影响,从而探讨多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的可能致病因素.方法:16只妊娠Wismr大鼠被随机分为A、B两组各8只(A为实验组,B为对照组),A,B两组大鼠均取妊娠第15-20天的相同时间于颈部皮下分别注射等量丙酸睾丸酮和中性茶油,均于孕2l天剖宫产,A组子代雌鼠14只,B组12只;观察子代雌鼠脐带血中睾酮(T)水平、出生体重、阴道开口时间和发情周期、出生100天时体重、乳房发育情况及卵巢、子宫的组织形态学改变.结果:①A组子鼠脐带血中睾酮(T)水平明显增高(P<0.05);②A组子鼠出生体重较B组明显降低,而出生100天时A组子代雌鼠体重明显高于B组(P<0.05);无明显发情周期;出生100天时乳房数明显低于B组;阴道开口时间较B组无明显差异③A组子代雌鼠子宫积水扩张明显,卵巢中闭锁卵泡较B组明显增加(P<0.05).结论:妊娠晚期高雄环境下子代雌鼠表现出类似PCOS的性腺发育及生殖功能异常,推测妊娠晚期母体雄激素过高可能是PCOS的早期致病因素.  相似文献   

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