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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Growth in trunk height in canopy openings is important for saplings. How saplings increase height growth in canopy openings may relate to crown architectural constraints. Responses of crown development to canopy openings in relation to trunk height growth were studied for saplings (0.2-2.5 m tall) of eight tropical submontane forest tree species in Indonesia. The results of this study were also compared with those of temperate trees in northern Japan. METHODS: The crown architecture differed among the eight tropical species, i.e. they had sparsely to highly developed branching structures. Crown allometry was compared among the eight species in each canopy condition (closed canopy or canopy openings), and between closed canopy and canopy openings within a species. A general linear regression model was used to analyse how each species increases height growth rate in canopy openings. Crown allometry and its plasticity were compared between tropical and temperate trees by a nested analysis of covariance. KEY RESULTS: Tropical submontane trees had responses similar to cool-temperate trees, showing an increase in height in canopy openings, i.e. taller saplings of sparsely branched species increase height growth rates by increasing the sapling leaf area. Cool-temperate trees have a wider crown projection area and a smaller leaf area per crown projection area to avoid self-shading within a crown compared with tropical submontane trees. Plasticity of the crown projection area is greater in cool-temperate trees than in tropical submontane trees, probably because of the difference in leaf longevity. CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that interspecific variation in the responses of crown development to canopy openings in regard to increasing height related to the species' branching structure, and that different life-forms, such as evergreen and deciduous trees, had different crown allometry and plasticity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acer saccharum and Fagus grandifolia are among the most dominant late-successional tree species in North America. The influence of sapling growth responses to canopy gaps on the co-dominance of the two species in an old-growth forest in southern Quebec, Canada was examined. Two predictions were evaluated: (a) F. grandifolia is more shade tolerant than A. saccharum due to greater sapling leaf area and net production per sapling in closed-canopy conditions; and (b) the height growth rate of A. saccharum in canopy gaps is greater than that of F. grandifolia due to increased net production per sapling. METHODS: Sapling crown allometry, net production and height growth rates were compared between and within the two species in closed canopy vs. canopy gaps. Standardized major axis regression was used to analyse differences in crown allometry. KEY RESULTS: F. grandifolia had greater crown projection, sapling leaf area and net production rate per sapling than A. saccharum in closed-canopy conditions. In response to canopy gaps, net production per sapling increased to the same degree in both species. The net production per sapling of F. grandifolia thus was much greater than that of A. saccharum in both canopy gap and closed-canopy conditions. The height growth rate of both species increased in canopy gaps, but the degree of increase was greater in F. grandifolia than in A. saccharum. CONCLUSIONS: F. grandifolia regenerated more successfully than A. saccharum in both closed-canopy conditions and canopy gaps, which indicates that the co-dominance of the two species cannot be maintained simply by interspecific differences in shade tolerance and growth in gaps. Previous research showed that although Fagus and Acer shared dominance at this site, their relative dominance shifted with edaphic conditions. This suggests that the widespread co-dominance of the two species in eastern North American forests is maintained by the joint influence of canopy disturbance and species-specific responses to the heterogeneity of moisture and fertility regimes within forested landscapes.  相似文献   

We used pairs of congeneric shrub species from contrasting habitats to test for repeated evolutionary divergence in leaf-stem allometry and shoot hydraulic architecture in response to water availability. Allometric relationships and mean ratios between leaf size (individual and total area and mass per shoot) and stem cross-sectional area were compared between habitats using six species pairs representing three genera (Arctostaphylos, Baccharis, Ceanothus). We measured correlations among evolutionary changes in allometric, morphological, and physiological traits using phylogenetic independent contrasts. Allometric analysis revealed habitat differences: slopes were homogeneous among species (=1.46), but the more mesic-adapted species generally supported more leaf area at a common stem cross-sectional area. Reducing bivariate allometry to a ratio obscured this pattern because ratios varied with stem size, which was unrelated to habitat. Mean individual leaf size also was not correlated with either water availability or leaf-stem allometry. Stem hydraulic conductivity was generally lower in the xeric-adapted species of each pair, and its evolution mirrored changes in shoot allometry. This study provides evidence for repeated evolutionary divergence in shoot allometry and hydraulic architecture associated with water availability and demonstrates the importance of shoot allometry to water relations, independent of leaf size.  相似文献   

Prior studies of a broad array of seed plants have reported strong correlations among leaf life span, specific leaf area, nitrogen concentration, and carbon assimilation rates, which have been interpreted as evidence of coordinated leaf physiological strategies. However, it is not known whether these relationships reflect patterns of evolutionary convergence, or whether they are due to contrasting characteristics of major seed plant lineages. We reevaluated a published data set for these seven traits measured in over 100 species, using phylogenetic independent contrasts calculated over a range of alternative seed plant phylogenies derived from recent molecular systematic analyses. In general, pairwise correlations among these seven traits were similar with and without consideration of phylogeny, and results were robust over a range of alternative phylogenies. We also evaluated relationships between these seven traits and lamina area, another important aspect of leaf function, and found moderate correlations with specific leaf area (0.64), mass-based photosynthesis (0.54), area-based nitrogen (−0.56), and leaf life span (−0.42). However, several of these correlations were markedly reduced using independent contrasts; for example, the correlation between leaf life span and lamina area was reduced to close to zero. This change reflects the large differences in both these traits between conifers and angiosperms and the absence of a relationship between the traits within these groups. This analysis illustrates that most interspecific relationships among leaf functional traits, considered across a broad range of seed plant taxa, reflect significant patterns of correlated evolutionary change, lending further support to the adaptive interpretation of these relationships.  相似文献   

Two strategies have evolved in understory trees in relation to light availability: maximization of light capture and shade tolerance. In the genus Acer, light capture is favored by a suite of traits maximizing twig thickness and leaf size and minimizing the density of branching in the crown. In contrast, shade tolerance is enhanced by minimizing crown area, crown volume, and total leaf area per unit height. Maples with polycyclic shoot growth (i.e., successive flushes of shoot growth separated by a resting phase within the same vegetative period) may benefit from the prolonged growth by growing more and increasing total leaf area; thus we hypothesize that polycyclism is evolutionarily correlated with the suite of traits related to light capture. We tested this hypothesis using different phylogenetic trees to explore correlations between polycyclism and both suites of traits. Polycyclism was correlated with the suite of traits maximizing light capture, suggesting that polycyclic maples are "optimists" (i.e., they make vigorous vertical extensions in rich light) and monocyclic maples are "pessimists" (i.e., they wait in the dark understory until a gap is opened). Both strategies have been described for different floras, and interestingly, polycyclic species recruit over a wider range of environments than the monocyclic species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: When ecologically important plant traits are correlated they may be said to constitute an ecological 'strategy' dimension. Through identifying these dimensions and understanding their inter-relationships we gain insight into why particular trait combinations are favoured over others and into the implications of trait differences among species. Here we investigated relationships among several traits, and thus the strategy dimensions they represented, across 2134 woody species from seven Neotropical forests. METHODS: Six traits were studied: specific leaf area (SLA), the average size of leaves, seed and fruit, typical maximum plant height, and wood density (WD). Trait relationships were quantified across species at each individual forest as well as across the dataset as a whole. 'Phylogenetic' analyses were used to test for correlations among evolutionary trait-divergences and to ascertain whether interspecific relationships were biased by strong taxonomic patterning in the traits. KEY RESULTS: The interspecific and phylogenetic analyses yielded congruent results. Seed and fruit size were expected, and confirmed, to be tightly related. As expected, plant height was correlated with each of seed and fruit size, albeit weakly. Weak support was found for an expected positive relationship between leaf and fruit size. The prediction that SLA and WD would be negatively correlated was not supported. Otherwise the traits were predicted to be largely unrelated, being representatives of putatively independent strategy dimensions. This was indeed the case, although WD was consistently, negatively related to leaf size. CONCLUSIONS: The dimensions represented by SLA, seed/fruit size and leaf size were essentially independent and thus conveyed largely independent information about plant strategies. To a lesser extent the same was true for plant height and WD. Our tentative explanation for negative WD-leaf size relationships, now also known from other habitats, is that the traits are indirectly linked via plant hydraulics.  相似文献   

Seed size and cotyledon morphology are two key juvenile traits that have evolved in response to changes in plant species life-history strategies and habitat associations. Correlations of these traits with each other and with other juvenile traits were examined for 70 species of trees and shrubs in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Although species with photosynthetic cotyledons were more abundant than in other tropical floras, both univariate and multivariate analyses supported trait associations expected from the literature. Trait values varied continuously across species, yet mean trait values differed significantly among habitat association types. Species with large seeds, large seedlings, thick storage cotyledons, slow germination, large-stature adults, and dispersal by large animals were common in forest and gap habitats. An opposite suite of traits was common in open habitats (grassland and edge). Analyses incorporating phylogeny (independent contrasts and omnibus tests) confirmed that these suites of traits showed correlated evolution. Cotyledon functional morphology yielded a strong phylogenetic signal, while seed mass was labile. Nevertheless, contingent change tests found that evolutionary change from photosynthetic to reserve cotyledons was more likely when disperser and perhaps seed size of ancestral species were already large, suggesting a strong interdependency among these traits.  相似文献   

Plant allometry that is related to plant architecture and biomass allocation strongly influences a plants ability to grow in shaded forest understory. Some allometric traits can change with plant size. The present study compared crown and trunk allometries, root/shoot biomass allometry, and root architecture among understory saplings (0.25--5m height, except for two trees > 5 < 7 m) of seven deciduous dicotyledonous species in central Japan. Associations of the crown and trunk allometries with several plant morphological attributes were analyzed. Branch morphology (plagiotropyvs orthotropy) and life size were correlated with sapling crown and trunk allometries. Both large leaves and orthotropic branches were associated with a narrow small crown and slender trunk. The root/shoot ratio decreased rapidly with increasing plant height for saplings shorter than about 1.5 m. Less shade-tolerant species tended to have smaller root/shoot ratios for saplings taller than 1.5 m. With an increase in plant height, the branch/trunk biomass ratio decreased for saplings with plagiotropic branches but increased for saplings with orthotropic branches. Four subcanopy species (Acer distylum, Carpinus cordata, Fraxinus lanuginosa and Acanthopanax sciadophylloides) had superficial root systems; a common understory species (Sapium japonica) had a deep tap root system; and a canopy species (Magnolia obovata) and a subcanopy species (Acer tenuifolium) had heart root systems of intermediate depth. The root depth was not related to shade tolerance. Among species of the same height, the difference in fine root length can be 30-fold.  相似文献   

The role of preadaptation in ecology and evolution is determined by how the traits evolved by a species in one environment allow it to be successful in novel environments. This concept bears directly on modern biological invasions, as species are introduced to new locations beyond their historical borders. In this study, we used a phylogenetically-controlled analysis of the flowering plant genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae) to show that native geographic range size, along with a suite of life history traits affecting plant growth and reproduction, have preadapted some species for the invasion of new ranges. Using a path analytic approach, we further show that some of the covariance between life history traits and invasiveness is indirect, caused by mutual associations with native range size. Specifically, we found that reproductive traits such as the number of flowers per inflorescence and length of the flowering season directly preadapt species for invasion, while plant height is indirectly associated with invasion through a correlation with native range size. Other traits such as ovule number and leaf size are both directly and indirectly associated with invasion success. Our results reveal the importance of accounting for correlations among plant traits and geographic range size when predicting preadaptation for invasiveness. We also highlight that the traits predictive of invasion success among species of Silene are often those found to be rapidly evolving within introduced populations, suggesting common forces of selection operating at these different biological scales of organization during invasion.  相似文献   

Trees have the ability to respond to local environmental cues by expressing particular phenotypes across their canopy through a mechanism known as intracanopy plasticity. In this study, intracanopy plasticity of Olea europaea subsp. europaea was analyzed by sampling leeward and windward canopy exposures of individuals occurring in an area with sustained strong wind conditions. A suite of morphofunctional and reproductive traits was measured at these contrasting canopy positions and, for comparison, also in wind-protected trees. Furthermore, the pattern of intracanopy plasticity of these plants was compared to that previously documented in a closely related species, Olea europaea subsp. guanchica. Plants exposed to strong winds displayed substantial differences between leeward and windward exposures in most of the study traits. Leeward exposures experienced a mean reduction of 73% in wind speed as compared to windward ones, and displayed a modular phenotype matching that observed in wind-protected plants. Wind-exposed plants, however, were comparatively smaller and had fewer and smaller inflorescences, since inflorescence size was positively associated with crown size. The two closely related species showed similar crown and leaf sizes between populations exposed to strong winds, and intracanopy responses were comparable for most traits. These observations suggest that intracanopy plasticity resulted in the expression of contrasting phenotypes within individuals, which allowed trees to persist under sustained wind stress, although at the cost of a reduced reproductive fitness. In addition, this study gives support to the idea that intracanopy responses are conserved among closely related taxa evolving in different habitats, but experiencing a comparable limiting factor.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Inevitable trade-offs in structure may be a basis for differentiation in plant strategies. Juvenile trees in different functional groups are characterized by specific suites of structural traits such as crown architecture and biomass distribution. The relationship between juvenile tree structure and function was tested to find out if it is robust among functionally and taxonomically similar species of the genus Shorea that coexist sympatrically in a tropical rain forest in Borneo. METHODS: The sapling structures of 18 species were compared for standardized dry masses of 5 and 30 g. Pairwise simple correlation and multiple correlation patterns among structural traits of juveniles (0.1-1.5 m in height) of 18 Shorea species were examined using Pearson's correlation and principal component analysis (PCA), respectively. The correlation was then tested between the PCA results and three indices of shade tolerance: the net photosynthetic rate, the wood density of mature trees and seed size. KEY RESULTS: The structural variation in saplings of the genus Shorea was as large as that found in sets of species with much more diverse origins. The PCA showed that both crown architecture and allocation to leaves are major sources of variation in the structures of the 18 species investigated. Of these two axes, allocation to leaves was significantly correlated with wood density and showed a limited correlation with photosynthetic rate, whereas crown architecture was significantly correlated to seed size. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the results suggest that an allocation trade-off between leaves and other organs, which co-varied with wood density and to a certain extent with photosynthetic capacity, accounts for the difference in shade tolerance among congeneric, functionally similar species. In contrast, the relationship between the architecture and regeneration strategy differed from the pattern found between functional groups, and the function of crown architecture was ambiguous.  相似文献   

竹类植物作为一种克隆植物, 无次生生长过程, 具有独特的生长和繁殖特性。但有关不同类群竹类植物功能性状的变异规律所知甚少。本文以在中国分布的34属534种竹类植物为研究对象, 从Flora of China中收集和整理其秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚、叶长、叶宽等基本形态学功能性状, 根据竹类植物生物学特性, 按地下茎划分为丛生、散生和混生3个类群, 按出笋季节划分为春、夏、秋、冬4个类群, 按分布范围划分为中国特有(371个中国特有种)和非特有2个类群, 再采用方差分析和多重比较探讨不同类群竹类植物在基本形态学性状上的分异格局, 采用主成分分析揭示各个功能性状之间的内在关联, 剖析不同类群竹类植物功能性状的变异。结果表明: 丛生竹、散生竹和混生竹之间功能性状差异显著, 丛生竹具有最大的秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚, 最小的叶长和叶宽, 散生竹次之, 而混生竹则具有最小的秆性状和最大的叶性状。中国特有种在秆高、直径、竹壁厚、叶长方面显著小于非特有种。竹类植物秆高、直径、节间长、竹壁厚之间均呈显著正相关, 叶长和叶宽之间存在显著正相关。竹类植物在垂直方向上的大小性状(主要包括直径、秆高和竹壁厚)在第一主轴具有较大的贡献率, 而在水平方向上的叶片功能性状(叶长和叶宽)在第二主轴上贡献率最大。由此可见, 竹类植物在水平方向和垂直方向上对光资源的捕获差异可能是驱动竹类植物系统演化、特有性分布和出笋季节差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated significant correlations between stem and leaf hydraulic properties when comparing across species within ecological communities. This implies that these traits are co-evolving, but there have been few studies addressing plant water relations within an explicitly evolutionary framework. This study tests for correlated evolution among a suite of plant water-use traits and environmental parameters in seven species of Pereskia (Cactaceae), using phylogenetically independent contrasts. There were significant evolutionary correlations between leaf-specific xylem hydraulic conductivity, Huber Value, leaf stomatal pore index, leaf venation density and leaf size, but none of these traits appeared to be correlated with environmental water availability; only two water relations traits - mid-day leaf water potentials and photosynthetic water use efficiency - correlated with estimates of moisture regime. In Pereskia, it appears that many stem and leaf hydraulic properties thought to be critical to whole-plant water use have not evolved in response to habitat shifts in water availability. This may be because of the extremely conservative stomatal behavior and particular rooting strategy demonstrated by all Pereskia species investigated. These results highlight the need for a lineage-based approach to understand the relative roles of functional traits in ecological adaptation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Although many hypotheses have been proposed to explain variation in leaf size, the mechanism underlying the variation remains not fully understood. To help understand leaf size variation, the cost/benefit of twig size was analysed, since, according to Corner''s rule, twig size is positively correlated with the size of appendages the twig bears.


An extensive survey of twig functional traits, including twig (current-year shoots including one stem and few leaves) and leaf size (individual leaf area and mass), was conducted for 234 species from four broadleaved forests. The scaling relationship between twig mass and leaf area was determined using standardized major axis regression and phylogenetic independent comparative analyses.

Key Results

Leaf area was found to scale positively and allometrically with both stem and twig mass (stem mass plus leaf mass) with slopes significantly smaller than 1·0, independent of life form and habitat type. Thus, the leaf area ratio (the ratio of total leaf area to stem or twig mass) decreases with increasing twig size. Moreover, the leaf area ratio correlated negatively with individual leaf mass. The results of phylogenetic independent comparativeanalyses were consistent with the correlations. Based on the above results, a simple model for twig size optimization was constructed, from which it is postulated that large leaf size–twig size may be favoured when leaf photosynthetic capacity is high and/or when leaf life span and/or stem longevity are long. The model''s predictions are consistent with leaf size variation among habitats, in which leaf size tends to be small in poor habitats with a low primary productivity. The model also explains large variations in leaf size within habitats for which leaf longevity and stem longevity serve as important determinants.


The diminishing returns in the scaling of total leaf area with twig size can be explained in terms of a very simple model on twig size optimization.Key words: Allometry, leaf size, twig size, leaf area ratio, scaling relationship, broadleaved species  相似文献   

为深入了解树冠位置对植物叶形态性状的影响,在常绿乔木香樟树冠上下2层和东南西北4个方位开展调查取样,系统分析了不同树冠位置间叶形态性状(叶长、叶宽、叶厚、叶柄长、叶柄直径和叶形指数)及其异速生长关系的差异性。结果表明,叶形态性状在不同树冠方位间均差异显著,但上下2层变化趋势不完全一致。在树冠上层,除叶形指数和叶炳长外,其余4个性状均表现为东侧最大。在树冠下层,除叶形指数外,其余5个性状指标均表现为东侧最小。在同一方位上,叶形态性状在上下2层间也存在一定差异,其中叶形指数多为下层高于上层,而其他形态性状多呈相反趋势。此外,树冠层次和方位的交互作用对叶片长、叶片厚、叶柄长和叶柄直径有显著影响。各层次和各方位叶形态性状间多为异速生长关系(即异速生长指数不等于1),且多无显著差异。在所有树冠层次和树冠方位,叶宽与叶厚、叶宽与叶炳长、叶长与叶厚及叶长与叶柄长之间均呈异速生长关系。可见,树冠位置对香樟叶形态性状的影响较大,但形态性状间的异速生长关系相对稳定,这是香樟叶形态性状表型可塑性和内在关系稳定性的重要体现。  相似文献   

Question : How accurately can a suite of suggested functional traits predict plant species response to succession from semi‐open woodland to closed deciduous canopy forest? Location : Southeastern Sweden. Methods : Abundance of 46 field‐layer plant species in a temperate deciduous forest, measured as frequency of occupied plots, was estimated in 1961, 1970 and 2003. Abundance change over time across species was tested for correlations with functional traits and literature information on habitat preference. Results : Increase in abundance was positively correlated with specific leaf area (SLA), weakly negatively correlated with seed mass and not significantly correlated with plant height or start, peak and length of the flowering period. Change in abundance was correlated with the Ellenberg light indicator value, whereas no correlations were found with Ellenberg values for nitrogen, calcium and moisture, or forest preference according to the literature. Conclusions : SLA was a better predictor of how field layer plants responded to succession from semi‐open woodland to closed canopy forest than empirically‐derived measures of habitat preference. The same holds for SLA in relation to seed size, indicating that interactions in the established life‐cycle phase are more important than the recruitment phase for species response to succession.  相似文献   

The most common estimate of reproductive success in orchids is usually fruit set. Factors such as resource limitation and certain floral traits may influence reproductive success in animal-pollinated plants. Correlated evolution of reproductive success vs. seven floral traits (inflorescence length, flower number, flower distribution along inflorescence, dorsal sepal length, lateral sepal length, flower color, and column position) was studied in eight species of Govenia. Taxa represented three lineages in the genus. Independent contrasts were calculated on a phylogeny inferred from chloroplast (trnL-F IGS) DNA sequences, and a correlation test and multiple regression were then performed. Two data sets were evaluated, one including all eight species and another excluding G. utriculata, which is autogamous. The historical analyses showed that there is a correlation between reproductive success and dorsal sepal length, column position, and flower number, these correlations suggest that changes in these floral traits usually accompany evolutionary shifts in reproductive success. Multiple regression tests suggest that changes in reproductive success can be explained by shifts in flower number, inflorescence length, column position and by dorsal sepal length. When phylogeny is taken into account, our analyses showed that evolutionary shifts in these floral traits were correlated with changes in reproductive success. Evolutionary correlation between reproductive success and floral traits might be explained by the natural selection of certain floral phenotypes by pollinators.  相似文献   

Flammability and serotiny as strategies: correlated evolution in pines   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Fire may act as a selective force on plants both through its direct effects by killing or wounding susceptible individuals and through its effect on the environment: the post-fire environment may select specific physiological traits or life histories. We used phylogenetic independent contrasts to test the hypothesis that fire has selected for correlated evolution among alternative suites of traits in pines: a survival/avoidance suite characterized by thick bark, height, and self-pruning of dead branches; and a fire-embracing strategy in which plants invest little into survival, exhibit traits which enhance flammability, and use fire as a means to cue seedling establishment to the post-fire environment through serotinous cones. We created a set of alternative 'supertree' phylogenies for the genus Pinus from published sources. Using these alternative phylogenies, published ecological data for 38 pine species, and newly collected morphological data, we demonstrate that much variation in trait evolution occurs along a fire-surviving/fire-embracing axis. Pines vary in their susceptibility to ignition since a tree that retains dead branches is more likely to carry a fire into the canopy than a tree that self-prunes. The evolution of increased flammability may have altered evolutionary trajectories prompting an evolutionary switch from a fire-surviving to a fire-embracing life history. Alternatively, the fire-embracing strategy may in fact select for increased flammability to ensure canopy ignition and the realization of serotinous seed-release.  相似文献   

Guozhen Du  Wei Qi 《Plant Ecology》2010,206(2):321-333
Flowering timing is of fundamental biological importance for its tight association with pre-flower growth states and subsequent reproduction success. Here, we selected plant height and seed size to represent plant growth and reproduction states, respectively, and analyzed their associations with flowering time in 11 communities together representing a QingHai-Tibetan flora. Trait associations were examined using Pearson correlation analyses (TIPs) and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) within individual communities and meta-analyses across all communities. The results of TIPs-based and PICs-based analyses were generally congruent, although fewer contrasts were significant with PICs, probably because of low statistical power. Overall, flowering time was negatively correlated with seed size and plant height (i.e., plants with larger seeds and stature started flowering earlier) in various woody communities, but correlations were neutral or positive in herbaceous communities. The seed size–flowering time relationship was negative for woody and herbaceous perennials but not for annual herbs in most communities. The relationship between plant height and flowering time was negative for woody but positive for herbaceous plants. Moreover, the lack of difference in time–size relationships between anemophilous and entomophilous plants suggests that pollination type may only be a secondary force in controlling flowering phenology. Our studies demonstrate that environmental conditions, community structure, and plant life history strategies may affect community flowering time singly or in combination.  相似文献   

A group of representative species of the genus Puya was studied to determine if there are allometric relationships between vegetative and floral parts, whether these relationships correlate with their pollination system and if plant size is correlated with elevation and latitude. Fifty-three species representing the morphological variation and distribution of the genus were studied. Total plant height, as well as leaf, inflorescence, petal and sepal length were measured and these data subjected to univariate and multivariate analyses. To test for correlation between plant size and altitudinal and latitudinal distribution, ANOVAs were performed. When the pollination system of a species is known, additional multivariate and univariate analyses were also performed. The results indicate that the characters studied are correlated with a size component, exhibiting positive allometry for sepal and petal length and negative allometry for leaf length. Inflorescence length is an isometric character. There was no significant correlation between plant size and altitudinal or latitudinal distribution. The ANOVAs show that the only character correlated to pollinator type was petal length. Small plants with small flowers are correlated to pollinators such as insects, while medium to large plants with medium to large-sized flowers are correlated with pollinators such as birds and bats. Large plants have small flowers, that are more evident and attract more pollinators.  相似文献   

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