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The collagen framework of hyaline cartilages, including articular cartilage, consists largely of type II collagen that matures from a cross-linked heteropolymeric fibril template of types II, IX, and XI collagens. In the articular cartilages of adult joints, type III collagen makes an appearance in varying amounts superimposed on the original collagen fibril network. In a study to understand better the structural role of type III collagen in cartilage, we find that type III collagen molecules with unprocessed N-propeptides are present in the extracellular matrix of adult human and bovine articular cartilages as covalently cross-linked polymers extensively cross-linked to type II collagen. Cross-link analyses revealed that telopeptides from both N and C termini of type III collagen were linked in the tissue to helical cross-linking sites in type II collagen. Reciprocally, telopeptides from type II collagen were recovered cross-linked to helical sites in type III collagen. Cross-linked peptides were also identified in which a trifunctional pyridinoline linked both an α1(II) and an α1(III) telopeptide to the α1(III) helix. This can only have arisen from a cross-link between three different collagen molecules, types II and III in register staggered by 4D from another type III molecule. Type III collagen is known to be prominent at sites of healing and repair in skin and other tissues. The present findings emphasize the role of type III collagen, which is synthesized in mature articular cartilage, as a covalent modifier that may add cohesion to a weakened, existing collagen type II fibril network as part of a chondrocyte healing response to matrix damage.  相似文献   

Collagen IV is a family of 6 chains (α1-α6), that form triple-helical protomers that assemble into supramolecular networks. Two distinct networks with chain compositions of α121 and α345 have been established. These oligomerize into separate α121 and α345 networks by a homotypic interaction through their trimeric noncollagenous (NC1) domains, forming α121 and α345 NC1 hexamers, respectively. These are stabilized by novel sulfilimine (SN) cross-links, a covalent cross-link that forms between Met93 and Hyl211 at the trimer-trimer interface. A third network with a composition of α1256 has been proposed, but its supramolecular organization has not been established. In this study we investigated the supramolecular organization of this network by determining the chain identity of sulfilimine-cross-linked NC1 domains derived from the α1256 NC1 hexamer. High resolution mass spectrometry analyses of peptides revealed that sulfilimine bonds specifically cross-link α1 to α5 and α2 to α6 NC1 domains, thus providing the spatial orientation between interacting α121 and α565 trimers. Using this information, we constructed a three-dimensional homology model in which the α565 trimer shows a good chemical and structural complementarity to the α121 trimer. Our studies provide the first chemical evidence for an α565 protomer and its heterotypic interaction with the α121 protomer. Moreover, our findings, in conjunction with our previous studies, establish that the six collagen IV chains are organized into three canonical protomers α121, α345, and α565 forming three distinct networks: α121, α345, and α121-α565, each of which is stabilized by sulfilimine bonds between their C-terminal NC1 domains.  相似文献   

Aberrant expression of the type V collagen α1(V) chain can underlie the connective tissue disorder classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and autoimmune responses against the α1(V) chain are linked to lung transplant rejection and atherosclerosis. The α1(V) collagenous COL1 domain is thought to contain greater numbers of post-translational modifications (PTMs) than do similar domains of other fibrillar collagen chains, PTMs consisting of hydroxylated prolines and lysines, the latter of which can be glycosylated. These types of PTMs can contribute to epitopes that underlie immune responses against collagens, and the high level of PTMs may contribute to the unique biological properties of the α1(V) chain. Here we use high resolution mass spectrometry to map such PTMs in bovine placental α1(V) and human recombinant pro-α1(V) procollagen chains. Findings include the locations of those PTMs that vary and those PTMs that are invariant between these α1(V) chains from widely divergent sources. Notably, an unexpectedly large number of hydroxyproline residues were mapped to the X-positions of Gly-X-Y triplets, contrary to expectations based on previous amino acid analyses of hydrolyzed α1(V) chains from various tissues. We attribute this difference to the ability of tandem mass spectrometry coupled to nanoflow chromatographic separations to detect lower-level PTM combinations with superior sensitivity and specificity. The data are consistent with the presence of a relatively large number of 3-hydroxyproline sites with less than 100% occupancy, suggesting a previously unknown mechanism for the differential modification of α1(V) chain and type V collagen properties.  相似文献   

α-Helical coiled coils, frequent protein oligomerization motifs, are commonly observed in vital proteins. Here, using collagen XVII as an example, we provide evidence for a novel function of coiled coils in the regulation of ectodomain shedding. Transmembrane collagen XVII, an epithelial cell surface receptor, mediates dermal-epidermal adhesion in the skin, and its dysfunction is linked to human skin blistering diseases. The ectodomain of this collagen is constitutively shed from the cell surface by proteinases of a disintegrin and metalloprotease family; however, the mechanisms regulating shedding remain elusive. Here, we used site-specific mutagenesis to target the coiled-coil heptad repeats within the juxtamembranous, extracellular noncollagenous 16th A (NC16A) domain of collagen XVII. This resulted in a substantial increase of ectodomain shedding, which was not mediated by disintegrin and metalloproteases. Instead, conformational changes induced by the mutation(s) unmasked a furin recognition sequence that was used for cleavage. This study shows that apart from their functions in protein oligomerization, coiled coils can also act as regulators of ectodomain shedding depending on the biological context.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is secreted by a non-classical pathway into the extracellular space, where it has several activities pertinent to fibronectin (FN), including binding to the gelatin-binding domain of FN and acting as an integrin co-receptor. Glutamines in the N-terminal tail of FN are known to be susceptible to transamidation by both TG2 and activated blood coagulation factor XIII (FXIIIa). We used immunoblotting, limited proteolysis, and mass spectrometry to localize glutamines within FN that are subject to TG2-catalyzed incorporation of dansylcadaverine in comparison to residues modified by FXIIIa. Such analysis of plasma FN indicated that Gln-3, Gln-7, and Gln-9 in the N-terminal tail and Gln-246 of the linker between fifth and sixth type I modules ((5)F1 and (6)F1) are transamidated by both enzymes. Only minor incorporation of dansylcadaverine was detected elsewhere. Labeling of C-terminally truncated FN constructs revealed efficient TG2- or FXIIIa-catalyzed dansylcadaverine incorporation into the N-terminal residues of constructs as small as the 29-kDa fragment that includes (1-5)F1 and lacks modules from the adjacent gelatin-binding domain. However, when only (1-3)F1 were present, dansylcadaverine incorporation into the N-terminal residues of FN was lost and instead was in the enzymes, near the active site of TG2 and terminal domains of FXIIIa. Thus, these results demonstrate that FXIIIa and TG2 act similarly on glutamines at either end of (1-5)F1 and transamidation specificity of both enzymes is achieved through interactions with the intact 29K fragment.  相似文献   

Fibrillar type I collagen is the major organic component in bone, providing a stable template for mineralization. During collagen biosynthesis, specific hydroxylysine residues become glycosylated in the form of galactosyl- and glucosylgalactosyl-hydroxylysine. Furthermore, key glycosylated hydroxylysine residues, α1/2-87, are involved in covalent intermolecular cross-linking. Although cross-linking is crucial for the stability and mineralization of collagen, the biological function of glycosylation in cross-linking is not well understood. In this study, we quantitatively characterized glycosylation of non-cross-linked and cross-linked peptides by biochemical and nanoscale liquid chromatography-high resolution tandem mass spectrometric analyses. The results showed that glycosylation of non-cross-linked hydroxylysine is different from that involved in cross-linking. Among the cross-linked species involving α1/2-87, divalent cross-links were glycosylated with both mono- and disaccharides, whereas the mature, trivalent cross-links were primarily monoglycosylated. Markedly diminished diglycosylation in trivalent cross-links at this locus was also confirmed in type II collagen. The data, together with our recent report (Sricholpech, M., Perdivara, I., Yokoyama, M., Nagaoka, H., Terajima, M., Tomer, K. B., and Yamauchi, M. (2012) Lysyl hydroxylase 3-mediated glucosylation in type I collagen: molecular loci and biological significance. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 22998–23009), indicate that the extent and pattern of glycosylation may regulate cross-link maturation in fibrillar collagen.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of type I collagen telopeptides to bind neighboring collagen molecules, which is thought to be the initial event in fibrillogenesis. Limited hydrolysis by actinidain protease produced monomeric collagen, which consisted almost entirely of α1 and α2 chains. As seen with ultrahigh resolution scanning electron microscopy, actinidain-hydrolyzed collagen exhibited unique self-assembly, as if at an intermediate stage, and formed a novel suprastructure characterized by poor fibrillogenesis. Then, the N- and C-terminal sequences of chicken type I collagen hydrolyzed by actinidain or pepsin were determined by Edman degradation and de novo sequence analysis with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry, respectively. In the C-telopeptide region of the α1 chain, pepsin cleaved between Asp1035 and Phe1036, and actinidain between Gly1032 and Gly1033. Thus, the actinidain-hydrolyzed α1 chain is shorter at the C terminus by three residues, Gly1033, Phe1034, and Asp1035. In the α2 chain, both proteases cleaved between Glu1030 and Val1031. We demonstrated that a synthetic nonapeptide mimicking the α1 C-terminal sequence including GFD weakly inhibited the self-assembly of pepsin-hydrolyzed collagen, whereas it remarkably accelerated that of actinidain-hydrolyzed collagen. We conclude that the specific GFD sequence of the C-telopeptide of the α1 chain plays a crucial role in stipulating collagen suprastructure and in subsequent fibril formation.  相似文献   

Matrilin-1 is expressed predominantly in cartilage and co-localizes with matrilin-3 with which it can form hetero-oligomers. We recently described novel structural and functional features of the matrilin-3 A-domain (M3A) and demonstrated that it bound with high affinity to type II and IX collagens. Interactions preferentially occurred in the presence of Zn2+ suggesting that matrilin-3 has acquired a requirement for specific metal ions for activation and/or molecular associations. To understand the interdependence of matrilin-1/-3 hetero-oligomers in extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, we have extended these studies to include the two matrilin-1 A-domains (i.e. M1A1 and M1A2 respectively). In this study we have identified new characteristics of the matrilin-1 A-domains by describing their glycosylation state and the effect of N-glycan chains on their structure, thermal stability, and protein-protein interactions. Initial characterization revealed that N-glycosylation did not affect secretion of these two proteins, nor did it alter their folding characteristics. However, removal of the glycosylation decreased their thermal stability. We then compared the effect of different cations on binding between both M1A domains and type II and IX collagens and showed that Zn2+ also supports their interactions. Finally, we have demonstrated that both M1A1 domains and biglycan are essential for the association of the type II·VI collagen complex. We predict that a potential role of the matrilin-1/-3 hetero-oligomer might be to increase multivalency, and therefore the ability to connect various ECM components. Differing affinities could act to regulate the integrated network, thus coordinating the organization of the macromolecular structures in the cartilage ECM.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen is covalently bound to the surface of type II collagen fibrils within the cartilage extracellular matrix. The N-terminal, globular noncollagenous domain (NC4) of the α1(IX) chain protrudes away from the surface of the fibrils into the surrounding matrix and is available for molecular interactions. To define these interactions, we used the NC4 domain in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human chondrocyte cDNA library. 73% of the interacting clones encoded fibronectin. The interaction was confirmed using in vitro immunoprecipitation and was further characterized by surface plasmon resonance. Using whole and pepsin-derived preparations of type IX collagen, the interaction was shown to be specific for the NC4 domain with no interaction with the triple helical collagenous domains. The interaction was shown to be of high affinity with nanomolar Kd values. Analysis of the fibronectin-interacting clones indicates that the constant domain is the likely site of interaction. Type IX collagen and fibronectin were shown to co-localize in cartilage. This novel interaction between the NC4 domain of type IX collagen and fibronectin may represent an in vivo interaction in cartilage that could contribute to the matrix integrity of the tissue.  相似文献   

During inflammatory processes the extracellular matrix (ECM) is extensively remodeled, and many of the constituent components are released as proteolytically cleaved fragments. These degradative processes are better documented for inflammatory joint diseases than tendinopathy even though the pathogenesis has many similarities. The aims of this study were to investigate the proteomic composition of injured tendons during early and late disease stages to identify disease-specific cleavage patterns of the ECM protein cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP). In addition to characterizing fragments released in naturally occurring disease, we hypothesized that stimulation of tendon explants with proinflammatory mediators in vitro would induce fragments of COMP analogous to natural disease. Therefore, normal tendon explants were stimulated with IL-1β and prostaglandin E2, and their effects on the release of COMP and its cleavage patterns were characterized. Analyses of injured tendons identified an altered proteomic composition of the ECM at all stages post injury, showing protein fragments that were specific to disease stage. IL-1β enhanced the proteolytic cleavage and release of COMP from tendon explants, whereas PGE2 had no catabolic effect. Of the cleavage fragments identified in early stage tendon disease, two fragments were generated by an IL-1-mediated mechanism. These fragments provide a platform for the development of neo-epitope assays specific to injury stage for tendon disease.  相似文献   

In the course of conducting a series of studies whose goal was to discover novel endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors, we have purified matrilin-1 (MATN-1) and have demonstrated, for the first time, that it inhibits neovascularization both in vitro and in vivo. Proteins were extracted from cartilage using a 2 m NaCl, 0.01 m HEPES buffer at 4 °C, followed by concentration of the extract. The concentrate was fractionated by size exclusion chromatography, and fractions were then screened for their ability to inhibit capillary endothelial cell (EC) proliferation in vitro. Fractions containing EC inhibitory activity were pooled and further purified by cation exchange chromatography. The resulting fractions from this step were then screened to isolate the antiangiogenic activity in vitro. This activity was identified by tandem mass spectrometry as being MATN-1. Human MATN-1 was cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris and purified to homogeneity. Purified recombinant MATN-1, along with purified native protein, was shown to inhibit angiogenesis in vivo using the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay by the inhibition of capillary EC proliferation and migration. Finally, using a MATN-1-deficient mouse, we showed that angiogenesis during fracture healing was significantly higher in MATN-1−/− mice compared with the wild type mice as demonstrated by in vivo imaging and by elevated expression of angiogenesis markers including PECAM1, VEGFR, and VE-cadherin.  相似文献   

Type I collagen cleavage is crucial for tissue remodeling, but its homotrimeric isoform is resistant to all collagenases. The homotrimers occur in fetal tissues, fibrosis, and cancer, where their collagenase resistance may play an important physiological role. To understand the mechanism of this resistance, we studied interactions of α1(I)3 homotrimers and normal α1(I)2α2(I) heterotrimers with fibroblast collagenase (MMP-1). Similar MMP-1 binding to the two isoforms and similar cleavage efficiency of unwound α1(I) and α2(I) chains suggested increased stability and less efficient unwinding of the homotrimer triple helix at the collagenase cleavage site. The unwinding, necessary for placing individual chains inside the catalytic cleft of the enzyme, was the rate-limiting cleavage step for both collagen isoforms. Comparative analysis of the homo- and heterotrimer cleavage kinetics revealed that MMP-1 binding promotes stochastic helix unwinding, resolving the controversy between different models of collagenase action.  相似文献   

Members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family selectively cleave collagens in vivo. Several substrate structural features that direct MMP collagenolysis have been identified. The present study evaluated the role of charged residue clusters in the regulation of MMP collagenolysis. A series of 10 triple-helical peptide (THP) substrates were constructed in which either Lys-Gly-Asp or Gly-Asp-Lys motifs replaced Gly-Pro-Hyp (where Hyp is 4-hydroxy-l-proline) repeats. The stabilities of THPs containing the two different motifs were analyzed, and kinetic parameters for substrate hydrolysis by six MMPs were determined. A general trend for virtually all enzymes was that, as Gly-Asp-Lys motifs were moved from the extreme N and C termini to the interior next to the cleavage site sequence, kcat/Km values increased. Additionally, all Gly-Asp-Lys THPs were as good or better substrates than the parent THP in which Gly-Asp-Lys was not present. In turn, the Lys-Gly-Asp THPs were also always better substrates than the parent THP, but the magnitude of the difference was considerably less compared with the Gly-Asp-Lys series. Of the MMPs tested, MMP-2 and MMP-9 most greatly favored the presence of charged residues with preference for the Gly-Asp-Lys series. Lys-Gly-(Asp/Glu) motifs are more commonly found near potential MMP cleavage sites than Gly-(Asp/Glu)-Lys motifs. As Lys-Gly-Asp is not as favored by MMPs as Gly-Asp-Lys, the Lys-Gly-Asp motif appears advantageous over the Gly-Asp-Lys motif by preventing unwanted MMP hydrolysis. More specifically, the lack of Gly-Asp-Lys clusters may diminish potential MMP-2 and MMP-9 collagenolytic activity. The present study indicates that MMPs have interactions spanning the P23–P23′ subsites of collagenous substrates.  相似文献   

Myopia, the leading cause of visual impairment worldwide, results from an increase in the axial length of the eyeball. Mutations in LEPREL1, the gene encoding prolyl 3-hydroxylase-2 (P3H2), have recently been identified in individuals with recessively inherited nonsyndromic severe myopia. P3H2 is a member of a family of genes that includes three isoenzymes of prolyl 3-hydroxylase (P3H), P3H1, P3H2, and P3H3. Fundamentally, it is understood that P3H1 is responsible for converting proline to 3-hydroxyproline. This limited additional knowledge also suggests that each isoenzyme has evolved different collagen sequence-preferred substrate specificities. In this study, differences in prolyl 3-hydroxylation were screened in eye tissues from P3h2-null (P3h2n/n) and wild-type mice to seek tissue-specific effects due the lack of P3H2 activity on post-translational collagen chemistry that could explain myopia. The mice were viable and had no gross musculoskeletal phenotypes. Tissues from sclera and cornea (type I collagen) and lens capsule (type IV collagen) were dissected from mouse eyes, and multiple sites of prolyl 3-hydroxylation were identified by mass spectrometry. The level of prolyl 3-hydroxylation at multiple substrate sites from type I collagen chains was high in sclera, similar to tendon. Almost every known site of prolyl 3-hydroxylation in types I and IV collagen from P3h2n/n mouse eye tissues was significantly under-hydroxylated compared with their wild-type littermates. We conclude that altered collagen prolyl 3-hydroxylation is caused by loss of P3H2. We hypothesize that this leads to structural abnormalities in multiple eye tissues, but particularly sclera, causing progressive myopia.  相似文献   

Recently, by employing the short hairpin RNA technology, we have generated MC3T3-E1 (MC)-derived clones stably suppressing lysyl hydroxylase 3 (LH3) (short hairpin (Sh) clones) and demonstrated the LH3 function as glucosyltransferase in type I collagen (Sricholpech, M., Perdivara, I., Nagaoka, H., Yokoyama, M., Tomer, K. B., and Yamauchi, M. (2011) Lysyl hydroxylase 3 glucosylates galactosylhydroxylysine residues in type I collagen in osteoblast culture. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 8846-8856). To further elucidate the biological significance of this modification, we characterized and compared type I collagen phenotypes produced by Sh clones and two control groups, MC and those transfected with empty vector. Mass spectrometric analysis identified five glycosylation sites in type I collagen (i.e. α1,2-87, α1,2-174, and α2-219. Of these, the predominant glycosylation site was α1-87, one of the major helical cross-linking sites. In Sh collagen, the abundance of glucosylgalactosylhydroxylysine was significantly decreased at all of the five sites with a concomitant increase in galactosylhydroxylysine at four of these sites. The collagen cross-links were significantly diminished in Sh clones, and, for the major cross-link, dihydroxylysinonorleucine (DHLNL), glucosylgalactosyl-DHLNL was diminished with a concomitant increase in galactosyl-DHLNL. When subjected to in vitro incubation, in Sh clones, the rate of decrease in DHLNL was lower, whereas the rate of increase in its maturational cross-link, pyridinoline, was comparable with controls. Furthermore, in Sh clones, the mean diameters of collagen fibrils were significantly larger, and the onset of mineralized nodule formation was delayed when compared with those of controls. These results indicate that the LH3-mediated glucosylation occurs at the specific molecular loci in the type I collagen molecule and plays critical roles in controlling collagen cross-linking, fibrillogenesis, and mineralization.  相似文献   

Actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilins are essential regulators of actin turnover in eukaryotic cells. These multifunctional proteins facilitate both stabilization and severing of filamentous (F)-actin in a concentration-dependent manner. At high concentrations ADF/cofilins bind stably to F-actin longitudinally between two adjacent actin protomers forming what is called a decorative interaction. Low densities of ADF/cofilins, in contrast, result in the optimal severing of the filament. To date, how these two contrasting modalities are achieved by the same protein remains uncertain. Here, we define the proximate amino acids between the actin filament and the malaria parasite ADF/cofilin, PfADF1 from Plasmodium falciparum. PfADF1 is unique among ADF/cofilins in being able to sever F-actin but do so without stable filament binding. Using chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry (XL-MS) combined with structure reconstruction we describe a previously overlooked binding interface on the actin filament targeted by PfADF1. This site is distinct from the known binding site that defines decoration. Furthermore, total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy imaging of single actin filaments confirms that this novel low affinity site is required for F-actin severing. Exploring beyond malaria parasites, selective blocking of the decoration site with human cofilin (HsCOF1) using cytochalasin D increases its severing rate. HsCOF1 may therefore also use a decoration-independent site for filament severing. Thus our data suggest that a second, low affinity actin-binding site may be universally used by ADF/cofilins for actin filament severing.  相似文献   

The collagen-binding bacterial proteins, Ace and Cna, are well characterized on the biochemical and structural level. Despite overall structural similarity, recombinant forms of the Ace and Cna ligand-binding domains exhibit significantly different affinities and binding kinetics for collagen type I (CI) in vitro. In this study, we sought to understand, in submolecular detail, the bases for these differences. Using a structure-based approach, we engineered Cna and Ace variants by altering specific structural elements within the ligand-binding domains. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding analysis demonstrated that mutations that are predicted to alter the orientation of the Ace and Cna N1 and N2 subdomains significantly affect the interaction between the MSCRAMM (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecule) and CI in vitro, including affinity, association/dissociation rates and binding ratio. Moreover, we utilized this information to engineer an Ace variant with an 11,000-fold higher CI affinity than the parent protein. Finally, we noted that several engineered proteins that exhibited a weak interaction with CI recognized more sites on CI, suggesting an inverse correlation between affinity and specificity.  相似文献   

Collagen VI is a ubiquitous extracellular matrix protein that assembles into beaded microfibrils that form networks linking cells to the matrix. Collagen VI microfibrils are typically formed from a heterotrimer of the α1, α2, and α3 chains. The α3 chain is distinct as it contains an extended N terminus with up to 10 consecutive von Willebrand factor type A-domains (VWA). Here, we use solution small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and single particle analysis EM to determine the nanostructure of nine of these contiguous A-domains. Both techniques reveal a tight C-shape conformation for the A-domains. Furthermore, using biophysical approaches, we demonstrate that the N-terminal region undergoes a conformational change and a proportion forms dimers in the presence of Zn(2+). This is the first indication that divalent cations interact with collagen VI A-domains. A three-dimensional reconstruction of tissue-purified collagen VI microfibrils was generated using EM and single particle image analysis. The reconstruction showed the intricate architecture of the collagen VI globular regions, in particular the highly structurally conserved C-terminal region and variations in the appearance of the N-terminal region. The N-terminal domains project out from the globular beaded region like angled radial spokes. These could potentially provide interactive surfaces for other cell matrix molecules.  相似文献   

The controlled assembly of collagen monomers into fibrils, with accompanying intermolecular cross-linking by lysyl oxidase-mediated bonds, is vital to the structural and mechanical integrity of connective tissues. This process is influenced by collagen-associated proteins, including small leucine-rich proteins (SLRPs), but the regulatory mechanisms are not well understood. Deficiency in fibromodulin, an SLRP, causes abnormal collagen fibril ultrastructure and decreased mechanical strength in mouse tendons. In this study, fibromodulin deficiency rendered tendon collagen more resistant to nonproteolytic extraction. The collagen had an increased and altered cross-linking pattern at an early stage of fibril formation. Collagen extracts contained a higher proportion of stably cross-linked α1(I) chains as a result of their C-telopeptide lysines being more completely oxidized to aldehydes. The findings suggest that fibromodulin selectively affects the extent and pattern of lysyl oxidase-mediated collagen cross-linking by sterically hindering access of the enzyme to telopeptides, presumably through binding to the collagen. Such activity implies a broader role for SLRP family members in regulating collagen cross-linking placement and quantity.  相似文献   

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