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The present work deals with localization of previously unknown polymerization sites of the fibrin DD-fragment. D-dimer we obtained has a pronounced inhibitory effect on fibrin polymerization (IC50 = 0.06 M). The inhibitory effect of the D-fragment disappeared after reduction and carboxymethylation. However, polypeptide chains DD (B134-461) and DD (63-411)2 of the DD-fragment, isolated by preparative electrophoresis, displayed their inhibitory activity. For instance, the rates of fibrin protofibril lateral association were decreased twice in the presence of DD and DD chains at their molar ratios to fibrin of 0.40 and 0.15, respectively. The IC50 values for DD and DD were 0.24 and 0.10 M, respectively. Highly specific inhibition of protofibril lateral association suggests that the protofibril lateral association sites are located in B134-461 and 63-411 regions of the fibrin D-domain. Our data confirm those reported by Doolittle et al. regarding the -chain and a hypothesis about -chain of fibrin D-domain (Yang, Z., Mochalkin, I., and Doolittle, R. F. (2000) Biochemistry, 97, 14156-14161).  相似文献   

Matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-2 plays a key role in many biological and pathological processes related to cell migration, invasion, and mitogenesis. MMP-2 is synthesized as a zymogen that is activated through either a conformational change or proteolysis of the propeptide. Several activating enzymes for pro-MMP-2 have been proposed, including metalloproteases and serine proteases. The mechanism of pro-MMP-2 activation by metalloproteases is well established, and the most studied activation mechanism involves cleavage of the propeptide by membrane type 1-MMP (MT1-MMP). In contrast, serine protease activation has not been thoroughly studied, although studies suggest that MT1-MMP may be involved in activation by thrombin and plasmin. Here, we demonstrate that factor Xa mediates MT1-MMP-independent processing of pro-MMP-2 in vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells. Factor Xa and thrombin directly cleaved the propeptide on the carboxyl terminal sides of the Arg98 and Arg101 residues, whereas plasmin only cleaved the propeptide downstream of Arg101. Moreover, processed MMP-2 showed enzymatic activity that was enhanced by intermolecular autoproteolytic processing at the Asn109-Tyr peptide bond. In addition to its role in activation, factor Xa rapidly degraded MMP-2, thereby restricting excessive MMP-2 activity. Thrombin also degraded MMP-2, but the degradation was reduced greatly under cell-associated conditions, resulting in an increase in processed MMP-2. Overall, factor Xa and thrombin regulate MMP-2 enzymatic activity through its activation and degradation. Thus, the net enzymatic activity results from a balance between MMP-2 activation and degradation.Matrix metalloprotease (MMP)3-2 is a member of the zinc-dependent endopeptidase family, which comprises 24 enzymes (1). MMP-2 plays a key role in many biological and pathological processes, including organ growth, endometrial cycling, wound healing, bone remodeling, tumor invasion, and metastasis (2). This enzyme functions through proteolysis of non-structural extracellular molecules and components of the basement membrane, including type IV collagen, fibronectin, elastin, laminin, aggrecan, and fibrillin (3).Like most MMPs, MMP-2 is synthesized as a zymogen that is activated by conformational change (4) or proteolysis within the propeptide, which may involve membrane type MMPs (MT-MMPs) (59). The most studied activation mechanism for pro-MMP-2 is cleavage of the propeptide by MT1-MMP, which requires cooperative activity between MT1-MMP and tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease (TIMP)-2 (5, 1012). Serine proteases, such as thrombin, factor Xa, activated protein C, and plasmin as well as the cysteine protease legumain are all known activators of pro-MMP-2 (1317).In addition to its role in coagulation, thrombin is involved in multiple cellular processes, including mitogenesis of fibroblasts (18), lymphocytes (19), mesenchymal cells (20), and smooth muscle cells (SMCs) (21, 22). Factor Xa acts as a potent mitogen for endothelial cells (23), fibroblasts (24), and vascular SMCs (25, 26). Both proteases can also elicit endothelial cell and SMC migration through pro-MMP-2 activation and subsequent extracellular matrix degradation (13, 27, 28). However, despite studies suggesting that MT1-MMP is involved in thrombin-mediated activation of pro-MMP-2, a detailed mechanism for MMP-2 activation has yet to be elucidated (15, 27).In this study, we investigated the roles of factor Xa and thrombin in MMP-2 regulation. Data are presented to demonstrate that factor Xa mediates MT1-MMP-independent processing of pro-MMP-2 by cleavage of specific sites within the propeptide. Furthermore, factor Xa-processed MMP-2 showed enzymatic activity that was enhanced following intermolecular autoproteolytic cleavage. Thrombin also activated pro-MMP-2 through the same cleavage reaction. Interestingly, factor Xa and thrombin were also found to be involved in MMP-2 degradation. However, this activity was reduced greatly in thrombin-treated MMP-2 by the cell surface, which resulted in an increase in processed MMP-2.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that in most inflamed arthritic joints the coagulation system is activated, leading to the local generation of fibrin, and it has long been hypothesized that the local fibrin deposition promotes inflammation and tissue destruction. However, only recently has the direct effect of fibrin on the inflammatory process been seriously investigated, and specific roles assigned to fibrin or its products as mediators of the inflammatory process. Although fibrin and/or fibrinogen (fibrin(ogen)) is abundantly present in inflamed tissues and joints rich in fibroblastic cells, no significant data on fibrin(ogen)-induced gene expression by fibroblasts have been published. We now demonstrate that coculture of human synovial fibroblasts with fibrin(ogen) results in the up-regulation of ICAM-1 as well as increased production of the chemokines IL-8 and growth-related oncogene-alpha. Increased ICAM-1 expression was fibrin(ogen) dose-dependent and was demonstrated by ELISA, flow cytometry, and functional adhesion assays. Levels of ICAM-1 induced by fibrin(ogen) were comparable to those that could be induced by cytokine stimulation. Fibrin(ogen) stimulation of ICAM-1 could be suppressed by pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate, an inhibitor of NF-kappaB activation. Chemokine production was induced by fibrin(ogen) in cell culture supernatants >100-fold as compared with controls. Thus, through its activation of synovial fibroblasts, fibrin(ogen) deposition may promote the recruitment (via chemokines) and retention (via adhesion molecules) of lymphocytes within the arthritic joint.  相似文献   

Thrombin cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen leading to the formation of a fibrin network that is later covalently crosslinked by Factor XIII (FXIII). Thrombin helps activate FXIII by catalyzing hydrolysis of the FXIII activation peptides (AP). In the current work, the role of exosites in the ternary thrombin-FXIII-fibrin(ogen) complex was further explored. Hydrolysis studies indicate that thrombin predominantly utilizes its active site region to bind extended Factor XIII AP (FXIII AP 33-64 and 28-56) leaving the anion-binding exosites for fibrin(ogen) binding. The presence of fibrin-I leads to improvements in the K(m) for hydrolysis of FXIII AP (28-41), whereas peptides based on the cardioprotective FXIII V34L sequence exhibit less reliance on this cofactor. Surface plasmon resonance measurements reveal that d-Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethylketone-thrombin binds to fibrinogen faster than to FXIII a(2) and dissociates from fibrinogen more slowly than from FXIII a(2). This system of thrombin exosite interactions with differing affinities promotes efficient clot formation.  相似文献   

CD44 is a multifunctional glycoprotein that binds to hyaluronan and fibrin(ogen). Alternative splicing is responsible for the generation of numerous different isoforms, the smallest of which is CD44s. Insertion of variant exons into the extracellular membrane proximal region generates the variant isoforms (CD44v). Here, we used force spectroscopy to delineate the biophysical and molecular requirements of CD44-HA and CD44-fibrin(ogen) interactions at the single-molecule level. CD44v-HA and CD44s-HA single bonds exhibit similar kinetic and micromechanical properties because the HA-binding motif on CD44 is common to all of the isoforms. Although this is the primary binding site, O- and N-linked glycans and sulfation also contribute to the tensile strength of the CD44-HA bond. The CD44s-fibrin pair has a lower unstressed dissociation rate and a higher tensile strength than CD44s-fibrinogen but is weaker than the CD44-HA bond. In contrast to CD44-HA binding, the molecular interaction between CD44 and fibrin(ogen) is predominantly mediated by the chondroitin sulfate and dermatan sulfate on CD44. Blocking sulfation on CD44s modestly decreases the tensile strength of CD44s-fibrin(ogen) binding, which is in stark contrast to CD44v-fibrin interaction. Collectively, the results obtained by force spectroscopy in conjunction with biochemical interventions enable us to delineate the biophysical parameters and molecular constituents of CD44 binding to hyaluronan and fibrin(ogen).  相似文献   

In addition to its well-characterized role in hemostasis, fibrin(ogen) has been proposed to be a central regulator of the inflammatory response. Multiple in vitro studies have demonstrated that this hemostatic factor can alter leukocyte function, including cell adhesion, migration, cytokine and chemokine expression, degranulation, and other specialized processes. One important link between fibrin(ogen) and leukocyte biology appears to be the integrin receptor alpha(M)beta(2)/Mac-1, which binds to immobilized fibrin(ogen) and regulates leukocyte activities. Although it is well established that fibrin(ogen) is a ligand for alpha(M)beta(2), the precise molecular determinants that govern this interaction are only now becoming clear. A novel line of mice expressing a mutant form of fibrinogen (Fib gamma(390-396A)) has revealed that gamma chain residues 390-396 are important for the high-affinity engagement of fibrinogen by alpha(M)beta(2) and leukocyte function in vivo. Fibrinogen gamma(390-396A) failed to support alpha(M)beta(2)-mediated adhesion of primary neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages, and mice expressing this fibrinogen variant were found to exhibit a major defect in the host inflammatory response following acute challenges. Most notably, Fib gamma(390-396A) mice display a profound impediment in Staphylococcus aureus elimination by leukocytes following intraperitoneal inoculation. These findings have positively established the physiological importance of fibrin(ogen) as a ligand for alpha(M)beta(2) and illustrate that the fibrin(ogen) gamma chain residues 390-396 constitute a critical feature of the alpha(M)beta(2) binding motif. Finally, the Fib gamma(390-396A) mice represent a valuable system for better defining the contribution of fibrin(ogen) to the inflammatory response in the absence of any confounding alteration in clotting function.  相似文献   

The structure and growth of a blood clot depend on the localization of tissue factor (TF), which can trigger clotting during the hemostatic process or promote thrombosis when exposed to blood under pathological conditions. We sought to understand how the growth, structure, and mechanical properties of clots under flow are shaped by the simultaneously varying TF surface density and its exposure area. We used an eight-channel microfluidic device equipped with a 20- or 100-μm-long collagen surface patterned with lipidated TF of surface densities ~0.1 and ~2 molecules/μm2. Human whole blood was perfused at venous shear, and clot growth was continually measured. Using our recently developed computational model of clot formation, we performed simulations to gain insights into the clot’s structure and its resistance to blood flow. An increase in TF exposure area resulted not only in accelerated bulk platelet, thrombin, and fibrin accumulation, but also in increased height of the platelet mass and increased clot resistance to flow. Moreover, increasing the TF surface density or exposure area enhanced platelet deposition by approximately twofold, and thrombin and fibrin generation by greater than threefold, thereby increasing both clot size and its viscous resistance. Finally, TF effects on blood flow occlusion were more pronounced for the longer thrombogenic surface than for the shorter one. Our results suggest that TF surface density and its exposure area can independently enhance both the clot’s occlusivity and its resistance to blood flow. These findings provide, to our knowledge, new insights into how TF affects thrombus growth in time and space under flow.  相似文献   

C S Chen  S H Chou  P Thiagarajan 《Biochemistry》1988,27(16):6121-6126
The binding of fibrinogen to activated platelets leads to platelet aggregation. Fibrinogen has multiple binding sites to platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex. At least two well-defined sequences in fibrinogen, Arg-Gly-Asp sequence of A alpha 95-97 and A alpha 572-574 and gamma 400-411, have been shown to interact with glycoprotein IIb-IIIa. A possible binding site on the amino-terminal end of fibrinogen to platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa has also been reported. In this paper the effect of synthetic peptides derived from the amino-terminal end of the B beta chain on platelet aggregation and fibrinogen binding has been examined. B beta 15-42 peptide inhibits platelet aggregation and 125I-fibrinogen binding to activated platelets in a dose-dependent manner. Since B beta 15-42 contains a previously identified fibrinogen binding site, B beta 15-18, exposed by thrombin cleavage of native fibrinogen, we also examined the effect of B beta 15-18, B beta 19-42, and B beta 1-14 (fibrinopeptide B) on platelet aggregation and fibrinogen binding. Synthetic fibrinopeptide B and B beta 15-18 had no effect on platelet aggregation and fibrinogen binding while B beta 19-42 retained the inhibitory effect. When fibrinogen is chromatographed on a column of agarose-bound B beta 15-42, a cation-dependent retention of fibrinogen on the peptide column was observed, and fibrinogen was eluted from the column by B beta 15-42 but not by B beta 1-14. Under the same conditions, platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa was not retained in the column. Thus, the observed inhibitory effect is due to its interaction with fibrinogen rather than to platelet glycoprotein IIb-IIIa.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The oncogenic roles of PDGF-D and its proteolytic activator, matriptase, have been strongly implicated in human prostate cancer. Latent full-length PDGF-D (FL-D) consists of a CUB domain, a growth factor domain (GFD), and the hinge region in between. Matriptase processes the FL-D dimer into a GFD dimer (GFD-D) in a stepwise manner, involving generation of a hemidimer (HD), an intermediate product containing one FL-D subunit and one GFD subunit. Although the HD is a pro-growth factor that can be processed into the GFD-D by matriptase, the HD can also act as a dominant-negative ligand that prevents PDGF-B-mediated β-PDGF receptor activation in fibroblasts. The active GFD-D can be further cleaved into a smaller and yet inactive form if matriptase-mediated proteolysis persists. Through mutagenesis and functional analyses, we found that the R340R341GR343A (P4–P1/P1′) motif within the GFD is the matriptase cleavage site through which matriptase can deactivate PDGF-D. Comparative sequence analysis based on the published crystal structure of PDGF-B predicted that the matriptase cleavage site R340R341GR343A is within loop III of the GFD, a critical structural element for its binding with the β-PDGF receptor. Interestingly, we also found that matriptase processing regulates the deposition of PDGF-D dimer species into the extracellular matrix (ECM) with increased binding from the FL-D dimer, to the HD, and to the GFD-D. Furthermore, we provide evidence that R340R341GR343A within the GFD is critical for PDGF-D deposition and binding to the ECM. In this study, we report a structural element crucial for the biological function and ECM deposition of PDGF-D and provide molecular insight into the dynamic functional interplay between the serine protease matriptase and PDGF-D.  相似文献   



Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH’s) are used to prevent and treat thrombosis. Tests for monitoring LMWH’s include anti-factor Xa (anti-FXa), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and thrombin generation. Anti-FXa is the current gold standard despite LMWH’s varying affinities for FXa and thrombin.


To examine the effects of two different LMWH’s on the results of 4 different aPTT-tests, anti-FXa activity and thrombin generation and to assess the tests’ concordance.


Enoxaparin and tinzaparin were added ex-vivo in concentrations of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 anti-FXa international units (IU)/mL, to blood from 10 volunteers. aPTT was measured using two whole blood methods (Free oscillation rheometry (FOR) and Hemochron Jr (HCJ)) and an optical plasma method using two different reagents (ActinFSL and PTT-Automat). Anti-FXa activity was quantified using a chromogenic assay. Thrombin generation (Endogenous Thrombin Potential, ETP) was measured on a Ceveron Alpha instrument using the TGA RB and more tissue-factor rich TGA RC reagents.


Methods’ mean aPTT at 1.0 IU/mL LMWH varied between 54s (SD 11) and 69s (SD 14) for enoxaparin and between 101s (SD 21) and 140s (SD 28) for tinzaparin. ActinFSL gave significantly shorter aPTT results. aPTT and anti-FXa generally correlated well. ETP as measured with the TGA RC reagent but not the TGA RB reagent showed an inverse exponential relationship to the concentration of LMWH. The HCJ-aPTT results had the weakest correlation to anti-FXa and thrombin generation (Rs0.62–0.87), whereas the other aPTT methods had similar correlation coefficients (Rs0.80–0.92).


aPTT displays a linear dose-respone to LMWH. There is variation between aPTT assays. Tinzaparin increases aPTT and decreases thrombin generation more than enoxaparin at any given level of anti-FXa activity, casting doubt on anti-FXa’s present gold standard status. Thrombin generation with tissue factor-rich activator is a promising method for monitoring LMWH’s.  相似文献   

Alpha-enolases are ubiquitous cytoplasmic, glycolytic enzymes. In pathogenic bacteria, alpha-enolase doubles as a surface-displayed plasmin(ogen)-binder supporting virulence. The plasmin(ogen)-binding site was initially traced to the two C-terminal lysine residues. More recently, an internal nine-amino acid motif comprising residues 248 to 256 was identified with this function. We report the crystal structure of alpha-enolase from Streptococcus pneumoniae at 2.0A resolution, the first structure both of a plasminogen-binding and of an octameric alpha-enolase. While the dimer is structurally similar to other alpha-enolases, the octamer places the C-terminal lysine residues in an inaccessible, inter-dimer groove restricting the C-terminal lysine residues to a role in folding and oligomerization. The nine residue plasminogen-binding motif, by contrast, is exposed on the octamer surface revealing this as the primary site of interaction between alpha-enolase and plasminogen.  相似文献   

The effect of metal ions on human activated Factor X (Factor Xa) hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate benzoyl-Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilide (S2222) was studied utilizing initial rate enzyme kinetics. The divalent metal ions Ca2+, Mn2+, and Mg2+ enhanced Factor Xa amidolytic activity with Km values of 30 μm, 20 μm, and 1.4 mm, respectively. Na+ activation of Factor Xa amidolytic activity was also found. The Km for Na+ activation was 0.31 m. Both the divalent metal ions and Na+ increased the affinity of Factor Xa for S2222 and had no effect on the maximal velocity of the reaction. Other monovalent cations were unable to activate Factor Xa. However, K+ was a competitive inhibitor of the Na+ activation (Ki = 0.14 m). Lanthanide ions inhibited Factor Xa amidolytic activity. Gd3+ inhibition of Factor Xa hydrolysis of S2222 was noncompetitive and had a Ki of 3 μm. The lanthanide ion inhibition could not be reversed by Ca2+ even when Ca2+ was present in a 1000-fold excess over its Km indicating nonidentity of the Factor Xa lanthanide and Ca2+ binding sites. It is concluded that the Factor Xa Ca2+ binding sites have characteristics different from those previously described for the Factor X molecule and that Mg2+, Na+, and K+ may be physiological regulators of Factor Xa activity.  相似文献   

Dabigatran and rivaroxaban are novel oral anticoagulants that specifically inhibit thrombin and factor Xa, respectively. The aim of this study is to elucidate antithrombotic properties of these anticoagulant agents under arterial and venous shear conditions. Whole blood samples treated with dabigatran or rivaroxaban at 250, 500, and 1000 nM, with/without aspirin and AR-C66096, a P2Y12 antagonist, were perfused over a microchip coated with collagen and tissue thromboplastin at shear rates of 240 and 600 s−1. Fibrin-rich platelet thrombus formation was quantified by monitoring flow pressure changes. Dabigatran at higher concentrations (500 and 1000 nM) potently inhibited thrombus formation at both shear rates, whereas 1000 nM of rivaroxaban delayed, but did not completely inhibit, thrombus formation. Dual antiplatelet agents weakly suppressed thrombus formation at both shear rates, but intensified the anticoagulant effects of dabigatran and rivaroxaban. The anticoagulant effects of dabigatran and rivaroxaban were also evaluated under static conditions using thrombin generation (TG) assay. In platelet-poor plasma, dabigatran at 250 and 500 nM efficiently prolonged the lag time (LT) and moderately reduce peak height (PH) of TG, whereas rivaroxaban at 250 nM efficiently prolonged LT and reduced PH of TG. In platelet-rich plasma, however, both anticoagulants efficiently delayed LT and reduced PH of TG. Our results suggest that dabigatran and rivaroxaban may exert distinct antithrombotic effects under flow conditions, particularly in combination with dual antiplatelet therapy.  相似文献   

INTEREST has focused recently on the clinical use of proteolytic enzymes similar in properties to thrombin which can directly cleave fibrinogen. Potentially the most important are arvin, derived from the venom of Agkistrodon rhodostoma and reptilase, isolated from the venom of Bothrops atrox. These only release fibrinopeptide A from fibrinogen1–3, whereas thrombin cleaves fibrinopeptides A and B from fibrinogen to form fibrin. Thrombin also activates fibrin stabilizing factor (FSF) which introduces amide bonds between the subunits of soluble fibrin4. FSF rapidly forms covalent links between pairs of γ(C)-chains giving γ(C)-dimers and in a slower reaction α(A)-chains are linked to produce high molecular weight polymers5. Although reptilase, like thrombin, activates FSF6, arvin apparently does not, which would explain why the fibrin formed by arvin seems to be more friable than that produced by thrombin or reptilase7.  相似文献   

纤维蛋白(原)与动脉粥样硬化关系的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动脉粥样硬化是常见的血管病变,众多研究表明纤维蛋白(原)是动脉粥样硬化的独立危险因素.纤维蛋白(原)能够调节炎性细胞黏附和迁移,使血液处于高凝状态,刺激血管平滑肌细胞增殖和迁移.本文综述纤维蛋白(原)和动脉粥样硬化发病机制之间的关系.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus epidermidis, a coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CoNS), is one of the leading pathogens of nosocomial infections, particularly associated with foreign body infections. Adherence of S. epidermidis to fibrinogen deposited on the surfaces of implants is important for the development of foreign body infections. A gene (fbe) encoding a fibrinogen-binding protein from S. epidermidis (Fbe) was identified by shotgun phage display. A portion of fbe was cloned into a GST-fusion vector. Affinity to glutathione-Sepharose by the GST-tag and affinity to fibrinogen-Sepharose by the Fbe part were applied to purify the recombinant Fbe. The purity and efficacy of the methods used in protein purification was compared. Furthermore, the potential physiological role of Fbe was studied by the interaction between GST-Fbe and components extracted from explanted materials in vitro.  相似文献   

Anion-binding exosite of human alpha-thrombin and fibrin(ogen) recognition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Activation of prothrombin to alpha-thrombin generates not only the catalytic site and associated regions but also an independent site (an exosite) which binds anionic substances, such as Amberlite CG-50 resin [cross-linked poly(methylacrylic acid)]. Like human alpha-thrombin with high fibrinogen clotting activity (peak elution at I = 0.40 +/- 0.01 M, pH 7.4, approximately 23 degrees C), catalytically inactivated forms (e.g., i-Pr2P-alpha- and D-Phe-Pro-Arg-CH2-alpha-thrombins) were eluted with only slightly lower salt concentrations (I = 0.36-0.39 M), while gamma-thrombin with very low clotting activity was eluted with much lower concentrations (I = 0.29 M) and the hirudin complex of alpha-thrombin was not retained by the resin. In a similar manner, hirudin complexes of alpha-, i-Pr2P-alpha-, and gamma-thrombin were not retained by nonpolymerized fibrin-agarose resin. Moreover, the ionic strengths for the elution from the CG-50 resin of seven thrombin forms were directly correlated with those from the fibrin resin (y = 0.15 + 0.96x, r = 0.95). In other experiments, the 17 through 27 synthetic peptide of the human fibrinogen A alpha chain was not an inhibitor of alpha-thrombin, while the NH2-terminal disulfide knot (NDSK) fragment was a simple competitive inhibitor of alpha-thrombin with a Ki approximately 3 microM (0.15 M NaCl, pH 7.3, approximately 23 degrees C). These data suggest that alpha-thrombin recognizes fibrin(ogen) by a negatively charged surface, noncontiguous with the A alpha cleavage site but found within the NDSK fragment. Such interaction involving an anion-binding exosite may explain the exceptional specificity of alpha-thrombin for the A alpha cleavage in fibrinogen and alpha-thrombin incorporation into fibrin clots.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of factor Xa (FXa) was isolated from the nymphs of the camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii by a combination of chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephacryl S-300 columns. The isolated nymphal FXa inhibitor turned out to be a homogenous preparation of a single polypeptide chain (15 kDa) as judged by both the native and denatured SDS-PAGE. Its pI value ranged from 7.7 to 7.9. The inhibitor is a potent anticoagulant since it prolonged both the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and the prothrombin time (PT) of the camel plasma in a concentration-dependent manner. Its activity was threefold lower toward thrombin than FXa, but it did not inhibit any of the proteases; trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, papain, pepsin and subtilisin. The inhibitor binds at two sites on FXa uncompetitively with an inhibition constant (Ki) value of 134 nM.  相似文献   

大鸨(Otis tarda)是我国I级重点保护野生鸟类,对大鸨重要栖息地种群数量的变化趋势进行研究,将为大鸨及其栖息地的保护提供科学依据。2017年至2020年,对内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区内及周边的大鸨种群数量动态进行了全面调查,共选择33个监测地点,对大鸨的数量、性别和分布地点进行了调查。结果表明,大鸨种群数量从2017年193只增加至2020年253只;大鸨1月的越冬种群数量从2017年67只减少至2019年55只,2020年重新恢复至67只。各月大鸨种群数量呈现较大的变化,数量高峰期分别是5月和10月。12月至次年2月,越冬种群数量50 ~ 70只。雌性大鸨从3月开始监测到,数量高峰值出现在4月和5月,达到50 ~ 70只,不同的年份略有差别;6月之后数量开始下降,至9月开始略有回升,在10月以后,野外基本观察不到雌性个体。在野外易于观察的4月,2017至2020年4年中雌雄比的平均值是1︰2。2017年和2018年,大鸨在马鞍山区域分布较多,数量也较为稳定。然而进入2019年,分布地点减少,这可能与当地人类活动的干扰有关;2020年保护区功能区进行了调整,将2014年调整出保护区范围的马鞍山区域重新划入保护区中,湿地和草地面积均有所增加,大鸨分布地点数量逐渐恢复。针对目前保护区存在的问题,建议采取退耕还草、加强保护空缺管理及禁牧等保护措施对大鸨及其栖息地进行保护。  相似文献   

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