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The subcellular distribution of protein tyrosine kinase in rat forebrain was determined using [Val5]-angiotensin II as exogenous substrate. Enzyme activity was present in each of the fractions analyzed and was enriched in synaptic membranes (SMs) and the synaptosomal soluble fraction (2.2- and 2.5-fold over the homogenate, respectively). SMs also phosphorylated polyglutamyltyrosine (pGT; molar ratio of 4:1), the Vmax for angiotensin and pGT phosphorylation being 26.3 +/- 1.6 and 142 +/- 4 pmol/min/mg, respectively. Extraction of SMs with several different detergents resulted in enhanced enzyme activity and the solubilization of 33-37% of the angiotensin and 43-70% of the pGT-phosphorylating activity. Isolated postsynaptic densities (PSDs) contained tyrosine kinase and phosphorylated angiotensin and pGT. The Vmax values for angiotensin and pGT phosphorylation by PSDs were 17 +/- 5 and 23 +/- 1 pmol/min/mg, respectively. Six putative endogenous substrates for SM tyrosine kinase, with molecular weights of 205K, 180K, 76K, 60K, 50K, and 45K, were identified. Each of these proteins, except p76, was phosphorylated in the detergent-insoluble residue obtained following the extraction of SMs with Triton X-100 as well as in PSDs, indicating that the postsynaptic apparatus is an active site of tyrosine phosphorylation. The phosphorylation of p76 was localized to the Triton X-100 extract and also occurred in the synaptosomal soluble fraction. The results indicate that tyrosine kinase and its substrates are located in both pre- and postsynaptic compartments and suggest a role for this enzyme in synaptic function.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and continuous protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) assay using 3,6-fluorescein diphosphate (FDP) is described. Leukocyte phosphatase CD45 (leukocyte common antigen), protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B, and leukocyte common antigen-related protein LAR preferentially hydrolyze FDP to fluorescein monophosphate (FMP) with V(max) and K(m) values comparable with those of phosphotyrosine peptide substrates. Further hydrolysis of FMP to fluorescein was less efficient because of increased K(m) values compared with those of FDP. FMP absorbs strongly at 445 nm and fluoresces intensely near 515 nm, both of which are insensitive to pH perturbations above pH 6. Its high catalytic efficiency, coupled with the highly sensitive dual detection in the visible wavelength region and wider pH operating range, make FDP the substrate of choice for PTPase inhibitor screening in HTS format and assay miniaturization.  相似文献   

Iron stored in phytoferritin plays an important role in the germination and early growth of seedlings. The protein is located in the amyloplast where it stores large amounts of iron as a hydrated ferric oxide mineral core within its shell-like structure. The present work was undertaken to study alternate mechanisms of core formation in pea seed ferritin (PSF). The data reveal a new mechanism for mineral core formation in PSF involving the binding and oxidation of iron at the extension peptide (EP) located on the outer surface of the protein shell. This binding induces aggregation of the protein into large assemblies of ∼400 monomers. The bound iron is gradually translocated to the mineral core during which time the protein dissociates back into its monomeric state. Either the oxidative addition of Fe2+ to the apoprotein to form Fe3+ or the direct addition of Fe3+ to apoPSF causes protein aggregation once the binding capacity of the 24 ferroxidase centers (48 Fe3+/shell) is exceeded. When the EP is enzymatically deleted from PSF, aggregation is not observed, and the rate of iron oxidation is significantly reduced, demonstrating that the EP is a critical structural component for iron binding, oxidation, and protein aggregation. These data point to a functional role for the extension peptide as an iron binding and ferroxidase center that contributes to mineralization of the iron core. As the iron core grows larger, the new pathway becomes less important, and Fe2+ oxidation and deposition occurs directly on the surface of the iron core.The chemistry of iron and oxygen in a number of non-heme di-iron proteins has been a subject of intense interest because of their varied roles in oxygen activation and catalysis, substrate hydrolysis, oxygen transport, redox reactions, H2O2, and iron detoxification and iron storage. Di-iron centers have similar structural motifs consisting of a combination of carboxylate and histidine ligands that either bind or bridge the two metal ions of the di-nuclear active site; di-iron proteins containing these centers include methane monooxygenase, ribonucleotide reductase, rubrerythrin, stearoyl desaturase, purple acid phosphatase, hemerythrin, the Dps proteins, and ferritins (16). Despite their similar di-nuclear centers, each of these proteins fulfills a distinct biological role that seems to be mediated by the nature of the first and second coordination sphere of the di-iron center.Ferritins are a class of intracellular iron storage and detoxification proteins that facilitate the oxidation of iron by molecular oxygen or hydrogen peroxide to form a hydrous ferric oxide mineral core within their interiors (13). Rapid Fe2+ oxidation occurs at the di-iron ferroxidase center located on the H-subunit of the mammalian protein. Unlike the H-chain, the more acidic L-subunit lacks the ferroxidase center but contains a putative nucleation site responsible for slower iron oxidation and mineralization (7). The shapes of both the H- and L-subunit are nearly cylindrical and composed of a four-α-helix bundle containing two antiparallel helix pairs (A, B and C, D) connected by a long non-helical stretch, the BC-loop, between B and C helices. A fifth short helix (E helix) lies at one end of the bundle at 60° to its axis (1, 2).From an evolutionary point of view, plant and animal ferritins arose from a common ancestor, but plant ferritins exhibit various specific features as compared with animal ferritins. Plant ferritins are observed in plastids (chloroplasts in leaves, amyloplasts in tubers and seeds, etc.) where iron is incorporated into the ferritin shell to form the mineral core, whereas animal ferritins are largely found in the cytoplasm of cell (1, 8). Ferritins from dried soybean and pea seed consist of two subunits of 26.5 and 28.0 kDa, which are designated H-1 and H-2, respectively, share ∼80% amino acid sequence identity (9, 10), and contain ferroxidase centers. The two subunits are synthesized from a 32-kDa precursor with a unique two-domain N-terminal sequence containing a transit peptide (TP)2 and an extension peptide (EP). The TP is responsible for precursor targeting to plastids (11). Upon transport to plastids, the TP is cleaved from the subunit precursor, resulting in the formation of the mature subunit which assembles into a 24-mer apoferritin within the plastids (11, 12). The EP domain is kept at the N-terminal extremity of the mature plant ferritins, but its function remains unknown. It is absent in animal ferritins. For soybean ferritin, further processing of the 26.5-kDa subunit occurs through excising a short C-terminal amino acid sequence (16 amino acid residues) that corresponds to the E helix of the mammalian ferritin subunit (9). Compared with their own precursors, H-1 is devoid of both the N-terminal TP domain and the C-terminal E helix, whereas H-2 lacks the N-terminal TP domain only (13). However, the amino acids constituting the ferroxidase center are strictly conserved in all the plant ferritins except for pea seed ferritin where His-62 replaces Glu-62 (14, 15).Iron oxidation/mineralization in human ferritin occurs by at least three reaction pathways (16, 17). After Fe2+ binding at the ferroxidase site, the protein-catalyzed oxidation of Fe2+ occurs, H2O2 is the product of O2 reduction, and a mineral core of Fe3+ is produced, written for simplicity as Fe(O)OH(core) (Equation 1) (18, 19). Some of the H2O2 generated in Equation 1 reacts with additional Fe2+ in the Fe2+ + H2O2 detoxification reaction (Equation 2) to produce H2O (16, 20). Once a mineral core of sufficient size has developed, Fe2+ autoxidation becomes significant, and iron oxidation and hydrolysis occurs primarily on the growing surface of the mineral through an autocatalytic process where O2 is reduced completely to H2O (Equation 3) (1, 7, 17). Based on the above reactions and on identification of intermediates by resonance Raman spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and EXAFS (extended x-ray absorption fine structure), the mechanism of mineral core formation in mammalian ferritins has been reasonably well established (18, 2123). Initially two Fe2+ are oxidized by O2 at the ferroxidase center to form a transient μ-1,2-peroxodi-Fe3+ intermediate, which rapidly decays to form a μ-oxo di-Fe3+ complex(es), releasing H2O2 to the solution. The μ-oxo(hydroxo) bridged di-Fe3+ dimer(s) then translocates from the ferroxidase center to the inner cavity to form an incipient core, which ultimately leads to the formation of the mineral core itself. However, this mechanism of oxidative deposition of iron is only applicable to ferritins such as horse spleen ferritin and human H-chain ferritin, which regenerate activity at their ferroxidase centers. In contrast, the ferroxidase centers of human mitochondrial ferritin (24), Escherichia coli bacterioferritin (25), E. coli bacterial ferritin A (26), and pea seed ferritin (PSF) (27) lack significant regeneration activity, and Fe3+ produced at their centers migrates with difficulty from the center to the cavity to form the initial core. These observations raise the question as to whether alternate pathways exist for core formation in these proteins, in particular in phytoferritins, the focus of this work.In the present study we have looked for alternate mechanisms of iron deposition in PSF and demonstrate that ferritin-ferritin aggregation occurs during the oxidative deposition of iron in PSF when more than 48 Fe2+/shell are added to the apoprotein (apoPSF), an amount exceeding the 24 ferroxidase center binding capacity for Fe2+/3+. Such aggregation was also induced by the addition of Fe3+ directly to PSF. The data indicate that binding occurs on the outer surface of the ferritin shell at sites involving the extension peptide. Upon standing, the iron induced aggregate reversibly dissociates to its original undissociated form, whereas the iron migrates to the mineral core. This finding represents an alternate pathway for iron deposition in phytoferritin.  相似文献   

The aluminum and yeast hexokinase interaction was studied. Structural changes were correlated with variations in protein functionality. Results show two different behaviors: At low metal concentrations preferential adsorption of metal (and water exclusion) induces aggregate formation. No significant changes in the protein structure occur, but there is a continuous loss of activity (from the first concentration). At large salt concentrations a monomerization process and a conformational change in the secondary structure as well as in the three-dimensional structure take place. This change reduces the percentage of α-helix conformation, gives thermal stability to the protein, and allows the exposure of some tryptophan residue and hydrophobic regions. The protein inhibition increases. Conformational change and monomerization may allow access of the metal to the substrate site, mainly the ATP site. The inhibition in any case is of mixed type with a competitive component.  相似文献   

The effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) (30 mg/kg subcutaneously per day for 8 days) to C57BL/6N mice were studied on tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase (DDC), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) activities in the striatum, and TH, DDC, dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), and MAO activities in the hypothalamus. Treatment with MPTP led to a large decrease in TH activity and a parallel decrease in DDC activity in the striatum, as compared with the saline controls. In contrast, MPTP administration did not cause a decrease of the activities of TH, DDC, and DBH in the hypothalamus. There was also no reduction in MAO activities of striatum and hypothalamus. These data indicate that MPTP administration to mice results in specific degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway and that DDC in the mouse striatum may mainly be localized in the dopaminergic neurons with TH.  相似文献   

Hyperphosphorylation and dysregulation of exon 10 splicing of Tau are pivotally involved in pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD) and/or other tauopathies. Alternative splicing of Tau exon 10, which encodes the second microtubule-binding repeat, generates Tau isoforms containing three and four microtubule-binding repeats, termed 3R-Taus and 4R-Taus, respectively. Dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (Dyrk1A) lies at the Down syndrome critical region of chromosome 21. Overexpression of this kinase may contribute to the early Tau pathology in Down syndrome via phosphorylation of Tau and dysregulation of Tau exon 10. Here, we report that Dyrk1A was truncated at the C terminus and was associated with overactivation of calpain I in AD brain. Calpain I proteolyzed Dyrk1A in vitro first at the C terminus and further at the N terminus and enhanced its kinase activity toward Tau via increased Vmax but not Km. C-terminal truncation of Dyrk1A resulted in stronger activity than its full-length protein in promotion of exon 10 exclusion and phosphorylation of Tau. Dyrk1A was truncated in kainic acid-induced excitotoxic mouse brains and coincided with an increase in 3R-Tau expression and phosphorylation of Tau via calpain activation. Moreover, truncation of Dyrk1A was correlated with an increase in the ratio of 3R-Tau/4R-Tau and Tau hyperphosphorylation in AD brain. Collectively, these findings suggest that truncation/activation of Dyrk1A by Ca2+/calpain I might contribute to Tau pathology via promotion of exon 10 exclusion and hyperphosphorylation of Tau in AD brain.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the antiangiogenic efficacy of vatalanib, sunitinib, and AMD3100 in an animal model of human glioblastoma (GBM) by using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) and tumor protein expression analysis. Orthotopic GBM-bearing animals were randomly assigned either to control group or vatalanib, sunitinib, and AMD3100 treatment groups. Following 2 weeks of drug treatment, tumor growth and vascular parameters were measured using DCE-MRI. Expression of different angiogenic factors in tumor extracts was measured using a membrane-based human antibody array kit. Tumor angiogenesis and invasion were determined by immunohistochemistry. DCE-MRI showed a significant increase in tumor size after vatalanib treatment. AMD3100-treated group showed a significant decrease in a number of vascular parameters determined by DCE-MRI. AMD3100 significantly decreased the expression of different angiogenic factors compared to sunitinib or vatalanib; however, there were no significant changes in vascular density among the groups. Sunitinib-treated animals showed significantly higher migration of the invasive cells, whereas in both vatalanib- and AMD3100-treated animals the invasive cell migration distance was significantly lower compared to that of control. Vatalanib and sunitinib resulted in suboptimal therapeutic effect, but AMD3100 treatment resulted in a significant reduction in tumor growth, permeability, interstitial space volume, and invasion of tumor cells in an animal model of GBM.  相似文献   

Long-term cold exposure (5-7 days) is known to induce concomitant increases in the levels of adrenomedullary tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) RNA, protein, and enzyme activity. In this report, we compare the time courses of these changes and investigate the effects of cold exposure on the levels of biopterin, the cofactor required for tyrosine hydroxylation. After only 1 h of cold exposure, TH mRNA abundance increased 71% compared with nonstressed controls. Increases in total cellular TH RNA levels were maximal (threefold over control values) within 3-6 h of cold exposure and remained elevated throughout the duration of the experiment (72 h). TH protein levels increased rapidly after 24 h of cold exposure and reached a maximal value threefold above that of controls at 48-72 h. Despite the relatively rapid and large elevations in TH RNA and protein content, only modest increases in TH activity were detected during the initial 48 h of cold exposure. Adrenomedullary biopterin increased rapidly after the onset of cold exposure, rising to a level approximately twofold that of the nonstressed controls at 24 h, and remained at this level throughout the duration of the stress period. Taken together, the results of this time course study indicate that cold-induced alterations in adrenal TH activity are mediated by multiple cellular control mechanisms, which may include pre- and posttranslational regulation. Our findings also suggest that cold stress-induced increases in the levels of the TH cofactor may represent another key event in the sympathoadrenal system's response to cold stress.  相似文献   

An insight into the conformation and dynamics of unfolded and early intermediate states of a protein is essential to understand the mechanism of its aggregation and to design potent inhibitor molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of several model protein stabilizers on the conformation of the unfolded state and early folding dynamics of tetramethyl rhodamine-labeled cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at single molecular resolution. Special attention has been given to arginine, which is a widely used stabilizer for improving refolding yield of different proteins. The value of the hydrodynamic radius (rH) obtained by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the diffusing molecules has been found to increase in a two-state manner as the protein is unfolded by urea. The results further show that the presence of arginine and other protein stabilizers favors a relatively structured conformation of the unfolded states (rH of 29 Å) over an extended one (rH of 40 Å), which forms in their absence. Also, the time constant of a kinetic component (τR) of about 30 μs has been observed by analyzing the correlation functions, which represents formation of a collapsed state. This time constant varies with urea concentration representing an inverted Chevron plot that shows a roll-over and behavior in the absence of arginine. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study direct folding kinetics of a protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: The protein kinases and protein phosphatases that act on tyrosine hydroxylase in vivo have not been established. Bovine adrenal chromaffin cells were permeabilized with digitonin and incubated with [γ-32P]ATP, in the presence or absence of 10 µ M Ca2+, 1 µ M cyclic AMP, 1 µ M phorbol dibutyrate, or various kinase or phosphatase inhibitors. Ca2+ increased the phosphorylation of Ser19 and Ser40. Cyclic AMP, and phorbol dibutyrate in the presence of Ca2+, increased the phosphorylation of only Ser40. Ser31 and Ser8 were not phosphorylated. The Ca2+-stimulated phosphorylation of Ser19 was incompletely reduced by inhibitors of calcium/calmodulin-stimulated protein kinase II (46% with KN93 and 68% with CaM-PKII 273–302), suggesting that another protein kinase(s) was contributing to the phosphorylation of this site. The Ca2+-stimulated phosphorylation of Ser40 was reduced by specific inhibitors of protein kinase A (56% with H89 and 38% with PKAi 5–22 amide) and protein kinase C (70% with Ro 31-8220 and 54% with PKCi 19–31), suggesting that protein kinases A and C contributed to most of the phosphorylation of this site. Results with okadaic acid and microcystin suggested that Ser19 and Ser40 were dephosphorylated by PP2A.  相似文献   

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