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The broad-headed bug Riptortus clavatus (Heteroptera: Alydidae) possesses a number of crypts at a posterior midgut region, which house a dense population of a bacterial symbiont belonging to the genus Burkholderia. Although the symbiont is highly prevalent (95 to 100%) in the host populations, the symbiont phylogeny did not reflect the host systematics at all. In order to understand the mechanisms underlying the promiscuous host-symbiont relationship despite the specific and prevalent association, we investigated the transmission mode and the fitness effects of the Burkholderia symbiont in R. clavatus. Inspection of eggs and a series of rearing experiments revealed that the symbiont is not vertically transmitted but is environmentally acquired by nymphal insects. The Burkholderia symbiont was present in the soil of the insect habitat, and a culture strain of the symbiont was successfully isolated from the insect midgut. Rearing experiments by using sterilized soybean bottles demonstrated that the cultured symbiont is able to establish a normal and efficient infection in the host insect, and the symbiont infection significantly improves the host fitness. These results indicated that R. clavatus postnatally acquires symbiont of a beneficial nature from the environment every generation, uncovering a previously unknown pathway through which a highly specific insect-microbe association is maintained. We suggest that the stinkbug-Burkholderia relationship may be regarded as an insect analogue of the well-known symbioses between plants and soil-associated microbes, such as legume-Rhizobium and alder-Frankia relationships, and we discuss the evolutionary relevance of the mutualistic but promiscuous insect-microbe association.  相似文献   

The Japanese common plataspid stinkbug, Megacopta punctatissima, deposits small brown particles, or symbiont capsules, on the underside of the egg mass for the purpose of transmission of symbiotic bacteria to the offspring. We investigated the microbiological aspects of the bacteria contained in the capsule, such as microbial diversity, phylogenetic placement, localization in vivo, and fitness effects on the host insect. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA clones revealed that a single bacterial species dominates the microbiota in the capsule. The bacterium was not detected in the eggs but in the capsules, which unequivocally demonstrated that the bacterium is transmitted to the offspring of the insect orally rather than transovarially, through probing of the capsule content. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed that the bacterium belongs to the γ-subdivision of the Proteobacteria. In adult insects the bacterium was localized in the posterior section of the midgut. Deprivation of the bacterium from the nymphs resulted in retarded development, arrested growth, abnormal body coloration, and other symptoms, suggesting that the bacterium is essential for normal development and growth of the host insect.  相似文献   

Holometabolous insects undergo a radical anatomical re-organisation during metamorphosis. This poses a developmental challenge: the host must replace the larval gut but at the same time retain symbiotic gut microbes and avoid infection by opportunistic pathogens. By manipulating host immunity and bacterial competitive ability, we study how the host Galleria mellonella and the symbiotic bacterium Enterococcus mundtii interact to manage the composition of the microbiota during metamorphosis. Disenabling one or both symbiotic partners alters the composition of the gut microbiota, which incurs fitness costs: adult hosts with a gut microbiota dominated by pathogens such as Serratia and Staphylococcus die early. Our results reveal an interaction that guarantees the safe passage of the symbiont through metamorphosis and benefits the resulting adult host. Host-symbiont “conspiracies” as described here are almost certainly widespread in holometobolous insects including many disease vectors.  相似文献   

Many insects possess symbiotic bacteria that affect the biology of the host. The level of the symbiont population in the host is a pivotal factor that modulates the biological outcome of the symbiotic association. Hence, the symbiont population should be maintained at a proper level by the host''s control mechanisms. Several mechanisms for controlling intracellular symbionts of insects have been reported, while mechanisms for controlling extracellular gut symbionts of insects are poorly understood. The bean bug Riptortus pedestris harbors a betaproteobacterial extracellular symbiont of the genus Burkholderia in the midgut symbiotic organ designated the M4 region. We found that the M4B region, which is directly connected to the M4 region, also harbors Burkholderia symbiont cells, but the symbionts therein are mostly dead. A series of experiments demonstrated that the M4B region exhibits antimicrobial activity, and the antimicrobial activity is specifically potent against the Burkholderia symbiont but not the cultured Burkholderia and other bacteria. The antimicrobial activity of the M4B region was detected in symbiotic host insects, reaching its highest point at the fifth instar, but not in aposymbiotic host insects, which suggests the possibility of symbiont-mediated induction of the antimicrobial activity. This antimicrobial activity was not associated with upregulation of antimicrobial peptides of the host. Based on these results, we propose that the M4B region is a specialized gut region of R. pedestris that plays a critical role in controlling the population of the Burkholderia gut symbiont. The molecular basis of the antimicrobial activity is of great interest and deserves future study.  相似文献   

Probiotic microorganisms are ingested as food or supplements and impart positive health benefits to consumers. Previous studies have indicated that probiotics transiently reside in the gastrointestinal tract and, in addition to modulating commensal species diversity, increase the expression of genes for carbohydrate metabolism in resident commensal bacterial species. In this study, it is demonstrated that the human gut commensal species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron efficiently metabolizes fructan exopolysaccharide (EPS) synthesized by probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri strain 121 while only partially degrading reuteran and isomalto/malto-polysaccharide (IMMP) α-glucan EPS polymers. B. thetaiotaomicron metabolized these EPS molecules via the activation of enzymes and transport systems encoded by dedicated polysaccharide utilization loci specific for β-fructans and α-glucans. Reduced metabolism of reuteran and IMMP α-glucan EPS molecules may be due to reduced substrate binding by components of the starch utilization system (sus). This study reveals that microbial EPS substrates activate genes for carbohydrate metabolism in B. thetaiotaomicron and suggests that microbially derived carbohydrates provide a carbohydrate-rich reservoir for B. thetaiotaomicron nutrient acquisition in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated the existence of an extensive trans-genomic trans-mural co-metabolism between gut microbes and animal hosts that is diet-, host phylogeny- and provenance-influenced. Here, we analyzed the biodiversity at the level of small subunit rRNA gene sequence and the metabolic composition of 18 Mbp of consensus metagenome sequences and activity characteristics of bacterial intra-cellular extracts, in wild Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) fecal samples. Bacterial signatures (14.43% of all of the Firmicutes reads and 6.36% of total reads) related to the uncultured anaerobic commensals Anaeroplasma spp., which are typically found in ovine and bovine rumen, were first identified. The lynx gut was further characterized by an over-representation of ‘presumptive’ aquaporin aqpZ genes and genes encoding ‘active’ lysosomal-like digestive enzymes that are possibly needed to acquire glycerol, sugars and amino acids from glycoproteins, glyco(amino)lipids, glyco(amino)glycans and nucleoside diphosphate sugars. Lynx gut was highly enriched (28% of the total glycosidases) in genes encoding α-amylase and related enzymes, although it exhibited low rate of enzymatic activity indicative of starch degradation. The preponderance of β-xylosidase activity in protein extracts further suggests lynx gut microbes being most active for the metabolism of β-xylose containing plant N-glycans, although β-xylosidases sequences constituted only 1.5% of total glycosidases. These collective and unique bacterial, genetic and enzymatic activity signatures suggest that the wild lynx gut microbiota not only harbors gene sets underpinning sugar uptake from primary animal tissues (with the monotypic dietary profile of the wild lynx consisting of 80–100% wild rabbits) but also for the hydrolysis of prey-derived plant biomass. Although, the present investigation corresponds to a single sample and some of the statements should be considered qualitative, the data most likely suggests a tighter, more coordinated and complex evolutionary and nutritional ecology scenario of carnivore gut microbial communities than has been previously assumed.  相似文献   

Four common earthworm species, the anecic Lumbricus terrestris, the endogeic Octolasion tyrteum as well as the epigeic Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta, were examined for the presence of the microbial gut symbiont Plagiotoma lumbrici. The evolutionary origin of this endobiotic microbe was reconstructed, using the 18S rRNA gene, the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 region, and the first two domains of the 28S rRNA gene. Plagiotoma lumbrici was exclusively detected in the anecic Lumbricus terrestris. Multigene analyses and the ITS2 secondary structure robustly determined the phylogenetic home of Plagiotoma lumbrici populations within the oxytrichid Dorsomarginalia (Spirotrichea: Hypotrichia) as a sister taxon of the free‐living Hemiurosomoida longa. This indicates that earthworms obtained their gut endosymbiont by ingesting soil/leaf litter containing oxytrichine ciliates that became adapted to the intestinal tract of earthworms. Interestingly, according to the literature data, Plagiotoma lumbrici was detected in multiple anecic and some epigeic but never in endogeic earthworms. These observations suggest that Plagiotoma lumbrici might be adapted to certain gut conditions and the lifestyle of anecic Lumbricidae, such as Lumbricus, Aporrectodea, and Scherotheca, as well as of some co‐occurring epigeic Lumbricus species.  相似文献   

The molecular characterization of symbionts is pivotal for understanding the cross-talk between symbionts and hosts. In addition to valuable knowledge obtained from symbiont genomic studies, the biochemical characterization of symbionts is important to fully understand symbiotic interactions. The bean bug (Riptortus pedestris) has been recognized as a useful experimental insect gut symbiosis model system because of its cultivatable Burkholderia symbionts. This system is greatly advantageous because it allows the acquisition of a large quantity of homogeneous symbionts from the host midgut. Using these naïve gut symbionts, it is possible to directly compare in vivo symbiotic cells with in vitro cultured cells using biochemical approaches. With the goal of understanding molecular changes that occur in Burkholderia cells as they adapt to the Riptortus gut environment, we first elucidated that symbiotic Burkholderia cells are highly susceptible to purified Riptortus antimicrobial peptides. In search of the mechanisms of the increased immunosusceptibility of symbionts, we found striking differences in cell envelope structures between cultured and symbiotic Burkholderia cells. The bacterial lipopolysaccharide O antigen was absent from symbiotic cells examined by gel electrophoretic and mass spectrometric analyses, and their membranes were more sensitive to detergent lysis. These changes in the cell envelope were responsible for the increased susceptibility of the Burkholderia symbionts to host innate immunity. Our results suggest that the symbiotic interactions between the Riptortus host and Burkholderia gut symbionts induce bacterial cell envelope changes to achieve successful gut symbiosis.  相似文献   

The rosy bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus, is the only fish species known in which artificial triploids are always male, regardless of the kind of polyploidization technique used. In order to elucidate the genetic sex determination system of the rosy bitterling, two kinds of gynogenesis were carried out: retention of the second polar body (GRSPB) and suppression of the first cleavage (GSFC). The sex ratio of progeny was nearly 7:1 (:) for both GRSPB and GSFC, while those of control and parental fish were almost 1:1. In backcrosses of female progeny by GRSPB and normal diploid males, male progeny were observed at low frequency (one or two individuals in each experiment), except in one experiment where the appearance rate of males was about 50%. From results of gynogenesis and backcrosses, the following conclusions can be made. The genetic sex determination system of the rosy bitterling is a heterogametic female system (ZW). Survival rate of superfemales (WW), produced by gynogenesis, is much lower than that of males (ZW).There is a possibility that crossovers between sex determining genes and a centromere occur in the first meiosis. With repect to the mechanism of unisexuality (male) of artificial triploids of the rosy bitterling, only males (ZZZ and ZZW) are presumed viable, while females (ZWW) are probably inviable.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2020,27(1):79-92.e9
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Despite the importance of the microbiota in human physiology, the molecular bases that govern the interactions between these commensal bacteria and their host remain poorly understood. We recently reported that sulfatases play a key role in the adaptation of a major human commensal bacterium, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, to its host (Benjdia, A., Martens, E. C., Gordon, J. I., and Berteau, O. (2011) J. Biol. Chem. 286, 25973–25982). We hypothesized that sulfatases are instrumental for this bacterium, and related Bacteroides species, to metabolize highly sulfated glycans (i.e. mucins and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs)) and to colonize the intestinal mucosal layer. Based on our previous study, we investigated 10 sulfatase genes induced in the presence of host glycans. Biochemical characterization of these potential sulfatases allowed the identification of GAG-specific sulfatases selective for the type of saccharide residue and the attachment position of the sulfate group. Although some GAG-specific bacterial sulfatase activities have been described in the literature, we report here for the first time the identity and the biochemical characterization of four GAG-specific sulfatases. Furthermore, contrary to the current paradigm, we discovered that B. thetaiotaomicron possesses an authentic GAG endosulfatase that is active at the polymer level. This type of sulfatase is the first one to be identified in a bacterium. Our study thus demonstrates that bacteria have evolved more sophisticated and diverse GAG sulfatases than anticipated and establishes how B. thetaiotaomicron, and other major human commensal bacteria, can metabolize and potentially tailor complex host glycans.  相似文献   

The morphology, life histories and crossability in culture are described for the marine red algae Chondrus ocellatus Holmes forma ocellatus from Japan, China and Korea and C. ocellatus f. crispoides Mikami (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) from Japan. In culture, all isolates of both formae showed a Polysiphonia-type life history typical of the family Gigartinaceae. Plants of C. ocellatus f. ocellatus from Korea and China and some strains from Japan formed gametangia under long-day conditions (LD) at 15°C; however, two other Japanese strains required short-day conditions (SD) at 15°C for gametogenesis, indicating a photoperiodic response. Plants of C. ocellatus f. crispoides did not require SD for gamete formation. In all strains, tetrasporophytes of both formae produced tetrasporangia under LD. Isolates of C. ocellatus f. ocellatus from Japan, China and Korea were found to be completely sexually compatible regardless of photoperiodic characteristics, and the responses to daylength shown by progeny of LD and SD strains suggested Mendelian inheritance of a daylength factor. Chondrus ocellatus f. ocellatus was sexually incompatible with C. nipponicus Yendo, a morphologically similar species from Japan, but C. ocellatus f. crispoides was partially interfertile with both C. ocellatus f. ocellatus and C. nipponicus, indicating that the three entities are closely related. In view of the apparently higher breeding compatibility between C. nipponicus and C. ocellatus f. crispoides, and the fact that these two entities are more similar morphologically and reproductively, it is proposed, provisionally, to refer C. ocellatus forma crispoides to C. nipponicus.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity among Sodalis glossinidius populations was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers. Strains collected from Glossina palpalis gambiensis and Glossina morsitans morsitans flies group into separate clusters, being differentially structured. This differential structuring may reflect different host-related selection pressures and may be related to the different vector competences of Glossina spp.  相似文献   

Transparent-scaled variant (TSV) of the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus (Kner) was observed on both morphology and heredity. Compared with the normal-scaled type (NST), TSV is characterized by the blackish coloration in both eyes and peritoneum, and the luminescent one over the whole body. Histologically, the density of guanophores containing reflecting platelets was conspicuously low, especially in scale, iris, choroid and peritoneum, while the increase in the number of goblet cells (mucous cells) was recognized all over the dermal/epidermal regions. The heredity of TSV was recessive and supposed to be controlled by a single pair of genes unrelated to sex, judging from the result of crossbreeding experiments between NST and TSV. In growth and reproduction, no difference was seen between these two phenotypes. Transparent-scaled variant of the rosy bitterling can be competent for a genetic marker in experimental and developmental biology.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa in triploids of the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Artificially induced triploid male Rhodeus ocellatus ocellatus showed typical nuptial colorations, irrespective of spermiation. In milt from triploids, abnormal spermatozoa (malformation of the head and mitochondrion, excessive formation of the head, mitochondrion and flagellum, and no flagellum) occurred at 78°4% frequency. Spermatozoa with multiflagella were most common, often with a saccate-like organ. Many triploid spermatozoa moved actively as long as those of diploids (10·92±0·91 min=mean±S.D., P >0·05), but did not advance like diploids, spinning around until movement ceased. The sperm density in triploids was < 2% of that from diploids. In triploid testes, deformed and variously sized spermatids were often observed, and normal spermatids and spermatozoa were seldom recognized. The DNA content of triploid spermatozoa varied greatly, compared with that of diploids. Peak of sperm DNA content differed slightly between two triploid samples with two peaks at 1·5 n and 1·9 n ( P <0·0001 in both), respectively. Triploids had the greatest average sperm head diameter of 2·25±0·67 μm (mean±S.D.), while that of diploids was 1·83±0·15 μm ( P =0·002). In the fertilization test using the eggs of diploids ( n =1500, 30 trials), only one egg developed. The embryo chromosome number was 60 (2·5 n) and the ploidy of spermatozoa contributing to fertilization appears to be 1·5 n. The extremely low fertility of triploid R. o. ocellatus spermatozoa seems to be caused by the reduced motility and large head size of spermatozoa, and the low sperm density of the milt. The ploidy of spermatozoa that are successful in fertilization is likely to be related to the distribution pattern in the DNA content of cells.  相似文献   

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