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Summary Isolation ofHistoplasma duboisii marks the first incidence of this African pathogen being found in the soil of Kenya.Investigation of keratinophilic fungi in soil from Kenya and Tanzania produced 27 isolates of dermatophytes belonging to the four known genera of this group.Trichophyton evolceanui was found in five of these samples.It is to be noted that localities frequented by wild and domestic animals produced a higher incidence of keratinophilic fungi than did the unshady, isolated areas.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight soil samples from Kenya and nine from South Africa were tested for their keratinophilic and systemic fungi. Also, 150 types of hair were tested to find which would produce the best results for isolating fungi from soil, using the hair-bating technique. Hair from mature male baboons was found to be superior over all others in trapping keratinophilic fungi from experimentally infested soil. Thirty-three isolates of keratinophilic fungi were obtained, withChrysosporium sp. the most frequently isolated fungus, followed byM. gypseum. Systemic pathogenic fungi were absent from samples taken in these studies, as ascertained by mouse inoculation. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the locality and the inhabitants, with either the number or the species of keratinophilic fungi isolated.
Zusammenfassung Achtundsechzig Bodenproben von Kenya und von Südafrika wurden für keratinophile und System-Pilze untersucht. Auch 150 Haartypen wurden untersucht, um herauszufinden, welche die besten Ergebnisse für die Isolierung von Pilzen vom Boden mittels der ToKaVa Methode liefern würden. Haare der erwachsenen, männlichen Paviane waren bei weitem allen anderen Haaren überlegen für die Isolierung keratinophiler-Pilze vom Boden. Dreiunddreißig keratinophile Pilze sind isoliert worden, wobeiChrysosporium spp. die häufigsten waren.M. gypseum war das nächste. Systemische, pathogene Pilze waren in diesen Untersuchungen abwesend, wie es durch Mausimpfungen festgestellt wurde. Es gab auch keine bedeutende Korrelation zwischen Lokalität und Einwohnerschaft weder nach der Zahl noch nach der Art der isolierten, keratinophilen Pilze.

Soil samples from rice-fields, collected at monthly intervals, were analysed by baiting technique for the incidence of keratino-philic fungi. Nine species, among a total of 102 species isolated by various methods, were keratinophilic species (8.8%). These were recorded from 38 out of 45 samples collected. The distribution pattern of the different keratinophilic fungi and their significance are discussed.  相似文献   

Hairs and skin scrapings from 224 wild animals representing 30 species were examined for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. Commercial agars and sterile soil plates moistened with water containing cycloheximide were utilized for culturing specimens. Keratinophilic fungi of the generaTrichophyton andChrysosporium were isolated from 26.8% of the specimens. Using the hair baiting technique of Vanbreuseghem, 54 soil samples were screened for keratinophilic fungi. Eighteen (33.3%) of the samples were positive for the genusTrichophyton. Microsporon spp. were not recovered from the animal hairs or soil samples.
Zusammenfassung Haare und Haut von 224 wilden Tieren, von dreißig Arten, sind für das Vorkommen von keratinophilen Pilzen untersucht worden. Agar und sterile mit Wasser angefeuchtete Erdbodenplatten mit Cycloheximid sind für Kulturzwecke benützt worden. Keratinophile Pilze von den GattungenTrichophyton undChrysosporium sind von 26.8% der Proben isoliert worden. Mittels der Haarködermethode von Vanbreuseghem sind 54 Erdbodenproben für keratinophile Pilze untersucht worden. Achtzehn der Proben (33.3%) waren für die GattungTrichophyton positiv.Mikrosporon spp. wurden von Tierhaaren oder Erdbodenproben nicht erhalten.

Approved by the director of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station as Journal Series No. 916.

Formerly was of the staff of the Bacteriology Department at South Dakota State University.  相似文献   

Summary (1) A total of 312 soils, 271 from New Zealand, 24 from Rarotonga, Cook Islands and 17 from Tokelau Islands was examined by the hair-baiting technique.(2)Microsporon gypseum was isolated from 1.5% of New Zealand soils and from 36.6% of Pacific Island soils. The difference in incidence in the two areas is significant.(3)Keratinomyces ajelloi andMicrosporon cookei were recovered from 52.8% and 7.7% of New Zealand soils respectively but neither species was isolated from the Island samples.K. ajelloi was found to be significantly associated with strongly acid soils, andM. cookei with a farmyard substrate.(4)Trichophyton terrestre was isolated from 1.1% of New Zealand and from 12.2% of Pacific Island soils. Two strains ofChrysosporium keratinophilum were isolated from New Zealand soils and an unidentifiedChrysosporium from one Rarotongan sample.(5) The distribution of the different species is discussed and compared with those reported in surveys carried out in other countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The effects of ambient temperature, and source and pH of the soil, on the distribution of keratinophilic fungi are considered, but there is insufficient detailed evidence to determine the importance of these factors in the ecology of these organisms.  相似文献   

In order to determine which species of geophilic dermatophytes were present in Western Australian soils 299 samples were investigated. These samples were collected from a range of locations, 208 from towns throughout the state and 91 samples from the Perth Metropolitan area.Most samples were collected from areas frequented by people and animals, such as home gardens, parks and animal yards.Of the total 299 soils, 271 (90.6 %) yielded keratinophilic fungi. A total of 181 dermatophytes were isolated, and there were 205 isolations of other keratinophilic fungi. Microsporum gypseum (30.7 %) was the most prevalent dermatophyte recovered from soil followed byMicrosporum cookei (21.7 %) and thenTrichophyton ajelloi (8.0 %). No other dermatophytes were recovered.Chrysosporium indicum was the most common of all the keratinophilic fungi and was isolated from 50.1 % of the samples. Mixed growth was obtained from 33.5 % of the soil samples.  相似文献   

Summary Three keratinophilic species of Gymnoascaceae obtained in culture and isolated from Spanish soils are described, i.e. Amauroascus kuehnii von Arx, Arachnotheca albicans (Apinis) von Arx and Gymnoascus reticulatus Zukal. All of them are new records from Spain.  相似文献   

Deshmukh SK 《Mycopathologia》2002,156(3):177-181
One hundred and fifty-eight soil samples were collected from various areas of four districts of Kerala and screened for prevalence of keratinophilic fungi and related dermatophytes. From the positive samples (60.75%), a total of eight genera with 15 species were isolated viz., Arthroderma simii (0.63%), Chrysosporium indicum (20.25%), C. keratinophilum (6.96%). C. lobatum (1.26%), C. pannicola (1.26%), C. tropicum (5.06%), Chrysosporium state of Arthroderma cuniculi (1.26%), Chrysosporium state of Ctenomyces serratus (2.53%), Gymnascella hyalinospora (1.26%), Malbranchea aurantiaca (0.63%) M. fulva (1.26%), Microsporum gypseum complex (12.65%), Pseudogymnoascus roseus (1.26%), Trichophyton mentragrophytes (1.26%), and T. terrestre (3.16%).  相似文献   

Deshmukh  S. K. 《Mycopathologia》2003,156(3):177-181
One hundred and fifty-eight soil samples were collected from various areas of four districts of Kerala and screened for prevalence of keratinophilic fungi and related dermatophytes. From the positive samples (60.75%), a total of eight genera with 15 species were isolated viz., Arthroderma simii (0.63%), Chrysosporium indicum (20.25%), C. keratinophilum (6.96%), C. lobatum (1.26%), C. pannicola (1.26%), C. tropicum (5.06%), Chrysosporium state of Arthroderma cuniculi (1.26%), Chrysosporium state of Ctenomyces serratus (2.53%), Gymnascella hyalinospora (1.26%), Malbranchea aurantiaca (0.63%) M. fulva (1.26%), Microsporum gypseum complex (12.65%), Pseudogymnoascus roseus (1.26%), Trichophyton mentragrophytes (1.26%), and T. terrestre (3.16%).This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A survey of geophilic dermatophytes and related keratinophilic fungi isolated from city park soils of Pisa is reported. Twenty-three (48%) soil samples out of 48 were positive by hair baiting. The following species were isolated: Microsporum gypseum (39%), Trichophyton ajelloi (31%), Chrysosporium keratinophilum (14%), T. terrestre (8%), M. fulvum, Ch. luteum, Ch. indicum (5% each) and M. cookei (2%). The presence of the different species is discussed in relation to the risk of fungal skin infections. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A study was made of soil samples collected during an expedition to the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Fungi were isolated from the samples by the method of hair baiting (To-Ka-Va). Of the 33 species isolated, about half showed keratinolytic activity. Such activity is previously unreported for Mucor hiemalis f. hiemalis, Myrothecium roridum, Paecilomyces carneus, P. marquandii, Penicillium brevicompactum, Rhinocladiella mansonii and Verticillium lecanii. The species most active keratinolytically were Chrysosporium an. Arthroderma cuniculi, C. an. A. curreyi, C. indicum, Myceliophthora vellerea and Trichophyton ajelloi. The spectrum of fungi with keratinolytic activity isolated from the different sites differed considerably according to the frequency of use by man, heaviest use being correlated with greatest activity. The pH of the soil (varying from 5.8–7.5) had little influence on the type of such fungi isolated.  相似文献   

Summary Keratinophilic fungi have been isolated and identified in soil samples from 233 sites in Queensland and 12 from the Northern Territory. Total numbers of the fungi isolated are given, together with their occurrence in various broad types of locality.It is noted that populated localities produced a higher incidence of keratinophilic fungi than remote areas. Exceptions to this were found in beach sand, 17 samples of which produced only two growths ofChrysosporium species and no potentially pathogenic fungi.Culture technique, and the method of examination of colonies are discussed, and the morphological features of several of the more commonly occurring species are described.Isolates ofChrysosporium tropicum were made from two samples, one from Alice Springs and one from Brisbane. This is the first time this fungus has been reported in Australia.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 137 soils, 27 coming from caves and 110 from outdoor lands of Texas, were examined for the presence of keratinophilic fungi by the use of the ToKaVa hairbaiting technique. Twenty three and 69 fungal isolates, respectively, were recovered from these areas. Microsporon gypseum was the most common isolate, followed byTrichophyton mentagrophytes, andT. terrestre. M. gypseum was recovered from caves in a very high frequency (67 %), in comparison to its presence in the outdoor soils (10 %).Fifteen strains ofChrysosporium, belonging to four species, were isolated. Fourteen of these isolates were recovered from shady areas under trees. None of these had been isolated from Texas soil before.  相似文献   

One hundred and fourteen soil samples collected from various areas of Israel were screened for the presence of keratinophilic fungi. Five species were isolated from the 59 positive samples, viz: C. keratinophilum--22 strains, C. evolceanui--18, C. serratus Eidam--10, M. gypseum--T. terrestre--4. Most of the geophilic organisms were recovered from garden soil, road-side and sandy-soil specimens. The importance of these findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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