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Summary Barley nitrate reductase cDNA clone bNRp10 was used as a hybridization probe to screen a genomic DNA library of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivar M201. Two different lambda clones were isolated, subcloned to plasmids, and partially characterized. The subclone pHBH1 was tentatively identified as encoding a NADH nitrate reductase. Southern and dot blot analysis suggest that, in rice, nitrate reductase is encoded by a small gene family. Regulation of NADH nitrate reductase was investigated in rice cultivars Labelle and M201 representing the subspecies indica and japonica, respectively. In the absence of nitrate, only trace levels of nitrate reductase activity and mRNA were detected in seedling leaves. Upon addition of nitrate to seedling roots, nitrate reductase activity and mRNA increased rapidly in leaves. Nitrate reductase activity continued to increase over a 24 h period, but the mRNA accumulation peaked at about 6 h and then declined. Western blot analysis with a barley NADH nitrate reductase antiserum showed the presence of two bands of approximately 115 and 105 kDa. These protein bands were not detected in extracts of tissue grown in the absence of nitrate.  相似文献   

A rice mutant,G069, characteristic of few tiller numbers, was found in anther culture progeny from theF 1 hybrid between anindica-japonica cross, Gui630×02428. The mutant has another two major features: delayed tillering development and yellowing apex and margin on the mature leaves. As a donor parent,G069 was further backcrossed with the recurrent parent,02428, for two turns to develop aBC 2F2 population. Genetic analysis in theBC 2F2 population showed that the traits of few-tillering and yellowing apex and margin on the mature leaves were controlled by one recessive gene. A pool of equally mixed genomic DNA, from few-tillering individual plants inBC 2F2, was constructed to screen polymorphism with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in comparison with the02428 genome. One SSR marker and three restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were found possibly linked with the recessive gene. By using these markers, the gene of few-tillering was mapped on chromosome 2 between RFLP marker C424 and S13984 with a genetic distance of 2.4 cM and 0.6 cM, respectively. The gene is designatedft1.  相似文献   

该研究从甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变的籼稻‘Kasalath’突变体库中筛选到1个根系超短的突变体,命名为ssr1(super short root 1),8d苗龄突变体的主根和不定根长度分别只有野生型的8.89%和2.29%,其不定根发生正常,但侧根的发生和伸长都受到严重抑制,且根毛也非常短。此外,ssr1植株整体矮小,株高不到野生型的一半。遗传分析结果表明,该突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制。利用图位克隆技术将SSR1基因定位在第9染色体的STS(sequence tagged site)分子标记9g7047K和9g7290K之间,物理距离约为243kb,在定位区间共发现39个预测基因,经分析其中没有已克隆的根系发育基因。对SSR1的定位为进一步克隆该基因和阐明水稻根构型的分子机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Summary Somatic hybridization of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa oryzicola), a close relative of barnyard millet, was attempted using electrofusion and a new culture method developed for rice protoplasts (Kyozuka et al. 1987) to incorporate some of the agronomically important characters of the latter species into rice. Selection of hybrids was based on inactivation of rice protoplasts by iodoacetamide and the inability of barnyard grass protoplasts to divide. A total of 166 calli were identified as hybrids by isozyme and chromosome analyses. Hybrid calli were highly morphogenic, and 44 shoots were obtained. Most of them, however, were abnormal, and nine grew to plantlets whose morphology was distinct from that of either parent. Our study clearly demonstrates the totipotency of protoplasts in graminaceous monocots.  相似文献   

程小玲  杨加伟 《西北植物学报》2014,34(10):1951-1955
为了制备水稻Argonaute 2(AGO2)的多克隆抗体,该研究采用RT-PCR扩增OsAGO2蛋白165~401aa片段和440~570aa片段的编码序列,并构建了2个原核表达载体。诱导表达重组蛋白后注射家兔,制备了相应的多克隆抗体,最后利用Western blot初步分析水稻AGO2蛋白的表达模式。结果表明:成功构建2个表达载体,通过诱导获得了分子量约为30kD和23kD的重组蛋白。其中,以440~570aa片段为抗原所制备的多克隆抗体免疫印记效果较好。Western blot表明在水稻花药、愈伤组织及小穗中检测到OsAGO2表达。该研究为进一步深入探讨水稻OsAGO2基因的特性与功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

C2H2锌指蛋白是真核生物体内一类重要的转录因子,在植物生长发育和应对非生物胁迫方面具有重要作用。实验室前期克隆了水稻C2H2锌指蛋白OsZAT12,该基因在水稻根中特异表达,定位于细胞核,异源过表达OsZAT12的拟南芥植株矮小。为进一步研究OsZAT12在水稻中的功能,该文分析了OsZAT12的启动子元件和转录活性,并采用qRT-PCR技术分析OsZAT12在非生物胁迫和植物激素处理下的响应模式。结果表明:(1)OsZAT12含有2个典型的C2H2锌指结构域和1个EAR motif,具有转录抑制活性,该基因的启动子中含有与非生物胁迫和植物激素相关的元件。(2)对野生型水稻进行非生物胁迫和激素处理发现,低温胁迫(4 ℃)和激素脱落酸(ABA)处理显著下调OsZAT12的表达; 而渗透胁迫(20% PEG 6 000)、激素油菜素甾醇(BR)或吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)处理则显著上调OsZAT12的表达,这说明OsZAT12介导了水稻应对多种非生物胁迫和激素的变化。(3)利用含35S启动子的过表达载体和CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术分别得到纯合的OsZAT12过表达植株和OsZAT12敲除植株。(4)对过表达OsZAT12的水稻表型观察发现,相比于野生型,OsZAT12过表达植株在分蘖期、抽穗期和成熟期这3个时期的株高均显著降低; OsZAT12敲除植株的株高与野生型虽无明显差异,但每株穗数和结实率均显著低于野生型,这说明OsZAT12影响了水稻株型、穗型及结实率等农艺性状的建成。(5)实验进一步表明,过表达OsZAT12降低了水稻对外源ABA的敏感性,而OsZAT12敲除植株则相反。因此推测,OsZAT12对植株生长发育的影响可能与该基因响应多种非生物胁迫和激素信号的调控有关,该研究结果为将来利用OsZAT12进行水稻耐逆稳产分子设计育种提供了依据。  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers containing simple sequence repeats (SSR) are a valuable tool for genetic analysis. Our objective is to augment the existing RFLP map of rice with simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLP). In this study, we describe 20 new microsatellite markers that have been assigned to positions along the rice chromosomes, characterized for their allelic diversity in cultivated and wild rice, and tested for amplification in distantly related species. Our results indicate that the genomic distribution of microsatellites in rice appears to be random, with no obvious bias for, or clustering in particular regions, that mapping results are identical in intersubspecific and interspecific populations, and that amplification in wild relatives ofOryza sativa is reliable in species most closely related to cultivated rice but becomes less successful as the genetic distance increases. Sequence analysis of SSLP alleles in three relatedindica varieties demonstrated the clustering of complex arrays of SSR motifs in a single 300-bp region with independent variation in each. Two microsatellite markers amplified multiple loci that were mapped onto independent rice chromosomes, suggesting the presence of duplicated regions within the rice genome. The availability of increasing numbers of mapped SSLP markers can be expected to increase the power and resolution of genome analysis in rice.  相似文献   

In our previous cDNA microarray analysis, we identified 53 mature anther-specific genes, whose function was unknown, in rice. We reanalyzed these genes from the viewpoint of the specific amino acid motif. Out of 53 genes, three genes, Os-26, Os-32, and Os-169 (renamed as OsSCP1, OsSCP2, and OsSCP3), encoded cysteine-rich motif (Cys-X3-Cys-X13-Cys-X3-Cys), indicating that they were novel small cysteine-rich proteins. From the search of specific elements in promoter regions, several pollen-specific elements were found. In order to determine whether three promoters were functional in pollen or not, the gene constructs with promoter regions fused to the β-glucuronidase gene were transformed into tobacco. Histochemical analysis showed that these promoters were active in the mature pollen grains and pollen tubes. Furthermore, OsSCP1 and OsSCP3 formed a multigene family tandemly in the rice genome. From the results, OsSCPs might have important roles in mature pollen development and pollen tube growth.  相似文献   

Arsenate (As(V)) transport into plant cells has been well studied. A study on rice (Oryza sativa L.) showed that arsenite is transported across the plasma membrane via glycerol transporting channels. Previous studies reported that the dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) uptake in duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza L.) differed from that of As(V), and was unaffected by phosphate (H2PO4). This article reports the transport mechanisms of DMAA and MMAA in rice roots. Linear regression analysis showed that the DMAA and MMAA uptake in rice roots increased significantly (p ≤ 0.0002 and ≤0.0001 for DMAA and MMAA, respectively) with the increase of exposure time. Concentration-dependent influx of DMAA and MMAA showed that the uptake data were well described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The MMAA influx was higher than that of DMAA. The DMAA and MMAA uptake in rice roots were decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.0001 and ≤0.0077 for DMAA and MMAA, respectively) with the increase of glycerol concentration indicating that DMAA and MMAA were transported into rice roots using the same mechanisms of glycerol. Glycerol is transported into plant cells by aquaporins, and DMAA and MMAA are transported in a dose-dependent manner of glycerol which reveals that DMAA and MMAA are transported into rice roots through glycerol transporting channels. The DMAA and MMAA concentration in the solution did not affect the inhibition of their uptake rate by glycerol.  相似文献   

以紫花苜蓿品种‘中苜2号’为野生型材料,采用农杆菌介导法将沙冬青脱水素基因(dehydrin,AmDHN)导入紫花苜蓿基因组中并获得转基因植株,通过PCR和Southern blot杂交鉴定转基因植株,利用RT-PCR和qRT-PCR检测转基因植株中AmDHN基因及低温胁迫相关基因的表达量,并测定低温胁迫下苜蓿叶片的脯氨酸(Pro)和丙二醛(MDA)含量,从分子水平和生理指标两个层面研究转基因植株的抗寒特性,为进一步获得抗寒性较强的转基因苜蓿新材料提供依据。结果显示:(1)AmDHN基因已整合在转基因苜蓿植株基因组中,而且在不同的转基因株系中AmDHN的表达量也各不相同。(2)低温(4℃)处理后转基因植株中冷胁迫相关基因CBF2、CBF3、ProDH和CAS17的表达量明显高于同期野生对照;CBF2、CBF3和CAS17表达量在冷处理5h后都显著增加并达到最大值,而ProDH表达量在冷处理7d时最高,它们的最高值分别是对照的2.5、4、1.6和3倍左右。(3)苜蓿叶片的Pro和MDA含量均随低温处理时间延长而逐渐增加,转AmDHN基因苜蓿叶片的Pro含量始终高于同期野生型植株,而其MDA含量却始终低于同期野生型植株,且两类植株间差异均在胁迫14d时达到显著水平。因此,推测转AmDHN基因苜蓿中积累的AmDHN蛋白可能对一些酶的活性及膜系统起冷冻保护作用,从而使得转AmDHN基因紫花苜蓿的植株抗寒性提高,同时AmDHN也可能通过调控与低温相关基因的表达间接调节植物的耐低温能力。  相似文献   

37份新疆粳稻品种(系)的IRAP遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究基于4个稻属(Oryza)反转录转座子,包括活性、低拷贝[Tos17/Osr21(Ty1-copia)和RIRE7/Osr31(Ty3-gypsy)]和非活性、高拷贝[Osr34(Ty3-gypsy)和Houba/Tos5/Osr13(Ty1-copia)],在两侧翼长末端重复序列(LTR)区域分别设计引物,对37份新疆粳稻(Oryza sativa L.ssp.japonica)栽培品种(系)进行PCR扩增。评估鉴定适用于反转录转座子插入位点间扩增多态性(IRAP)标记方法,并分析37份供试品种(系)的遗传多样性。(1)PCR扩增结果显示,Tos17/Osr21、RIRE7/Osr31、Osr34和Houba/Tos5/Osr13依次获得73、63、107和560条谱带,其中多态性条带36、63、70和523个,多态性比率为49.3%、100.0%、65.4%和93.4%。(2)综合评估比较多态性、异质性、总谱带数和平均多态性谱带数发现,Houba/Tos5/Osr13适用于IRAP标记方法构建DNA指纹图谱数据库。(3)以Houba/Tos5/Osr13遗传相似系数为基础,对供试品种(系)采用非加权平均(UPGMA)法进行聚类分析显示,以0.55为阈值将37份新疆粳稻栽培品种(系)分为6大类群,绝大多数品种(系)得到了明确的区分,品种间的遗传相似性较高,多样化程度偏低;品系‘20-18’和‘96-16’分别各自聚为一类,表明品系与品种间遗传背景较远,多样化程度较高。综上所述,IRAP分子标记适用于新疆粳稻种质资源的亲缘关系分析、鉴别及育种遗传距离的判定和DNA指纹图谱数据库构建等相关研究,在实际育种中选取不同类群的水稻品种与品系进行杂交选育,成功率较高,可能会大大缩短优良品种的选育进程。  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts isolated from suspension cultures of rice cells were treated with bacterial plasmid DNA carrying a chimaeric gene consisting of the nopaline synthase promoter, the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase II (APH(3)II) structural gene from bacterial transposon Tn5 and the terminator region from cauliflower mosaic virus DNA. Colonies capable of proliferating in medium containing kanamycin (100 g/ml) were selected. A transformation frequency of approximately 2% to 3% was recorded in several experiments. The enzyme (APH(3)II) was also detected in kanamycin-resistant callus, which had survived after repeated selection. There was some variation in the APH(3)II activity in the transformants which paralleled the copy number of the inserted genes.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies indicated two types of phenotypic protein markers as two minor bands of SDS-PAGE for rice storage protein. A variant derived from a Pakistani variety, Dular, was found to show a mobility variant with Band 11, a relatively faster-moving band as compared to Band 10, while most of the other cultivated rices exhibited Band 10 at a molecular weight of around 100–110 K. Band 11 was also observed in several wild rice species. How this variant occurred is not known. Another marker is characterized by the presence of either Band 56 (slower-migrating band) or Band 57 (faster-migrating band) in most cultivars at a molecular weight of about 28–27 K. Most indica varieties developed in Taiwan have Band 57 and japonica varieties have Band 56. Genetic analysis of F1, F2 and F3 seeds from interstrain crosses indicated that Band 10 versus Band 11 and Band 56 versus Band 57 are due to codominant alleles at two loci. Tests of independent inheritance between these two loci (Band 10/11 versus Band 56/57) indicated that there is no linkage between them. Both of these two protein loci encode for endosperm proteins and mostly belong to the minor polypeptide subunits of the glutelin fraction of rice seed proteins. Studies on reciprocal crosses indicate dosage effects as exhibited in band patterns. Variations in band intensity were frequently observed when the maternal genotype was different.  相似文献   

An hydroponic experiment with a simulated water stress induced by PEG (6000) was conducted in a greenhouse to study the effects of nitrate (NO3 ), ammonium (NH4 +) and the mixture of NO3 and NH4 +, on water stress tolerance of rice seedlings. Rice (Shanyou 63) was grown under non- or simulated water stress condition (10% (w/v) PEG, MW6000) with the 3 different N forms during 4 weeks. Under non-stressed condition no difference was observed among the N treatments. Under simulated water stress, seedlings grown on N-NO3 were stunted. Addition of PEG did not affect rice seedling growth in the treatment of only NH4 + supply but slightly inhibited the rice seedling growth in the treatment of mixed supply of NO3 and NH4 +. Simulated water stress, when only N-NH4 + was present, did not affect leaf area and photosynthesis rate, however, both parameters decreased significantly in the NO3 containing solutions. Under water stress, Rubisco content in newly expanded leaves significantly increased in the sole NH4 + supplied plants as compared to that in plants of the other two N treatments. Under water stress, the ratio of carboxylation efficiency to Rubisco content was, respectively, decreased by 13 and 23% in NH4 + and NO3 treatments, respectively. It is concluded that, water stress influenced the Rubisco activity than stomatal limitation, and this effects could be regulated by N forms. Responsible Editor: Herbert Johannes Kronzucker. Shiwei Guo and Gui Chen contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

张晓敬  李霞  吴博晗  曹悦  王净 《西北植物学报》2020,40(11):1888-1899
为揭示外源蔗糖参与干旱胁迫下高表达转玉米C4 型磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, PEPC)基因(C4 pepc)水稻(简称:PC)种子萌发的生理机制,该研究以 PC及其未转基因野生型受体‘Kitaake’(简称:WT)的种子为材料,研究外施不同浓度蔗糖联合模拟干旱(10% PEG 6000)处理下,其种子发芽参数、总可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白含量、蔗糖非发酵1 (sucrose nonfermenting 1, SNF1)相关蛋白激酶(SNF1 related protein kinase 1s, SnRK1s)基因以及PEPC基因表达等参数的变化。结果表明:(1)PEG 6000模拟干旱处理均显著抑制两材料发芽,但明显促进胚根的生长;外施蔗糖则呈现浓度效应,高浓度蔗糖(>150 mmol·L-1)进一步加剧了干旱对发芽的抑制效应,而低浓度(<30 mmol·L-1)则可缓解干旱的抑制,但与WT(<30 mmol·L-1)相比,促进PC水稻萌发的外施蔗糖浓度(<6 mmol·L-1)更低,且各处理的发芽表现与其α 淀粉酶活性的动态表现一致。(2)与WT相比,外施3 mmol·L-1蔗糖联合干旱处理下,显著提高了PC种子的发芽率,且伴随PC内源蔗糖含量、总可溶糖和可溶性蛋白含量显著增加;且外施3 mmol·L-1蔗糖使PC中内源C3 pepc基因表达下调,而外源导入C4 pepc基因表达显著增加。(3)与WT相比,干旱处理下外施3 mmol·L-1蔗糖,PC的糖信号相关基因SnRKs亚家族基因(包括SnRK1s:OsK1a OsK24 OsK35和SnRK2s:SAPK6)的表达也显著增加。研究发现,外施低浓度蔗糖通过上调PC水稻种子中可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量,增强SnRK1s亚家族基因和外源C4 pepc基因的表达,提高了α 淀粉酶活性,从而缓解了干旱胁迫对PC种子萌发的抑制。  相似文献   

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