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笔者于1997年对中华山蝠(Nyctalus velutinus)牙齿的脱换模式进行了研究。共观察幼蝠200只次。中华山蝠初生仔共有22枚乳齿,齿式为2.1.2.0/,各乳齿略向舌侧倾斜,除乳前臼齿齿冠不分叉外,其余乳齿齿冠均分为三叶。4d龄开始换齿,31d龄左右脱换完毕。乳齿的脱落顺序是:上颌,PM2→PM1→C1→I1→I2;下颌,I1→PM2.I2→I3→PM1→C1;恒齿萌生的顺序为:上颌,M1→PM2.C1→M2→PM1.M3→I1→I2,下颌,M1→I1.PM2→I2.M2→I3.PM1→C1→M3。  相似文献   

邢松  刘武 《人类学学报》2009,28(2):179-191
本文采用数字摄影和图像分析技术对华北新石器时代人类上、下颌臼齿齿冠及齿尖基底面积进行了精确测量。在此基础上, 计算了相对齿尖基底面积。结果显示: 近代华北人上颌各臼齿齿尖大小均呈原尖>前尖>后尖>次尖的顺序, 下颌三个臼齿齿尖大小面积顺序有所不同; 上颌的后尖和次尖呈现异速生长的趋势。各臼齿齿尖相对面积的总体变异呈下颌臼齿大于上颌臼齿、M1到M3依次增加、靠近远中侧的齿尖大于近中侧的齿尖的趋势。本文首次对现代中国人臼齿相对齿尖面积进行了调查统计, 为古人类学及体质人类学研究积累了基础性数据。本研究显示利用数字摄影和图像分析技术对包括臼齿齿冠和齿尖面积在内的非线性特征进行精确的定量分析较传统的测量方法具有明显的优越性, 在古人类学和体质人类学研究中有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

灵长类恒齿的出牙顺序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灵长类学家舒尔茨(A.H.Schultz)曾提出灵长类中由低级到高级的各种动物恒齿出牙顺序的差别是有规律地发展的。他提出了这样的顺序: I 代表门齿,C 代表犬齿,P 代表前臼齿,M 代表臼齿。每一字母右下角的数字代表各该齿的顺次,如 M_1代表第一臼齿。单线的字母代表在原来乳齿齿列后面新增加的恒齿;双线的字母代表替换乳齿的恒齿。括号内的各齿是出牙先后次序可能颠倒的,放在前面的则是通常长出较早的。  相似文献   

本文对39只树鼩的个体生长发育作了描述。新生幼仔生长发育迅速,在出生后头一个月内,体重可增长3—6倍,其体重的增长与饮奶量有关。出生后4个月性成熟,7个月龄时可繁殖产仔。性器官的重量有明显的季节性变化,1—6月间睾丸、子宫、卵巢重量最大,性行为活跃,其余月份重量下降,性功能出现渐进性衰退。辜丸重和体重的比值小于0.01,表明树鼩是单雄交配繁殖。乳齿的萌发为下颚先于上颚,门齿最先萌发,其次是犬齿,前臼齿,最后是臼齿。与Lyon(1913)和Shigehara(1980)提出的恒齿萌发次序不同。  相似文献   

中国云南下禄丰组的早侏罗世中国尖齿兽的新材料显示出从前未曾认识到的早期哺乳动物牙齿特征.中国尖齿兽的门齿和犬齿,像非哺乳类犬齿兽一样,是多次替换的。新的中国尖齿兽幼体标本保存有前臼齿,前臼齿替换一次之后,在较大(更老)的标本上就永久消失。犬后齿分化为前臼齿与臼齿,以及前臼齿仅替换一次是现代哺乳动物的衍生特征。中国尖齿兽前边的臼齿可能无后继齿替换而消失;后边的臼齿替换一次.中国尖齿鲁当其成体的牙齿还在经受替换期间,头骨仍在继续生长。中国尖齿首是所有其他哺乳动物的姊妹类群。中国尖齿兽的牙齿替换方式可解释为从爬行类原始多出齿系向哺乳动物进步的二出齿系进化的中间过渡类型。由中国尖齿兽的多出齿系和其头骨无期限式生长推知,该类动物尚不具备现代哺乳动物所具有的有期限生长方式和哺乳特征。  相似文献   

懒猴的牙齿形态观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就云南所产懒猴的牙齿形态作初步观察。恒齿式为(;上门齿为异形齿,中门齿比侧门齿阔大,形态亦不同;上犬齿有性别差异,下犬齿特化为门齿形;前臼齿无论齿数和齿尖分布都与猕猴、金丝猴和长臂猿有较大差别,但齿尖分布却与树鼩有某些相似之点;下颌第1前臼齿犬齿化;在臼齿的齿尖分布方面,与猕猴、金丝猴相似,上颌M~3次尖架消失,只具3个齿尖。  相似文献   

测定了成都动物园圈养种群中9只人工育幼豚鹿幼仔(2004~2007年)体重和8只豚鹿的体尺,并观察了8只豚鹿的牙齿(0~63 d)的生长情况.结果为:幼仔在0~54 d内体长、肩高、后足长、耳长和尾长以及体重都随日龄呈直线增长趋势,其中体长和肩高与幼仔的日龄显著相关(P<0.01).初生幼仔齿式2(I 0/2, C 0/0, P 0/0),2周龄齿式2(I 0/2,C 0/0, P 2/2),7周龄齿式2(I 0/2,C 0/2或C 1/2, P 2/2).  相似文献   

辽宁早白垩世义县组一新的三尖齿兽类   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
描述了戈壁锥齿兽科 (Gobiconodontidae)一个新的属种———陆家屯弥曼齿兽 (Meeman nodonlujiatunensisgen .etsp .nov.)。标本产于辽宁西部朝阳市上园镇陆家屯下白垩统义县组一段的凝灰质砂岩层中 ,为一具完整齿列的左下颌骨。新属与戈壁锥齿兽 (Gobiconodon)共有以下区别于其他三尖齿兽类的特征 :2颗下门齿 ,i1增大 ,后部门齿、犬齿和前部前臼齿尖锥形 ,前臼齿具有高的中央尖和小的附尖 ,i~p1向前平伏。因此 ,新属被归入戈壁锥齿兽科。弥曼齿兽与戈壁锥齿兽及其相近属的区别在于 :下门齿和下犬齿更加平伏 ,i1在比例上更大 ,而i2则更小 ;最后一枚下前臼齿与第一枚下臼齿之间没有齿隙 ;前臼齿退化 ;下臼齿长度大于高度 ,主尖向后倾斜 ,与b尖和c尖相比 ,a尖较低 ,m1显著小于m2~ 4。新属下臼齿没有齿带 ,与爬兽 (Repenomamus)相似 ,而与戈壁锥齿兽不同。基于与爬兽齿列的对比 ,讨论了戈壁锥齿兽类的齿式 ,认为其应具有两颗门齿 ,而不是以前认为的 1颗门齿 ,从而将戈壁锥齿兽类下齿列齿式修订为 :2·1·2~ 3·5。  相似文献   

描述了内蒙古四子王旗额尔登敖包晚始新世乌兰戈楚组(?)(中白层)的紧齿犀亚科(Eggysodontinae)一新属种:邱氏原紧齿犀(Proeggysodon qiui),标本为破损的下颌骨。新属种与其他渐新世紧齿犀的区别在于个体较小,具有两对发育的铲形下门齿,下前臼齿没有臼齿化,p4的下斜脊更向舌侧倾斜延伸,下臼齿下斜脊与下次脊连接处呈角状,下臼齿无颊侧齿带。紧齿犀类和柯氏犀类(forstercooperes)可能有较近的系统发育关系,它们具有以下的共近裔性状:短而粗壮的大犬齿,相对短的齿隙(犬齿和前臼齿之间),下颌联合部短而高,从而使门齿趋向直立。新标本的发现填补了早-中始新世柯氏犀类和渐新世紧齿犀类在时代上的空白,也使紧齿犀类成为欧洲始新世/渐新世之交的"大间断"之后哺乳动物群自亚洲迁入欧洲的又一例证。  相似文献   

冯庆  王应祥 《动物学研究》1996,17(4):443-450
本文报道了笼养条件下出生的20胎41仔(26♂♂,15♀♀)间蜂猴的生长发育的研究,其研究内容及结果如下:(1)体重,体长,前肢长,后肢长,耳长和尾长的生长方程及头骨的瞬时增长率,表明间蜂猴属快速生长的早熟类群。(2)幼猴的成猴毛色有一个由浅变深的过程,面部皮肤(包括耳,鼻,眼圈)及手足皮肤从幼猴到成猴有一个明显的变化,幼猴为浅粉红色,成猴为黑色,(3)初生幼仔门齿,犬齿,第1前臼齿已被龈萌发,1  相似文献   

It is well established that the dynamics of mammalian populations vary in time, in relation to density and weather, and often in interaction with phenotypic differences (sex, age and social status). Habitat quality has recently been identified as another significant source of individual variability in vital rates of deer, including roe deer where spatial variations in fawn body mass were found to be only about a tenth of temporal variations. The approach used was to classify the habitat into blocks a priori, and to analyse variation in animal performance among the predefined areas. In a fine-grained approach, here we use data collected over 24 years on 1,235 roe deer fawns captured at known locations and the plant species composition sampled in 2001 at 578 sites in the Chizé forest to determine the spatial structure at a fine scale of both vegetation and winter body mass of fawns, and then to determine links between the two. Space and time played a nearly equal role in determining fawn body masses of both sexes, each accounting for about 20% of variance and without any interaction between them. The spatial distribution of fawn body mass was perennial over the 24 years considered and predicted values showed a 2 kg range according to location in the reserve, which is much greater than suggested in previous work and is enough to have strong effects on fawn survival. The spatial distribution and the range of predicted body masses were closely similar in males and females. The result of this study is therefore consistent with the view that the life history traits of roe deer are only weakly influenced by sexual selection. The occurrence of three plant species that are known to be important food items in spring/summer roe deer diets, hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), bluebell (Hyacinthoides sp.) and Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum sp.) was positively related to winter fawn body mass. The occurrence of species known to be avoided in spring/summer roe deer diets [e.g. butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus) and beech (Fagus sylvatica)], was negatively related to fawn body mass. We conclude that the spatial variation in the body mass of fawns in winter in this forest is as important as the temporal variation, and that the distribution of plant species that are actively selected during spring and summer is an important determinant of spatial variation in winter fawn body mass. The availability of these plants is therefore likely to be a key factor in the dynamics of roe deer populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of population density on juvenile body mass in two contrasting roe deer populations, in Sweden (Bogesund) and France (Chizé), in which density was monitored for ≥15 years. We investigated the effect of population density and climatic conditions on cohort performance. We predicted that: (1) body mass of growing fawns should be sensitive to environmental changes, showing marked between-year variation (i.e., cohort effects), (2) fawns in the less productive (weakly seasonal, weakly predictable summer weather) habitat of Chizé should show stronger density-dependent responses due to more severe food competition during summer than fawns in the more productive (markedly seasonal, moderately predictable summer weather) habitat of Bogesund, and (3) fawns at Bogesund should be heavier both in absolute terms and relative to their size than their conspecifics in Chizé due to a higher degree of fat accumulation in northern environments. In both study sites we found marked cohort variation and clear effects of density, with body mass varying by as much as 29% over years. While neither summer nor winter climate influenced fawn body mass at Bogesund, fawns tended to be lighter after summers with high temperatures at Chizé. In addition, fawns were heavier after acorn mast years experienced in utero at Bogesund. As expected, the strength of the density-dependent response of fawn body mass was greater at Chizé than at Bogesund. For a given density, male fawns were consistently heavier than females in both sites. Lastly, both sexes at Bogesund had higher absolute body mass and were larger for a given body size than in Chizé. Our results clearly demonstrate that absolute density is a poor predictor of roe deer performance and supports the view that habitat quality has an overwhelming importance for determining fawn body mass in roe deer populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the year of birth (cohort effect), sex and birth date on the variations observed in birth weight and postnatal growth rate in 209 newborn fawns marked during eight consecutive fawning seasons from a highly productive roe deer population under good nutritional conditions. Roe deer exhibited a fast body development with a birth weight of 1628 g and a postnatal growth rate of 139 g/day constant over the first 20 days of their life. As previously reported for dimorphic and polygynous ungulates, there was a marked cohort effect on the rate of body development. This variability was partly explained by climatic conditions during late gestation. When fewer than 5 days with rainfall over 5 mm occurred in April, fawns were heavier. High temperatures during April and during the winter could also be involved in fast body development of roe deer fawns. Sex of fawn did not affect roe deer growth pattern. This was expected on the basis of low sexual dimorphism in size and low polygyny level characteristic of roe deer. Lastly, the date of birth did not affect the body development of roe deer fawns. High constancy of mean birth dates and high synchrony of births observed in this population could account for this result.  相似文献   

Time- and sex-specific summer survival of roe deer fawns was estimated using capture-mark-recapture methods in two enclosed populations living in contrasting conditions. The population of Trois Fontaines (eastern France) was roughly constant in size throughout the study period, while in Chizé (western France), the population experienced frequent summer droughts and numbers decreased continuously during the study. Early survival of fawns was low and highly variable over the years at both Chizé and Trois Fontaines, and demonstrated marked variations between cohorts that need to be taken into account when modelling roe deer population dynamics. In Trois Fontaines, fawn survival was positively correlated with early body growth and total rainfall in May and June. In Chizé, fawn survival decreased with increasing density and tended to increase with increasing rainfall in May and June and adult female body mass. These factors explained more than 75% of the variability in early survival observed in both populations. Variation between cohorts had different consequences for the two populations. At Trois Fontaines, cohort variation was limited to a numerical effect on early survival. However at Chizé, cohort variation was long-lasting and affected the phenotypic quality of survivors at later ages, and thereby future survival and breeding abilities (both numerical and quality effects). Male and female fawns had similar survival over their first summer in both populations. This result contrasts with the lower survival of young males often observed in ungulates. Two ultimate causes can be proposed to account for the low and variable survival of roe deer fawns over the first summer: the high energy expenditures incurred by does during each breeding attempt and/or the low absolute body size of newborn roe deer fawns. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Lower jaws and measurements were obtained from 473 mountain reedbuck Redunca fulvorufula culled on two reserves in the north-eastern karoo of South Africa. All mandibles were allocated to subjective age classes that were based on tooth-eruption and tooth-wear. In a sample of 69 jaws. the molar and premolar cementum annuli were counted by examining bisected whole teeth under reflected light. One light line appeared to have been deposited per year, and a usable relationship between tooth-wear category and cementum line count was obtained. although indistinct and paired lines often confused the picture. Good correlations were also obtained between the number of cementum lines and the crown height of the first molar (r2= 0.68) and the second molar (r2= 0.77). Actual ages of immatures were estimated by comparing peaks in the distribution in the different age classes with the age since expected mean birth date in different culls. The age of transition to adult dentition (pL 30 months) was determined from two females that were earmarked when young and shot two years later. Von Bertalanffy (1957) growth curves were fitted to measurements of body mass, jaw length and horn length in males to aid field identification of immatures. Asymptotic body mass was reached at 30 months in females and 40 months in males, and asymptotic jaw length was reached at 30 months in both sexes. Horns in males only reached full length at about five years.  相似文献   

The demography of roe deer living in a mountain area of central Italy was studied from 1995 to 1999 with 104 radio-tagged animals, including fawns and adults of both sexes. From spring surveys we estimated population density by mark-resighting (average: 53.8dž.8 individuals km-2) and found an average fawn/doe ratio of 0.75ǂ.4. The fawn/doe ratio was negatively correlated to density suggesting density-dependent regulation in this population. Using culled and net-trapped individuals we evaluated the dressed body weights of adult males (23.1ǃ.0 kg) and females (22.0ǃ.0 kg), which indicated a low level of sexual dimorphism. The potential litter size (1.44ǂ.1 embryos) depended on female body weight and a threshold of 20.9ǃ.4 kg separated adult females carrying one or two embryos. Both fawn (0.38ǂ.07) and adult survival (0.90ǂ.07) were evaluated from radiotagged individuals and no gender effect was observed in either age class. During the study period we recorded a population decline in one part of the study area and an increasing fawn mortality, which was attributed to the spreading of an enteropathogenic desease. The study revealed an unexpected spatial structure in population dynamics at a scale of few square kilometres. In the two studied subareas, which are very close and ecologically similar, we documented significant differences in several demographic parameters: females in the subarea with the highest deer density produced smaller litters and allocated their reproductive effort preferentially to males, which is consistent with the hypothesis that local resource competition determines sex allocation in roe deer. The importance of spatial variability with respect to roe deer demography was overlooked in previous studies and our results raise new interesting research questions relative to the study of population equilibria which are also relevant for the management of this important game species.  相似文献   

The authors describe a case of Sarcoptes scabiei transmission from a chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) kid to three roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns kept in captive cohabitation in a wildlife rehabilitation centre for approximately 4 months. Symptoms in the two male fawns started developing 1 week after skin lesions were noticed in the kid, whereas a delayed (75 days later) appearance of scabies signs was observed in the female fawn. A severe generalised form of scabies rapidly developed in a male fawn, but lesions in the other two healed after triple inoculation of ivermectin at 15 days intervals. These roe deer were monitored for specific anti-S. scabiei antibodies with an immunoblotting technique. The strongest antibody response was exhibited during the clinical phase of the infection and then rapidly declined post-treatment. Interestingly, the female fawn developed immunoglobulin G to S. scabiei proteins more than 2 months before the onset of clinical scabies. Since all captive roe deer appeared sensitive to infection with S. scabiei var. rupicaprae, the authors hypothesise that the sporadic frequency of spontaneous scabies in this Cervid host may be attributed to avoidance of direct contacts with moribund or recently dead scabietic chamois, and/or to a self-limiting (and therefore difficult to detect) course of the disease after infrequent infectious contacts and/or exposure to lower infectious doses than in the described episode.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that conditions in early life have important consequences for body size and fitness in mammals. As regards herbivores, teeth play a central role in the long-term performance of individuals. So far, however, patterns of teeth eruption have been scarcely investigated in relation to environmental and climatic factors experienced by herbivores. We described the eruption timing of mandibular teeth in a population of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) located in the Apennines (Central Italy), through the analysis of 2161 jaws of fawns (1176 females and 985 males) shot in their first winter of life over three hunting seasons (2013–2015). Results showed that the percentage of juveniles exhibiting permanent teeth depends on the cohort. Among the factors that may affect both incisiviform and molariform teeth replacement timing, our findings include body mass and population density. Additional factors determining the relative speed of teeth replacement are (1) food availability for the mother during the last part of gestation, the birth period and the lactation, (2) winter temperature experienced by the mother, and (3) temperature experienced by fawns during their first summer and autumn. Besides, for the first time in literature, elevation was reported to delay front teeth replacement. A greater number of climatic factors were found to shape the eruption timing of the third molar (M3) in comparison to that of incisiviform teeth. Also, a different pattern was found in males and females. The eruption of M3 is, indeed, a costly and long-lasting process requesting optimal nutritional conditions and the meeting of a threshold jaw size. Our results indicate a strong correlation between environmental conditions and eruption process, i.e., between resource availability during the gestation and rearing periods and eruption timing.  相似文献   

Female black-tailed deer fawns were hand-raised until four months of age and bred to bucks in their first fall. Over 50% conceived and subsequently gave birth to single fawns. Conceptions occurred later than for wild adults but at weights which equalled the weights of the heaviest wild fawns. A high proportion of the fawns born to fawn does died due to presumed lactation failure. Further work is continuing on the factors governing puberty attainment in this species.  相似文献   

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