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R. Hampp 《Planta》1979,144(4):325-332
Using the technique of silicone oil filtration of organelles and the inhibitor stop method, the kinetics of transport of inorganic phosphate across the inner mitochondrial membrane were tested in relation to different stages of greening (0 to 24 h) of etiolated laminae of Avena sativa L., and compared to the rates of oxygen consumption and ATP formation. The results demonstrate that there is a pronounced increase in phosphate transport after 3 h of greening, reaching values for Vmax (about 17 mol mg protein-1 h-1) that are three times as high as those measured with mitochondria from etiolated tissue. This is also mirrored by the rates of respiration and oxidative phosphorylation. After 24 h of light treatment (4 Klx), respiration and ATP formation, as well as V decreased again to levels below those of the etiolated stage. In contrast to V, there was no change in the affinity between inorganic phosphate and the binding sites of the transporting systems involved, as indicated by a rather constant Km (0.23 mM) for phosphate transport. Of the inhibitors of phosphate transport tested, mersalyl and methyl mercuric iodide were most efficient with identical characteristics of inhibition; but compared to animal mitochondria, the concentrations needed to result in similar amounts of inhibition, were more than ten times higher. The results are discussed with respect to plastid development.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumine - CH3HgJ methyl mercuric iodide - Cyt cytochrome - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane-sulfonic acid - MDH malate dehydrogenase - NEM N-ethylmaleimide  相似文献   

The mitochondrial transport protein superfamily   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The ADP/ATP, phosphate, and oxoglutarate/malate carrier proteins found in the inner membranes of mitochondria, and the uncoupling protein from mitochondria in mammalian brown adipose tissue, belong to the same protein superfamily. Established members of this superfamily have polypeptide chains approximately 300 amino acids long that consist of three tandem related sequences of about 100 amino acids. The tandem repeats from the different proteins are interrelated, and probably have similar secondary structures. The common features of this superfamily are also present in nine proteins of unknown functions characterized by DNA sequencing in various species, most notably inCaenorhabditis elegans andSaccharomyces cerevisiae. The high level expression inEscherichia coli of the bovine oxoglutarate/malate carrier, and the reconstitution of active carrier from the expressed protein, offers encouragement that the identity of superfamily members of known sequence but unknown function may be uncovered by a similar route.  相似文献   

The effects of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) and of the polar analogue p-sulfophenylisothiocyanate (p-sulfoPITC) on the phosphate carrier of bovine heart mitochondria have been investigated. Incubation of mitochondria with the two phenylisothiocyanates leads to inhibition of the phosphate carrier protein. The inhibition of phosphate transport by PITC is unaffected by the addition of dithioerythritol (DTE) or by variation of the pH. The inhibition by p-sulfoPITC is in part removed by DTE; the remaining inactivation of the phosphate carrier, which can be attributed to the reaction with NH2 groups, is temperature and pH-dependent. Inhibition of phosphate transport by both p-sulfoPITC and PITC depends on the time of incubation and the concentration of the inhibitor. Preincubation with mersalyl protects the carrier protein against the inactivation by p-sulfoPITC but not against PITC. Other SH reagents tested do not show any protective effect. It can thus be concluded that two types of lysine residues are essential for the activity of the phosphate carrier. Lysine(s) of the former type are located at the surface of the membrane and are topologically related to the functional SH groups of the protein. Lysine residue(s) of the latter type are buried in the hydrophobic phase of the membrane.  相似文献   

U. I. Flügge  H. W. Heldt 《BBA》1981,638(2):296-304
This report describes the solubilization and purification of the phosphate translocator of spinach chloroplasts and the reconstitution of its activity by incorporation into liposomes. (1) Prior to the isolation, the carrier is specifically labelled by treatment with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid and NaB[3H]H4. (2) After preextraction of purified envelope membranes with Brij 58 for removing other loosely bound membrane proteins, the phosphate translocator is extracted with Triton X-100. After passing the resulting extract over a DEAE-Sepharose column followed by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, the translocator protein is purified to apparent homogeneity. The 5–6-fold purification thus obtained concurs with earlier findings that the phosphate translocator protein represents 15–20% of the envelope membrane protein. This highly purified protein is suitable for studies of the hydrodynamic parameters of the translocator. (3) Since the exposure to detergents affects the activity of the translocator protein, alternatively, a rapid batch procedure for the purification of the translocator protein employing hydroxyapatite is used, yielding within 15 min the phosphate translocator protein of about 70% purity. (4) After incorporation of this protein fraction into liposomes, a specific transport of phosphate into these liposomes is observed, which van be terminated by inhibitor stop with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. This uptake is only observed when the liposomes have been preloaded with phosphate or 3-phosphoglycerate, but not with 2-phosphoglycerate. Thus, like in intact chloroplasts, also the reconstituted transport facilitates an obligatory and specific counter exchange of anions. The apparent Km for the transport of phosphate by this reconstituted system is about 0.8 mM, which is comparable to the corresponding value in intact chloroplasts. The calculated turnover of 150–300 min−1 (20°C) accounts for 3–6% of the original activity.  相似文献   

Hartmut Wohlrab 《BBA》2005,1709(2):157-168
Protein sequence similarities and predicted structures identified 75 mitochondrial transport proteins (37 subfamilies) from among the 28,994 human RefSeq (NCBI) protein sequences. All, except two, have an E-value of less than 4e−05 with respect to the structure of the single subunit bovine ADP/ATP carrier/carboxyatractyloside complex (bAAC/CAT) (mGenThreader program). The two 30-kDa exceptions have E-values of 0.003 and 0.005. 21 have been functionally identified and belong to 14 subfamilies. A subset of subfamilies with sequence similarities for each of 12 different protein regions was identified. Many of the 12 protein regions for each tested protein yielded different size subsets. The sum of subfamilies in the 12 subsets was lowest for the phosphate transport protein (PTP) and highest for aralar 1. Transmembrane sequences are most unique. Sequence similarities are highest near the membrane center and matrix. They are highest for the region of transmembrane helices H1, H2 and connecting matrix loop 12 and smallest for transmembrane helices H3, H4 and loop 34. These sequence similarities and the predicted high similarities to the bAAC/CAT structure point to common structural/functional elements that could include subunit/subunit contact sites as they have been identified for PTP and AAC. The four residues protein segment (SerLysGlnIle) of loop 12 is the only segment projecting into the center of the funnel-like structure of the bAAC/CAT. It is present in its entirety only in the AACs and with some replacements in the large Ca2+-modulated aspartate/glutamate transporters. Other transporters have deletions and replacements in this region of loop 12. This protein segment with its central location and variation in size and composition likely contributes to the substrate specificity of the transporters.  相似文献   

The processes that control aging remain poorly understood. We have exploited mutants in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, that compromise mitochondrial function and scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to understand their relation to lifespan. We discovered unanticipated roles and interactions of the mitochondrial superoxide dismutases (mtSODs): SOD‐2 and SOD‐3. Both SODs localize to mitochondrial supercomplex I:III:IV. Loss of SOD‐2 specifically (i) decreases the activities of complexes I and II, complexes III and IV remain normal; (ii) increases the lifespan of animals with a complex I defect, but not the lifespan of animals with a complex II defect, and kills an animal with a complex III defect; (iii) induces a presumed pro‐inflammatory response. Knockdown of a molecule that may be a pro‐inflammatory mediator very markedly extends lifespan and health of certain mitochondrial mutants. The relationship between the electron transport chain, ROS, and lifespan is complex, and defects in mitochondrial function have specific interactions with ROS scavenging mechanisms. We conclude that mtSODs are embedded within the supercomplex I:III:IV and stabilize or locally protect it from reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage. The results call for a change in the usual paradigm for the interaction of electron transport chain function, ROS release, scavenging, and compensatory responses.  相似文献   

Matti Nuutinen  Ilmo Hassinen 《BBA》1981,637(3):481-489
The role of extracellular Pi and transmembrane fluxes across the sarcolemma in the regulation of cellular respiration was studied in isolated Langendorff-perfused rat hearts. Extracellular phosphate did not significantly affect the oxygen consumption or cellular phosphorylation potential of the myocardium. K+-induced arrest was used to change the mechanical work load of the heart. Arresting the heart caused a rapid decrease in the unidirectional efflux of phosphate determined by in vitro prelabelling of the intracellular phosphate compounds with 32P and determining the specific radioactivity of the γ-P of ATP, and the label appearance into the perfusion medium. At normal or elevated perfusate phosphate concentration there was a fairly slow net uptake of phosphate. The decrease in phosphate fluxes upon the K+-induced arrest was probably not due to a decrease in the transmembrane Na+ or K+ gradients because a further increase in the perfusate K+ concentration caused an increase in the K+ efflux to the levels observed in contracting hearts. The use of higher than normal concentrations of phosphate necessitated a lowering of the extracellular Ca2+ concentration, which caused a diminution of the oxygen consumption, accompanied by mitochondrial flavoprotein oxidation in the heart. This finding suggested that the extracellular Ca2+ concentration may be involved in the substrate level regulation of mitochondrial metabolism.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondria are able to enhance Ca2+ accumulation in the presence of polyamines by activating the saturable systems of Ca2+ inward transport and buffering extramitochondrial Ca2+ concentrations to levels similar to those in the cytosol of resting cells. This effect renders them responsive to regulate free Ca2+ concentrations in the physioloical range. The mechanism involved is due to a rise in the affinity of the Ca2+ transport system, induced by polyamines, most probably exhibiting allosteric behaviour. The regulatory site of this mechanism is the so-called S1 binding site of polyamines, which operates in physiological conditions and is located in the energy well between the two peaks present in the energy profile of mitochondrial spermine transport. Spermine is bidirectionally transported across teh inner membrane by cycling, in which influx and efflux are driven by electrical and pH gradients, respectively. Most probably, polyamine affects the Ca2+ transport system when it acts from the outside-that is, in the direction of its uniporter channel, in order to reach the S1 site. Important physiological functions are related to activation of Ca2+ transport systems by polyamines and their interactions with the S1 site. These functions include a rise in the metabolic rate for energy supply and modulation of mitochondrial permeability transition induction, with consequent effects on the triggering of the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Germlings of Phytophthora palmivora possess at least two systems for the uptake of inorganic phosphate (Pi). The first is synthesized on germination in medium containing 50 M Pi and has a Km of approx. 30 M (Vmax=7–9 nmol Pi/h·106 cells). The second is synthesized under conditions of Pi-deprivation and has a higher affinity for Pi (Km=1–2 M), but a lower Vmax (0.5–2 nmol Pi/h·106 cells). The fungicide phosphite likewise enters the germlings via two different transport systems, the synthesis of which also depends on the concentration of Pi in the medium. The Km of the lower affinity system is 3 mM (Vmax=20 nmol phosphite/h·106 cells) and that of the higher affinity system is 0.6 mM (Vmax=12 nmol/h·106 cells). Pi and phosphite are competitive inhibitors for each other's transport in both systems. However, whereas mM concentrations of phosphite are necessary to inhibit Pi transport, only M concentrations of Pi are required to inhibit phosphite transport. A third system of uptake for Pi also exists, since when phosphate-deprived cells are presented with mM concentrations of Pi, they transport the anion at a very high rate (around 100 nmol/h·106 cells). High rates of transport of phosphite are also observed when these cells are presented with mM concentrations of this anion.  相似文献   

The interaction of mildronate [3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazine) propionate] with the purified mitochondrial carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter reconstituted in liposomes has been studied. Mildronate, externally added to the proteoliposomes, strongly inhibited the carnitine/carnitine antiport catalyzed by the reconstituted transporter with an IC(50) of 560 muM. A kinetic analysis revealed that the inhibition is completely competitive, that is, mildronate interacts with the substrate-binding site. The half-saturation constant of the transporter for external mildronate (K(i)) is 530 muM. Carnitine/mildronate antiport has been measured as [(3)H]carnitine uptake into proteoliposomes containing internal mildronate or as [(3)H]carnitine efflux from proteoliposomes in the presence of external mildronate, indicating that mildronate is transported by the carnitine/acylcarnitine transporter and that the inhibition observed was due to the transport of mildronate in the place of carnitine. The intraliposomal half-saturation constant for mildronate transport (K(m)) has been determined. Its value, 18 mM, is much higher than the external half-saturation constant (K(i)) in agreement with the asymmetric properties of the transporter. In vivo, the antiport reaction between cytosolic (administered) mildronate and matrix carnitine may cause intramitochondrial carnitine depletion. This effect, together with the inhibition of the physiological transport, will lead to impairment of fatty acid utilization.  相似文献   

Isolated mitochondria of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells grown on glucose possess acid-soluble inorganic polyphosphate (polyP). Its level strongly depends on phosphate (P(i)) concentration in the culture medium. The polyP level in mitochondria showed 11-fold decrease under 0.8 mM P(i) as compared with 19.3 mM P(i). When spheroplasts isolated from P(i)-starved cells were incubated in the P(i)-complete medium, they accumulated polyP and exhibited a phosphate overplus effect. Under phosphate overplus the polyP level in mitochondria was two times higher than in the complete medium without preliminary P(i) starvation. The average chain length of polyP in mitochondria was of <15 phosphate residues at 19.3 mM P(i) in the culture medium and increased at phosphate overplus. Deoxyglucose inhibited polyP accumulation in spheroplasts, but had no effect on polyP accumulation in mitochondria. Uncouplers (FCCP, dinitrophenol) and ionophores (monensin, nigericin) inhibited polyP accumulation in mitochondria more efficiently than in spheroplasts. Fast hydrolysis of polyP was observed after sonication of isolated mitochondria. Probably, the accumulation of polyP in mitochondria depended on the proton-motive force of their membranes.  相似文献   

Phosphate entry into human erythrocytes is irreversibly inhibited by treatment of the cells with the water-soluble carbodiimides 1-ethy1-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) and 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl)-carbodiimide metho-p-toluene sulfonate (CMC) in the absence of added nucleophile. EDC is the more potent inhibitor (40% inhibition, 2 mM EDC, 5 min, 37°C, 50% hematocrit, pH 6.9), while more than 20 mM CMC is required to give the same inhibition under identical conditions. EDC inhibition is temperature-dependent, being complete in 5 min at 37°C, and sensitive to extracellular pH. At pH 6.9 only 50% of transport is rapidly inhibited by EDC, but at alkaline pH over 80% of transport is inhibited. Inhibition is not prevented by modification of membrane sulfhydryl groups but is decreased in the presence of 4,4′-dinitrostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DNDS), a reversible competitive inhibitor of anion transport. EDC treatment leads to crosslinking of erythrocyte membrane proteins, but differences between the time course of this action and inhibition of transport indicate that most transport inhibition is not due to crosslinking of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The uptake of sulphate into roots of barley seedlings is highly sensitive to phenylglyoxal (PhG), an arginine-binding reagent. Uptake was inhibited by >80% by a 1-h pre-treatment of roots with 0.45 mol · m–3 PhG. Inhibition was maximal in pre-treatment solutions buffered between pH 4.5 and 6.5. Phosphate uptake, measured simultaneously by double-labelling uptake solutions with 32P and 35S, was less susceptible to inhibition by PhG, particularly at pH <6.5, and was completely insensitive to the less permeant reagent p-hydroxyphenylglyoxal (OH-PhG) administered at 1 mol · m–3 at pH at 5.0 or 8.2; sulphate uptake was inhibited in -S plants by 90% by OH-PhG-treatment. Root respiration in young root segments was unaffected by OH-PhG pre-treatment for 1 h and inhibited by only 17% after 90 min pre-treatment. The uptake of both ions was inhibited by the dithiol-specific reagent, phenylarsine oxide even after short exposures (0.5–5.0 min). Sulphate uptake was more severely inhibited than that of phosphate, but in both cases inhibition could be substantially reversed by 5 min washing of treated roots by 5 mol · m–3 dithioerythritol. After longer pre-treatment (50 min) with phenylarsine oxide, inhibition of the ion fluxes was not relieved by washing with dithioerythritol. Inhibition of sulphate influx by PhG was completely reversed by washing the roots for 24 h with culture solution lacking the inhibitor. The reversal was dependent on protein synthesis; less than 20% recovery was seen in the presence of 50 mmol · m–3 cycloheximide. Sulphate uptake declined rapidly when -S roots were treated with cycloheximide. In the same roots the phosphate influx was little affected, small significant inhibitions being seen only after 4 h of treatment. Respiration was depressed by only 20% in apical and by 31% in basal root segments by cycloheximide pre-treatment for 2 h. Similar rates of collapse of the sulphate uptake and insensitivity of phosphate uptake were seen when protein synthesis was inhibited by azetidine carboxylic acid, p-fluorophenylalanine and puromycin. Considering the effects of all of the protein-synthesis inhibitors together leads to the conclusion that the sulphate transporter itself, or some essential sub-component of the uptake system, turns over rapidly with a half-time of about 2.5 h. The turnover of the phosphate transporter is evidently much slower. The results are discussed in relation to strategies for identifying the transport proteins and to the regulation of transporter activity during nutrient stress.Abbreviations CAP chloramphenicol - CHM cycloheximide - DTE dithioerythritol - OH-PhG p-hydroxyphenylglyoxal - PhAsO phenylarsine - PhG phenylglyoxal Paper dedicated to the memory of the late Ken Treharne who did much to encourage this collaboration.D.T.C. gratefully acknowledges a fellowship provided by Le Ministére des Etrangers during his stay in Montpellier.  相似文献   

d-Glucose decreases phosphate reabsorption in rat proximal tubule. It is also postulated that some amino acids interact with phosphate reabsorption. To investigate the mechanism of these interactions, phosphate, d-glucose and l-alanine transport kinetics were measured in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from superficial rat kidney cortex by the calcium precipitation technique. At pH 7.4, Na+-dependent phosphate transport was inhibited in the presence of either d-glucose (39 mM) or l-alanine (2.4 mM). In this model, with d-glucose or with l-alanine the V value of the phosphate uptake was decreased, whereas the apparent Km for the phosphate uptake was not affected. However, some inhibition of phosphate transport was observed in the presence of l-glucose, d-alanine or d-glucose after phlorizin preincubation. A 30% Na+-dependent l-alanine (0.1 mM) transport inhibition was observed in the presence of 5 mM phosphate. d-Glucose (1 mM) was also inhibited by 20% when 5 mM phosphate was added to incubation medium. According to several authors, in our model, d-glucose decreased the l-alanine transport and vice versa. Moreover, when the membrane potential was abolished, a clear inhibition of d-glucose by l-alanine persisted. These multiple interactions could be explained by the accelerated dissipation of the Na+ gradient insofar as the rate of the Na+ uptake was increased with d-glucose, l-alanine or phosphate and since the absence of variations in membrane potential did not suppress these inhibitions.  相似文献   

Precursor proteins that are imported from the cytosol into the matrix of mitochondria carry positively charged amphipathic presequences and cross the inner membrane with the help of vital components of the TIM23 complex. It is currently unclear which subunits of the TIM23 complex recognize and directly bind to presequences. Here we analyzed the binding of presequence peptides to purified components of the TIM23 complex. The interaction of three different presequences with purified soluble domains of yeast Tim50 (Tim50IMS), Tim23 (Tim23IMS), and full-length Tim44 was examined. Using chemical cross-linking and surface plasmon resonance we demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of purified Tim50IMS and Tim44 to interact directly with the yeast Hsp60 presequence. We also analyzed their interaction with presequences derived from precursors of yeast mitochondrial 70-kDa heat shock protein (mHsp70) and of bovine cytochrome P450SCC. Moreover, we characterized the nature of the interactions and determined their KDs. On the basis of our results, we suggest a mechanism of translocation where stronger interactions of the presequences on the trans side of the channel support the import of precursor proteins through TIM23 into the matrix.  相似文献   

Survivin is a multifunctional protein with essential roles in cell division and inhibition of apoptosis, but the molecular underpinnings of its cytoprotective properties are poorly understood. Here we show that homozygous deletion of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor-interacting protein (AIP), a survivin-associated immunophilin, causes embryonic lethality in mice by embryonic day 13.5-14, increased apoptosis of Ter119(-)/CD71(-) early erythropoietic progenitors, and loss of survivin expression in its cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments in vivo. In import assays using recombinant proteins, AIP directly mediated the import of survivin to mitochondria, thus enabling its anti-apoptotic function, whereas a survivin 1-141 mutant that does not bind AIP was not imported to mitochondria and failed to inhibit apoptosis. AIP-directed mitochondrial import of survivin did not affect cell division, was independent of the organelle transmembrane potential, did not require the chaperone Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90), and was inhibited by cytosolic factor(s) present in normal cells. shRNA knockdown of the mitochondrial import receptor Tom20 abolished mitochondrial import of survivin and sensitized tumor cells to apoptosis, whereas silencing of Tom70 had no effect. Therefore, an AIP-Tom20 recognition contributes to cell survival in development and cancer by mediating the mitochondrial import of survivin.  相似文献   

Membrane destabilization in erythrocytes plays an important role in the premature hemolysis and development of anemia during visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Marked degradation of the anion channel protein band 3 is likely to allow modulation of anion flux across the red cell membrane in infected animals. The present study describes the effect of structural modification of band 3 on phosphate transport in VL using (31)P NMR. The result showed progressive decrease in the rate and extent of phosphate transport during the post-infection period. Interdependence between the intracellular ionic levels seems to be a determining factor in the regulation of anion transport across the erythrocyte membrane in control and infected conditions. Infection-induced alteration in band 3 made the active sites of transport more susceptible to binding with amino reactive agents. Inhibition of transport by oxidation of band 3 and subsequent reversal by reduction using dithiothreitol suggests the contribution of sulfhydryl group in the regulation of anion exchange across the membrane. Quantitation of sulfhydryl groups in the anion channel protein showed the inhibition to be closely related to the decrease of sulfhydryl groups in the infected hamsters. Downregulation of phosphate transport during leishmanial infection may be ascribed to the sulfhydryl modification of band 3 resulting in the impaired functioning of this protein under the diseased condition.  相似文献   

In neurons, the proper distribution of mitochondria is essential because of a requirement for high energy and calcium buffering during synaptic neurotransmission. The efficient, regulated transport of mitochondria along axons to synapses is therefore crucial for maintaining function. The trafficking kinesin protein (TRAK)/Milton family of proteins comprises kinesin adaptors that have been implicated in the neuronal trafficking of mitochondria via their association with the mitochondrial protein Miro and kinesin motors. In this study, we used gene silencing by targeted shRNAi and dominant negative approaches in conjunction with live imaging to investigate the contribution of endogenous TRAKs, TRAK1 and TRAK2, to the transport of mitochondria in axons of hippocampal pyramidal neurons. We report that both strategies resulted in impairing mitochondrial mobility in axonal processes. Differences were apparent in terms of the contribution of TRAK1 and TRAK2 to this transport because knockdown of TRAK1 but not TRAK2 impaired mitochondrial mobility, yet both TRAK1 and TRAK2 were shown to rescue transport impaired by TRAK1 gene knock-out. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time the pivotal contribution of the endogenous TRAK family of kinesin adaptors to the regulation of mitochondrial mobility.  相似文献   

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