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Reconstruction based on the aesthetic subunit principle has yielded good aesthetic outcomes in patients with moderate to severe nasal defects caused by trauma or tumor resection. However, the topographic subunits previously proposed are often unsuitable for Orientals. Compared with the nose in white patients, the nose in Orientals is low, lacks nasal muscle, and has a flat glabella; the structural features of the underlying cartilage and bone are not distinctly reflected in outward appearance. The authors devised aesthetic subunits suitable for Orientals, and they used these units to reconstruct various parts of the nose. The major difference between these units and those presented previously is the lack of soft triangles and the addition of the glabella as an independent unit. The authors divided the nose into the following five topographic units: the glabella, the nasal dorsum, the nasal tip, and the two alae. The border of the nasal dorsum unit was extended to above the maxillonasal suture. The basic reconstruction techniques use a V-Y advancement flap from the forehead to reconstruct the glabella, an island flap from the forehead to reconstruct the nasal dorsum and nasal tip, a nasolabial flap to reconstruct an ala, and a malar flap to reconstruct the cheek. A combination of flaps was used when the defect involved more than one unit. This concept was used for nasal reconstruction in 24 patients. In one patient undergoing reconstruction of the nasal dorsum and in one undergoing reconstruction of the nasal tip, the texture of the forearm flap did not match well, which resulted in a slightly unsatisfactory aesthetic outcome. In one patient in whom the glabella, nasal dorsum, and part of the cheek were reconstructed simultaneously, a web was formed at the medial ocular angle, and a secondary operation was subsequently performed using Z-plasty. In one patient undergoing reconstruction with a forehead flap, defatting was required to reduce the bulk of the subcutaneous flap pedicle at the glabella. However, suture lines were placed in the most inconspicuous sites in all patients, and the use of a trapdoor contraction emphasized the three-dimensional appearance of the nose. The use of these aesthetic subunits for reconstruction offers several advantages, particularly in Oriental patients. Because the nasal dorsum is reconstructed together with the side walls, tenting of the nasal dorsum is avoided, which prevents a flat appearance of the nose. A forehead flap is useful in the repair of complex defects. Defects of the alae should be separately reconstructed with a nasolabial flap to enhance the effect of the trapdoor contraction and to highlight the three-dimensional appearance of the nose. Candidates for reconstruction should be selected on the basis of nasal structure. The results suggest that these units can also be used in some white patients.  相似文献   

Changes in nasal obstruction, nasal airway resistance, and postoperative nose appearance were evaluated in 92 rhinoplasty patients. Fifty-six patients had a deviation of their nose from the midline preoperatively. They were improved according to rhinomanometry whether the rhinoplasty was combined with a functional septoplasty or with a submucous resection. Among the other 36 patients who did not have a deviation of the nose from the midline, 23 had a rhinoplasty combined with a functional septoplasty and 13 had no surgery on the septum at all. Rhinomanometrically, only patients operated on with the combined operation were improved; the rest became worse, even in terms of nasal obstruction. Among 58 patients from both groups with preoperative nasal obstruction, there was agreement for 76 percent between the subjective and rhinomanometric changes. The advantages of giving the rhinomanometric results in a polar coordinate system are discussed.  相似文献   

Long-term outcome of cleft lip nasal reconstruction in childhood   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study documents the pattern of unilateral cleft lip nasal reconstruction in the practice of one surgeon at a tertiary cleft center, evaluating the long-term appearance outcome of single-operation unilateral cleft lip nasal reconstruction in childhood. A retrospective medical record review was performed for all patients with a diagnosis of unilateral cleft lip and age greater than 15 years. Operative notes were reviewed, recording 15 variables identifying specific rhinoplastic maneuvers. Nasal appearance outcome analysis was performed for all patients who underwent only one nasal surgery before 12 years of age (n = 19). Standard frontal whole face photographic images were presented as opposing pairs in a looseleaf binder to two panels, 1 of 10 lay persons and 1 of 10 plastic surgeons. Each pair consisted of photographs of the same patient at different ages in one of three combinations: preoperative-perioperative, perioperative-longest postoperative, or preoperative-longest postoperative. Participants were asked to compare the appearance of the noses in the two photographs and assign a rating based on a 5-point Likert scale. Statistical analyses were performed on the data collected in the aesthetic analysis. The effect of surgery upon nasal appearance was assessed by comparing the preoperative and perioperative photographs. The effect of growth was assessed by comparing the perioperative and long-term postoperative photographs. The combined effect of surgery and growth was assessed by comparing the preoperative and long-term postoperative photographs. The data were assessed by lay and professional evaluators, together and separately, to determine whether differences existed. The majority of patients did not undergo revisional nasal surgery, whereas those who did usually had one nasal operation. Most revisional nasal surgery was performed in conjunction with other cleft-related secondary surgery. A majority of lay and professional evaluators perceived revisional nasal surgery as improving nasal appearance in the short-term and to a lesser degree in the long-term, as compared with the preoperative state. Evaluations of revisional nasal surgery are generally constant between the short-term and long-term postoperative images. Lay evaluations may be contaminated by a general decline in attractiveness with aging. Patient preference should be a major factor in the decision for nasal revision surgery. Multiple means of assessing nasal appearance outcome need to be used to validate results. Nasal appearance outcomes need to be correlated with outcomes with respect to nasal morphology and function as well as patient and parent satisfaction.  相似文献   

Although the cartilaginous autografts are one of the tissues more utilized in nasal surgery, a comparative study does not exist to determine which are better options and their precise indications. It is for this reason that a histopathologic analysis was carried out comparing the characteristics and properties of the four principal cartilages that are utilized in aesthetic functional surgery of the nose. Considering these particularities, the precise indications for the employment of the different cartilage as nasal autografts were determined. Of 1120 aesthetic functional rhinoplasties during a period of 8 years, 930 (83 percent) required cartilaginous autografts, 86 percent were primary, 11 percent were secondary, and 3 percent had two or more surgeries. Eighty-three percent of the grafts used were from nasal septum, 12 percent from the auricle, 3 percent from alar cartilages, and 2 percent from the rib. The anatomic sites in which they were employed consisted of the following: 64 percent between the medial crura, 28 percent as in Sheen's graft, 19 percent in the nasal dorsum, 8 percent as spreader grafts, 8 percent as in Peck's graft, and 3 percent in the rim to improve alar collapse. We followed at all times the previous indications for obtaining and placing the nasal autografts. Eighty-four percent of the patients were totally satisfied and only 8 percent required a second surgical procedure to achieve the results desired. Based on this study, it is recommended to utilize the cartilaginous autografts in nasal surgery considering three parameters: the physical and histologic characteristics of each cartilage, the anatomic site in which they are to be placed, and the effect desired with their application.  相似文献   

Lo LJ  Wong FH  Mardini S  Chen YR  Noordhoff MS 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,110(3):733-8; discussion 739-41
Reconstruction of bilateral cleft lip nose deformity is difficult and the outcome is inconsistent. This study was conducted to evaluate the gross outcome and the difference in the assessment of nasal appearance as judged by two groups of raters, cleft surgeons and laypersons. Sixty-four patients with bilateral cleft lip were selected for review. The patients' ages ranged from 5 to 30 years. All patients had undergone primary cleft lip repair and secondary nasal reconstruction, and had been followed for at least 6 months. One image for each patient, which included a digitized frontal, lateral, and worm's-eye view, was projected for evaluation by the raters. The raters included five cleft surgeons and five laypersons. A rating scheme was used in which a score of 3 was given for a good, close to normal nasal appearance, 2 for an average result that needed minor revision, and 1 for a poor result that needed major reconstruction. The scores were averaged for each patient in each group and for each group as a whole. The final outcome was judged as good, fair, or poor on the basis of the mean score for each patient. Statistical analysis was performed. The mean score for all patients was 2.08 as assessed by the laypersons and 2.18 as assessed by the cleft surgeon group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Comparisons on rating scores among different raters revealed a fair agreement on the ratings within each of the two groups. The results were found to be good in 29.7 percent, fair in 64.1 percent, and poor in 6.3 percent of patients when evaluated by the surgeons. When rated by the laypersons, the nasal appearance was found to be good in 26.6 percent, fair in 60.9 percent, and poor in 12.5 percent of patients. This difference in distribution between the two groups was not statistically significant. When comparing the results given by the two groups of assessors, there was agreement on the nasal appearance in 65.6 percent of patients, and a difference in grading in the rest. For the patients who received different grading, the surgeons rated them one grade higher in 63.6 percent and one grade lower in 36.4 percent. There was no difference in grading between any of the evaluators that reflected a two-grade discrepancy in evaluation of results. This study shows that the surgical outcome of bilateral cleft lip nose deformity repair, at the authors' institution, is less than optimal. When assessing bilateral cleft lip nose appearance, the judgment of results by cleft surgeons was similar to that of the laypersons. However, different rating of results existed within each of the two groups, supporting the importance of clearly assessing patient/parent expectations and defining realistic surgical goals.  相似文献   

The deviated nose represents a complex cosmetic and functional problem. Septal surgery plays a central role in the successful management of the externally deviated nose. This study included 260 patients seeking rhinoplasty to correct external nasal deviations; 75 percent of them had various degrees of nasal obstruction. Septal surgery was necessary in 232 patients (89 percent), not only to improve breathing but also to achieve a straight, symmetrical, external nose as well. A graduated surgical approach was adopted to allow correction of the dorsal and caudal deviations of the nasal septum without weakening its structural support to the dorsum or nasal tip. The approach depended on full mobilization of deviated cartilage, followed by straightening of the cartilage and its fixation in the corrected position by using bony splinting grafts through an external rhinoplasty approach.  相似文献   

Restoration of oral and nasal function together with facial appearance is still challenging in maxillary reconstruction. Use of a composite flap transfer merely to fill the defect results in unsatisfactory functional and aesthetic outcomes. The authors present a reconstructive procedure for complex maxillary defects using the latissimus dorsi-scapular rib osteomusculocutaneous flap. Some modifications for the reconstruction of the nasal cavity and the hard palate contributed to excellent postoperative functions. Five cases of extended maxillary defect were reconstructed using a novel procedure between February of 1997 and October of 2000. The hard palate was reconstructed with a vascularized scapular angle. The infraorbital rim was reconstructed with a vascularized rib if it was required. A prop bone graft, replacing the zygomatic buttress, was added between the infraorbital rim and the hard palate. The latissimus dorsi muscle flap, which was supported by a skeletal framework and obliterated the remaining cavities around the bone grafts, was left exposed into the nasal cavity, and an 8-French (no. 10) nasal airway tube was placed as a stent in the nasal meatus for 3 weeks after surgery. A skin graft was applied on the scapular angle to reconstruct the oral side of the hard palate. If required, facial skin defect was repaired with a latissimus dorsi musculocutaneous flap or scapular flap. No major complications at the recipient or the donor sites occurred postoperatively in any of the five cases. In cases in which the eyeballs were preserved, almost normal facial appearance was obtained and an orbital extirpation case showed an acceptable postoperative appearance. All five patients returned to an unrestricted diet and their speech was assessed as normal by a speech test. Nasal breathing through the re-epithelialized meatus was possible in all cases. The reconstructed nasal cavity was maintained for more than 6 months in all cases and for more than 2 years in one early case. Rhinometry demonstrated normal function, and histologic findings of the re-epithelialized mucosa over the muscle flap in the nasal cavity revealed a nearly normal architecture. This technique simplifies the reconstructive procedure of massive maxillary defects, including those in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity. It also improves the postoperative oral and nasal functions of the patients.  相似文献   

The position of the dorsum directly influences the apparent size of the nasal base: the higher the bridge, the smaller the nasal base seems. This powerful optical illusion provides the surgeon with an alternate strategy for creating harmony in the nose with a low, straight dorsum and a disproportionately large nasal base. Instead of reducing the lower nose, the surgeon can augment the upper nose (and make whatever nasal base changes are independently necessary). This alternate strategy limits the amount of nasal skeletal reduction necessary, thereby limiting the potential for postoperative change and soft-tissue distortion and directly increasing the surgeon's control over the result.  相似文献   

Gubisch W  Constantinescu MA 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》1999,104(4):1131-9; discussion 1140-2
Septal deviations interfere with nasal airflow and contribute to deformities in the external appearance of the nose. An aesthetically and functionally satisfactory correction of severe septal deformities or "crippled" septal plates often requires a temporary intraoperative removal of the septal cartilage for appropriate remodeling. This article describes refinements to the previously described technique of extracorporal septoplasty; these refinements have proven useful and have made the procedure safer in the hands of less experienced surgeons. The refinements simplify the straightening methods for the explanted septal plate, achieving a stable and median fixation of the replanted septum while maintaining a satisfactory contour of the nasal dorsum. A milling cutter is used to straighten the irregularities of the explanted septal plate and to thin broadly based anterior nasal spines. When necessary, microplates are added to stabilize the osteotomized and medialized anterior nasal spine. The final positioning of the replanted septal plate is greatly enhanced by a rein stitch, transosseous sutures, and multiple quilt stitches. Additionally, direct fixation of the replanted septum to the edges of the upper lateral cartilages further improves the stability of the reconstruction. Finally, particular care should be taken to avoid residual irregularities of the nasal dorsum; it they occur, these irregularities can be covered with a thin cartilaginous splint or a layer of dehydrated fascia lata or autologous temporal fascia. A total of 436 patients who underwent rhinoseptoplasties at the authors' department during a 1-year period were reviewed. Of these patients, 108 presented with severe septal deviations and underwent an extracorporal septoplasty using the refined techniques described herein. Despite the complexity of the procedure, the patients' satisfaction rates were high, independent of the operating surgeon.  相似文献   

Free-flap mandibular reconstruction: a 10-year follow-up study   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Hidalgo DA  Pusic AL 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,110(2):438-49; discussion 450-1
Free-flap reconstruction of oncologic mandibular defects has become the modern standard of care. However, no previous studies have established the long-term results of such reconstructions. The objective of this study was to review functional and aesthetic outcomes in patients a decade after free-flap mandibular reconstruction.A single surgeon's experience with free-flap reconstruction of the mandible was retrospectively reviewed. Eighty-two consecutive patients who underwent reconstruction from January of 1987 to December of 1990 were identified. Of the 34 patients still alive, 20 agreed to participate (response rate, 59 percent). To assess complications and functional outcome, patients were interviewed using validated questions and questions developed specifically for the study. Aesthetic outcome was judged by two independent observers. Panorex radiographs were obtained to assess bone resorption. Bone height was measured at standardized locations on the body, ramus, and symphysis and compared with the immediate postoperative Panorex radiographs. Differences in Panorex magnification were adjusted for by comparison of miniplate measurements. Mean length of follow-up was 11 years. Mean patient age at the time of the study was 48 years. Nineteen of 20 patients had malignant disease, one of whom had a local recurrence during the follow-up period. Two patients received radiation therapy preoperatively and 13 postoperatively. Mean length of mandible resection was 13 cm. Defect types were as follows (Jewer's classification): 12 L, 4 H, 3 LC, and 1 LCL. All flaps survived.At 10-year follow-up, aesthetic outcome was judged to be excellent in 55 percent of patients, good in 20 percent, fair in 15 percent, and poor in 10 percent. The aesthetic results were remarkably stable over time. Slight accentuation of subtle postoperative asymmetry became evident as facial aging progressed. Dental rehabilitation in the study group included five patients with osteointegrated implants and seven with conventional dentures. Seventy percent of patients reported a regular diet. The remainder required a soft diet. Food tolerance was good, as rated by the List Scale (mean score, 77 percent). Seventeen patients had easily intelligible speech, whereas three were intelligible with effort. At the midbody of the mandible, 92 percent of the postoperative bone height was preserved; at the midramus, 93 percent was maintained; and at the symphysis, 92 percent remained. In several patients, there was greater age-related bone loss from the residual native mandible compared with the reconstructed site. One patient developed an orocutaneous fistula following postoperative radiation therapy. Nine patients had miniplates removed, either because of plate problems or to allow implant placement. There were no cases of osteoradionecrosis, bone fracture, or miniplate fracture. There was no significant long-term disability related to the donor site.Free-flap reconstruction of the mandible provides excellent functional and aesthetic results that remain stable over time. Bone resorption is surprisingly minimal, even in the face of postoperative radiation therapy. The majority of patients are able to tolerate a regular diet and to either wear dentures or acquire osteointegrated implants. Acceptable speech and appearance are restored and continue to be a source of patient satisfaction at least a decade after surgery.  相似文献   

Analysis of the African American female nose   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Porter JP  Olson KL 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(2):620-6; discussion 627-8
The African American nose has been broadly classified as ethnic yet it differs significantly in morphology from that of other ethnic groups with which it is categorized. The objectives of this study were to (1) establish an objective protocol for analysis of the African American female nose using anthropometric measurements, and (2) determine whether subjective subcategorization schemes are a reliable replacement for anthropometry. African American women (n = 107) between the ages of 18 and 30 years consented to participate in this study. Photographs and 14 standard anthropometric measurements were taken of the face and nasal region, including nose length, nose width, special upper face height, intercanthal distance, mouth width, nasal bridge inclination, nasal tip protrusion, ala thickness, nasal root width, nasal bridge length, tangential length of ala, length of columella, nasofrontal angle, and nasolabial angle. Nasal indices including nose width-nose height index, nasal tip protrusion-nose height index, and nasal tip protrusion-nasal width index were calculated. In addition, photographic analysis was performed to evaluate nostril shape, nasal base shape, and nasal dorsal height. Proportional relationships and subcategorization schemes were evaluated. A new method of nasal analysis for the African American woman uses the proportional relationships of the anthropometric measurements. Proportional relationships included a columellar to lobule ratio of 1.5:1, a nasolabial angle of 86 degrees, and an alar width to intercanthal distance ratio of 5:4. The nasal dorsal height classification scheme was the most reliable for subjective analysis. The degree of variability found within this group of young African American women is illustrated by the following indices and their respective ranges: nose width-nose height index mean, 79.7 (range, 57 to 102); nasal tip protrusion-nose height index mean, 33.8 (range, 23 to 46); and nasal tip protrusion-nose width index mean, 42.8 (range, 32 to 61). The guidelines provided are a baseline from which to begin analysis and evaluation.  相似文献   

In 48 patients with maxillonasal dysplasia the retruded nasal base was corrected with onlay cancellous bone grafts after subperiosteal dissection using an oral vestibular approach. Support for the nasal dorsum was achieved in 39 patients with an L-shaped bone graft from the iliac crest introduced through the same approach. The advancement of the nose was found stable on lateral cephalograms; i.e., resorption did not occur. However, the grafts showed considerable remodeling. Half the patients found the stiffness of the nose to be disturbing. In nine patients, the cartilaginous septum was used instead as a support for the nasal dorsum and tip. At operation, the entire cartilaginous septum was mobilized after subperichondrial dissection and rotated forward either pedicled at the nasal dorsum or completely released. Cartilage regenerated in the periochondrial pocket left behind the advanced septum. The anterior transfer of the nose was 6 to 10 mm. The use of septal advancement is preferred over bone implants in the correction of maxillonasal dysplasia in patients in whom the bony nasal dorsum is of adequate height because it results in a soft and flexible nose and the risk of traumatic fracture and resorption is eliminated. The technique has been used in adolescents with promising results.  相似文献   

Surgery for breast cancer has traditionally addressed the breast as if it were a geometric circle with associated quadrants. Cosmetic reconstruction should not follow geometric patterns but should emphasize perceived contour and normal clothing lines. Similar to nasal reconstruction, a subunit principle in breast reconstruction planning may significantly improve the appearance of the result. To better identify the most aesthetic subunits for breast reconstruction, 10 years of autogenous reconstruction in 264 patients was reviewed. Various patterns of breast subunits were identified. The more favorable subunits of the breast in terms of postoperative appearance and camouflage of scars included the nipple, areola, and expanded areola subunits. For larger skin defects, the best subunits were the inferolateral, lower half, and a total breast subunits. Dividing the breast into reconstructive subunits that are to be replaced as a whole rather than as a patch gives superior results. Photographed examples of aesthetic subunits illustrate the placement of scars along natural lines that maximize the advantages of camouflage afforded by clothing.  相似文献   

This study reports on my experience with autogenous split calvarial grafts in nasal augmentation in 62 Orientals. In 78 percent of patients, the procedure was performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. Total operating time for harvesting of split calvarial grafts ranged from 20 to 55 minutes, with a mean of 32 minutes. Patients ranged in age from 16 to 48 years, with a mean of 27 years. Follow-up was from 6 months to 8 years, with an average of 3.1 years. Intraoperative discomfort was uniformly low and well tolerated when local anesthesia was used. The complication rate was 8.0 percent, with three cases of minor seroma-hematoma formation at the bone-graft donor site. These were treated with aspiration. There were two recipient-site complications, with one case of complete bone resorption that occurred in a densely fibrotic nose with preexisting septal perforation and a case of overcorrection that was successfully rasped 1 year later. Because of their easy accessibility beneath the scalp, split calvarial grafts to the nose are useful in various types of nasal augmentation, and the technique is offered as a practical alternative to the use of alloplastic materials.  相似文献   

Nipple reconstruction using the C-V flap technique: a long-term evaluation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerous procedures are available for nipple reconstruction with no true universal favorite. This study presents long-term follow-up data for nipple reconstruction using the C-V flap technique. Patients were identified by searching the Breast Reconstruction Database, and they were asked to return for a follow-up visit. All those who underwent nipple reconstruction using the C-V flap technique between January of 1992 and December of 1996 were reviewed in an attempt to conduct a long-term follow-up evaluation. The response was poor, and 11 patients participated in the study and returned for follow-up. They all completed a questionnaire, which focused on patient satisfaction using a visual analogue scale. Nipple measurements were taken with a caliper and compared with the opposite breast for symmetry. Fourteen nipple reconstructions were evaluated in 11 patients with an average follow-up of 5.3 years. All patients had undergone transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap reconstructions. Patient satisfaction was 42 percent with nipple projection, 62 percent with pigmentation, and 26 percent with sensation. Overall patient satisfaction with the procedure was 81 percent. Average nipple projection of the reconstructed nipple was 3.77 mm and was not statistically different when compared with the opposite nipple. Long-term subjective evaluation of the C-V flap technique does report a loss in nipple projection; however, overall patient satisfaction at 5.3 years is good, as is the ability to restore symmetry with the opposite breast.  相似文献   

Rohrich RJ  Griffin JR  Ansari M  Beran SJ  Potter JK 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2004,114(6):1405-16; discussion 1417-9
A retrospective analysis was performed on 1334 patients who underwent nasal reconstruction between 1986 and 2001. The senior author performed all reconstructions in this series after Mohs' histographic excisions. Only secondary reconstructions were performed without a preceding Mohs' excision. Methods of reconstruction, number of operations per patient, locations of defects, and complications were recorded. Using preoperative and postoperative photographs, aesthetic results were reviewed. Basal cell carcinoma was the most common lesion, followed by squamous cancer and melanoma. The average age of the patients was 51 years. Cancers most commonly arose on the dorsum, ala, and tip. Of 1334 cases, a 1.9 percent recurrence rate was documented. The average time between surgery and clinical recognition of recurrence was 39 months. All recurrent lesions were reexcised by the Mohs' technique. Eighty-one percent of reconstructions were completed in three or fewer stages. Seventy-five percent of reconstructions were completed in two stages. Primary dermabrasion or primary laserbrasion using carbon dioxide or erbium lasers was used in nearly every case. Early secondary dermabrasion or laserbrasion was used in a few cases where indicated. A 1.2 percent revision rate was noted (16 patients). Thirteen partial flap necroses required revision. Three patients experienced dehiscence at the donor site of paramedian forehead flaps. A preferred philosophy toward nasal reconstruction is described. The goal is to achieve optimal cosmetic and functional results while minimizing stages and resection of healthy tissue. Six core principles are advocated that guide efficient and successful nasal reconstruction: (1) maximal conservation of native tissue is advised; (2) reconstruction of the defect, not the subunit, is advised; (3) complementary ablative procedures, such as primary dermabrasion, enhance the final result and decrease the number of revisionary procedures; (4) primary defatting also decreases the number of revisionary procedures; (5) when possible, the use of axial pattern flaps is preferred; and (6) good contour is the aesthetic endpoint.  相似文献   

Almost 25 percent of unilateral cleft lip and palate patients present with their deformity in their teens or later years in the developing world. Because more than 80 percent of the world population lives in the developing world, the established protocol for repair of these deformities is not applicable to these patients. Despite the magnitude, there are no significant reports in the literature that deal with this problem. Several issues need to be addressed, but the author limits himself here to the correction of the nasal deformity. The patients at this age are very much concerned with the aesthetic outcome. Procedures described hitherto for primary nasal correction in infants are not successful in restoring nasal shape and symmetry at this late age of presentation. Our experience with radical correction of secondary nasal deformity in unilateral cleft lip patients presenting late prompted us to extend the concept by undertaking a definitive primary correction of the nasal deformity in cleft patients presenting late. Twenty-two patients with unilateral cleft lip deformity (nine male patients and 13 female patients) with ages ranging from 13 to 22 years, presenting between August of 1997 and December of 2000, are included in this study. Of these, 11 patients had a cleft of the lip alone, eight also had a cleft of the alveolus, and three had a cleft of the palate continuous with the cleft lip. All patients showed some maxillary hypoplasia. An external rhinoplasty with lip repair was carried out in all patients. The corrective procedures on the nose included columellar lengthening; augmentation along the pyriform margin, nasal floor, and alveolus using bone grafts; submucous resection of the nasal septum; repositioning of lower lateral cartilages; and augmentation of nasal dorsum by bone graft. Clinical follow-up ranged from 4 to 24 months, and the median follow-up period was 13 months. Results have been very good, and much better than results seen earlier with other primary rhinoplasty techniques. While repairing unilateral cleft lip in adolescents, the author thinks it would be most appropriate to address the entire gamut of the deformity in a single stage, provide complete vector reorientation, and augment the hypoplastic elements by autologous tissue. It is not just the fear of poor follow-up, but that merely correcting the lip deformity in these patients without attempting definitive rhinoplasty, in the author's opinion, would be insufficient surgical intervention.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the relationship between specific treatment variables and patient satisfaction with breast reconstruction. A questionnaire was developed that included questions on population demographics and satisfaction with the reconstruction. Of 206 women who completed the questionnaire, 23 (11.2 percent) responded that they were not satisfied, whereas 183 (88.8 percent) indicated that they were satisfied overall. A detailed retrospective chart review permitted a comparison of the treatment received by these two groups. Variables analyzed included patient age, time since surgery, reason for surgery, method and timing of reconstruction, additional surgical procedures received (mound revisions and nipple-areola complex reconstruction), and postoperative complications. Data analysis showed that the treatment received by the two groups was similar in many respects. There was no statistical association between the method or timing of reconstruction and a patient's satisfaction with the results. Furthermore, there was no difference in the number of mound revisions or nipple reconstructions performed on satisfied versus dissatisfied patients. However, the latter group experienced a substantially higher incidence of postsurgical complications (27 percent versus 61 percent, p = 0.0015). Patients were also asked to provide a written response explaining their feelings on breast reconstruction. Satisfied patients described benefits from reconstruction such as improved appearance or feelings of normalcy and wholeness. Conversely, unsatisfied patients were displeased because of poor cosmetic results, complications with the reconstructed breast, or abdominal problems. Although overall satisfaction with breast reconstruction is undoubtedly determined by multiple and complex clinical, emotional, and psychological factors, this study suggests that postoperative complications are a particularly important indicator of dissatisfaction with reconstruction.  相似文献   

AlloDerm for dorsal nasal irregularities   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Jackson IT  Yavuzer R 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2001,107(2):553-8; discussion 559-60
After nasal surgery, thinning of the nasal skin, bony irregularities, or adhesions of dorsal skin to underlying bone can all occur. These problems can be solved by using either alloplastic materials or various autogenous tissues. In this study, AlloDerm, a dermal replacement derived from cadaveric skin, has been used to cover the osseocartilaginous framework of the nose in an attempt to achieve a smooth contour and a natural feel in secondary rhinoplasties. Fifteen patients were treated and observed for a minimum of 24 months. Clinically palpable or visible bony irregularities were successfully covered, and adhesions of dorsal skin to nasal bones were diminished. Prolonged but not socially unacceptable dorsal nasal swelling, which resolved during the first 4 months, seemed to be the only problem related to its use. With this limited experience, AlloDerm was found to be useful in secondary nasal surgery to cover osseocartilaginous irregularities, to eliminate the adhesions between nasal bones and overlying skin, and to create a smooth nasal dorsum.  相似文献   

Although there have been many reports of aesthetic outcomes after breast reconstruction, there have been comparatively few studies examining patient satisfaction and related subjective issues. The variables affecting satisfaction are only beginning to be understood, and patient satisfaction issues were explored in a more homogeneous patient population. A questionnaire surveying overall and aesthetic satisfaction, postoperative recuperation time, and symptoms was used to elicit candid patient responses. Fifty-seven patients replied (86 percent response rate), of whom 38 had undergone transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous (TRAM) flap (pedicled, n = 29; free, n = 9) reconstruction and 19 had undergone nonautologous reconstruction. Although the median patient satisfaction score was higher for the TRAM flap group, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.92). Recuperation was significantly longer for the TRAM flap group, with only 47 percent of patients being able to resume full activities within 2 months after the surgical procedure, compared with 95 percent of the implant group (p = 0.002). Of the TRAM flap-treated patients, 50 percent described some postoperative abdominal weakness, but only 5 percent of all TRAM flap-treated patients said that abdominal weakness was actually a functional problem. Our results suggest that patients may derive equal satisfaction with the two methods of reconstruction. The postoperative recuperation time after TRAM flap reconstruction is significantly longer than that after nonautologous procedures, although the postoperative abdominal weakness after TRAM flap reconstruction is not as significant a clinical problem as previously thought. The patient-derived information on satisfaction should assist both surgeons and patients in matching reconstructive options with patients' expectations and lifestyle.  相似文献   

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