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Seeds of a spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Condor’)were vernalized and then grown at 19C in two naturally–litenvironments, one with a moderate (12 h) and the other withlong (18 h) photoperiod. Treatments consisted of transfers ofplants from the moderate to the long photoperiod chamber ondifferent occasions, or for periods of different durations.The main objectives were to determine whether wheat developmentresponds to current and previous photoperiodic environmentsand whether there is a juvenile phase when the plants are insensitiveto photoperiod. Plants under constant 18 h photoperiod had fewerleaves which appeared faster than those under constant 12 hphotoperiod (i.e. phyllochron was increased from 4.4 to 5.1d leaf–1). Plants transferred from 12 h to 18 h photoperiodat terminal spikelet appearance (TSA) reached anthesis 4 d earlierthan plants retained at 12 h, while plants under continuouslong photoperiod (18 h) completed this phase most rapidly. Thus,there was some evidence for a historic effect of photoperiodon development. Exposure to long photoperiod during the first 5 d after plantemergence accelerated the rate of development towards anthesis,suggesting that there was no juvenile period of photoperiodicinsensitivity. There were, however, changes during ontogenyin the degree of sensitivity to long photoperiod, increasingfrom seedling emergence to a maximum c. 15 d later, and thendecreasing again. Although all treatments were imposed beforeTSA, the response was not limited to the pre-TSA phase, suggestingthat well before the terminal spikelet appeared, the plant wasalready committed to the initiation of this spikelet. Spikeletnumber decreased with delayed transfer to long photoperiod witha minimum for plants transferred to long days from 16-20 d afterseedling emergence. Additionally, there was a trend for an increasein the rate of leaf appearance (decrease in phyllochron) whenthe plants were exposed to long days between 10 and 35 d afterseedling emergence. Although the differences were small, whenconsidered in conjunction with the effects on final leaf numberthey become important in explaining differences in time to anthesis. Key words: Development, flowering, leaf number, photoperiod, phyllochron, Triticum aestivum  相似文献   

This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that photoperiodor its rate of change significantly affects the rate of leafappearance (RLA) and final number of leaves (FNL) in wheat,as suggested from several time-of-sowing experiments. Two wheatcultivars (Condor and Thatcher) were sown in the field on 2Sep. 1992 at Melbourne (38°S). Photoperiod was extendedartificially to give five treatments up to terminal spikeletinitiation (TS) viz.: natural photoperiod (rate of change ofphotoperiod = 2 min d-1), two faster rates of change (8·5and 13·3 min d-1) and two constant photoperiods of 14·0and 15·5 h. After TS, the two constant photoperiods wereextended to 15·0 and 16·5 h, respectively, andtreatments were re-randomised, i.e. some plots received differentphotoperiod regimes before and after TS. The rate of leaf appearance maintained strong linear relationshipswith thermal time. It was greater for Condor [0·012-0·013(°C d)-1] than for Thatcher [0·011-0·012 (°Cd)-1] and did not alter during plant development or in responseto the change in photoperiod at TS. Rate of leaf appearanceon the main culm was not influenced by the rate of change ofphotoperiod nor by the average photoperiod. Cultivar and photoperiod significantly affected FNL on the mainculm. Condor produced more leaves than Thatcher under long butnot under short photoperiods. The rate of change of photoperioddid not affect FNL independently of the effect of average photoperiod.Most of the variation in FNL due to photoperiod resulted fromdifferences in duration of leaf initiation. The lack of effects of the photoperiod treatments on RLA contrastwith previous reports of its effects on the rate of phasic developmentfrom seedling emergence to double ridge. Therefore, the numberof visible leaves on the main culm (NL) at double ridge andat TS were not constant. However, NL on the main culm at doubleridge was closely correlated with FNL.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Triticum aestivum L., wheat, leaf appearance, phyllochron, photoperiod  相似文献   

In recent literature on Gramineae species, leaf and tiller numberdynamics have been studied by analysing site filling and thephyllochron of the mainstem. However, site filling is influencedby three components: (1) the phyllochron of the mainstem anddaughter tillers; (2) specific site usage (i.e. fraction ofbuds that ultimately develop into a visible tiller at a specificsite); and (3) HS-delay (i.e. difference in Haun Stage (HS)between the parent tiller and daughter tiller above the pointwhere the daughter tiller appears). These three morphologicalcomponents affecting site filling were studied under differentenvironmental conditions in a growth chamber experiment withspring and winter wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Treatments weretemperature (daily average 10.5, 15.5 or 20.5 °C) and lightintensity (111, 191 or 286 µmol m-2s-1). Effects of temperatureand light intensity on phyllochron were well described by equationsalready reported in the literature. Specific site usage washigher at cooler temperatures and greater light intensitiesand was related to tiller position. It is proposed that theseeffects on specific site usage reflect differences in availabilityof local assimilate for tiller appearance. HS-delay of a tillerwas shorter if the expected tiller appearance was later andwas only slightly affected by light intensity or temperature.This new concept, combining HS-delay and specific site usage,can be useful in constructing more general models of the effectsof environmental factors on the dynamics of leaf number andleaf area ofGramineaespecies.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Triticum aestivum; wheat; phyllochron; temperature; light intensity; leaf number; tillering; site filling; site usage.  相似文献   

In order to assess the influence of environmental conditionson time of flowering of pea (Pisum sativum L.), a serial sowingtrial was conducted over 2 years at Dijon, France, on two wintercultivars Frisson and Frilene. Time of flowering was analysedaccording to two variables: the leaf appearance rate RL andthe node of first flower NI. RL was linearly related to temperature (r2 = 0·94). Thebase temperature was 2°C for both varieties. Growth rateaccounted for the residual variability of RL . Photoperiod andtemperature acted on NI in an additive way. Frilene, the latergenotype, was more responsive than Frisson. A model for predicting time of flowering based upon these resultsis proposed. Deviations from this model were related to N nutritionin interaction with the plant water relations. Steps for improvingthe model are then discussed.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Pisum sativum L., pea, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, phyllochron, model  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on photosynthesis and transpirationwas studied in ten varieties of Lolium perenne, L. multiflorum,Dactylis glomerata, and Festuca arundinacea from three climaticorigins grown in three different controlled environments (15?C, 72 W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod; 25 ?C, 72W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod; and 25 ?C, 180W m-2 visible irradiation, 16-h photoperiod) and in the glasshousein July/August. The optimum temperature for photosynthesis was influenced primarilyby growth environment; growth at low temperature (15 ?C) resultedin a low optimum temperature, which differed little from varietyto variety. The maximum CO2-exchange rate was influenced bygrowth environment and by variety. Within a variety, plantsgrown at higher light intensity or lower temperature had a greaterCO2-exchange rate. Seven varieties showed a negative correlationbetween the optimum leaf temperature and the maximum CO2-exchangerate. Activation energies for photosynthesis were influencedby growth environment only. There were marked varietal differences in the values of leafresistances (ra + rt) obtained from transpiration data at theoptimum leaf temperature for CO2 exchange. In Lolium, and Dactylisthe Mediterranean varieties had higher leaf resistances thanthe Northern varieties with the maritime varieties intermediate.In general the Dactylis varieties had higher resistances thanthe corresponding Lolium and Festuca varieties. Only at highgrowth temperatures was (ra+rl) insensitive to temperature;otherwise an activation energy of about 10 kcal/mole was observed.A negative correlation was found between mean varietal diffusionresistances (ra+rl), and corresponding maximum CO2-exchangerates.  相似文献   

A priority for the field vegetable grower is to be able to schedule a regular supply of product throughout the growing season. This requires a predictive framework, based on the identification of key developmental events of the crop, and an understanding of how genotypic and environmental factors interact to determine plant development. Four globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) cultivars, representing the existing phenological range, were grown in a field experiment, and a range of environmental conditions was imposed by varying both the timing of the first irrigation (which determines the initiation of regrowth) and by repeating the experiment across two locations and 2 years. The timing of the appearance of the main stem capitulum was sensitive to both the growing environment and the cultivar. These differences persisted till flowering and were correlated with final leaf number. As the plant developed, the phyllochron decreased, resulting in three values of phyllochron, each of which was responsive to genotype, and hardly to environment. The timing of the first change in phyllochron was associated with the final leaf number and the appearance of the capitulum. For all the cultivars, the rate of development fell and the final leaf number increased as the length of the photoperiod increased. The later flowering cultivars shared a similar vernalisation requirement, but ‘Spinoso sardo’ did not require a cold period to flower. Leaf length reached a peak before the beginning of stem elongation, and maximum leaf length was correlated with final leaf number. The sensitiveness of the phyllochron to the genotype, and of the number of leaves and the timing of the appearance of the capitulum to both genotype and environment makes them suitable as variables in developmental models. The importance of the final number of leaves is not only because of its phenological significance, but also because of its effect on the ability of the canopy to intercept radiation.  相似文献   

The parts played by constant amounts of visible radiation perday and its two components—daylength and intensity—ininfluencing the growth of Cucumis sativus have been investigated.The amount of radiation per day had a far greater influencethan either of its components per se. Nevertheless, small significanteffects of photoperiod were found, leaf expansion and dry weightincrease being greatest at daylengths between 10 and 15 hr.rather than with longer days which, with similar daily totals,would be expected to give the greatest amounts of assimilation. Rates of leaf production and appearance were greatest with thehighest amounts of radiation, but the rates of expansion ofindividual leaves and their maximum areas were greatest withintermediate amounts of radiation. This response resulted inan optimum curve relating the leaf surface and the dry weightattained after a given period to radiation. The amount of radiationgiving the maximum leaf surface and dry weight decreased withage and with external nutrient supply, but at any one age washigher for increase in dry weight than for increase in leafsurface; stem and root tissues responded more to high radiationthan did the leaf surface. The net assimilation rate was a linearfunction of visible radiation over the range of 15–120cal. cm.-2 day-1 explored, the highest value of radiation usedrepresenting the intensity at which photosynthesis would beexpected to be maximal over a 12–15 hr. day. The inhibitory effect of high radiation on leaf expansion andthe resultant influence on the growth of the plant are explainedin terms of the number and intensity of ‘sinks’for carbohydrate and mineral nutrients within the plant.  相似文献   

Nitrate assimilation was examined in two cultivars (Banner Winterand Herz Freya) of Vicia faba L. supplied with a range of nitrateconcentrations. The distribution between root and shoot wasassessed. The cultivars showed responses to increased applied nitrateconcentration. Total plant dry weight and carbon content remainedconstant while shoot: root dry weight ratio, total plant nitrogen,total plant leaf area and specific leaf area (SLA) all increased.The proportion of total plant nitrate and nitrate reductase(NR) activity found in the shoot of both cultivars increasedwith applied nitrate concentrations as did NO3: Kjeldahl-Nratios of xylem sap. The cultivars differed in that a greaterproportion of total plant NR activity occurred in the shootof cv. Herz Freya at all applied nitrate concentrations, andits xylem sap NO3: Kjeldahl-N ratio and SLA were consistentlygreater. It is concluded that the distribution of nitrate assimilationbetween root and shoot of V. faba varies both with cultivarand with external nitrate concentration. Vicia faba L., field bean, nitrate assimilation, nitrate reductase, xylem sap analysis  相似文献   

Photothermal Responses of Flowering in Rice (Oryza sativa)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Durations from sowing to panicle emergence in 16 diverse genotypesof rice (Oryza sativa L.) were recorded in 13 different photothermalregimes, comprising constant and diurnally alternating temperaturesbetween 16 and 32 °C and photoperiods between 10.5 and 15.0h d–1—all provided by controlled-environment growthcabinets. In 11.5 h days and at sub-optimal temperatures, relationsbetween the rate of progress towards panicle emergence and meantemperature were linear in all genotypes, and amongst thesethe base temperature at that photoperiod varied between 6.6and 11.9 °C. In most cases progress was most rapid at 24–26°C, i.e. the optimum temperature was much cooler than expectedfrom previously published values of times to panicle emergencein a less extensive range of photothermal regimes. Only in threecultivars was it warmer than 28 °C, and in these there weresufficient data to establish that relations between rates ofprogress to panicle emergence and photoperiod in the diurnallyalternating temperature regime of 28–20 °C are alsolinear. Also, the responses of these three cultivars provideno evidence of any interaction between the effects of photoperiodand temperature. We conclude, then, that the model in whichrate of development is a linear function of both temperatureand photoperiod with no interaction, which has been shown tobe common to many other species, also applies to rice. Differencesamong genotypes in relative sensitivity of rate of progresstowards panicle emergence to both temperature and to photoperiodwere considerable; japonica cultivars tended to be more sensitiveto temperature and less sensitive to photoperiod than indicacultivars. Four indica cultivars bred and selected at The InternationalRice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines did not differ(P > 0.10) in their relations between rate of progress towardspanicle emergence and sub-optimal temperatures in a daylengthof 11.5 h, but the optimum temperature for cv. IR 36 was appreciablywarmer than that for the cvs IR 5, IR 8 and IR 42. Oryza sativa, rice, flowering, temperature, photoperiod, photothermal responses  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to test the hypothesis that wheatdevelopment rate responds to the rate of change of photoperiod.Two wheat cultivars (Condor and Thatcher) were sown on 18 Aug.1992 at Melbourne (38° S). Photoperiod was extended artificiallyto give five treatments up to terminal spikelet initiation (TS)viz.: natural photoperiod (rate of change of photoperiod, 2·3mind d-1), two faster rates of change (9·8 and 13·1min d-1) and two constant photoperiods of 14·0 and 15·5h. After TS, the two constant photoperiods were extended to15·0 and 16·5 h, respectively and treatments wererandomly re-allocated, i.e. some plots received different photoperiodregimes before and after TS. There were no significant differences among treatments in thelength of the period from sowing (S) to seedling emergence (E)phase, ranging from 15 to 16·3 d. The rate of developmentfrom E to TS responded to increases in photoperiod in both cultivars,increasing with average photoperiod across all treatments butthere was no effect of rate of change of photoperiod independentof its average photoperiod. The rate of development from TSto anthesis (A) did not show any trend with average photoperiod.This lack of effect of photoperiod on the period from TS toA contrasts with other results from the literature and possiblereasons for this conflicting result are discussed. Rate of changeof photoperiod did not affect the duration of the phase fromTS to A either. Therefore, the effect of photoperiod on theduration of the S-A period was strongly and positively correlatedto that of the length of the E-TS phase.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Triticum aestivum L., wheat, phasic development, photoperiod, rate of change  相似文献   

Tiller appearance in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)occurs in an orderly, predictable manner with the potentialfor a high degree of synchronization among tillers on a givenplant. Estimates of potential cumulative tiller production (Tmax)are made for synchronous (Tmaxlx = 2Lx+1 – 1, where Lxis the axil number of the youngest leaf on the main stem whichbears an emerged tiller) and non-synchronous (Tmax1 = 2L–NLAT–1,where L is the number of leaves on the main stem and NLAT thenumber of leaves above the youngest primary tiller at its appearance)conditions. A method for determining the degree of synchronizationand an equation for estimating site usage are also presented.Early in seedling development, site usage of a tall fescue populationwith high tillering capacity was near 90%, and tillering wasregulated largely by rate of tiller site formation. As the canopydeveloped the phyllochron (time between successive leaf appearances)and NLAT increased, slowing the rate of tiller production intemporal terms and in relation to leaf appearance, respectively.Beyond 45 d after planting, site usage decreased rapidly, furtherreducing tiller production. High tiller production appearedto be associated with synchronized tiller appearance, with alack of synchrony being associated with decreased site usage.Tillers formed in prophyll axils were less likely to be in synchronywith other tillers and frequently failed to appear. In contrastwith branching in dicotyledons, apical dominance appears toplay a minor role in regulating tillering in tall fescue Tillerproduction initially appears to proceed at near maximum ratesthen is down-regulated during later development by longer phyllochrons,slower rate of tiller elongation and reduced site usage. Festuca arundinaceaSchreb., tall fescue, tiller production, leaf appearance, site usage, leaf elongation rate, synchronization, phyllochron, canopy development  相似文献   

Adaptation of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) to new regions demands acclimation to day-length, in addition to a host of other abiotic factors. To further elucidate the effects of photoperiod on development of quinoa, two differently adapted cultivars, Achachino (short day) from Bolivia and Titicaca (day-length neutral), were subjected to continuous long (17.5 h) and short (10 h) photoperiod conditions as well as a shift between the two to trigger possible adaptive mechanisms initiated by changes in leaf soluble sugar and ABA concentration. Our findings show both cultivars responding to an increase in photoperiod with significant increases in soluble sugar concentrations and a simultaneous increase in ABA. However, Titicaca exhibited a much stronger ABA response to increase in photoperiod, whereas the increase for Achachino falls within the range of natural diurnal variation. Achachino also showed increasing sensitivity to long photoperiods throughout all reproductive growth stages, resulting in continued flowering, stem elongation and disruption of seed formation, whereas Titicaca was capable of maintaining full seed set under all the photoperiod conditions. Discernible photoperiod-dependent chlorosis of the lower leaves of Titicaca was observed under long photoperiods compared to short photoperiods, implying multi-faceted adaptive responses to changes in photoperiod which may also involve nitrogen and carbon dynamics. Both ABA and sugar signals are possibly involved in regulating the photoperiod-adaptive capability of each cultivar, leading to pronounced differences in growth and reproductive development patterns between the contrasting cultivars.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the timing of leaf area development isessential to analyse and predict the responses of crops to theenvironment. In this paper, we analyse the two processes determiningthe chronology of leaf development—initiation of leafprimordia by the shoot meristem and production of expanded leavesout of the shoot tip—in several pea (Pisum sativumL.)cultivars in response to air temperature and plant growth rate.Contrasting levels of air temperature and plant growth rateduring leaf development were induced by a wide range of sowingdates and plant densities in glasshouse or field experiments.Full leaf expansion was found to occur one phyllochron afterfull leaf unfolding, whatever the leaf nodal position. Primordiuminitiation and expanded leaf production rates presented similarquantitative responses to air temperature (linear response andcommonx-intercept), whatever the plant growth rate, cultivaror period of cycle. As a consequence, they were co-ordinatedand the numbers of initiated primordia or expanded leaves wereeasily deduced from simple visual observation of leaf unfolding.The change, over time, of the numbers of initiated leaf primordiaand fully expanded leaves correlated with cumulated degree-days,with stable relationships in a wide range of environmental conditions.Two phases, with different production rates, had to be considered.These results allowed us to predict accurately the beginningand the end of individual leaf development from daily mean airtemperatures. The relationships obtained here provide an effectiveway of analysing and predicting leaf development responses tothe environment. Pisum sativumL.; pea; number of leaf primordia; number of leaves; temperature; modelling  相似文献   

Early and later maturing cultivars of both spring- and autumn-sownonions were sown on two dates at 25, 100 and400 plants m–2.High levels of nutrients and irrigation were applied. Both high plant density and early sowing advanced the date atwhich bulb scales, rather than leaf blades, were initiated atthe shoot apex and so advanced the date of maturity by up to46 d. The later maturing spring-sown cultivar showed greaterresponses to density and sowing date than the earlier maturingspring-sown cultivar which in turn was more responsive thanthe autumn-sown cultivars. For each cultivar, maturity date increased linearly with decreasesin the percentage radiation intercepted by the leaf canopy. Onion, Allium cepa L., bulbing, competition, spacing  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, photoperiod and light integral onthe time to first flowering of pansy (ViolaxwittrockianaGams)were investigated. Plants were grown at six temperatures (meansbetween 14.8 and 26.1 °C), combined with four photoperiods(8, 11, 14 and 17 h). The rate of progress to flowering increasedlinearly with temperature (up to an optimum of 21.7 °C)and with increase in photoperiod (r2=0.91, 19 d.f.), the latterindicating that pansies are quantitative long day plants (LDPs).In a second experiment, plants were sown on five dates betweenJuly and December 1992 and grown in glasshouse compartmentsunder natural day lengths at six temperatures (means between9.4 and 26.3 °C). The optimum temperature for time to floweringdecreased linearly (from 21.3 °C) with declining light integralfrom 3.4 MJ m-2d-1(total solar radiation). Data from both experimentswere used to construct a photo-thermal model of flowering inpansy. This assumed that the rate of progress to flowering increasedas an additive linear function of light integral, temperatureand photoperiod. Independent data from plants sown on threedates, and grown at five temperatures (means between 9.8 and23.6 °C) were used to validate this model which gave a goodfit to the data (r2=0.88, 15 d.f.). Possible confounding ofthe effects of photoperiod and light integral are discussed. Pansy;Violaxwittrockiana; flowering; photo-thermal model; temperature; photoperiod; light integral  相似文献   

The influence of constant (9, 13 and 19 h) and reciprocally-interchangedphotoperiods [at terminal spikelet (TS) or triple mound (TM)]on leaf, tiller and primordium development were examined usingphotoperiod-responsive cultivars of spring wheat, ‘UQ189’ and spring barley, ‘Arapiles’. In bothspecies, constant longer photoperiod reduced the duration fromsowing (S) to double ridge (DR), as expected. However, photoperiodsensitivity was not restricted to this mainly vegetative phase.There was also a marked increase or reduction in the durationof reproductive phases between TS/TM and heading (H) when plantswere transferred to shorter or longer photoperiods respectively,compared with controls. These responses were largely independentof the photoperiod during previous phases although minor effectsof the previous photoperiod were observed. For both species,the time course of leaf emergence was linear, or bi-linear,depending on the final leaf number on the main stem. The rateof leaf emergence was faster for the first six to eight leavesthan for the leaves appearing subsequently. The rate of emergenceof early-formed leaves was independent of photoperiod whereasthe rate of emergence of later leaves varied with photoperiod.Photoperiod also affected the dynamics of tillering. The rateof leaf primordium initiation was little affected by variationin photoperiod, but the rate of spikelet initiation increasedwith increases in photoperiod. The rates of leaf and spikeletprimordium initiation were both substantially higher in barleythan in wheat. The fact that the reproductive phase from TS/TMto H was largely independent of the duration of the previousphase provides evidence that this phase might be geneticallymanipulated to increase the time for floret development andhence grain number. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Photoperiod, rate of development and leaf emergence, tillering, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)  相似文献   

The Effect of Temperature on Leaf Appearance in Rice   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
Temperature is the principal environmental determinant of cropleaf appearance. The objective of this study is to analyse whetherthere are different effects of day temperature (TD) and nighttemperature (TN) on main-stem leaf appearance in rice (OryzasativaL.). Plants of 12 rice cultivars were grown at five constant temperatures(22, 24, 26, 28 and 32 °C) and four diurnally fluctuatingtemperatures (TD/TN: 26 /22, 30 /22, 22 /26 and 22 /30 °C)with a constant photoperiod of 12hd-1. The leaf appearance onthe main stem was measured. A constant change in leaf appearance rate was observed duringontogeny. The relation between the number of emerged leavesand days from seedling emergence was described by a power-lawequation with only one cultivar-specific parameter. Values forthis parameter were estimated for the five constant temperaturetreatments, and the relation between this parameter and temperaturewas quantified by a nonlinear model. Leaf appearance for thefour fluctuating temperature treatments could be accuratelypredicted on the basis of these relations in each cultivar.This indicated that there were no specific effects ofTDandTNonleaf appearance in rice, in contrast with phenological developmentto flowering. The optimum temperature for leaf development wasfound to be substantially higher than for development to flowering. The final main-stem leaf number differed with diurnal temperatureconditions. When a diurnal temperature delayed flowering, itincreased the leaf number as well. This might explain whyTDandTNhada different effect on development to flowering but not on leafdevelopment. Oryza sativa; rice; leaf appearance; leaf number; day and night temperature  相似文献   

Four cultivars of soyabean [Glycine max (L.) Merill] of diverseorigin were grown in pots in a plastic-house maintained at day/nighttemperatures of 30/20°C. Plants were transferred at varioustimes after sowing from short (11·5 h d-1) to long (13·5h d-1) days and vice versa. The times from sowing to first floweringfor control plants grown continuously in short days varied from38 to 53 d, whereas the flowering of plants grown continuouslyin long days was delayed by about 20 d in each cultivar. Theduration of the initial photoperiod-insensitive phase (oftencalled the juvenile phase) varied three-fold between cultivars,i.e. from 11 to 33 d. As expected, the duration of the photoperiod-sensitivephase was greater in long days, but there was comparativelylittle genetic variation in photoperiod-sensitivity as definedin terms of days delay in time to flowering per hour increasein photoperiod (9-11 d h-1). Similarly, there was little variationin the photoperiod-insensitive post-inductive phase; it rangedfrom 15 to 20 d. In consequence, the duration of the initialphotoperiod-insensitive phase was a strong determinant of timeto first flowering in these cultivars. The importance of thisso-called juvenile trait is discussed in terms of preventingthe premature flowering of USA-adapted cultivars when grownin short tropical daylengths and thus improving the adaptationof the crop to the lower latitudes.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Glycine max (L.) Merill, soyabean, photoperiodism, juvenility, flowering  相似文献   

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