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The conformation and stability of Sendai virus fusion (F) protein were studied by circular dichroism spectroscopy, and the protein predictive models of Chou and Fasman and Robson and Suzuki were used to elucidate the secondary structure of Sendai virus F protein. The F protein conformation is predicted to contain 33% alpha-helix, 53% beta-sheet and 15% beta-turn by the Chou and Fasman model, and 30% alpha-helix, 55% beta-sheet, 9% beta-turn and 7% random coil by the Robson and Suzuki model. C.d. studies of F protein purified in the presence of the non-ionic detergent, n-octylglucoside, indicated the presence of 49% alpha-helix and 31% beta-sheet at pH 7.0, 54% alpha-helix and 28% beta-sheet at pH 9.0 and 50% alpha-helix and 23% beta-sheet at pH 5.4. A small change in conformation of the protein occurred when the pH was titrated from 7.0 to 5.4 and from 7.0 to 9.0 and a more pronounced conformational change occurred when the pH was changed from 9.0 to 5.4. The F protein in 0.2% n-octylglucoside was resistant to denaturation by 4 M guanidine hydrochloride, the reducing agent 20 mM mercaptoethanol, and to increases in temperature from 5 to 80 degrees C. Monoclonal anti-F protein antibody showed an increased binding to whole virus when the pH was changed from 7.0 to 9.0. The antibody binding was decreased when the pH was shifted from 9.0 to 5.4 Maximum haemolytic activity was observed with virus that was preincubated at pH 8.0.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Absorption of a pooled human gamma globulin preparation with acetone-treated measles virus-infected cells removed all antibodies to measles virus antigens except a portion of the antibody to the fusion (F) protein. The residual anti-F antibody had hemolysis-inhibiting and virus-neutralizing activities, inhibited spread of infection through cell fusion, and was effective in protection of passively immunized mice from fatal measles encephalitis, providing evidence for the protective role of human antibody to the F protein of measles virus.  相似文献   

The enveloped alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infects cells via a membrane fusion reaction mediated by the E1 membrane protein. Efficient SFV-membrane fusion requires the presence of cholesterol and sphingolipid in the target membrane. Here we report on two mutants, srf-4 and srf-5, selected for growth in cholesterol-depleted cells. Like the previously isolated srf-3 mutant (E1 proline 226 to serine), the phenotypes of the srf-4 and srf-5 mutants were conferred by single-amino-acid changes in the E1 protein: leucine 44 to phenylalanine and valine 178 to alanine, respectively. Like srf-3, srf-4 and srf-5 show striking increases in the cholesterol independence of growth, infection, membrane fusion, and exit. Unexpectedly, and unlike srf-3, srf-4 and srf-5 showed highly efficient fusion with sphingolipid-free membranes in both lipid- and content-mixing assays. Both srf-4 and srf-5 formed E1 homotrimers of decreased stability compared to the homotrimers of the wild type and the srf-3 mutant. All three srf mutations lie in the same domain of E1, but the srf-4 and srf-5 mutations are spatially separated from srf-3. When expressed together, the three mutations could interact to produce increased sterol independence and to cause temperature-sensitive E1 transport. Thus, the srf-4 and srf-5 mutations identify novel regions of E1 that are distinct from the fusion peptide and srf-3 region and modulate the requirements for both sphingolipid and cholesterol in virus-membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The fusion protein core of measles virus forms stable coiled-coil trimer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies have shown that paramyxovirus might adopt a similar molecular mechanism of virus entry and fusion in which the attachment glycoprotein binds receptor/s and triggers the conformational changes of the fusion protein. There are two conserved regions of heptad repeat (HR1 and HR2) in the fusion protein and they were shown with fusion-inhibition effects in many paramyxoviruses, including measles virus. They also appear to show characteristic structure in the fusion core: the HR1/HR2 forms stable six-helix coiled-coil centered by HR1 and is surrounded by HR2 (trimer of HR1/HR2), which represents the post-fusion conformational structure. In this study, we expressed the HR1 and HR2 of measles virus fusion protein as a single chain (named 2-Helix) and subsequently tested its formation of trimer. Indeed, the results do show that the HR1 and HR2 interact with each other and form stable six-helix coiled-coil bundle. This is the first member in genus Morbillivirus of family Paramyxoviridae to be confirmed with this characteristic structure and provides the basis for the HR2-inhibition effects on virus fusion/entry for measles virus.  相似文献   

The expression of chimeric proteins was performed for the localization of monoclonal antibody (MAb) epitopes and functional domains in the hemagglutinin (H) protein of measles virus. The fusion helper function of the H protein was ablated by a single amino acid substitution at residue 98. Loss of reactivity to MAb 79-XV-V17 and to MAbs 16-CD-11 and 80-II-B2 was attributed to substitutions between residues 211 and 291 and between 451 and 505, respectively. The 80-II-B2 MAb epitope also seemed to be within a domain required for hemadsorption and hemagglutination activities.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein complex of paramyxoviruses mediates receptor binding and membrane fusion. In particular, the measles virus (MV) fusion (F) protein executes membrane fusion, after receptor binding by the hemagglutinin (H) protein. Structures and single amino acids influencing fusion function have been identified in the F-protein ectodomain and cytoplasmic tail, but not in its transmembrane (TM) region. Since this region influences function of the envelope proteins of other viruses, we examined its role in the MV F protein. Alanine-scanning mutagenesis revealed that an F protein with a single mutation of a central TM region leucine (L507A) was more fusogenic than the unmodified F protein while retaining similar kinetics of proteolytic processing. In contrast, substitution of residues located near the edges of the lipid bilayer reduced fusion activity. This was true not only when the mutated F proteins were coexpressed with H but also in the context of infections with recombinant viruses. Analysis of the H-F complexes with reduced fusion activities revealed that more precursor (F0) than activated (F1+2) protein coprecipitated with H. In contrast, in complexes with enhanced fusion activity, including H-FL507A, the F0/F1+2 ratio shifted toward F1+2. Thus, fusion activity correlated with an active F-H protein complex, and the MV F protein TM region modulated availability of this complex.  相似文献   

A computer program combining of hydrophilicity, flexibility, surface probability, secondary structure and antigenic index parameters of the amino acid sequence of measles virus (MV) fusion protein was used to select four possible epitopes. Rabbits were immunized with the synthesized peptides conjugated to purified protein derivative using the homobifunctional cross-linker bis-sulfosuccinimidyl suberate. Immune stimulating complexes were prepared with the peptides conjugated to the purified protein derivative carrier using a dialysis method. All antisera raised in rabbits against the peptide conjugates had a high titer to the homologous peptides and reacted well with denatured MV as tested by plate ELISA. None of the sera had neutralizing antibody. Human sera positive for MV antibody reacted strongly with the synthesized peptides indicating that the selected locations function as partial antigenic sites. Antisera against peptide conjugates reacted weakly in immunofluorescence and none of these antisera reacted with purified MV proteins in Western blot. The results obtained in this study indicated that although the computer program could not predict epitopes important for the neutralization of the MV, the predicted epitopes are useful for detecting antibodies against MV.  相似文献   

Deployment of membrane fusion protein domains during fusion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is clear that both viral and intracellular membrane fusion proteins contain a minimal set of domains which must be deployed at the appropriate time during the fusion process. An account of these domains and their functions is given here for the four best-described fusion systems: influenza HA, sendai virus F1, HIV gp120/41 and the neuronal SNARE core composed of synaptobrevin (syn), syntaxin (stx) and the N- and C-termini of SNAP25 (sn25), together with the Ca(2+)binding protein synaptotagmin (syt). Membrane fusion begins with the binding of the virion or vesicle to the target membrane via receptors. The committed step in influenza HA- mediated fusion begins with an aggregate of HAs (at least eight) with some of their HA2 N-termini, a.k.a. fusion peptides, embedded into the viral bilayer (Bentz, 2000 a). The hypothesis presented in Bentz (2000 b) is that the conformational change of HA to the extended coiled coil extracts the fusion peptides from the viral bilayer. When this extraction occurs from the center of the site of restricted lipid flow, it exposes acyl chains and parts of the HA transmembrane domains to the aqueous media, i.e. a hydrophobic defect is formed. This is the 'transition state' of the committed step of fusion. It is stabilized by a 'dam' of HAs, which are inhibited from diffusing away by the rest of the HAs in the aggregate and because that would initially expose more acyl chains to water. Recruitment of lipids from the apposed target membrane can heal this hydrophobic defect, initiating lipid mixing and fusion. The HA transmembrane domains are required to be part of the hydrophobic defect, because the HA aggregate must be closely packed enough to restrict lipid flow. This hypothesis provides a simple and direct coupling between the energy released by the formation of the coiled coil to the energy needed to create and stabilize the high energy intermediates of fusion. Several of these essential domains have been described for the viral fusion proteins SV5 F1 and HIV gp120/41, and for the intracellular SNARE fusion system. By comparing these domains, we have constructed a minimal set which appears to be adequate to explain how the conformational changes can produce a successful fusion event, i.e. communication of aqueous compartments.  相似文献   

Corey EA  Iorio RM 《Journal of virology》2007,81(18):9900-9910
The hemagglutinin (H) protein of measles virus (MV) mediates attachment to cellular receptors. The ectodomain of the H spike is thought to consist of a membrane-proximal stalk and terminal globular head, in which resides the receptor-binding activity. Like other paramyxovirus attachment proteins, MV H also plays a role in fusion promotion, which is mediated through an interaction with the viral fusion (F) protein. The stalk of the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) protein of several paramyxoviruses determines specificity for the homologous F protein. In addition, mutations in a conserved domain in the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) HN stalk result in a sharp decrease in fusion and an impaired ability to interact with NDV F in a cell surface coimmunoprecipitation (co-IP) assay. The region of MV H that determines specificity for the F protein has not been identified. Here, we have adapted the co-IP assay to detect the MV H-F complex at the surface of transfected HeLa cells. We have also identified mutations in a domain in the MV H stalk, similar to the one in the NDV HN stalk, that also drastically reduce fusion yet do not block complex formation with MV F. These results indicate that this domain in the MV H stalk is required for fusion but suggest either that mutation of it indirectly affects the H-dependent activation of F or that the MV H-F interaction is mediated by more than one domain in H. This points to an apparent difference in the way the MV and NDV glycoproteins interact to regulate fusion.  相似文献   

The role of N-linked glycosylation in the biological activity of the measles virus (MV) fusion (F) protein was analyzed by expressing glycosylation mutants with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors. There are three potential N-linked glycosylation sites located on the F2 subunit polypeptide of MV F, at asparagine residues 29, 61, and 67. Each of the three potential glycosylation sites was mutated separately as well as in combination with the other sites. Expression of mutant proteins in mammalian cells showed that all three sites are used for the addition of N-linked oligosaccharides. Cell surface expression of mutant proteins was reduced by 50% relative to the wild-type level when glycosylation at either Asn-29 or Asn-61 was abolished. Despite the similar levels of cell surface expression, the Asn-29 and Asn-61 mutant proteins had different biological activities. While the Asn-61 mutant was capable of inducing syncytium formation, the Asn-29 mutant protein did not exhibit any significant cell fusion activity. Inactivation of the Asn-67 glycosylation site also reduced cell surface transport of mutant protein but had little effect on its ability to cause cell fusion. However, when the Asn-67 mutation was combined with mutations at either of the other two sites, cleavage-dependent activation, cell surface expression, and cell fusion activity were completely abolished. Our data show that the loss of N-linked oligosaccharides markedly impaired the proteolytic cleavage, stability, and biological activity of the MV F protein. The oligosaccharide side chains in MV F are thus essential for optimum conformation of the extracellular F2 subunit that is presumed to bind cellular membranes.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion caused by measles virus (MV) is a function of the fusion (F) protein. This process is essential for penetration into the host cell and subsequent initiation of the virus replicative cycle. The biological activity of the MV F protein is generated by endoproteolytic cleavage of a precursor protein (F0) into a large F1 subunit and a smaller F2 subunit held together by disulfide bonds. The cleavage site consists of a cluster of five basic amino acids (amino acids 108 to 112) within the predicted primary structure of the F protein. To investigate the role of the arginine residue at the carboxy terminus of the F2 subunit (arginine 112), site-directed mutagenesis was used to construct a cleavage mutant of the MV F protein in which this arginine residue was changed to a leucine residue. The mutated F gene, encoding four out of the five basic amino acids at the cleavage site, was inserted into the genome of vaccinia virus. The resulting recombinant virus was used to study expression of the mutant F protein in infected cells. Analysis of the Leu-112 mutant protein made in infected cells demonstrated that this single-amino-acid substitution resulted in a reduced rate of transport of the mutant protein to the cell surface, despite its efficient cleavage to yield F1 and F2 subunits. However, the electrophoretic mobilities of the Leu-112 polypeptides suggested that the protein was cleaved incorrectly. This aberrant cleavage appears to have abolished the ability of the F protein to cause syncytium formation. The data indicate that the arginine 112 residue is critical for the correct proteolytic cleavage that is required for the membrane fusion activity of the MV F protein.  相似文献   

For most paramyxoviruses, virus type-specific interaction between fusion (F) protein and attachment protein (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase [HN], hemagglutinin [H], or glycoprotein [G]) is a prerequisite for mediating virus-cell fusion and cell-cell fusion. Our previous cell-cell fusion assay using the chimeric F proteins of human parainfluenza virus 2 (HPIV2) and simian virus 41 (SV41) suggested that the middle region of the HPIV2 F protein contains the site(s) that determines its specificity for the HPIV2 HN protein. In the present study, we further investigated the sites of the F protein that could be critical for determining the HN protein specificity. By analyzing the reported structure of the F protein of parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5), we found that four major domains (M1, M2, M3, and M4) and five minor domains (A to E) in the middle region of the PIV5 F protein were exposed on the trimer surface. We then replaced these domains with the SV41 F counterparts individually or in combination and examined whether the resulting chimeras could mediate cell-cell fusion when coexpressed with the SV41 HN protein. The results showed that a chimera designated M(1+2), which harbored SV41 F-derived domains M1 and M2, mediated cell-cell fusion with the coexpressed SV41 HN protein, suggesting that these domains are involved in determining the HN protein specificity. Intriguingly, another chimera which harbored the SV41 F-derived domain B in addition to domains M1 and M2 showed increased specificity for the SV41 HN protein compared to that of M(1+2), although it was capable of mediating cell-cell fusion by itself.  相似文献   

We have identified a 25-kD cytosolic yeast protein that mediates a late, prefusion step in transport of proteins between compartments of the Golgi apparatus. Activity was followed using the previously described cell free assay for protein transport between Golgi compartments as modified to detect late acting cytosolic factors (Wattenberg, B. W., and J. E. Rothman. 1986. J. Biol. Chem. 263:2208-2213). In the reaction mediated by this protein, transport vesicles that have become attached to the target membrane during a preincubation are processed in preparation for fusion. The ultimate fusion event does not require the addition of cytosolic proteins (Balch, W. E., W. G. Dunphy, W. A. Braell, and J. E. Rothman. 1984. Cell. 39:525-536). Although isolated from yeast, this protein has activity when assayed with mammalian membranes. This protein has been enriched over 150-fold from yeast cytosol, albeit not to complete homogeneity. The identity of a 25-kD polypeptide as the active component was confirmed by raising monoclonal antibodies to it. These antibodies were found to specifically inhibit transport activity. Because this is a protein operating in prefusion, it has been abbreviated POP.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of respiratory infections in infants. Effective vaccines are currently being sought, but no vaccine is thus far available. In our previous study, recombinant AIK‐C measles vaccine expressing the RSV fusion protein (MVAIK/RSV/F) was developed and protective immunity against RSV demonstrated in cotton rats. In the present study, the immunogenicity and protective effects were investigated in three cynomolgus monkeys immunized with MVAIK/RSV/F. Neutralizing test antibodies against RSV were detected and no infectious virus was recovered from the lungs of monkeys immunized with MVAIK/RSV/F after challenge. MVAIK/RSV/F has the potential to inhibit RSV infection.

Vaccinia virus encodes a homolog of the human complement regulators named vaccinia virus complement control protein (VCP). It is composed of four contiguous complement control protein (CCP) domains. Previously, VCP has been shown to bind to C3b and C4b and to inactivate the classical and alternative pathway C3 convertases by accelerating the decay of the classical pathway C3 convertase and (to a limited extent) the alternative pathway C3 convertase, as well as by supporting the factor I-mediated inactivation of C3b and C4b (the subunits of C3 convertases). In this study, we have mapped the CCP domains of VCP important for its cofactor activities, decay-accelerating activities, and binding to the target proteins by utilizing a series of deletion mutants. Our data indicate the following. (i) CCPs 1 to 3 are essential for cofactor activity for C3b and C4b; however, CCP 4 also contributes to the optimal activity. (ii) CCPs 1 to 2 are enough to mediate the classical pathway decay-accelerating activity but show very minimal activity, and all the four CCPs are necessary for its efficient activity. (iii) CCPs 2 to 4 mediate the alternative pathway decay-accelerating activity. (iv) CCPs 1 to 3 are required for binding to C3b and C4b, but the presence of CCP 4 enhances the affinity for both the target proteins. These results together demonstrate that the entire length of the protein is required for VCP's various functional activities and suggests why the four-domain structure of viral CCP is conserved in poxviruses.  相似文献   

Spike protein oligomerization control of Semliki Forest virus fusion.   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
M Lobigs  J M Wahlberg    H Garoff 《Journal of virology》1990,64(10):5214-5218
We have recently shown, using cleavage-deficient mutants of the p62-E1 membrane protein complex of Semliki Forest virus that p62 cleavage to E2 is necessary for the activation of the fusion function of the complex at pH 5.8 (a pH optimal for virus fusion) (M. Lobigs and H. Garoff, J. Virol. 64:1233-1240, 1990). In this study, we show that the mutant precursor complexes can be induced to activate membrane fusion when treated with more acidic buffers (pH 5.0 and 4.5), which also appear to dissociate most of the p62-E1 complexes and change the conformation of the E1 subunit (the supposed fusion protein of Semliki Forest virus into a form which is resistant to trypsin digestion. These data suggest that p62 cleavage is not essential for membrane fusion per se but that the crucial event activating this process seems to be the apparent dissociation of the heterodimer, which in turn is facilitated by the spike precursor cleavage.  相似文献   

The well-characterized cell-free assay measuring protein transport between compartments of the Golgi [Balch, W. E., Dunphy, W. G., Braell, W. A., & Rothman, J. E. (1984) Cell 39, 405-416] utilizes glycosylation of a glycoprotein to mark movement of that protein from one Golgi compartment to the next. Glycosylation had been thought to occur immediately after vesicles carrying the glycoprotein fuse with their transport target. Therefore, the kinetics of glycosylation were taken to reflect the kinetics of vesicle fusion. We previously isolated and raised monoclonal antibodies against a protein (the prefusion operating protein, POP) which is required in this assay at a step after vesicles have apparently been formed and interacted with the target membranes, but long before glycosylation takes place. This was therefore presumed to be a reaction involving targeted but unfused vesicles. Here we report that POP is identical to uridine monophosphokinase, as revealed by molecular cloning. We show that POP is not active in transport per se but instead enhances the glycosylation used to mark transport. This indicated that, contrary to previous assumptions, glycosylation might lag significantly behind vesicle fusion. We directly show this to be true. This alters the interpretation of several earlier studies. In particular, the previously reported existence of a late, prefusion intermediate, the "NEM-resistant intermediate", can be seen to be due to effects on glycosylation and not indicative of true fusion events.  相似文献   

The fusion (F) proteins of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Nipah virus (NiV) are both triggered by binding to receptors, mediated in both viruses by a second protein, the attachment protein. However, the hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) attachment protein of NDV recognizes sialic acid receptors, whereas the NiV G attachment protein recognizes ephrinB2/B3 as receptors. Chimeric proteins composed of domains from the two attachment proteins have been evaluated for fusion-promoting activity with each F protein. Chimeras having NiV G-derived globular domains and NDV HN-derived stalks, transmembranes, and cytoplasmic tails are efficiently expressed, bind ephrinB2, and trigger NDV F to promote fusion in Vero cells. Thus, the NDV F protein can be triggered by binding to the NiV receptor, indicating that an aspect of the triggering cascade induced by the binding of HN to sialic acid is conserved in the binding of NiV G to ephrinB2. However, the fusion cascade for triggering NiV F by the G protein and that of triggering NDV F by the chimeras can be distinguished by differential exposure of a receptor-induced conformational epitope. The enhanced exposure of this epitope marks the triggering of NiV F by NiV G but not the triggering of NDV F by the chimeras. Thus, the triggering cascade for NiV G-F fusion may be more complex than that of NDV HN and F. This is consistent with the finding that reciprocal chimeras having NDV HN-derived heads and NiV G-derived stalks, transmembranes, and tails do not trigger either F protein for fusion, despite efficient cell surface expression and receptor binding.  相似文献   

In search of target sites for the development of paramyxovirus inhibitors, we have engineered disulfide bridges to introduce covalent links into the prefusion F protein trimer of measles virus. F-Edm-452C/460C, predicted to bridge head and stalk domains of different F monomers, shows a high degree of proteolytic maturation and surface expression, predominantly as stable, dithiothreitol-sensitive trimers, but no fusion activity. Reduction of disulfide bridges partially restores activity. These findings underscore the importance of reversible intersubunit interactions between the stalk and head domains for F activity. Noncovalent small molecules mimicking this behavior may constitute a potent strategy for preventing paramyxovirus entry.  相似文献   

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