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The uptake kinetics of zinc (Zn), an essential nutrient for both photosynthesis and calcification, in the tissue of S. pistillata showed that the transport of Zn is composed of a linear component (diffusion) at high concentrations and an active carrier-mediated component at low concentrations. The carrier affinity (K m=28 pmol l−1) was very low, indicating a good adaptation of the corals to low levels of Zn in seawater. Zn accumulation in the skeleton was linear; its level was dependent on the length of the incubation as well as on the external concentration of dissolved Zn. There was also a light-stimulation of Zn uptake, suggesting that zooxanthellae, through photosynthesis, are involved in this process. An enrichment of the incubation medium with 10 nM Zn significantly increased the photosynthetic efficiency of S. pistillata. This result suggests that corals living in oligotrophic waters might be limited in essential metals, such as zinc.  相似文献   

Most broadcast spawning scleractinian corals synchronously release gametes during a brief annual spawning period. In southern Taiwan, the mass spawning of scleractinians occurs in lunar mid-March. The exact cues triggering this annual phenomenon remain unclear. A scleractinian coral, Euphyllia ancora has been selected as a model for the hormones and reproduction studies. Testosterone (T) and estradiol (E2) in free and glucuronided forms were identified and consistently detected in coral polyps throughout the year. Peak levels of free E2, glucuronided E2 and T were obtained in the coral tissue just prior to spawning. The presence of specific aromatase activity was demonstrated in coral tissue. Higher concentrations of free E2 than glucuronided E2 were detected in the coral tissue throughout the year. In contrast, higher levels of glucuronided E2 than free E2 and glucuronided T were found in seawater during mass coral spawning. Furthermore, immunoreactivity and biological activity of immunoreactive gonadotropin-releasing hormone (irGnRH) was detected and quantified in coral tissue. Coral extracts (irGnRH) and mammalian (m)GnRH agonist had a similar dose-dependent effect on luteinizing hormone (LH) release in black porgy fish pituitary cells (in vitro). Peak levels of irGnRH were detected during the spawning period. In in vivo experiments, mGnRH agonist time- and dose-dependently stimulated aromatase activity, as well as the levels of T and E2 in free and glucuronided forms in coral. In conclusion, our data suggest that irGnRH and glucuronided E2 may play important roles in the control of reproduction and mass spawning in corals.  相似文献   

High calcification rates observed in reef coral organisms are due to the symbiotic relationship established between scleractinian corals and their photosynthetic dinoflagellates, commonly called zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellae are known to enhance calcification in the light, a process referred as "light-enhanced calcification". The disruption of the relationship between corals and their zooxanthellae leads to bleaching. Bleaching is one of the major causes of the present decline of coral reefs related to climate change and anthropogenic activities. In our aquaria, corals experienced a chemical pollution leading to bleaching and ending with the death of corals. During the time course of this bleaching event, we measured multiple parameters and could evidence four major consecutive steps: 1) at month 1 (January 2005), the stress affected primarily the photosystem II machinery of zooxanthellae resulting in an immediate decrease of photosystem II efficiency, 2) at month 2, the stress affected the photosynthetic production of O2 by zooxanthellae and the rate of light calcification, 3) at month 3, there was a decrease in both light and dark calcification rates, the appearance of the first oxidative damage in the zooxanthellae, the disruption of symbiosis, 4) and finally the death of corals at month 6.  相似文献   

Scleractinian corals, which include the architects of coral reefs, are found throughout the world's oceans and have left a rich fossil record over their 240 million year history. Their classification has been marked by confusion but recently developed molecular and morphological tools are now leading to a better understanding of the evolutionary history of this important group. Although morphological characters have been the basis of traditional classification in the group, they are relatively few in number. In addition, our current understanding of skeletal growth and homology is limited, and homoplasy is rampant, limiting the usefulness of morphological phylogenetics. Molecular phylogenetic hypotheses for the order, which have been primarily focused on reef-building corals, differ significantly from traditional classification. They suggest that the group is represented by two major lineages and do not support the monophyly of traditional suborders and most traditional families. It appears that once a substantial number of azooxanthellate taxa are included in molecular phylogenetic analyses, basal relationships within the group will be clearly defined. Understanding of relationships at lower taxonomic levels will be best clarified by combined analyses of morphological and molecular characters. Molecular phylogenies are being used to inform our understanding of the evolution of morphological characters in the Scleractinia. Better understanding of the evolution of these characters will help to integrate the systematics of fossil and extant taxa. We demonstrate how the combined use of morphological and molecular tools holds great promise for ending confusion in scleractinian systematics.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the effect of thermal stress on the photoinhibitory light threshold in a bleaching susceptible (Stylophora pistillata) and a bleaching resistant (Platygyra ryukyuensis) coral. Four light (0, 110, 520, 1015 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1)) and three temperature (26, 32 and 34 degrees C) conditions were used over a 3-h period, followed by 24- and 48-h recovery periods at approximately 21 degrees C under dim light. Dynamic photoinhibition could be detected in both P. ryukyuensis and S. pistillata under 520 and 1015 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1) at 26 degrees C and under 110 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1) at 32 degrees C only in S. pistillata. Chronic photoinhibition was recorded under 520 and 1015 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1) at 34 degrees C in P. ryukyuensis, and under 1015 micromol quantam(-2)s(-1) at 32 degrees C and under all light levels at 34 degrees C in S. pistillata. These results show that high temperature reduced the threshold light intensity for photoinhibition differently in two corals with different bleaching susceptibilities under thermal stress. No visual paling and mortality in P. ryukyuensis was observed at any treatment, even in chronically photoinhibited specimens, while paling and high mortality of S. pistillata was noted in all treatments, apart from samples at 26 degrees C. These observations suggest a potential role of the host in differential bleaching and mortality determination.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of a solitary scleractinian coral, Flabellum distinctum Edwards & Haime, has been studied in serial thin section, with special attention being paid to epithecal nature in relation to septal growth. The term 'epitheca' has been confusingly used for two different skeletal structures: epitheca ( sensu stricto ) and marginotheca. The latter is here newly proposed. 'epitheca' is defined as a calcareous investment developed on the outside of other skeletal structures of a corallite. It can be distinguished from the marginotheca in section by lacking a dark line (calcification centre) and by being unrelated to the formation of septa. 'marginotheca' defines the outer margin of the main skeletal structures of a corallite. It has a dark line which functionally coincides with that of the eutheca. It is of primary origin, preceding formation of septa and provides the origin of the septa. The marginotheca is one of the more important and fundamental skeletal structures for coral classification.  相似文献   

Symbiotic algae (Symbiodinium sp.) in scleractinian corals are important in understanding how coral reefs will respond to global climate change. The present paper reports on the diversity of Symbiodinium sp. in 48 scleractinian coral species from 25 genera and 10 families sampled from the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea, which were identified with the use of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA large subunit gene (rDNA). The results showed that: (i) Symbiodinium Clade C was the dominant zooxanthellae in scleractinian corals in the Xisha Islands; (ii) Symbiodinium Clade D was found in the corals Montipora aequituberculata, Galaxea fascicularis, and Plerogyra sinuosa; and (iii) both Symbiodinium Clades C and D were found simultaneously in Montipora digitata, Psammocora contigua, and Galaxeafascicularis. A poor capacity for symbiosis polymorphism, as uncovered by RFLP, in the Xisha Islands indicates that the scleractinian corals have low adaptability to environmental changes. Further studies are needed to investigate zooxanthellae diversity using other molecular markers.  相似文献   

Estrogens and androgens are steroids that act as reproductive hormones in vertebrates. These compounds have also been detected in reef-building corals and other invertebrates, where they are hypothesized to act as bioregulatory molecules. Experiments were conducted using labeled steroid substrates to evaluate metabolism of estrogens and androgens by coral homogenates. GC-MS analysis of 13C-labeled steroids showed that Montipora capitata coral homogenates or fragments could convert estradiol to estrone and testosterone to androstenedione and androstanedione, evidence that M. capitata contains 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 5alpha-reductase. When homogenates from three coral species and symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) were incubated with tritiated steroid substrates, metabolites separated by thin-layer chromatography confirmed that 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity occurred in all species tested. NADP+ was the preferred cofactor in dehydrogenation reactions with coral homogenates. Reduction of estrone and androstenedione occurred at lower rates and aromatization of androgens was not observed. It is unclear whether estrogens detected previously in coral tissues are produced endogenously or sequestered in coral tissue from dietary or environmental sources. Previous studies have demonstrated that corals can take up estrogens from the water column overlying coral reefs. Considered in total, these observations suggest corals could alter the concentration or form of steroids available to reef organisms.  相似文献   

Scleractinian systematics have undergone rapid changes due to increased use of molecular phylogenetics and new perspectives on skeletal morphology from micromorphology and microstructure. Despite this increase in characters there are still unresolved clades in the phylogeny, indicating that more characters are needed. This study investigates a new source of morphological data within the soft tissue of Indo‐Pacific scleractinian corals. Features of tissue layers, especially cnidocytes, are described in hematoxylin and eosin stained thin sections. Based on this new histological data source, a combined analysis with mitochondrial DNA and skeletal data is performed using parsimony and Bayesian analysis. Parsimony analysis yields three most‐parsimonious trees similar to trees based on Bayesian analysis. Character maps are also produced that show origination of histomorphological traits at deep nodes within the phylogeny. In general, both analyses retain the previously designated families Lobophylliidae and Merulinidae, but some genera are found to be paraphyletic. Nonetheless, the combined analysis produces a highly resolved and well‐supported phylogeny, which could lead to more effective use of biological conservation metrics based on evolutionary distinctiveness. These results show for the first time that inclusion of histomorphological characters improves the resolution of phylogenetic analyses of reef corals. J. Morphol. 277:494–511, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Physiological responses to environmental stress are increasingly well studied in scleractinian corals. This work reports a new stress-related skeletal structure we term clypeotheca. Clypeotheca was observed in several live-collected common reef-building coral genera and a two to three kya subfossil specimen from Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef and consists of an epitheca-like skeletal wall that seals over the surface of parts of the corallum in areas of stress or damage. It appears to form from a coordinated process wherein neighboring polyps and adjoining coenosarc seal themselves off from the surrounding environment as they contract and die. Clypeotheca forms from inward skeletal centripetal growth at the edges of corallites and by the merging of flange-like outgrowths that surround individual spines over the surface of the coenosteum. Microstructurally, the merged flanges are similar to upside-down dissepiments and true epitheca. Clypeotheca is interpreted primarily as a response to stress that may help protect the colony from invasion of unhealthy tissues by parasites or disease by retracting tissues in areas that have become unhealthy for the polyps. Identification of skeletal responses of corals to environmental stress may enable the frequency of certain types of environmental stress to be documented in past environments. Such data may be important for understanding the nature of reef dynamics through intervals of climate change and for monitoring the effects of possible anthropogenic stress in modern coral reef habitats. Communicated by Geology Editor Dr Bernhard Riegl  相似文献   

This study of ten Indo-Pacific and Caribbean scleractinian corals explains their relative aggressive proficiencies in terms of their cnidoms. Species ranging from aggressive to subordinate, on an established hierarchy, were studied. Size, number and distribution of each cnida type were quantified. A marked relationship between number of nematocysts per polyp and aggressive proficiency was demonstrated. The recorded differences in aggressive proficiency between the Indo-Pacific and Caribbean corals are discussed in terms of cnidom differences. In two species a significant trend in linear distribution of nematocysts along mesenterial filaments was recorded, with a distinct zonation of the different nematocyst types along the length of the filament.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the addition of iron alone or in combination with nitrate affects growth and photosynthesis of the scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata, and its symbiotic dinoflagellates. For this purpose, we used three series of two tanks for a 3-week enrichment with iron (Fe), nitrate (N) and nitrate+iron (NFe). Two other tanks were kept as a control (C). Stock solutions of FeCl(3) and NaNO(3) were diluted to final concentrations of 6 nM Fe and 2 &mgr;M N and continuously pumped from batch tanks into the experimental tanks with a peristaltic pump. Results obtained showed that iron addition induced a significant increase in the areal density of zooxanthellae (ANOVA, p=0.0013; change from 6.3+/-0.7x10(5) in the control to 8.5+/-0.6x10(5) with iron). Maximal gross photosynthetic rates normalized per surface area also significantly increased following iron enrichment (ANOVA, p=0.02; change from 1.23+/-0.08 for the control colonies to 1.81+/-0.24 &mgr;mol O(2) cm(-2) h(-1) for the iron-enriched colonies). There was, however, no significant difference in the photosynthesis normalized on a per cell basis. Nitrate enrichment alone (2 &mgr;M) did not significantly change the zooxanthellae density or the rates of photosynthesis. Nutrient addition (both iron and nitrogen) increased the cell-specific density of the algae (CSD) compared to the control (G-test, p=0.3x10(-9)), with an increase in the number of doublets and triplets. CSD was equal to 1.70+/-0.04 in the Fe-enriched colonies, 1.54+/-0.12 in the N- and NFe-enriched colonies and 1.37+/-0.02 in the control. Growth rates measured after 3 weeks in colonies enriched with Fe, N and NFe were 23%, 34% and 40% lower than those obtained in control colonies (ANOVA, p=0.011).  相似文献   

Thirty-nine species of unattached scleractinian corals that belong to 22 genera of 9 families were found on the Seychelles reefs. Variations of the colony form of corals living on soft sediments under continuous wave action are described. Irrespective of their initial growth form and taxonomic position, corals assume a form close to spherical. Because of the worldwide deterioration of coral reefs, the adaptation to changing ecological conditions by reef-building corals needs to be studied.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic development of two Recent scleractinian corals, Golaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus) and Acrhelia horrescens (Dana), has been studied in serial thin sections. The origin of the septotheca (a collective term including both eutheca and pseudotheca) is reconsidered. The eutheca is found to be a basic skeletal structure of corals and of primary origin, formed directly from the basal plate, not by the thickening of septa. The eutheca prepares the way for the formation of metasepta. The ontogenetic growth of the metasepta is illustrated. The pseudotheca is formed by fusion of neighbouring septa and is entirely of secondary origin. Its development is occasional. The essential mural structure of oculinid corals with pseudothecal walls is euthecal.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Ultraviolet (UV) filters and preservatives, which are common constituents of sunscreens and other cosmetics, are reported as a threat for coastal coral reef ecosystems; however, few...  相似文献   

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