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Bipolar electrodes were implanted into the CA1 pyramidal cells of the dorsal hippocampus and the effect of electrical stimulation of these cells on corticosterone secretion was investigated in freely moving rats. Histology showed that the electrodes were positioned in close proximity to the CA1 pyramidal cells. Rats that were subjected to high intensity electrical stimulation (1, 10, and 100A) behaved differently when compared to their sham stimulated controls. They were more active and displayed wet dog shakes. Plasma corticosterone levels increased dose-dependently in rats subjected to different electrical stimulation intensities. Although prior treatment (24 hours) of rats with DSP4 (60 mg/kg, i.p.) significantly reduced hippocampal noradrenaline content by 46%, it did not bring about any behavioural changes. DSP4 treatment also had no effect on electrically stimulated corticosterone release. These data suggested that stimulation of CA1 pyramidal cells may lead to increased corticosterone release and that a decrease in hippocampal noradrenaline concentration was unable to alter this corticosterone response.  相似文献   

Previous immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated enhanced appearance of FGF-1 and nitrotyrosine, a footprint of reactive nitrogen species peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We have examined the consequences of constitutive exposure to FGF-1 in nontumorigenic rat ductal epithelial cells (ARIP). ARIP cells were transduced with either a secreted chimera of FGF-1, ARIP(FGF-1), or a control plasmid, 65 RIP(betag). These cells were evaluated for alteration in growth and morphology, responses to ONOO(-) (protein tyrosine nitration/phosphorylation), and in vivo tumor formation. ARIP(FGF-1) cells, in contrast to 65 RIP(betag), demonstrated a transformed morphology, a 2-fold increased growth rate, and enhanced protein tyrosine phosphorylation. Treatment with 150 microM ONOO(-) resulted in 86 and 7% (p <.01) death of ARIP(betag) and ARIP(FGF-1), respectively. Exposure of 65 RIP(betag) cells to ONOO(-) enhanced tyrosine phosphorylation and tyrosine nitration of several polypeptides. Cell signaling by FGF-1 enhanced both phosphorylation and nitration of tyrosine residues in target proteins modified by ONOO(-). ARIP(betag) cells failed to exhibit tumor formation in nude mice, but at d 7 in vivo cells were TUNEL and nitrotyrosine positive and FGF-1 negative. ARIP(FGF-1) cells readily formed tumor nodules, exhibiting features of pancreatic adenocarcinoma and demonstrating FGF-1-positive, nitrotyrosine-positive, and TUNEL-negative epithelium. These results suggest an interdependent role between FGF-1 and ONOO(-) during the development and progression of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Zheng Y  Tang YH 《生理学报》2004,56(3):341-346
本研究采用离体海马脑片电生理研究技术,细胞外记录海马锥体细胞群体锋电位(population spike,PS),观察羟基马桑毒素(tutin)对大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体细胞电活动的影响,探讨tutin是否具有致痛作用及其致痫机制。结果如下:(1)用40、30和20μg/ml浓度的tutin灌流海马脑片,可显著增高由顺向刺激Schaffer侧支所诱发的PS的幅度,灌流tutin 30min时,PS第一个波的幅度分别为对照的(388.7±20.1)%、(317.2±19.1)%和(180.9±11.6)%(各组n=5,P<0.05)。(2)伴随PS波幅的增高,可出现成串痫样放电波,波数4~11个不等。(3)灌流tutin后的部分脑片(n=9/34),在未刺激Schaffer侧支时也出现自发的成串、高幅痫样放电。(4)灌流CNQX阻断非NMDA受体后,再灌流tutin,PS幅度和放电波数均无显著性变化,即CNQX可完全抑制tutin所致的痫样放电;灌流AP-5阻断NMDA受体后,tutin仍可使PS幅度增高但放电波数无显著性增加,即AP-5可部分抑制tutin所致的痫样放电。上述结果表明,tutin可使海马脑片锥体细胞兴奋活动增强,具有致痫作用;兴奋性谷氨酸受体尤其是非NMDA受体可能介导tutin的致痫作用。  相似文献   

Transient ischemia is a leading cause of cognitive dysfunction. Postischemic ROS generation and an increase in the cytosolic Zn2+ level ([Zn2+]c) are critical in delayed CA1 pyramidal neuronal death, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we investigated the role of ROS-sensitive TRPM2 (transient receptor potential melastatin-related 2) channel. Using in vivo and in vitro models of ischemia–reperfusion, we showed that genetic knockout of TRPM2 strongly prohibited the delayed increase in the [Zn2+]c, ROS generation, CA1 pyramidal neuronal death and postischemic memory impairment. Time-lapse imaging revealed that TRPM2 deficiency had no effect on the ischemia-induced increase in the [Zn2+]c but abolished the cytosolic Zn2+ accumulation during reperfusion as well as ROS-elicited increases in the [Zn2+]c. These results provide the first evidence to show a critical role for TRPM2 channel activation during reperfusion in the delayed increase in the [Zn2+]c and CA1 pyramidal neuronal death and identify TRPM2 as a key molecule signaling ROS generation to postischemic brain injury.Transient ischemia is a major cause of chronic neurological disabilities including memory impairment and cognitive dysfunctions in stroke survivors.1, 2 The underlying mechanisms are complicated and multiple, and remain not fully understood.3 It is well documented in rodents, non-human primates and humans that pyramidal neurons in the CA1 region of the hippocampus are particularly vulnerable and these neurons are demised after transient ischemia, commonly referred to as the delayed neuronal death.4 Studies using in vitro and in vivo models of transient ischemia have demonstrated that an increase in the [Zn2+]c or cytosolic Zn2+ accumulation is a critical factor.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 There is evidence supporting a role for ischemia-evoked release of vesicular Zn2+ at glutamatergic presynaptic terminals and subsequent entry into postsynaptic neurons via GluA2-lacking AMPA subtype glutamate receptors (AMPARs) to raise the [Zn2+]c.12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Upon reperfusion, while glutamate release returns to the preischemia level,17 Zn2+ can activate diverse ROS-generating machineries to generate excessive ROS as oxygen becomes available, which in turn elicits further Zn2+ accumulation during reperfusion.18, 19 ROS generation and cytosolic Zn2+ accumulation have a critical role in driving delayed CA1 pyramidal neuronal death,7, 12, 20, 21, 22 but the molecular mechanisms underlying such a vicious positive feedback during reperfusion remain poorly understood.Transient receptor potential melastatin-related 2 (TRPM2) forms non-selective cationic channels; their sensitivity to activation by ROS via a mechanism generating the channel activator ADP-ribose (ADPR) confers diverse cell types including hippocampal neurons with susceptibility to ROS-induced cell death, and thus TRPM2 acts as an important signaling molecule mediating ROS-induced adversities such as neurodegeneration.23, 24, 25, 26 Emergent evidence indeed supports the involvement of TRPM2 in transient ischemia-induced CA1 pyramidal neuronal death.27, 28, 29, 30 This has been attributed to the modulation of NMDA receptor-mediated signaling; despite that ROS-induced activation of the TRPM2 channels results in no change in the excitability of neurons from the wild-type (WT) mice, TRPM2 deficiency appeared to favor prosurvival synaptic Glu2A expression and inhibit prodeath extrasynaptic GluN2B expression.30 A recent study suggests that TRPM2 activation results in extracellular Zn2+ influx to elevate the [Zn2+]c.31 The present study, using TRPM2-deficient mice in conjunction with in vivo and in vitro models of transient global ischemia, provides compelling evidence to show ROS-induced TRPM2 activation during reperfusion as a crucial mechanism determining the delayed cytosolic Zn2+ accumulation, CA1 neuronal death and postischemic memory impairment.  相似文献   

To determine the alterations in cellular function which may contribute to the chronic predisposition of neuronal tissue to epileptiform activity, the membrane properties and inhibitory processes of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells were investigated using in vitro slices prepared from commissural-kindled rats. No changes were observed in resting membrane potential, input resistance, spike amplitude, and membrane time constant of "kindled" CA1 pyramidal neurons when compared with controls. There were also no differences between control and kindled preparations in the amplitude of recurrent inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) and in the duration of inhibition produced by either alvear (Alv) or stratum radiatum (SR) stimulation. Irrespective of group, repetitive stimulation of the Alv reduced the amplitude of the recurrent IPSP but failed to induce seizurelike activity. On the other hand, repetitive stimulation of SR frequently produced a neuronal burst discharge even though the duration and to some extent the amplitude of orthodromic inhibition was increased. On the basis of these data, it may be suggested that chronic changes in CA1 pyramidal cell membrane properties and transient reductions of inhibitory processes do not underlie the enhanced sensitivity of these neurons to seizure activity associated with kindling.  相似文献   

D Hicks  Y Courtois 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):475-479
It is demonstrated that newborn rat retinal photoreceptor cells can differentiate in monolayer culture, and synthesize de novo photoreceptor-specific proteins such as opsin. When maintained in serum supplemented medium on a laminin substrate, these cells survive for up to 3 weeks. The addition of acidic fibroblast growth factor stimulates an increase in the levels of opsin of 5-10-fold control values, and prolongs cell survival by up to 6 days.  相似文献   

The activation of small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels (SK) has a profound effect on membrane excitability. In hippocampal pyramidal neurons, SK channel activation by Ca2+ entry from a preceding burst of action potentials generates the slow afterhyperpolarization (AHP). Stimulation of a number of receptor types suppresses the slow AHP, inhibiting spike frequency adaptation and causing these neurons to fire tonically. Little is known of the gating properties of native SK channels in CNS neurons. By using excised inside-out patches, a small-amplitude channel has been resolved that was half-activated by approximately 0.6 microM Ca2+ in a voltage-independent manner. The channel possessed a slope conductance of 10 pS and exhibited nonstationary gating. These properties are in accord with those of cloned SK channels. The measured Ca2+ sensitivity of hippocampal SK channels suggests that the slow AHP is generated by activation of SK channels from a local rise of intracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Compared to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), a widely distributed, broad spectrum mitogen and mesoderm inducer, acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) is reported to have an essentially neural distribution and to be undetectable in the early embryo. In the present investigation, we used immunoblotting and immunochemistry to assess the cellular and tissue distributions of aFGF and bFGF in 11-20-d rat embryos. Immunoblotting of crude and heparin-bound embryo extracts revealed faint bands at the expected 17-18-kD and predominant bands at an apparent molecular mass of 26 to 28-kD (despite reducing conditions) using multiple specific antibodies for aFGF and bFGF. Pretreatment with 8 M urea yielded 18-20-kD aFGF and bFGF and some 24-26-kD bFGF. Immunoreactivity for both aFGF and bFGF was positive and similar in the cytoplasm, nuclei, and extracellular matrix of cells of neuroectodermal and mesodermal origin, while it was negative in endoderm-derived cells. The distribution of immunoreactive aFGF and bFGF also showed changes during development that were associated with the process of cellular and tissue differentiation. For example, intensity and extent of immunoreactivity for both peptides progressively increased in the middle layer of the spinal cord with increasing differentiation of the neural cells. The immunostaining patterns were very similar for aFGF and bFGF for each organ and at each stage. In conclusion, high molecular mass forms of immunoreactive aFGF and bFGF are present in the rat embryo. Acidic FGF and bFGF are both widely distributed in tissues of neuroectodermal and mesodermal origin, and their distribution was very similar.  相似文献   

Mizuseki K  Royer S  Diba K  Buzsáki G 《Hippocampus》2012,22(8):1659-1680
The CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons are the major principal cell types of the hippocampus proper. The strongly recurrent collateral system of CA3 cells and the largely parallel-organized CA1 neurons suggest that these regions perform distinct computations. However, a comprehensive comparison between CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells in terms of firing properties, network dynamics, and behavioral correlations is sparse in the intact animal. We performed large-scale recordings in the dorsal hippocampus of rats to quantify the similarities and differences between CA1 (n > 3,600) and CA3 (n > 2,200) pyramidal cells during sleep and exploration in multiple environments. CA1 and CA3 neurons differed significantly in firing rates, spike burst propensity, spike entrainment by the theta rhythm, and other aspects of spiking dynamics in a brain state-dependent manner. A smaller proportion of CA3 than CA1 cells displayed prominent place fields, but place fields of CA3 neurons were more compact, more stable, and carried more spatial information per spike than those of CA1 pyramidal cells. Several other features of the two cell types were specific to the testing environment. CA3 neurons showed less pronounced phase precession and a weaker position versus spike-phase relationship than CA1 cells. Our findings suggest that these distinct activity dynamics of CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells support their distinct computational roles.  相似文献   

We postulated that Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) involved in fetal or regenerative morphogenesis of skeletal muscle originated from this tissue. Using a bovine retina cDNA probe encoding acidic FGF, we showed that growing muscles from bovine fetuses express this mRNA, but that this expression is reduced in neonate muscles. Cultures of proliferating satellite cells isolated from adult rat muscles expressed aFGF mRNA strongly but bFGF mRNA weakly; these mRNAs disappeared in cells differentiated into myotubes. 10(-7)M 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol -13-acetate (TPA) increased aFGF mRNA expression in both proliferating and differentiated satellite cells. Contrastingly, proliferating L6 myogenic cells only expressed aFGF mRNA significantly under TPA treatment. Therefore, the satellite cells did seem to be a possible source for FGF, especially aFGF, which might regulate the myogenic process.  相似文献   

Both parathyroid hormone secretion and cell growth are negatively regulated by extracellular calcium in parathyroid cells. The mechanism of growth regulation by calcium has been unknown. Previously, we reported that clonal parathyroid cells (PT-r cells) bear two high affinity receptors for acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) and that at least a subpopulation of the receptors with a higher molecular mass carries heparan sulfate (HS) glycosaminoglycan chains which give the receptor higher affinity (Sakaguchi, K., Yanagishita, M., Takeuchi, Y., and Aurbach, G. D. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7270-7278). Here, I have found that the parathyroid cells expressed aFGF and that aFGF receptors with lower affinity apparently translocated in response to changing extracellular calcium concentrations. Expression of both aFGF mRNA and peptide was suppressed by calcium. Cells had more ligand-accessible receptors on the cell surface at lower calcium concentrations. This apparent translocation was temperature-dependent but independent of de novo protein synthesis. Heparin or HS glycosaminoglycans are a prerequisite for the FGF receptor encoded by flg gene to bind basic FGF (Yayon, A., Klagsbrun, M., Esko, J. D., Leder, P., and Ornitz, D. M. (1991) Cell 64, 841-848). In PT-r cells, major cellular HS proteoglycans redistribute between intracellular and extracellular compartments with more HS proteoglycans expressed on the cell surface at lower calcium concentrations (Takeuchi, Y., Sakaguchi, K., Yanagishita, M., Aurbach, G. D., and Hascall, V. C. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13661-13668). However, this redistribution of HS proteoglycans cannot explain the difference in bindability of radiolabeled aFGF to its receptors in different calcium concentrations, since addition of heparin did not change the binding of radiolabeled aFGF to the receptors either at high or low calcium conditions. In concordance with the apparent translocation of aFGF receptors, thymidine incorporation was stimulated by decreasing extracellular calcium concentrations with further stimulation by added aFGF. Anti-aFGF antibody inhibited thymidine incorporation by more than 32% in the cells exposed to 0.05 mM Ca2+ shortly before adding [3H]thymidine, whereas the incorporation was not significantly affected by the antibody at 0.7 mM Ca2+. Cell growth was also stimulated by low calcium. Anti-aFGF antibody inhibited cell growth significantly only at low calcium concentrations. From these observations, an aFGF autocrine system including the apparent translocation of aFGF receptors may explain, if not entirely, the mechanism by which calcium regulates parathyroid cell growth.  相似文献   

Our previous work reported that KCa3.1 (IKCa) channels are expressed in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells and contribute to the slow afterhyperpolarization that regulates spike accommodation in these cells. The current report presents data from single cell RT-PCR that further reveals mRNA in CA1 cells that corresponds to the sequence of an IKCa channel from transmembrane segments 5 through 6 including the pore region, revealing the established binding sites for 4 different IKCa channel blockers. A comparison of methods to internally apply the IKCa channel blocker TRAM-34 shows that including the drug in an electrode from the onset of an experiment is unviable given the speed of drug action upon gaining access for whole-cell recordings. Together the data firmly establish IKCa channel expression in CA1 neurons and clarify methodological requirements to obtain a block of IKCa channel activity through internal application of TRAM-34.  相似文献   

Using microfluorometry, effects of acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) on the in vitro ischemia-induced intracellular calcium elevation were investigated in gerbil hippocampal slices at 35 degrees C. When slices were superfused with hypoxic and glucose-free medium, the mean latency of the in vitro ischemia-induced calcium elevation was 209 +/- 51 s. The addition of aFGF in medium (25 micrograms/l) delayed the calcium elevation throughout the experiments: the mean latency was 541 +/- 94 s. This retardation in calcium elevation may be indicative of neuroprotective nature of aFGF.  相似文献   

When added to a collagen-filled nerve guide, purified acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) increased the number of myelinated axons that regenerated across a 5-mm nerve gap distance. In addition, a greater number of primary sensory and motor neurons extended axons through the nerve guide in animals treated with aFGF. Thus the effect of aFGF on peripheral nerve regeneration is not simply an increase in axonal branching within the nerve guide tube. This is the first highly purified growth factor since nerve growth factor that has been shown to promote nerve regeneration in vivo. This experimental model provides a convenient and quantitative means to assess the effects of putative neuronotropic factors on peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo.  相似文献   

The hyperpolarization-activated cation current, I(h), plays an important role in regulating intrinsic neuronal excitability in the brain. In hippocampal pyramidal neurons, I(h) is mediated by h channels comprised primarily of the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel subunits, HCN1 and HCN2. Pyramidal neuron h channels within hippocampal area CA1 are remarkably enriched in distal apical dendrites, and this unique distribution pattern is critical for regulating dendritic excitability. We utilized biochemical and immunohistochemical approaches in organotypic slice cultures to explore factors that control h channel localization in dendrites. We found that distal dendritic enrichment of HCN1 is first detectable at postnatal day 13, reaching maximal enrichment by the 3rd postnatal week. Interestingly we found that an intact entorhinal cortex, which projects to distal dendrites of CA1 but not area CA3, is critical for the establishment and maintenance of distal dendritic enrichment of HCN1. Moreover blockade of excitatory neurotransmission using tetrodotoxin, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, or 2-aminophosphonovalerate redistributed HCN1 evenly throughout the dendrite without significant changes in protein expression levels. Inhibition of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II activity, but not p38 MAPK, also redistributed HCN1 in CA1 pyramidal neurons. We conclude that activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors by excitatory temporoammonic pathway projections from the entorhinal cortex establishes and maintains the distribution pattern of HCN1 in CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites by activating calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-mediated downstream signals.  相似文献   

STAM1, a member of the STAM (signal transducing adapter molecule) family, has a unique structure containing a Src homology 3 domain and ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif). STAM1 was previously shown to be associated with the Jak2 and Jak3 tyrosine kinases and to be involved in the regulation of intracellular signal transduction mediated by interleukin-2 (IL-2) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in vitro. Here we generated mice lacking STAM1 by using homologous recombination with embryonic stem cells. STAM1(-/-) mice were morphologically indistinguishable from their littermates at birth. However, growth retardation in the third week after birth was observed for the STAM1(-/-) mice. Unexpectedly, despite the absence of STAM1, hematopoietic cells, including T- and B-lymphocyte and other hematopoietic cell populations, developed normally and responded well to several cytokines, including IL-2 and GM-CSF. However, histological analyses revealed the disappearance of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons in STAM1(-/-) mice. Furthermore, we observed that primary hippocampal neurons derived from STAM1(-/-) mice are vulnerable to cell death induced by excitotoxic amino acids or an NO donor. These data suggest that STAM1 is dispensable for cytokine-mediated signaling in lymphocytes but may be involved in the survival of hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Losonczy A  Magee JC 《Neuron》2006,50(2):291-307
Although radial oblique dendrites are a major synaptic input site in CA1 pyramidal neurons, little is known about their integrative properties. We have used multisite two-photon glutamate uncaging to deliver different spatiotemporal input patterns to single branches while simultaneously recording the uncaging-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials and local Ca2+ signals. Asynchronous input patterns sum linearly in spite of the spatial clustering and produce Ca2+ signals that are mediated by NMDA receptors (NMDARs). Appropriately timed and sized input patterns ( approximately 20 inputs within approximately 6 ms) produce a supralinear summation due to the initiation of a dendritic spike. The Ca2+ signals associated with synchronous input were larger and mediated by influx through both NMDARs and voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs). The oblique spike is a fast Na+ spike whose duration is shaped by the coincident activation of NMDAR, VGCCs, and transient K+ currents. Our results suggest that individual branches can function as single integrative compartments.  相似文献   

Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) stimulated DNA synthesis in primary rat hepatocyte cultures in a dose-dependent manner with maximal effect at 10-50 ng ml-1. This activity was dependent on the presence of heparin at a concentration of 10-50 micrograms.ml-1. Insulin interacted synergistically with aFGF, as it did with epidermal growth factor (EGF). The response to aFGF was only 50% that found with EGF. The disparity was not due to different kinetics of DNA synthesis, since the peak response for both growth factors occurred at 36-72 hr after plating of the hepatocytes. The potential relevance of this novel hepatocyte mitogen to normal and pathological liver growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Growth factor receptors provide a major mechanism for the activation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Src, and this kinase in turn up-regulates the activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in CA1 hippocampal neurons (1). Unexpectedly, applications of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB to cultured and isolated CA1 hippocampal neurons depressed NMDA-evoked currents. The PDGF-induced depression was blocked by a PDGF-selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor, by a selective inhibitor of phospholipase C-gamma, and by blocking the intracellular release of Ca(2+). Inhibitors of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) also eliminated the PDGF-induced depression, whereas a phosphodiesterase inhibitor enhanced it. The NMDA receptor-mediated component of excitatory synaptic currents was also inhibited by PDGF, and this inhibition was prevented by co-application of a PKA inhibitor. Src inhibitors also prevented this depression. In recordings from inside-out patches, the catalytic fragment of PKA did not itself alter NMDA single channel activity, but it blocked the up-regulation of these channels by a Src activator peptide. Thus, PDGF receptors depress NMDA channels through a Ca(2+)- and PKA-dependent inhibition of their modulation by c-Src.  相似文献   

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