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Increased brain P-glycoprotein in morphine tolerant rats   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The objective of this study was to determine whether chronic morphine exposure increased P-glycoprotein in rat brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with morphine, saline, or dexamethasone for 5 days. On day 6, antinociceptive effect was measured to evaluate the extent of functional tolerance to morphine. Brain P-glycoprotein was detected by Western blot analysis of whole brain homogenate. Morphine- and dexamethasone-treated rats exhibited decreased antinociceptive response when compared to saline-treated controls. Brain P-glycoprotein was approximately 2-fold higher in morphine-treated rats compared to saline controls based on Western blot analysis. Chronic morphine exposure appears to increase P-glycoprotein in rat brain. P-glycoprotein induction may enhance morphine efflux from the brain, thus reducing morphine's pharmacologic activity. Induction of P-glycoprotein may be one mechanism involved in the development of morphine tolerance.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide FF and related synthetic amidated peptides have been shown to elicit sustained anti-nociceptive responses and potently augment spinal anti-nociceptive actions of spinal morphine in tests of thermal and mechanical nociception. Recent studies have described the occurrence of another octapeptide, neuropeptide SF (NPSF) in the spinal cord and the cerebrospinal fluid and demonstrated its affinity for the NPFF receptors. This study examined the effects of NPSF and two putative precursor peptides, EFW-NPSF and NPAF, on the spinal actions of morphine in normal and opioid tolerant rats using the tailflick and pawpressure tests. In normal rats, NPSF demonstrated weak intrinsic activity but sub-effective doses of the peptide significantly increased the magnitude and duration of spinal morphine anti-nociception in both tests. A low-dose of NPSF also augmented the spinal actions of a delta receptor agonist, deltorphin. The morphine-potentiating effect of NPSF was shared by EFW-NPSF and the octadecapeptide NPAF. In animal rendered tolerant by continuous intrathecal infusion of morphine for 6 days, low dose NPSF itself elicited a significant anti-nociceptive response and potently increased morphine-induced response in both tests. In animals made tolerant by repeated injections of intrathecal morphine, administration of NPSF, EFW-NPSF, and NPAF with morphine reversed the loss of the anti-nociceptive effect and restored the agonist potency. The results demonstrate that in normal animals NPSF and related peptides exert strong potentiating effect on morphine anti-nociception at the spinal level and in tolerant animals these agents can reverse the loss of morphine potency.  相似文献   

C Chavkin  A Goldstein 《Life sciences》1982,31(16-17):1687-1690
Spare opiate receptors in the guinea pig ileum have been detected by the use of the opiate receptor alkylating agent beta-chlornaltrexamine (CNA). Treatment of the guinea pig ileum longitudinal muscle in vitro with low concentrations (less than 10nM) of CNA resulted in an irreversible parallel shift to the right of the normorphine log concentration response curve. With increasing concentration of the reagent, the agonist EC50 becomes progressively greater. Finally a point is reached at which the maximal agonist effect decreases, so that parallelism is no longer seen. The maximal parallel shift provides a measure from which one can estimate the spare receptor fraction that is present in untreated tissue. In ilea from normal guinea pigs, roughly 80-90% of the opiate receptors for normorphine were found to be spare. Even after the largest parallel shifts that could be achieved, the naloxone Ke value for antagonism was unchanged, indicating that normorphine acts through spare mu receptors. Ilea from guinea pigs made tolerant by chronic morphine pellet implantation were found to be more sensitive to the effects of CNA treatment; there was a reduction in the number of spare receptors for normorphine. It is suggested that the opiate spare receptor fraction is physiologically modulated to control neuronal sensitivity to opioid effect.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to respond under 3-min fixed-interval schedules of food presentation, and effects of the benzodiazepine-receptor ligands, flumazenil, 2-(4-methoxy-phenyl)-pyrazolo[4,3-c]quinolin-3(5H)-one (CGS 9895), 3-carbo-t-butoxy-beta-carboline (beta-CCtB), and beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (beta-CCE) were assessed before and after the induction of tolerance to chlordiazepoxide. Before daily administration of chlordiazepoxide, none of the antagonists produced appreciable effects on rates of responding up to doses of 32.0 mg/kg i.p. beta-CCE was the only antagonist studied at a higher dose (100.0 mg/kg i.p.), which decreased response rates. After 23 days of daily chlordiazepoxide administration (oral doses started at 10 and increased to 100 mg/kg/day by the 17th day), dose-effect curves for chlordiazepoxide were shifted to the right by about one-half log unit. Subjects were also more sensitive to the flumazenil, CGS 9895, and beta-CCtB, however, since these drugs produced only small effects in non-tolerant subjects, precise estimates of the degree of the shift in dose-effect curves could not be estimated. However, there were differences in the changes in the dose-effect curves induced by chlordiazepoxide tolerance. These results suggest differences in mechanism of action of antagonists in tolerant and non-tolerant subjects, and further that the sensitivity that is induced to antagonists in tolerant subjects is not conferred equally to all drugs having benzodiazepine antagonist activity.  相似文献   

Chronic treatment with naloxone (Nx) or naltrexone (Ntx) induces paradoxical analgesia. In the present study, the effects of chronic treatment with opioid receptor antagonists, such as nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) for kappa and naltrindole (NTI) for delta receptors, on analgesic response using the hot plate test and on morphine physical dependence in rats were examined. The hot plate latency was significantly increased by pretreatment with Nx (5 mg/kg, s.c.), nor-BNI (20 mg/kg, i.p.) or NTI (20 mg/kg, i.p.) for 5 days. After chronic pretreatment with these antagonists, the rats were treated with morphine-admixed food (0.5 mg/g of food) for 3 days. Chronic pretreatment with Nx and NTI significantly increased Nx precipitated body weight loss in morphine dependent rats, while chronic pretreatment with nor-BNI produced small increase. These results indicate that chronic treatment with nor-BNI or NTI as well as with Nx induces obviously paradoxical analgesia, and that chronic blockade of mu or delta may enhance the development of physical dependence on morphine.  相似文献   

Injection of ANGII (0.01, 0.1 and 1 nmol/rat) into the periaqueductal gray (PAG) area significantly (P<0.01) increased, in a dose-dependent manner, the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). The increases in blood pressure induced by ANGII (1 nmol; 37 +/- 4 mmHg, n=5) were greatly reduced (>85%) by pre-administration of the ET(A) receptor antagonist FR139317 (5 nmol/rat) to the PAG area, but were unaffected by the ET(B) receptor antagonist BQ-788 (5 nmol/rat). SB209670, non-selective ET(A)/ET(B) receptor antagonist, also reduced the effect induced by ANGII. These results suggest that endogenous endothelin-1, via an action on ET(A) receptors, may contribute to the pressor effects of ANGII within the PAG area of rats.  相似文献   

Gao X  Xin BM  Zhu CB  Wu GC  Xu SF 《生理学报》1998,50(1):43-48
在大鼠电刺激甩测痛模型上,应用鞘内注射(it)多巴胺(DA)受体选择性激动剂与拮抗剂,分析大鼠脊髓DA受体亚型D1和D2在痛及针刺镇痛(AA)中的作用。结果显示,在正常清醒大鼠,it D2受体选择性激动剂,Y171555(LY)或D1/D2受体激动剂阿朴吗啡(APO)有镇痛作用(呈剂量依赖式增加),并加强AA,而it D1受体选择性激动剂SKF38393(SKF)对痛及AA均无影响;it D1受体  相似文献   

Changes of intestinal motility and transit produced by tolerance to and dependence upon morphine have been partly attributed to peripheral mechanisms. We evaluated the effect of chronic peripheral morphine administration and peripheral mu-receptor blockade on vagal afferent activity (VAA) and c-Kit positive intramuscular cells of Cajal (ICCs). Ten rats were subjected to chronic subcutaneous morphine infusion for 72 h with subsequent VAA recording. Potential frequency was evaluated within recordings before and after mu receptor blockade by (D)-Phe -Cys -Tyr -(D)-Trp -Orn -Thr -Phe -Thr (CTOP) i.p. injections. Afterwards the rats were sacrificed and intramuscular c-Kit antigen expression was assessed by image analysis within removed fragments of duodenum and ascending colon. An equal group of rats served as a control for VAA and c-Kit expression. Analysis of VAA revealed similar frequencies of potentials in morphine tolerant / dependent rats before CTOP and in the controls. CTOP increased potential frequency in the morphine group which effect was visible mostly within the first 20 minutes (p=0.01). The morphine infused animals presented also higher c-Kit expression in both the duodenum (p<0.001) and the ascending colon (p<0.001) in comparison to the control group. Results of our study may indicate the involvement of both the intestinal wall and the long vago-vagal reflexes in tolerance to and dependence upon opioids.  相似文献   

Kozela E  Popik P 《Amino acids》2002,23(1-3):163-168
Summary.  Antagonists of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex inhibit the development of tolerance to antinociceptive effects of morphine and upon acute administration, influence morphine antinociceptive activity. The analysis of numerous studies investigating acute interaction between NMDA receptor antagonists and morphine in mice indicate a variety of procedural differences and reveal that these compounds may potentiate, attenuate and produce no effect on morphine antinociception. The conditions responsible for such conflicting experimental outcome of acute interaction remain unclear. It appears that the effects of NMDA receptor antagonists on morphine tolerance are not causally related to their acute effects on morphine antinociception. Received July 6, 2001 Accepted August 6, 2001 Published online August 9, 2002  相似文献   

BALB/c-nunu mice have been injected with allogeneic or tolerant allogeneic spleen or thymus cells and sheep red blood cells (SRBC). From day 3 to day 10 the mice were bled daily and the antiSRBC antibody was assayed by hemagglutination. No difference was found between recipients of normal allogeneic cells or tolerant allogeneic cells. Both showed a transient response but the response was maintained only in recipients of congenic cells.  相似文献   

A long-term akinesia induced by haloperidol used as an experimental model of catalepsy helped to reveal that a dicationic derivatives adamantane (IEM-1754) and phenylcyclohexyl (IEM-1925) exerted different degrees of inhibition of the haloperidol effect: the IEM-1754 proved to be not inferior to the most effective NMDA antagonist MK-801. A relatively low potency of the IEM-1925 may be due to its obvious equal effects both on the NMDA and the AMPA receptor channels. A good correlation between the anticataleptic effects of the glutamate antagonists and the NMDA receptor blocking activity, were found. The AMPA receptor blockade might negatively affect the anticataleptic potency of the drugs under study.  相似文献   

The effects of morphine on lipid levels of plasma and liver were studied in rats. The first injection of morphine induced a decrease in free fatty acids (FFA) and an increase in the plasma triglyceride level. No changes in phospholipid, cholesterol or cholesterol ester concentrations were observed. In chronic morphinized rats the plasma FFA level was unchanged one hour following the injection of morphine and tolerance developed to the depressive effect of the drug. In contrast, the rise in plasma triglycerides persisted, but to a lesser extent. In these animals, the plasma levels of FFA and of triglycerides were lower than in normal rats, when blood was sampled 24 hours after the last injection of morphine. In abstinent rats, a reversal of action of morphine was noticed. Nalorphine induced an increase in plasma FFA levels in normal and abstinent rats but not in chronically morphine-treated animals. In the liver no significant changes occured in lipids in either acute or chronically morphinized rats. The effects of morphine on plasma lipid levels might be linked to the action of the drug on the secretory activity of the adrenals and also to the depressive effect of the drug on the lipolytic activity of adipose tissue which was demonstrated in vitro.  相似文献   

慢性吗啡耐受大鼠脑内孤啡肽生成与释放增加   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yuan L  Han Z  Zhang ZK  Han JS 《生理学报》1999,51(4):454-458
本文彩放射免疫分析法测定了慢性吗啡耐受过程中大鼠脑室灌流液、中脑导水管周围灰质(PAG)及杏仁核中孤啡肽(OFQ)免疫活性的动态变化。结果观察到:(1)大鼠连续5d皮下注射递增剂量的盐酸吗中民慢性吗啡耐受,其脑室灌流中OFQ-ir随吗啡注射剂量和注射次数的增加逐渐上升,第5d注射后较对照组升高了52%;(2)皮下注射吗啡1d、3d、5d的大鼠PAG中OFQ-ir比对照组分别升高了17%、48%和8  相似文献   



The treatment of scleroderma-related digital ulcers is challenging. The oral endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) bosentan has been approved but it may induce liver toxicity. The objective of this study was to test whether ERAs bosentan and sitaxentan could be locally delivered using iontophoresis.


Cathodal and anodal iontophoresis of bosentan and sitaxentan were performed on anaesthetized rat hindquarters without and during endothelin-1 infusion. Skin blood flow was quantified using laser-Doppler imaging and cutaneous tolerability was assessed. Iontophoresis of sitaxentan (20 min, 20 or 100 µA) was subsequently performed on the forearm skin of healthy men (n = 5).


In rats neither bosentan nor sitaxentan increased skin blood flux compared to NaCl. When simultaneously infusing endothelin-1, cathodal iontophoresis of sitaxentan increased skin blood flux compared to NaCl (AUC0–20 were 44032.2±12277 and 14957.5±23818.8 %BL.s, respectively; P = 0.01). In humans, sitaxentan did not significantly increase skin blood flux as compared to NaCl. Iontophoresis of ERAs was well tolerated both in animals and humans.


This study shows that cathodal iontophoresis of sitaxentan but not bosentan partially reverses endothelin-induced skin vasoconstriction in rats, suggesting that sitaxentan diffuses into the dermis. However, sitaxentan does not influence basal skin microvascular tone in rats or in humans.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1994,54(21):PL375-PL379
The recent cloning of mu, delta and kappa1, opioid receptors has provided opportunities in the study of their pharmacology. Using an antisense strategy developed against delta and kappa1 opioid receptors, we designed an antisense oligodeoxynucleotide directed against the 5′-untranslated region of MOR-1 clone, 51–70 bp upstream from the initiating ATG. Microinjection of this antisense oligodeoxynucleotide directly into the periaqueductal gray on Days 1, 3 and 5 completely blocked the analgesic actions of morphine administered into the periaqueductal gray on Day 6 (p < 0.001), 24 hr after the last antisense treatment. Rats treated with vehicle or with a mismatch oligodeoxynucleotide in which two pairs of bases from the antisense sequence had been switched were not significantly affected. These findings confirm the pharmacological relevance of the MOR-1 clone and its involvement in morphine's actions.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether vasopressin mediated the analgesic response to morphine and cold-water stress by comparing the analgesic responses of homozygous Brattleboro rats with diabetes insipidus with those of normal rats of the same strain of similar weight. Brattleboro rats exhibited hypersensitive responses to foot shock which were brought back to within normal limits by systemic administration of arginine vasopressin and desamino-D-arginine vasopressin. While Brattleboro rats failed to display an analgesic response to cold-water swim stress, they displayed a normal analgesic response to morphine. These results provide further evidence for dissociation of pain-inhibitory mechanisms into opioid and non-opioid components, and suggests that vasopressin might be involved in the elucidation of the latter component.  相似文献   

S P Sivam  I K Ho 《Life sciences》1985,37(3):199-208
Drugs affecting various steps of GABA transmission exhibit analgesia in a variety of experimental models in animals; this analgesic response generally requires high doses of the drugs and does not appear to be opiate-like since the GABAergic analgesia is naloxone-insensitive and lacks dependence liability. The outcome of the analgesia response is variable when opiate and GABAergic drugs are administered together; however, directly acting GABA receptor stimulants and GABA-transaminase inhibitors generally enhance the analgesic effect of opiates. The development of newer GABAergic drugs with greater potency and specificity may offer an alternative to opiate analgesics. The results obtained over the years, on the possible involvement of the GABA system in morphine tolerance and dependence are equivocal. Studies on region-specific changes in opiate-GABA interaction as well as opiate-GABA-benzodiazepine interaction are needed to further elucidate the role of GABA on opiate system.  相似文献   

Microelectrophoretically applied morphine depressed spontaneously discharging cortical neurones of rats and blocked excitation induced by electrophoretic administrations of either acetylcholine or l-glutamate. This depressant effect and both the anti-acetylcholine and the anti-glutamate effect were naloxone antagonizable and therefore regarded as specific morphine actions. The excitatory effects of morphine were not affected by naloxone application and were classified as non-specific.In chronically morphinized rats the depressant effect of morphine on spontaneous discharge activity and also its blocking action upon acetylcholine and l-glutamate-induced excitation were almost completely abolished. The predominant response in such pre-treated animals was non-specific excitation. Acetylcholine and l-glutamate were found to be more effective in tolerant rats (supersensitivity).  相似文献   

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