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Sex differences have been identified in a variety of circadian rhythms, including free-running rhythms, light-induced phase shifts, sleep patterns, hormonal fluctuations, and rates of reentrainment. In the precocial, diurnal rodent Octodon degus, sex differences have been found in length of free-running rhythm (tau), phase response curves, rates of reentrainment, and in the use of social cues to facilitate reentrainment. Although gonadal hormones primarily organize circadian rhythms during early development, adult gonadal hormones have activational properties on various aspects of circadian rhythms in a number of species examined. Gonadectomy of adult female O. degus did not influence tau, phase angle of entrainment, or activity patterns in previous experiments. The present experiment examined the role of gonadal hormones in adult male degus' circadian wheel-running rhythms. We predicted that male gonadal hormones would have an activational effect on some aspects of circadian rhythms, particularly those in which we see sex differences. Phase angles of entrainment, tau, length of the active period (alpha), maximum and mean activity levels, and activity amplitude were examined for intact and castrated males housed in LD 12:12. Responses to light pulses while housed in constant darkness (DD) were also compared. Castration had no significant effect on tau or light-induced phase shifts. However, castration significantly increased phase angle of entrainment and decreased activity levels. The data indicate that adult gonadal steroids are not responsible for the sex differences in endogenous circadian mechanisms of O. degus (tau, PRC), although they influence activity level and phase angle of entrainment. This is most likely due to masking properties of testosterone, similar to the activity-increasing effects of estrogen during estrus in O. degus females.  相似文献   

Octodon degus is a moderate-sized, precocious, but slowly maturing, hystricomorph rodent from central Chile. We have used this species to study a variety of questions about circadian rhythms in a diurnal mammal that readily adapts to most laboratory settings. In collaboration with others, we have found that a number of fundamental features of circadian function differ in this diurnal rodent compared with nocturnal rodents, specifically rats or hamsters. We have also discovered that many aspects of the circadian system are sexually dimorphic in this species. However, the sexual dimorphisms develop in the presence of pubertal hormones, and the sex differences do not appear until after gonadal puberty is complete. The developmental timing of the sex differences is much later than in the previously studied altricial, rapidly developing rat, mouse, or hamster. This developmental timing of circadian function is reminiscent of that reported for adolescent humans. In addition, we have developed a model that demonstrates how nonphotic stimuli, specifically conspecific odors, can interact with the circadian system to hasten recovery from a phase-shift of the light:dark cycle (jet lag). Interestingly, the production of the odor-based social signal and sensitivity to it are modulated by adult gonadal hormones. Data from degu circadian studies have led us to conclude that treatment of some circadian disorders in humans will likely need to be both age and gender specific. Degus will continue to be valuable research animals for resolving other questions regarding reproduction, diabetes, and cataract development.  相似文献   

The Octodon degus, or degu, is an excellent animal model for studying the theoretical and neural underpinnings of diurnality. The power of this model comes from their unique evolutionary lineage, long lives, and relative ease of care in the laboratory for a non-domesticated species. We have summarized the field and laboratory data indicating the critical variables that influence the degus' phase preference and the possible mechanisms for the phase flexibility observed in the field and laboratory. We also review studies examining the physiology and anatomy of light and non-photic inputs to the degu circadian system and studies of the circadian pacemaker itself, with particular emphasis placed on characteristics that appear to be convergent adaptations to a diurnal niche. Finally, we begin to seek the origin for the diurnally-phased activity output of the degu, although we conclude that significant work remains to be done.  相似文献   

The slowly maturing, long-lived rodent Octodon degus (degu) provides a unique opportunity to examine the development of the circadian system during adolescence. These studies characterize entrained and free-running activity rhythms in gonadally intact and prepubertally gonadectomized male and female degus across the first year of life to clarify the impact of sex and gonadal hormones on the circadian system during adolescence. Gonadally intact degus exhibited a delay in the phase angle of activity onset (Psi(on)) during puberty, which reversed as animals became reproductively competent. Gonadectomy before puberty prevented this phase delay. However, the effect of gonadal hormones during puberty on Psi(on) does not result from changes in the period of the underlying circadian pacemaker. A sex difference in Psi(on) and free-running period (tau) emerged several months after puberty; these developmental changes are not likely to be related, since the sex difference in Psi(on) emerged before the sex difference in tau. Changes in the levels of circulating hormones cannot explain the emergence of these sex differences, since there is a rather lengthy delay between the age at which degus reach sexual maturity and the age at which Psi(on) and tau become sexually dimorphic. However, postnatal exposure to gonadal hormones is required for sexual differentiation of Psi(on) and tau, since these sex differences were absent in prepubertally gonadectomized degus. These data suggest that gonadal hormones modulate the circadian system during adolescent development and provide a new model for postpubertal sexual differentiation of a central nervous system structure.  相似文献   

Both breeding activity and abundance and quality of available food are expected to influence daily movements of animals. Animals are predicted to range over large areas to meet high energy demands associated with reproduction (females) or to increase mating success (males). However, animals should expand their range areas whenever food conditions deteriorate. To examine the extent to which breeding activity versus food availability influence space use, we compared the size and location of range areas (home ranges) of the degu (Octodon degus), a diurnal rodent from semiarid environments of north-central Chile, during the austral winter and summer seasons. Degus produce young during the austral spring (September-October) when high-quality food is readily available. In contrast, degus do not breed during the austral summer (January-March) when food is scarce and of low quality. We predicted that degus would range over smaller areas in winter if the availability of food has a greater influence on space than breeding activity. Individuals were radiotracked in winter and the following summer over a 3-year period. Surveys of herbaceous cover were conducted during winter and summer to determine seasonal changes in the abundance and quality of primary food. In summer degus expanded and moved the location of their range areas to locations with available food. Given that preferred food was less abundant in summer than winter, we suggest that degu range areas are strongly influenced by food conditions.  相似文献   

The degu (Octodon degus) is a diurnal rodent, although phase inversions to nocturnal behavior have been reported under specific laboratory conditions. The reliability of this animal as a diurnal model of sleep therefore requires further characterization of intrinsic circadian pacemaker properties. A phase response curve to light has been reported in the degu, and is consistent with other diurnal animals. This study reports a phase response curve to melatonin in the degu, which is distinct in orientation from the light curve.  相似文献   

Reentrainment following phase shifts of the light-dark (LD) cycle is accelerated in Octodon degus in the presence of olfactory social cues (i.e., odors) produced by conspecifics. However, not all odors from conspecifics were effective in facilitating reentrainment after a phase advance. In the current experiments, we examined whether nonanimal odors, odors from another species, or conspecific odors, including those manipulated by steroid hormones, can cause the same increased reentrainment of wheel-running activity as odors from an intact, adult female degu. A variety of odors, each selected to probe a particular aspect of the reentrainment acceleration phenomenon, were presented to a group of phase-shifting female degus. The shifting females (test animals) responded to odors of intact, female degu donors with decreased reentrainment time, but odors of ovariectomized (OVX), OVX with a single hormone replacement capsule (estradiol or progesterone) or phase-shifting females had no effect. Multiple males were effective odor donors, whereas a single male was ineffective in earlier studies. Rats and cloves were not effective in accelerating reentrainment. Furthermore, odors from rats delayed reentrainment. We conclude that the odors that effectively accelerate degu reentrainment after a phase advance of the LD cycle are species specific. We also report that repeated phase shifts, followed by complete recovery of phase relationships, do not alter the rate of recovery from a phase shift over time. These data suggest that in O. degus, a social species, odors may reinforce and strengthen the salience of the photic zeitgeber and/or facilitate synchronization of rhythms between animals.  相似文献   

Octodon degus, a social hystricomorph rodent, responds to olfactory cues from a gonadally intact female entrained to a light-dark cycle (LD) by accelerating reentrainment of running wheel activity following a 6-h phase advance of the LD cycle. In this study, we examined the role of ovarian hormones in the production of and responsiveness to olfactory social cues in females. Experiment 1: intact females were sequentially phase-advanced 6 h with photic cues alone, or in the presence of an intact female donor, ovariectomized (OVX) donor, a castrated male, or a castrated male with testosterone replacement. Acceleration of reentrainment occurred only in the presence of the intact female donor while reentrainment was delayed by OVX donors. Experiment 2: OVX females undergoing a 6-h phase advance did not accelerate reentrainment in the presence of an intact female donor compared to reentrainment with photic cues alone. Thus, ovarian hormones are necessary for both the production of and responsiveness to olfactory cues. Experiment 3: OVX females implanted with estrogen-filled Silastic capsules did not accelerate reentrainment following the 6-h phase advance in the presence of an intact donor, whereas animals implanted with a combination of estrogen- and progesterone-filled capsules (Experiment 4) reduced the length of time needed to reentrain in the presence of an intact donor. Therefore, combined progesterone and estrogen are sufficient for responsiveness to the effective olfactory cue in intact donor females. These data clarify that the sex difference in sensitivity to non-photic odor effects on circadian reentrainment is caused by both the testosterone's inhibitory effects (Octodon degus. J. Biol. Rhythms 18 (2003) 43-50) and the enhancing effects of progesterone and estrogen.  相似文献   

The possibility that social foragers adjust and coordinate their scanning activity when in the presence of close relatives to attain inclusive fitness benefits remains controversial and scarcely examined. To this aim, we first tested the null hypothesis of no association between foraging individuals of the diurnal rodent, Octodon degus and their pairwise relatedness (six microsatellite loci), under natural conditions. Secondly, we examined the influence of relatedness on scan effort (percent overlapping) and temporal distribution of scanning using linear regression. Finally, we evaluated whether temporal distributions of scanning were significantly lower (coordination) or higher (synchrony) than random expectations using bootstrapping. We found that pairwise relatedness between focal degus and their foraging partner did not influence the scan effort or the temporal distribution of scanning. These original, field-based findings imply that vigilance behavior in socially foraging degus is unlikely to be kin-selected and adds to results from previous lab studies in that kinship remains a poor predictor of social behavior in these animals. Overall, our study adds to others revealing that kin selection may not have had an impact on aspects of social behavior such as vigilance during social foraging.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that a main benefit of group‐living in the hystricognath rodent, Octodon degus (common degu), is to decrease individual risk of predation. During a first series of field observations, we contrasted group size of degus when using covered microhabitats with that of degus using exposed patches. During a second set of field observations, we assessed how distance to detection and to escape by degus varied with group size upon the approach of a potential human predator. Degus in exposed patches formed larger groups than degus in covered microhabitats. After excluding the influence of nearest burrow to focal subjects, we found that degus of larger groups detected an approaching human predator at a greater distance than degus of smaller groups. Likewise, degus of larger groups escaped to nearby burrows at a greater distance from the approaching predator than degus of smaller groups. All these pieces of evidence support the predatory risk hypothesis according to which group‐living in degus functions to reduce the risk of predation.  相似文献   

Environmental influences during early life periods, particularly those provided by the mother or parents, are generally considered to have a strong impact on the development of brain and behaviour of the offspring. In the semi-precocial South American species Octodon degus, a rodent becoming increasingly popular in different laboratory research fields, the present study aimed to examine the consequences of the disturbance of the parent-offspring interaction induced by parental separation on the serotonergic neurotransmission. Based on a quantitative neurochemical approach using brain homogenates obtained from cortical regions and the hippocampus our results revealed that (i) the tissue levels of serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid showed in both sexes a moderate, around two-fold increase until adulthood, indicating relatively matured cortical and hippocampal serotonergic systems at birth. In addition, we found an age-, region- and sex-specific pattern of changes in the serotonergic system induced by (ii) an acute stress challenge early in life (1-h parental separation at the postnatal day 3, 8, 14 or 21) with the most pronounced effects at earlier ages (between postnatal days 3 and 14) in the female cortex and (iii) repeated stress exposure (1h daily) during the first 3 weeks of life affecting cortical regions of both sexes. Taken together, these data indicate that early life stress (i.e. parental separation) influences the developing serotonergic system in the semi-precocial O. degus, even if the brain is relatively well matured at the early stages of postnatal development.  相似文献   

We studied the ontogeny of the intestinal brush border disaccharidases sucrase and lactase in the precocial rodent Octodon degus. Sucrase hydrolyze sugars from plants while lactase hydrolyzes sugars from milk. Enzyme expression varied inversely with dietary changes according to the developmental pattern. All new-born pups had high lactase and low sucrase activities. Also, a negative correlation between sucrase and lactase activity was found, supporting the economic design hypothesis for the intestinal tract. Profiles for development of sucrase expression exhibit some differences among precocial species, and in O. degus is correlated with the slower transition from milk to solid food consumption at weaning.  相似文献   

Group living is thought to evolve whenever individuals attain a net fitness advantage due to reduced predation risk or enhanced foraging efficiency, but also when individuals are forced to remain in groups, which often occurs during high-density conditions due to limitations of critical resources for independent breeding. The influence of ecological limitations on sociality has been studied little in species in which reproduction is more evenly shared among group members. Previous studies in the caviomorph rodent Octodon degus (a New World hystricognath) revealed no evidence that group living confers an advantage and suggest that burrow limitations influence formation of social groups. Our objective was to examine the relevance of ecological limitations on sociality in these rodents. Our 4-year study revealed no association between degu density and use of burrow systems. The frequency with which burrow systems were used by degus was not related to the quality of these structures; only in 1 of the 4 years did the frequency of burrow use decrease with decreasing abundance of food. Neither the number of females per group nor total group size (related measures of degu sociality) changed with yearly density of degus. Although the number of males within social groups was lower in 2008, this variation was not related clearly to varying density. The percentage of females in social groups that bred was close to 99% and did not change across years of varying density. Our results suggest that sociality in degus is not the consequence of burrow limitations during breeding. Whether habitat limitations contribute to variation in vertebrate social systems is discussed.  相似文献   

While ecological causes of sociality (or group living) have been identified, proximate mechanisms remain less clear. Recently, close connections between sociality, glucocorticoid hormones (cort) and fitness have been hypothesized. In particular, cort levels would reflect a balance between fitness benefits and costs of group living, and therefore baseline cort levels would vary with sociality in a way opposite to the covariation between sociality and fitness. However, since reproductive effort may become a major determinant of stress responses (i.e., the cort–adaptation hypothesis), cort levels might also be expected to vary with sociality in a way similar to the covariation between sociality and fitness. We tested these expectations during three years in a natural population of the communally rearing degu, Octodon degus. During each year we quantified group membership, measured fecal cortisol metabolites (a proxy of baseline cort levels under natural conditions), and estimated direct fitness. We recorded that direct fitness decreases with group size in these animals. Secondly, neither group size nor the number of females (two proxies of sociality) influenced mean (or coefficient of variation, CV) baseline cortisol levels of adult females. In contrast, cortisol increased with per capita number of offspring produced and offspring surviving to breeding age during two out of three years examined. Together, our results imply that variation in glucocorticoid hormones is more linked to reproductive challenge than to the costs of group living. Most generally, our study provided independent support to the cort–adaptation hypothesis, according to which reproductive effort is a major determinant, yet temporally variable, influence on cort–fitness covariation.  相似文献   

During puberty, human adolescents develop a later chronotype, exhibiting a delay in the timing of rest and activity as well as other daily physiological rhythms. The purpose of this study was to determine whether similar changes in chronotype occur during puberty in a laboratory rodent species, and, if so, to determine whether they are due to pubertal hormones acting on the circadian timekeeping system. To test this hypothesis, we carefully tracked daily activity rhythms across puberty in the slow-developing rodent Octodon degus. We confirmed that male degus showed a large reorganization of activity rhythms that correlated with secondary sex development during puberty, including a loss of bimodality and a 3-5 h phase-advance. Similar to humans, this circadian reorganization showed distinct sex differences, with females showing little change during puberty in two separate experiments. Prepubertal gonadectomy (GDX) eliminated the changes, whereas SHAM gonadectomy had little impact. Therefore, gonadal hormones are likely to play a role in pubertal changes in chronotype in this rodent species. Using evidence from a variety of species, including our recent studies in the rat, we conclude that chronotype changes during puberty are a well-demonstrated phenomenon in mammals.  相似文献   

Octodon degus is a desert rodent of northern Chile, adapted to survive with a limited supply of water. This rodent has a high degree of fecal dehydration, related to colon water absorption. With the hypothesis that aquaporins (AQPs) might be present in the colon epithelium of O. degus and involved in fluid absorption, we studied colon water absorption in vivo and the distribution of AQPs and Na(+) transporters by immunocytochemistry. AQP-1 was found in apical and basolateral membranes of surface-absorptive and crypt epithelial cells. AQP-8 was found in the cytoplasm of enterocytes of surface colon. AQP-3 immunolabeling, on the other hand, was absent from the epithelium but present in a subepithelial fibroblast layer, pericryptal cells, and muscularis mucosae. The hydration state did not modify the amount of immunostaining for any of the AQPs. Colon water absorption was markedly decreased by the mercurial agent p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and was not affected by water deprivation. The NHE3 isoform of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and alpha-1 subunit of the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were found in apical and basolateral membranes of surface-absorptive cells, respectively. These results suggest that colon water absorption is mostly transcellular and mediated by water channels like AQP-1. Apical Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in surface cells could be part of the Na(+) absorption pathway. It is hypothesized that this transport is necessary to provide an osmotic gradient for water absorption. The roles of AQP-8 and AQP-3 in water absorption remain to be established.  相似文献   

Entrainment of the circadian pacemaker to nonphotic stimuli, such as scheduled wheel-running activity, is well characterized in nocturnal rodents, but little is known about activity-dependent entrainment in diurnal or crepuscular species. In the present study, effects of scheduled voluntary wheel-running activity on circadian timekeeping were investigated in Octodon degus, a hystricomorph rodent that exhibits robust crepuscular patterns of wakefulness. When housed in constant darkness, O. degus exhibited circadian rhythms in wheel-running activity and body temperature (Tb) with an average period length (tau) of 23.39 +/- 0.11 h. When wheel running was restricted to a fixed 2-h schedule every 24 h, tau increased on average 0.39 +/- 0.09 h but did not result in steady-state entrainment. Instead, relative coordination between the fixed running schedule and circadian timing was observed. Tau was greatest when scheduled wheel running occurred at CT 20.5 (0.4 h greater than DD baseline tau). Scheduled running activity also influenced Tb waveform symmetry, reflecting concomitant changes in the circadian activity-rest ratio (alpha:rho). Aftereffects of the scheduled wheel-running paradigm were also observed. In 2 animals, tau lengthened from 23.20 and 23.80 h to 24.14 and 24.15 h, respectively, and remained relatively stable for approximately 1 month during the wheel schedule. Although behavioral activity appears to be a weak zeitgeber in this species, these data suggest that nonphotic stimuli can phase delay the circadian pacemaker in O. degus at similar times of the day as in nocturnal hamsters and mice, and in humans.  相似文献   

Rhinovirus antisera have been prepared for rhinoviruses (RV) 7,9,26,32,67 and 87 in guinea pigs and in degus. Titers achieved were either similar in the 2 animals (RV7) somewhat higher in the degu (RV9 and RV32) or clearly higher in the degu (RV26, RV67 and RV87). Specificity of the antisera was similar in both animals. In special instances where it is difficult to prepare high-titered rhinovirus antisera in the guinea pig, the degu offers an attractive alternative source.  相似文献   

The behavior of male and female Octodon degus (Hystricognathi; Octodontidae) was studied in captivity to examine the occurrence of non-parental infanticide, which involves the killing of immature infants by adult conspecifics other than the genetic parents. Sexually inexperienced male and female, and lactating female degus were tested for their behavior toward genetically unrelated, and socially unfamiliar, degu pups in a neutral arena. No male or female degu showed any sign of aggression toward the pups. Lactating females tended to exhibit the shortest latency to first behavioral interaction with the pup and the highest rate of social interactions with the pup, and they spent a relatively high proportion of their time in proximity with the pup. In contrast, males tended to show the longest latency to first pup contact and a reduced rate of interactions with the pup, and they spent a relatively small fraction of their time with the pup. The behavior of non-breeding females seemed intermediate between that of males and lactating females. Given that social and ecological conditions posed to promote non-parental infanticide in other rodents seemed not particularly different from what is known of degu biology, ecology, and social behavior, lack of degu infanticide may reflect phylogenetic inertia instead of an absence of conditions favoring infanticide. Received: 8 January 2000 / Received in revised form: 16 June 2000 / Accepted: 20 June 2000  相似文献   

We characterized the reproductive cycle of Octodon degus to determine whether reproductive maturation is spontaneous in juveniles and if ovarian cyclicity and luteal function are spontaneous in adults. Laboratory-reared prepubertal and adult females were monitored for vaginal patency and increased wheel-running. Sexual receptivity was assessed by pairing adult females with a male 1) continuously, 2) at the time of vaginal patency, or 3) following estradiol treatment. Blood samples were assayed for estradiol and progesterone concentrations on Days 1, 4, 8, and 16 relative to vaginal opening. Ovarian tissues were collected 6 and 16 days after behavioral estrus and 6 days after copulation for histology. In juveniles, the onset of cyclic vaginal patency and increased wheel-running activity was spontaneous, occurred in the absence of proximal male cues, and appeared at regular intervals (17.5 ± 1.4 days). In adults, vaginal patency and increased wheel-running occurred cyclically (21.2 ± 0.6 days) in the absence of proximal male cues, and these traits predicted the time of sexual receptivity. Corpora lutea develop spontaneously and are maintained for 12-14 days. The ovaries had well-developed corpora lutea 6 days after mating and 6 days after estrus without mating. Progesterone concentrations were highest in the second half of the cycle when corpora lutea were present and estradiol concentrations peaked on the day of estrus. Thus, female degus appear to exhibit a spontaneous reproductive cycle consistent with other Hystricognathi rodents. Octodon degus is a novel model with which to examine the mechanisms underlying different reproductive cycles.  相似文献   

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