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Animal innovations range from the discovery of novel food types to the invention of completely novel behaviours. Innovations can give access to new opportunities, and thus enable innovating agents to invade and create novel niches. This in turn can pave the way for morphological adaptation and adaptive radiation. The mechanisms that make innovations possible are probably as diverse as the innovations themselves. So too are their evolutionary consequences. Perhaps because of this diversity, we lack a unifying framework that links mechanism to function. We propose a framework for animal innovation that describes the interactions between mechanism, fitness benefit and evolutionary significance, and which suggests an expanded range of experimental approaches. In doing so, we split innovation into factors (components and phases) that can be manipulated systematically, and which can be investigated both experimentally and with correlational studies. We apply this framework to a selection of cases, showing how it helps us ask more precise questions and design more revealing experiments.  相似文献   

Recent work on animal personalities has shown that individuals within populations often differ consistently in various types of behaviour and that many of these behaviours correlate among individuals to form behavioural syndromes. Individuals of certain species have also been shown to differ in their rate of behavioural innovation in arriving at novel solutions to new and existing problems (e.g., mazes, novel foods). Here, we investigate whether behaviours traditionally studied in personality research are correlated with individual rates of innovation as part of a wider behavioural syndrome. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) of both sexes from three different wild population sources were assessed: (a) exploration of an open area; (b) speed through a three‐dimensional maze; (c) investigation of a novel object; and (d) attraction to a novel food. The covariance structure (syndrome structure) was examined using structural equation modelling. The best model separated behaviours relating to activity in all contexts from rates of exploration/investigation and innovation. Innovative behaviour (utilizing new food and moving through a novel area) in these fish therefore forms part of the same syndrome as the traditional shy‐bold continuum (exploration of an open area and investigation of a novel object) found in many animal personality studies. There were no clear differences in innovation or syndrome structure between the sexes, or between the three different populations. However, body size was implicated as part of the behavioural syndrome structure, and because body size is highly correlated with age in guppies, this suggests that individual behavioural differences in personality/innovation in guppies may largely be driven by developmental state.  相似文献   

Anthropologists accept that mobility is a critical dimension of human culture, one that links economy, technology, and social relations. Less often acknowledged is that mobility depends on complex and dynamic interactions between multiple levels of our biological organization, including anatomy, physiology, neurobiology, and genetics. Here, we describe a novel experimental approach to examining the biological foundations of mobility, using mice from a long‐term artificial selection experiment for high levels of voluntary exercise on wheels. In this experiment, mice from selectively bred lines have evolved to run roughly three times as far per day as those from nonselected control lines. We consider three insights gleaned from this experiment as foundational principles for the study of mobility from the perspective of biological evolution. First, an evolutionary change in mobility will necessarily be associated with alterations in biological traits both directly and indirectly connected to mobility. Second, changing mobility will result in trade‐offs and constraints among some of the affected traits. Third, multiple solutions exist to altering mobility, so that various combinations of adjustments to traits linked with mobility can achieve the same overall behavioral outcome. We suggest that anthropological knowledge of variation in human mobility might be improved by greater research attention to its biological dimensions.  相似文献   

We monitored chimpanzee welfare during the introduction of on-exhibit cognitive research training and testing, as measured by behavior and interest in such training, and related individual variation to personality assessments. We observed 11 chimpanzees (six males; five females) over a 16-month period and compared their behavior across three conditions: (1) Baseline (nontraining/research situations) and (2) an on-going, off-exhibit program of Husbandry Training and (3) Research Pod Activities, on-exhibit, group training for cognitive testing. There was considerable individual variation in their interest levels during research sessions; females and those scoring higher for Openness were present more frequently (including those who actively participated and those who observed others participating), but interest did not vary in relation to rates of self-directed behaviors (SDBs), rank, or the level of social disruptions within the group (i.e. large-scale displays or fights). The frequency of SDBs was predicted by the Neuroticism personality factor, but did not differ across baseline and training contexts, indicating that these activities do not negatively impact welfare. We also explored vigilance as an indicator of social uncertainty, but social monitoring did not differ in relation to either social context or rank. Finally, we explored how the specific characteristics of the research context impacted on SDBs; namely, social context, reward contingency, and visual access to keepers. SDBs increased only when visual access to keepers was restricted, suggesting that visual contact reduced uncertainty in novel training contexts. Overall, the introduction of a cognitive research program did not compromise welfare, and the chimpanzees' repeated interest and willingness to participate suggests that the research was enriching.  相似文献   


In Japan, where a super-aging society is realized, we are most concerned about healthy longevity, which would ascertain the wellness of people by improving their quality of life (QOL). In 2014, the Cabinet Office proposed a strategic innovation promotion programme, launching a national project for the development of the agricultural-forestry-fisheries food products with new functionalities for the next generation. In addition to focusing on a conventional prevention of lifestyle-associated metabolic syndromes, the project targets the scientific evidence of the activation of brain cognitive ability and the improvement of bodily locomotive function. The project also involves the analysis of the foods-sports interrelation of chronic importance, and the development of devices for the verification of QOL-associated maintenance of homeostasis. In this review, we provide an overview of these studies, with special reference to cognition as a case of the gut-brain axis which the author is particularly interested in.  相似文献   

We developed a method for studying the synchrony of behaviour based on calculations of overdispersion of a binomial process. The lying behaviour of cows was investigated under two different housing units inside the same barn. The first unit housed 30 cows undergoing conventional milking and the second unit housed 27 cows undergoing automatic milking. The lying behaviour of the cows was observed over 3 weeks in 12 periods of 6 h each. Every 5 min, we counted the number of cows lying down in the cubicles. As external cues, like feeding and conventional milking, can promote synchrony in dairy cows, we expected that cows conventionally milked would show more behavioural synchrony than automatically milked cows. Cows lied down synchronously in both units (overdispersion 1.67, P < 0.01). Lying synchrony tended to be slightly bigger in automatically than in conventionally milked cows (overdispersion 1.76 v. 1.58, P = 0.09), although the proportion of cows lying down was on average greater in conventionally than in automatically milked cows (60.7% v. 45.6%). This suggests that synchronized lying behaviour in cows is a constant phenomenon that depends on social facilitation rather than on external cues. The overdispersion index appears to be a useful tool for studying the synchrony of animal behaviour when observations are made at the group level.  相似文献   

在细菌与古菌中广泛存在的CRISPR-Cas系统,作为目前发现的原核生物唯一的适应性免疫系统,抵御着病毒和质粒的入侵.自20世纪80年代首次被发现至今,CRISPR-Cas系统的基本情况逐渐清晰,包括名称缩写、分类、进化关系等方面.近年来,由于第二类CRISPR-Cas系统作为一种有潜力的基因编辑工具而逐渐成为应用研究...  相似文献   

Temperature coupling exists when changes in male signal production with temperature are paralleled by changes in female response. Such thermal effects have been observed in various ectothermic animals producing acoustic, visual, and electric signals in which the signal rate may be subject to stabilizing selection imposed by female preference. Often, coupling was considered as an adaptive function wherein male and female thermal effects coevolved under selection pressure favoring species recognition, although this assumption has not been tested definitively. We investigated thermal effects on pulse-pair rate in male song and female acceptance threshold for male song rate in an acoustic moth, Achroia grisella, in which male song rate is subject to directional selection. Male song rate and female acceptance threshold do exhibit parallel increases as temperature rises from 18 degrees C to 30 degrees C, but female thresholds are much lower than male song rates and the thermal effect on female response cannot augment species recognition. In further investigations using inbred lines of A. grisella we found that the male and female thermal effects are genetically correlated, and we discuss the likely sources of this covariance. We consider several explanations for the occurrence of temperature coupling in this species and suggest that it represents an emergent property arising from the neuromuscular responses to temperature that are common to several physiological systems.  相似文献   



This study aimed to compare gas exchange with heliox and oxygen-enriched air during piston-type high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV). We hypothesized that helium gas would improve both carbon dioxide elimination and arterial oxygenation during piston-type HFOV.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare two parasitological diagnostic techniques, such as by Micro-Haematocrit Centrifugation Technique (MHCT) and Direct Microscopic Examination (DME) with a serological method (iELISA), and a molecular procedure PCR, in rabbits experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi, in order to determine their sensitivity throughout the course of disease. The parasitological methods were not able of detecting the presence of the parasite during the phases of low parasitemia, the prepatency period and the chronic phase. In contrast, PCR detected T. evansi in the prepatency and chronic phase, when increase the amount of DNA from 100 to 300 ng. 100% detection was observed with iELISA only in the chronic stage of the disease. In the acute phase, all samples were positively diagnosed using either MHCT or PCR, whereas only few samples were diagnosed by DME. Samples obtained from day 15 post infection were also detected by iELISA. The highest diagnostic register during the course of infection was achieved by the PCR technique (93.8%), followed by iELISA (71.1%), MHCT (59%) and DME (13.6%). Therefore, we recommend the use of PCR in epidemiological studies in order to implement sanitary control plans for the improvement of livestock productivity in the country.  相似文献   

Consistency in behaviour is currently receiving a renewed interest. Although courtship display is generally consistent in terms of behavioural sequence and structure, there is also commonly important variation in the intensity of courtship display between and within males of a given species. Indeed, not all males have the same ability to perform courtship display (variation between males), and each male can potentially adjust his courtship effort in response to the environment (variation within a male). Although the study of male courtship display has received considerable attention in recent years, it is still unclear which part of the variation can be explained by male ability or motivation. We investigated this issue on two phases of the complex courtship display of the palmate newt Lissotriton helveticus. Overall, we found that both male and female identities affected courtship behaviour, but the relative influence of each sex depended on the courtship phase. Male identity explained variation in fan and creep‐quiver display, whereas female identity explained variation in creep‐quiver only. Interestingly, we did not find any link between the expression of courtship display and male or female morphological traits. Our study showed consistency of male courtship display in newts and successfully dissects the different sources of variation that can affect behavioural repeatability/consistency of courtship display.  相似文献   

Dendrometers are instruments which are used to measure the diameters of trees. This review considers the use of dendrometers with high spatial and temporal precision in past and present research, the value of which is increasingly being realised. Various insights into tree growth and physiology can be obtained using high-resolution dendrometers, including the assessment of stem daily water status and the understanding of short-term growth responses to changing environmental conditions. This kind of data is useful for irrigation scheduling, assessing site quality, and developing models of the main drivers of tree growth at sub-diurnal resolution. A third, more novel application is the potential these instruments provide as a “template” that relates temporal measurement of growth to spatial measurements of wood properties. Accordingly, this kind of “re-scaled” data is useful in linking environmental conditions which prevailed as the wood formed to varying wood properties along a pith-to-bark wood profile of the sort generated by systems like CSIRO's SilviScan™. This can provide valuable insights into how tree ring structure and radially varying wood properties represent past climates. The development of dendrometers, their use in these three main areas, and a systematic approach to growth-wood property rescaling is discussed in this review.  相似文献   

Model organisms have contributed significantly to the understanding of basic biological phenomena. Suitable animal models are at hand for some research disciplines like genetics, development and cell biology but are still sought after for others like epigenetics. Research of the last years has revealed that the marbled crayfish (Marmorkrebs), which was discovered in the mid-1990s, meets researchers' demands for a vigorous, genetically identical and eurytopic laboratory model very well. Its most prominent advantages are production of high numbers of genetically identical offspring, stepwise alteration of the phenotype by moulting, complex morphology and behaviour and sequential generation of segments and limbs. This paper first reviews the discovery and research history of the marbled crayfish, its biology and culture and its special advantages. It then discusses, based on the published data, its suitability as a laboratory model for various research disciplines. The greatest potential of the marbled crayfish lies in epigenetics and environmental epigenomics and in stem cell research and regeneration. The marbled crayfish also appears to be suitable for the investigation of the role of stochastic developmental variation and epigenetic inheritance in evolution and to contribute to evo-devo and eco-devo. This unique crayfish is even of some value for applied biologists, for example as a toxicological test species.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel and Y‐tube olfactometer studies are useful for demonstrating the responsiveness of male moths to sex pheromones. However, in the cereal stem borer, Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), wind tunnel bioassays yielded poor results when the behavioural responses of females to plant odours were tested. We demonstrated that for B. fusca females, the Y‐tube olfactometer was better suited for measuring the attractiveness of plant odours, compared with the wind tunnel. In particular, we showed B. fusca preference for odours of a host over a non‐host plant species using this apparatus. Behavioural responses for B. fusca after host finding are also discussed.  相似文献   

Vermifiltration is a new technology using earthworms to process organically polluted water. A pilot associated with a swine facility (piggery) with 66 swine was developed to treat diluted manure, produce earthworms and vermicompost, and reduce air pollution. The aim of the experiment reported here was to devise an integrated method – biological, chemical and physical – for further research and development of vermifiltration in diluted swine manure, and provide some preliminary results. The earthworm population increased by 30% in 4 weeks, indicating the acclimation of the earthworms. A reduction in ammonia emission was observed of about 50% for the whole system. Higher water (+100%), carbon (+70%), and total nitrogen (+80%) gaseous losses were observed compared to conventional breeding on a slatted floor. This methodology can be used for further studies to develop vermifiltration for earthworm and vermicompost production from diluted animal manure, without pollution transfer.  相似文献   

From a holistic perspective, the discovery of cellular plasticity, a very interesting property of totipotency, underlies many topical issues in biology with important medical applications, while transgenesis is a core research tool in biology. Partially known, some basic mechanisms involved in the regenerative property of cells and in their receptivity to transgenesis are common to plant and animal cells and highlight the principle of the unity of life. Transgenesis provides an important investigative instrument in plant physiology and is regarded as a valuable tool for crop improvement. The economic, social, cultural and scientific importance of cereals has led to a rich stream of research into their genetics, biology and evolution. Sustained efforts to achieve the results obtained in the fields of genetic engineering and applied biotechnology reflect this deep interest. Difficulties encountered in creating genetically modified cereals, especially wheat, highlighted the central notions of tissue culture regeneration and transformation competencies. From the perspective of combining or encountering these competencies in the same cell lineage, this reputedly recalcitrant species provides a stimulating biological system in which to explore the physiological and genetic complexity of both competencies. The former involves two phases, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation. Cells undergo development switches regulated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The re-entry into the cell division cycle progressively culminates in the development of organized structures. This is achieved by global chromatin reorganization associated with the reprogramming of the gene expression pattern. The latter is linked with surveillance mechanisms and DNA repair, aimed at maintaining genome integrity before cells move into mitosis, and with those mechanisms aimed at genome expression control and regulation. In order to clarify the biological basis of these two physiological properties and their interconnectedness, we look at both competencies at the core of defense/adaptive mechanisms and survival, between undifferentiated cell proliferation and organization, constituting a transition phase between two different dynamic regimes, a typical feature of critical dynamic systems. Opting for a candidate-gene strategy, several gene families could be proposed as relevant targets for investigating this hypothesis at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The suppression of agricultural pests has often been proposed as an important service of natural enemy diversity, but few experiments have tested this assertion. In this study we present empirical evidence that increasing the richness of a particular guild of natural enemies can reduce the density of a widespread group of herbivorous pests and, in turn, increase the yield of an economically important crop. We performed an experiment in large field enclosures where we manipulated the presence/absence of three of the most important natural enemies (the coccinellid beetle Harmonia axyridis, the damsel bug Nabis sp., and the parasitic wasp Aphidius ervi) of pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum) that feed on alfalfa (Medicago sativa). When all three enemy species were together, the population density of the pea aphid was suppressed more than could be predicted from the summed impact of each enemy species alone. As crop yield was negatively related to pea aphid density, there was a concomitant non‐additive increase in the production of alfalfa in enclosures containing the more diverse enemy guild. This trophic cascade appeared to be influenced by an indirect interaction involving a second herbivore inhabiting the system – the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora. Data suggest that high relative densities of cowpea aphids inhibited parasitism of pea aphids by the specialist parasitoid, A. ervi. Therefore, when natural enemies were together and densities of cowpea aphids were reduced by generalist predators, parasitism of pea aphids increased. This interaction modification is similar to other types of indirect interactions among enemy species (e.g. predator–predator facilitation) that can enhance the suppression of agricultural pests. Results of our study, and those of others performed in agroecosystems, complement the broader debate over how biodiversity influences ecosystem functioning by specifically focusing on systems that produce goods of immediate relevance to human society.  相似文献   

Xu L  Chen SY  Nie WH  Jiang XL  Yao YG 《遗传学报》2012,39(3):131-137
Tree shrew(Tupaia belangeri) is currently placed in Order Scandentia and has a wide distribution in Southeast Asia and Southwest China.Due to its unique characteristics,such as small body size,high brain-to-body mass ratio,short reproductive cycle and life span,and low-cost of maintenance,tree shrew has been proposed to be an alternative experimental animal to primates in biomedical research.However,there are some debates regarding the exact phylogenetic affinity of tree shrew to primates.In this study,we determined the mtDNA entire genomes of three Chinese tree shrews(T.belangeri chinensis) and one Malayan flying lemur(Galeopterus variegatus).Combined with the published data for species in Euarchonta,we intended to discern the phylogenetic relationship among representative species of Dermoptera,Scandentia and Primates.The mtDNA genomes of Chinese tree shrews and Malayan flying lemur shared similar gene organization and structure with those of other mammals.Phylogenetic analysis based on 12 concatenated mitochondrial proteinencoding genes revealed a closer relationship between species of Scandentia and Glires,whereas species of Dermoptera were clustered with Primates.This pattern was consistent with previously reported phylogeny based on mtDNA data,but differed from the one reconstructed on the basis of nuclear genes.Our result suggested that the matrilineal affinity of tree shrew to primates may not be as close as we had thought.The ongoing project for sequencing the entire genome of Chinese tree shrew will provide more information to clarify this important issue.  相似文献   

[Purpose]Exercise is a fundamental way to maintain and improve health and physical fitness. Many human studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of exercise on various biological parameters. However, studies investigating the effects of exercise in dogs are limited. This review summarized the current data from studies that examined the effects of different exercise conditions (treadmill vs. non-treadmill and acute vs. chronic) on physiological and hematological parameters in dogs.[Methods]Papers addressing the effects of exercise in dogs published from January 2000 to October 2020 were retrieved from the online databases of Scopus, Google Scholar, and PubMed and were selected and reviewed.[Results]The exercise conditions differentially affected physiological and hematological responses and adaptation in dogs. Therefore, the development and comprehensive evaluation of scientific exercise programs for dogs are necessary.[Conclusion]The dog would be a valuable exercise science animal model, and studies aiming at the optimal health, well-being, and quality of life of dogs need to be conducted.  相似文献   

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