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Summary 1. The definition of the word ecology is considered and the difficulties — both practical and theoretical — associated with a precise formulation outlined.2. Ecology as the study of systems consisting of components, or variables, each made up of a number of vectors is discussed.3. A comparison of the difficulties inherent in the definition with those — less apparent — in abiotic systems is made.4. The meaning of the word experimental is considered and its relation to a series of transformations on a biological system discussed.5. The meaning — in the restricted sense determined by the definitions given — of experimental ecology and the practical problems it poses are dealt with in some detail.6. The meaning of experimental biology and its relation to experimental ecology, as defined above, is discussed in relation to plant and animal systems.7. The future of ecology — experimental and otherwise is discussed.8. The increase in information will call for a greater integrative approach and the possible ways by which this can be achieved are outlined, particularly as they relate to the marine biological sciences.
Ökologie und experimentelle Biologie
Kurzfassung Der Begriff Ökologie wird erörtert und die praktischen sowie theoretischen Schwierigkeiten aufgezeigt, welche einer präzisen Definition im Wege stehen. Ökologie wird als ein Forschungsgebiet aufgefaßt, das sich mit dem Studium von Systemen beschäftigt, welche aus Komponenten oder Variablen bestehen, von denen jede wieder eine Anzahl von Vektoren enthält und Vergleiche mit abiotischen Systemen anstellt. Die Bedeutung des Wortes experimentell wird erörtert und dessen Beziehung zu einer Serie von Transformationen an einem biologischen System diskutiert. Eingehende Überlegungen werden dem auf Grund der gegebenen Definitionen eingeschränkten Begriffsinhalt experimentelle Ökologie und den praktischen Problemen gewidmet, welche dieses Forschungsgebiet uns aufgibt. Die Konotation des Terminus experimentelle Biologie wird behandelt und die Beziehung zwischen experimenteller Biologie und experimenteller Ökologie im Hinblick auf Pflanzen- und Tiersysteme diskutiert. Die Zukunft der Ökologie — experimentell und nichtexperimentell — bedarf besonderer Aufmerksamkeit. Das ständige Anwachsen der pro Zeiteinheit produzierten neuen Informationen macht eine stärkere Integration erforderlich; Vorschläge, wie dies erreicht werden könnte, werden vorgelegt, und zwar unter besonderer Berücksichtigung meeresbiologischer Aspekte.

180 rainbow trouts (Salmo gairdneriRich.), aged from 1 to 3 years, were examined for fluctuations, caused by age and season, by means of colour index (CI), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).CI and MCH behave similarly. Both are increasing until the 2nd year and stay relatively constant thereafter. If the gender is not considered — there are no significant differences in the values of males and females — the CI increases from 1,4 in the first year over 1,6 to 1,7 in the age of 3 years, and the MCH increases from 44,4 over 52,6 , 56,8 , 58,1 to 55,5 .A seasonal periodicity of both indices could not be indicated on not-matured animals (F2) which were two summers of age. Only, the january values appeared increased — CI: 2, MCH: 68,3 — otherwise the CI varies between 1,8 and 1,7 and the MCH between 53,3 and 59,1 .The MCHC-values of the age groups examined vary between 24,4% and 27,3%. The values of the yearlings form an exception (19,8%). These values certainly are inexact and too low because of the small number of individuals checked (3).

Mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch die DFG.Institut für Siedlungswasserbau und Wassergütewirtschaft der Universitat Stuttgart Fischtoxikologische Arbeitsgruppe  相似文献   

Residual toxicities of registered and selected experimental pesticides used on citrus against Agistemus industani Gonzalez (Acari: Stigmaeidae) were compared. Pesticides considered highly toxic to A. industani were: abamectin 0.15 EC at 731ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, pyridaben 75WP at 469g/ha, ethion 4EC at 7.01l/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, propargite 6.55 EC at 3.51l/ha, chlorfenapyr 2SC at 1.46l/ha applied alone or in combination with FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, sulphur 80DF at 16.81kg/ha, dicofol 4EC at 7.01l/ha, fenbutatin oxide 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 2.24kg/ha, benomyl 50WP at 1.68kg/ha+ferbam 76 GF at 5.60kg/ha, ferbam 76GF at 11.21kg/ha, neem oil 90EC at 46.8l/ha, and copper hydroxide DF (40% metallic copper) at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha. Pesticides that were moderately to slightly toxic included: copper sulphate 98% at 4.48kg metallic copper/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, fenbuconazole 2F at 280ml/ha+FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil applied alone at 46.8l/ha or 23.4l/ha, and diflubenzuron 25WP at 1.40kg/ha. Pesticides that were non-toxic included: fenbuconazole 2F at 585ml/ha, malathion 57EC at 5.85l/ha, FC 435-66 petroleum oil at 46.8l/ha, carbaryl 80S at 3.36kg/ha, chlorpyrifos 4EC at 4.68l/ha, and formetanate 92SP at 1.12kg/ha. Understanding the toxic effects of field weathered pesticides against key predacious mite species is important for effective IPM. The results of this study provide a comparison of direct and indirect toxic effects of various pesticides to A. industani under field conditions.  相似文献   

Annual nitrogen and phosphorus budgets for the whole North Sea taking into account the most recent data available were established. The area considered has a total surface of approximately 700,000km2 and corresponds to the definition by OSPARCOM (Oslo and Paris Commission) with the exclusion of the Skagerrak and Kattegat areas. Input and output fluxes were determined at the marine, atmospheric, sediment and continental boundaries, and riverine inputs based on river flows and nutrient concentrations at the river–estuary interface were corrected for possible estuarine retention. The results showed that the North Sea is an extremely complex system subjected to large inter-annual variability of marine water circulation and freshwater land run-off. Consequently, resulting total N (TN) and P (TP) fluxes are extremely variable from 1 year to another and this has an important influence on the budget of these elements. Total inputs to the North Sea are 8870±4860kTNyear–1 and 494±279kTPyear–1. Denitrification is responsible for the loss of 23±7% of the TN inputs while sediment burial is responsible for the retention of only of 2±2% of the TP input. For TN, due to the large variability on marine and estuarine fluxes, and to the uncertainty related to the denitrification rate, it was concluded that the North Sea could either be a source (1930kTNyear–1) or a sink (1700kTNyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. For TP it was concluded that the North Sea is mostly a source (–4 to 52kTPyear–1) for the waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

A partially purified preparation of 1,3-fucosyltransferase(s) from human milk was used to [14C]fucosylate oligosac-charides containing Gal1-4GlcNAc units. Substitution ofN-acetyllactosamine at position 3 with a -linkedN-acetylglucosamine enhanced the reactivity of the acceptor, whereas similar substitution at position 6 was inhibitory. Thus, the trisaccharide GlcNAcl-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (5), the branched tetrasaccharide GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (11) and the triply branched decasaccharide GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gall-4GlcNAc1-3[GlcNAc1-3(GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (26) gave remarkably poor yields of 1,3-fucosylated products in comparison to GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc (3). 1,4-Galactosyl derivatives of5 and11, however, gave good yields of 1,3-fucosylated products, but the fucosylation was restricted to the distalN-acetyllactosamine units of Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (16), Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (18) and also in Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (22). Immobilized wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), possessing high affinity for16 [1], revealed no affinity for the fucosylated derivative Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6Gal1-4GlcNAc (17). The isomeric heptasaccharides Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (19) and Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3[Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (20) were readily separated from each other on WGA-agarose, and so were the isomeric nonasaccharides Gal1-3Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-3(Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6)Gal1-4GlcNAc (23) and Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc1-3[Gal1-3Gal1-4(Fuc1-3)GlcNAc1-6]Gal1-4GlcNAc (24).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Enchytraeus albidus aus dem Anwurf mariner Algen an der Kieler Förde (Ostsee) erträgt als Nahrung die folgenden dort vorkommenden Pflanzen (Reihenfolge mit abnehmender Verträglichkeit): Fucus — Grünalgen —Seegras (Zostera) — Rotalgen (Delesseria). Diese Reihenfolge gilt für Nahrungsaufnahme, Fortpflanzungsrate und Überlebensdauer.Mit zunehmender Fäulnis des Nahrungssubstrates steigt die Zahl der Tiere, die aus ihm fliehen. Ihre Anzahl wird außerdem bestimmt durch den Salzgehalt des Substrates: Von 15–45 ist sie proportional der Substratsalinität. Bei 60 ist die Aktivität der Tiere bereits stark eingeschränkt.Bei Fucus-Nahrung ertragen auf Sand gehaltene Tiere eine Salinität von 60–70 länger als 4 Wochen, auf Filtrierpapier dagegen nur 50 für durchschnittlich 1 Woche. Die obere Fortpflanzungsgrenze liegt bei 40 Salzgehalt im Substrat. Bei 5 werden die meisten Kokons abgelegt. Die Sterblichkeit im Kokon ist bei 15 am geringsten. Auf den Substratsalinitäten 0–15 ist die Entwicklungsdauer im Kokon signifikant kürzer als auf Substraten von 30 und 40. Enchytraeus hat sich als Rückwanderer zum Meer mit einer sekundär erweiterten Poikilosmotie an den neuen Lebensraum angepaßt. Er kann eine Binnenkonzentration entsprechend etwa 72 längere Zeit ertragen. Auf niedrigen Salzgehalten besitzt er eine ausgeprägte Hypertonieregulation.
Summary Enchytraeus albidus was fed with Fucus, green algae, Zostera marina and Delesseria. Judging from absorption of food, rate of reproduction and duration of life, the animals preferred the plants in the sequence given above.As the putrefaction of a Fucus substrate advances, more and more enchytraeids leave it. A changing salinity of the substrate also influences the number of emigrating worms, increasing it from 15–45, but decreasing it towards 60. Fed with Fucus E. albidus tolerates a salinity of 60–70 on sand for more than 4 weeks, on filter paper only 50 for about one week.Reproduction is possible at salinities up to 40. Cocoon production is most frequent at 5. The mortality of young worms within the cocoons is lowest at 15. The incubation period is significantly shorter at salinities of 0–15 than at 30 and 40.As a terrestrial immigrant to the seashore Enchytraeus albidus secondarily enlarged its range of poikilosmosis, tolerating a concentration of 72 in its coelomic fluid for some time. At low salinities it maintains a remarkable degree of hyperosmosis.

We have investigated 13 alleles of four genes coding for acid phosphatase, -and -esterases, and malic enzyme. The genes were localized and their positions regarding the centromere are as follows: Acph-1—centromere—Me—cu—dt—-Est—[Inversion 2t]—-Est. The occurrence of crossing-over in Drosophila imeretensis males, as well as the tetrameric structure of malic enzyme, was confirmed.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate-binding specificity ofPseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I (PA-I) in iodinated or biotinylated form was studied. A large number of glycosphingolipids, as well as some glycoproteins and neoglycoproteins were used as ligands. Also, inhibition by free saccharides of PA-I binding to glycosphingolipids was tested. It was found that the lectin binds most strongly to terminal and nonsubstituted Gal3Gal- or Gal4Gal-structures.Abbreviations PA-I Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin I - Cer ceramide - lactosylceramide Gal4GlcCer - iso globotriaosylcerami Gal3Gal4GlcCer - globotriaosylceramide Gal4Gal4GlcCer - globoside or globotetraosylceramide GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - Forssman glycolipid GalNAc3GalNAc3Gal4Gal4GlcCer - P1 glycolipid Gal4Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - lactoneotetraosylceramide Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - B5 glycolipid Gal3Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4GlcCer - gangliotetraosylceramide Gal3GalNAc4Gal4GlcCer - GM1 Gal3GalNAc4(NeuAc3)Gal4GlcCer - RBC red blood cells - BSA bovine serum albumin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - FAB fast-atom bombardment - EI electron impact  相似文献   

This study examined macronutrient input from pollen in two naturally regenerating pine stands in southeast Korea. Durham gravity pollen collectors were used to measure pine pollen deposition and the macronutrients in the collected pine pollen were analyzed. In 1998, pine pollen deposition began just before 18 April and lasted for approximately 2weeks. Total pine pollen deposition differed between the two sampling sites; 27.5kgha–1 was collected from the mature stand and 17.7kgha–1 was collected from the young stand. The values for nutrient deposition from pine pollen are 549gha–1 N, 78gha–1 P, 240gha–1 K, 45gha–1 S and 22gha–1 Mg at the mature stand and 353gha–1 N, 51gha–1 P, 151gha–1 K, 27gha–1 S and 14gha–1 Mg at the young stand, suggesting that nutrients from pine pollen contribute to forest nutrient cycling. The pine pollen deposition values obtained from our study (17.7–27.5kg–1ha–1year–1) are approximately 1/115–180-fold that of pine litterfall in Korea. If we take pollen nutrients into account, the contribution rate of pollen to the annual nutrient input is very high in our study (N 1/30, P 1/5, K 1/9 that of litterfall). Macronutrient deposition from pine pollen is concentrated temporally in spring. Although the annual contribution of nutrient mass by pollen is small compared to that of litterfall, the rapid turnover rate of pollen nutrients combined with episodic deposition suggests that pollen may play a disproportionate role in temperate pine forest nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of HbH disease in Taiwan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary We have determined the molecular characteristics of -thalassemia in 12 HbH subjects from Taiwan by restriction endonuclease mapping with -and -specific probes. We have found four types of defects in the -thalassemia-2 genetic determinant: 3.7 type I; 4.2; CS; and T. All HbH subjects carried the ——SEA genotype in the -thalassemia-1 determinant. At least two different subtypes of ——SEA genotype were observed in this study.  相似文献   

H. Oepen  I. Oepen 《Human genetics》1965,1(3):299-302
Free and bounded amino acids in blood serum and plasma of 13 persons with Huntingtons chorea (4 , 9 ) are studied using ion exchange chromatography. The gen of this hereditary disease causes no qualitative changes and no excessive quantitative anomalies of amino acids in blood serum—detectable with this method.—The concentration of arginine in the serum of all male and of five female patients was higher than normal. The valine/lysine ratio shows tendencies towards a catabolic process. The matter requires further investigations.  相似文献   

The specificity of perch (Perca fluviatilis) roe fucolectin was studied using the protein dot blot technique, followed by detection with colloidal gold–labeled neoglycoproteins bearing human milk oligosaccharides. The strongest binding was noted with the H type 1 pentasaccharide lacto-N-fucopentaose (Fuc1-2Gal1-3GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc); the interaction with the H type 6 trisaccharide 2"-fucosyllactose (Fuc1-2Gal1-4Glc) was weaker. Binding of the perch lectin to the Lewis antigens (associated with tumors and embryonic tissues) was also studied. It was found that the lectin weakly interacted with the hexasaccharide lacto-N-difucohexaose I, Leb (Fuc1-2Gal1-3[Fuc1-4]GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc), but not with Lea, Lec, or Lex antigens. Thus, the perch roe lectin exhibited pronounced differences in carbohydrate specificity from other fucolectins—a feature that may be used in structural studies and isolation of fucose-containing glycoconjugates.  相似文献   

The production of erythritol and the erythritol yield from glucose by Torula sp. were improved, in increasing order, by supplementing with 10 mg MnSO44H2O l–1, 2 mg CuSO45H2O l–1, and both 10 mg MnSO44H2O l–1 and 2 mg CuSO45H2O l–1. Mn2+ decreased the intracellular concentration of erythritol, whereas Cu2+ increased the activity of erythrose reductase in cells. These results suggest that Mn2+ altered the permeability of cells, whereas Cu2+ increased the activity of erythrose reductase in cells.  相似文献   

Summary In 1991 a pair of Great Tits successfully reared three Pied Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca). Although this finding is not unusual at first glance, the observation gains importance due to the fact that the life history of the foster-mother was — at least partly — well-known. On the 4th of May the Great Tit was discovered for the first time in our study area breeding on an empty nest in nest-box G 29. Still breeding it was ringed 11 days later (15th of May). On the 6th of June the Great Tit's nest was built over by a nest of Pied Flycatchers, which successfully reared five flycatchers in nest-box G 29. The same day the Great Tit-, ringed in nest-box G 29 about three weeks before, was observed in nest-box G 19 brooding three Pied Flycatchers (nest-box G 19 was 80 meters away from G 29). Based on the good care the chicks were given by their foster-mother and a Great Tit- they came along nicely and fledged at the end of June. From that it is clear that Great Tit- found breeding on empty nests are thouroughly able to show normal behavior regarding breeding and rearing.  相似文献   

Summary Intestinal lipid absorption and transport were investigated in albino rats. The observations point towards the existence of a continuity between plasma membrane invaginations and elements of the Golgi complex on its mature face. They also suggest a segregation of lipid droplets by paired Golgi membranes and plasma membrane invaginations. The following way for lipid transport is deduced: lipid droplets moving inside the smooth endoplasmic reticulum accumulate progressively and are condensed in Golgi cisternae of the forming face. Their limiting membrane ruptures and liberated lipid droplets are segregated by paired Golgi membranes of the mature face or by plasma membrane invaginations. Subsequently the inner of the two segregating membranes disappears while the lipid droplet is moved towards the intercellular space inside a canal communicating with this space. The suggestion is made that the Golgi apparatus is of double origin: one component representing a terminal plication of the endoplasmic reticulum; the second one—a terminal plication of the plasma membrane invagination. This concept explains the ultrastructural and histochemical differences between Golgi membranes of the forming and mature faces of the complex.  相似文献   

Summary The basal swellings on the processes of the cone cells of Pteronemobius include conspicuous bodies consisting of a double unit membrane as well as of many granules (-glycogen?). These membranes are infoldings of the cell membrane.According to their site these structures seem to be a continuation of the rhabdome to which they lie very close distally. These bodies probably could—like the rhabdome-act as light guides, and together with pigment prevent an intrusion of light into deeper regions of the head.  相似文献   

Biology cannot accommodate all aspects of culture. Aspects of culture that a biological approach can take into account can be covered by the biological categories of phenotype and environment. There is no need to treat culture as a separate category. Attempts to elaborate biological explanations of cultural variation will meet with success only if biologists expand theories of development, and integrate them in evolutionary biology. The alternative — elaborating the idea of so-called cultural inheritance — makes little sense from a biological point of view.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of the antitumor effect of murine recombinant interferon() Mu-rIFN() and murine recombinant interferon() Mu-rIFN() on B16-F10 melanoma was conducted. Administration of Mu-rIFN() i.p. into C57BL/6 mice on days 1 to 7 produced a higher suppressive effect than Mu-rIFN() both on the growth of s.c. implanted tumor and on the formation of artificial pulmonary metastasis. Pharmacokinetic study of Mu-rIFN() demonstrated that high plasma levels were retained for a long time. In clonogenic assay, Mu-rIFN() at 1000 units/ml showed about 80% inhibition of colonies of B16-F10 melanoma. However, Mu-rIFN() hardly inhibited the colonies, even at 1000 units/ml. Augmentation of natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity was much greater with Mu-rIFN() than Mu-rIFN(), whereas Mu-rIFN() enhanced the cytotoxicity of peritoneal macrophages more strongly than Mu-rIFN(). Injection of Mu-rIFN() i.p. 1 day before tumor challenge also inhibited the formation of pulmonary metastasis of B16-F10 melanoma. However, pretreatment of mice with carrageenan significantly suppressed the inhibitory effect of Mu-rIFN(). From these results, it is suggested that the inhibitory effect of Mu-rIFN() on the tumor growth and metastases of B16-F10 melanoma is mediated partly by direct antitumor effect and partly by the activation of macrophages, and that the augmentation of NK activity contributes mainly to the antitumor effect of Mu-rIFN().  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Nucleolus der Leberzellen von Ratten ist elektronenmikroskopisch — mit Formalinfixierung — kontrastreiches Chromatin und autoradiographisch — mit H3-Thymidin — eine DNS-Synthese nachweisbar. Das Chromatin ist nicht in die netzigen Anteile der Nucleolarsubstanz (Nucleolonema), sondern in die dazwischen liegenden Aufhellungen eingelassen, doch sind nur einige dieser Räume und auch diese oft nur unvollständig von Karyoplasma (= Chromosomensubstanz) ausgefüllt. Die einzelnen Chromatin-Einschlüsse erreichen normalerweise die lichtmikroskopischesichtbarkeitsgrenzenicht. Lediglich in hepatozellulärenTumornucleolen sind bereits in gewöhnlichen Präparaten feulgenpositive Strukturen festzustellen.Aus den Befunden wird gefolgert: der Nucleolus der Somazellen ist generell von — meist sublichtmikroskopischen — Anteilen aufgelockerter und aufgesplitterter Chromosomen durchzogen. Dabei handelt es sich um die nucleolusorganizer-Region der Nucleolarchromosomen, denen der organisierte Nucleolus auch in der Intermitose verhaftet bleibt.  相似文献   

Contrary to other reports, we have found that the A type G6PD found in two permanent cell lines—HeLa (Gey), with its single cell clonal derivative HeLa S3, and Detroit 98, with its four clonal derivative lines—is not a single variant but rather at least three different isozymes. One is heat stable with normal specific activity and normal A type electrophoretic migration, another is heat labile with normal specific activity and normal A type electrophoretic migration, and the third is heat labile with reduced specific activity and slightly slow A type electrophoretic migration. We also found that in a mosaic cell population with respect to G6PD phenotype, the predominant G6PD phenotype varied randomly over a 5-month period, that the G6PD phenotype might be mutable in permanent cell lines, and that spontaneous human cell lines might not be HeLa cell contaminants as has been suggested.Aided by the National Institutes of Health General Research Support Grant # 5 S01 FR05507.  相似文献   

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