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研究了加州Santa Monica海湾鳍足类的生态学.从1997-2007年乘船调查了277次,发现海狮(Zalophus californianus)是最常见的动物(89%,见到的次数为1393次),其次是港海豹(Phoca vitulina richardsi,8%,n=131)和北象海豹(Mirounga angustirostris,1%,n=15).在29%的遇见次数(观察到瓶海豚205次)中,发现海狮(偶尔也发现港海豹)与瓶鼻海豚集群(Tursiops truncatus);短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)在53% 的遇见次数(遇见真海豚次数n=155)中,发现短喙真海豚(Delphinus delphis)与长喙真海豚(D.capensis)集群;一般在沿岸水域(离岸边距离<500 m)见到海狮和港海豹,但在整个海湾也能见到,表现出这两个物种对海底峡谷的偏爱.北象海豹仅见于近海,主要在海底峡谷附近. 经常看到海狮、港海豹和北象海豹游动(50%,n=728)、进行热调节(14%,n=205)、以及取食(3.2%,n=47),但几乎见不到有社会性活动(0.21%,n=3).  相似文献   

Prevalence, mean abundance and mean intensity of the most common endohelminths infecting Pacific sanddab Citharichthys sordidus were compared among six trawl stations in the Santa Monica Bay. These trawl stations varied in their distance from the 8 km effluent of the Hyperion treatment plant which is situated adjacent to Santa Monica Bay. Juvenile stages of Anisakis sp., Corynosoma sp., Lacistorhynchus dollfusi and Tetraphyllidean plerocercoids were found infecting Pacific sanddabs. Significantly higher prevalence and mean intensity of L . dollfusi and Anisakis sp. were seen at the non-outfall stations compared to outfall stations either immediately surrounding or in the vicinity of the outfall. These differences appeared to be related to changes in invertebrate population densities in response to the presence of contaminants. Canonical analysis of discriminance using parasite abundance data discriminated non-outfall from outfall stations. The cestode L . dollfusi explained most of the variability in discriminant scores generated from the analysis and appears to warrant further investigation as a potential bioindicator of pollution exposure in its fish host.  相似文献   

Canada geese (Branta canadensis) are prevalent in North America and may contribute to fecal pollution of water systems where they congregate. This work provides two novel real-time PCR assays (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) allowing for the specific and sensitive detection of Bacteroides 16S rRNA gene markers present within Canada goose feces.The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a prevalent waterfowl species in North America. The population density of Canada geese has doubled during the past 15 years, and the population was estimated to be close to 3 million in 2007 (4). Canada geese often congregate within urban settings, likely due to available water sources, predator-free grasslands, and readily available food supplied by humans (6). They are suspected to contribute to pollution of aquatic environments due to the large amounts of fecal matter that can be transported into the water. This can create a public health threat if the fecal droppings contain pathogenic microorganisms (6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19). Therefore, tracking transient fecal pollution of water due to fecal inputs from waterfowl, such as Canada geese, is of importance for protecting public health.PCR detection of host-specific 16S rRNA gene sequences from Bacteroidales of fecal origin has been described as a promising microbial source-tracking (MST) approach due to its rapidity and high specificity (2, 3). Recently, Lu et al. (15) characterized the fecal microbial community from Canada geese by constructing a 16S rRNA gene sequence database using primers designed to amplify all bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences. The authors reported that the majority of the 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained were related to Clostridia or Bacilli and to a lesser degree Bacteroidetes, which represent possible targets for host-specific source-tracking assays.The main objective of this study was to identify novel Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene sequences that are specific to Canada goose feces and design primers and TaqMan fluorescent probes for sensitive and specific quantification of Canada goose fecal contamination in water sources.Primers 32F and 708R from Bernhard and Field (2) were used to construct a Bacteroidales-specific 16S rRNA gene clone library from Canada goose fecal samples (n = 15) collected from grass lawns surrounding Wascana Lake (Regina, SK, Canada) in May 2009 (for a detailed protocol, see File S1 in the supplemental material). Two hundred eighty-eight clones were randomly selected and subjected to DNA sequencing (at the Plant Biotechnology Institute DNA Technologies Unit, Saskatoon, SK, Canada). Representative sequences of each operational taxonomic unit (OTU) were recovered using an approach similar to that described by Mieszkin et al. (16). Sequences that were less than 93% similar to 16S rRNA gene sequences from nontarget host species in GenBank were used in multiple alignments to identify regions of DNA sequence that were putatively goose specific. Subsequently, two TaqMan fluorescent probe sets (targeting markers designated CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) were designed using the RealTimeDesign software provided by Biosearch Technologies (http://www.biosearchtech.com/). The newly designed primer and probe set for the CGOF1-Bac assay included CG1F (5′-GTAGGCCGTGTTTTAAGTCAGC-3′) and CG1R (5′-AGTTCCGCCTGCCTTGTCTA-3′) and a TaqMan probe (5′-6-carboxyfluorescein [FAM]-CCGTGCCGTTATACTGAGACACTTGAG-Black Hole Quencher 1 [BHQ-1]-3′), and the CGOF2-Bac assay had primers CG2F (5′-ACTCAGGGATAGCCTTTCGA-3′) and CG2R (5′-ACCGATGAATCTTTCTTTGTCTCC-3′) and a TaqMan probe (5′-FAM-AATACCTGATGCCTTTGTTTCCCTGCA-BHQ-1-3′). Oligonucleotide specificities for the Canada goose-associated Bacteroides 16S rRNA primers were verified through in silico analysis using BLASTN (1) and the probe match program of the Ribosomal Database Project (release 10) (5). Host specificity was further confirmed using DNA extracts from 6 raw human sewage samples from various geographical locations in Saskatchewan and 386 fecal samples originating from 17 different animal species in Saskatchewan, including samples from Canada geese (n = 101) (Table (Table1).1). An existing nested PCR assay for detecting Canada goose feces (15) (targeting genetic marker CG-Prev f5) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material) was also tested for specificity using the individual fecal and raw sewage samples (Table (Table1).1). All fecal DNA extracts were obtained from 0.25 g of fecal material by using the PowerSoil DNA extraction kit (Mo Bio Inc., Carlsbad, CA) (File S1 in the supplemental material provides details on the sample collection).


Specificities of the CGOF1-Bac, CGOF2-Bac, and CG-Prev f5 PCR assays for different species present in Saskatchewan, Canada
Host group or sample typeNo. of samplesNo. positive for Bacteroidales marker:
CGOF1-BacCGOF2-BacCG-Prev f5All-Bac
Individual human feces2500125
Raw human sewage60006
    White tailed1000010
Open in a separate windowaThe 6 goose samples that tested negative for the All-Bac marker also tested negative for the three goose markers.The majority of the Canada goose feces analyzed in this study (94%; 95 of 101) carried the Bacteroidales order-specific genetic marker designated All-Bac, with a relatively high median concentration of 8.2 log10 copies g1 wet feces (Table (Table11 and Fig. Fig.1).1). The high prevalence and abundance of Bacteroidales in Canada goose feces suggested that detecting members of this order could be useful in identifying fecal contamination associated with Canada goose populations.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Concentrations of the Bacteroidales (All-Bac, CGOF1-Bac, and CGOF2-Bac) genetic markers in feces from various individual Canada geese.The composition of the Bacteroidales community in Canada goose feces (n = 15) was found to be relatively diverse since 52 OTUs (with a cutoff of 98% similarity) were identified among 211 nonchimeric 16S rRNA gene sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of the 52 OTUs (labeled CGOF1 to CGOF52) revealed that 43 (representing 84% of the 16S rRNA gene sequences) were Bacteroides like and that 9 (representing 16% of the 16S rRNA gene sequences) were likely to be members of the Prevotella-specific cluster (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). Similarly, Jeter et al. (11) reported that 75.7% of the Bacteroidales 16S rRNA clone library sequences generated from goose fecal samples were Bacteroides like. The majority of the Bacteroides- and Prevotella-like OTUs were dispersed among a wide range of previously characterized sequences from various hosts and did not occur in distinct clusters suitable for the design of Canada goose-associated real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays (see Fig. S2 in the supplemental material). However, two single Bacteroides-like OTU sequences (CGOF1 and CGOF2) contained putative goose-specific DNA regions that were identified by in silico analysis (using BLASTN, the probe match program of the Ribosomal Database Project, and multiple alignment). The primers and probe for the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays were designed with no mismatches to the clones CGOF1 and CGOF2, respectively.The CGOF2-Bac assay demonstrated no cross-amplification with fecal DNA from other host groups, while cross-amplification for the CGOF1-Bac assay was limited to one pigeon fecal sample (1 of 25, i.e., 4% of the samples) (Table (Table1).1). Since the abundance in the pigeon sample was low (3.3 log10 marker copies g1 feces) and detection occurred late in the qPCR (with a threshold cycle [CT] value of 37.1), it is unlikely that this false amplification would negatively impact the use of the assay as a tool for detection of Canada goose-specific fecal pollution in environmental samples. In comparison, the nested PCR CG-Prev f5 assay described by Lu and colleagues (15) demonstrated non-host-specific DNA amplification with fecal DNA samples from several animals, including samples from humans, pigeons, gulls, and agriculturally relevant pigs and chickens (Table (Table11).Both CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays showed limits of quantification (less than 10 copies of target DNA per reaction) similar to those of other host-specific Bacteroidales real-time qPCR assays (14, 16, 18). The sensitivities of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac assays were 57% (with 58 of 101 samples testing positive) and 50% (with 51 of 101 samples testing positive) for Canada goose feces, respectively (Table (Table1).1). A similar sensitivity of 58% (with 59 of 101 samples testing positive) was obtained using the CG-Prev f5 PCR assay. The combined use of the three assays increased the detection level to 72% (73 of 101) (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Importantly, all markers were detected within groups of Canada goose feces collected each month from May to September, indicating relative temporal stability of the markers. The CG-Prev f5 PCR assay is an end point assay, and therefore the abundance of the gene marker in Canada goose fecal samples could not be determined. However, development of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac qPCR approach allowed for the quantification of the host-specific CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers. In the feces of some individual Canada geese, the concentrations of CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac were high, reaching levels up to 8.8 and 7.9 log10 copies g1, respectively (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Venn diagram for Canada goose fecal samples testing positive with the CGOF1-Bac, CGOF2-Bac, and/or CG-Prev f5 PCR assay. The number outside the circles indicates the number of Canada goose fecal samples for which none of the markers were detected.The potential of the Canada goose-specific Bacteroides qPCR assays to detect Canada goose fecal pollution in an environmental context was tested using water samples collected weekly during September to November 2009 from 8 shoreline sampling sites at Wascana Lake (see File S1 and Fig. S1 in the supplemental material). Wascana Lake is an urban lake, located in the center of Regina, that is routinely frequented by Canada geese. In brief, a single water sample of approximately 1 liter was taken from the surface water at each sampling site. Each water sample was analyzed for Escherichia coli enumeration using the Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray detection system (IDEXX Laboratories, Westbrook, ME) (8) and subjected to DNA extraction (with a PowerSoil DNA extraction kit [Mo Bio Inc., Carlsbad, CA]) for the detection of Bacteroidales 16S rRNA genetic markers using the Bacteroidales order-specific (All-Bac) qPCR assay (14), the two Canada goose-specific (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac) qPCR assays developed in this study, and the human-specific (BacH) qPCR assay (17). All real-time and conventional PCR procedures as well as subsequent data analysis are described in the supplemental material and methods. The E. coli and All-Bac quantification data demonstrated that Wascana Lake was regularly subjected to some form of fecal pollution (Table (Table2).2). The All-Bac genetic marker was consistently detected in high concentrations (6 to 7 log10 copies 100 ml1) in all the water samples, while E. coli concentrations fluctuated according to the sampling dates and sites, ranging from 0 to a most probable number (MPN) of more than 2,000 100 ml1. High concentrations of E. coli were consistently observed when near-shore water experienced strong wave action under windy conditions or when dense communities of birds were present at a given site and time point.


Levels of E. coli and incidences of the Canada goose-specific (CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac), human-specific (BacH), and generic (All-Bac) Bacteroidales 16S rRNA markers at the different Wascana Lake sites sampled weeklya
SiteE. coli
No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (MPN 100 ml−1)Mean level (MPN 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzed (%)Min level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)No. of positive water samples/total no. of samples analyzedMin level-max level (log copies 100 ml−1)Mean level (log copies 100 ml−1)
W18/8 (100)6-19671.18/8 (100)6.2-8.16.96/8 (75)0-4.72.44/8 (50)0-41.72/80-3.71.7
W29/10 (90)0-1,12019410/10 (100)5.8-6.86.49/10 (90)0-3.72.68/10 (80)0-3.32.20/1000
W310/10 (100)6-1,55053410/10 (100)6-7.8710/10 (100)2.9-4.83.810/10 (100)2-4.53.40/1000
W410/10 (100)16-1,73252910/10 (100)6.4-7.6710/10 (100)3.2-4.63.910/10 (100)2.8-4.33.40/1000
W510/10 (100)2-2,42068710/10 (100)5.5-6.96.37/10 (70)0-3.21.75/10 (50)0-3.11.20/1000
W610/10 (100)3-1,99038910/10 (100)5.5-76.39/10 (90)0-4.32.86/10 (60)0-5.121/100-3.41.3
W77/7 (100)5-2,4204457/7 (100)5.7-7.876/7 (86)0-3.82.65/7 (71)0-4.42.42/70-5.12.8
W810/10 (100)17-98016010/10 (100)6.3-8.67.18/10 (80)0-4.62.87/10 (70)0-4.42.30/1000
Open in a separate windowaMin, minimum; max, maximum.The frequent detection of the genetic markers CGOF1-Bac (in 65 of 75 water samples [87%]), CGOF2-Bac (in 55 of 75 samples [73%]), and CG-Prev f5 (in 60 of 75 samples [79%]) and the infrequent detection of the human-specific Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene marker BacH (17) (in 5 of 75 water samples [7%[) confirmed that Canada geese significantly contributed to the fecal pollution in Wascana Lake during the sampling period. Highest mean concentrations of both CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers were obtained at the sampling sites W3 (3.8 and 3.9 log10 copies 100 ml1) and W4 (3.4 log10 copies 100 ml1 for both), which are heavily frequented by Canada geese (Table (Table2),2), further confirming their significant contribution to fecal pollution at these particular sites. It is worth noting that concentrations of the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac markers in water samples displayed a significant positive relationship with each other (correlation coefficient = 0.87; P < 0.0001), supporting the accuracy of both assays for identifying Canada goose-associated fecal pollution in freshwater.In conclusion, the CGOF1-Bac and CGOF2-Bac qPCR assays developed in this study are efficient tools for estimating freshwater fecal inputs from Canada goose populations. Preliminary results obtained during the course of the present study also confirmed that Canada geese can serve as reservoirs of Salmonella and Campylobacter species (see Fig. S3 in the supplemental material). Therefore, future work will investigate the cooccurence of these enteric pathogens with the Canada goose fecal markers in the environment.  相似文献   

Assessment of health risk and fecal bacterial loads associated with human fecal pollution requires reliable host-specific analytical methods and a rapid quantification approach. We report the development of quantitative PCR assays for quantification of two recently described human-specific genetic markers targeting Bacteroidales-like cell surface-associated genes. Each assay exhibited a range of quantification from 10 to 1 × 106 copies of target DNA. For each assay, internal amplification controls were developed to detect the presence or absence of amplification inhibitors. The assays predominantly detected human fecal specimens and exhibited specificity levels greater than 97% when tested against 265 fecal DNA extracts from 22 different animal species. The abundance of each human-specific genetic marker in primary effluent wastewater samples collected from 20 geographically distinct locations was measured and compared to quantities estimated by real-time PCR assays specific for rRNA gene sequences from total Bacteroidales and enterococcal fecal microorganisms. Assay performances combined with the prevalence of DNA targets in sewage samples provide experimental evidence supporting the potential application of these quantitative methods for monitoring fecal pollution in ambient environmental waters.Waterborne diseases that originate from human fecal pollution remain a significant public health issue. As a result, a large number of methods have been developed to detect and quantify human fecal pollution (10, 12, 18, 20). The majority of these methods are based on real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays designed to estimate the concentrations of 16S rRNA gene sequences from various subpopulations within the order Bacteroidales. This bacterial order constitutes a large proportion of the normal gut microbiota of most animals, including humans (3, 15, 27). Bacterial 16S rRNA genes are useful as markers because they have relatively low mutation rates (7) and are typically present in multiple operons, increasing template DNA levels available for detection (2, 11, 17, 29). While several studies have demonstrated the value of Bacteroides 16S rRNA gene-based qPCR assays, currently available assays cannot discriminate between several animal sources closely associated with humans, including cats, dogs, and/or swine (10, 12, 18, 20). Alternative qPCR assays targeting genes directly involved in host-specific interactions may be capable of increased discrimination of fecal pollution sources (22, 23) and are needed to complement existing qPCR-based approaches used to identify sources of human fecal pollution.A recent metagenomic survey of a human fecal bacterial community using genome fragment enrichment has led to the identification of hundreds of candidate human fecal bacterium-specific DNA sequences (23). PCR assays targeting two gene sequences encoding a hypothetical protein potentially involved in remodeling of bacterial surface polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharides (assay 19) and a putative RNA polymerase extracytoplasmic function sigma factor (assay 22) from Bacteroidales-like microorganisms exhibited a high level of specificity (100%) for human fecal material (23). However, it remained to be determined whether these reported chromosomal DNA sequences are abundant and uniform enough within human populations to be detected once diluted in the environment. On the basis of these considerations, the next steps toward the application of these gene sequences for water quality monitoring applications were to design qPCR assays for their detection and then to use these assays to evaluate the overall abundance and distribution of these sequences in human populations relative to those of rRNA gene sequences from different currently recognized fecal indicator bacterial groups.Here, we report the development of two qPCR assays for quantification of the human-specific DNA sequences targeted by previously reported PCR assays 19 and 22 (23). Method performance characteristics, including specificity, range of quantification (ROQ), limit of quantification, amplification efficiency, and analytical precision, were defined for each assay. An internal amplification control (IAC) was designed to monitor for the presence of inhibitors commonly associated with environmental sampling that can confound DNA target copy number estimations. Finally, the abundance of each DNA target in primary effluent wastewater samples representative of 20 geographically distinct human populations was measured by qPCR analysis. In addition, the abundances of these human-specific DNA genes in wastewater were compared to those of rRNA genes of Bacteroidales and enterococci, two general fecal indicator bacterial groups that have been widely used for water quality testing.  相似文献   

Bifidobacteria are one of the most common bacterial types found in the intestines of humans and other animals and may be used as indicators of human fecal pollution. The presence of nine human-related Bifidobacterium species was analyzed in human and animal wastewater samples of different origins by using species-specific primers based on 16S rRNA sequences. Only B. adolescentis and B. dentium were found exclusively in human sewage. A multiplex PCR approach with strain-specific primers was developed. The method showed a sensitivity threshold of 10 cells/ml. This new molecular method could provide useful information for the characterization of fecal pollution sources.  相似文献   

Summary 1. InM. muscosa shell growth slows or stops during the winter months.2.M. muscosa in Santa Monica Bay are herbivorous and eat red and green algae as their main foods.3.M. muscosa exhibit two distinct spawning periods which occur mainly during winter and early spring.
Über Wachstum, Ernährung und Reproduktion bei dem ChitonenMopalia muscosa der Santa Monica Bucht
Kurzfassung An Hand von Untersuchungen in der freien Natur und im Laboratorium werden neue Informationen vorgelegt über wichtige ökologische Parameter vonM. muscosa. Bei dieser Art kommt das Schalenwachstum während des Winters fast oder gänzlich zum Erliegen. Die Art ist herbivor und lebt vor allem von Rot- und Grünalgen. Beim Fortpflanzungsgeschehen können zwei Laichperioden unterschieden werden, von denen eine vor allem in den Winter fällt, die andere in den Vorfrühling.

This study is supported by National Science Foundation Grant G9561; it is dedicated to ProfessorA. Bückmann on his 65th birthday, January 17, 1965.  相似文献   

Accurate assessment of health risks associated with bovine (cattle) fecal pollution requires a reliable host-specific genetic marker and a rapid quantification method. We report the development of quantitative PCR assays for the detection of two recently described bovine feces-specific genetic markers and a method for the enumeration of these markers using a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach. Both assays exhibited a range of quantification from 25 to 2 × 106 copies of target DNA, with a coefficient of variation of <2.1%. One of these assays can be multiplexed with an internal amplification control to simultaneously detect the bovine-specific genetic target and presence of amplification inhibitors. The assays detected only cattle fecal specimens when tested against 204 fecal DNA extracts from 16 different animal species and also demonstrated a broad distribution among individual bovine samples (98 to 100%) collected from five geographically distinct locations. The abundance of each bovine-specific genetic marker was measured in 48 individual samples and compared to quantitative PCR-enumerated quantities of rRNA gene sequences representing total Bacteroidetes, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, and enterococci in the same specimens. Acceptable assay performance combined with the prevalence of DNA targets across different cattle populations provides experimental evidence that these quantitative assays will be useful in monitoring bovine fecal pollution in ambient waters.  相似文献   

Toxic cyanobacterial blooms, as well as their increasing global occurrence, pose a serious threat to public health, domestic animals, and livestock. In Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain, public health advisories have been issued from 2001 to 2009, and local microcystin concentrations found in the lake water regularly exceeded the Canadian drinking water guideline of 1.5 μg liter−1. A quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) approach was developed for the detection of blooms formed by microcystin-producing cyanobacteria. Primers were designed for the β-ketoacyl synthase (mcyDKS) and the first dehydratase domain (mcyDDH) of the mcyD gene, involved in microcystin synthesis. The Q-PCR method was used to track the toxigenic cyanobacteria in Missisquoi Bay during the summers of 2006 and 2007. Two toxic bloom events were detected in 2006: more than 6.5 × 104 copies of the mcyDKS gene ml−1 were detected in August, and an average of 4.0 × 104 copies ml−1 were detected in September, when microcystin concentrations were more than 4 μg liter−1 and approximately 2 μg liter−1, respectively. Gene copy numbers and total microcystin concentrations (determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay [ELISA]) were highly correlated in the littoral (r = 0.93, P < 0.001) and the pelagic station (r = 0.87, P < 0.001) in 2006. In contrast to the situation in 2006, a cyanobacterial bloom occurred only in late summer-early fall of 2007, reaching only 3 × 102 mcyDKS copies ml−1, while the microcystin concentration was barely detectable. The Q-PCR method allowed the detection of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria when toxins and toxigenic cyanobacterial abundance were still below the limit of detection by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and microscopy. Toxin gene copy numbers grew exponentially at a steady rate over a period of 7 weeks. Onshore winds selected for cells with a higher cell quota of microcystin. This technique could be an effective approach for the routine monitoring of the most at-risk water bodies.Toxic cyanobacterial blooms, as well as their increasing global occurrence, pose a serious threat to human health, domestic animals, and livestock. The frequency and severity of bloom events continue to rise, most probably as a direct result of increased nutrient loading of water systems worldwide. The number of lakes in Quebec, Canada, affected by blooms of 2 × 104 cells ml−1 or more has been increasing from 21 (2004) to 28 (2005), 62 (2006), 157 (2007), 138 (2008), and 150 (2009). Government agencies are under tremendous pressure to cope with escalating demands for water analysis, specifically, for cyanotoxins.In Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain, public health advisories have been issued from 2001 to 2009 resulting in the closure of several beaches and periodic no-drinking warnings for the water. These advisories forbid any direct contact with the lake water by both people and animals because of the presence of cyanotoxins. The economic impact around the lake has been substantial, with revenues sometimes falling by 40 to 80% (20).For the past 8 years, microcystin (MCYST)-producing cyanobacterial genera have composed a major part of the bacterial community in Missisquoi Bay during both the summer and the fall. To date, five species known to produce toxins based on the literature (2) have been identified in the lake, including species of Microcystis and Anabaena (27).All species with microcystin-producing strains also include related strains that lack the ability to produce this toxin. The nonproducing strains cannot be differentiated by traditional microscopy or ribosomal gene sequences (15). Reliable tools to detect and characterize toxin-producing cyanobacteria are required. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) are currently the most widely used techniques to evaluate whether toxins are present in water samples. The risk assessment response to the increasing occurrence of cyanotoxins has been seriously constrained due to the limited number of available standards and the limited analytical capability of some laboratories. At least 89 microcystin analogues have been characterized (35), but fewer than 10 reference standards are currently available.The development and validation of increasingly sensitive, specific, and reliable molecular tools will contribute to the next generation of monitoring approaches. The detection and quantitation of specific target genes, such as those involved in the synthesis of toxins in cyanobacteria, are the cornerstone of new techniques to identify, monitor, or profile specific targets in environmental samples. These approaches are in general less expensive and faster than the currently available chemical assays and do not rely on reference standards.The structure of the microcystin biosynthesis cluster of two strains of Microcystis aeruginosa (17, 18, 31), Planktothrix agardhii NIVA CYA 126/8 (3), and Anabaena sp. strain 90 (28) which encodes the nonribosomal peptide synthetase-polyketide synthase enzyme complex has been elucidated. The mcy gene cluster is located on the chromosome and contains 10 genes (mcyA to mcyJ). The two polyketide synthase modules of mcyG and mcyE, together with the two polyketide synthase modules of mcyD, are responsible for the synthesis of the unique Adda moiety of microcystins. The Adda side chain is largely responsible for the toxicity through protein phosphatase inhibition (7, 8, 12).The number of water bodies affected by cyanobacterial blooms has been increasing worldwide, and scientists have designed primers for the various genes involved in the biosynthesis of microcystins. The mcyD gene has been used in conventional PCR for phylogenetic studies (16, 22, 29) and as a target to characterize cyanobacterial blooms in Lakes Ontario (11) and Erie (19). The mcyE gene has also been targeted to design genus-specific primers (23, 24, 33) and universal primers encoding the aminotransferase domain of various genera of cyanobacteria (4, 13). All of these primers generated PCR fragments that were larger than the recommended size for quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) (100 to 200 bp).A Q-PCR technique, the Taq nuclease assay, was developed by Rinta-Kanto and colleagues (25, 26) to study the distribution and abundance of toxic Microcystis blooms in western Lake Erie. In their first study, the mcyD probe was highly specific to Microcystis species but failed to detect the mcyD gene in one of the samples that had a detectable concentration of microcystin in the water. Other microcystin-producers, such as Anabaena and Planktothrix, were identified in that sample and were likely responsible for toxin production.The number of gene sequences related to microcystin biosynthesis in the databases has been increasing rapidly since the beginning of 2000. The objectives of this study were to develop a rapid, Q-PCR-based technique for detecting and monitoring the dynamics of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria and to determine the correlation between toxigenic cells and toxin concentration. The mcyD gene was selected as the specific target for characterizing cyanobacterial blooms and applied in Missisquoi Bay, Lake Champlain, during the summers of 2006 and 2007. Oligonucleotide primers were designed based on the alignments of all 50 mcyD nucleotide sequences available in GenBank as of March 2006 and were verified in December 2009. The alignments revealed that the polyketide synthase sequences were divided into three major clusters: some of the submitted sequences encoded the first dehydratase domain, others were from one of the β-ketoacyl synthases and the third group of sequences encoded part of both the ketoacetyl synthase and the acetyltransferase domains. Primers were designed to create PCR fragments from two different regions of the mcyD gene. These fragments were cloned to create a standard curve for absolute quantification. This strategy was chosen to ensure that the quantification of cells carrying the target gene would be performed with a standard curve that originated from a single gene copy.  相似文献   

Real time RT-qPCR检测规范化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Escherichia coli isolates were obtained from common host sources of fecal pollution and characterized by using repetitive extragenic palindromic (REP) PCR fingerprinting. The genetic relationship of strains within each host group was assessed as was the relationship of strains among different host groups. Multiple isolates from a single host animal (gull, human, or dog) were found to be identical; however, in some of the animals, additional strains occurred at a lower frequency. REP PCR fingerprint patterns of isolates from sewage (n = 180), gulls (n = 133), and dairy cattle (n = 121) were diverse; within a host group, pairwise comparison similarity indices ranged from 98% to as low as 15%. A composite dendrogram of E. coli fingerprint patterns did not cluster the isolates into distinct host groups but rather produced numerous subclusters (approximately >80% similarity scores calculated with the cosine coefficient) that were nearly exclusive for a host group. Approximately 65% of the isolates analyzed were arranged into host-specific groups. Comparable results were obtained by using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus PCR and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), where PFGE gave a higher differentiation of closely related strains than both PCR techniques. These results demonstrate that environmental studies with genetic comparisons to detect sources of E. coli contamination will require extensive isolation of strains to encompass E. coli strain diversity found in host sources of contamination. These findings will assist in the development of approaches to determine sources of fecal pollution, an effort important for protecting water resources and public health.  相似文献   

We describe a new PCR-based method for distinguishing human and cow fecal contamination in coastal waters without culturing indicator organisms, and we show that the method can be used to track bacterial marker sequences in complex environments. We identified two human-specific genetic markers and five cow-specific genetic markers in fecal samples by amplifying 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) fragments from members of the genus Bifidobacterium and the Bacteroides-Prevotella group and performing length heterogeneity PCR and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Host-specific patterns suggested that there are species composition differences in the Bifidobacterium and Bacteroides-Prevotella populations of human and cow feces. The patterns were highly reproducible among different hosts belonging to the same species. Additionally, all host-specific genetic markers were detected in water samples collected from areas frequently contaminated with fecal pollution. Ease of detection and longer survival in water made Bacteroides-Prevotella indicators better than Bifidobacterium indicators. Fecal 16S rDNA sequences corresponding to our Bacteroides-Prevotella markers comprised closely related gene clusters, none of which exactly matched previously published Bacteroides or Prevotella sequences. Our method detected host-specific markers in water at pollutant concentrations of 2.8 × 10−5 to 2.8 × 10−7 g (dry weight) of feces/liter and 6.8 × 10−7 g (dry weight) of sewage/liter. Although our aim was to identify nonpoint sources of fecal contamination, the method described here should be widely applicable for monitoring spatial and temporal fluctuations in specific bacterial groups in natural environments.  相似文献   

Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays that target the human-associated HF183 bacterial cluster within members of the genus Bacteroides are among the most widely used methods for the characterization of human fecal pollution in ambient surface waters. In this study, we show that a current TaqMan HF183 qPCR assay (HF183/BFDrev) routinely forms nonspecific amplification products and introduce a modified TaqMan assay (HF183/BacR287) that alleviates this problem. The performance of each qPCR assay was compared in head-to-head experiments investigating limits of detection, analytical precision, predicted hybridization to 16S rRNA gene sequences from a reference database, and relative marker concentrations in fecal and sewage samples. The performance of the modified HF183/BacR287 assay is equal to or improves upon that of the original HF183/BFDrev assay. In addition, a qPCR chemistry designed to combat amplification inhibition and a multiplexed internal amplification control are included. In light of the expanding use of PCR-based methods that rely on the detection of extremely low concentrations of DNA template, such as qPCR and digital PCR, the new TaqMan HF183/BacR287 assay should provide more accurate estimations of human-derived fecal contaminants in ambient surface waters.  相似文献   

A quantitative TaqMan minor-groove binder real-time PCR assay was developed for the sensitive detection of a ruminant-specific genetic marker in fecal members of the phylum Bacteroidetes. The qualitative and quantitative detection limits determined were 6 and 20 marker copies per PCR, respectively. Tested ruminant feces contained an average of 4.1 × 109 marker equivalents per g, allowing the detection of 1.7 ng of feces per filter in fecal suspensions. The marker was detected in water samples from a karstic catchment area at levels matching a gradient from negligible to considerable ruminant fecal influence (from not detectable to 105 marker equivalents per liter).  相似文献   

Ostreococcus is a genus of widely distributed marine phytoplankton which are picoplanktonic in size (<2 μm) and capable of rapid growth. Although Ostreococcus has been detected around the world, little quantitative information exists on its contribution to planktonic communities. We designed and implemented a genus-specific TaqMan-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay to investigate the dynamics and ecology of Ostreococcus at the USC Microbial Observatory (eastern North Pacific). Samples were collected from 5 m and the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) between September 2000 and August 2002. Ostreococcus abundance at 5 m was generally <5.0 × 103 cells ml−1, with a maximum of 8.2 × 104 cells ml−1. Ostreococcus abundance was typically higher at the DCM, with a maximum of 3.2 × 105 cells ml−1. The vertical distribution of Ostreococcus was examined in March 2005 and compared to the distribution of phototrophic picoeukaryotes (PPE) measured by flow cytometry. The largest contribution to PPE abundance by Ostreococcus was ~70% and occurred at 30 m, near the DCM. Despite its relatively low abundance, the depth-integrated standing stock of Ostreococcus in March 2005 was ~30 mg C m−2. Our work provides a new technique for quantifying the abundance of Ostreococcus and demonstrates the seasonal dynamics of this genus and its contribution to picoeukaryote biomass at our coastal sampling station.  相似文献   

Bacteroides species are promising indicators for differentiating livestock and human fecal contamination in water because of their high concentration in feces and potential host specificity. In this study, a real-time PCR assay was designed to target Bacteroides species (AllBac) present in human, cattle, and equine feces. Direct PCR amplification (without DNA extraction) using the AllBac assay was tested on feces diluted in water. Fecal concentrations and threshold cycle were linearly correlated, indicating that the AllBac assay can be used to estimate the total amount of fecal contamination in water. Real-time PCR assays were also designed for bovine-associated (BoBac) and human-associated (HuBac) Bacteroides 16S rRNA genes. Assay specificities were tested using human, bovine, swine, canine, and equine fecal samples. The BoBac assay was specific for bovine fecal samples (100% true-positive identification; 0% false-positive identification). The HuBac assay had a 100% true-positive identification, but it also had a 32% false-positive rate with potential for cross-amplification with swine feces. The assays were tested using creek water samples from three different watersheds. Creek water did not inhibit PCR, and results from the AllBac assay were correlated with those from Escherichia coli concentrations (r2 = 0.85). The percentage of feces attributable to bovine and human sources was determined for each sample by comparing the values obtained from the BoBac and HuBac assays with that from the AllBac assay. These results suggest that real-time PCR assays without DNA extraction can be used to quantify fecal concentrations and provide preliminary fecal source identification in watersheds.  相似文献   

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