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A kidney tubular basement membrane (TBM) component that is bound by antibodies from individuals with anti-TBM antibody-associated tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) was purified and characterized (TIN antigen). TIN antigen was prepared from rabbit TBM by extraction with guanidine and purified by ion-exchange, gel filtration, and reversed-phase chromatography. Based upon yields of protein and antibody reactivity, TIN antigen accounts for about 9% of the mass of TBM and thus is a major component of this basement membrane. A predominant 58-kDa form comprises about 90% of purified TIN antigen, and a 50-kDa form accounts for the remainder. The two forms share the amino-terminal sequence Ser-Ile-Phe-Gln-Gly-Gln-Tyr-X-Arg-Ser-Phe-Gly- and give similar tryptic peptide maps, indicating that they are structurally related. Their amino acid compositions overall are similar to laminin and entactin/nidogen. The absence of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine and the low levels of glycine in TIN antigen indicate that it is noncollagenous. No similarities were found between other known proteins and sequences of tryptic peptides and the amino terminus of TIN antigen, suggesting that it is distinct from other characterized basement membrane components. A goat polyclonal antibody toward rabbit TIN antigen showed the same kidney distribution as human antibodies and was completely inhibited in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by purified TIN antigen. These data further support the idea that TIN antigen is the primary target for anti-TBM antibodies associated with TIN. This research presents methods to prepare TIN antigen for biochemical studies and investigations of its role in anti-TBM autoimmune TIN.  相似文献   

In the present study we have examined the murine B cell response in anti-tubular basement membrane (alpha TBM) disease. Whereas only certain strains of mice are susceptible to the development of interstitial lesions after immunization with heterologous renal tubular antigen, all strains make anti-tubular basement membrane antibodies (alpha TBM-Ab), and all express the 3M-1 kidney antigen which is the target of disease. The magnitude of the alpha TBM-Ab response in serum and renal eluates, measured by radioimmunoassay against crude tubular antigen or affinity-purified 3M-1, also mapped independently of susceptibility. The fine specificity of epitope binding was further analyzed using a rat monoclonal alpha 3M-1 antibody to competitively inhibit the binding of renal eluate antibody to 3M-1. Maximum inhibition among nearly all tested strains ranged from 46 to 56% with no discernible difference between susceptible and nonsusceptible mice. Idiotypic representation of renal eluate alpha TBM-Ab was then evaluated by competitive inhibition using a polymorphic anti-idiotypic antisera. All mice examined possessed almost identical competitive inhibition patterns, indicating surprisingly similar idiotypic representation. Thus, in susceptible or nonsusceptible mice, neither the quantitative alpha TBM-Ab response, the epitopic fine specificity of that response, nor the idiotype of eluted alpha TBM-Ab serve as distinguishing markers for susceptibility to interstitial injury. Finally, passive transfer experiments with high-titered (greater than 1:10,000) alpha TBM-Ab from SJL mice were performed to test the hypothesis that alpha TBM-Ab alone may be sufficient for the induction of alpha TBM disease. Whereas this antiserum was capable of causing typical, severe alpha TBM disease in naive susceptible SJL mice, this treatment in allotype-identical, nonsusceptible B10.S(8R) mice was completely without effect. These data demonstrate, in conclusion, that, in the absence of appropriate susceptibility genes, alpha TBM-Ab are incapable of causing alpha TBM disease. The findings support previous observations that the ability of passively transferred alpha TBM-Ab to initiate interstitial injury is dependent on the host also expressing other susceptibility genes which promote the cooperative engagement of the cell-mediated immune response.  相似文献   

HgCl(2) induces an autoimmune disease in the Brown Norway rat characterized by synthesis of autoantibodies (mainly, anti-GBM Abs), severe proteinuria and interstitial nephritis. Also, HgCl(2)- injected rats develop glomerular cell infiltrates consisting of ED1(+) cells (monocyte/macrophage), starting on day 4 and reaching a maximum on day 8. Treatment with anti-TNF-alpha antiserum had preventative effects as it reduced the urinary protein levels to close to the normal range and also blocked the influx of inflammatory cells in the renal glomeruli and interstitium, but circulating anti-GBM and lineal glomerular IgG deposits were unmodified. In addition, whole isolated glomeruli from HgCl(2)-induced nephritis secreted TNF-alpha commencing on day 8, being maximally detected on day 11 and preceding, between 2 to 3 days, the development of proteinuria. The administration of anti-TNF-alpha antiserum or anti-alpha4 integrin mAb completely abrogated the synthesis of TNF-alpha in glomeruli isolated from the respective treated groups of animals, in addition to the proteinuria. Taken together our results confirm that TNF-alpha plays an important role in the induction and development of HgCl(2)-induced nephritis and highlights the pathogenic importance of the local release of TNF in those renal diseases in which prominent glomerular macrophage accumulation is a constant feature.  相似文献   

Vascular growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2, bind to heparan sulfate proteoglycans in the basement membrane. While this binding, storage, and release system provides a critical model for controlled drug release devices, basement membrane—growth factor binding kinetics have not been fully established. We modified endothelial cell—growth factor binding kinetics protocols for the basement membrane. The basement membrane showed low affinity for fibroblast growth factor-2 (K d = 185.8 nM), with a slow off rate (k off = 0.00338 min?1). However, results were confounded by growth factor binding to tissue culture polystyrene in a manner strikingly similar to basement membrane. Since substrate binding could not be blocked, a binding kinetics based correction technique was developed to account for polystyrene growth factor binding. This method was validated by conducting binding kinetics experiments on bacteriologic plates that exhibit little growth factor binding. This novel method will improve our understanding of cell and protein interaction with the basement membrane in health and disease. They can also further be applied to develop biomimetic drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

Summary Serum sickness nephritis was induced in male Fisher 344/JCL rats by injecting egg albumin into the foot pads and peritoneal cavity. The alteration of anionic sites in the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) of the rats with significant proteinuria was studied with a quick-freezing and deep-etching method using polyethyleneimine as a cationic probe. In control rats, anionic sites were located around the fibrils of the lamina rara externa, which radiated perpendicularly from the lamina densa to podocyte cell membranes. In the glomeruli of proteinuric rats, many electron-dense deposits were observed in the subepithelial side of the GBM, where the fibrils of the lamina rara externa were usually obscured and anionic sites around them could not be recognized. However, in some areas, a clear boundary could be observed between deposits and the lamina densa. Electron micrographs of freeze-fractured deposits showed that the fibrils radiated perpendicularly from the lamina densa and that anionic sites around them had been preserved. These results suggest that some of the deposits simply passed through the GBM and masked transiently the fibril structures of the GBM, but others probably destroyed these fibril structures, including anionic sites.  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics of 125I-labelled mouse monoclonal antibodies binding to three cell-surface antigens of rat thymocytes (Thy-1.1, W3/25) were studied. The differences between bivalent and univalent interactions were determined by using antibody in the F(ab')2 or Fab' form and by using antigen in polymeric or monomeric forms. Association rate constants (k+1), dissociation rate constants (k-1) and equilibrium constants were determined. Also, the dissociation kinetics of rabbit antibodies against rat Thy-1 antigen were studied. The major findings were as follows. (i) With F(ab')2 antibody there was no simple relationship between antigen density at the cell surface and extent of bivalent binding. Extensive univalent binding was observed unless the antibody had a high k-1 for the univalent interaction, in which case all binding was bivalent. (ii) k+1 values were similar for F(ab')2 or Fab' antibody, and for the different antibodies were in the range 0.8 x 10(5)--1.1 x 10(6) M-1.s-1. These differences were sufficient to affect the interpretation of serological assays with the different antibodies. (iii) Antibody bound bivalently dissociated much more slowly than that bound univalently. However, the k-1 values for the univalently bound antibody were sufficiently low in most cases that the lifetime of the univalent complex was similar to or greater than the time needed for the assay. Thus the results could be interpreted on the basis of irreversible reactions. The overall conclusion from the study is that for an understanding of the binding of antibody to cell-surface antigens the kinetics of the interaction are of major importance and theories based on equilibrium binding are inappropriate.  相似文献   

We have examined the potential role of the cysteine proteinases, cathepsin B and L, in renal tubular protein degradation and increased permeability of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) which occurs in a neutrophil- and complement-independent model of anti-GBM antibody disease. The specific activity of cathepsin L, but not cathepsin B, was significantly increased (157%, p greater than 0.01) in cortical homogenates (85-90% tubules) prepared from anti-GBM-treated rats compared to saline-treated controls. Using highly purified cathepsin B and L, we documented the ability of these proteinases to degrade albumin in vitro (Km 5.92 and 0.22 microM for B and L, respectively). In two separate studies, treatment of rats with trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane, (E-64), a specific and irreversible inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, significantly reduced proteinuria (-45 and -41%, p less than 0.01) in the 24-hour period following injection of the anti-GBM IgG. Taken together, these data suggest an important role for cysteine proteinases in the increased tubular protein degradation which occurs in response to increased filtered protein loads and in the increased GBM permeability (proteinuria) characteristic of glomerular disease.  相似文献   

A subline of Brown Norway (BN) acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) which can be propagated in suspension culture (designated IPC-81) is described. Injection into Lewis x BN F1 hybrid (LBN) rats resulted in a log-linear correlation between tumor cell dose and time till death from the onset of leukemia even after multiple (greater than 16) passages in vitro. An in vitro clonogenic assay for IPC-81 colony formation (CFU-leuk) was developed with excellent cloning efficiency (55-82%). Colonies grew without the addition of specific growth factors; syngeneic spleen-conditioned medium inhibited CFU-leuk by 40%, but co-culture with untreated normal LBN rat bone marrow cells had no effect on CFU-leuk. CFU-leuk could be detected in the bone marrow 7 to 10 days before morphologic detection of leukemia in injected animals. This cell line should prove useful in the preclinical evaluation of new strategies for treating AML and evaluating new bone marrow purging methods.  相似文献   

To study the origin and the formation of the glomerular basement membrane, autoradiographic investigations with3H-proline and3H-leucine have been performed in ultrathin and semithin sections of the glomeruli of 42 male rats. The results of this study indicate that, of the three cell types of the glomerulus, the epithelial cells (=podocytes) synthesize the proline-rich scleroproteins of the glomerular basement membrane. Our autoradiographic studies have yielded no evidence for participation of the endothelial or mesangial cells in the formation of the basement membrane. The mesangial cells appear to be responsible for the synthesis of the mesangial matrix only.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to identify the molecular bases of differences in sensitivity to corticosteroid hormones between Brown Norway and Fischer 344 rats. We previously showed an apparent insensitivity to adrenalectomy in Brown Norway rats. Based on our first hypothesis of a different activity/reactivity of the mineralocorticoid signaling pathway between the two rat strains, we sequenced Brown Norway and Fischer 344 mineralocorticoid receptor cDNA and identified a tyrosine to cysteine substitution (Y73C) in the N-terminal part of the Brown Norway mineralocorticoid receptor. As a first step, this substitution gave us a means to distinguish the Brown Norway allele from the Fischer 344 at the mineralocorticoid receptor locus in an F2 population. We showed a strong genetic linkage between the mineralocorticoid receptor genotype and sensitivity to adrenalectomy. A subsequent genome-wide linkage analysis confirmed the involvement of the mineralocorticoid receptor locus and implicated other loci, including one on chromosome 4, which collectively explain a large part of the strain differences in corticosteroid receptor responses. In vitro studies further revealed that the Y73C substitution induces greater transactivation of the mineralocorticoid receptor by aldosterone, and surprisingly by progesterone as well, which could substitute for aldosterone after adrenalectomy in Brown Norway rats. We challenged this hypothesis in vivo and showed that plasma progesterone is higher in Brown Norway male rats and partially compensates for aldosterone after adrenalectomy. This work illustrates the interest of a pluristrategic approach to explore the mineralocorticoid receptor signaling pathway and its implication in the regulation of hydroelectrolytic homeostasis and blood pressure.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of age on the glomerular basement membrane, compositional analyses were performed on membranes isolated in highly purified form from rats at different stages of their growth (35 to 200 days old). Substantial age-related changes were observed in the amino acid composition of the basement membranes. A significant correlation with age (P < 0.01) was evident in the contents of 3- and 4-hydroxyproline, threonine, serine, alanine, valine, half-cystine, hydroxylysine, and lysine. Of these amino acids, hydroxylysine and both isomers of hydroxyproline demonstrated a progressive increase with age, while the others were found to decline. The direct relationship of hydroxylysine content with age (P < 0.001) was associated with an inverse correlation of lysine with age (P < 0.001) so that the ratio of hydroxylysine to lysine increased in a highly significant manner from 0.92 at 35 days to 1.33 at 200 days. This elevation in the hydroxylysine content was accompanied by an augmentation in the number of saccharide units linked to it so that the percentage glycosylation of this amino acid was not significantly affected by age. The relative differences in the hydroxylysine and lysine levels between young and older rats were maintained in sodium dodecyl sulfateextracted membranes. These results suggest that the compositional changes observed during the aging process reflect an alteration in the subunit makeup of the basement membrane, possibly due to an increased synthesis or decreased degradation of the more collagen-like polypeptide components.  相似文献   

Phospholipids were found to be a constant component of rat glomerular basement-membrane preparations. The concentration fell during preparation of basement membrane by sonication of whole glomeruli, but then remained constant despite continued sonication. The proportions of the individual phospholipids were different from those of whole renal tissue or of isolated glomeruli. The basement-membrane preparations had no (Na(+)+K(+))-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity, an enzyme that is bound to plasma membranes. The concentration of lipid P was decreased on exposure in vivo or in vitro to antiserum against basement membrane; 7 days after injection of antiserum there was a change in the phospholipid composition, with a relative increase in phosphatidylcholine and a decrease in sphingomyelin content. The metabolic turnover rate of the lipid P remaining in the membrane was normal, as determined by (32)P incorporation. The loss of phospholipid was associated with decreases in the relative concentrations of hydroxyproline, hydroxylysine and glycine, and relative increases in proline, lysine, serine, threonine and valine. Administration of aminonucleoside and daunomycin produced proteinuria but did not cause a decrease in lipid P. Anticollagen and anti-lymphocyte sera that attached to the basement membrane but failed to produce proteinuria, also failed to affect the phospholipid content.  相似文献   

Chronic estrogen administration can lead to thymic atrophy in rodents. In this article we report that the Brown Norway (BN) rat is sensitive to thymic atrophy induced by the estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES). By contrast, DES does not induce significant thymic atrophy in the August × Copenhagen-Irish (ACI) strain. The sensitivity of the BN rat to DES-induced thymic atrophy appears to segregate as an incompletely dominant trait in crosses between the BN and ACI strains. In a (BN × ACI)F2 population, we find strong evidence for three major genetic determinants of sensitivity to DES-induced thymic atrophy on rat Chromosome (RNO) 10 and RNO2. Genotypes at these loci, termed Esta1, 2, and 3, do not have a significant impact on the ability of DES to induce pituitary tumorigenesis or inhibit growth of these F2 rats. These data indicate that the genetic factors that control DES-induced thymic atrophy are distinct from those that control the effects of DES on pituitary mass and body mass. The Esta intervals on RNO10 and RNO2 overlap with loci that control sensitivity to radiation-induced thymocyte apoptosis, as well as susceptibility to a variety of allergic and autoimmune pathologies, including allergic encephalitis, arthritis, and glomerulonephritis in rodents. These observations suggest that common genetic determinants may control sensitivity to estrogen-induced thymic atrophy, maintenance of thymocyte homeostasis, and immune function.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the basement membrane of the rat proximal tubule was observed by transmission electron microscopy after the use of a cold dehydration technique. The basement membrane of the P1 segment is thick and possesses several structural specializations that are rare in other basement membranes; these include intraepithelial ridges, dense bars, and basement membrane vesicles. The intraepithelial ridges are found in the intercellular spaces between interdigitating processes of the proximal tubule cells. The ridges and the interdigitating processes run circumferentially around the tubule. The dense bars are frequently found in the intraepithelial ridges. They are especially prominent on the concave side of the tubular bends and to a lesser extent near sites where intracellular actin filaments anchor onto the basal cell membranes. The basement membrane vesicles are bounded by unit membranes; they are variable in both their electron density and their size. They are usually found in association with dense bars, and the grade of their accumulation is positively correlated with the development of the dense bars. These three specializations have no topographical relationship with the interstitial structures, such as fibrobalasts and collagen fibrils. The specializations are best developed on the concave side of tubular bends where the circumferential stresses caused by the intraluminal hydraulic pressure are presumably the largest; we therefore propose that they are an adaptation to, or a manifestation of, the increased wall stress in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

Massive deposits of organelles, morphologically identical with nuclear pore complexes (NP), were identified in the glomerular basement membrane of an individual with membranous nephritis. Analysis by immunofluorescence demonstrated that the patient's serum contained autoantibodies that became bound within intact cells to cellular components, including centrosomes or centrioles and filaments of the cytoskeleton. Furthermore, these antibodies became bound to numerous small structures at the nuclear periphery. The above evidence suggests that among the autoantibodies were some specifically directed toward the NP, and that the glomerular deposits were NP, possibly in association with IgG.  相似文献   



The parameters RN (Newtonian resistance), G (tissue damping), and H (tissue elastance) of the constant phase model of respiratory mechanics provide information concerning the site of altered mechanical properties of the lung. The aims of this study were to compare the site of allergic airway narrowing implied from respiratory mechanics to a direct assessment by morphometry and to evaluate the effects of exogenous surfactant administration on the site and magnitude of airway narrowing.


We induced airway narrowing by ovalbumin sensitization and challenge and we tested the effects of a natural surfactant lacking surfactant proteins A and D (Infasurf®) on airway responses. Sensitized, mechanically ventilated Brown Norway rats underwent an aerosol challenge with 5% ovalbumin or vehicle. Other animals received nebulized surfactant prior to challenge. Three or 20 minutes after ovalbumin challenge, airway luminal areas were assessed on snap-frozen lungs by morphometry.


At 3 minutes, RN and G detected large airway narrowing whereas at 20 minutes G and H detected small airway narrowing. Surfactant inhibited RN at the peak of the early allergic response and ovalbumin-induced increase in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cysteinyl leukotrienes and amphiregulin but not IgE-induced mast cell activation in vitro.


Allergen challenge triggers the rapid onset of large airway narrowing, detected by RN and G, and subsequent peripheral airway narrowing detected by G and H. Surfactant inhibits airway narrowing and reduces mast cell-derived mediators.  相似文献   

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