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In Neurospora crassa, a recessive mutant allele of a nuclear gene, nd (natural death), causes rapid degeneration of the mitochondrial DNA, a process that is manifested phenotypically as an accelerated form of senescence in growing and stationary mycelia. To examine the mechanisms that are involved in the degradation of the mitochondrial chromosome, several mitochondrial DNA restriction fragments unique to the natural-death mutant were cloned and characterized through restriction, hybridization, and nucleotide sequence analyses. All of the cloned DNA pieces contained one to four rearrangements that were generated by unequal crossing-over between direct repeats of several different nucleotide sequences that occur in pairs and are dispersed throughout the mitochondrial chromosome of wild-type Neurospora strains. The most abundant repeats, a family of GC-rich sequences that includes the so-called PstI palindromes, were not involved in the generation of deletions in the nd mutant. The implication of these results is that the nd allele hyperactivates a general system for homologous recombination in the mitochondria of N. crassa. Therefore, the nd+ allele either codes for a component of the complex of proteins that catalyzes recombination, and possibly repair and replication, of the mitochondrial chromosome or specifies a regulatory factor that controls the synthesis or activity of at least one enzyme or ancillary factor that is affiliated with mitochondrial DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

1. The cytochrome-alpha alpha 3-deficient mi-3 cytoplasmic mutant of Neurospora crassa synthesizes a mitochondrial translation product which crossreacts with antibodies specific to subunit 1 of cytochrome oxidase. The immunoprecipitated polypeptide migrates more slowly during gel electrophoresis than the authentic 41 000-Mr subunit 1 of the wild-type enzyme. An apparent molecular weight of about 45 000 was estimated for the mutant product. 2. Radioactive labelling experiments in vivo show that the crossreacting material found in the mutant is relatively stable and does not form complexes with other subunits of the oxidase. 3. After induction of a functional cytochrome oxidase in the mutant cells with antimycin A, the 45 000-Mr polypeptide is converted to a 41 000-Mr component, which exhibits the same electrophoretic mobility as subunit 1 of the oxidase. Pulse-chase labelling kinetics reveal a typical precursor product relationship. 4. The converted polypeptide becomes assembled with other enzyme subunits to form a protein complex which has the immunological characteristics of cytochrome oxidase. A possible physiological role of the post-translational processing of the mitochondrially synthesized component is discussed.  相似文献   

We have cultivated the cel mutant of Neurospora crassa defective in cytosolic fatty acid synthesis with [2-14C]malonate and found radioactivity covalently attached to the mitochondrial acyl-carrier protein (ACP), a subunit of the respiratory chain NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase. We purified the ACP by reverse-phase HPLC: the bound acyl groups were trans-esterified to methylesters and analyzed by gas chromatography. The saturated C6 to C18 fatty acids and oleic acid were detected. De novo synthesis and desaturation of fatty acids at the ACP subunit of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase and use of the products of this mitochondrial synthetic pathway for cardiolipin synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

We determined the primary structure of a 9.6-kDa subunit of the respiratory chain NADH:ubiquinone reductase (complex I) from Neurospora crassa mitochondria and found a close relationship between this subunit and the bacterial or chloroplast acyl-carrier protein. The degree of sequence identity amounts to 80% in a region of 19 residues around the serine to which the phosphopantetheine is bound. The N-terminal presequence of the subunit has the characteristic features of a mitochondrial import sequence. We cultivated the auxotroph pan-2 mutant of N. crassa in the presence of [14C]pantothenate and recovered all radioactivity incorporated into mitochondrial protein in the 9.6-kDa subunit of complex I. We cultivated N. crassa in the presence of chloramphenicol to accumulate the nuclear-encoded peripheral arm of complex I. This pre-assembled arm also contains the 9.6-kDa subunit. These results demonstrate that an acyl-carrier protein with pantothenate as prosthetic group is a constituent part of complex I in N. crassa.  相似文献   

Two related forms of the respiratory-chain complex, NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) are synthesized in the mitochondria of Neurospora crassa. Normally growing cells make a large, piericidin-A-sensitive form, which consists of some 23 different nuclear- and 6-7 mitochondrially encoded subunits. Cells grown in the presence of chloramphenicol make a small, piericidin-A-insensitive form which consists of only approximately 13 nuclear-encoded subunits. The subunits of the small form are either identical or similar to nuclear-encoded subunits of the large form. The iron-sulfur clusters in these two forms of Complex I are characterized by redox potentiometry and EPR spectroscopy. The large form of Complex I contains four EPR-detectable iron-sulfur clusters, N1, N2, N3 and N4, with the spin concentration of the individual clusters equivalent to the flavin concentration, similar to the mammalian counterparts. The small Complex I contains clusters N1, N3 and N4, but it is devoid of cluster N2. A model of the electron-transfer route through the large form of Complex I has been derived from these findings and an evolutionary pathway which leads to the emergence of large Complex I is discussed.  相似文献   

The sequences of cDNA and genomic DNA clones for Neurospora cytochrome oxidase subunit V show that the protein is synthesized as a 171-amino-acid precursor containing a 27-amino-acid N-terminal extension. The subunit V protein sequence is 34% identical to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae subunit V; these proteins, as well as the corresponding bovine subunit, subunit IV, contain a single hydrophobic domain which most likely spans the inner mitochondrial membrane. The Neurospora crassa subunit V gene (cox5) contains two introns, 398 and 68 nucleotides long, which share the conserved intron boundaries 5'GTRNGT...CAG3' and the internal consensus sequence ACTRACA. Two short sequences, YGCCAG and YCCGTTY, are repeated four times each in the cox5 gene upstream of the mRNA 5' termini. The cox5 mRNA 5' ends are heterogeneous, with the major mRNA 5' end located 144 to 147 nucleotides upstream from the translational start site. The mRNA contains a 3'-untranslated region of 186 to 187 nucleotides. Using restriction-fragment-length polymorphism, we mapped the cox5 gene to linkage group IIR, close to the arg-5 locus. Since one of the mutations causing cytochrome oxidase deficiency in N. crassa, cya-4-23, also maps there, we transformed the cya-4-23 strain with the wild-type cox5 gene. In contrast to cya-4-23 cells, which grow slowly, cox5 transformants grew quickly, contained cytochrome oxidase, and had 8- to 11-fold-higher levels of subunit V in their mitochondria. These data suggest (i) that the cya-4 locus in N. crassa specifies structural information for cytochrome oxidase subunit V and (ii) that, in N. crassa, as in S. cerevisiae, deficiencies in the production of nuclearly encoded cytochrome oxidase subunits result in deficiency in cytochrome oxidase activity. Finally, we show that the lower levels of subunit V in cya-4-23 cells are most likely due to substantially reduced levels of translatable subunit V mRNA.  相似文献   

We isolated and sequenced cDNA for the 29.9 kDa subunit of mitochondrial NADH: ubiquinone reductase (complex I) from a Neurospora crassa library in the lambda gt11 expression vector. The N-terminus of the mature protein was determined by Edman-degradation. The cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding a preprotein of 273 amino acids. The presequence of the transit protein essential for mitochondrial import is eight residues long. Northern-blot analysis shows, that the level of the corresponding mRNA is increased 3-fold if cells are grown in the presence of chloramphenicol.  相似文献   

Cultures of mutant cni-1, a chromosomal mutant of Neurospora crassa, undergo a marked change in respiratory properties as the age of the culture increases. Early log phase cultures have a high level of respiration that is insensitive to inhibition by cyanide or antimycin A. Late log and stationary phase cultures have reduced rates of respiration. A high percentage of this respiration is inhibited by cyanide. Mitochondria from early log phase cni-1 have an excess of cytochrome c and little or no detectable cytochrome aa3. Mitochondria from late log and stationary phase cultures have levels of c-, b-, and a-type cytochromes that are not significantly different in concentration from those found in wild type cells. The cytochrome aa3 content and the cytochrome oxidase activity of cni-1 mitochondria increase 5- to 10-fold as the age of the culture increases. Mitochondria from early log phase cells of cni-1 synthesize only polypeptides of apparent molecular weights 7,000 to 10,000 and donot synthesize any of the mitochondrial components of cytochrome oxidase. Mitochondria from late log and stationary phase cells synthesize the normal complement of mitochondrial translation products including the mitochondrial components of cytochrome oxidase. The assembly of cytochrome oxidase is likely due to the availability of the mitochondrially synthesized components of the enzyme. The regulation of mitochondrial translation in the cni-1 mutant is independent of the nutrient content of the growth medium and is due to the accumulation or depletion of some component within the cell.  相似文献   

The primary structure of a nuclear-encoded subunit of the respiratory chain NADH:ubiquinone reductase (complex I) from Neurospora crassa was determined by sequencing cDNA, genomic DNA and the N-terminus of the protein. The sequence correlates to a protein of 200 amino acids and a molecular mass of 21349 Da. The protein is synthesized without a cleavable presequence. It contains two alpha-helices predicted to traverse the bilayer and is a constituent of the membrane part of complex I.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding a mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase from Neurospora crassa was sequenced. The total DNA sequence encompasses 2570 base pairs and contains an open reading frame of 2019 base pairs coding for a precursor polypeptide of 673 amino acid residues. The protein is encoded by a single-copy gene located to the right side of the centromere in linkage group IV of the fungal genome. The N-terminus of the precursor protein has characteristics of a mitochondrial targeting pre-sequence. The protein displays homology with mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenases from yeast. In contrast to these polypeptides, however, analysis of its primary structure revealed that it contains a well-conserved calcium-binding domain. Rabbit antiserum against the protein expressed in an heterologous system recognises a mitochondrial protein of N. crassa with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kDa. Analysis of the fungal mitochondria by swelling, digitonin fractionation and alkaline treatment indicate that the protein is located in the inner membrane of the organelles, possibly facing the matrix side.  相似文献   

We have identified a plasmid-like element within mitochondria of Neurospora crassa strain stp-B1. It is derived from the EcoRI-4 and EcoRI-6 regions of the mitochondrial DNA, and an additional 124 bp DNA segment of unknown origin. The plasmid DNA consists of an oligomeric series of circular molecules of monomer length 2.2 kbp. The abundance of the plasmid suggests its autonomous replication and the presence of an efficient origin of replication. An unusually large number of palindromes capable of forming secondary structures are present in the plasmid. Such a palindrome, located near sequences reminiscent of mammalian and fungal mtDNA origins of replication, may define the replication origin of the plasmid. This putative origin might also represent the replication origin of the wild-type mtDNA.  相似文献   

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