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The network architecture of streams and rivers constrains evolutionary, demographic and ecological processes of freshwater organisms. This consistent architecture also makes stream networks useful for testing general models of population genetic structure and the scaling of gene flow. We examined genetic structure and gene flow in the facultatively paedomorphic Idaho giant salamander, Dicamptodon aterrimus, in stream networks of Idaho and Montana, USA. We used microsatellite data to test population structure models by (i) examining hierarchical partitioning of genetic variation in stream networks; and (ii) testing for genetic isolation by distance along stream corridors vs. overland pathways. Replicated sampling of streams within catchments within three river basins revealed that hierarchical scale had strong effects on genetic structure and gene flow. amova identified significant structure at all hierarchical scales (among streams, among catchments, among basins), but divergence among catchments had the greatest structural influence. Isolation by distance was detected within catchments, and in‐stream distance was a strong predictor of genetic divergence. Patterns of genetic divergence suggest that differentiation among streams within catchments was driven by limited migration, consistent with a stream hierarchy model of population structure. However, there was no evidence of migration among catchments within basins, or among basins, indicating that gene flow only counters the effects of genetic drift at smaller scales (within rather than among catchments). These results show the strong influence of stream networks on population structure and genetic divergence of a salamander, with contrasting effects at different hierarchical scales.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns of many taxa are explained by Pleistocene glaciation. The temperate rainforests within the Pacific Northwest of North America provide an excellent example of this phenomenon, and competing phylogenetic hypotheses exist regarding the number of Pleistocene refugia influencing genetic variation of endemic organisms. One such endemic is the Pacific giant salamander, Dicamptodon tenebrosus. In this study, we estimate this species' phylogeny and use a coalescent modeling approach to test five hypotheses concerning the number, location and divergence times of purported Pleistocene refugia. Single refugium hypotheses include: a northern refugium in the Columbia River Valley and a southern refugium in the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. Dual refugia hypotheses include these same refugia but separated at varying times: last glacial maximum (20,000 years ago), mid-Pleistocene (800,000 years ago) and early Pleistocene (1.7 million years ago). Phylogenetic analyses and inferences from nested clade analysis reveal distinct northern and southern lineages expanding from the Columbia River Valley and the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains, respectively. Results of coalescent simulations reject both single refugium hypotheses and the hypothesis of dual refugia with a separation date in the late Pleistocene but not hypotheses predicting dual refugia with separation in early or mid-Pleistocene. Estimates of time since divergence between northern and southern lineages also indicate separation since early to mid-Pleistocene. Tests for expanding populations using mismatch distributions and 'g' distributions reveal demographic growth in the northern and southern lineages. The combination of these results provides strong evidence that this species was restricted into, and subsequently expanded from, at least two Pleistocene refugia in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

During the colder climates of the Pleistocene, the ranges of high-elevation species in unglaciated areas may have expanded, leading to increased gene flow among previously isolated populations. The phylogeography of the pygmy salamander, Desmognathus wrighti, an endemic species restricted to the highest mountain peaks of the southern Appalachians, was examined to test the hypothesis that the range of D. wrighti expanded along with other codistributed taxa during the Pleistocene. Analyses of genetic variation at 14 allozymic loci and of the 12S rRNA gene in the mtDNA genome was conducted on individuals sampled from 14 population isolates throughout the range of D. wrighti. In contrast to the genetic patterns of many other high-elevation animals and plants, genetic distances derived from both molecular markers showed significant isolation by distance and genetic structuring of populations, suggesting long-term isolation of populations. Phylogeographical analyses revealed four genetically distinct population clusters that probably remained fragmented during the Pleistocene, although there was also evidence supporting recent gene flow among some population groups. Support for isolation by distance is rare among high-elevation species in unglaciated areas of North and Middle America, although not uncommon among Plethodontid Salamanders, and this pattern suggests that populations of D. wrighti did not expand entirely into suitable habitat during the Pleistocene. We propose that intrinsic barriers to dispersal, such as species interactions with other southern Appalachian plethodontid salamanders, persisted during the Pleistocene to maintain the fragmented distribution of D. wrighti and allow for significant genetic divergence of populations by restricting gene flow.  相似文献   

Statistical phylogeographic studies contribute to our understanding of the factors that influence population divergence and speciation, and that ultimately generate biogeographical patterns. The use of coalescent modelling for analyses of genetic data provides a framework for statistically testing alternative hypotheses about the timing and pattern of divergence. However, the extent to which such approaches contribute to our understanding of biogeography depends on how well the alternative hypotheses chosen capture relevant aspects of species histories. New modelling techniques, which explicitly incorporate spatio-geographic data external to the gene trees themselves, provide a means for generating realistic phylogeographic hypotheses, even for taxa without a detailed fossil record. Here we illustrate how two such techniques – species distribution modelling and its historical extension, palaeodistribution modelling – in conjunction with coalescent simulations can be used to generate and test alternative hypotheses. In doing so, we highlight a few key studies that have creatively integrated both historical geographic and genetic data and argue for the wider incorporation of such explicit integrations in biogeographical studies.  相似文献   

Neiman M  Lively CM 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3085-3098
Pleistocene glaciation has been identified as an important factor shaping present-day patterns of phylogeographical structure in a diverse array of taxa. The purpose of this study was to use mitochondrial sequence data to address whether Pleistocene glaciation is also a major determinant of phylogeographical patterns in Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a freshwater snail native to New Zealand. We found that haplotypes were separated by no more than 3.7% sequence divergence, and major genetic divisions tended to occur on a north-south axis. These data fit the predictions of the hypothesis that isolation of P. antipodarum in glacial refugia at the northern and southern tip of the South Island of New Zealand during the Pleistocene glaciation underlies the present-day phylogeographical structure. Because sexual P. antipodarum occasionally produce asexual offspring, we also used these data to show that the appearance of asexuality is not phylogeographically constrained. This means that the maintenance of sex in P. antipodarum cannot be wholly due to limited contact between sexual and asexual lineages and must instead be linked to a selective advantage of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Demographic compensation arises when vital rates change in opposite directions across populations, buffering the variation in population growth rates, and is a mechanism often invoked to explain the stability of species geographic ranges. However, studies on demographic compensation have disregarded the effects of temporal variation in vital rates and their temporal correlations, despite theoretical evidence that stochastic dynamics can affect population persistence in temporally varying environments. We carried out a seven‐year‐long demographic study on the perennial plant Arabis alpina (L.) across six populations encompassing most of its elevational range. We discovered demographic compensation in the form of negative correlations between the means of plant vital rates, but also between their temporal coefficients of variation, correlations and elasticities. Even if their contribution to demographic compensation was small, this highlights a previously overlooked, but potentially important, role of stochastic processes in stabilising population dynamics at range margins.  相似文献   

Abstract Pleistocene glaciations were important determinants of historical migration and, hence, current levels of genetic diversity within and among populations. In many cases, these historical migrations led to the existence of disjunct populations of plants and animals. However, the origin and timing of arrival of these disjunct populations is often debated. In the current study, we identify potential refugia and estimate the timing of vicariance events of the eastern tiger salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum , using mitochondrial sequence data. The results suggest a vicariant event 0.75–2 million years ago, separating the tiger salamanders to the east and west of the Apalachicola River Basin. East of the Appalachians, there appear to be multiple independent refugia with little migration among the remaining populations. In particular, populations along the Atlantic Coastal Plain were likely isolated in a coastal plain refugium in the Carolinas. Migrants from this refugium were the likely source of colonists for populations occupying previously glaciated areas along the northeastern Atlantic Coast. A second potential refugium occurs in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western Virginia. This refugium contains a disjunct population of the eastern tiger salamander, as well as a community of nearly 70 other disjunct plant and animal species. The tiger salamanders here have been isolated from other populations for 200,000–500,000 years. These results suggest that disjunct mountain populations of Coastal Plain species may have existed in situ throughout the Pleistocene in Appalachian refugia. Therefore, these disjunct populations are not of recent origin, but rather exist as relicts of a warmer, more widespread fauna and flora that is now restricted to the Coastal Plain.  相似文献   

Biogeographical patterns within the California Floristic Province have been greatly affected by geological and climatic events. Here, we investigate the phylogeography of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) in an effort to date its range disjunction using molecular data and to further our understanding of phylogeographical patterns for plants within the California Floristic Province. The distribution of foxtail pine is characterized by a 500-km disjunction separating populations located in the Klamath Mountains from those in the southern Sierra Nevada. Previous authors suggested that this disjunction occurred approximately 4000-8000 years ago during the Holocene Xerotherm when western North America became warmer and drier. Those dates, however, are inconsistent with the morphological differences that separate regional populations into formally recognized subspecies. Using the coalescent-based isolation with migration model and DNA sequence data from the chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes, we evaluate several hypotheses addressing the timing of this range disjunction and its effects on subsequent patterns of gene flow. Results from all three genomes are largely consistent with Middle to Early Pleistocene divergence dates. Those dates correspond to the Sherwin glaciation, which was the largest Pleistocene glacial episode in the Sierra Nevada. Gene flow, moreover, was only documented using data from the chloroplast genome, suggesting that low levels of long-distance pollen dispersal (N(e)m < 0.5) have occurred since this divergence event. These results are extended to a discussion of the biogeographical development of subalpine forests in California.  相似文献   

Long‐distance migrant waders breeding in the Arctic often have globally structured populations, largely because they were isolated in glacial or interstadial refugia or were restricted to fragmented coastal wetlands in winter. Conversely, inland species using continentally distributed wetlands appear to be less structured (more often panmictic), presumably because they are less likely to have been isolated by multiple refugia or by current events. We analyzed genetic variation in a widely distributed inland species, the ruff (Philomachus pugnax), sampled from seven Eurasian breeding localities, and from migration routes and wintering areas in Europe and Africa. One mitochondrial marker (N = 118) and eight nuclear microsatellites (N = 170) showed: (1) high genetic variation; (2) large genetic distances among mitochondrial (private) haplotypes within breeding populations; (3) the absence of a signature of isolation‐by‐distance; and (4) a distribution of private microsatellite alleles indicating dispersal between Scandinavia and Siberia but not between western and eastern Siberia. These results were consistent with a large refugial population during the Last Glacial Maximum, and postglacial long range expansions spreading ancestral polymorphisms, and not with a stepping‐stone model of gene flow. The divergence between breeding populations in Europe and Siberia was dated to approximately 12 000 years ago. Although genetic population structure is presently statistically non‐existent, support for evolving population structure came from analyses of geographical variation in two relevant phenotypic traits: wing length and the timing of migration. Analysis of 6077 individuals sampled on migration in 2002–08 revealed that, in each year, shorter‐winged birds migrated through significantly later than longer‐winged birds. The late‐passing birds were associated with more westerly breeding localities. In conclusion, the lack of genetic structuring in ruffs (and other inland species we examined) contrasts with strong structuring in many coastal species. This suggests that the ability to use more widely available inland habitat influences the evolution of genetic structure and the maintenance of genetic variation in waders. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 641–656.  相似文献   

We used DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1141 bp) to assess the phylogeography of Barbus fishes in the Black Sea region. Our aim was to test whether the recent ( approximately 22 000-7500 years ago) freshwater phase of the Black Sea was a conduit for gene flow among freshwater fishes that today are found in streams entering the saltwater Black Sea. Deep phylogeographical breaks suggestive of allopatric divergence were observed between four regional groups of populations. Coalescent simulation used to distinguish between this and an alternative scenario that the phylogeographical structure was due to random lineage sorting showed that the contemporary populations were unlikely (P < 0.001) to have been founded by a single ancestral population. Divergences between the lineages (0.86-2.54%) were dated to the Middle to Late Pleistocene using distances and a molecular clock corrected for superimposed substitutions. Taken together, this evidence suggests that multiple refugial populations survived over several later glaciations in the vicinity of the Black Sea. This Pontic refugium served as the primary source for the postglacial expansion throughout Europe as far as the Atlantic basin. However, only one of the phylogeographical lineages contributed to this dispersion, whereas the others remain restricted to the Black Sea region and followed independent evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

The Patagonian steppe is an immense, cold, arid region, yet phylogeographically understudied. Nassauvia subgen. Strongyloma is a characteristic element of the steppe, exhibiting a continuum of morphological variation. This taxon provides a relevant phylogeographical model not only to understand how past environmental changes shaped the genetic structure of its populations, but also to explore phylogeographical scenarios at the large geographical scale of the Patagonian steppe. Here, we (1) assess demographic processes and historical events that shaped current geographic patterns of haplotypic diversity; (2) analyze hypotheses of isolation in refugia, fragmentation of populations, and/or colonization of available areas during Pleistocene glaciations; and (3) model extant and palaeoclimatic distributions to support inferred phylogeographical patterns. Chloroplast intergenic spacers, rpl32–trnL and trnQ–5′rps16, were sequenced for 372 individuals from 63 populations. Nested clade analysis, analyses of molecular variance, and neutrality tests were performed to assess genetic structure and range expansion. The present potential distribution was modelled and projected onto a last glacial maximum (LGM) model. Of 41 haplotypes observed, ten were shared among populations associated with different morphological variants. Populations with highest haplotype diversity and private haplotypes were found in central‐western and south‐eastern Patagonia, consistent with long‐term persistence in refugia during Pleistocene. Palaeomodelling suggested a shift toward the palaeoseashore during LGM; new available areas over the exposed Atlantic submarine platform were colonized during glaciations with postglacial retraction of populations. A scenario of fragmentation and posterior range expansion may explain the observed patterns in the center of the steppe, which is supported by palaeomodelling. Northern Patagonian populations were isolated from southern populations by the Chubut and the Deseado river basins during glaciations. Pleistocene glaciations indirectly impacted the distribution, demography, and diversification of subgen. Strongyloma through decreased winter temperatures and water availability in different areas of its range.  相似文献   

Giant Amazon river turtles, Podocnemis expansa, are indigenous to the Amazon, Orinoco, and Essequibo River basins, and are distributed across nearly the entire width of the South American continent. Although once common, their large size, high fecundity, and gregarious nesting, made P. expansa especially vulnerable to over-harvesting for eggs and meat. Populations have been severely reduced or extirpated in many areas throughout its range, and the species is now regulated under Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Here, we analyse data from mitochondrial DNA sequence and multiple nuclear microsatellite markers with an array of complementary analytical methods. Results show that concordance from multiple data sets and analyses can provide a strong signal of population genetic structure that can be used to guide management. The general lack of phylogeographic structure but large differences in allele and haplotype frequencies among river basins is consistent with fragmented populations and female natal-river homing. Overall, the DNA data show that P. expansa populations lack a long history of genetic differentiation, but that each major tributary currently forms a semi-isolated reproductive population and should be managed accordingly.  相似文献   

Aim  To describe and analyse phylogeographical patterns in the endangered endemic lizard Podarcis lilfordi from across its remaining range and thereby establish baseline information on genetic diversity that will help determine conservation priorities and assist future reintroduction programs.
Location  Balearic Islands, Spain.
Methods  We analysed mitochondrial DNA (2382 bp sequence from eight genes) from 118 individuals and characterized the relationships among haplotypes using parsimony networks, as well as phylogenetic inference. Analyses of historical gene flow and population growth were used to provide further insights into population histories.
Results  Four unconnected parsimony networks were obtained that mirrored the main clades in the phylogenetic tree: (I) all Menorcan populations, (II) Dragonera, Malgrats and Toro islands (Western Mallorca) (III and IV) and the remaining populations from Cabrera and Mallorca. Two major haplotype groups were detected in Menorca (I) and these provided signatures of a demographic expansion and asymmetrical historical gene flow, respectively, concordant with the expected direction of colonization from south to north of the island. Populations from western Mallorca (II) showed evidence of historical allopatric fragmentation events following isolation around the start of the Pleistocene. In networks III and IV, Cabreran populations appear to have become isolated from north and south Mallorca quite recently, with asymmetric gene flow indicating a northwards dispersal direction.
Main conclusions  P. lilfordi is a genetically diverse species that shows substantial mtDNA structuring both between regions and, at a finer scale, between some islet populations within regions. The precarious state of some islet populations shown here to be quite divergent (e.g. Toro island in western Mallorca) means that conservation of this intraspecific biodiversity requires urgent action.  相似文献   

We investigated the phylogeographical patterns of Lissotriton italcus, a newt endemic to the Italian peninsula, aiming to determine why hotspots of intraspecific diversity so ‘hot’. We found two main mitochindrial DNA lineages (net sequence divergence of 6.8% at two fragments of total length of 1897 bp): one restricted to part of the Calabrian peninsula (i.e the southernmost portion of the species range) and the other widespread throughout the rest of the species range. Both lineages, which had a parapatric distribution, showed evidence of further subdivisions, with an overall number of eight terminal haplogroups, most of whose times to the most recent common ancestors were estimated at the Late Pleistocene. Analysis of molecular variance suggested that partitioning populations according to the geographical distribution of these haplogroups can explain 97% of the observed genetic variation. These results suggest that L. italicus underwent repeated cycles of allopatric fragmentation throughout the Pleistocene, and that it likely survived the Late Pleistocene paleoenvironmental changes within eight separate refugia. Thus, the current hotspot of intraspecific diversity of L. italicus (within the Calabrian peninsula) has not been moulded by long‐term stability of large populations but rather by multiple events of allopatric fragmentation and divergence. When compared with the patterns recently identified in other species, these results suggest that the occurrence of phases of allopatric divergence (eventually followed by secondary admixture) could be a common, albeit probably underrated feature in the history of formation of hotspots of intraspecific diversity. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 42–55.  相似文献   

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