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Periodic responses to periodically varying stimulating pulse sequences are mathematically described for a degenerate analog neuron model. The model used was derived by Yoshizawa et al. (1982) in their investigation of the state transition of an electronic model using a tunnel diode in a degenerate case. Periodic responses to constant pulse sequences for the model were described by them. In this paper, it is shown that periodic responses to periodically varying pulse sequences for the model are identical with those which the author previously described for a discrete neuron model.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the BVP neuron model response to periodic pulse stimuli are investigated. Temporal patterns of the output of the model are analyzed as a function of the stimulus intensity and period. The BVP model exhibits the same chaotic behavior, and a Cantor function-like graph of the response frequency (mean firing rate) as in electrophysiological experiments. This shows that the BVP model describes the complicated response characteristics of the neuron at least qualitatively.  相似文献   

RV Florian 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e40233
In many cases, neurons process information carried by the precise timings of spikes. Here we show how neurons can learn to generate specific temporally precise output spikes in response to input patterns of spikes having precise timings, thus processing and memorizing information that is entirely temporally coded, both as input and as output. We introduce two new supervised learning rules for spiking neurons with temporal coding of information (chronotrons), one that provides high memory capacity (E-learning), and one that has a higher biological plausibility (I-learning). With I-learning, the neuron learns to fire the target spike trains through synaptic changes that are proportional to the synaptic currents at the timings of real and target output spikes. We study these learning rules in computer simulations where we train integrate-and-fire neurons. Both learning rules allow neurons to fire at the desired timings, with sub-millisecond precision. We show how chronotrons can learn to classify their inputs, by firing identical, temporally precise spike trains for different inputs belonging to the same class. When the input is noisy, the classification also leads to noise reduction. We compute lower bounds for the memory capacity of chronotrons and explore the influence of various parameters on chronotrons' performance. The chronotrons can model neurons that encode information in the time of the first spike relative to the onset of salient stimuli or neurons in oscillatory networks that encode information in the phases of spikes relative to the background oscillation. Our results show that firing one spike per cycle optimizes memory capacity in neurons encoding information in the phase of firing relative to a background rhythm.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic interaction is the main driving force for protein folding. Here, we address the question of what is the optimal fraction, f of hydrophobic (H) residues required to ensure protein collapse. For very small f (say f<0.1), the protein chain is expected to behave as a random coil, where the H residues are "wrapped" locally by polar (P) residues. However, for large enough f this local coverage cannot be achieved and the thermodynamic alternative to avoid contact with water is burying the H residues in the interior of a compact chain structure. The interior also contains P residues that are known to be clustered to optimize their electrostatic interactions. This means that the H residues are clustered as well, i.e. they effectively attract each other like the H-monomers in Dill's HP lattice model. Previously, we asked the question: assuming that the H monomers in the HP model are distributed randomly along the chain, what fraction of them is required to ensure a compact ground state? We claimed there that f approximately p(c), where p(c) is the site percolation threshold of the lattice (in a percolation experiment, each site of an initially empty lattice is visited and a particle is placed there with a probability p. The interest is in the critical (minimal) value, p(c), for which percolation occurs, i.e. a cluster connecting the opposite sides of the lattice is created). Due to the above correspondence between the HP model and real proteins (and assuming that the H residues are distributed at random) we suggest that the experimental f should lead to percolating clusters of H residues over the highly dense protein core, i.e. clusters of the core size. To check this theory, we treat a simplified model consisting of H and P residues represented by their alpha-carbon atoms only. The structure is defined by the C(alpha)-C(alpha) virtual bond lengths, angles and dihedral angles, and the X-ray structure is best-fitted onto a face-centered cubic lattice. Percolation experiments are carried out for 103 single-chain proteins using six different hydrophobic sets of residues. Indeed, on average, percolating clusters are generated, which supports our theory; however, some sets lead to a better core coverage than others. We also calculate the largest actual hydrophobic cluster of each protein and show that, on average, these clusters span the core, again in accord with our theory. We discuss the effect of protein size, deviations from the average picture, and implications of this study for defining reliable simplified models of proteins.  相似文献   

Long-term extracellular recordings from a spiking, movement-sensitive giant neuron (H1) in the third optic ganglion of the blowfly Calliphora vicina (L.) revealed periodic endogenous sensitivity fluctuations. The sensitivity changes showed properties typical of an endogenous circadian rhythm. This was true for the responses in reaction to intensity changes of visual patterns as well as for the responses elicited by pattern movement. For these two types of stimuli, the circadian fluctuations were comparable, but the envelope in the case of responses to movement was more robust. A circadian fluctuation in responses to movement is, therefore, present at the level of single elementary movement detectors. The tonic activity of the neuron was also shown to be under circadian control. In constant darkness (DD) the fluctuation was circadian, whereas in constant light it was not. The subjective light-dark (LD) transitions in the tonic activity in DD closely followed the LD transitions in the holding cages initially; that is, there was low activity at night and high activity during the daytime. The sensitivity fluctuations in response to visual stimuli led the tonic spike activity fluctuations by several hours.  相似文献   

A DNA polymerase fraction was isolated from a polA?1 strain. Several characteristics distinguish this activity. The polymerase preparation preferentially uses single-strand DNA including φ× DNA as template. ATP stimulates the rate of synthesis approximately three times. The effect of ATP is specific; other ribonucleotide triphosphates are not effective. The complete temperature sensitivity of the fraction obtained from a dnaE mutant indicates that DNA polymerase III participates in the reaction.  相似文献   

EPSP waveforms were recorded from the omega neuron of Teleogryllus oceanicus for 5 kHz and ultrasonic sound stimuli. EPSPs in response to 5 kHz stimuli were smooth in shape and increased in amplitude with increasing stimulus intensity, while responses to ultrasound consisted of series' of large, discrete, unitary EPSPs, which increased in frequency with stimulus intensity.The hypothesis that a few, synaptically potent receptors might account for ultrasound sensitivity was tested by examining temporal coupling between ultrasound responses of the omega neuron and of another ultrasound-sensitive neuron, INT-1. INT-1 spikes were temporally correlated both to omega neuron spikes and to the large EPSPs recorded in the omega neuron. Coupling was not apparent for 5 kHz stimuli.The omega neuron encodes the intensity of 5 kHz and ultrasonic stimuli with similar resolution. Response latencies are markedly shorter for ultrasonic stimuli.These findings suggest that 5 kHz information is carried by a relatively large number of receptors, each of which has only a small effect on central neurons, while ultrasound information is carried by a few, synaptically potent, receptors.  相似文献   

Three protein fractions have been obtained from a thymus homogenate of young calf, by a multistep sequence of procedures.Every fraction was administered by intraperitoneal means to a distinct group of rats previously fed, for 21 days, on a diet with high content of dietary fat and cholesterol.The serum values of cholesterol and triglycerids in these animals show a considerable decrease, if compared with the data obtained from control animals, especially with the third chromatographic fraction.  相似文献   

Cerebral neuron C-PR is thought to play an important role in the appetitive phase of feeding behavior ofAplysia. Here, we describe the organization of input and output pathways of C-PR. Intracellular dye fills of C-PR revealed extensive arborization of processes within the cerebral and the pedal ganglia. Numerous varicosities of varying sizes may provide points of synaptic inputs and outputs.Blocking polysynaptic transmission in the cerebral ganglion eliminated the sensory inputs to C-PR from stimuli applied to the rhinophores or tentacles, indicating that this input is probably mediated by cerebral interneurons. Identified cerebral mechanoafferent sensory neurons polysynaptically excite C-PR. Stimulation of the eyes and rhinophores with light depresses C-PR spike activity, and this effect also appears to be mediated by cerebral interneurons.C-PR has bilateral synaptic actions on numerous pedal ganglion neurons, and also has effects on cerebral neurons, including the MCC, Bn cells, CBIs and the contralateral C-PR. Although the somata of these cerebral neurons are physically close to C-PR, experiments using high divalent cation-containing solutions and cutting of various connectives indicated that the effects of C-PR on other cerebral ganglion neurons (specifically Bn cells and the MCC) are mediated by interneurons that project back to the cerebral ganglion via the pedal and pleural connectives. The indirect pathways of C-PR to other cerebral neurons may help to ensure that consummatory motor programs are not activated until the appropriate appetitive motor programs, mediated by the pedal ganglia, have begun to be expressed.  相似文献   

A double-heptamer ring chaperonin GroEL binds denatured substrate protein, ATP, and GroES to the same heptamer ring and encapsulates substrate into the central cavity underneath GroES where productive folding occurs. GroES is a disk-shaped heptamer, and each subunit has a GroEL-binding loop. The residues of the GroEL subunit responsible for GroES binding largely overlap those involved in substrate binding, and the mechanism by which GroES can replace the substrate when GroES binds to GroEL/substrate complex remains to be clarified. To address this question, we generated single polypeptide GroES by fusing seven subunits with various combinations of active and GroEL binding-defective subunits. Functional tests of the fused GroES variants indicated that four active GroES subunits were required for efficient formation of the stable GroEL/GroES complex and five subunits were required for the productive GroEL/substrate/GroES complex. An increase in the number of defective GroES subunits resulted in a slowing of encapsulation and folding. These results indicate the presence of an intermediate GroEL/substrate/GroES complex in which the substrate and GroES bind to GroEL by sharing seven common binding sites.  相似文献   

We formulate and analyze a mathematical model that couples an idealized dendrite to an active boundary site to investigate the nonlinear interaction between these passive and active membrane patches. The active site is represented mathematically as a nonlinear boundary condition to a passive cable equation in the form of a space-clamped FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) equation. We perform a bifurcation analysis for both steady and periodic perturbation at the active site. We first investigate the uncoupled space-clamped FHN equation alone and find that for periodic perturbation a transition from phase locked (periodic) to phase pulling (quasiperiodic) solutions exist. For the model coupling a passive cable with a FHN active site at the boundary, we show for steady perturbation that the interval for repetitive firing is a subset of the interval for the space-clamped case and shrinks to zero for strong coupling. The firing rate at the active site decreases as the coupling strength increases. For periodic perturbation we show that the transition from phase locked to phase pulling solutions is also dependent on the coupling strength.This work was supported in part by NSF Grants MCS 83-00562 and MDS 85-01535  相似文献   

In a simulated neuron with a dendritic tree, the relative effects of active and passive dendritic membranes on transfer properties were studied. The simulations were performed by means of a digital computer. The computations calculated the changes in transmembrane voltages of many compartments over time as a function of other biophysical variables. These variables were synaptic input intensity, critical firing threshold, rate of leakage of current across the membrane, and rate of longitudinal current spread between compartments. For both passive and active dendrites, the transfer properties of the soma studied for different rates of longitudinal current spread. With low rates of current spread, graded changes in firing threshold produced correspondingly graded changes in output discharge. With high rates of current spread, the neuron became a bistable operator where spiking was enhanced if the threshold was below a certain level and suppressed if the threshold was above that level. Since alterations in firing threshold were shown to have the same effect on firing rate as alterations in synaptic input intensity, the neuron can be said to change from graded to contrast-enhancing in its response to stimuli of different intensities. The presence or absence of dendritic spiking was found to have a significant effect on the integrative properties of the simulated neuron. In particular, contrast enhancement was considerably more pronounced in neurons with passive than with active dendrites in that somatic spike rates reached a higher maximum when dendrites were passive. With active dendrites, a less intense input was needed to initiate somatic spiking than with passive dendrites because a distal dendritic spike could easily propagate by means of longitudinal current spread to the soma. Once somatic spiking was initiated, though, spike rates tended to be lower with active than with passive dendrites because the soma recovered more slowly from its post-spike refractory period if it was also influenced by refractory periods in the dendrites. The experiment of comparing neurons with active and passive dendrites was repeated at a different, higher value of synaptic input. The same differences in transfer properties between the active and passive cases emerged as before. Spiking patterns in neurons with active dendrites were also affected by the time distribution of synaptic inputs. In a previous study, inputs had been random over both space and time, varying about a predetermined mean, whereas in the present study, inputs were random over space but uniform over time. When inputs were made uniform over time, spiking became more difficult to initiate and the transition from graded to bistable response became less sharp.  相似文献   

A purification method for immunoglobulin A (IgA) yielding monomeric IgA with a purity of over 97% has been developed. This procedure uses ethanol-precipitated plasma (Cohn fraction III precipitate) as the starting material and includes heparin-Sepharose adsorption, dextran sulfate and ammonium sulfate precipitation, hydroxyapatite chromatography, batch adsorption by an anion-exchange matrix and gel permeation. Additional protein G Sepharose treatment leads to an IgA preparation of greater than 99% purity. The isolated IgA presented with an IgA subclass distribution, equivalent to IgA in unfractionated plasma, and was biologically active, as was shown by its ability to down-modulate Haemophilus influenzae-b-induced IL-6 secretion of human monocytes.  相似文献   

The emergence of the adult Manduca sexta moth is followed by the loss of almost half of this insect's abdominal motoneurons and interneurons (Truman, 1983). This programmed cell death completes the transformation of the nervous system of the caterpillar into that of the moth. The death of these neurons has been previously shown to be a response to an endocrine signal: the decline in ecdysteroids that occurs at the end of metamorphosis (Truman and Schwartz, 1984). Our current research is focussed on the regulation of the fate of a pair of identified motoneurons, the MN-12 cells, in the third abdominal ganglion. Isolation of this ganglion from anterior parts of the nervous system can prevent the death of these cells at the time when they would normally die in response to the decline in ecdysteroids. Transection of the ventral nerve cord at various levels revealed that the source of this regulatory "death signal" is the fused pterothoracic ganglion and that it is transmitted via the interganglionic connectives. We hypothesize that the factors mediating this effect may act in concert with the ecdysteroid decline to specify the exact time of death for individual neurons.  相似文献   

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