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Z Lackovic  N H Neff 《Life sciences》1983,32(15):1665-1674
In the CNS, dopamine (DA) is a recognized neurotransmitter as well as a precursor for norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI). In contrast to the CNS, DA has been assumed to be only a precursor in peripheral tissues. There is now, however, considerable evidence to support the hypothesis that it may function as a neurotransmitter and/or cotransmitter in peripheral tissues in addition to being a precursor. In this minireview we summarize evidence supporting the view that DA plays a role of its own in peripheral neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Sarmesin, [Sar1, Tyr(Me)4]angiotensinII], has been reported to be a competitive angiotensin II (AII) receptor antagonist in rat smooth muscle preparations (Scanlon et al., (1984), Life Science 34, 317-321). In the present study, sarmesin displaced AII from its binding sites in rat aortic smooth muscle cells and in a rabbit aorta membrane preparation (IC50 5 and 6 nM resp.; Ki 4.1 and 5.3 resp.) In rabbit aortic rings, sarmesin (0.003-3 microM) produced concentration-dependent contractions (ED50 89 nM) and this effect was inhibited by saralasin. No contraction was observed in the rat aorta up to 100 microM. In rabbit aortic rings, sarmesin, at the same concentrations that produced contraction, inhibited contractions induced by AII in a competitive manner (pA2 7, 26). These results indicate that, in rabbit aortic rings sarmesin is a partial agonist of AII receptors.  相似文献   

Evidence that type II 5'-deiodinase is not a selenoprotein.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Brain type II 5'-iodothyronine deiodinase and liver type I 5'-iodothyronine deiodinase activities are decreased in rats fed a Se(2+)-deficient diet suggesting that both enzymes are Se(2+)-dependent proteins. Since serum thyroxine (T4) concentrations are twice normal in the Se(2+)-deficient animals, it is unclear whether the Se2+ deficiency or the increased circulating T4 account for the decrease in the brain enzyme. In order to separate these two possibilities, the effects of Se2+ on 5'-deiodinase in glial cells (type II) and LLC-PK1 cells (type I) were examined. LLC-PK1 and glial cells were grown in serum-free defined medium containing 0, 1 pM, 10 nM, and 40 nM Se2+ for 3-5 days or in medium containing 75Se2+ for 24 h. Deiodinase isozymes were determined by measuring catalytic activity and by quantification of the BrAc[125I]T4 affinity-labeled substrate binding subunits. Se2+ deficiency was confirmed by measuring the activity of the selenoprotein, glutathione peroxidase. Se2+ caused a concentration-dependent increase in glutathione peroxidase activity in both cell types, as well as in the type I enzyme, but had no effect on the type II enzyme. LLC-PK1 cells contained multiple 75Se(2+)-labeled proteins including the 27-kDa substrate binding subunit of the type I 5'-deiodinase. Glial cells contained seven 75Se(2+)-labeled proteins ranging in size from 12 to 62 kDa, none of which corresponded to the type II substrate binding subunit. these data show that, unlike the type I enzyme, the type II enzyme does not contain a selenocysteine or selenomethionine, further emphasizing the differences between these two isozymes.  相似文献   

Mahalingam M  Vogel R 《Biochemistry》2006,45(51):15624-15632
Meta III is formed during the decay of rhodopsin's active receptor state at neutral to alkaline pH by thermal isomerization of the retinal Schiff base C15=N bond, converting the ligand from all-trans 15-anti to all-trans 15-syn. The thereby induced change of ligand geometry switches the receptor to an inactive conformation, such that the decay pathway to Meta III contributes to the deactivation of the signaling state at higher pH values. We have examined the conformation of Meta III over a wider pH range and found that Meta III exists in a pH-dependent conformational equilibrium between this inactive conformation at neutral to alkaline pH and an active conformation similar to that of Meta II, which, however, is assumed at very acidic pH only. The apparent pKa of this transition is around 5.1 and thus several units lower than that of the Meta I/Meta II photoproduct equilibrium with its all-trans 15-anti ligand, but still about 1 unit higher than that of the opsin conformational equilibrium in the absence of ligand. The all-trans-15-syn-retinal chromophore is therefore not an inverse agonist like 11-cis- or 9-cis-retinal, which lock the receptor in an inactive conformation, but a classical partial agonist, which is capable of activating the receptor, yet with an efficiency considerably lower than the full agonist all-trans 15-anti. As the Meta III chromophore differs structurally from this full agonist only in the isomeric state of the C15=N bond, this ligand represents an excellent model system to study principal mechanisms of partial agonism which are helpful to understand the partial agonist behavior of other ligands.  相似文献   

In the absence of hormone, human progesterone receptors (PR) are recovered in the cytosolic fraction of cell lysates as a multimeric complex containing the steroid-binding polypeptide, heat shock protein-90 (hsp90), and heat shock protein-70 (hsp70). Activated forms of human PR that acquire the ability to bind to DNA are dissociated from hsp90, but retain association with hsp70. The present study has examined whether associated hsp70 has a function in receptor-DNA binding. When activated PR was bound to specific target DNA in a gel shift assay, no hsp70 was detectable in the PR-DNA complex, as evidenced by the failure of several antibodies to hsp70 to affect the mobility or the amount of complexes. To determine whether hsp70 might indirectly influence DNA-binding activity, we have examined the effect of hsp70 dissociation on PR-DNA-binding activity. Dissociation was achieved either by treatment of immunoaffinity-purified immobilized PR complexes with ATP or by the binding of PR complexes to ATP-agarose, followed by elution with high salt. Under both conditions, dissociation from hsp70 neither enhanced nor impaired the ability of PR to bind to specific DNA. These results suggest that hsp70 is not involved in PR binding to DNA, either directly by participating in DNA binding or indirectly by modulating PR-DNA-binding activity. This implies that hsp70 functions at an earlier stage in the receptor activation pathway. Consistent with the known involvement of hsp70 in stabilizing unfolded states of other target proteins, we propose that hsp70 may assist in nuclear transport of PR or in assembly-disassembly of the 8-10S multimeric complex.  相似文献   

Arotinolol, a clinically used alpha/beta-adrenergic blocker, has been demonstrated to be an anti-obesity agent. The anti-obesity effect of arotinolol was suggested to be the result of direct activation of thermogenesis in brown-fat cells. We tested the ability of arotinolol to stimulate thermogenesis (oxygen consumption) in isolated brown-fat cells and in intact animals. Arotinolol stimulated thermogenesis in brown-fat cells isolated from mouse and hamster. A relatively low sensitivity to the beta-adrenergic antagonist propranolol (pK(B) approximately 6) indicated that arotinolol interacted with the beta3-adrenergic receptor. On the beta3-receptor, arotinolol was a very weak (EC50 approximately 20 microM) and only partial (approximately 50%) agonist, but arotinolol also demonstrated the properties of being a beta3-receptor antagonist with a pK(B) of 5.7. In intact animals, only the antagonistic action of arotinolol could be observed. Because arotinolol is only a very weak and partial agonist on the beta3-receptors, direct stimulation of thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue is unlikely to be sufficient to cause significant weight loss. It may be necessary to invoke additional pathways to explain the anti-obesity effects of chronic treatment with arotinolol.  相似文献   

Biased agonism describes a multistate model of G protein-coupled receptor activation in which each ligand induces a unique structural conformation of the receptor, such that the receptor couples differentially to G proteins and other intracellular proteins. P2Y receptors are G protein-coupled receptors that are activated by endogenous nucleotides, such as adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) and uridine 5′-triphosphate (UTP). A previous report suggested that UTP may be a biased agonist at the human P2Y11 receptor, as it increased cytosolic [Ca2+], but did not induce accumulation of inositol phosphates, whereas ATP did both. The mechanism of action of UTP was unclear, so the aim of this study was to characterise the interaction of UTP with the P2Y11 receptor in greater detail. Intracellular Ca2+ was monitored in 1321N1 cells stably expressing human P2Y11 receptors using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent indicator, fluo-4. ATP evoked a rapid, concentration-dependent rise in intracellular Ca2+, but surprisingly, even high concentrations of UTP were ineffective. In contrast, UTP was slightly, but significantly more potent than ATP in evoking a rise in intracellular Ca2+ in 1321N1 cells stably expressing the human P2Y2 receptor, with no difference in the maximum response. Thus, the lack of response to UTP at hP2Y11 receptors was not due to a problem with the UTP solution. Furthermore, coapplying a high concentration of UTP with ATP did not inhibit the response to ATP. Thus, contrary to a previous report, we find no evidence for an agonist action of UTP at the human P2Y11 receptor, nor does UTP act as an antagonist.  相似文献   

Pergolide is a potent, direct-acting dopamine agonist used in treating Parkinson's disease. It is an agonist found recently to have high affinity for D3 receptors. The affinity of pergolide for D1 receptors is lower than for D2 receptors, and there have been some reports that it may not interact with D1 receptors in vivo at doses used to activate D2 receptors. A growing body of evidence suggests that pergolide does occupy and activate D1 receptors in vivo, although the relevance to therapeutic efficacy in Parkinson's disease needs further study.  相似文献   

The bifunctional CO dehydrogenase/acetyl-CoA synthase (CODH/ACS) plays a central role in the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway of autotrophic CO(2) fixation. One structure of the Moorella thermoacetica enzyme revealed that the active site of ACS (the A-cluster) consists of a [4Fe-4S] cluster bridged to a binuclear CuNi center with Cu at the proximal metal site (M(p)) and Ni at the distal metal site (M(d)). In another structure of the same enzyme, Ni or Zn was present at M(p). On the basis of a positive correlation between ACS activity and Cu content, we had proposed that the Cu-containing enzyme is active [Seravalli, J., et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 3689-3694]. Here we have reexamined this proposal. Enzyme preparations with a wider range of Ni (1.6-2.8) and Cu (0.2-1.1) stoichiometries per dimer were studied to reexamine the correlation, if any, between the Ni and Cu content and ACS activity. In addition, the effects of o-phenanthroline (which removes Ni but not Cu) and neocuproine (which removes Cu but not Ni) on ACS activity were determined. EXAFS results indicate that these chelators selectively remove M(p). Multifrequency EPR spectra (3-130 GHz) of the paramagnetic NiFeC state of the A-cluster were examined to investigate the electronic state of this proposed intermediate in the ACS reaction mechanism. The combined results strongly indicate that the CuNi enzyme is inactive, that the NiNi enzyme is active, and that the NiNi enzyme is responsible for the NiFeC EPR signal. The results also support an electronic structure of the NiFeC-eliciting species as a [4Fe-4S](2+) (net S = 0) cluster bridged to a Ni(1+) (S = (1)/(2)) at M(p) that is bridged to planar four-coordinate Ni(2+) (S = 0) at M(d), with the spin predominantly on the Ni(1+). Furthermore, these studies suggest that M(p) is inserted during cell growth. The apparent vulnerability of the proximal metal site in the A-cluster to substitution with different metals appears to underlie the heterogeneity observed in samples that has confounded studies of CODH/ACS for many years. On the basis of this principle, a protocol to generate nearly homogeneous preparations of the active NiNi form of ACS was achieved with NiFeC signals of approximately 0.8 spin/mol.  相似文献   

G Weskamp  L F Reichardt 《Neuron》1991,6(4):649-663
Trophic factors, such as NGF, regulate survival and differentiation of many classes of neurons by binding specific receptors. Two types of NGF receptors have been identified, which bind NGF with low and high affinity. The latter mediates the major biological actions of NGF. To determine the relationship between these two receptor types, polyclonal antibodies to the low affinity receptor have been prepared and used in ligand-binding, ligand-cross-linking, and biological assays. These antibodies eliminated binding of NGF to low affinity receptors and to one class of high affinity receptors, but did not prevent binding to a second class of high affinity receptors. The same antibodies did not inhibit NGF-stimulated neuronal survival or neurite outgrowth. Thus, a biologically important class of high affinity NGF receptors is antigenically distinct from the low affinity receptor and may be encoded by a novel gene.  相似文献   

A review is provided of the evidence in support of the existence of prejunctional alpha adrenoceptors on noradrenergic nerve terminals as well as the evidence for their physiological importance. The use of alpha-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists has provided convincing data in support of the presynaptic receptor hypothesis. Moreover, there is ample evidence for the location of alpha adrenoceptors on nerve terminals. This evidence has often been forgotten in arguments opposing the presynaptic alpha-adrenoceptor hypothesis. The precise physiological role of presynaptic alpha adrenoceptors is still an open question, but there is support from a wide range of experiments in favor of a physiological role. Although it is not known which of these functions is most important, presynaptic alpha adrenoceptors may: regulate the pulse-to-pulse regulation of norepinephrine release during nerve stimulation, prevent noise, and protect the neuroeffector cell from excessive activation by transmitter during periods of rest or as physiological antagonists to the facilitation of transmitter release. In summary, evidence reviewed here strongly supports the existence of presynaptic alpha adrenoceptors. These receptors are clearly important pharmacologically and may play a physiological role in noradrenergic transmission. The exact physiological function must await further experimentation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the infectious agents of scrapie and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are 'prions' constituted by a protease resistant glycopeptide, PrP. To analyze the role of PrP in CJD infectivity we re-evaluated the biochemical characteristics of infectivity. First, when the infectious agent is not aggregated, infectivity is exquisitely sensitive to proteinase K treatment, and therefore a proteinase-K-resistant molecule (e.g. PrP) is unlikely to contain information essential for agent replication. Second, removal of sugar residues from Gp34 (the major precursor of the proteolyzed PrP band) failed to reduce infectivity. Third, one-half of the PrP peptides could be separated from significant infectivity using nondenaturing conditions with practical quantitative recovery of infectivity. These studies suggest that PrP in itself is unlikely to be the replicating component of the infectious agent. We suggest that these as yet undefined agents may consist of core protein and nucleic acid that are incompletely assembled in, and protected by, cell membranes. This hypothesis would explain the absence of conventional viral particles in these diseases, account for observed membrane pathology including altered behavior of endogenous membrane proteins, and would be consistent with the replication and transforming properties of CJD that indicate there is an agent specific nucleic acid.  相似文献   

Kinetic and steady-state measurements of pyrene fluorescence in a variety of model membranes are evaluated in terms of the theory of collisional excimer formation. In the region of 10(-3)-0.1 M pyrene, molecular fluorescence decay in membranes is biphasic and the two component lifetimes do not depend on the pyrene concentration. The lifetime data are consistent with the rate constant for collisional excimer formation being of the order 10(6) M-1 X s-1 or less. The concentration dependence of the component amplitudes is inconsistent with the theory of collisional excimer formation and suggests that pyrene exists in two forms in membranes: a slowly diffusing monomeric form and an aggregated form. The component of molecular fluorescence decay associated with aggregated pyrene is highly correlated with steady-state excimer fluorescence, suggesting that excimer fluorescence in membranes arises from aggregated pyrene in which excimers are formed by a static rather than a collisional mechanism. It is suggested that the concentration dependence of excimer to molecular fluorescence intensity ratios in membranes is related to the equilibrium constant for exchange between monomeric and aggregated pyrene forms rather than to the collisional excimer formation rate constant.  相似文献   

Detergent binding studies indicated that the neural enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, did not exhibit the properties of an integral membrane protein. The 11S form was isolated by affinity chromatography from a tryptic digest and the 14S and 18S forms in like manner from an undigested preparation. Studies were performed with [3H]TX-100 to determine the extent of binding by these forms and with catalase and human low density lipoprotein as reference proteins. All forms of the enzyme bound less than 0.04 mg TX-100/mg protein which is only slightly higher than binding by catalase and about 25 fold lower than the binding exhibited by low density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The multi-drug-resistant strain Streptococcus faecalis BIO-4R was studied to see if it carried a plasmid responsible for antibiotic resistance. From results indicating that the antibiotic resistance of S. faecalis BIO-4R was not transferred to recipient bacteria, that the organism did not produce enzymes which inactivated antibiotics, and that the presence of covalently closed circular DNA was not demonstrated by dye-cesium chloride buoyant density gradient centrifugation, it was concluded that the organism did not carry such a plasmid. Studies on polyphenylalanine synthesis by cell-free extracts of the oganism showed that its ribosomes were resistant to chloramphenicol, tetracycline, streptomycin and kanamycin. These results, although rather indirectly, support the above notion that the multi-drug-resistance of S. faecalis BIO-4R is not mediated by a plasmid.  相似文献   

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