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Previous studies have suggested that a reduction in cerebral oxygen delivery may limit motor drive, particularly in hypoxic conditions, where oxygen transport is impaired. We hypothesized that raising end-tidal Pco(2) (Pet(CO(2))) during incremental exercise would increase cerebral blood flow (CBF) and oxygen delivery, thereby improving peak power output (W(peak)). Amateur cyclists performed two ramped exercise tests (25 W/min) in a counterbalanced order to compare the normal, poikilocapnic response against a clamped condition, in which Pet(CO(2)) was held at 50 Torr throughout exercise. Tests were performed in normoxia (barometric pressure = 630 mmHg, 1,650 m) and hypoxia (barometric pressure = 425 mmHg, 4,875 m) in a hypobaric chamber. An additional trial in hypoxia investigated effects of clamping at a lower Pet(CO(2)) (40 Torr) from ~75 to 100% W(peak) to reduce potential influences of respiratory acidosis and muscle fatigue imposed by clamping Pet(CO(2)) at 50 Torr. Metabolic gases, ventilation, middle cerebral artery CBF velocity (transcranial Doppler), forehead pulse oximetry, and cerebral (prefrontal) and muscle (vastus lateralis) hemoglobin oxygenation (near infrared spectroscopy) were monitored across trials. Clamping Pet(CO(2)) at 50 Torr in both normoxia (n = 9) and hypoxia (n = 11) elevated CBF velocity (~40%) and improved cerebral hemoglobin oxygenation (~15%), but decreased W(peak) (6%) and peak oxygen consumption (11%). Clamping at 40 Torr near maximal effort in hypoxia (n = 6) also improved cerebral oxygenation (~15%), but again limited W(peak) (5%). These findings demonstrate that increasing mass cerebral oxygen delivery via CO(2)-mediated vasodilation does not improve incremental exercise performance, at least when accompanied by respiratory acidosis.  相似文献   

To determine whether conditions for O2 utilization and O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are different in exercising arms and legs, six cross-country skiers participated in this study. Femoral and subclavian vein blood flow and gases were determined during skiing on a treadmill at approximately 76% maximal O2 uptake (V(O2)max) and at V(O2)max with different techniques: diagonal stride (combined arm and leg exercise), double poling (predominantly arm exercise), and leg skiing (predominantly leg exercise). The percentage of O2 extraction was always higher for the legs than for the arms. At maximal exercise (diagonal stride), the corresponding mean values were 93 and 85% (n = 3; P < 0.05). During exercise, mean arm O2 extraction correlated with the P(O2) value that causes hemoglobin to be 50% saturated (P50: r = 0.93, P < 0.05), but for a given value of P50, O2 extraction was always higher in the legs than in the arms. Mean capillary muscle O2 conductance of the arm during double poling was 14.5 (SD 2.6) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1), and mean capillary P(O2) was 47.7 (SD 2.6) mmHg. Corresponding values for the legs during maximal exercise were 48.3 (SD 13.0) ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1) and 33.8 (SD 2.6) mmHg, respectively. Because conditions for O2 off-loading from the hemoglobin are similar in leg and arm muscles, the observed differences in maximal arm and leg O2 extraction should be attributed to other factors, such as a higher heterogeneity in blood flow distribution, shorter mean transit time, smaller diffusing area, and larger diffusing distance, in arms than in legs.  相似文献   

Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) exposure involves the breathing of 100% oxygen under conditions of elevated atmospheric pressure and is used to increase the oxygen content of the plasma fraction of arterial blood. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of acute HBO exposure on selected physiological responses and performance in response to maximal lower extremity or upper extremity short-term, high-intensity exercise. The study was performed with 2 separate experiments incorporating double-blinded and randomized protocols. In experiment 1, 9 subjects ran on a treadmill at a speed of 268 m x min(-1) with a predetermined grade. In experiment 2, 9 different subjects performed a repetitive bench press exercise. Both exercise protocols were designed to induce fatigue within 1-2 minutes. Within each experiment, subjects received either a 1-hour HBO exposure inspiring 100% O2 at 202.6 kPa (2.0 atmospheres absolute pressure [ATA]) or a 1-hour sham exposure inspiring ambient air at 121.5 kPa (1.2 ATA) before exercise. No significant differences (p > or = 0.05) were observed in postexercise blood lactate concentrations, peak heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, or performance as determined by treadmill running time or number of completed lifts. Unlike other methods that elevate oxygen content of the blood, acute HBO exposure appears to have no significant effect on subsequent high-intensity running or lifting performance.  相似文献   

In vitro human lymphocyte culture methodology is well established yet certain confounding factors such as age, medical history as well as individual’s blood type may potentially modulate in vitro proliferation response. These factors have to be carefully evaluated to release reliable test report in routine cytogenetic evaluation for various genetic conditions, radiation biodosimetry, etc. With this objective, the current study was focused on analyzing the proliferation response of lymphocytes drawn from 90 individuals (21-29 years) with different blood types. The proliferation response was assessed in the cultured lymphocytes by cell cycle, mitotic index (MI), and nuclear division index (NDI) after stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). To investigate the toxic effect on proliferation, MI was calculated in representative samples of each blood type were X-irradiated. The results showed that there was no significant difference among the cell cycle phases of lymphocytes in different blood types (P > 0.05). Similarly, both MI and NDI of lymphocytes derived from different blood types also did not show significant difference ( P > 0.05). The extensive interindividual variation within and among the blood types is likely responsible for the lack of significant difference in lymphocyte proliferation. Although spontaneous proliferation efficiency of lymphocytes of different blood types after PHA stimulation was grossly similar, the MI observed after radiation exposure showed a significant difference ( P < 0.05) indicating a differential proliferation response among the blood types. Our results suggest that the blood types did not have any impact on PHA-induced proliferation; however, a specific differential lymphocyte proliferation observed after radiation exposure needs to be considered.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the signals of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) would reflect muscle O(2) uptake (mVO(2)). Although it is not definite that NIRS signals accurately reflect mVO(2), there is every possibility that NIRS signals at least reflect regional O(2) uptake (rVO(2)). The phase II kinetics of pulmonary oxygen uptake (pVO(2)) is regarded as reflecting mVO(2) at the onset of exercise. To examine whether the rVO(2) on-kinetics measured by NIRS reflects the mVO(2) on-kinetics at the onset of exercise, we compared the rVO(2) as measured by NIRS with the phase II kinetics of pVO(2) at the onset of exercise. Twelve healthy male subjects cycled a Monark ergometer at three different intensities: below the ventilatory threshold (VT) level (below-VT), on the VT level (on-VT), and above the VT level (above-VT), for 6 minutes on three separate occasions. The rVO(2) was calculated from the concentration of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin, as measured by NIRS every 3 seconds. The pVO(2) was determined by the breath-by-breath method. A significant relationship between the amount of increases of pVO(2) and rVO(2) from rest to the end of exercise among all levels of exercise intensity was found (r=0.935, P<0.001). The time constants of rVO(2) (rVO(2)-Tc: below-VT: 6.514+/-2.159 s, on-VT: 7.760+/-2.035 s, above-VT: 9.532+/-2.342 s) were significantly faster than the time constants of pVO(2) (pVO(2)-Tc: below-VT: 23.8+/-4.4 s, on-VT: 25.9+/-5.1 s, above-VT: 26.3+/-5.7 s) (P<0.001). There was no significant relationship between rVO(2)-Tc and pVO(2)-Tc for each intensity (P>0.05). We conclude that the rVO(2) on-kinetics measured by NIRS does not necessarily reflect the mVO(2) kinetics at the onset of exercise.  相似文献   

When authors of general biochemistry textbooks mention carrier proteins involved in the transport of oxaloacetate across the inner mitochondrial membrane for gluconeogenesis, they only make use of the two transporters involved in the malate-aspartate shuttle. As a result of only using the malate-2-oxoglutarate and the glutamate-aspartate carrier proteins, I show that the reaction describing the overall process is unsatisfactory since, in addition to oxaloacetate being transported from the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol, 2-oxoglutarate is also transported in the reverse direction. I therefore point out that, if only oxaloacetate is to be transported from the mitochondrial matrix to the cytosol, then it is necessary to also make use of other carrier proteins in the inner mitochondrial membrane, namely, the dicarboxylate transporter and the phosphate transporter.  相似文献   

Concurrent training is a strategy employed in both general fitness and sports conditioning. The purpose of this study was to compare the responses of VO2 in different combinations of strength exercise with aerobic interval exercise. Eight men (23.6 ± 4.2 years, 178 ± 6.3 cm, 77 ± 7.9 kg, 7.67 ± 1.95% body fat) completed 3 combinations of strength training (ST) and aerobic training (AT) in a randomized order with a 7-day recovery period: AT before ST exercises, AT between 2 blocks of ST exercises, and AT after ST exercises. The ST comprised 4 exercises performed in 3 sets of 10 reps and 2 exercises, abdominal crunch and lumbar extension, performed in 3 sets of 30 and 20 reps, respectively. The AT consisted of a 20-minute interval cycling. There were no significant differences in the values of absolute or relative VO2, in the heart rate (HR) and in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) when the 3 sessions (during + postexercise measurements) were compared (values are mean ± SD). Analyzing only ST in each session, differences were detected in the RER values (F = 4.714; p < 0.05; η2 = 0.308) between AT before ST and AT in the middle of ST (1.01 ± 0.97 vs. 1.11 ± 0.07, respectively). In all sequences, there was a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the values of relative and absolute VO2 and HR, and a significant decrease in RER values (p < 0.05) from the first to the second part of the ST session. The values of absolute or relative VO2, HR, and RER did not vary significantly among the 3 sessions as compared with the AT after ST. These data support the hypothesis that ST and AT, when performed in sequence in the same session, do not seem to affect the overall oxygen consumption during the exercise session. Therefore, training sessions may incorporate both modalities without apparent impact on aerobic exercise.  相似文献   

Na+ transport was evaluated in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from the human placental villous tissue. Na+ uptake was assayed by the rapid filtration technique in the presence and the absence of an uphill pH gradient. Amiloride strongly decreased Na+ uptake whether a pH gradient was present or not. In pH gradient conditions (pH 7.5 in and 9.0 out), 1 mM amiloride decreased the 10 mM Na+ uptake by 84%. In the absence of pH gradient (pH 7.5 in and out), Na+ uptake was lower but still sensitive to amiloride. The Lineweaver-Burk plot of Na+ uptake consistently showed a single kinetics. Increasing the pH gradient decreased Km values of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake, leaving the Vmax unchanged. In the absence of a pH gradient, the amiloride sensitive Na+ transport was maximal at pH 7.5. Here again, a single kinetics was observed, and pH influenced exclusively the Km of Na+. Since ethylisopropylamiloride, the specific Na/H exchanger inhibitor mimicked the effects of amiloride, decreasing by 98% the 10 mM Na+ uptake, whereas benzamil, the Na+ channel blocker, had no effect, it was concluded that the amiloride sensitive Na+ uptake was predominantly or exclusively due to a Na+-H+ exchanger activity. K+ in trans-position significantly decreased the amiloride sensitive uptake. In contrast, the presence of the cation in cis-position had no effect. The amiloride resistant Na+ transport was neither influenced by pH, nor saturable. Incubation of the placental tissue with 100 μM or 1 mM dibutyryl cAMP, 0.1 or 1 μM phorbol myristate acetate, 10−7 M insulin, 10−10 M angiotensin II, or 10−8 M human parathyroid hormone (PTH) did not influence Na+ transport by subsequently prepared brush border membranes. Finally, we failed to demonstrate any Na+-H+ exchange activity in the basal plasma membrane. These results indicate that (1) in the absence of co-substrates such as phosphate and aminoacids, the Na+-H+ exchange is probably the unique mechanism of Na+ transport by the placental brush border membrane, (2) the placental isoform of the exchanger is not regulated by PTH, angiotensin, nor insulin and, therefore, is different from the isoform present in the renal brush border membrane, and (3) there is no exchanger activity in the basal plasma membrane. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Introduction: Recently, the classification of two ‘novel’ organs, the mesentere and interstitium, was saluted as a scientific breakthrough and disseminated into mainstream media. The novelty of these findings did not pertain to the characterization of some previously unexplored phenomena, rather to the appreciation that well-established tissues may play some hitherto unexplored functions critical to system homeostasis.

Areas covered: Here we provocatively comment on the potential classification of red blood cells – by far the most abundant host cell in the human body (~ 83% of the total cells) – as an organ involved in many functions beyond gas transport. In this perspective article, we describe some of these functions with a special emphasis on the role erythrocytes play with respect to systemic metabolic homeostasis. We thus focus on how these functions modulate the cross talk of red blood cells among each other and with other cell types including immune cells.

Expert commentary: The appreciation of RBCs as an organ impacting systemic metabolic homeostasis and other cell functions while engaging in complex metabolic activity beyond oxygen transport can foster the development of novel therapeutic interventions in pathologic hypoxemia, inflammation, neurodgenerative diseases, aging, and cancer.  相似文献   

Cell-free DNA synthesis was performed in a lysed cell system from mouse cell cultures. The in vitro reaction was totally inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide but unaffected by hydroxyurea or fluorodeoxyuridine when these compounds were added to the incubation mixture. However, in a preparation obtained from cells which had been blocked by hydroxyurea before lysis, the rate of DNA synthesis was markedly reduced. This effect could not have been caused by the depletion of the precursor pools as all necessary triphosphates were added to the in vitro incubation mixture. Analysis by alkaline density gradients showed that the ligation of primary synthesis products is retarded in hydroxyurea-pretreated lysed cells and that small fragments accumulate. These results suggest that hydroxyurea interferes with the processing of early replication products, preventing the formation of longer intermediates. Its mechanism is either independent from the well-known inhibition of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase or it may be the result of an as-yet-unknown function of this enzyme in a later step of replication. This observation could help to explain why cells appear to be blocked by hydroxyurea in the early part of the S phase (rather than at the G1/S border proper) and also why DNA repair synthesis is relatively insensitive to the drug.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are widely recognized as important regulators of stomatal aperture and plant gas exchange. The pathways through which stomata perceive ROS share many common linkages with the well characterized signalling pathway for the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), a major driver of stomatal closure. Given reports that ABA receptor mutants have no stomatal response to ozone‐triggered ROS production, as well as evidence that all steps in the ABA biosynthetic pathway can be non‐enzymatically converted by ROS, here we investigated the possibility that ozone closes stomata by directly converting ABA precursors to ABA. In plants where stomata were responsive to ozone, we found that foliar ABA levels rapidly increased upon exposure to ozone. Recovery of gas exchange post‐exposure occurred only when ABA levels declined. Our data suggest that stomatal closure in response to ozone exposure occurs as a result of direct oxidation of ABA precursors leading to ABA production, but the importance of this ROS interaction remains uncertain under normal photosynthetic conditions.  相似文献   

One of the characteristics of all somatic cells is a finite life span. Cells may proliferate until they reach a point after which, although they are metabolically active, they can no longer produce daughter cells. This observation is central to the clonal exhaustion hypothesis, a mechanism cited to explain age-associated immune dysfunction. In this hypothesis, repeated division of lymphocytes leads to a replicative limit, after which they enter the senescent phase but are not lost from the pool of T cells. Advancing age would then be associated with an increase in the number of T cells that are unable to proliferate to a stimulus which induces a proliferative response in T cells from younger individuals. This hypothesis seems both logical and reasonable and is supported by data from both humans and mice with the demonstration of an age-related accumulation of senescent T cells in both species. However, there is an apparent paradox. The paradox arises because the onset of immunosenescence appears to be more closely linked to the life span of the animal rather than the life span of the lymphocyte. BioEssays 21:519–524, 1999. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

To assess the rate-limiting factor of oxygen uptake ( ) kinetics at the onset of exercise, six healthy male sedentary subjects performed repeated one-legged constant-load cycle exercise. The one-legged constant-load exercise test consisted of two 5-min periods of pedalling at an exercise intensity of 50 W, with a 5-min rest between periods (these exercise periods, i.e. first and second exercises, were performed by the same leg). The exercise was then repeated using the other leg. In addition, two-legged incremental exercise was investigated to establish whether kinetics were affected by slower heart rate kinetics. The incremental exercise test consisted of two-legged pedalling first with the cycle unloaded as a warm-up for 5 min followed by 50-W exercise for 5 min. The exercise intensity was then increased to 100 W for 5 min. During exercise, gas exchange parameters were determined by the breath-by-breath method and cardiac output ( ) was determined continuously by an impedance technique with a computer-based automated system. To determine the kinetics of heart rate (HR), and , a best fit procedure was employed using least-squares criteria with a time delay, except during the initial increase. During the one-legged constant-load exercise test, kinetics were significantly accelerated by repeated exercise using the same leg. On the other hand, when the exercise was changed to the other leg, kinetics were significantly slower, although kinetics continued to be faster. During the incremental exercise test, although the HR response was slower at the transition from 50-W to 100-W exercise than at the transition from warm-up to 50-W exercise, there were no significant changes in kinetics. These findings suggest that kinetics may be affected by metabolic conditions in the muscle, but not by blood flow ( and/or HR) kinetics.  相似文献   

Recent crystallographic studies on the mutant human hemoglobin Ypsilanti (beta 99 Asp-->Tyr) have revealed a previously unknown quaternary structure called "quaternary Y" and suggested that the new structure may represent an important intermediate in the cooperative oxygenation pathway of normal hemoglobin. Here we measure the oxygenation and subunit assembly properties of hemoglobin Ypsilanti and five additional beta 99 mutants (Asp beta 99-->Val, Gly, Asn, Ala, His) to test for consistency between their energetics and those of the intermediate species of normal hemoglobin. Overall regulation of oxygen affinity in hemoglobin Ypsilanti is found to originate entirely from 2.6 kcal of quaternary enhancement, such that the tetramer oxygenation affinity is 85-fold higher than for binding to the dissociated dimers. Equal partitioning of this regulatory energy among the four tetrameric binding steps (0.65 kcal per oxygen) leads to a noncooperative isotherm with extremely high affinity (pmedian = .14 torr). Temperature and pH studies of dimer-tetramer assembly and sulfhydryl reaction kinetics suggest that oxygenation-dependent structural changes in hemoglobin Ypsilanti are small. These properties are quite different from the recently characterized allosteric intermediate, which has two ligands bound on the same side of the alpha 1 beta 2 interface (see ref. 1 for review). The combined results do, however, support the view that quaternary Y may represent the intermediate cooperativity state of normal hemoglobin that binds the last oxygen.  相似文献   


The commentary by Dr. Smolensky provides an insightful assessment of our study from the circadian point of view. In the present letter, we have responded to the commentary by Dr. Smolensky et al., suggesting interpretation of our analytic results and providing additional statistical data regarding the timing of antihypertensive drug use. In addition, we have discussed the terms “nighttime” and “sleep-time” period used in previous researches in relation to ambulatory blood pressure.  相似文献   

The reduction in growth of maize (Zea mays L.) seedling primary roots induced by salinization of the nutrient medium with 100 millimolar NaCl was accompanied by reductions in the length of the root tip elongation zone, the length of fully elongated epidermal cells, and the apparent rate of cell production: Each was partially restored when calcium levels in the salinized growth medium were increased from 0.5 to 10.0 millimolar. We investigated the possibility that the inhibition of elongation growth by salinity might be associated with an inhibition of cell wall acidification, such as that which occurs when root growth is inhibited by IAA. A qualitative assay of root surface acidification, using bromocresol purple pH indicator in agar, showed that salinized roots, with and without extra calcium, produced a zone of surface acidification which was similar to that produced by control roots. The zone of acidification began 1 to 2 millimeters behind the tip and coincided with the zone of cell elongation. The remainder of the root alkalinized its surface. Kinetics of surface acidification were assayed quantitatively by placing a flat tipped pH electrode in contact with the elongation zone. The pH at the epidermal surfaces of roots grown either with 100 millimolar NaCl (growth inhibitory), or with 10 millimolar calcium ± NaCl (little growth inhibition), declined from 6.0 to 5.1 over 30 minutes. We conclude that NaCl did not inhibit growth by reducing the capacity of epidermal cells to acidify their walls.  相似文献   

Myricetin, a flavonoid, potently inhibits human erythrocyte plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pumping ATPase activity: half-maximal inhibition of the basal and calmodulin-stimulated activity is obtained with 6 microM myricetin. Inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase by myricetin is observed at all concentrations of free Ca2+ from 10(-8)M to 10(-5)M. The extent of inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase is dependent on the time of preincubation of the plasma membranes with myricetin. Inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase by myricetin is not reversed by excess calmodulin. It is concluded that calmodulin does not mediate myricetin's inhibition of human erythrocyte plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pumping ATPase.  相似文献   

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