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E. Zouros 《Genetica》1993,89(1-3):35-46
Expressions are obtained for the expected phenotypic values of homozygous and heterozygous genotypes for a neutral marker locus linked to a locus segregating for a recessive deleterious gene. The phenotypic values are functions of the allele frequencies at the marker locus, the inbreeding coefficient and the degree of association of the deleterious gene with the marker alleles. The analysis is extended to more than two alleles at the marker locus. Either linkage disequilibrium or inbreeding alone can produce an apparent superiority of heterozygotes for the marker locus (unless specified otherwise, the terms ‘homozygote’ and ‘heterozygote’ will refer to the marker locus). The effect of linkage disequilibrium on the difference between the heterozygote and homozygote values can be positive (associative overdominance) or negative (associative underdominance), depending on the frequencies of the marker alleles and the degree of their association with the deleterious gene. Inbreeding has always a positive effect. In general, the expected value of a homozygote is a positive function of its allele frequency. When the various homozygous genotypes are combined into one class and the various heterozygous genotypes into another, the phenotypic difference of the two classes is a function of the evenness of the allelic frequency distribution. Inbreeding is a more likely explanation of associative overdominance if the frequency of the deleterious gene is low, but its effect on the character high. Conversely, linkage disequilibrium is more likely if the frequency is high and the effect low. The degrees of association between marker alleles and the deleterious gene can, in principle, be estimated from the observed phenotypic scores and used to calculate expected multi-locus genotype scores. This could provide the basis for statistical tests of the associative overdominance hypothesis as an explanation of observed correlations between multi-locus heterozygosity and phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

Natural populations are becoming increasingly fragmented which is expected to affect their viability due to inbreeding depression, reduced genetic diversity and increased sensitivity to demographic and environmental stochasticity. In small and highly inbred populations, the introduction of only a few immigrants may increase vital rates significantly. However, very few studies have quantified the long‐term success of immigrants and inbred individuals in natural populations. Following an episode of natural immigration to the isolated, severely inbred Scandinavian wolf (Canis lupus) population, we demonstrate significantly higher pairing and breeding success for offspring to immigrants compared to offspring from native, inbred pairs. We argue that inbreeding depression is the underlying mechanism for the profound difference in breeding success. Highly inbred wolves may have lower survival during natal dispersal as well as competitive disadvantage to find a partner. Our study is one of the first to quantify and compare the reproductive success of first‐generation offspring from migrants vs. native, inbred individuals in a natural population. Indeed, our data demonstrate the profound impact single immigrants can have in small, inbred populations, and represent one of very few documented cases of genetic rescue in a population of large carnivores.  相似文献   

As one of the final activities of the ESF-CONGEN Networking programme, a conference entitled ‘Integrating Population Genetics and Conservation Biology’ was held at Trondheim, Norway, from 23 to 26 May 2009. Conference speakers and poster presenters gave a display of the state-of-the-art developments in the field of conservation genetics. Over the five-year running period of the successful ESF-CONGEN Networking programme, much progress has been made in theoretical approaches, basic research on inbreeding depression and other genetic processes associated with habitat fragmentation and conservation issues, and with applying principles of conservation genetics in the conservation of many species. Future perspectives were also discussed in the conference, and it was concluded that conservation genetics is evolving into conservation genomics, while at the same time basic and applied research on threatened species and populations from a population genetic point of view continues to be emphasized.  相似文献   

Recently, Lowry et al. addressed the ability of RADseq approaches to detect loci under selection in genome scans. While the authors raise important considerations, such as accounting for the extent of linkage disequilibrium in a study system, we strongly disagree with their overall view of the ability of RADseq to inform our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation. The family of RADseq protocols has radically improved the field of population genomics, expanding by several orders of magnitude the number of markers available while substantially reducing the cost per marker. Researchers whose goal is to identify regions of the genome under selection must consider the LD of the experimental system; however, there is no magical LD cutoff below which researchers should refuse to use RADseq. Lowry et al. further made two major arguments: a theoretical argument that modeled the likelihood of detecting selective sweeps with RAD markers, and gross summaries based on an anecdotal collection of RAD studies. Unfortunately, their simulations were off by two orders of magnitude in the worst case, while their anecdotes merely showed that it is possible to get widely divergent densities of RAD tags for any particular experiment, either by design or due to experimental efficacy. We strongly argue that RADseq remains a powerful and efficient approach that provides sufficient marker density for studying selection in many natural populations. Given limited resources, we argue that researchers should consider a wide range of trade‐offs among genomic techniques, in light of their study question and the power of different techniques to answer it.  相似文献   

Three primary hypotheses currently prevail for correlations between heterozygosity at a set of molecular markers and fitness in natural populations. First, multilocus heterozygosity-fitness correlations might result from selection acting directly on the scored loci, such as at particular allozyme loci. Second, significant levels of linkage disequilibrium, as in recently bottlenecked-and-expanded populations, might cause associations between the markers and fitness loci in the local chromosomal vicinity. Third, in partially inbred populations, heterozygosity at the markers might reflect variation in the inbreeding coefficient and might associate with fitness as a result of effects of homozygosity at genome-wide distributed loci. Despite years of research, the relative importance of these hypotheses remains unclear. The screening of heterozygosity at polymorphic DNA markers offers an opportunity to resolve this issue, and relevant empirical studies have now emerged. We provide an account of the recent progress on the subject, and give suggestions on how to distinguish between the three hypotheses in future studies.  相似文献   

The extent to which heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs) are expected in wild populations is an important and unresolved question in evolutionary biology, because it relates to our understanding of the genetic architecture of fitness. Here, we report a study of HFCs in a wild, noninbred population of great tits (Parus major), based on a sample comprising 281 individuals typed at 26 markers, resulting in a data set comprising over 5600 genotypes. We regressed pedigree-derived f-score and multilocus genetic diversity against eight life-history traits known to be associated with fitness in this population, including lifetime reproductive success (LRS), as well as several morphological traits under weak selection. We found no evidence for either multilocus or single-locus HFCs for any morphological or fitness trait, and further found no evidence that effect sizes were stronger for those life-history traits more closely associated with reproductive fitness. This result may, in part, be explained by the fact that we found no evidence that our set of 26 markers had any power to infer genome-wide heterozygosity in this population and that marker-derived heterozygosity was uncorrelated with pedigree-derived f-score. Overall, these results emphasize the fact that the often-reported strong HFCs detected in small, inbred populations do not reflect a general phenomenon of increasing individual reproductive fitness with increasing heterozygosity.  相似文献   

The majority of reported multilocus heterozygosity–fitness correlations (HFCs) are from large, outbred populations, and their relevance to studies on inbreeding depression in threatened populations is often stressed. The results of such HFC studies conducted on outbred populations may be of limited application to threatened population management, however, as bottlenecked populations exhibit increased incidence of inbreeding, increased linkage disequilibrium, reduced genetic diversity and possible effects of historical inbreeding such as purging. These differences may affect both our ability to detect inbreeding depression in threatened species, and our interpretation of the underlying mechanisms for observed heterozygosity–fitness relationships. The study of HFCs in outbred populations is of interest in itself, but the results may not translate directly to threatened populations that have undergone severe bottlenecks.  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome represents a cluster of cardiovascular risk factors co-occurring in the same individual. The aim of this study was to identify chromosomal regions encoding genes predisposing to the metabolic syndrome using composite factors derived from maximum likelihood-based factor analysis. Genetic data were obtained from the Quebec Family Study and included 707 subjects from 264 nuclear families. Factor analyses were performed on eight metabolic syndrome-related phenotypes including waist circumference; BMI; systolic and diastolic blood pressure; and plasma insulin, glucose, triglyceride, and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels. Three factors were identified and interpreted as general metabolic syndrome, blood pressure, and blood lipids, respectively. The general metabolic syndrome factor had high factor loadings (>0.4) for all phenotypes and explained 42% of the total variance, and family membership accounted for 45.6% of the factor variance. A genome-wide linkage scan performed with this first factor revealed the existence of a quantitative trait locus on chromosome 15 (86 cM) with a logarithm of odds score of 3.15. Suggestive evidence of linkage (logarithm of odds > 1.75) was also observed on chromosomes 1p, 3p, 3q, 6q, 7p, 19q, and 21q. These quantitative trait loci may harbor genes contributing to the clustering of the metabolic syndrome-related phenotypes.  相似文献   

Gompert Z 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(7):1542-1544
Admixture and introgression have varied effects on population viability and fitness. Admixture might be an important source of new alleles, particularly for small, geographically isolated populations. However, admixture might also cause outbreeding depression if populations are adapted to different ecological or climatic conditions. Because of the emerging use of translocation and admixture as a conservation and wildlife management strategy to reduce genetic load (termed genetic rescue), the possible effects of admixture have practical consequences ( Bouzat et al. 2009 ; Hedrick & Fredrickson 2010 ). Importantly, genetic load and local adaptation are properties of individual loci and epistatic interactions among loci rather than properties of genomes. Likewise, the outcome and consequences of genetic rescue depend on the fitness effects of individual introduced alleles. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Miller et al. (2012) use model‐based, population genomic analyses to document locus‐specific effects of a recent genetic rescue in the bighorn sheep population within the National Bison Range wildlife refuge (NBR; Montana, USA). They find a subset of introduced alleles associated with increased fitness in NBR bighorn sheep, some of which experienced accelerated introgression following their introduction. These loci mark regions of the genome that could constitute the genetic basis of the successful NBR bighorn sheep genetic rescue. Although population genomic analyses are frequently used to study local adaptation and selection (e.g. Hohenlohe et al. 2010 ; Lawniczak et al. 2010 ), this study constitutes a novel application of this analytical framework for wildlife management. Moreover, the detailed demographic data available for the NBR bighorn sheep population provide a rare and powerful source of information and allow more robust population genomic inference than is often possible.  相似文献   

Objective: Interest in mapping genetic variants that are associated with obesity remains high because of the increasing prevalence of obesity and its complications worldwide. Data on genetic determinants of obesity in African populations are rare. Research Methods and Procedures: We have undertaken a genome‐wide scan for body mass index (BMI) in 182 Nigerian families that included 769 individuals. Results: The prevalence of obesity was only 5%, yet polygenic heritability for BMI was in the expected range (0.46 ± 0.07). Tandem repeat markers (402) were typed across the genome with an average map density of 9 cM. Pedigree‐based analysis using a variance components linkage model demonstrated evidence for linkage on chromosome 7 (near marker D7S817 at 7p14) with a logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 3.8 and on chromosome 11 (marker D11S2000 at 11q22) with an LOD score of 3.3. Weaker evidence for linkage was found on chromosomes 1 (1q21, LOD = 2.2) and 8 (8p22, LOD = 2.3). Several candidate genes, including neuropeptide Y, DRD2, APOA4, lamin A/C, and lipoprotein lipase, lie in or close to the chromosomal regions where strong linkage signals were found. Discussion: The findings of this study suggest that, as in other populations with higher prevalences of obesity, positive linkage signals can be found on genome scans for obesity‐related traits. Follow‐up studies may be warranted to investigate these linkages, especially the one on chromosome 11, which has been reported in a population at the opposite end of the BMI distribution.  相似文献   

Trends in heterozygosity in the process of producing inbred strains of Japanese quail were examined through the characterization of protein polymorphisms based on gene frequencies of 7 polymorphic loci. The average heterozygosity ( H o) at generation 1 was 0.472 and it decreased with increasing inbreeding coefficient (F) to 0.214 at generation 5 when F was 0.594. In all generations, the observed heterozygosities of the surviving families tended to be higher than those of the families that did not survive. The frequency of heterozygotes of the Es-4 locus in surviving families was higher than that of the extinct families in each generation and the difference became conspisuous in generation 4. These results suggests that a heterozygote advantage of Es-4 locus is revealed by inbreeding.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is under threat worldwide. Over the past decade, the field of population genomics has developed across nonmodel organisms, and the results of this research have begun to be applied in conservation and management of wildlife species. Genomics tools can provide precise estimates of basic features of wildlife populations, such as effective population size, inbreeding, demographic history and population structure, that are critical for conservation efforts. Moreover, population genomics studies can identify particular genetic loci and variants responsible for inbreeding depression or adaptation to changing environments, allowing for conservation efforts to estimate the capacity of populations to evolve and adapt in response to environmental change and to manage for adaptive variation. While connections from basic research to applied wildlife conservation have been slow to develop, these connections are increasingly strengthening. Here we review the primary areas in which population genomics approaches can be applied to wildlife conservation and management, highlight examples of how they have been used, and provide recommendations for building on the progress that has been made in this field.  相似文献   

Mathieu Gautier 《Genetics》2015,201(4):1555-1579
In population genomics studies, accounting for the neutral covariance structure across population allele frequencies is critical to improve the robustness of genome-wide scan approaches. Elaborating on the BayEnv model, this study investigates several modeling extensions (i) to improve the estimation accuracy of the population covariance matrix and all the related measures, (ii) to identify significantly overly differentiated SNPs based on a calibration procedure of the XtX statistics, and (iii) to consider alternative covariate models for analyses of association with population-specific covariables. In particular, the auxiliary variable model allows one to deal with multiple testing issues and, providing the relative marker positions are available, to capture some linkage disequilibrium information. A comprehensive simulation study was carried out to evaluate the performances of these different models. Also, when compared in terms of power, robustness, and computational efficiency to five other state-of-the-art genome-scan methods (BayEnv2, BayScEnv, BayScan, flk, and lfmm), the proposed approaches proved highly effective. For illustration purposes, genotyping data on 18 French cattle breeds were analyzed, leading to the identification of 13 strong signatures of selection. Among these, four (surrounding the KITLG, KIT, EDN3, and ALB genes) contained SNPs strongly associated with the piebald coloration pattern while a fifth (surrounding PLAG1) could be associated to morphological differences across the populations. Finally, analysis of Pool-Seq data from 12 populations of Littorina saxatilis living in two different ecotypes illustrates how the proposed framework might help in addressing relevant ecological issues in nonmodel species. Overall, the proposed methods define a robust Bayesian framework to characterize adaptive genetic differentiation across populations. The BayPass program implementing the different models is available at http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/software/baypass/.  相似文献   

Balloux F  Amos W  Coulson T 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3021-3031
Many recent studies report that individual heterozygosity at a handful of apparently neutral microsatellite markers is correlated with key components of fitness, with most studies invoking inbreeding depression as the likely underlying mechanism. The implicit assumption is that an individual's inbreeding coefficient can be estimated reliably using only 10 or so markers, but the validity of this assumption is unclear. Consequently, we have used individual-based simulations to examine the conditions under which heterozygosity and inbreeding are likely to be correlated. Our results indicate that the parameter space in which this occurs is surprisingly narrow, requiring that inbreeding events are both frequent and severe, for example, through selfing, strong population structure and/or high levels of polygyny. Even then, the correlations are strong only when large numbers of loci (~200) can be deployed to estimate heterozygosity. With the handful of markers used in most studies, correlations only become likely under the most extreme scenario we looked at, namely 20 demes of 20 individuals coupled with strong polygyny. This finding is supported by the observation that heterozygosity is only weakly correlated among markers within an individual, even in a dataset comprising 400 markers typed in diverse human populations, some of which favour consanguineous marriages. If heterozygosity and inbreeding coefficient are generally uncorrelated, then heterozygosity-fitness correlations probably have little to do with inbreeding depression. Instead, one would need to invoke chance linkage between the markers used and one or more gene(s) experiencing balancing selection. Unfortunately, both explanations sit somewhat uncomfortably with current understanding. If inbreeding is the dominant mechanism, then our simulations indicate that consanguineous mating would have to be vastly more common than is predicted for most realistic populations. Conversely, if heterosis provides the answer, there need to be many more polymorphisms with major fitness effects and higher levels of linkage disequilibrium than are generally assumed.  相似文献   

The complex interactions between genetic diversity and evolution have important implications in many biological areas including conservation, speciation, and mate choice. A common way to study these interactions is to look at heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs). Until recently, HFCs based on noncoding markers were believed to result primarily from global inbreeding effects. However, accumulating theoretical and empirical evidence shows that HFCs may often result from genes being linked to the markers used (local effect). Moreover, local effect HFCs could differ from global inbreeding effects in their direction and occurrence. Consequently, the investigation of the structure and consequences of local HFCs is emerging as a new important goal in evolutionary biology. In this study of a wild threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) population, we first tested the presence of significant positive or negative local effects of heterozygosity at 30 microsatellites loci on five fitness components: survival, mating success, territoriality, length, and body condition. Then, we evaluated the direction and shape of total impact of local HFCs, and estimated the magnitude of the impacts on fitness using regression coefficients and selection differentials. We found that multilocus heterozygosity was not a reliable estimator of individual inbreeding coefficient, which supported the relevance of single-locus based analyses. Highly significant and temporally stable local HFCs were observed. These were mainly positive, but negative effects of heterozygosity were also found. Strong and opposite effects of heterozygosity are probably present in many populations, but may be blurred in HFC analyses looking for global effects only. In this population, both negative and positive HFCs are apparently driving mate preference by females, which is likely to contribute to the maintenance of both additive and nonadditive genetic variance.  相似文献   

Genomic regions under positive selection harbor variation linked for example to adaptation. Most tools for detecting positively selected variants have computational resource requirements rendering them impractical on population genomic datasets with hundreds of thousands of individuals or more. We have developed and implemented an efficient haplotype-based approach able to scan large datasets and accurately detect positive selection. We achieve this by combining a pattern matching approach based on the positional Burrows–Wheeler transform with model-based inference which only requires the evaluation of closed-form expressions. We evaluate our approach with simulations, and find it to be both sensitive and specific. The computational resource requirements quantified using UK Biobank data indicate that our implementation is scalable to population genomic datasets with millions of individuals. Our approach may serve as an algorithmic blueprint for the era of “big data” genomics: a combinatorial core coupled with statistical inference in closed form.  相似文献   

Continued gene flow is fundamental to the survival of small, isolated populations. However, geography and human intervention can often act contrary to this requirement. The Scandinavian wolf population is threatened with a loss of genetic variation yet limited in the accessibility to new immigrants by the geographical distance of this peninsular population from its nearest neighbouring population and by human reluctance to allow wolves in the northern reindeer-breeding areas. In this study, we describe the identification of immigrants into this population using autosomal microsatellites, and maternally inherited mtDNA. Samples of 14 wolves collected in the “dispersal corridor” in northern Sweden in 2002–2005 were compared with 185 resident Scandinavian wolves and 79 wolves from the neighbouring Finnish population. We identified four immigrant wolves, suggesting some westward migration, although only one of these is likely to still survive. The integration of such immigrants into the breeding population is necessary to assure the long-term survival of this isolated and inbred population and highlights the importance of genetics techniques to the management of threatened populations.  相似文献   

The house sparrow is an important model species for studying physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes in wild populations. Here, we present a medium density, genome wide linkage map for house sparrow (Passer domesticus) that has aided the assembly of the house sparrow reference genome, and that will provide an important resource for ongoing mapping of genes controlling important traits in the ecology and evolution of this species. Using a custom house sparrow 10 K iSelect Illumina SNP chip we have assigned 6,498 SNPs to 29 autosomal linkage groups, based on a mean of 430 informative meioses per SNP. The map was constructed by combining the information from linkage with that of the physical position of SNPs within scaffold sequences in an iterative process. Averaged between the sexes; the linkage map had a total length of 2,004 cM, with a longer map for females (2,240 cM) than males (1,801 cM). Additionally, recombination rates also varied along the chromosomes. Comparison of the linkage map to the reference genomes of zebra finch, collared flycatcher and chicken, showed a chromosome fusion of the two avian chromosomes 8 and 4A in house sparrow. Lastly, information from the linkage map was utilized to conduct analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in eight populations with different effective population sizes (Ne) in order to quantify the background level LD. Together, these results aid the design of future association studies, facilitate the development of new genomic tools and support the body of research that describes the evolution of the avian genome.  相似文献   

The opportunity for habitat shift in sympatry is thought to be an important factor in sympatric speciation by facilitating assortative mating and offering opportunities for divergent selection. Oenanthe conioides (Apiaceae) is a narrow endemic from the lower Elbe river area (Germany) where it is restricted to areas experiencing fresh water tides inundating the plants twice a day. The species was shown to have originated from Oe. aquatica which is widely distributed in Europe and grows in still or slowly flowing fresh water. Reciprocal transplant experiments have previously shown that in both habitats the non‐native species is less fit than the native, and several phenotypic traits have been linked to this difference in fitness. We performed an amplified fragment length polymorphism genome scan with 333 polymorphic markers searching for candidate markers for divergent selection. A relatively small fraction (2.1%) of the markers was identified as divergence outliers which fits theoretical expectations for speciation with gene flow. Some of the markers that were potentially under divergent selection showed evidence of being clustered in the genome. This suggests that there may have been a role for mechanisms that reduce breaking‐up of trait complexes in the speciation process. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 50–56.  相似文献   

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