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The secretory activity of the two branched malpighian tubules (MTs) of the second‐instar larva in Aeolothrips intermedius is described. MTs of adult thrips have the typical ultrastructure of excretory epithelium with apical microvilli containing long mitochondria and a rich system of basal membrane infoldings. In the second‐instar larva just before pupation, the ultrastructure of MT epithelial cells is dramatically different, and there are numerous huge Golgi systems in the cytoplasm. These cells are involved in an intense secretory activity to produce an electron‐dense product which is released into the MTs lumen. This secretion is extruded from the hindgut and used by the second‐instar larva to build an elaborate protective cocoon for pupation. Electron‐spray‐ionization mass spectrometry analysis of the cocoon revealed the presence of a β‐N‐acetyl‐glucosamine, the main component of chitin, which is also present in the cocoons of Neuroptera and some Coleoptera. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aeolothrips gundeliae sp. n. is described, and two bicolored species of the same genus, Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall and Aeolothrips albithorax Pelikan are newly reported from northeast of Iran. Diagnostic characters are provided for each species as well as illustrations to distinguish these species.  相似文献   

The understanding of how environmental factors and agricultural practices affect population dynamics of insect pests is necessary for pest management. Here, we provide insight into the ecology of the banana rind thrips Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by collecting and analysing a spatiotemporal database of population estimates in Martinique (West French Indies). We assessed the influence of climatic variables (which were rainfall and temperature) and biotic variables (which were banana and three weed species) on the adult thrips abundance for different components of the banana plant (sucker, mother plant and bunch) and evaluated the effect of thrips abundance and standard bunch covers on damages. The abundance of thrips on the sucker, the mother plant, and the bunch was significantly related to the abundance on neighbouring banana plants, and spatial autocorrelation indicated that E. brevisetis dispersed for only short distances. The number of thrips on the mother plant and on the bunch was positively related to the number of thrips on the sucker, suggesting that the thrips may disperse from the sucker to the mother plant and then to the bunch. The abundance of thrips on the sucker increased with sucker height and was positively correlated with the mean daily rainfall during the 17 days before sampling; the length of that period might correspond with the time required for an individual to complete its life cycle. Covered bunches had 98% fewer thrips than non‐covered bunches, and the damage caused by thrips was linearly related to the number of thrips present between the 2nd and 4th week after flowering. Finally, we found that the presence of Alocasia cucullata, Dieffenbachia seguine and Peperomia pellucida is significantly related with a decrease in thrips abundance on banana plants, suggesting the use of these weeds as potential trap plants.  相似文献   

Within the gall-inducing thrips of Australia, genus Kladothrips, is a single origin of a soldier caste. A subsequent radiation has led to at least seven social species, and two species that are likely to have independently lost the soldier caste. Both losses of soldiers are connected to a shift in the insects’ host plant. A third inferred host shift is correlated with life history changes in a species with soldiers, K. intermedius, which might suggest this defensive caste may be in transition. The soldiers of this species have variable wing lengths that overlap with that of the flight-capable dispersers. Our study was designed to assess the possibility that some soldiers in this species retain the ability to disperse by wing. A morphological assessment shows that a proportion of soldiers have body dimensions and wing lengths that fall within the range of dispersers, with males more so than females. However, longer wing length in soldiers (sample of primarily females) did not correspond with a disperser like walking behaviour. Furthermore, histological sections suggest that wing muscles of soldiers are deteriorated or absent, which is similar to what was observed in their foundress mothers. The presence of long wings did not correspond with being flight capable in this caste.  相似文献   

Insect antennal flagella host a multitude of sensory organs fulfilling different functions. Chemoreception, for example, is essential for insects in many contexts. Both olfaction and contact chemoreception are involved in host-plant selection, as well as in the integrity of insect societies, especially for nestmate recognition. Kladothrips intermedius is a eusocial gall-inducing thrips with two castes: dispersers and soldiers. Koptothrips dyskritus is a specialist in invading Kl. intermedius galls, killing the occupants, and thereby gaining the food and shelter offered by galls. In this study, we compared the morphology and ultrastructure of the flagellar sensilla of Kl. intermedius and Ko. dyskritus via scanning and transmission electron microscopy in order to facilitate future investigations of their sensory ecology, with an emphasis on chemical ecology. The two species show a very similar sensillar array. There are a few mechanosensory trichoid and a second type of mechanosensory sensilla, thermo-hygroreceptive sensilla, olfactory single-walled basiconic and double-walled coeloconic sensilla as well as contact chemoreceptive chaetic sensilla. The latter are sexually dimorphic in Kl. intermedius. Dispersers and soldiers of Kl. intermedius do not present noteworthy morphological differences, but the ultrastructural investigations revealed that soldiers have fewer ORNs, possibly an adaptation to their gall-cloistered lifestyle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research work was to investigate the population density and species composition of thrips infesting crops of onion in South Poland. The flight activity of thrips was monitored using blue sticky traps and plant samples were taken to record the number of adult and Larvae of thrips on onion. In 2004 the thrips were caught into blue sticky traps from the start of June to the end of the first decade of September. The peak flight activity was noticed in the middle of July. In 2004 the significant growth of the numerousness of adult thrips on onion grown from seeds was recorded in the middle and in the third decade of August, whereas on onion grown from sets in the first decade of August. Thrips larvae were not observed during the whole vegetation season. In 2005, the thrips were caught into blue sticky traps form the half of June to the first decade of September. The peak flight activity was noticed in the first decade of August. In 2005 the rapid growth of the numerousness of adult thrips on onion grown from seeds was recorded in the third decade of July. The highest number of adult thrips on onion grown from sets was noticed at the beginning of August. Thrips larvae were observed on onion grown from seeds in the third decade of July and at the end of the second decade of August. In both years of observations the most numerous species was Frankliniella intonsa Tryb. The second most numerous species was Thrips tabaci Lindeman. In 2004, the most numerous species was predacious Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall.  相似文献   

This study reports four thrips species from Brazil for the first time: the terebrantians Aptinothrips rufus (Haliday) and Echinothrips caribbeanus Hood; and the tubuliferans Androthrips ramachandrai Karny and Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmermann). New data about biological aspects of some of these new records are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract  Under controlled conditions of 25°C and 14 h light, adult Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) were observed to have a peak mating time at 17:00 h, this almost coinciding with the time of minimum feeding. Filter papers on which males had walked attracted both sexes, the attraction being strongest when the odour was collected during the mating period and subsequently offered during this period. Field observations indicate that males aggregate and that females approach such aggregations for mating. In Australia, in the vicinity of citrus orchards, this thrips is associated particularly with non-Australian perfumed white flowers. However, recent collecting indicates that the species is widespread in south-eastern coastal areas far distant from citrus cultivation, in the flowers of an Australian native plant, Myoporum insulare . Despite this host plant evidence, morphological evidence continues to suggest retention of the species in the northern hemisphere genus Pezothrips Karny, and thus the country of origin of the pest remains in doubt.  相似文献   

Development of a control strategy for thrips attacking nectarine trees depends on an understanding of their phenology, distribution, and life history as related to characteristics of nectarine orchards. To this end, we compared the overwintering behavior, distribution, and abundance of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), among 11 nectarine orchards located in the dry central interior of British Columbia, Canada, during 1993 and 1994. Western flower thrips emerged from areas not previously used for agriculture (wild areas) and from within orchards before trees were out of dormancy. Flight of thrips within and around orchards peaked during early bud development, with a second major peak several weeks later after husk fall as the next generation emerged. Orchards protected from wild areas by other orchards had the lowest densities of thrips in buds. Density estimates of western flower thrips on trees were not affected by location of trees within orchards or buds within trees, but most thrips were found in the most developed buds on a tree at any one time. Thrips were not found within buds until petal was first visible on the buds. Larval feeding on buds at early petal fall resulted in serious surface russetting of fruit.  相似文献   

The antennae of two species of thrips, Bagnalliella yuccae (Hinds) and Frankliniella tritici (Fitch), have been examined with the light and electron microscopes. The antennal flagellum of both species is provided with tactile hairs, thick-walled chemoreceptors and thin-walled chemoreceptors. In addition, B. yuccae, but not F. tritici, has a single coeloconic chemoreceptor on the dorsal surface of the pedicel. Observations were made on the fluids in the lumen of the antennae of E. yuccae in the living insect. The movement of the fluids probably has an important physiological significance.  相似文献   

Prey refuges are expected to affect population dynamics, but direct experimental tests of this hypothesis are scarce. Larvae of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis use the web produced by spider mites as a refuge from predation by the predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris. Thrips incur a cost of using the refuge through reduced food quality within the web due to spider mite herbivory, resulting in a reduction of thrips developmental rate. These individual costs and benefits of refuge use were incorporated in a stage-structured predator-prey model developed for this system. The model predicted higher thrips numbers in presence than in absence of the refuge during the initial phase. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to test this prediction: the dynamics of thrips and their predators was followed on plants damaged by spider mites, either with or without web. Thrips densities in presence of predators were higher on plants with web than on unwebbed plants after 3 weeks. Experimental data fitted model predictions, indicating that individual-level measurements of refuge costs and benefits can be extrapolated to the level of interacting populations. Model-derived calculations of thrips population growth rate enable the estimation of the minimum predator density at which thrips benefit from using the web as a refuge. The model also predicted a minor effect of the refuge on the prey density at equilibrium, indicating that the effect of refuges on population dynamics hinges on the temporal scale considered.  相似文献   

The flagellum of the thysanopteran spermatozoon has been examined by electron microscopy and computer-aided image analysis. The flagellum consists of 27 microtubular elements that probably are formed as outgrowths from three separate basal bodies. Nine of the elements are normal microtubular doublets that carry dynein arms and nine are doublets without dynein arms. The remaining nine elements are microtubular singlets that apparently bear dynein arms and have the same appearance as A-subtubules of microtubular doublets. The 27 elements are arranged in a fixed pattern that consists of nine groups, each of which begins with a microtubular singlet and ends with an arm-less microtubular doublet. Computer-aided image analysis has shown that the A-subtubules of the doublets and the microtubular singlets have lumens with very similar patterns. The sperm tail is known to have some motility; it generates fast waves running along its length. The amalgamated axonemes hence act as a functional flagellum. The thysanopteran sperm tail is the only type of flagellum known to us that consists of microtubules in a highly asymmetric array.  相似文献   

入侵害虫西花蓟马及其他8种常见蓟马的分子鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
用PCR产物直接测序法对入侵害虫西花蓟马和其他8种蓟马的线粒体 COⅠ基因433 bp片段测序,获得62个个体的序列。分子数据分析显示: 种内个体间平均遗传距离在0~0.005之间,2003年在北京发现的西花蓟马与欧洲等地区报导的西花蓟马不存在明显的遗传差异; 9种蓟马种间平均遗传距离为0.213。构建的NJ树可以很好的显示蓟马的聚类,物种各单元型最初分支自展值均达到100%。结果表明,基于PCR及直接测序技术的分子鉴定可以达到准确鉴定蓟马物种之目的。  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure of several species in each of the two suborders of Thysanoptera Tubulifera and Terebrantia shows a distinctive and unusual architecture. Members of the whole order share a bizarre axoneme consisting of 27 microtubular elements derived from the amalgamation of 3 (9+0) axonemes present in each spermatid at the beginning of spermiogenesis. The reciprocal shifting of these axonemes along the length of the sperm, together with their possible shortening and overlapping for short distances, could explain why in some species it is never possible to observe the complete set of 27 microtubular elements in any one cross section. Tubuliferan sperm have a small elliptical (in cross section) acrosome extending the length of the sperm. In Bolothrips insularis and Compsothrips albosignatus this structure is larger and is associated with an external, flattened vesicle throughout its length. Terebrantian sperm lack an acrosome, but display for half their length a dense body running parallel to the nucleus. The sperm, in members of this suborder, are also characterized by possession of a small mitochondrion and by the unusual bilobed outline of cross sections through the anterior sperm region, with the nucleus located in one of the two lobes. Structures serving to anchor sperm to the inner surface of the cyst cell have been observed at their anterior tips in the testes of tubuliferans. In B. insularis, an anterior appendage is formed in immature sperm and is maintained in the mature spermatozoon parallel to its long axis in the most anterior region. Such an anchoring structure has not been observed in sperm of the terebrantian species examined, probably because the testis of terebrantians contains only a single cyst of developing gametes.  相似文献   

Kladothrips rugosus Froggatt has previously been considered a single polyphagous species that, in Australia, induces galls on several species of Acacia , with the gall structure varying both within and between hosts. On Acacia papyrocarpa , two types of gall are induced by this species, one with the surface ridged but the other with the surface smooth. Using sequence data from cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO I ) and elongation factor-1 alpha gene fragments, we show that the thrips inducing these two gall-types are genetically distinct and comprise separate lineages. Uncorrected ' p ' distances calculated from CO I gene fragments were 0.000 and 0.006 within lineages and 0.074 and 0.078 between lineages. The between-lineage distances are comparable with distances between morphologically distinct species of other Acacia gall-thrips. Re-examination of adult thrips from the two gall types revealed consistent differences in body colour, as well as in body sculpture. Together with observations on gall founding behaviour, these data indicate that the thrips populations in the two gall types on A. papyrocarpa are reproductively isolated and should be considered as separate species. The form from smooth galls on A. papyrocarpa is therefore described as Kladothrips nicolsoni sp. nov. , although the form from ridged galls can be considered only as ' K. rugosus agg.'. These inconsistencies in the taxonomic status of the various units within the K. rugosus species complex are discussed, although most of them cannot be distinguished morphologically at present.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 555–563.  相似文献   

A list of 29 species of Thysanoptera belonging to three families from Central Yakutia is given.  相似文献   


Desmidothrips n.gen. is described from New Zealand, with walkerae n.sp. as type‐species. Aeolothrips inauditus Bianchi from New Caledonia is transferred to this new genus. Desmidothrips is related to the Australian genus Desmothrips, and is the only member of the Aeolothripidae native to New Zealand.  相似文献   

Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams of the family Aeolothripidae (Thysanoptera: Terebrantia) is recorded from China for the first time, representing the first record of the genus Rhipidothrips Uzel and the fourth genus of this family in China. A key is provided for the four genera known in China, with comments on each genus.  相似文献   

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