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Amounts of soluble histones in cells are tightly regulated to ensure supplying them for the newly synthesized DNA and preventing the toxic effect of excess histones. Prior to incorporation into chromatin, newly synthesized histones H3 and H4 are highly acetylated in pre-deposition complex, wherein H4 is di-acetylated at Lys-5 and Lys-12 residues by histone acetyltransferase-1 (Hat1), but their role in histone metabolism is still unclear. Here, using chicken DT 40 cytosolic extracts, we found that histones H3/H4 and their chaperone Asf1, including RbAp48, a regulatory subunit of Hat1 enzyme, were associated with Hat1. Interestingly, in HAT1-deficient cells, cytosolic histones H3/H4 fractions on sucrose gradient centrifugation, having a sedimentation coefficient of 5–6S in DT40 cells, were shifted to lower molecular mass fractions, with Asf1. Further, sucrose gradient fractionation of semi-purified tagged Asf1-complexes showed the presence of Hat1, RbAp48 and histones H3/H4 at 5–6S fractions in the complexes. These findings suggest the possible involvement of Hat1 in regulating cytosolic H3/H4 pool mediated by Asf1-containing cytosolic H3/H4 pre-deposition complex.  相似文献   

Jiang J  Lu J  Lu D  Liang Z  Li L  Ouyang S  Kong X  Jiang H  Shen B  Luo C 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e36660
The histone acetylation of post-translational modification can be highly dynamic and play a crucial role in regulating cellular proliferation, survival, differentiation and motility. Of the enzymes that mediate post-translation modifications, the GCN5 of the histone acetyltransferase (HAT) proteins family that add acetyl groups to target lysine residues within histones, has been most extensively studied. According to the mechanism studies of GCN5 related proteins, two key processes, deprotonation and acetylation, must be involved. However, as a fundamental issue, the structure of hGCN5/AcCoA/pH3 remains elusive. Although biological experiments have proved that GCN5 mediates the acetylation process through the sequential mechanism pathway, a dynamic view of the catalytic process and the molecular basis for hGCN5/AcCoA/pH3 are still not available and none of theoretical studies has been reported to other related enzymes in HAT family. To explore the molecular basis for the catalytic mechanism, computational approaches including molecular modeling, molecular dynamic (MD) simulation and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) simulation were carried out. The initial hGCN5/AcCoA/pH3 complex structure was modeled and a reasonable snapshot was extracted from the trajectory of a 20 ns MD simulation, with considering post-MD analysis and reported experimental results. Those residues playing crucial roles in binding affinity and acetylation reaction were comprehensively investigated. It demonstrated Glu80 acted as the general base for deprotonation of Lys171 from H3. Furthermore, the two-dimensional QM/MM potential energy surface was employed to study the sequential pathway acetylation mechanism. Energy barriers of addition-elimination reaction in acetylation obtained from QM/MM calculation indicated the point of the intermediate ternary complex. Our study may provide insights into the detailed mechanism for acetylation reaction of GCN5, and has important implications for the discovery of regulators against GCN5 enzymes and related HAT family enzymes.  相似文献   

Zheng Y  Mamdani F  Toptygin D  Brand L  Stivers JT  Cole PA 《Biochemistry》2005,44(31):10501-10509
PCAF and GCN5 are histone acetyltransferase (HAT) paralogs which play roles in the remodeling of chromatin in health and disease. Previously, a conformationally flexible loop in the catalytic domain had been observed in the X-ray structures of GCN5 in different liganded states. Here, the conformation and dynamics of this PCAF/GCN5 alpha5-beta6 loop was investigated in solution using tryptophan fluorescence. A mutant human PCAF HAT domain (PCAF(Wloop)) was created in which the natural tryptophan (Trp-514) remote from the alpha5-beta6 loop was replaced with tyrosine and a glutamate within the loop (Glu-641) was substituted with tryptophan. This PCAF(Wloop) protein exhibited catalytic parameters within 3-fold of those of the wild-type PCAF catalytic domain, suggesting that the loop mutation was not deleterious for HAT activity. While saturating CoASH induced a 30% quenching of Trp fluorescence in PCAF(Wloop), binding of the high-affinity bisubstrate analogue H3-CoA-20 led to a 2-fold fluorescence increase. These different effects correlate with the different alpha5-beta6 loop conformations seen previously in X-ray structures. On the basis of stopped-flow fluorescence studies, binding of H3-CoA-20 to PCAF(Wloop) proceeds via a rapid association step followed by a slower conformational change involving loop movement. Time-resolved fluorescence measurements support a model in which the alpha5-beta6 loop in the H3-CoA-20-PCAF(Wloop) complex exists in a narrower ensemble of conformations compared to free PCAF(Wloop). The relevance of loop dynamics to PCAF/GCN5 catalysis and substrate specificity are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that DNA and the histone proteins will combine to form structures of a complex, yet definite nature. Here, we describe three experiments aimed at a better understanding of the interactions of DNA with the histone octamer and with histone H5. First, there has been some question as to whether the methylation of DNA could influence its folding about the histone octamer. To address this point, we reconstituted the histone octamer onto a 440 base-pair DNA of defined sequence at various levels of cytosine methylation, and also onto the unmethylated DNA. The reconstituted structures were probed by digestion with two different enzymes, micrococcal nuclease and DNase I. All samples were found to contain what appear to be three histone octamers, bound in close proximity on the 440 base-pair DNA. The cutting patterns of micrococcal nuclease and DNase I remain the same in all cases, even if the DNA has been extensively methylated. The results show, therefore, that methylation has little, or no, influence on the folding of this particular DNA about the histone octamer. Second, there has been concern as to whether the base sequence of DNA could determine its folding in a long molecule containing several nucleosomes, just as it does within any single, isolated nucleosome core. In order to deal with this problem, we cut the 440 base-pair DNA into three short fragments, each of nucleosomal length; we reconstituted each separately with the histone octamer; and then we digested the reconstituted complexes with DNase I for comparison with similar data from the intact 440 base-pair molecule. The results show that the folding of this DNA is influenced strongly by its base sequence, both in the three short fragments and in the long molecule. The rotational setting of the DNA within each of the three short fragments is as predicted from a computer algorithm, which measures its homology to 177 known examples of nucleosome core DNA. The rotational setting of the DNA in the 440 base-pair molecule remains the same as in two of the three short fragments, but changes slightly in a third case, apparently because of steric requirements when the nucleosomes pack closely against one another. Finally, there has been little direct evidence of where histone H5 binds within a DNA-octamer complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

GCN5 is a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) essential for development in mammals and critical to stress responses in yeast. The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a serious opportunistic pathogen. The study of epigenetics and gene expression in this ancient eukaryote has pharmacological relevance and may facilitate the understanding of these processes in higher eukaryotes. Here we show that the disruption of T. gondii GCN5 yields viable parasites, which were subsequently employed in a proteomics study to identify gene products affected by its loss. Promoter analysis of these TgGCN5-dependent genes, which were mostly parasite specific, reveals a conserved T-rich element. The loss of TgGCN5 does not attenuate virulence in an in vivo mouse model. We also discovered that T. gondii is the only invertebrate reported to date possessing a second GCN5 (TgGCN5-B). TgGCN5-B harbors a strikingly divergent N-terminal domain required for nuclear localization. Despite high homology between the HAT domains, the two TgGCN5s exhibit differing substrate specificities. In contrast to TgGCN5-A, which exclusively targets lysine 18 of H3, TgGCN5-B acetylates multiple lysines in the H3 tail. We also identify two ADA2 homologues that interact differently with the TgGCN5s. TgGCN5-B has the potential to compensate for TgGCN5-A, which probably arose from a gene duplication unique to T. gondii. Our work reveals an unexpected complexity in the GCN5 machinery of this primitive eukaryote.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic mRNAs containing premature termination codons (PTCs) are degraded by a process known as nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). NMD has been suggested to require the recognition of PTC by an mRNA surveillance complex containing UPF1/SMG-2. In multicellular organisms, UPF1/SMG-2 is a phosphoprotein, and its phosphorylation contributes to NMD. Here we show that phosphorylated hUPF1, the human ortholog of UPF1/SMG-2, forms a complex with human orthologs of the C. elegans NMD proteins SMG-5 and SMG-7. The complex also associates with protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), resulting in dephosphorylation of hUPF1. Overexpression of hSMG-5 mutants that retain interaction with P-hUPF1 but which cannot induce its dephosphorylation impair NMD, suggesting that NMD requires P-hUPF1 dephosphorylation. We also show that P-hUPF1 forms distinct complexes containing different isoforms of hUPF3A. We propose that sequential phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of hUPF1 by hSMG-1 and PP2A, respectively, contribute to the remodeling of the mRNA surveillance complex.  相似文献   

E E Vamos  IM Boros 《FEBS letters》2012,586(19):3279-3286
ADA2 adaptor proteins are essential subunits of GCN5-containing histone acetyltransferase (HAT) complexes. In metazoa ADA2a is present in the histone H4-specific ATAC, and ADA2b in the histone H3-specific SAGA complex. Using domain-swapped ADA2 chimeras, we determined that the in vivo function of Drosophila melanogaster SAGA and ATAC HAT complexes depend on the C-terminal region of the ADA2 subunit they contain. Our findings demonstrate that the ADA2 C-terminal regions play an important role in the specific incorporation of ADA2 into SAGA- or ATAC-type complexes, which in turn determines H3- or H4-specific histone targeting.  相似文献   

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