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The endogenous CYP2B6 gene becomes phenobarbital (PB) inducible in androstenol-treated HepG2 cells either transiently or stably transfected with a nuclear receptor CAR expression vector. The PB induction mediated by CAR is regulated by a conserved 51-base pair element called PB-responsive enhancer module (PBREM) that has now been located between -1733 and -1683 bp in the gene's 5'-flanking region. An in vitro translated CAR acting as a retinoid X receptor alpha heterodimer binds directly to the two nuclear receptor sites NR1 and NR2 within PBREM. In a stably transfected HepG2 cell line, both PBREM and NR1 are activated by PB and PB-type compounds such as chlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and chlorpromazine. In addition to PBREM, CAR also transactivates the steroid/rifampicin-response element of the human CYP3A4 gene in HepG2 cells. Thus, activation of the repressed nuclear receptor CAR appears to be a versatile mediator that regulates PB induction of the CYP2B and other genes.  相似文献   

Compared with its rodent orthologs, little is known about the chemical specificity of human constitutive androstane receptor (hCAR) and its regulation of hepatic enzyme expression. Phenytoin (PHY), a widely used antiepileptic drug, is a potent inducer of CYP2B6 in primary human hepatocytes, but does not activate human pregnane X receptor (PXR) significantly in cell-based transfection assays at the same concentrations associated with potent induction of CYP2B6. Based on this observation, we hypothesized that PHY may be a selective activator of hCAR. In primary human hepatocytes, expression of CYP2B6 reporter genes containing phenobarbital-responsive enhancer module (PBREM) or PBREM/xenobiotic-responsive enhancer module (XREM) response elements were activated up to 14- and 28-fold, respectively, by 50 microm PHY. By contrast, parallel experiments in HepG2 cell lines co-transfected with an hPXR expression vector did not show increased reporter activity. These results indicated that a PXR-independent pathway, which is retained in primary hepatocytes, is responsible for PHY induction of CYP2B6. Further experiments revealed that PHY effectively translocates hCAR from the cytoplasm into the nucleus in both primary human hepatocytes and CAR(-/-) mice. Compared with vehicle controls, PHY administration significantly increased CYP2B6 reporter gene expression, when this reporter construct was delivered together with hCAR expression vector into CAR(-/-) mice. However, PHY did not increase reporter gene expression in CAR(-/-) mice in the absence of hCAR vector, implying that CAR is essential for mediating PHY induction of CYP2B6 gene expression. Taken together, these observations demonstrate that, in contrast to most of the known CYP2B6 inducers, PHY is a selective activator of CAR in humans.  相似文献   

The constitutively active receptor (CAR) transactivates a distal enhancer called the phenobarbital (PB)-responsive enhancer module (PBREM) found in PB-inducible CYP2B genes. CAR dramatically increases its binding to PBREM in livers of PB-treated mice. We have investigated the cellular mechanism of PB-induced increase of CAR binding. Western blot analyses of mouse livers revealed an extensive nuclear accumulation of CAR following PB treatment. Nuclear contents of CAR perfectly correlate with an increase of CAR binding to PBREM. PB-elicited nuclear accumulation of CAR appears to be a general step regulating the induction of CYP2B genes, since treatments with other PB-type inducers result in the same nuclear accumulation of CAR. Both immunoprecipitation and immunohistochemistry studies show cytoplasmic localization of CAR in the livers of nontreated mice, indicating that CAR translocates into nuclei following PB treatment. Nuclear translocation of CAR also occurs in mouse primary hepatocytes but not in hepatocytes treated with the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid. Thus, the CAR-mediated transactivation of PBREM in vivo becomes PB responsive through an okadaic acid-sensitive nuclear translocation process.  相似文献   

PBREM, the phenobarbital-responsive enhancer module of the cytochrome P-450 Cyp2b10 gene, contains two potential nuclear receptor binding sites, NR1 and NR2. Consistent with the finding that anti-retinoid X receptor (RXR) could supershift the NR1-nuclear protein complex, DNA affinity chromatography with NR1 oligonucleotides enriched the nuclear orphan receptor RXR from the hepatic nuclear extracts of phenobarbital-treated mice. In addition to RXR, the nuclear orphan receptor CAR was present in the same enriched fraction. In the phenobarbital-treated mice, the binding of both CAR and RXR was rapidly increased before the induction of CYP2B10 mRNA. In vitro-translated CAR bound to NR1, but only in the presence of similarly prepared RXR. PBREM was synergistically activated by transfection of CAR and RXR in HepG2 and HEK293 cells when the NR1 site was functional. A CAR-RXR heterodimer has thus been characterized as a trans-acting factor for the phenobarbital-inducible Cyp2b10 gene.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (PB) induction of CYP2B genes is mediated by translocation of the constitutively active androstane receptor (CAR) to the nucleus. Interaction of CAR with p160 coactivators and enhancement of CAR transactivation by the coactivators have been shown in cultured cells. In the present studies, the interaction of CAR with the p160 coactivator glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP1) was examined in vitro and in vivo. Binding of GRIP1 to CAR was shown by glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down and affinity DNA binding. N- or C-terminal fragments of GRIP1 that contained the central receptor-interacting domain bound to GST-CAR, but the presence of ligand increased the binding to GST-CAR of only the fragments containing the C-terminal region. In gel shift analysis, binding to CAR was observed only with GRIP1 fragments containing the C-terminal region, and the binding was increased by a CAR agonist and decreased by a CAR antagonist. Expression of GRIP1 enhanced CAR-mediated transactivation in cultured hepatic-derived cells 2-3-fold. In hepatocytes transfected in vivo, expression of exogenous GRIP1 alone induced transactivation of the CYP2B1 PB-dependent enhancer 15-fold, whereas CAR expression alone resulted in only a 3-fold enhancement in untreated mice. Remarkably, CAR and GRIP1 together synergistically transactivated the enhancer about 150-fold, which is approximately equal to activation by PB treatment. In PB-treated mice, expression of exogenous CAR alone had little effect, expression of GRIP1 increased transactivation about 2-fold, and with CAR and GRIP, a 4-fold activation was observed. In untreated mice, expression of GRIP resulted in nuclear translocation of green fluorescent protein-CAR. These results strongly suggest that a p160 coactivator functions in CAR-mediated transactivation in vivo in response to PB treatment and that the synergistic activation of CAR by GRIP in untreated animals results from both nuclear translocation and activation of CAR.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance protein-4 (MRP4) is a member of the multidrug resistance associated gene family that is expressed on the basolateral membrane of hepatocytes and undergoes adaptive up-regulation in response to cholestatic injury or bile acid feeding. In this study we demonstrate that farnesoid X receptor (FXR) regulates MRP4 in vivo and in vitro. In vivo deletion of FXR induces MRP4 gene expression. In vitro treatment of HepG2 cells with FXR ligands, chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), cholic acid (CA) and the synthetic ligand GW-4064 suppresses basal mRNA level of the MRP4 gene as well as the co-treatment with CDCA and 6-(4-Chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde-O-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime (CITCO), an activator of constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). We found in the human MRP4 promoter a CAR responsive element (CARE) embedded within an FXR responsive element (FXRE). We cloned this region and found that FXR suppresses CAR activity in luciferase assay. Finally, we demonstrated that FXR competes with CAR for binding to this overlapping binding site. Our results support the view that FXR activation in obstructive cholestasis might worsen liver injury by hijacking a protective mechanism regulated by CAR and provides a new molecular explanation to the pathophysiology of cholestasis.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital induction of CYP2B genes is mediated by a complex phenobarbital-responsive enhancer (PBRU), which contains a binding site for nuclear factor-1 (NF-1) flanked by two DR-4 nuclear receptor (NR) binding sites for a heterodimer of constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and retinoid X receptor (RXR). To examine potential interactions between NF-1 and CAR/RXR, binding of purified recombinant proteins to DNA, or to chromatin assembled using Drosophila embryo extract, was examined. NF-1 and CAR/RXR bound simultaneously and independently to the overlapping NF-1 and NR-1 sites; binding of CAR/RXR to the NR-2 site was modestly increased by NF-1 binding; and CAR/RXR bound to a new site in the PBRU region, designated NR-3. Assembly of plasmid DNA into chromatin using Drosophila extract resulted in linearly phased nucleosomes in the PBRU region. The apparent binding affinity of NF-1 was increased by about 10-fold in assembled chromatin compared with DNA, whereas CAR/RXR binding was decreased. As observed for DNA, however, simultaneous, largely independent, binding to the NF-1 and NR sites was observed. CAR-mediated transactivation of the PBRU in cultured cells of hepatic origin was inhibited by mutations in the NF-1 site, and overexpression of NF-1 increased CAR transactivation in HepG2 cells. These studies demonstrate that NF-1 and CAR/RXR can both bind to the PBRU at the same time and that chromatin assembly increases NF-1 binding, which is consistent with previous in vivo footprinting studies in which the NF-1 site was occupied in untreated animals and the NF-1 and flanking NR sites were occupied after phenobarbital treatment. CAR-mediated trans-activation of the PBRU was increased by NF-1, analogous to NF-1 effects on phenobarbital induction in previous transient transfection studies and consistent with mediation of phenobarbital induction by CAR.  相似文献   

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