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Nitric oxide (NO) is an intercellular signaling molecule; among its many and varied roles are the control of blood flow and blood pressure via activation of the heme enzyme, soluble guanylate cyclase. A growing body of evidence suggests that an additional target for NO is the mitochondrial oxygen-consuming heme/copper enzyme, cytochrome c oxidase. This review describes the molecular mechanism of this interaction and the consequences for its likely physiological role. The oxygen reactive site in cytochrome oxidase contains both heme iron (a3) and copper (CuB) centers. NO inhibits cytochrome oxidase in both an oxygen-competitive (at heme a3) and oxygen-independent (at CuB) manner. Before inhibition of oxygen consumption, changes can be observed in enzyme and substrate (cytochrome c) redox state. Physiological consequences can be mediated either by direct "metabolic" effects on oxygen consumption or via indirect "signaling" effects via mitochondrial redox state changes and free radical production. The detailed kinetics suggest, but do not prove, that cytochrome oxidase can be a target for NO even under circumstances when guanylate cyclase, its primary high affinity target, is not fully activated. In vivo organ and whole body measures of NO synthase inhibition suggest a possible role for NO inhibition of cytochrome oxidase. However, a detailed mapping of NO and oxygen levels, combined with direct measures of cytochrome oxidase/NO binding, in physiology is still awaited. mitochondria; cytochrome oxidase  相似文献   

The chemomechanicalcoupling mechanism in striated muscle contraction was examined bychanging the nucleotide substrate from ATP to CTP. Maximum shorteningvelocity [extrapolation to zero force from force-velocity relation(Vmax) andslope of slack test plots (V0)], maximumisometric force (Po), power, andthe curvature of the force-velocity curve[a/Po(dimensionless parameter inversely related to the curvature)] weredetermined during maximumCa2+-activated isotoniccontractions of fibers from fast rabbit psoas and slow rat soleusmuscles by using 0.2 mM MgATP, 4 mM MgATP, 4 mM MgCTP, or 10 mM MgCTPas the nucleotide substrate. In addition to a decrease in the maximumCa2+-activated force in both fibertypes, a change from 4 mM ATP to 10 mM CTP resulted in a decrease inVmax in psoasfibers from 3.26 to 1.87 muscle length/s. In soleus fibers,Vmax was reduced from 1.94 to 0.90 muscle length/s by this change in nucleotide. Surprisingly, peak power was unaffected in either fiber type by thechange in nucleotide as the result of a three- to fourfold decrease inthe curvature of the force-velocity relationship. The results areinterpreted in terms of the Huxley model of muscle contraction as anincrease in f1and g1 coupled toa decrease in g2(where f1 is therate of cross-bridge attachment and g1 andg2 are rates ofdetachment) when CTP replaces ATP. This adequately accounts for theobserved changes in Po,a/Po,and Vmax.However, the two-state Huxley model does not explicitly reveal thecross-bridge transitions that determine curvature of the force-velocityrelationship. We hypothesize that a nucleotide-sensitive transitionamong strong-binding cross-bridge states followingPi release, but before the release of the nucleotide diphosphate, underlies the alterations ina/Po reported here.


The hypothesis that the intracellularNa+ concentration([Na+]i)is a regulator of the epithelialNa+ channel (ENaC) was tested withthe Xenopus oocyte expression systemby utilizing a dual-electrode voltage clamp.[Na+]iaveraged 48.1 ± 2.2 meq (n = 27)and was estimated from the amiloride-sensitive reversal potential.[Na+]iwas increased by direct injection of 27.6 nl of 0.25 or 0.5 MNa2SO4.Within minutes of injection,[Na+]istabilized and remained elevated at 97.8 ± 6.5 meq(n = 9) and 64.9 ± 4.4 (n = 5) meq 30 min after theinitial injection of 0.5 and 0.25 MNa2SO4,respectively. This increase of[Na+]icaused a biphasic inhibition of ENaC currents. In oocytes injected with0.5 MNa2SO4(n = 9), a rapid decrease of inwardamiloride-sensitive slope conductance(gNa) to 0.681 ± 0.030 of control within the first 3 min and a secondary, slowerdecrease to 0.304 ± 0.043 of control at 30 min were observed.Similar but smaller inhibitions were also observed with the injectionof 0.25 MNa2SO4.Injection of isotonicK2SO4(70 mM) or isotonicK2SO4made hypertonic with sucrose (70 mMK2SO4-1.2M sucrose) was without effect. Injection of a 0.5 M concentration ofeitherK2SO4,N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) sulfate, or 0.75 M NMDG gluconate resulted in a much smaller initial inhibition (<14%) and little or no secondary decrease. Thusincreases of[Na+]ihave multiple specific inhibitory effects on ENaC that can betemporally separated into a rapid phase that was complete within 2-3 min and a delayed slow phase that was observed between 5 and 30 min.


Inwardlyrectifying K+ current(IKir) infreshly isolated bovine retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells wasstudied in the whole cell recording configuration of the patch-clamptechnique. When cells were dialyzed with pipette solution containing noATP, IKir randown completely in <10 min [half time(t1/2) = 1.9 min]. In contrast, dialysis with 2 mM ATP sustainedIKir for 10 min or more. Rundown was also prevented with 4 mM GTP or ADP. When 0.5 mMATP was used,IKir ran down by~71%. Mg2+ was a criticalcofactor because rundown occurred when the pipette solution contained 4 mM ATP but no Mg2+(t1/2 = 1.8 min).IKir also randown when the pipette solution contained 4 mMMg2+ + 4 mM5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate(t1/2 = 2.7 min)or 4 mM adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate)(t1/2 = 1.9 min),nonhydrolyzable and poorly hydrolyzable ATP analogs, respectively. Weconclude that the sustained activity ofIKirin bovine RPE requires intracellular MgATP and that the underlyingmechanism may involve ATP hydrolysis.


In Aplysia intestine,stimulation of Na+ absorption withluminal alanine increases apical membraneK+ conductance(GK,a), whichpresumably regulates enterocyte volume during stimulatedNa+ absorption. However, themechanism responsible for the sustained increase in plasma membraneK+ conductance is not known forany nutrient-absorbing epithelium. In the present study, we have begunto test the hypothesis that the alanine-induced increase inGK,a inAplysia enterocytes results fromexocytic insertion of K+ channelsinto the apical membrane. We used the fluid-phase marker horseradishperoxidase to assess the effect of alanine on apical membraneexocytosis and conventional microelectrode techniques to assess theeffect of alanine on fractional capacitance of the apical membrane(fCa). Luminalalanine significantly increased apical membrane exocytosis from 1.04 ± 0.30 to 1.39 ± 0.38 ng · min1 · cm2.To measure fCa,we modeled the Aplysia enterocyte as adouble resistance-capacitance (RC) electric circuit arranged in series. Several criteria were tested to confirm application of the model to theenterocytes, and all satisfied the model. When added to the luminalsurface, alanine significantly increasedfCa from 0.27 ± 0.02 to 0.33 ± 0.04 (n = 10)after 4 min. There are two possible explanations for our findings:1) the increase in exocytosis, whichadds membrane to the apical plasma membrane, prevents plasma membranefracture, and 2) the increase inexocytosis delivers K+ channels tothe apical membrane by exocytic insertion. After the alanine-induceddepolarization of apical membrane potential (Va), there isa strong correlation (r = 0.96)between repolarization ofVa, whichreflects the increase inGK,a, andincrease in fCa. This correlation supports the exocytic insertion hypothesis for activation ofGK,a.


The ability toresynthesize ATP during recovery from ischemia is limited tothe size of endogenous pool of adenine nucleotides. CytosolicAMP-specific 5'-nucleotidase (5'-NT) plays a key role inATP degradation and hence the capacity for ATP resynthesis. We havesuggested (J. Clin. Invest. 93:40-49, 1994) that intracellular acidosis [intracellular pH(pHi)] is a potentinhibitor of 5'-NT under in vivo conditions. To test thishypothesis further, we used the hyperthyroid rat heart because we couldalter pHi during ischemiaand determine the consequences of lowerpHi on AMPaccumulation (by chemical assay) and ATP resynthesis (by31P nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy) during reperfusion. Global no-flow ischemiacaused pHi to decrease from 7.1 under well-oxygenated control perfusion to 6.7. We found thatdecreasing pHi further from pH 6.7 to 6.4 leads to increased accumulation (30%) of AMP duringischemia and to a 2.5-fold increase in ATP resynthesis duringreperfusion. Analysis of all known substrates, products, activators,and inhibitors of the 5'-NT suggests that 5'-NT isactivated primarily by Mg2+ andADP and is inhibited by H+. Thusthese observations provide evidence for a salutary effect ofintracellular acidosis on preserving the AMP pool due to inhibition of5'-NT and suggest a novel role ofH+ in protecting ischemic tissue.


Skin from larval bullfrogs was mounted in an Ussing-type chamberin which the apical surface was bathed with a Ringer solution containing 115 mM K+ and thebasolateral surface was bathed with a Ringer solution containing 115 mMNa+. Ion transport was measured asthe short-circuit current(Isc) with alow-noise voltage clamp, and skin resistance(Rm) wasmeasured by applying a direct current voltage pulse. Membrane impedance was calculated by applying a voltage signal consisting of 53 sine wavesto the command stage of the voltage clamp. From the ratio of theFourier-transformed voltage and current signals, it was possible tocalculate the resistance and capacitance of the apical and basolateralmembranes of the epithelium(Ra andRb,Ca and Cb,respectively). With as the anion,Rm decreasedrapidly within 5 min following the addition of 150 U/ml nystatin to theapical solution, whereasIsc increasedfrom 0.66 to 52.03 µA/cm2 over a60-min period. These results indicate that nystatin becomes rapidlyincorporated into the apical membrane and that the increase inbasolateral K+ permeabilityrequires a more prolonged time course. Intermediate levels ofIsc were obtainedby adding 50, 100, and 150 U/ml nystatin to the apical solution. Thisproduced a progressive decrease in Ra andRb whileCa andCb remainedconstant. With Cl as theanion, Isc valuesincreased from 2.03 to 89.57 µA/cm2 following treatment with150 U/ml nystatin, whereas with gluconate as the anionIsc was onlyincreased from 0.63 to 11.64 µA/cm2. This suggests that theincrease in basolateral K+permeability produced by nystatin treatment, in the presence of morepermeable anions, is due to swelling of the epithelial cells of thetissue rather than the gradient for apicalK+ entry. Finally,Cb was notdifferent among skins exposed toCl,, or gluconate, despite the largedifferences inIsc, nor didinhibition of Iscby treatment with hyperosmotic dextrose cause significant changes inCb. These resultssupport the hypothesis that increases in cell volume activateK+ channels that are alreadypresent in the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells.


Properties of ATP-dependent K(+) channels in adrenocortical cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Bovine adrenocortical zona fasciculata (AZF)cells express a novel ATP-dependent K+-permeable channel(IAC). Whole cell and single-channel recordings were used to characterize IAC channels withrespect to ionic selectivity, conductance, and modulation bynucleotides, inorganic phosphates, and angiotensin II (ANG II). Inoutside-out patch recordings, the activity of unitaryIAC channels is enhanced by ATP in the patchpipette. These channels were K+ selective with nomeasurable Na+ or Ca2+ conductance. Insymmetrical K+ solutions with physiological concentrationsof divalent cations (M2+), IACchannels were outwardly rectifying with outward and inward chordconductances of 94.5 and 27.0 pS, respectively. In the absence ofM2+, conductance was nearly ohmic. Hydrolysis-resistantnucleotides including AMP-PNP and NaUTP were more potent than MgATP asactivators of whole cell IAC currents. Inorganicpolytriphosphate (PPPi) dramatically enhancedIAC activity. In current-clamp recordings, nucleotides and PPPi produced resting potentials in AZFcells that correlated with their effectiveness in activatingIAC. ANG II (10 nM) inhibited whole cellIAC currents when patch pipettes contained 5 mMMgATP but was ineffective in the presence of 5 mM NaUTP and 1 mM MgATP.Inhibition by ANG II was not reduced by selective kinase antagonists.These results demonstrate that IAC is adistinctive K+-selective channel whose activity isincreased by nucleotide triphosphates and PPPi.Furthermore, they suggest a model for IAC gatingthat is controlled through a cycle of ATP binding and hydrolysis.


We have reported that ryanodine receptor (RyR) channels display three different responses to cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]) depending on their redox state (Marengo JJ, Hidalgo C, and Bull R. Biophys J 74: 1263–1277, 1998), with low, moderate, and high maximal fractional open times (Po). Activation by ATP of single RyR channels from rat brain cortex was tested in planar lipid bilayers with 10 or 0.1 µM cytoplasmic [Ca2+]. At 10 µM [Ca2+], low-Po channels presented lower apparent affinity to activation by ATP [[ATP] for half-maximal activation (KaATP) = 422 µM] than moderate-Po channels (KaATP = 82 µM). Oxidation of low-Po channels with thimerosal or 2,2'-dithiodipyridine (DTDP) gave rise to moderate-Po channels and decreased KaATP from 422 to 82 µM. At 0.1 µM cytoplasmic [Ca2+], ATP induced an almost negligible activation of low-Po channels. After oxidation to high-Po behavior, activation by ATP was markedly increased. Noise analysis of single-channel fluctuations of low-Po channels at 10 µM [Ca2+] plus ATP revealed the presence of subconductance states, suggesting a conduction mechanism that involves four independent subchannels. On oxidation the subchannels opened and closed in a concerted mode. subconductance states; calcium ion release channels; calcium ion regulation; thimerosal; 2,2'-dithiodipyridine  相似文献   

Micromolar concentrations ofATP stimulate biphasic change in transepithelial conductance acrossCaSki cultures, an acute increase (phase I response) followed by aslower decrease (phase II response). Phase I andphase II responses involve two distinct calcium-dependentpathways, calcium mobilization and calcium influx. To test thehypothesis that phase I and phase II responsesare mediated by distinct P2 purinergic receptors, changes inpermeability were uncoupled by blocking calcium mobilization with1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid(BAPTA) or by lowering extracellular calcium, respectively. Under theseconditions ATP EC50 was 25 µM for phase Iresponse and 2 µM for phase II response. The respectiveagonist profiles were ATP > UTP > adenosine5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP-S) N6-([6-aminohexyl]carbamoylmethyl)adenosine5'-triphosphate (A8889) > GTP and UTP > ATP > GTP = A8889 > ATP-S. Suramin blocked phase Iresponse and ATP-induced calcium mobilization, whereas pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4-disulfonic acid (PPADS) blocked phase II response and ATP-augmented calcium influx. ATP time course andpharmacological profiles for phase II response and augmented calcium influx were similar, with a time constant of 2 min and asaturable concentration-dependent effect (EC50 of 2-3µM). RT-PCR experiments revealed expression of mRNA for both theP2Y2 and P2X4 receptors. These results suggestthat the ATP-induced phase I and phase IIresponses are mediated by distinct P2 purinergic receptor mechanisms.


The unicellular green algae Chlorella ellipsoidea was used tostudy transient changes in the energy state of adenylates andthe redox states of pyridine nucleotides induced by environmentalchanges. The transition from anaerobic to aerobic conditionsin the dark induced a sharp rise in the ATP ratio [ATP/(ATP+ADP+AMP)],a sudden decrease in the NADH ratio [NADH/(NAD++NADPH)] anda transient drop in the NADPH ratio [NADPH/(NADP++NADPH)]. Illuminationafter a dark period under anaerobic, CO2-free conditions inducedsharp increases in the ATP and NADPH ratios and a slower decreasein the NADH ratio. Illumination under aerobic conditions, ineither the presence or absence of CO2, caused a sharp increasein the NADPH ratio, a small increase in the ATP ratio and aslower increase in the NADH ratio. In the presence of CO2, asubsequent large drop in the NADPH ratio occurred. Darkeningunder anaerobic, CO2-free conditions induced a sudden decreasein the ATP ratio, a temporary fall in the NADPH ratio and aslow increase in the NADH ratio. Darkening under aerobic conditionsinduced transient drops in the ATP and NADPH ratios and a suddendrop in the NADH ratio. The addition of CO2 to the atmospherewith illumination produced a decrease in all three parameters. These results are discussed in relation to current theoriesof the interaction between photosynthesis and respiration. Ourobservations indicate that the energy and reducing potentialsgenerated by photochemical processes are used for and controlother processes besides CO2 fixation in photosynthetic cells. (Received December 3, 1981; Accepted May 4, 1982)  相似文献   

Insulin enhancesNa+-K+ pump activity in various noncardiactissues. We examined whether insulin exposure in vitro regulates Na+-K+ pump function in rabbit ventricularmyocytes. Pump current (Ip) was measured using thewhole-cell patch-clamp technique at test potentials(Vms) from 100 to +60 mV. When theNa+ concentration in the patch pipette([Na]pip) was 10 mM, insulin caused aVm-dependent increase in Ip.The increase was ~70% when Vm was at nearphysiological diastolic potentials. This effect persisted afterelimination of extracellular voltage-dependent steps and whenK+ and K+-congeners were excluded from thepatch pipettes. When [Na]pip was 80 mM, causingnear-maximal pump stimulation, insulin had no effect, suggesting thatit did not cause an increase in membrane pump density. Effects oftyrphostin A25, wortmannin, okadaic acid, or bisindolylmaleimide I inpipette solutions suggested that the insulin-induced increase inIp involved activation of tyrosine kinase,phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and protein phosphatase 1, whereasprotein phosphatase 2A and protein kinase C were not involved.


H+ translocation driven by NO3, NO2 and N2O reductionswith endogenous substrates in cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroidesforma sp. denitrificans was investigated by the oxidant pulsemethod. Upon injection of nitrogenous oxides to anaerobic cellsin darkness, an alkaline transient in the external medium wasobserved, followed by acidification. The alkaline transientwas enhanced by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. When a viologen dye was used as an electron donor in the presenceof 1 mM Af-ethylmaleimide and 0.1 mM 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxideto preclude respiration-linked H+ extrusion, addition of KNO3,KNO2 and N2O caused only a rapid alkalinization. The H+ consumptionstoichiometries, H+/2e ratios for NO3 reductionto NO2, NO2 reduction to 1/2 N2O and N2O reductionto N2 were –1.90, –3.18 and –2.04, respectively.These values agreed well with the fact that all reductions ofnitrogenous oxides in denitrification occur on the periplasmicside of the cytoplasmic membrane. When corrected for H+ consumption in the periplasm, the H+ extrusionstoichiometries, H+/2e ratios with endogenous substratesin the presence of K+/valinomycin for NO3 reduction toNO2, NO2 reduction to 1/2 N2O and N2O reductionto N2 were 4.05, 4.95 and 6.01, respectively. (Received August 4, 1982; Accepted January 13, 1983)  相似文献   

The presence of ATP and adenosinereceptors and their role in controlling ciliary activity in oviductalciliated cells was studied by measuring the ciliary beat frequency(CBF) in oviductal tissue cultures. ATP, adenosine, and relatedcompounds increased the CBF in a dose-dependent manner. We establishedthat P2 receptors of subtype 2Y2 and P1 receptors ofsubtype A2a mediated the responses to ATP and adenosine,respectively. We found evidence to suggest that stimulation of ciliaryactivity by ATP requires D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] metabolism,intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, and protein kinase Cactivation. On the other hand, the adenosine effect is mediated byactivation of a Gs protein-dependent pathway that enhancescAMP intracellular levels. To study the interaction between P2 and P1receptors, cells were stimulated simultaneously with both agonists. Weobserved a synergistic increase of the CBF even at agonistconcentrations (100 nM) that did not produce a significant responsewhen added separately to the culture. Furthermore, a blocker of thecAMP pathway produced a reduction of the ATP response, whereas ablocker of the Ins(1,4,5)P3 pathway alsoproduced an inhibition of the adenosine response. Our evidence demonstrates that both ATP and adenosine receptors are present in asingle ciliated cell and that a mechanism of cross talk could operatein the transduction pathways to control ciliary activity.


Blocker-inducednoise analysis of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) was usedto investigate how inhibition of an LY-294002-sensitive phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) alters Na+transport in unstimulated and aldosterone-prestimulated A6 epithelia. From baseline Na+ transport rates(INa) of 4.0 ± 0.1 (unstimulated) and9.1 ± 0.9 µA/cm2 (aldosterone), 10 µM LY-294002caused, following a relatively small initial increase of transport, acompletely reversible inhibition of transport within 90 min to 33 ± 6% and 38 ± 2% of respective baseline values. Initialincreases of transport could be attributed to increases of channel openprobability (Po) within 5 min to 143 ± 17% (unstimulated) and 142 ± 10% of control (aldosterone) frombaseline Po averaging near 0.5. Inhibition oftransport was due to much slower decreases of functional channeldensities (NT) to 28 ± 4% (unstimulated)and 35 ± 3% (aldosterone) of control at 90 min. LY-294002 (50 µM) caused larger but completely reversible increases ofPo (215 ± 38% of control at 5 min) andmore rapid but only slightly larger decreases ofNT. Basolateral exposure to LY-294002 induced nodetectable effect on transport, Po or NT. We conclude that an LY-294002-sensitive PI3-kinase plays an important role in regulation of transport bymodulating NT and Po ofENaCs, but only when presented to apical surfaces of the cells.


Micromolarconcentrations of ATP stimulate biphasic change in transepithelialconductance across CaSki cultures on filters, an acute transientincrease (phase I response; triggered by P2Y2 receptor and mediated by calcium mobilization-dependent cell volume decrease) followed by a slower decrease in permeability (phase II response). Phase II response is mediated byaugmented calcium influx and protein kinase C-dependent increase intight junctional resistance. The objective of the study was todetermine the role of P2X4 receptor as a mediator ofphase II response. Human cervical epithelial cells expressP2X4 receptor mRNA (1.4-, 2.2-, and 4.4-kb isoforms byNorthern blot analysis) and P2X4 protein. Depletion ofvitamin A reversibly downregulated P2X4 receptor mRNA andprotein and ATP-induced calcium influx. Depletion of vitamin Aabrogated phase II response, and the effect could bepartially reversed only with retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-selectiveretinoids but not retinoid X receptor (RXR) agonists. Depletion ofvitamin A also abrogated protein kinase C increase in tight junctionalresistance, and the effect could not be reversed with retinoids.Depletion of vitamin A also abrogated phase I increase inpermeability and reversibly downregulated P2Y2 receptormRNA and ATP-induced calcium mobilization. However, in contrast tophase II response, both RAR and RXR agonists could fullyreverse those effects. These results suggest that phase IIresponse is mediated by a P2X4 receptor mechanism.


To investigate the mechanisms regulating excitation-metabolic coupling in rabbit epicardial, midmyocardial, and endocardial ventricular myocytes we extended the LabHEART model (Puglisi JL and Bers DM. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 281: C2049–C2060, 2001). We incorporated equations for Ca2+ and Mg2+ buffering by ATP and ADP, equations for nucleotide regulation of ATP-sensitive K+ channel and L-type Ca2+ channel, Na+-K+-ATPase, and sarcolemmal and sarcoplasmic Ca2+-ATPases, and equations describing the basic pathways (creatine and adenylate kinase reactions) known to communicate the flux changes generated by intracellular ATPases. Under normal conditions and during 20 min of ischemia, the three regions were characterized by different INa, Ito, IKr, IKs, and IKp channel properties. The results indicate that the ATP-sensitive K+ channel is activated by the smallest reduction in ATP in epicardial cells and largest in endocardial cells when cytosolic ADP, AMP, PCr, Cr, Pi, total Mg2+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, and pH diastolic levels are normal. The model predicts that only KATP ionophore (Kir6.2 subunit) and not the regulatory subunit (SUR2A) might differ from endocardium to epicardium. The analysis suggests that during ischemia, the inhomogeneous accumulation of the metabolites in the tissue sublayers may alter in a very irregular manner the KATP channel opening through metabolic interactions with the endogenous PI cascade (PIP2, PIP) that in turn may cause differential action potential shortening among the ventricular myocyte subtypes. The model predictions are in qualitative agreement with experimental data measured under normal and ischemic conditions in rabbit ventricular myocytes. ATP-sensitive K+ channel; creatine and adenylate kinase reactions; phosphatidylinositol phosphates; heart; mathematical model  相似文献   

Cl- currents activated via purinergic receptors in Xenopus follicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ionic currents elicited via purinergic receptors located in themembrane of Xenopus follicles werestudied using electrophysiological techniques. Follicles responded toATP-activating inward currents with a fast time course(Fin). InRinger solution, reversal potential (Erev) ofFin was 22mV, which did not change with external substitutions ofNa+ orK+, whereas solutions containing50 or 5% of normal Clconcentration shiftedErev to about +4and +60 mV, respectively, and decreasedFin amplitude,indicating thatFin was carriedby Cl.Fin had an onsetdelay of ~400 ms, measured by application of a brief jet of ATP froma micropipette positioned near the follicle (50 µm).Fin was inhibitedby 50% in follicles pretreated with pertussis toxin. This suggests a Gprotein-mediated receptor channel pathway.Fin was mimickedby 2-MeSATP and UTP, the potency order (half-maximal effectiveconcentration) was 2-MeSATP (194 nM) > UTP (454 nM) > ATP(1,086 nM). All agonists generatedCl currents and displayedcross-inhibition on the others.Fin activation byacetylcholine also cross-inhibitedFin-ATPresponses, suggesting that all act on a common channel-activationpathway.


Receptor-mediated inhibition of amiloride-sensitive sodium absorption was observed in primary and immortalized murine renal collecting duct cell (mCT12) monolayers. The addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to the basolateral bathing solution of polarized monolayers reduced amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (Isc) by 15–25%, whereas the addition of ATP to the apical bathing solution decreased Isc by 40–60%. Direct activation of PKC with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and mobilization of intracellular calcium with 2,5-di-tert-butyl-hydroquinone (DBHQ) reduced amiloride-sensitive Isc in mCT12 monolayers by 46 ± 4% (n = 8) and 22 ± 2% (n = 8), respectively. Exposure of mCT12 cells to EGF, ATP, PMA, and DBHQ caused an increase in phosphorylation of p42/p44 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase; ERK1/2). Pretreatment of mCT12 monolayers with an ERK kinase inhibitor (PD-98059; 30 µM) prevented phosphorylation of p42/p44 and significantly reduced EGF, ATP, and PMA-induced inhibition of amiloride-sensitive Isc. In contrast, pretreatment of monolayers with a PKC inhibitor (bisindolylmaleimide I; GF109203x; 1 µM) almost completely blocked the PMA-induced decrease in Isc, but did not alter the EGF- or ATP-induced inhibition of Isc. The DBHQ-mediated decrease in Isc was due to inhibition of basolateral Na+-K+-ATPase, but EGF-, ATP-, and PMA-induced inhibition was most likely due to reduced apical sodium entry (epithelial Na+ channel activity). The results of these studies demonstrate that acute inhibition of amiloride-sensitive sodium transport by extracelluar ATP and EGF involves ERK1/2 activation and suggests a role for MAP kinase signaling as a negative regulator of electrogenic sodium absorption in epithelia. mitogen-activated protein kinase; epithelial ion transport; epithelial sodium channel  相似文献   

The rubidium efflux from hypothermic rat hearts perfused by theLangendorff method at 20°C was studied. At thistemperature 87Rb-NMR efflux experiments showed theexistence of two 87Rb pools: cytoplasmic and mitochondrial.Rat heart mitochondria showed a very slow exchange of mitochondrialRb+ for cytoplasmic K+. After washout ofcytosolic Rb+, mitochondria kept a stable Rb+level for >30 min. Rb+ efflux from mitochondria wasstimulated with 0.1 mM 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), by sarcolemmalpermeabilization and concomitant cellular energy depletion by saponin(0.01 mg/ml for 4 min) in the presence of a perfusate mimickingintracellular conditions, or by ATP-sensitive K (KATP)channel openers. DNP, a mitochondrial uncoupler, caused the onset ofmitochondrial Rb+ exchange; however, the washout was notcomplete (80 vs. 56% in control). Energy deprivation by saponin, whichpermeabilizes the sarcolemma, resulted in a rapid and completeRb+ efflux. The mitochondrial Rb+ efflux rateconstant (k) decreased in the presence of glibenclamide, aKATP channel inhibitor (5 µM;k = 0.204 ± 0.065 min1; n = 8),or in the presence of ATP plus phosphocreatine (1.0 and 5.0 mM,respectively; k = 0.134 ± 0.021 min1;n = 4) in the saponin experiments (saponin only;k = 0.321 ± 0.079 min1; n = 3),indicating the inhibition of mitochondrial KATP channels. Thus hypothermia in combination with 87Rb-NMR allowed theprobing of the mitochondrial K+ pool in whole heartswithout mitochondrial isolation.


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