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The seasonal diet of a predator, brown trout Salmo trutta [total length ( L T) 17–69 cm] and simultaneous density and size‐structure of prey populations, vendace Coregonus albula and smelt Osmerus eperlanus (4–16 cm L T), in a large boreal lake were analysed and compared in 2001 and 2002. The upper L T limit for consumed prey was c . 40% of the predator L T. All brown trout, however, preferred small (<10 cm L T) and avoided large (≥10 cm L T) prey. The results also suggested that equal densities of similar‐sized (4–10 cm L T) fish of the two prey species led to random foraging on these species by brown trout, but if either one of the prey species predominated (>50%) in the lake, brown trout shifted to foraging on this species almost exclusively. Brown trout diets thus reflected the density dynamics of the two alternative prey species.  相似文献   

Habitat competition in brown trout Salmo trutta and Siberian sculpin Cottus poecilopus was investigated by varying density, fish size, and species composition in stream channels providing areas of different substratum particle sizes. In allopatry, both small (52 ± 4 mm L T) and large (86 ± 6 mm L T) brown trout exhibited strong preference for the intermediate (8–11 cm diameter) and large (17–21 cm) gravel substrata. There was a tendency for more brown trout to occupy finer (2–4 cm) substrata with increasing density, in particular for large brown trout. Also, more small brown trout were observed on finer substrata when tested with large brown trout, suggesting interspecific competition for restricted space. Both small (56 ± 6 mm L T) and large (88 ± 10 mm L T) Siberian sculpin preferred the large gravel in all tests, and did not change their substratum preferences much with increasing densities, suggesting higher tolerance for 'crowding'. The large Siberian sculpin preferred the coarser substratum, and the largest individuals were consistently found on it. In sympatry with large Siberian sculpin, habitat displacement of brown trout occurred, indicative of interspecific competition. A higher proportion of small and large brown trout occupied the finer substrata than in allopatry. Habitat selection by large Siberian sculpin appeared to be unaffected by species composition and density. Small Siberian sculpin were displaced to finer substrata when tested with large Siberian sculpin, suggesting intraspecific competition. The results indicate that Siberian sculpin are potential habitat competitors for young brown trout.  相似文献   

Leif Lien 《Ecography》1981,4(3):191-200
Minnows have recently been introduced into the mountain lakes of southern Norway. In Øvre Heimdalsvatn, an intensively studied lake, the minnow population has increased rapidly during the last decade. Studies were performed on feeding habits, habitat preferences, age, growth, energy content, densities, parasites, predation and spawning activities. Several aspects were found to be different from other studies, e.g. higher age of sexual maturation, lower growth rate, no feeding on plants, and low infection of parasites. The interaction with the only other fish, the brown trout, is discussed in relation to the minnow population. In 1978 the minnows constituted little more than 10% of production and food consumption of the trout population, and only limited food competition and predation was documented. Increasing competition is likely with a greater minnow population.  相似文献   

Minnows Phoxinus phoxinus , studied 30 years after the first record of the species in the subalpine Lake Øvre Heimdalsvatn, Norway, ≥55 mm L T, were estimated to have densities of c . 4.7 kg ha−1 (120 000 fish) in June 1999 and 2.1 kg ha−1 (63 000 fish) in June 2000. The population was characterized by low individual growth, delayed age of maturity and lived longer when compared to values reported in a previous study in the early phase of its establishment, and other values reported in the literature. Most minnows reached sexual maturity at 4–5 years and >55 mm L T. Although the estimated annual survival of minnows >55 mm was low ( S =0.2), ages up to 13 years were recorded. Despite a moderate increase in the population size during the last 20 years, the present reduction in individual growth, followed by delayed age of maturity, suggested the existence of density-dependent effects on the population dynamics of the minnows. The minnows were restricted to the littoral zone and near bottom areas. A vertical or horizontal expansion in habitat use was probably prevented by the presence of piscivorous brown trout Salmo trutta .  相似文献   

Female Rhizoprionodon acutus were found to mature between 62 and 74 cm total length ( L T) whereas males matured between 63 and 71 cm L T. The L T at 50% maturity was 64·3 cm for females and 64·7 cm for males. Litter size varied from one to six embryos, and was positively correlated with maternal L T. Female embryos outnumbered males by a ratio of 2·3:1. The size at birth was c . 37 cm L T. Full‐term embryos and post‐partum females were observed during all seasons although their occurrence was highest in spring. Spermatozoa were rarely recorded in the oviducal gland, indicating that this species does not store sperm. It was not possible to generate maturity curves for Iago omanensis but it was evident that females matured by the time they reached 35 cm and males were mature by 31 cm L T. This species displayed a clearly defined reproductive cycle with parturition occurring primarily in spring, after a gestation period of c . 1 year. Maximal embryo size was 19 cm L T while maximal litter size was 24 embryos. The oviducal gland appeared to act as a seminal receptacle and it appeared that females may utilize these stores by not mating every year.  相似文献   

Prey consumption rates of piscivorous brown trout Salmo trutta were studied in the Pasvik watercourse, which forms the border between Norway and Russia. Estimates of food consumption in the field were similar to or slightly less than maximum values from a bioenergetic model. The piscivore diet consisted mainly of vendace Coregonus albula with a smaller number of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus . Individual brown trout had an estimated mean daily intake of c . 1·5 vendace and 0·4 whitefish, and a rapid annual growth increment of 7–8 cm year−1. The total population of brown trout >25 cm total length was estimated as 8445 individuals (0·6 individuals ha−1), giving a mean ±  s . e . annual consumption of 1553880 ± 405360 vendace and 439140 ± 287130 whitefish for the whole watercourse. The rapid growth in summer of brown trout >25 cm indicated a high prey consumption rate.  相似文献   

According to logistic regressions derived for pike Esox lucius and burbot Lota lota , the probability of ingesting fishes in Lake Muddusjärvi, northern Finland, was 50% at 19·3 and 22·1 cm L T, whereas Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta shifted to piscivory at the lengths of 25·7 and 26·4 cm L T. The specialist piscivores, pike and burbot, consumed more prey species and took a wider range of prey sizes than Arctic charr and brown trout. The prey length for all predators increased in relationship to predator length. Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus was the dominant prey species in the lake and in the diet of all the piscivorous species. The whitefish population was divided into three forms, of which the slow-growing, and the most numerous densely rakered whitefish form (DR), was selected by all predator species. This form also had the smallest average size and widest habitat range, utilizing both pelagic and epibenthic habitats. Two sparsely rakered whitefish forms (LSR and SSR) occupied only epibenthic habitats and had lower relative densities than DR. These forms, LSR and SSR, had a minor importance in the diet of predator species.  相似文献   

Small‐scale spatial variation in life history was found among genetically distinct local populations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast. Among populations, age at 50% maturity varied from 2·6 to 3·8 years, total ( L T) length at 50% maturity from 35 to 60 cm, annual survival from 33 to 64%, mean L T at age 4 years from 43 to 63 cm, and mean backcalculated L T at age 1 year from 8 to 12 cm.  相似文献   

The movement of 34 large (39–73 cm standard length) brown trout Salmo trutta was monitored using radio telemetry for up to 74 days in Brumunda, a small Norwegian river (mean annual discharge 3·3 m3 s−1) flowing into the large Lake Mjøsa. The maximum range of movement in the river was 20 km. No clear relationships existed between individual movement and water discharge, temperature and barometric pressure. Brown trout migrated at all levels of water discharge. At low discharge (<2 m3 s−1) movements were nocturnal. A weir 5·3 km from the outlet restricted ascending brown trout at low ( c . 6° C), but not at high ( c . 8° C) water temperatures. Spawning occurred in September to October and tagged individuals spent 2–51 days at the spawning sites. Mean migration speed from tagging to when the fish reached the spawning area, and from when they left the spawning areas and reached the lake was 1·0 and 2·3 km day−1, respectively. All tagged brown trout that survived spawning returned to the lake after spawning.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of the Mediterranean razor fish Xyrichthys novacula was investigated by demographic data and histological analysis of the female, intersexual and male gonads. Specimens were collected by bottom trawl on a monthly basis between June 2000 and July 2001 in a sandy bay in southern Thyrrenian. Gonad histology confirmed that the Mediterranean razor fish is a monandric, protogynous hermaphrodite. Females reached first sexual maturity at 100 mm ( L T) and the estimated mean L T at first maturity ( L 50) was 125 mm. Females exhibited asynchronous ovarian development and multiple ovulations occurred over the spawning period. Vitellogenesis started in early May and spawning occurred from late May until late September. Sexual transition involved a large‐scale atresia of all oocyte stages and a massive degeneration of ovarian tissue followed by primordial germ cells proliferation. Sex change began at spawning time (June) but transitional individuals tended to cluster at the end of the reproductive period (September). They accounted for 17·1% of the population sampled and were found in a broad size range (105–150 mm L T).  相似文献   

Female flathead sole Hippoglossoides elassodon maturity appears not to be area dependent since the total length ( L T) at which 50% were mature ( L T50) was similar for the central Gulf of Alaska (333 mm) and south‐eastern Bering Sea (320 mm) areas. Likewise the age at which 50% were mature ( A 50) was similar in the south‐eastern Bering Sea (9·7 years) and central Gulf of Alaska (8·7 years). The timing of female flathead sole spawning may also be similar between areas. Batch or serial spawning was indicated for flathead sole. Female flathead sole grew at a similar rate in both the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. In contrast, males grew faster in the Bering Sea than in the Gulf of Alaska. Males grew more slowly than females in both areas after 5 years of age, and reached a smaller maximum L T. The growth of both sexes was similar during 1993 and 1996 in the Gulf of Alaska.  相似文献   

Psammobatis extenta collected from the commercial bottom trawl fishery operating in Puerto Quequén, Argentina, between 2000 and 2001, had a sex ratio of 1:1 (535 specimens). Both the largest male and female measured 313 mm total length ( L T). The relationship between total body mass and L T was significantly different between sexes; mature females weighed more than mature males for a given L T. The size at which 50% of males were sexually mature was 262 mm L T (83·6% of the maximum size), whereas 50% of females were mature at 249 mm L T (80·0% of the maximum size). The gonadosomatic index in mature males and females was slightly higher during summer, but did not show significant variation over the sampling period. The hepatosomatic index of males and females was higher during the autumn and winter and followed a distinct seasonal pattern. Evidence suggested a continuous reproductive cycle during the year, with a maximum number of females carrying egg-cases in summer.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of the Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides were investigated based on material collected from both trawl and longline fisheries in Falkland Islands' waters. The fish occurred between 56 and 2122 m and attained 225 cm total length ( L T). Males matured earlier, L T at 50% maturity was 86 cm for males v . 90 cm for females. Subadult fish foraged at depths of <600 m, whereas adult Patagonian toothfish lived at >600 m. Spawning occurred on slopes of the Burdwood Bank at c . 1000 m depth with a minor peak in May, and a major peak in July to August. Males arrived at the spawning grounds first. Between spawning peaks both sexes remained around the Burdwood Bank with males occurring at greater depths than females. The Patagonian toothfish in south‐east Patagonia and the Falkland Islands had a long juvenile and sub‐adult period in the relatively shallow and warm waters of the outer shelf and upper slope unlike that of juveniles in other Patagonian toothfish populations. The migratory life style of the south‐west Atlantic population is probably very different from that of other populations, which tend to be resident as they are inclined to inhabit the waters around oceanic islands and sea mounts with narrow shelf areas.  相似文献   

Effects of fish size on spawning time in Norwegian spring-spawning herring   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During October-January in a northern Norwegian fjord system and in February-March at the main western Norway spawning grounds, an index I G of gonad weight of spring-spawning herring Clupea harengus in percentage of expected gonad weight at full maturity for a given total length L T, tended to increase with L T in the range 27–31 cm as the proportion of recruit spawners decreased. Insignificant differences in I G were found between L T groups in the range 32–37 cm (repeat spawners). This is contrary to that suggested in other studies and signifies that generally the stock spawns in only two waves, repeat spawners first and the recruit spawners second. I G also increased with somatic and total condition factor, which signifies that spawning time may be influenced by summer feeding conditions.  相似文献   

This study analysed the total length ( L T)‐frequency distribution of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari at South Georgia and Shag Rocks from nine bottom trawl surveys at South Georgia and eight at Shag Rocks between 1987 and 2002. The estimated mean L T of age‐classes 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ years during January were, respectively, 14·7, 23·5, 29·8 and 35·1 cm at South Georgia. Age‐classes 1+, 2+ and 3+ years were 18·3, 26·2 and 33·8 cm at Shag Rocks. The derived Bertalanffy growth parameters for South Georgia were: L  = 51·7 cm, k  = 0·27 and t 0 = −0·26. The mean L T of each age‐class of C. gunnari at Shag Rocks was significantly larger than at South Georgia, equivalent to c . 5 months growth, although the annual growth in L T was similar. This is further evidence that C. gunnari hatched earlier at Shag Rocks. At South Georgia, the mean L T of age‐classes 1+ and 3+ years were correlated, and significantly decreased between 1987 and 2002, and were smaller following warmer summers. This decrease in the size of C. gunnari may be the result of reduced food availability linked to climate warming.  相似文献   

Biology of the Macaronesian endemic rockling Gaidropsarus guttatus was studied in the Azores. The overall sex ratio from the samples was highly in favour of females (1 : 6·33). The growth parameters were L  = 24·23, k  = 1·219 and t 0 = −0·059. Fish matured at 15 cm L T and the spawning season was strongly clustered in April.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that body size and swimming velocity affect proximate body composition, wet mass and size‐selective mortality of fasted fish was evaluated using small (107 mm mean total length, L T) and medium (168 mm mean L T) juvenile rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss that were sedentary or swimming ( c . 1 or 2 body length s−1) and fasted for 147 days. The initial amount of energy reserves in the bodies of fish varied with L T. Initially having less lipid mass and relatively higher mass‐specific metabolic rates caused small rainbow trout that were sedentary to die of starvation sooner and more frequently than medium‐length fish that were sedentary. Swimming at 2 body length s−1 slightly increased the rate of lipid catabolism relative to 1 body length s−1, but did not increase the occurrence of mortality among medium fish. Death from starvation occurred when fish had <3·2% lipid remaining in their bodies. Juvenile rainbow trout endured long periods without food, but their ability to resist death from starvation was limited by their length and initial lipid reserves.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Eleginops maclovinus was examined in the Falkland Islands between October 2000 and December 2002. Males predominated at total lengths ( L T) of 10 to 52 cm and females at >53 cm L T. Length frequency analysis showed a bimodal distribution with females representing the larger mode for every month during the study period. Gonad histology revealed that 19% of the histological samples studied were considered to be those from hermaphrodites: morphologically as male gonads but containing protoplasmic oocytes. It was therefore concluded that E. maclovinus is a protandrous hermaphrodite. The size of first (male) maturation of E. maclovinus was 30·73 cm L T. Males and females matured from August onwards and spawning occurred between September and December at depths of >40 m. Eleginops maclovinus has the smallest eggs and highest fecundity among the notothenioids. The highest potential fecundity was attained at maturity stage III with c . 48 million eggs. Because of further oocyte resorption, this value gradually decreased until the final fecundity ranged from 1·1 to 7·3 million eggs. Oocyte length frequencies in ovaries suggested that E. maclovinus was a batch spawner. Hydrated oocytes were found to contain a large perivitelline space indicating that the egg had a pelagic development.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Epinephelus coioides was determined from the examination of 1455 individuals collected between July 2005 and June 2007 in the southern Arabian Gulf. Histological preparations of gonads indicated that males were either derived from a juvenile phase or the transition of postspawning females, confirming a diandric protogynous sexual pattern. The spawning season was well defined, occurring once a year during April and early May. Peaks in spawning occurred after the full and new moons and was completed within a single lunar cycle. The presence of mature males over the entire size and age range and the absence of inactive mature females during the spawning season suggested that the population was not constrained by sperm limitation. While specimens undergoing sexual transition were only observed in size and age ranges of 335–685 mm total length ( L T) and 5–6 years, patterns in the proportion of males in size and age classes suggested that sex change occurred at a relatively constant rate after female maturation up to the maximum size (1002 mm L T) and age (11 years). Relationships between reproductive output and capacity with size and age indicated that conventional regulations that equate the mean size at first capture to sexual maturation are unsuitable for the management of E. coioides . The maximum age, small size and young age at sexual maturation ( L min= 320 mm L T, 2 years, for females and 242 mm L T, 1 year, for males) conflict with the general pattern for large epinepheline groupers and may be a direct result of the intensive demersal fishery in the southern Arabian Gulf.  相似文献   

Omitted spawning in compensatory-growing perch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual growth trajectories of perch Perca fluviatilis in a Swedish forest lake (sampled in March) revealed growth depression at intermediate sizes, followed by enhanced, compensatory growth at larger sizes. All males of age ≥3+ years had mature, almost ripe testes. The proportion of spawning females was higher at age 3+ years (79%) than at older ages (44%), indicating that older females with non-developing ovaries were resting rather than immature juveniles. Resting females were 175–247 mm in total length ( L T), and they were usually in a state of increasing annual growth. Spawning females were of more variable size (123–418 mm), and the larger ones had entered the faster growing state ≥2+ years before catch. Detectable growth costs of spawning indicated that resting females made a trade-off between current and future reproduction, rather than being constrained by poor feeding conditions.  相似文献   

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