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D Xu  M Sheves    K Schulten 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(6):2745-2760
Molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to study the M412 intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin's (bR) photocycle. The simulations start from two simulated structures for the L550 intermediate of the photocycle, one involving a 13-cis retinal with strong torsions, the other a 13,14-dicis retinal, from which the M412 intermediate is initiated through proton transfer to Asp-85. The simulations are based on a refined structure of bR568 obtained through all-atom molecular dynamics simulations and placement of 16 waters inside the protein. The structures of the L550 intermediates were obtained through simulated photoisomerization and subsequent molecular dynamics, and simulated annealing. Our simulations reveal that the M412 intermediate actually comprises a series of conformations involving 1) a motion of retinal; 2) protein conformational changes; and 3) diffusion and reconfiguration of water in the space between the retinal Schiff base nitrogen and the Asp-96 side group. (1) turns the retinal Schiff base nitrogen from an early orientation toward Asp-85 to a late orientation toward Asp-96; (2) disconnects the hydrogen bond network between retinal and Asp-85 and tilts the helix F of bR, enlarging bR's cytoplasmic channel; (3) adds two water molecules to the three water molecules existing in the cytoplasmic channel at the bR568 stage and forms a proton conduction pathway. The conformational change (2) of the protein involves a 60 degrees bent of the cytoplasmic side of helix F and is induced through a break of a hydrogen bond between Tyr-185 and a water-side group complex in the counterion region.  相似文献   

Structural changes are central to the mechanism of light-driven proton transport by bacteriorhodopsin, a seven-helix membrane protein. The main intermediate formed upon light absorption is M, which occurs between the proton release and uptake steps of the photocycle. To investigate the structure of the M intermediate, we have carried out electron diffraction studies with two-dimensional crystals of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and the Asp96-->Gly mutant. The M intermediate was trapped by rapidly freezing the crystals in liquid ethane following illumination with a xenon flash lamp at 5 and 25 degrees C. Here, we present 3.5 A resolution Fourier projection maps of the differences between the M intermediate and the ground state of bacteriorhodopsin. The most prominent structural changes are observed in the vicinity of helices F and G and are localized to the cytoplasmic half of the membrane.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,202(2):356-360
The possibility that light-induced protein conformational changes accompany the formation of the M412 species in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle is investigated by polarized Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy on oriented films of purple membrane. From the light-induced FTIR dichroism changes, it is estimated that: (i) the CO stretching vibration at 1762 cm−1, which has been assigned to a protonated Asp carboxyl group in M412 [(1985) Biochemistry 24, 400-407], is oriented at (θ = 35 ± 5° from the normal to the membrane plane; (ii) the limit for the change in the average tilt angle of the α-helices after photoconversion is less than 2°. The latter observation excludes the large variations in the protein conformation during the M412 formation proposed by Draheim and Cassim [(1985) Biophys. J. 47, 497-507].  相似文献   

The effects of pressure and temperature on the decay kinetics of the M412 (M) intermediate in the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin were studied to provide information about the phase transitions of the purple membrane lipids. The activation volume (delta V++) for the decay of M is expected to be different below and above a phase transition. However, no abrupt change in delta V++ was found from 3.5 degrees to 60 degrees C. But a sharp break was observed in a plot of the logarithm of the rate of M decay vs. pressure. Extrapolation of this break point to standard atmospheric pressure gives a temperature of -42 degrees C, which probably corresponds to the phase transition of the purple membrane lipids. This conclusion is supported by studies of the effect of pressure on the M kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin incorporated into dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles, whose phase transition has previously been characterized.  相似文献   

The role of tyrosines in the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photocycle has been investigated by using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and UV difference spectroscopies. Tyrosine contributions to the BR570----M412 FTIR difference spectra recorded at several temperatures and pH's were identified by isotopically labelling tyrosine residues in bacteriorhodopsin. The frequencies and deuterium/hydrogen exchange sensitivities of these peaks and of peaks in spectra of model compounds in several environments suggest that at least two different tyrosine groups participate in the bR photocycle during the formation of M412. One group undergoes a tyrosinate----tyrosine conversion during the BR570----K630 transition. A second tyrosine group deprotonates between L550 and M412. Low-temperature UV difference spectra in the 220--350-nm region of both purple membrane suspensions and rehydrated films support these conclusions. The UV spectra also indicate perturbation(s) of one or more tryptophan group(s). Several carboxyl groups appear to undergo a series of protonation changes between BR570 and M412, as indicated by infrared absorption changes in the 1770--1720-cm-1 region. These results are consistent with the existence of a proton wire in bacteriorhodopsin that involves both tyrosine and carboxyl groups.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is an integral membrane protein which absorbs visible light and pumps protons across the cell membrane of Halobacterium salinarium. bR is one of the few membrane-bound pumps whose structure is known at atomic resolution. Changes in the protein structure of bR are a crucial element in the mechanism of proton pumping and can be followed by a variety of spectroscopic, and diffraction methods. A number of intermediates in the photocycle have been identified spectroscopically and a number of laboratories have been successful in reporting the structural changes taking place in the later stages of the photocycle over the millisecond time-scale using diffraction techniques. These studies have revealed significant changes in the protein structure, possibly involving changes in flexibility and/or movement of helices. Earlier intermediates which arise and decay on the picosecond to microsecond time-scale have proven more difficult to trap. Here, we report for the first time the successful trapping and diffraction analysis of bR in a low temperature state resembling the very early intermediate, K. We have calculated a projection difference map to 3.5 A resolution. The map reveals no significant structural changes in the molecule, despite having a very low background noise level. This does not rule out the possibility of movements in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the membrane. However, the data are consistent with other evidence that significant structural changes do not occur in the protein itself.  相似文献   

Sophisticated measurements were made on the nanosecond time-resolved absorbance change of the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium under cw background light irradiation (440-800 nm, 11-441 mW/cm2). A red-shifted transient species R660 (KN, Q) was found in alkaline conditions (pH > 9.3). Background light intensity effect shows that (i) R660 is photochemically formed from N560 intermediate which is accumulated under background light irradiation because of the elongated lifetime in alkaline suspension, and that (ii) the slow decaying M412 is not photochemically formed from N560 but from bR568.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the crystallography of bacteriorhodopsin, the light-driven proton pump, have yielded structural models for all intermediates of the photochemical cycle. For seven of the species, X-ray diffraction data were collected from trapped photostationary states in crystals, and for the two remaining ones the structures of selected mutants are available. The changes of the retinal chromophore, protein and bound water describe, at an atomic level, how accommodation of the twisted photoisomerized retinal to its binding site causes de-protonation of the retinal Schiff base and initiates cascades of gradual conformational rearrangements of the protein. One cascade propagates in the extracellular direction and results in proton release, and the other in the cytoplasmic direction and results in side-chain and main-chain rearrangements, formation of a chain of hydrogen-bonded water, and proton uptake from the bulk. Such local-global conformational coupling, with gradual spreading of a local perturbation over the rest of the protein, might be the uniting principle of transporters and receptors.  相似文献   

In the bacteriorhodopsin-containing proteoliposomes, a laser flash is found to induce formation of a bathointermediate decaying in several seconds, the difference spectrum being similar to the purple-blue transition. Different pH buffers do not affect the intermediate, whereas an uncoupler, gramicidin A, and lipophilic ions accelerate decay of the intermediate or inhibit its formation. In the liposomes containing E204Q bacteriorhodopsin mutant, formation of the intermediate is suppressed. In the wild-type bacteriorhodopsin liposomes, the bathointermediate formation is pH-independent within the pH 5-7 range. The efficiency of the long-lived O intermediate formation increases at a low pH. In the wild-type as well as in the E204Q mutant purple membrane, the O intermediate decay is slowed down at slightly higher pH values than that of the purple-blue transition. It is suggested that the membrane potential affects the equilibrium between the bacteriorhodopsin ground state (Glu-204 is protonated and Asp-85 is deprotonated) and the O intermediate (Asp-85 is protonated and Glu-204 is deprotonated), stabilizing the latter by changing the relative affinity of Asp-85 and Glu-204 to H(+). At a low pH, protonation of a proton-releasing group (possibly Glu-194) in the bacteriorhodopsin ground state seems to prevent deprotonation of the Glu-204 during the photocycle. Thus, all protonatable residues of the outward proton pathway should be protonated in the O intermediate. Under such conditions, membrane potential stabilization of the O intermediate in the liposomes can be attributed to the direct effect of the potential on the pK value of Asp-85.  相似文献   

The tertiary structural changes occurring during the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) are assigned by X-ray diffraction to distinct M states, M1 and M2. Purple membranes (PM) of the mutant Asp96Asn at 15, 57, 75 and 100% relative humidity (r.h.) were studied in a parallel X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic investigation. Light-dependent conformational changes of BR-Asp96Asn are observed at high hydration levels (100 and 75% r.h.) but not in partially dehydrated samples (57 and 15% r.h.). The FTIR spectra of continuously illuminated samples at low and high hydration, despite some differences, are characteristic of the M intermediate. The changes in diffraction patterns of samples in the M2 state are of the same magnitude as those of wild-type samples trapped with GuaHCl in the M(G) state. Additional large changes in the amide bands of the FTIR spectra occur between M2 and M(G). This suggests, that the tertiary structural changes between M1 and M2 are responsible for the switch opening the cytoplasmic half-channel of BR for reprotonation to complete the catalytic cycle. These tertiary structural changes seem to be triggered by a charge redistribution which might be a common feature of retinal proteins also in signal transduction.  相似文献   

The structure of an early M-intermediate of the wild-type bacteriorhodopsin photocycle formed by actinic illumination at 230 K has been determined by x-ray crystallography to a resolution of 2.0 A. Three-dimensional crystals were trapped by illuminating with actinic light at 230 K, followed by quenching in liquid nitrogen. Amide I, amide II, and other infrared absorption bands, recorded from single bacteriorhodopsin crystals, confirm that the M-substate formed represents a structure that occurs early after deprotonation of the Schiff base. Rotation about the retinal C13-C14 double bond appears to be complete, but a relatively large torsion angle of 26 degrees is still seen for the C14-C15 bond. The intramolecular stress associated with the isomerization of retinal and the subsequent deprotonation of the Schiff base generates numerous small but experimentally measurable structural changes within the protein. Many of the residues that are displaced during the formation of the late M (M(N)) substate formed by three-dimensional crystals of the D96N mutant (Luecke et al., 1999b) are positioned, in early M, between their resting-state locations and the ones which they will adopt at the end of the M phase. The relatively small magnitude of atomic displacements observed in this intermediate, and the well-defined positions adopted by nearly all of the atoms in the structure, may make the formation of this structure favorable to model (simulate) by molecular dynamics.  相似文献   

The effects of cross-linking and lattice contraction of purple membrane (PM) on the photodynamics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and on the tertiary structure were studied by flash photolysis and X-ray diffraction. To get a contracted lattice form of PM, native PM, and/or PM cross-linked by glutaraldehyde were treated with deoxycholate or Triton X-100. Part of the Triton-treated cross-linked PM was further incubated with Bio-Beads SM-2 to remove Triton X-100. In the modified PM, several long-lived components of the M intermediate appeared, the features of which were related to the environment of bR. Also, X-ray diffraction studies using synchrotron radiation were performed on the modified PM under intense light irradiation (lambda greater than 500 nm) in which 40-80% of bR was photoconverted to the M state. In the Triton-treated cross-linked PM dispersed in 0.25% Triton X-100, the unit cell of membrane crystalline lattice was enlarged from 58.8 to 59.8 A and the crystalline order decreased with irradiation. The analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns suggests that light-induced conformational changes of bR correlated with the Triton content of the environment and an increase of substitution disorder was caused by these changes, but the average location of bR was unchanged. However, the other modified PM showed no significant changes of diffraction, upon light irradiation.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared study of the N intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Visible absorption spectroscopic experiments show that the N intermediate is the main photoproduct of a highly hydrated film of the light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (70% water by weight) at pH 10 and 274 K. The difference Fourier transform infrared spectrum between the N intermediate and unphotolyzed light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin was recorded under these conditions. A small amount of the M intermediate present did not affect this spectrum significantly. The difference spectrum exhibited a positive band at 1755 cm-1 (probably due to Asp-85) and a negative band at 1742 cm-1 (due to Asp-96), neither of which was observed for the M intermediate. The spectrum of the N intermediate at pH 7 was nearly identical with that at pH 10. Spectra at pH 10 also were measured with isotope-substituted samples. A vibrational band at 1692 cm-1 due to the peptide bond disappeared, and a band at 1558 cm-1 emerged upon formation of the N intermediate. The spectrum also displayed bands containing the N-H and C15-H in-plane bending vibrational modes at 1394 and 1303 cm-1. These frequencies are similar to those of the L intermediate while the intensities of these bands are larger than those in the L intermediate, suggesting that the Schiff bases of both the L and N intermediates have a strong hydrogen-bonding interaction with the protein and that the C12-H to C15-H region of the chromophore is less twisted in the N intermediate than in the L intermediate.  相似文献   

A Maeda  J Sasaki  Y J Ohkita  M Simpson  J Herzfeld 《Biochemistry》1992,31(50):12543-12545
In the photoreaction of bacteriorhodopsin, the L intermediate shows an intense band at 3486 cm-1 which is unaffected by 2H2O (Maeda, A., Sasaki, J., Shichida, Y., & Yoshizawa, T. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 462-467]. This band is shifted to 3477 cm-1 by [indole-15N]tryptophan substitution and therefore is assigned to the N-H stretching vibration of the indole of tryptophan. Free indole in carbon tetrachloride shows its N-H stretching vibration at 3491 cm-1 [Fuson, N., Josien, M.-L., Powell, R. L., & Utterback, E. (1952) J. Chem. Phys. 20, 145-152]. Thus, it is suggested that at least one tryptophan residue in the L intermediate is not hydrogen bonded.  相似文献   

The time course of structural changes accompanying the transition from the M412 intermediate to the BR568 ground state in the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from Halobacterium halobium was studied at room temperature with a time resolution of 15 ms using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction. The M412 decay rate was slowed down by employing mutated BR Asp96Asn in purple membranes at two different pH-values. The observed light-induced intensity changes of in-plane X-ray reflections were fully reversible. For the mutated BR at neutral pH the kinetics of the structural alterations (tau 1/2 = 125 ms) were very similar to those of the optical changes characterizing the M412 decay, whereas at pH 9.6 the structural relaxation (tau 1/2 = 3 s) slightly lagged behind the absorbance changes at 410 nm. The overall X-ray intensity change between the M412 intermediate and the ground state was about 9% for the different samples investigated and is associated with electron density changes close to helix G, B and E. Similar changes (tau 1/2 = 1.3-3.6 s), which also confirm earlier neutron scattering results on the BR568 and M412 intermediates trapped at -180 degrees C, were observed with wild type BR retarded by 2 M guanidine hydrochloride (pH 9.4). The results unequivocally prove that the tertiary structure of BR changes during the photocycle.  相似文献   

We obtained vesicles from purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium at different suspension compositions (pH, electrolytes, buffers), following the procedure of Kouyama et al. (1994) (J. Mol. Biol. 236:990-994). The vesicles contained bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and halolipid, and spontaneously formed during incubation of purple membrane suspension in the presence of detergent octylthioglucoside (OTG) if the protein:OTG ratio was 2:1 by weight. The size distribution of the vesicles was precisely determined by electron cryomicroscopy and was found to be almost independent on the incubation conditions (mean radius 17.9-19 nm). The size distribution in a given sample was close to the normal one, with a standard deviation of approximately +/- 1 nm. During dialysis for removal of the detergent, the vesicles diminished their radius by 2-2.5 nm. The results allow us to conclude that the driving force for the formation of bR vesicles is the preferential incorporation of OTG molecules in the cytoplasmic side of the membrane (with possible preferential delipidation of the extracellular side), which creates spontaneous curvature of the purple membrane. From the size distribution of the vesicles, we calculated the elasticity bending constant, K(B) approximately 9 x 10(-20) J, of the vesicle wall. The results provide some insight into the possible formation mechanisms of spherical assembles in living organisms. The conditions for vesicle formation and the mechanical properties of the vesicles could also be of interest with respect to the potential technological application of the bR vesicles as light energy converters.  相似文献   

The structure of the retinal chromophore about the C = N and C14-C15 bonds in bacteriorhodopsin's M412 intermediate has been determined by analyzing resonance Raman spectra of 2H and 13C isotopic derivatives. Normal mode calculations on 13-cis-retinal Schiff bases demonstrate that the C15-D rock and N-CLys stretch are strongly coupled for C = N-syn chromophores and weakly coupled for C = N-anti chromophores. When the Schiff base geometry is anti, the C15-D rock appears as a localized resonance Raman active mode at approximately 980 cm-1, which is moderately sensitive to 13C substitution at positions 14 and 15 (approximately 7 cm-1) and insensitive to 13C substitution at the epsilon position of lysine. When the Schiff base geometry is syn, in-phase and out-of-phase combinations of the C15-D rock and N-CLys stretch are predicted at approximately 1060 and approximately 910 cm-1, respectively. The in-phase mode is more sensitive to 13C substitution at positions 14 and 15 (approximately 15 cm-1) and at the epsilon position of lysine (approximately 4 cm-1). Calculations and comparison with experimental data on dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin indicate that the in-phase mode at approximately 1060 cm-1 carries the majority of the resonance Raman intensity. M412 exhibits a C15-D rock at 968 cm-1 that shifts 8 cm-1 when 13C is added at positions 14 and 15 and is insensitive to 13C substitution at the epsilon-position of lysine. This demonstrates that M412 contains a C = N-anti Schiff base.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Electron diffraction conducted on myelin membranes, photosynthetic and photoreceptor membranes yielded spot diffraction patterns indicating an ordered state of membranes; the interplanar spacings being of the order of Å units. It was observed, too, that a membrane specimen accommodates different space structures. Based on these findings it is suggested that membrane functions-like active transport-are exercised through phase transitions; the lattice acts as a coupling agent.  相似文献   

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