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Plasma membranes were isolated from green leaves of maize ( Zea mays ), spinach ( Spinacia oleracea ), Setaria viridis and wheat ( Triticum aestivum cv. Omase) by aqueous two-phase partitioning. Carbonic anhydrase activity was detected in these membranes. The activity was inhibited by specific inhibitors for carbonic anhydrase, acetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide. The carbonic anhydrase activity was markedly enhanced by the addition of Triton X-100 to the plasma membranes. The highest activity was obtained in the presence of 0.015% detergent. The activity was scarcely affected when the plasma membrane vesicles were treated with proteinase K, but largely inactivated by the protease after treating the membranes with Triton X-100. These results indicate that carbonic anhydrase faces the cytoplasmic side of the membrane since plasma membranes purified by aqueous two-phase partitioning are tightly sealed vesicles of right side-out orientation (apoplastic side-out). With leaves of C4 plants, 20 to 60% of the total carbonic anhydrase activity was found in the microsomal fraction. By contrast, only 1 to 3% of the activity was found in the microsomal fraction from leaves of C3 plants. Western blot analysis showed that a polypeptide in the spinach plasma membrane cross-reacted with an antiserum raised against spinach chloroplast carbonic anhydrase, and that the molecular mass of the plasma membrane enzyme was higher than that of the chloroplast carbonic anhydrase (28 and 26 kDa, respectively). This indicates the presence of different molecular species of carbonic anhydrase in the chloroplast and the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract Models developed to explain the biphasic response of CO2 compensation concentration to O2 concentration and the C3-like carbon isotope discrimination in C3-C4 intermediate species are used to characterize quantitatively the steps necessary in the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. The evolutionary stages are indicated by model outputs, CO2 compensation concentration and δ13C value. The transition from intermediate plants to C4 plants requires the complete formation of C4 cycle capacity, expressed by the models as transition from C4 cycle limitation by phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) regeneration rate to limitation by PEP carboxylase activity. Other steps refer to CO2 leakage from bundle sheath cells, to further augmentations of C4 cycle components, to the repression of ribulose-1,5-bisphos-phate carboxylase in the mesophyll cells, and to a decrease in the CO2 affinity of the enzyme. Possibilities of extending the suggested approach to other physiological characteristics, and the adaptive significance of the steps envisaged, are discussed.  相似文献   

Attempts are being made to introduce C4 photosynthetic characteristics into C3 crop plants by genetic manipulation. This research has focused on engineering single‐celled C4‐type CO2 concentrating mechanisms into C3 plants such as rice. Herein the pros and cons of such approaches are discussed with a focus on CO2 diffusion, utilizing a mathematical model of single‐cell C4 photosynthesis. It is shown that a high bundle sheath resistance to CO2 diffusion is an essential feature of energy‐efficient C4 photosynthesis. The large chloroplast surface area appressed to the intercellular airspace in C3 leaves generates low internal resistance to CO2 diffusion, thereby limiting the energy efficiency of a single‐cell C4 concentrating mechanism, which relies on concentrating CO2 within chloroplasts of C3 leaves. Nevertheless the model demonstrates that the drop in CO2 partial pressure, pCO2, that exists between intercellular airspace and chloroplasts in C3 leaves at high photosynthetic rates, can be reversed under high irradiance when energy is not limiting. The model shows that this is particularly effective at lower intercellular pCO2. Such a system may therefore be of benefit in water‐limited conditions when stomata are closed and low intercellular pCO2 increases photorespiration.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC catalyses the first reaction in the C4 photosynthetic pathway, the conversion of atmospheric CO2 to bicarbonate in the mesophyll cytosol. To examine the importance of the enzyme to the functioning of the C4 photosynthetic pathway, Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, a C4 dicot, was genetically transformed with an antisense construct in which the cDNA encoding a putative cytosolic CA (CA3) was placed under the control of a constitutive promoter. Some of the primary transformants had impaired CO2 assimilation rates and required high CO2 for growth. The T1 progeny of four primary transformants were used to examine the quantitative relationship between leaf CA activity and CO2 assimilation rate. CA activity was determined in leaf extracts with a mass spectrometric technique that measured the rate of 18O exchange from doubly labelled 13C18O2. Steady‐state CO2 assimilation rates were unaffected by a decrease in CA activity until CA activity was less than 20% of wild type when they decreased steeply. Transformants with less than 10% of wild‐type CA activity had very low CO2 assimilation rates and grew poorly at ambient CO2 partial pressure. Reduction in CA activity also increased the CO2 partial pressure required to saturate CO2 assimilation rates. The present data show that CA activity is essential for the functioning of the C4 photosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The evolution of C4 photosynthesis   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  

Carbon isotope discrimination in C3-C4 intermediates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Carbon isotope discrimination in C3–C4 intermediates is determined by fractionations during diffusion and the biochemical fractionations occurring during CO2 fixation. These biochemical fractionations in turn depend on the fractionation by Rubisco in the mesophyll, the amount of CO2 fixation. These biochemical fractionations in turn depend on the fractionation by Rubisco in the mesophyll, the amount of CO2 fixation occurring in the bundle sheath, the extent of bundle-sheath leakiness and the contribution which C4-cycle activity makes to the CO2 pool there. In most instances, carbon isotope discrimination in C3–C4 intermediates is C3-like because only a small fraction of the total carbon fixed is fixed in the bundle sheath. In particular, this must be the case for Flaveria intermediates which initially fix substantial amounts of CO2 into C4-acids. In C3–C4 intermediates that refix photorespiratory CO2 alone, it is possible for carbon isotope discrimination to be greater than in C3-species, particularly at low CO2 pressures or at high leaf temperatures. Short-term measurements of carbon isotope discrimination and gas exchange of leaves can be used to study the photosynthetic pathways of C3-C4 intermediates and their hybrids as has recently been done for C3 and C4 species.  相似文献   

Abstract Evidence is drawn from previous studies to argue that C3—C4 intermediate plants are evolutionary intermediates, evolving from fully-expressed C3 plants towards fully-expressed C4 plants. On the basis of this conclusion, C3—C4 intermediates are examined to elucidate possible patterns that have been followed during the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. An hypothesis is proposed that the initial step in C4-evolution was the development of bundle-sheath metabolism that reduced apparent photorespiration by an efficient recycling of CO2 using RuBP carboxylase. The CO2-recycling mechanism appears to involve the differential compartmentation of glycine decarboxylase between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells, such that most of the activity is in the bundlesheath cells. Subsequently, elevated phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activities are proposed to have evolved as a means of enhancing the recycling of photorespired CO2. As the activity of PEP carboxylase increased to higher values, other enzymes in the C4-pathway are proposed to have increased in activity to facilitate the processing of the products of C4-assimilation and provide PEP substrate to PEP carboxylase with greater efficiency. Initially, such a ‘C4-cycle’ would not have been differentially compartmentalized between mesophyll and bundlesheath cells as is typical of fully-expressed C4 plants. Such metabolism would have limited benefit in terms of concentrating CO2 at RuBP carboxylase and, therefore, also be of little benefit for improving water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies. However, the development of such a limited C4-cycle would have represented a preadaptation capable of evolving into the leaf biochemistry typical of fully-expressed C4 plants. Thus, during the initial stages of C4-evolution it is proposed that improvements in photorespiratory CO2-loss and their influence on increasing the rate of net CO2 assimilation per unit leaf area represented the evolutionary ‘driving-force’. Improved resourceuse efficiency resulting from an efficient CO2-concentrating mechanism is proposed as the driving force during the later stages.  相似文献   

Comparative ecophysiology of C3 and C4 plants   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Abstract. In this review we relate the physiological significance of C4 photosynthesis to plant performance in nature. We begin with an examination of the physiological consequences of the C4 pathway on photosynthesis, then discuss the ecophysiological performance of C4 plants in contrasting environments. We then compare the performance of C3 and C4 plants when they occur together in similar habitats, and finally discuss the distribution of C4 photosynthesis with respect to the physical environment, phylogeny, and life form.  相似文献   

The carbon isotope composition of terrestrial C4 plants depends on the primary carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and on the diffusion of CO2 to the carboxylation sites, but is also influenced by the final carboxylation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). Several models have been used for reproducing this complex situation. In the present review, a particular model is applied as a means to interpret the effects of environmental and genetically determined factors on carbon isotope discrimination during C4 photosynthesis. As a new feature, the model considers four types of limitation of the overall CO2 assimilation rate. Both carboxylation reactions are assumed to be limited by either maximum enzyme activity or maximum substrate regeneration rate. The model is applied to experimental data on the effects of CO2, irradiance and water stress on short-term discrimination by leaves of several C4 species measured simultaneously with CO2 gas exchange characteristics. In particular, different patterns of the influence of low irradiances on carbon isotope discrimination are interpreted as due to variations in that irradiance at which a transition from limitation by PEP regeneration rate and RuBP carboxylase activity to limitation by the regeneration rates of both substrates occurs. After discussing literature data on the effects of environmental conditions on carbon isotope discrimination by C4 plants seasonal and developmental changes in carbon isotope composition, studies on the systematic and geographic distribution of C4 plants, evolutionary and genetical aspects, and some ecological implications are reviewed.  相似文献   

Despite mounting evidence showing that C4 plants can accumulate more biomass at elevated CO2 partial pressure (p(CO2)), the underlying mechanisms of this response are still largely unclear. In this paper, we review the current state of knowledge regarding the response of C4 plants to elevated p(CO2) and discuss the likely mechanisms. We identify two main routes through which elevated p(CO2) can stimulate the growth of both well-watered and water-stressed C4 plants. First, through enhanced leaf CO2 assimilation rates due to increased intercellular p(CO2). Second, through reduced stomatal conductance and subsequently leaf transpiration rates. Reduced transpiration rates can stimulate leaf CO2 assimilation and growth rates by conserving soil water, improving shoot water relations and increasing leaf temperature. We argue that bundle sheath leakiness, direct CO2 fixation in the bundle sheath or the presence of C3-like photosynthesis in young C4 leaves are unlikely explanations for the high CO2-responsiveness of C4 photosynthesis. The interactions between elevated p(CO2), leaf temperature and shoot water relations on the growth and photosynthesis of C4 plants are identified as key areas needing urgent research.  相似文献   

Grasses with the C3 photosynthetic pathway are commonly considered to be more nutritious host plants than C4 grasses, but the nutritional quality of C3 grasses is also more greatly impacted by elevated atmospheric CO2 than is that of C4 grasses; C3 grasses produce greater amounts of nonstructural carbohydrates and have greater declines in their nitrogen content than do C4 grasses under elevated CO2. Will C3 grasses remain nutritionally superior to C4 grasses under elevated CO2 levels? We addressed this question by determining whether levels of protein in C3 grasses decline to similar levels as in C4 grasses, and whether total carbohydrate : protein ratios become similar in C3 and C4 grasses under elevated CO2. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that, among the nonstructural carbohydrates in C3 grasses, levels of fructan respond most strongly to elevated CO2. Five C3 and five C4 grass species were grown from seed in outdoor open‐top chambers at ambient (370 ppm) or elevated (740 ppm) CO2 for 2 months. As expected, a significant increase in sugars, starch and fructan in the C3 grasses under elevated CO2 was associated with a significant reduction in their protein levels, while protein levels in most C4 grasses were little affected by elevated CO2. However, this differential response of the two types of grasses was insufficient to reduce protein in C3 grasses to the levels in C4 grasses. Although levels of fructan in the C3 grasses tripled under elevated CO2, the amounts produced remained relatively low, both in absolute terms and as a fraction of the total nonstructural carbohydrates in the C3 grasses. We conclude that C3 grasses will generally remain more nutritious than C4 grasses at elevated CO2 concentrations, having higher levels of protein, nonstructural carbohydrates, and water, but lower levels of fiber and toughness, and lower total carbohydrate : protein ratios than C4 grasses.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented contrary to the suggestion that C4 plants grow larger at elevated CO2 because the C4 pathway of young C4 leaves has C3-like characteristics, making their photosynthesis O2 sensitive and responsive to high CO2. We combined PAM fluorescence with gas exchange measurements to examine the O2 dependence of photosynthesis in young and mature leaves of Panicum antidotale (C4, NADP-ME) and P. coloratum (C4, NAD-ME), at an intercellular CO2 concentration of 5 Pa. P. laxum (C3) was used for comparison. The young C4 leaves had CO2 and light response curves typical of C4 photosynthesis. When the O2 concentration was gradually increased between 2 and 40%, CO2 assimilation rates (A) of both mature and young C4 leaves were little affected, while the ratio of the quantum yield of photosystem II to that of CO2 assimilation (ΦPSII/ΦCO2) increased more in young (up to 31%) than mature (up to 10%) C4 leaves. A of C3 leaves decreased by 1·3 and ΦPSII/ΦCO2 increased by 9-fold, over the same range of O2 concentrations. Larger increases in electron transport requirements in young, relative to mature, C4 leaves at low CO2 are indicative of greater O2 sensitivity of photorespiration. Photosynthesis modelling showed that young C4 leaves have lower bundle sheath CO2 concentration, brought about by higher bundle sheath conductance relative to the activity of the C4 and C3 cycles and/or lower ratio of activities of the C4 to C3 cycles.  相似文献   

Two direct but independent approaches were developed to identify the average δ18O value of the water fraction in the chloroplasts of transpiring leaves. In the first approach, we used the δ18O value of CO2 in isotopic equilibrium with leaf water to reconstruct the δ18O value of water in the chloroplasts. This method was based on the idea that the enzyme carbonic anhydrase facilitates isotopic equilibrium between CO2 and H2O predominantly in the chloroplasts, at a rate that is several orders of magnitude faster than the non-catalysed exchange in other leaf water fractions. In the second approach, we measured the δ18O value of O2 from photosynthetic water oxidation in the chloroplasts of intact leaves. Since O2 is produced from chloroplast water irreversibly and without discrimination, the δ18O value of the O2 should be identical to that of chloroplast water. In intact, transpiring leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. giant mammoth) under the experimental conditions used, the average δ18O value of chloroplasts water was displaced by 3—10 % (depending on relative humidity and atmospheric composition) below the value predicted by the conventional Craig & Gordon model. Furthermore, this δ18O value was always lower than the δ18O value that was measured for bulk leaf water. Our results have implications for a variety of environmental studies since it is the δ18O value of water in the chloroplasts that is the relevant quantity in considering terrestrial plants influence on the δ18O values of atmospheric CO2 and O2, as well as in influencing the δ18O of plant organic matter.  相似文献   

Leaves of twelve C3 species and six C4 species were examined to understand better the relationship between mesophyll cell properties and the generally high photosynthetic rates of these plants. The CO2 diffusion conductance expressed per unit mesophyll cell surface area (gCO2cell) cell was determined using measurements of the net rate of CO2 uptake, water vapor conductance, and the ratio of mesophyll cell surface area to leaf surface area (Ames/A). Ames/A averaged 31 for the C3 species and 16 for the C4 species. For the C3 species gCO2cell ranged from 0.12 to 0.32 mm s-1, and for the C4 species it ranged from 0.55 to 1.5 mm s-1, exceeding a previously predicted maximum of 0.5 mm s-1. Although the C3 species Cammissonia claviformis did not have the highest gCO2cell, the combination of the highest Ames and highest stomatal conductance resulted in this species having the greatest maximum rate of CO2 uptake in low oxygen, 93 μmol m-2 s-1 (147 mg dm-2 h-1). The high gCO2cell of the C4 species Amaranthus retroflexus (1.5 mm s-1) was in part attributable to its thin cell wall (72 nm thick).  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on plant-fungi and plant-insect interactions were studied in an emergent marsh in the Chesapeake Bay. Stands of the C3 sedge Scirpus olneyi Grey, and the C4 grass Spartina patens (Ait.) Muhl. have been exposed to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations during each growing season since 1987. In August 1991 the severities of fungal infections and insect infestations were quantified. Shoot nitrogen concentration ([N]) and water content (WC) were determined. In elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2, 32% fewer S. olneyi plants were infested by insects, and there was a 37% reduction in the severity of a pathogenic fungal infection, compared with plants grown in ambient CO2 concentrations. S. olneyi also had reduced [N], which correlated positively with the severities of fungal infections and insect infestations. Conversely, S. patens had increased WC but unchanged [N] in elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and the severity of fungal infection increased. Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration increased or decreased the severity of fungal infection depending on at least two interacting factors, [N] and WC; but it did not change the number of plants that were infected with fungi. In contrast, the major results for insects were that the number of plants infected with insects decreased, and that the amount of tissue that each insect ate also decreased.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultrastructural and physiological characteristics of the C3-C4 intermediate Neurachne minor S. T. Blake (Poaceae) are compared with those of C3 and C4 relatives, and C3-C4Panicum milioides Nees ex Trin. N. minor consistently exhibits very low CO2 compensation points (τ: 1.0, usually 0.3–0.6 Pa) yet has C3-like δ13C values. CO2 assimilation rates (A) respond like those of C3 plants to a decrease in O2 partial pressure (2 × 104–1.9 × 103 Pa) at ambient CO2 levels, but this response is progressively attenuated until negligible at very low CO2. By contrast, other species of the Neurachneae are clearly either C4 (two spp.) or C3 (seven spp.). For plants grown and measured at different photon flux densities (PFDs), τ for N. minor and P. milioides increases from 0.5 to 1.0, and from 1.0 to 2.1 Pa, respectively, as PFD is decreased from 1860 to 460 μmol m?2s?1. In N. minor, the O2 response of τ is either biphasic as in P. milioides, but much diminished and with a higher transition point, or is very C4-like. As in C4 relatives, inner sheath cells contain numerous chloroplasts. Their walls possess a suberized lamella, which may make them more CO2-tight than bundle sheath cells of P. milioides, contributing to the almost C4-like τ characteristics of N. minor. The biochemical basis of C3-C4 intermediacy is considered.  相似文献   

From an analytical model it was shown that for a given total amount of nitrogen in the canopy, there exists an optimal leaf area index (LAI), and therefore an optimal average leaf introgen content, at which canopy photosynthesis is maximal. If the LAI is increased above this optimum, increased light interception will not compensate for reduction in photosynthetic capacity of the canopy resulting from reduced leaf nitrogen contents. It was further derived from the model that the value of the optimal LAI increases with the photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) and decreases with the canopy extinction coefficient for light (KL) and incident photon flux density (PFD) at the top of the canopy. These hypotheses were tested on dense stands of species with different photosynthetic modes and different architectures. A garden experiment was carried out with the C4 monocot sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moensch cv. Pioneer), the C3 monocot rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Araure 4), the C4 dicot amaranth ( Amaranthus cruentus L. cv. K113) and the C3 dicot soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams) at two levels of nitrogen availability.
The C4 species had higher PNUEs than the C3 species while the dicots formed stands with higher extinction coefficients for light and had lower PNUEs than the monocots. The C4 and monocot species were found to have formed more leaf area per unit leaf nitrogen (i.e., had lower leaf nitrogen contents) than the C3 and dicot species, respectively. These results indicate that the PNUE and the extinction coefficient for light are important factors determining the amount of leaf area produced per unit nitrogen as was predicted by the model.  相似文献   

Concurrent measurements of gas exchange, instantaneous isotope discrimination (Δ) against 13CO2 and C18O16O, and extent of 18O enrichment in H2O at the evaporative sites, were followed in a tropical forest pioneer, Piper aduncum, on two different days in Trinidad during February 1995. Δ13CO2 differed from that predicted from measurements of internal:external CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) and showed a wide range of values which decreased throughout the course of the day. Derivation of Cc (the CO2 concentration at the carboxylation site) was not possible using carbon isotope discrimination under field conditions in situ and was derived assuming a constant value of internal transfer conductance (gw). Under low rates of assimilation the derived Cc/Ca, like Ci/Ca, remained relatively stable over the course of both days and ΔC18O16O followed evaporative demand. Lower values of ΔC18O16O on day 2 occurred in response to the indirect effect of increased leaf-to-air vapour pressure deficits (VPD) and reduced stomatal conductance. For the first time, direct determination of the δH218O of transpired water vapour (δt) allowed derivation of evaporative site enrichment without the prerequisite of isotopic steady state (ISS) defined in the Craig and Gordon model. Generally, δt was less enriched than the source water (δs) in the morning and more enriched in the afternoon, which would be predicted from an increase and decrease in ambient VPD, respectively. On both days, leaves of P. aduncum approached ISS (indicated where δtδs) between 1300 and 1500 h. Evaporative site enrichment was maintained into the late afternoon, despite a decrease in ambient VPD. The data presented provide a greater insight into the natural variation in isotopic discrimination under field conditions, which may help to refine models of terrestrial biome discrimination.  相似文献   

Stomatal function mediates physiological trade‐offs associated with maintaining a favourable H2O balance in leaf tissues while acquiring CO2 as a photosynthetic substrate. The C3 and C4 species appear to have different patterns of stomatal response to changing light conditions, and variation in this behaviour may have played a role in the functional diversification of the different photosynthetic pathways. In the current study, we used gain analysis theory to characterize the stomatal conductance response to light intensity in nine different C3, C4 and C3‐C4 intermediate species Flaveria species. The response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a change in light intensity represents both a direct (related to a change in incident light intensity, I) and indirect (related to a change in intercellular CO2 concentration, Ci) response. The slope of the line relating the change in gs to Ci was steeper in C4 species, compared with C3 species, with C3‐C4 species having an intermediate response. This response reflects the greater relative contribution of the indirect versus direct component of the gs versus I response in the C4 species. The C3‐C4 species, Flaveria floridana, exhibited a C4‐like response whereas the C3‐C4 species, Flaveria sonorensis and Flaveria chloraefolia, exhibited C3‐like responses, similar to their hypothesized position along the evolutionary trajectory of the development of C4 photosynthesis. There was a positive correlation between the relative contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response and water use efficiency when evaluated across all species. Assuming that the C3‐C4 intermediate species reflect an evolutionary progression from fully expressed C3 ancestors, the results of the current study demonstrate an increase in the contribution of the indirect component of the gs versus I response as taxa evolve toward the C4 extreme. The greater relative contribution of the indirect component of the stomatal response occurs through both increases in the indirect stomatal components and through decreases in the direct. Increases in the magnitude of the indirect component may be related to the maintenance of higher water use efficiencies in the intermediate evolutionary stages, before the appearance of fully integrated C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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