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Johanna Laybourn 《Oecologia》1977,27(4):305-309
Summary Respiration in Didinium nasutum, an active protozoan predator, was investigated in relation to cell weight at 10, 15, and 20° C by means of cartesian diver microrespirometry. Oxygen uptake increased progressively over the 10–20° C temperature range; a table of Q 10 related to weight is presented. Regression coefficients of log weight versus log oxygen uptake (b) were 0.96 at 10° C, 0.98 at 15° C and 1.00 at 20° C. D. nasutum was shown to expend very much higher levels of respiratory energy than a mainly sedentary carnivorous ciliate of comparable weight.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Seasonal changes in the accumulation of end products after 48 hr of exposure to air and in the composition of the free amino acid pool were studied in Mytilus edulis.
  • 2.2. The accumulation levels of succinate and acetate showed only weak seasonal changes.
  • 3.3. Conversion of succinate to propionate was high in summer and virtually zero in winter
  • 4.4. Alanine and most other free amino acids were present in relatively high concentrations in summer and early autumn and reached minimal values in winter and early spring.
  • 5.5. Exceptions were glutamate, aspartate and taurine, which showed hardly an season related changes and glycine, which changed inversely to the majority of the free amino acids.
  • 6.6. The anaerobic formation of alanine was inversely proportional to the endogenous concentration.
  • 7.7. The only other free amino acids affected by anaerobiosis were glutamate and aspartate, which respectively increased and decreased under these conditions.

Summary Energy metabolism (oxygen consumption) in acclimated juvenile yellow banded and unbanded Cepaea hortensis Müll. was measured at 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, and 25°C with Englemann respirometers. Metabolic rates were also measured after abrupt temperature changes from 5° to 20° and from 25° to 10°C.Energy metabolism in the two morphs was significantly different at 5° and 20°C. The metabolism/temperature curve in the banded morph was relatively flat with reduced regulating power at 20°C. The yellow unbanded form had a lower metabolism at 5°C, but between 15° and 25°C the curve was flat and indicated good regulating ability. A sudden decrease in experimental temperature gave significant response in both morphs. The effect of abrupt temperature increase was significant only in unbanded snails. Banded and unbanded snails thus displayed different adaptation strategies.Differential heating because of different pigmentation is discussed. The increase in metabolic rate with increased temperature was highest in the yellow unbanded morph. The effects were small and probably overridden by the influences of acclimation and behavior.The use of energetic parameters in ecological genetics is considered. It is suggested that the cohort producing most progeny with lowest energetic cost per energy unit of offspring is the better adapted to the local environment.  相似文献   

Glial cells are thought to protect neurons from various neurological insults. When there is injury to retina, Müller cells, which are the predominant glial element in the retina, undergo significant morphological, cellular and molecular changes. Some of these changes reflect Müller cell involvement in protecting the retina from further damage. Müller cells express growth factors, neurotransmitter transporters and antioxidant agents that could have an important role in preventing excitotoxic damage to retinal neurons. Moreover, Müller cells contact to endothelial cells to facilitate the neovascularization process during hypoxic conditions. Finally, recent studies have pointed to a role of Müller cells in retina regeneration after damage, dedifferentiating to progenitor cells and then giving rise to different neuronal cell types. In this article we will review the role of Müller glia in neuroprotection and regeneration after damage in the retina.  相似文献   

Short-term feeding (min to h) of the copepod Temora longicomis (Müller) was investigated in the laboratory and in the field by monitoring the increase in gut fluorescence of adult females. Laboratory feeding studies using the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hust.), T. weissflogii (Hust.) and Ditylumbrightwellii (West) showed that ingestion rates increased with increased food concentration and cell size. The maximum ingestion rate was 9.5 ng chl. equiv. female −1. h −1 on a diet D. brightwellii. Clearance rates decreased with increased food concentration and decreased cell size. Maximum clearance rate was 1.9 ml. female−1·h−1 also on a diet of D. brightwellii. On two of three occasions, ingestion and clearance rates in the field were twice as high at night as during the day. Night rates were similar to laboratory rates in the chlorophyll range found in the field. Diel differences in feeding activity in the field appeared to have been behaviorally induced rather than being related to vertical migration of individuals into food rich layers.  相似文献   

Regulation of potassium levels by Müller cells in the vertebrate retina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The membrane properties of Müller cells, the principal glial cells of the vertebrate retina, have been characterized in a series of physiological experiments on freshly dissociated cells. In species lacking a retinal circulation (tiger salamander, rabbit, guinea pig), the end-foot of the Müller cell has a much higher K+ conductance than do other cell regions. In species with retinal circulation (mouse, cat, owl monkey) the K+ conductance of the end-foot is greater than the conductance of the proximal process of the cell. In these species, however, the K+ conductance of the soma and distal process is equal to, or greater than, the end-foot conductance. Müller cells also possess four voltage-dependent ion channels, including an inward rectifying K+ channel. These membrane specializations may aid in the regulation of extracellular K+ levels by Müller cells in the retina. High end-foot conductance shunts excess K+ out through the end-foot, where it diffuses into the vitreous humor. In vascularized retinae, excess K+ may also be transferred to the ablumenal wall of capillaries, where it could be transported into the blood.  相似文献   

Müller glial cells from the retina "in situ" and in primary culture, mainly express the high-affinity sodium-coupled glutamate/aspartate transporter GLAST-1, which dominates total retinal glutamate (Glu) uptake, suggesting a major role for these cells in the modulation of excitatory transmission. The possible involvement of ionotropic and metabotropic Glu receptors in the regulation of Glu uptake was studied in primary cultures of Müller glia. We demonstrate that exposure to 1 mM L-Glu induces a time-dependent inhibition of D-aspartate (D-Asp) uptake in a Na+-dependent manner, as a result of a reduction in the number of transporters at the plasma membrane. The inhibition of D-Asp uptake by Glu was not mimicked by agonists or modified by antagonists of ionotropic and metabotropic Glu receptors. In contrast, transport was inhibited by GLAST-1 transportable substrates threo-hydroxyaspartate and aspartate-beta-hydroxamate, but not by the nontransportable inhibitors trans-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate or DL-threo-beta-benzyloxyaspartic acid. Under the same experimental conditions, L-Glu did not affect the sodium-dependent transport systems for glycine or GABA. The present results demonstrate that the specific downregulation of glutamate/aspartate transport by L-Glu is unrelated to Glu receptor activation, and results from the internalization of transporter proteins triggered by the transport process itself. Such negative feedback of Glu on Glu transport, could contribute to retinal toxicity under pathological conditions in which high extracellular concentrations of Glu are reached.  相似文献   

Carmona  María José  Gómez  Africa  Serra  Manuel 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):365-371
Populations of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis were monitored in three small ponds in a marsh on the Mediterranean coast. Samples were taken approximately every three weeks from July 1992 to November 1993. Salinity, temperature, conductivity, pH and oxygen concentration were measured in the field. Population density was determined from preserved quantitative samples. Individuals were classified as mictic females, amictic females, non-ovigerous females, and males, differentiating between two morphotypes (S and L). From these counts, a level of mixis was calculated. We also determined the proportion of mictic females in natural populations by culturing females isolated from fresh samples. From these data, mictic patterns over time and correlation between levels of mixis and environmental and population parameters were analyzed. From a previous study S and L morphotypes were known to correspond to genetically different clonal groups. Our data showed that reproduction was predominantly parthenogenetic in these clonal groups, but mictic females were found in most samples, the proportion of mictic females ranging from 0 to 29%. The clonal groups showed different patterns of mixis. L clonal group presented a continuous sexual reproductive pattern. In contrast, S clones showed a rather punctuated mictic pattern. A positive correlation between levels of sexual reproduction and population density was found for S and L groups. However, they differed in their density threshold for mictic reproduction. The adaptive meaning of these patterns and their implications in maintaining genetic diversity within and between populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Müller glia have been demonstrated to display stem-cell properties after retinal damage. Here, we report this potential can be regulated by Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Shh can stimulate proliferation of Müller glia through its receptor and target gene expressed on them, furthermore, Shh-treated Müller glia are induced to dedifferentiate by expressing progenitor-specific markers, and then adopt cell fate of rod photoreceptor. Inhibition of signaling by cyclopamine inhibits proliferation and dedifferentiation. Intraocular injection of Shh promotes Müller glia activation in the photoreceptor-damaged retina, Shh also enhances neurogenic potential by producing more rhodopsin-positive photoreceptors from Müller glia-derived cells. Together, these results provide evidences that Müller glia act as potential stem cells in mammalian retina, Shh may have therapeutic effects on these cells for promoting the regeneration of retinal neurons.  相似文献   

James W. Moore 《Oecologia》1978,35(3):357-363
Summary The importance of algae in the diet of the oligochaetes Lumbriculus variegatus and Rhyacodrilus sodalis was determined from cellections made in a eutrophic bay from April 1977 to April 1978. During the summer, algae represented 70–85% of the gut contents of both species. The most frequently ingested algae were Cymatopleura elliptica, Cymbella spp., Epithemia turgida, Pinnularia spp., and Synedra ulna. Almost all species were consumed in proportion to their abundance in the environment. However, Nostoc pruniforme and Nostoc verrucosum were not eaten due to size selection. The high level of algal consumption exhibited by the oligochaetes was primarily related to the large standing crop of algae on the sediments. During the winter, when algal densities were low in the environment, detritus and associated bacteria were the major food source.  相似文献   

Cone photoreceptors have faster light responses than rods and a higher demand for 11-cis retinal (11cRAL), the chromophore of visual pigments. RPE65 is the isomerohydrolase in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) that converts all-trans retinyl ester to 11-cis retinol, a key step in the visual cycle for regenerating 11cRAL. Accumulating evidence suggests that cone-dominant species express an alternative isomerase, likely in retinal Müller cells, to meet the high demand for the chromophore by cones. In the present study, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel isomerohydrolase, RPE65c, from the cone-dominant zebrafish retina. RPE65c shares 78% amino acid sequence identity with RPE-specific zebrafish RPE65a (orthologue of human RPE65) and retains all of the known key residues for the enzymatic activity of RPE65. Similar to the other RPE-specific RPE65, RPE65c was present in both the membrane and cytosolic fractions, used all-trans retinyl ester as its substrate and required iron for its enzymatic activity. However, immunohistochemistry detected RPE65c in the inner retina, including Müller cells, but not in the RPE. Furthermore, double-immunostaining of dissociated retinal cells using antibodies for RPE65c and glutamine synthetase (a Müller cell marker), showed that RPE65c co-localized with the Müller cell marker. These results suggest that RPE65c is the alternative isomerohydrolase in the intra-retinal visual cycle, providing 11cRAL to cone photoreceptors in cone-dominant species. Identification of an alternative visual cycle will contribute to the understanding of the functional differences of rod and cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that an antibody against neuron-specific enolase (NSE) selectively labels Müller cells (MCs) in the anuran retina (Wilhelm et al. 1992). In the present study the light- and electron-microscopic morphology of MCs and their distribution were described in the retina of the toad, Bufo marinus, using the above antibody. The somata of MCs were located in the proximal part of the inner nuclear layer and were interconnected with each other by their processes. The MCs were uniformly distributed across the retina with an average density of 1500 cells/mm2. Processes of MCs encircled the somata of photoreceptor cells isolating them from each other by glial sheath, except for those of the double cones. Some of the photoreceptor pedicles remained free of glial sheath. Electron-microscopic observations confirmed that MC processes provide an extensive scaffolding across the neural retina. At the outer border of the ganglion cell layer these processes formed a non-continuous sheath. The MC processes traversed through the ganglion cell layer and spread beneath it between the neuronal somata and the underlying optic axons. These processes formed a continuous inner limiting membrane separating the optic fibre layer from the vitreous tissue. Neither astrocytic nor oligodendrocytic elements were found in the optic fibre layer. The significance of the uniform MC distribution and the functional implications of the observed pattern of MC scaffolding are discussed.  相似文献   

In a batch culture experiment the microaerophilic Campylobacter-like bacterium “Spirillum” 5175 derived its energy for growth from the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and nitrite to ammonia. Hereby, formate served as electron donor, acetate as carbon source, and l-cysteine as sulfur source. Nitrite was quantitatively accumulated in the medium during the reduction of nitrate; reduction of nitrite began only after nitrate was exhausted from the medium. The molar growth yield per mol formate consumed, Ym, was 2.4g/mol for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and 2.0 g/mol for the conversion of nitrite to ammonia. The gain of ATP per mol of oxidized formate was 20% higher for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite, compared to the reduction of nitrite to ammonia. With succinate as carbon source and nitrite as electron acceptor, Ym was 3.2g/mol formate, i.e. 60% higher than with acetate as carbon source. No significant amount of nitrous oxide or dinitrogen was produced during growth with nitrate or nitrite both in the presence or absence of acetylene. No growth on nitrous oxide was found. The hexaheme c nitrite reductase of “Spirillum” 5175 was an inducible enzyme. It was present in cells cultivated with nitrate or nitrite as electron acceptor. It was absent in cells grown with fumarate, but appeared in high concentration in “Spirillum” 5175 grown on elemental sulfur. Furthermore, the dissimilatory enzymes nitrate reductase and hexaheme c nitrite reductase were localized in the periplasmic part of the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Worm density of a deposit feeding oligochaete (Lumbriculus variegatus) did not affect egestion whereas both temperature and sediment type had a significant influence. The worms egested less actively at the lowest temperature (6 °C). The egestion rate, expressed as mg dry feces produced, was highest in the sandy sediment and lowest in the sediment derived almost exclusively from decaying plant material. The amount of dry material and the volume of wet sediment passing through the worms varied between the test sediments; the results are probably dependent on the chosen unit of measure. Reproduction was significantly decreased in sandy sediment with low organic carbon content. Reproduction was also dependent on the worm size, larger worms reproducing more frequently. Most worms lost weight during the tests, but the loss was lowest in the sediment with the highest organic carbon content. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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