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共生理论视角下创新农业生态经济研究范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹏颐  黄新焕 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6945-6952
共生理论认为异质共生生物在其生存过程中会表现出相互依存的关系。试图将这一论点移植到农业生态经济研究中,用以处理农业生产中生态效益与经济效益之间矛盾的问题。为此,把农业生态经济视为由生态单元与经济单元组成的异质共生体,分析了该共生体的结构与共生模式,并采用Logistic方程与数值模拟方法,探讨农业生态经济共生体的共生机制,揭示共生单元间的演化规律与成长特征。研究表明:共生模式在农业实践上创新应用的主要目标是将共生体从寄生共生模式向互惠共生模式转型,并提出正向转型的激励策略。共生单元的选择必须具有兼容性,共生单元间有明确的共生界面,促使物质、能量和信息的交流,以增加共生体内自由能。共生关系正向发展要遵循共生演进规律,偏利共生模式是演进到互惠共生模式的必经过程。培育互惠共生适存的共生环境对促进共生体演进至关重要。这些研究成果为农业生态经济研究提供一个新范式,并开创一条研究新思路与方法。  相似文献   

张其春  郗永勤 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3607-3618
挖掘城市废弃物中有价值的资源,已经成为世界各国开展废弃物开发与管理的共同选择。产业共生是推动经济绿色发展和提高资源效率的战略工具,已经成为探讨废弃物资源化利用问题的重要视角。将产业共生理论引入城市废弃物资源化利用领域,提出城市废弃物资源化共生网络的概念,并将其典型特征概括为"四个统一",即价值网络与责任网络的统一,集聚共生与虚拟共生的统一,稳健型与脆弱性的统一以及自组织性与主体建构性的统一。借鉴超网络理论构建城市废弃物资源化共生网络体系的结构模型,并从共生单元、共生模式、共生界面和共生环境4个层面对该模型进行详细解析。城市废弃物资源化共生网络可分为核心网络和外围网络,两者之间存在全方位、多层次的合作机制。在城市废弃物资源化共生网络中,共生单元具有多层次性和多样性特征,它们之间存在着不同类型、效率各异的共生关系,推动共生模式向对称互惠一体化共生进化是破解城市废弃物资源化利用难题的关键;共生界面具有物质交换、能量传递、信息共享、知识传播及利益协调等多样化功能,而共生关系的进化以及共生界面功能发挥又依赖于优越的共生环境。此外,城市废弃物资源化共生网络有依托型、平等型、嵌套型和虚拟型等4种运作模式,国内典型案例分析表明这4种运作模式将长期并存。  相似文献   

阮永明  刘树生 《昆虫学报》2005,48(6):859-865
烟粉虱体内存在共生细菌,包括初生共生细菌(primary endosymbiont)和次生共生细菌(secondary endosymbiont)。本项研究应用PCR技术检测了烟粉虱浙江B型和非B型China-ZHJ-1种群中共生细菌的分布。结果表明,烟粉虱B型和非B型体内均存在初生共生细菌,而两者次生共生细菌的组成存在差异。一种肠杆菌科次生共生细菌仅在B型烟粉虱中发现,而另两种次生共生细菌Wolbachia和杀雄菌Arsenophonus仅在非B型中发现。初生共生细菌的系统发育分析表明,B型是入侵生物型,而浙江非B型是本地生物型。  相似文献   

共生菌可参与昆虫的生理生化过程,影响昆虫的营养、生长发育、解毒作用、天敌防御和免疫能力等。在共生菌对宿主功能的研究中,核心问题是如何从组成复杂的共生菌组中筛选出具有特定功能的共生菌。共生菌对宿主功能的研究模式通常包括:通过共生菌多样性分析,提出差异共生菌对宿主功能的假设;分析并验证特定共生菌在宿主体内的功能。本文围绕共生菌对宿主功能的研究模式,系统地总结和比较昆虫共生菌功能研究的方法和技术,构建昆虫对宿主功能研究的方法体系,以期推进共生菌-宿主联系的研究。  相似文献   

国内外产业共生网络研究比较述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵秋叶  施晓清  石磊 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7288-7301
产业共生网络是指基于物质及能量交换以及知识及基础设施共享而形成的在不同产业主体之间的合作共赢网络,是产业转型升级的重要保障。作为产业共生的运作方式,产业共生网络的研究国外从20世纪90年代开始从概念到实例就展开了一系列探讨,国内自2002年也开始在网络结构等方面开展相关研究。尤其在2008年以后,产业共生网络的研究方向不断拓宽,研究成果丰富多样。为明晰国内外产业共生网络研究的发展态势,促进产业共生网络理论体系的发展并使其得到有效应用。本文从共生网络内涵、结构、功能及评价、演化、管理调控等方面比较分析了国内外产业共生网络的研究进展,并对产业共生网络的发展前景做了展望。未来产业共生网络研究在不同尺度的比较及推演、数据信息平台的搭建以及产业共生网络演化模拟及管理调控的耦合等方面需重点关注。  相似文献   

基于共生概念的历史变化,目前人们普遍接受了广义共生概念。即共生是包含互利共生(mutualism)、偏利共生(commensalism)和拮抗/寄生(antagonism/parasitism)的共生连续体。本文简述了近20年间,全球9次国际共生学术大会取得的重要成果,对细胞内共生、时间、空间以及多种互作尺度共生关系的研究利用进展进行了评述。同时展望了一些活跃共生领域的研究概况,如共生失调 (dysbiosis)、植物-微生物-昆虫三角共生关系(plant-microbe-insect triangle)、细菌-真菌互作(bacterial- fungal interaction,BFI)、菌根菌-真菌内生细菌-植物多方共生联盟(multipartite symbiosis consortium)以及与共生相关微生物组的集合群落(metacommunity)研究及应用等。共生(symbiosis)正成为当代生物学的核心原则,正以一种与更宏大系统方法相一致的概念,从根本上改变了传统上的一些生物学概念,如孤立性的个体(individuality)概念。基因组测序和高通量RNA技术分析揭示,动、植物与共生微生物的重要互作,打破了迄今为止生物个体的特征边界,挑战了这些学科的定义;共生不仅是一对一的互利共生关系,共生实际是多种共生模式的连续共生体。此外,植物-昆虫-微生物互作的三角关系;菌根-真菌-真菌内生细菌-植物的多方联盟等新关系的发现,更把生命科学推向了快速发展的方向。这些科学进展不仅对生物科学的遗传学、免疫学、进化、发育、解剖学和生理学的研究至关重要,拓宽了新的视野,而且对农业中生物制剂研发,人类微生物组的管理及调控,以及对发酵食品及工业微生物生产的设计和管理将产生积极影响。  相似文献   

昆虫病原斯氏和异小杆线虫与共生细菌的共生关系是这类线虫作为害虫生物防治因子的基础。从线虫共生细菌的信息、营养、抗菌和病原作用,以及线虫对共生细菌的保护和媒介作用综述昆虫病原线虫与其共生细菌的共生关系;描述这一共生关系的影响因子;同时,讨论了未来的研究方向和应用前景。  相似文献   

昆虫和微生物之间多种多样的共生关系对于昆虫本身的生长发育是极为重要的。这种共生关系一般分为两种类型:即外共生型和内共生型。外共生型是指微生物生活在细胞外,内共生型是指微生物生活在昆虫组织的细胞内。外共生现象已较为大家熟悉,本文在这里仅介绍内共生现象。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根(AM)真菌是自然生态系统中分布最为广泛的真菌之一,在自然界物质循环和能量流动中发挥着重要作用。经过长期的协同进化,AM真菌和宿主植物之间形成了完美的互惠互利的共生关系,而真菌的脂类代谢可能是揭示共生秘密的关键所在。本文综述了AM真菌脂类代谢在共生关系建立和维持中关键作用的最新研究进展,重点探讨了AM真菌脂类代谢对共生信号调控的响应和反馈机制,主要包括:AM真菌脂类存储和释放对共生和非共生状态的响应,以及脂类代谢产物变化与共生营养传递之间的关系;脂类分解过程在共生建立初期对信号分子调控发生的响应,以及相应的物质转化和能量代谢;菌根共生互惠互利关系维持中,真菌脂类代谢与信号分子交流通道的相互渗透和影响。本文对于理解菌根共生机制,促进菌根在生产中的应用具有促进作用。  相似文献   

刘昭曦  王禄山  陈敏 《微生物学报》2021,61(7):1816-1828
宿主与肠道共生菌之间存在一种互利共生的关系.肠道共生菌可以代谢宿主自身不能消化的多糖.进入肠道内的多糖是影响肠道共生菌生理状态和组成的重要因素,这些多糖主要来自饮食和宿主的粘膜分泌物.人类饮食中含有几十种不同的膳食多糖,其中大多数不能被人类基因组中编码的酶降解,并进入大肠,供肠道共生菌利用.肠道共生菌将这些不易消化的多...  相似文献   

The author presents the current notion of symbiosis as one of the main adaptation of an organism to changeable environment. Symbiosis is considered as a super organism genetic system within which there are different interactions (including mutualism and antagonism). Genetic integration of symbiotic partners can be realized as cross regulation of their genes, exchange of gene products (proteins, RNA), gene amplification and sometimes gene transfer between organisms. On the phenotypic level these processes result in signal interactions, integration of partner metabolic systems and development of symbiotic organs. Co-evolution is considered as an assemblage of micro- and macroevolution processes basing on pre-adaptations and proceeding under influence of different forms of natural selection (individual, frequency-depended and kin selection). Symbiosis can be compared with sexual process since both are the forms of organism integration characterized by different genetic mechanisms and evolutionary consequences. The genome evolution in symbiotic microorganisms can proceed by: 1) simplification of genome in obligate symbiosis (loss of genes that are necessary for independent existence, transfer of some genes to the host organism); 2) complication of genome in facultative symbiosis (increase in genome plasticity, structural and functional differentiation of genome into systems controlling free-living and symbiotic parts of life cycle). Most of symbiotic interactions are correlated to an increase in genetic plasticity of an organism that can lead to evolutionary saltations and origin of new forms of life.  相似文献   

Symbiosis has long been associated with saltational evolutionary change in contradistinction to gradual Darwinian evolution based on gene mutations and recombination between individuals of a species, as well as with super-organismal views of the individual in contrast to the classical one-genome: one organism conception. Though they have often been dismissed, and overshadowed by Darwinian theory, suggestions that symbiosis and lateral gene transfer are fundamental mechanisms of evolutionary innovation are borne out today by molecular phylogenetic research. It is time to treat these processes as central principles of evolution.  相似文献   

Symbiosis has been considered as a biological basis of the infectious process. Attention has been paid to the change of paradigm in symbiology and to the appearance of a new term: associative symbiosis. The main structural-functional elements of associative symbiosis have been assessed, and three vectors of the infectious process have been detected: (1) host-normoflora, (2) host-associants, and (3) associants-indigenous microflora (microsymbiocenosis). Functions of microsymbionts determining host colonization resistance and development of disbioses and pathobiocenoses have been considered. Resistance of organism biotopes to microbes is associated with substrates which are overcome by associants with persistent potential. Antagonism and change of persistent potential in both the infectious agent itself and commensal microorganisms are the basis of symbiont interactions. The given material describes the role of intercellular interactions of symbionts at the level of proprokaryotes, proeukaryotes during the infectious pathology.  相似文献   

Symbiosis, the intimate association between two or more organisms, is a fundamental component of biological systems. Our ability to understand the processes involved in the establishment and function of Symbiosis has critical consequences for the health of humans and the world we live in. For example, a deeper understanding of how legumes and insects have harnessed the nitrogen-fixing capacity of microbes can pave the way toward novel strategies to decrease fertilizer use. Also, using insect models to elucidate links between diet, gut microbiota, and toxin sensitivity not only has implications for biological control strategies, but also will lend insights into similar links in the human gut ecosystem. These types of ideas were presented and discussed at the 6th International Symbiosis Society Congress held in Madison, Wisconsin August, 2009. Over 300 participants from 20 countries attended the 7-day event, which featured cutting-edge symbiosis research from many different perspectives and disciplines. The conference was organized thematically, with oral sessions focused on Evolution, Ecology, Metabolism, the Host-Microbe Interface, Threats to Earth Systems, Symbiosis Models and the Human Microbiome, Viruses and Organelles, and Symbiosis Education. World-renowned scientists, post-doctoral fellows, and students were given the opportunity to describe their most recent discoveries. Session chairs provided overviews of their programs which highlight how the comparative analysis of different systems reveal common trends underlying symbiotic associations, what tools and theory are being developed that may be applied more broadly in symbiosis research, how symbiosis research contributing solutions to global issues such as emerging antibiotic resistance, a need for alternative energy sources, the pursuit of sustainable agriculture and natural resources, and how symbiotic systems are ideal for educating people about the fascinating natural world around us. The following paragraphs provide an overview of the research and discussions that took place during the congress.  相似文献   

Chickpea has been considered as a restrictive host for nodulation by rhizobia. However, recent studies have reported that several Mesorhizobium species may effectively nodulate chickpea. With the purpose of investigating the evolutionary relationships between these different species with the ability of nodulating the same host, we analysed 21 Portuguese chickpea rhizobial isolates. Symbiosis genes nifH and nodC were sequenced and used for phylogenetic studies. Symbiotic effectiveness was determined to evaluate its relationship with symbiosis genes. The comparison of 16S rRNA gene-based phylogeny with the phylogenies based on symbiosis genes revealed evidence of lateral transfer of symbiosis genes across different species. Chickpea is confirmed as a nonpromiscuous host. Although chickpea is nodulated by many different species, they share common symbiosis genes, suggesting recognition of only a few Nod factors by chickpea. Our results suggest that sequencing of nifH or nodC genes can be used for rapid detection of chickpea mesorhizobia.  相似文献   

根瘤菌共生固氮能力的进化模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根瘤菌-豆科植物共生固氮体系对农业的可持续性发展至关重要,也是研究原核与真核生物互利共生的模式体系之一。长期以来,根瘤菌共生固氮相关研究主要集中在结瘤因子与固氮酶合成及调控等少数关键基因,但仅获得这些关键基因却不能保证细菌获得结瘤固氮能力。随着比较和功能基因组学的快速发展和应用,越来越多的研究发现根瘤菌使用了很多系统发育分支特异的遗传机制与豆科植物建立有效的共生关系,进一步揭示了双方互利共生的复杂性。本综述总结了近年来比较基因组学、遗传学以及实验进化等方面的相关研究进展,在此基础上讨论根瘤菌共生固氮能力的进化模式。  相似文献   

生态产业共生系统节点稳定性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘宁  杨莉  吴小庆  温剑锋  陆根法 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3828-3834
在当今市场经济形势下,环境保护有着更长远和现实的意义.生产过程的污染物全过程治理已经是最有效的手段之一,如何在市场经济条件下,通过生态产业共生系统的建设,达到经济发展和环境保护双赢是目前的热点,同时也是难点,因为,如何实现市场经济条件下生态产业共生系统的稳定性是核心的关键点.从环境经济学角度出发,以生态产业共生系统的节点稳定性为研究内容,通过节点间相互关联的企业之间的污染物循环利用的关系分析,建立生态产业共生系统中企业之间的节点间污染物循环利用共生经济学模型,在市场经济条件下,基于模型的数学解,通过观察节点处对污染物进行循环利用企业受市场经济影响导致的产品供给变化,研究系统外界市场经济扰动对节点污染物循环利用的供需平衡的影响.研究结果表明,当市场经济条件下,共生系统节点间污染物供给企业的自身的产品价格弹性等于1或小于1时,节点稳定性是有条件的,如果污染物供给企业的自身的产品价格弹性大于1,节点会在稳定点附近周期性振荡,甚至出现混沌现象.结论是市场经济条件下,通过建立生态产业共生系统达到经济发展和环境保护双赢,则必须建立节点间污染物循环利用的市场经济学响应机制,以保障系统的稳定性,真正实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展.  相似文献   

To survive the juvenile stage, giant clam juveniles need to establish a symbiotic relationship with the microalgae Symbiodinium occurring in the environment. The percentage of giant clam juveniles succeeding in symbiosis establishment (“symbiosis rate”) is often low, which is problematic for seed producers. We investigated how and why symbiosis rates vary, depending on whether giant clam seeds are continuously reared in UV treated or non treated seawater. Results repeatedly demonstrated that symbiosis rates were lower for UV treated seawater than for non treated seawater. Symbiosis rates were also lower for autoclaved seawater and 0.2-µm filtered seawater than for non treated seawater. The decreased symbiosis rates in various sterilized seawater suggest the possibility that some factors helping symbiosis establishment in natural seawater are weakened owing to sterilization. The possible factors include vitality of giant clam seeds, since additional experiments revealed that survival rates of seeds reared alone without Symbiodinium were lower in sterilized seawater than in non treated seawater. In conclusion, UV treatment of seawater was found to lead to decreased symbiosis rates, which is due possibly to some adverse effects common to the various sterilization techniques and relates to the vitality of the giant clam seeds.  相似文献   

林力涛  马克明 《菌物学报》2019,38(11):1826-1839
菌根共生体是生物界最广泛的互惠共生体,共生关系多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,当前群落尺度菌根共生关系研究才刚刚起步,但发展迅速。网络分析作为生态学研究的重要手段逐渐在菌根共生关系中得以应用,网络分析为群落尺度探究菌根真菌多样性分布规律、共生机制研究提供新观点和途径,对菌根真菌群落结构、生态功能研究具有重要意义。本文总结了网络分析方法在单点式、双点式和多点式菌根共生关系网络研究中的优势和局限性,同时还阐述了零模型选择和构建网络大小对关系网络度量指数的影响,为菌根真菌群落结构、生态功能研究提供新思路,为后续群落尺度菌根共生关系格局研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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