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Reversion of far red-absorbing phytochrome to red-absorbing phytochrome without phytochrome destruction (that is, without loss of absorbancy and photoreversibility) occurs in the following tissues of etiolated Alaska pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L.): young radicles (24 hours after start of imbibition), young epicotyls (48 hours after start of imbibition), and the juvenile region of the epicotyl immediately subjacent to the plumule in older epicotyls. Reversion occurs rapidly in the dark during the first 30 minutes following initial phototransformation of red-absorbing phytochrome to far red-absorbing phytochrome. If these tissues are illuminated continuously with red light for 30 minutes, the total amount of phytochrome remains unchanged. Beyond 30 minutes after a single phototransformation or after the start of continuous red irradiation, phytochrome destruction commences. In young radicles, sodium azide inhibits this destruction, but does not affect reversion. In older tissues in which far red-absorbing phytochrome destruction begins immediately upon phototransformation, strong evidence for simultaneous far red-absorbing phytochrome reversion is obtained from comparison of far red-absorbing phytochrome loss in the dark following a single phototransformation with far red-absorbing phytochrome loss under continuous red light.  相似文献   

Cytokinins in seedling roots of pea   总被引:10,自引:13,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The natural occurrence of cytokinins existing both in a free form and as a constituent of transfer RNA was examined in serial segments of young seedling roots of pea. Purified ethanol extracts of root apices were resolved into four factors capable of inducing soybean callus tissue proliferation. The most active factor was identified as zeatin or some closely related compound; it produced polyploid divisions and tracheary element differentiation when tested on cultured pea root segments. The terminal 0- to 1-millimeter root tip contained 43 to 44 times more free cytokinin on a fresh weight or a per cell basis than the next 1- to 5-millimeter root segment. Extracts of more proximal segments behind the tip contained no measurable free cytokinin. Acid hydrolysates of transfer RNA exhibited reproducible cytokinin activity. Bioassays revealed that the predominant amounts of free cytokinin and that present in transfer RNA were restricted to the extreme root tip. There was approximately 27 times more free cytokinin than the amount detected in transfer RNA in root apices.  相似文献   

Using a radioactive assay for the determination of carnitine, the amount in pea cotyledons was shown to vary with age.  相似文献   

Diamine oxidase follows bi-ter ping-pong kinetics, with an intermediate, "reduced" free-enzyme form being generated after the anaerobic conversion of amine to aldehyde. Visible spectra of diamine oxidase reacting at subzero temperatures provide evidence that this intermediate enzyme form is obtained via several other intermediates and that the environment of the Cu(II) changes dramatically during the course of the reaction [even though it is not reduced to Cu(I) during the catalytic cycle]. The spectrum of this form of diamine oxidase, which is obtained 0.5--2 h after the addition of amine at -5 to -15 degrees C, is independent of substrate, is identical with that obtained by anaerobic addition of substrate at room temperature, and provides evidence for a direct interaction of Cu(II) with the organic cofactor of the enzyme. This interaction is apparently charge transfer in nature. Upon removal of Cu(II) from the native enzyme, one obtains spectral evidence that the organic cofactor is still present. However, removal of the Cu(II) from the reduced (intermediate) enzyme form yields a featureless enzyme spectrum and a Cu(II)--chelate complex which contains a new ligand, which is presumably the second prosthetic group.  相似文献   

The level of diamine oxidase in pea seedling stems has been determined as a function of time after germination in both etiolated and non-etiolated plants. The maximum amount of enzyme per plant is obtained between 11 and 13 days. The amount of activity per gram of tissue appears to be proportional to the rate of growth. We describe an efficient method of isolation of pea seedling stem diamine oxidase from 12-day-old etiolated seedlings, a procedure that brings the enzyme to purity after a 97-fold purification. A new assay procedure for pea seedling diamine oxidase is detailed and compared to previously used methods. The kinetic parameters for three common substrates have also been determined. SDS-acrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel filtration chromatography and copper analyses have been used to determine that pea seedling diamine oxidase exists as a dimer of two apparently identical subunits, the dimer molecular weight being about 190,000. The isoelectric point of this enzyme was determined to be 6.5.  相似文献   

Continuous recordings of the effect of light on oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Victory) coleoptile and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) epicotyl growth were made. Using a single excised coleoptile 10 minutes of red light was found to promote growth after a latent period of 46 minutes. The stimulation was transient and was not far red-reversible. Blue and far red light also promoted growth with similar kinetics. The action of continuous red or far red light was similar to that of 10-minute light. The growth of the intact pea third internode (as well as excised segments) was strongly inhibited by red light, with a latent period of 80 minutes. This effect was far red-reversible, and far red and blue light caused only a slight inhibition of growth.  相似文献   

1. The activities of six enzymes (hexokinase, phosphoglucose isomerase, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and amylase) in extracts of pea cotyledons were determined. The activities during the first 10 days after germination showed individual and characteristic changes that indicate a specific control of both synthesis and destruction of enzymes. 2. Tissue contents of glucose, inorganic phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, ATP, ADP, AMP, NAD and NADP were also determined, and a correlation is reported between the substrate concentrations at day 1 and the subsequent enzymic activity. 3. The initial NAD(+)/NADH ratio value of 1 changed to about 3 by day 4; the NADP content was lower and changes in the oxidation state were less striking. The ratio of ATP to ADP and AMP remained virtually constant.  相似文献   

Concentration and composition of gangliosides and neutral glycosphingolipids of adult human lung, and lung small cell carcinoma were studied. The structures of the glycolipids were determined by quantitative component determination, enzymic degradation, permethylation and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. Adult human lung contained mainly gangliosides with lactosylceramide as the basic core, GM3, GD3 and GT3, and approx. equal proportions (10%) of gangliosides of the gangliotetraosyl- and lactotetraosylceramide series. 18 gangliosides with different carbohydrate moieties were identified: four of them were only found in the tumor tissue. The adult human lung contained 85 nmol (77-120) gangliosides and 140 nmol neutral glycosphingolipids per g wet weight. Globoside was the major neutral glycolipid and there were only minor amounts of glycolipids of the lactotetraose series. In small cell carcinoma tissue the concentration of neutral glycosphingolipids was approximately twice as high than in normal lung tissue, and there was a markedly larger concentration of both lactosylceramide and glycolipids of the lactotetraose series and fucose derivatives of these. The concentration of gangliosides varied between 202 and 415 nmol per g wet weight. Compared to normal lung tissue, the tumor tissue had a lower proportion of GD3, and a higher proportion of complex gangliosides, and they contained five tumor-associated gangliosides: Fuc-GM1, Fuc-GD1b, 3'-LM1, Fuc-3'-LM1 and 6'-nLM1.  相似文献   

The isoenzyme distribution of etiolated pea seedling lipoxygenase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. J. P. Anstis  J. Friend 《Planta》1974,115(4):329-335

不同品种燕麦种子萌发和幼苗生长的耐盐性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用NaCl和Na2SO4复盐溶液胁迫处理36个燕麦品种,采用培养皿纸上发芽法,进行种子萌发和幼苗的耐盐能力鉴定,通过分析盐胁迫对不同燕麦种子萌发及幼苗的影响,为燕麦品种耐盐性筛选、盐碱地燕麦栽培和耐盐育种提供理论参考.结果表明:盐分抑制种子的萌发和幼苗生长,低盐浓度(0.4%)适宜各类燕麦生长,对较耐盐的品种有促进萌发、生长的作用,盐浓度1.2%是鉴定燕麦耐盐性的适宜盐浓度;36个品种耐盐性差异较大,可划分为耐盐型、中度耐盐型、不耐盐型3类;燕麦不同品种及不同类型种子萌发的盐浓度范围达极显著差异,各耐盐指标对于燕麦耐盐性的体现存在一定的差异,发芽率、发芽指数、简易活力指数和单株干质量是主要的耐盐指标.  相似文献   

Elongation of internode segments of dwarf pea seedlings excised 4 mm below the plumular hook was stimulated by GA3 but not by GA1 or GA5. However, all three gibberellins induced cell elongation in the region from which this segment was isolated on application to intact seedlings. It is concluded that GA1 and GA5 are converted to a GA3-like hormone. Measurement of epidermal cell elongation in the epicotyl further indicates that GA3 or a GA3-like hormone may be the functional form of the hormone required for cell elongation.  相似文献   

In the oxidation of a homologous series of monodansyldiamines by pea seedling diamine oxidase, monodansylcadaverine was the best substrate. Monodansyldiaminohexane was oxidized at 74% of the rate with monodansylcadaverine, and monodansylputrescine and monodansyldiaminopropane were oxidized only very slowly. The optimum pH for the oxidation of monodansylcadaverine was 8.5, and the Km 2.4 × 10?4 M. Under optimum conditions, putrescine was oxidized eleven times faster than monodansylcadaverine. Oxidation of monodansylcadaverine by diamine oxidase, and the exhaustive dansylation of lysine in equivalent amounts ultimately showed equal fluorescence in the dansyl-5-aminovaleraldehyde formed, indicating stoichiometric conversion to this product in both reactions.  相似文献   

The primary photoprocesses of etiolated oat and pea phytochromes (Pr forms) are diffusion-modulated by the microscopic viscosity within the chromophore pocket. The chromophore pocket is preferentially accessible to glycerol but not to Ficoll. Glycerol preferentially retarded the rate (rate constant ca. 1-2 X 10(10) s-1) of the initial reaction from the Qy excited state of phytochrome, whereas it increased the long fluorescence lifetime (nanosecond) component that can be attributed to either an emitting intermediate or to modified/conformationally heterogeneous phytochrome populations. The picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra of different phytochrome preparations (i.e., full-length vs 6/10-kDa NH2-terminus truncated forms of phytochromes from monocot and dicot plants) revealed no significant differences. The spectra in the picosecond time scale showed no spectral shifts, but at longer time scales of up to approximately 1.90 ns, significant blue spectral shifts were observed. The shifts were more in the truncated than in the full-length pea phytochrome. Comparison of the fluorescence decay data and the picosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra suggests differences in conformational flexibility/heterogeneity among the preparations of the monocot vs dicot phytochromes and the full-length native vs the amino terminus truncated phytochromes.  相似文献   

As relatively little information is available on the properties of aspartate aminotransferase from photosynthetic tissue, isolation and characterization of the two major electrophoretically distinct forms of this enzyme from seedling oat leaf homogenates were undertaken. These two forms are designated I for the more anionic form and II for the less anionic form. Form I, 80 to 90% of the total activity, has been purified to a specific activity of 120 mumol/min/mg of protein (1100-fold) and is estimated to be 90 to 95% homogeneous, as judged by analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Form II, 10 to 20% of the total activity, has been purified to a specific activity of approximately 6 mumol/min/mg of protein (300-fold). Both forms exhibit optimal activity at pH 7.5. Michaelis constants do not differ greatly between forms I and II and are similar to those reported for the pig heart cytosolic enzyme as well as aspartate aminotransferase from other plant sources. A molecular weight of 130,000 for the purified aspartate aminotransferase I was estimated by sedimentation equilibrium centrifugation; molecular weights of the two forms are similar as estimated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. No activation by pyridoxal phosphate has been observed during purification.  相似文献   

The cDNA coding for copper amine oxidase has been cloned from etiolated pea seedlings (Pisum sativum). The deduced amino acid sequence, consisting of 674 residues including the signal peptide, agreed well with those reported for the enzymes from a different cultivar of P. sativum and other plant sources, except for several evolutionary replacements located mostly on the molecular surface. A heterologous expression system for the cloned pea enzyme was constructed with the yeast Pichia pastoris, using the AOX1 promoter and the yeast alpha-factor secretion signal. Adding copper to the culture medium increased the secretion of an active, quinone-containing enzyme. Furthermore, the inactive enzyme produced in a copper-deficient medium was activated considerably by subsequent incubation with excess cupric ions. These results strongly suggest that the Tyr-derived redox cofactor, 2,4,5-trihydroxyphenylalanylquinone (topa quinone, TPQ), is produced in the plant enzyme by post-translational modification that proceeds through the copper-dependent, self-processing mechanism, as in the enzymes from bacteria and yeast.  相似文献   

A new method was developed to measure simultaneously, continuously,and non-destructively the elongation rate and the force exertedby the roots of seedlings grown in moist air. A pea (Pisum sativumL. cv. Helka) seedling was suspended inside a modified sampletube on one side of a pulley, with the tip of the radicle pushingon to a force transducer through a hole in the tube. The forceon the root tip was monitored by the force transducer and couldbe adjusted by adding or removing mass from the counterweighton the other side of the pulley. As the root grew, the sampletube was raised and the elongation of the root was monitoredusing a linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) attachedto the thread connecting the sample tube and counterweight.The changes in elongation rate were recorded which occurredin response to increases and decreases in the applied force.Forces of up to 125 mN were exerted on the root, correspondingto forces per unit final cross-sectional area (i.e. root growthpressures) of up to 0.1 MPa. As soon as the force on the root was changed there was a rapidreversible compression or extension of the root. Superimposedon this elastic/viscoelastic deformation, the root elongationrate slowed by more than 50% within 30 min of increasing theforce applied to the root by 100 mN. A similarly fast but smallerincrease in growth rate occurred when the force was removed.Both of these ‘fast’ responses were followed bya longer period of more gradual change in the root elongationrate over a period of 20 h or longer. Both ‘fast’and ‘slow’ responses may be explained in terms ofa modified Lockhart model of growth. The initial ‘fast’response of the root is probably due to the immediate changein the effective pressure (i.e. the turgor pressure minus theyield stress and external resisting pressure) available to drivecell elongation. The reason for the second slower adjustmentof the elongation rate is not known, but is probably due tosome combination of a decrease in the rate of cell productionand/or a stiffening of the cell walls in the longitudinal directionwith increasing mechanical resistance. The increase in rootdiameter in response to mechanical impedance decreased the rootgrowth pressure that the root exerted, but was associated witha slower root elongation rate. Key words: Compaction, mechanical impedance, penetration resistance, root diameter, soil strength  相似文献   

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