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The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway fulfills major biological functions, but its physiologic tissue distribution and the interrelationship between pathway component activities and ubiquitin pools are unknown. Therefore, we analyzed free and conjugated ubiquitin, ubiquitin-protein ligation rates (UbPL) and chymotryptic- and tryptic-like proteasome peptidase activities in porcine skeletal muscle, heart, lung, liver, spleen and kidney (n=5 each). There were considerable differences between tissues (p<0.05 for all parameters). Lung and spleen showed high levels of free and conjugated ubiquitin and high UbPL. Proteasome activities were highest in kidney and heart. There were linear relationships between tryptic-like and chymotryptic-like proteasome peptidase activities (r(2) = 0.624, p<0.001) and between free and conjugated ubiquitin tissue levels (r(2) = 0.623, p<0.001). Tissue levels of free and conjugated ubiquitin correlated linear with UbPL (p<0.005), but they were not correlated with proteasome peptidase activities. The results suggest that tissue ubiquitin pools are tightly regulated and indicate a constant proportion of conjugated ubiquitin. They further support the hypothesis that ubiquitin-protein ligase systems, and probably deubiquitylating enzymes, are key regulators of ubiquitin homeostasis. The detected differences are suggestive of tissue-specific roles of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway components. Besides the known importance of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway in heart, kidney and the immune system, the results suggest the lung as another organ in which ubiquitin proteasome pathway components may also significantly contribute to disease processes.  相似文献   

In humans, the insertion/deletion polymorphism in the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene accounts for half of the variance in plasma ACE activity. The deletion allele is associated with high plasma ACE activity, cardiovascular disease, and renal disease. In rat, a similar association is found between the B and L alleles of a microsatellite marker in the ACE gene. We identified the B/L variation in the Wistar outbred rat and bred two lines homozygous for the two alleles (WU-B and WU-L). ACE activity was measured in serum, heart, kidney, and aorta homogenates. Immunohistochemistry and ACE mRNA expression were performed in heart, kidney, and aortic tissue. Aortic rings were collected and stimulated with AngI, AngII, and AngI with Lisinopril to measure ACE functional activity by vasoconstrictor response. Serum, heart, and kidney ACE activity and kidney mRNA expression were two-fold higher in WU-B. Kidney staining showed a clear difference in tubular ACE expression, with more staining in WU-B. While in aorta ACE activity and mRNA expression was twofold higher in WU-L, functional conversion of AngI was higher in WU-B, indicating either a functional difference in AngI to AngII conversion between the two alleles due to different splicing or the presence of other factors involved in the conversion that are differentially expressed as the result of differences in the ACE alleles. The newly developed WU-B and WU-L lines show tissue-specific differences in ACE expression and activity. This provides an experimental tool to study the pathophysiologic consequences of differences in ACE alleles in renal and cardiovascular disease. J. Kamilic and A. T. Lely contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of splice variants and beta-subunits of the BK channel (big conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel, Slo1, MaxiK, KCa1.1) in rat cerebral blood vessels, meninges, trigeminal ganglion among other tissues. An alpha-subunit splice variant X1(+24) was found expressed (RT-PCR) in nervous tissue only where also the SS4(+81) variant was dominating with little expression of the short form SS4(0). SS4(+81) was present in some cerebral vessels too. The SS2(+174) variant (STREX) was found in both blood vessels and in nervous tissue. In situ hybridization data supported the finding of SS4(+81) and SS2(+174) in vascular smooth muscle and trigeminal ganglion. beta-subunits beta2 and beta4 showed high expression in brain and trigeminal ganglion and some in cerebral vessels while beta1 showed highest expression in blood vessels. beta3 was found only in testis and possibly brain. A novel splice variant X2(+92) was found, which generates a stop codon in the intracellular C-terminal part of the protein. This variant appears non-functional as a homomer but may modulate the function of other splice-variants when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In conclusion a great number of splice variant and beta-subunit combinations likely exist, being differentially expressed among nervous and vascular tissues.  相似文献   

We studied expression of laminin, fibronectin, and Type IV collagen in the testis by means of immunofluorescence and immunoblot analysis and also examined gene expression of fibronectin using the ribonuclease protection assay. By immunofluorescence on sections from 20-day-old rats, laminin, fibronectin, and Type IV collagen were found in the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules and in the interstitial regions of the testis. No localization of any extracellular matrix components was found inside the sectioned cells. However, when Sertoli cells were cultured on glass coverslips, laminin and Type IV collagen were both found inside the cells, suggesting new synthesis. In cultured peritubular cells, Type IV collagen, laminin, and fibronectin were found within the cells. When examined by immunoblot analysis, freshly isolated Sertoli and peritubular cells from 20-day-old rats did not demonstrate production of laminin or fibronectin. After 5 days in culture, peritubular cells produced both laminin and fibronectin, whereas cultured Sertoli cells produced only laminin. In contrast, freshly isolated and cultured Sertoli and peritubular cells all produced Type IV collagen. Moreover, the ribonuclease protection assay indicated that the bulk of fibronectin gene expression occurs within the first 10 days of postnatal development, with lower maintenance levels occurring thereafter. These results indicate that in the testis the highest levels of expression of laminin and fibronectin occur during development and in primary cell culture, whereas expression of Type IV collagen is higher at later stages.  相似文献   

We have carried out a comparative analysis of the expression of the albumin and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) genes in yolk sac and liver at different stages of fetal and postnatal life, in rat and mouse. Albumin and AFP mRNA levels were examined in these tissues by R0t analysis of RNA excess-cDNA hybridization data and/or by Dot blot hybridization. In addition, size analysis of the mRNA sequences were performed by electrophoretic fractionation on agarose gels containing methylmercury hydroxide and hybridization to radioactive cloned rat and mouse albumin and AFP cDNA probes. In the mouse, substantial amounts of albumin mRNA molecules were found in the yolk sac at different stages of development, while minimal levels of albumin mRNA sequences were detected in the rat yolk sac. The mouse yolk sac albumin mRNA molecules were found to be associated with the polysomes and to be functional in cell-free translation systems. In the rat, a reciprocal relationship appears to exist between the concentrations of the two mRNAs in yolk sac and embryonic liver. In contrast, in the mouse a parallel increase in both albumin and AFP mRNA levels was found in these tissues during fetal development. These results suggest that the expression of the albumin and AFP genes may be subjected to different regulatory events in these two members of the Muridae family.  相似文献   

S Beckh 《FEBS letters》1990,262(2):317-322
RNA blot hybridization analyses using probes specific for sodium channels I, II and III revealed high levels of sodium channel I mRNA and low levels of sodium channel II and III mRNAs in peripheral nervous system (PNS) tissues. The developmental expression patterns of these mRNAs were generally similar to those described for the central nervous system. The small amounts of sodium channel I and III mRNAs present in tongue muscle were greatly reduced after partial denervation. Expression of the three sodium channels thus appears to be restricted to the nervous system. Putative novel additional mRNAs, specifically expressed in the PNS, were detected with a probe that recognizes nucleotide sequences common to sodium channels I, II and III.  相似文献   

A glycogen-adipoyldihydrazide-Sepharose 4B column has been prepared for the analysis of glycogen-binding protein components of rat tissues. Glycogen-metabolizing enzymes; glycogen synthase, phosphorylase, branching enzyme, and debranching enzyme of skeletal muscle and liver have been adsorbed to the column, while those of brain showed very low affinities to it. On SDS gel electrophoresis of the glycogen-binding protein fractions, at least five and nine additional protein components have been detected in skeletal muscle and liver, respectively.  相似文献   

The glycine-alanine (GA) repeat of the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen-1 inhibits in cis ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in mammalian cells through a yet unknown mechanism. In the present study we demonstrate that the GA repeat targets an evolutionarily conserved step in proteolysis since it can prevent the degradation of proteasomal substrates in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Insertion of yeast codon-optimised recombinant GA (rGA) repeats of different length in green fluorescent protein reporters harbouring N-end rule or ubiquitin fusion degradation signals resulted in efficient stabilisation of these substrates. Protection was also achieved in rpn10delta yeast suggesting that this polyubiquitin binding protein is not required for the rGA effect. The conserved effect of the GA repeat in yeast opens the possibility for the use of genetic screens to unravel its mode of action.  相似文献   

The activity of the ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system in differentiated tissues under basal conditions remains poorly explored. We measured rates of ubiquitination in rat tissue extracts. Accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins increased in the presence of ubiquitin aldehyde, indicating that deubiquitinating enzymes can regulate ubiquitination. Rates of ubiquitination varied fourfold, with the highest rate in the testis. We tested whether ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1) or ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) could be limiting for conjugation. Immunodepletion of the E2s UBC2 or UBC4 lowered rates of conjugation similarly. Supplementation of extracts with excess UBC2 or UBC4, but not E1, stimulated conjugation. However, UBC2-stimulated rates of ubiquitination still differed among tissues, indicating that tissue differences in E3s or substrate availability may also be rate controlling. UBC2 and UBC4 stimulated conjugation half-maximally at concentrations of 10-50 and 28-44 nM, respectively. Endogenous tissue levels of UBC2, but not UBC4, appeared saturating for conjugation, suggesting that in vivo modulation of UBC4 levels can likely control ubiquitin conjugation. Thus the pool of ubiquitin conjugates and therefore the rate of degradation of proteins by this system may be controlled by E2s, E3s, and isopeptidases. The regulation of the ubiquitin pathway appears complex, but precise.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolytic pathway is an attractive target for therapeutics because of its critical involvement in cell cycle progression and antigen presentation. However, dissection of the pathway and development of modulators are hampered by the complexity of the system and the lack of easily detectable authentic substrates. We have developed a convenient reporter system by producing N-end rule and ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD)-targeted green fluorescent proteins that allow quantification of ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent proteolysis in living cells. Accumulation of these reporters serves as an early predictor of G2/M arrest and apoptosis in cells treated with proteasome inhibitors. Comparison of reporter accumulation and cleavage of fluorogenic substrates demonstrates that the rate-limiting chymotrypsin-like activity of the proteasome can be substantially curtailed without significant effect on ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis. These reporters provide a new powerful tool for elucidation of the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway and for high throughput screening of compounds that selectively modify proteolysis in vivo.  相似文献   

Ubiquitylation participates in a repertoire of reversible post-translational modifications that modulate the function, localization and half-life of proteins by regulating their association with various ubiquitin-binding proteins. In response to pathogen infection, bacterial effectors impact ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifications of key proteins in immune and anti-apoptotic signaling cascades. Certain bacteria corrupt the ubiquitylation machinery in order to regulate their virulence factors spatially and temporally or to trigger internalization of bacteria into host cells. Several new examples of how bacterial factors target ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like regulation emphasize the importance of modulating ubiquitin signaling to establish either long-lasting or devastating relationships of bacteria with their hosts.  相似文献   

Enzyme activities of the transaminative pathway of cysteine metabolism in various rat tissues were examined. Liver was found the most active tissue, followed by kidney and heart. Liver and kidney were more pronounced in mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase activity than in cysteine transaminase activity; heart was more active in the latter. Red blood cells, which have pronounced sulfurtransferase activity, exhibited no transaminase activity, indicating the pathway is negligible in this tissue.  相似文献   

The selective expression of a unique copy gene in several mammalian tissues has been approached by studying the regulatory sequences needed to control expression of the rat phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene in transgenic mice. A transgene containing the entire PEPCK gene, including 2.2 kb of the 5'-flanking region and 0.5 kb of the 3'-flanking region, exhibits tissue-specific expression in the liver, kidney, and adipose tissue, as well as the hormonal and developmental regulation inherent to endogenous gene expression. Deletions of the 5'-flanking region of the gene have shown the need for sequences downstream of position -540 of the PEPCK gene for expression in the liver and sequences downstream of position -362 for expression in the kidney. Additional sequences upstream of position -540 (up to -2200) are required for expression in adipose tissue. In addition, the region containing the glucocorticoid-responsive elements of the gene used by the kidney was identified. This same sequence was found to be needed specifically for developmental regulation of gene expression in the kidney and, together with upstream sequences, in the intestine. The apparently distinct sequence requirements in the various tissues indicate that the tissues use different mechanisms for expression of the same gene.  相似文献   

The innate immunity, utilizes a battery of broad-spectrum antibacterial cationic polypeptides (3-5 kDa) named alpha- and beta-defensins. Several beta-defensins have been isolated and shown to play a role in the defense of various tissues. Herein, we report the expression pattern of two rat beta-defensins, rBD-1 and rBD-2, in liver, kidney, lung, spleen, and brain using RT-PCR. To study polymorphism and verify gene identity, all cDNA products were sequenced. rBD-1 was expressed in the kidney, lung, brain, but not in spleen or liver, whereas rBD-2 was expressed in the lung, but not in the kidney or spleen. In addition, rBD-2 was expressed in the brain and liver. No polymorphism was found in the genes encoding rat beta-defensins. These findings demonstrate a different expression pattern for rBD-2 than what has been reported. We conclude that the rat may be a useful model to investigate the function and contribution of beta-defensins to host defense.  相似文献   

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